Senckenberg Monographs

Richtlinien für Autoren


Manuscripts (ms) must be sent to the editor as an electronic version ( Manuscripts are preferably in English; we recommend that the ms should be checked by a native speaker prior to submission. All illustrations should be sent in a high-quality digital version directly suitable for the layout and printing process.

English title, short title, full name of the author(s), institution(s) (affiliation) and full address(es). In case of several authors, a corresponding author must be indicated.

Including a list of up to five keywords that do not appear in the title.

Sectioned (where applicable) into: 1. Introduction, 2. Materials and methods, 3. Results, 4. Discussion, 5. Conclusion, 6. Acknowledgements (if desired), 7. References.

Names of genera and species are set in italics. For the first mention of species names within the text, the name should be followed by the describing author(s) and the year of publication; author and year must be separated by a comma, for example: Genus species Author, 2004.

Taxonomic descriptions must accord with the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) and the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants.

Nomenclatural novelties should be abbreviated as gen. n., sp. n., syn. n., comb. n. etc. and collections according to the ‘codes’ from ‘Abbreviations for Insect and Spider Collections of the World’. Several special characters are to be substituted with e. g.: #w for ♀, #w#w for ♀♀, #m for ♂, and #m #m for ♂♂.

References within the text should be given as in the following examples: ‘Author & Author (2005) have shown…’, or, ‘Some authors (Author & Author 2005, Author 2006) consider that…’. For two collaborating authors, the names are to be connected with an ampersand (&), more than two authors are to be cited with the first author’s name followed by ‘et al.’ No comma should be used to separate the year of publication from author names. Citations within brackets should be arranged chronologically, for example: (Author & Author 2005, Author 2006, Author et al. 2007).

Figures, Tables, plates

Figures and photographs are to be submitted in high-resolution digital form (drawings 1200 dpi, monochrome photos 600 dpi, colour photos 300 dpi in the size for publication and in loss-free formats). The preferred file formats are PSD (Photoshop) and TIFF. Please do not reduce the layers to one layer.

Diagrams and line illustrations should be supplied as high-resolution digital files. The print space of the journal, should be kept in mind in the preparation of tables and graphs. If you scan line drawings, select a resolution of 1200 dpi for the final figure size.

Text in illustrations should be as short as possible in sansseriftype (Arial) and regular style.

All illustrations should fit within one of the three possible widths: one column (80,5 mm), two-thirds of a page (120 mm), or a page (165 mm); maximum height is in any case 240 mm.


References are to be listed alphabetically by author(s), and within these in chronological sequence.

1 author: several articles chronologically; 2 authors: alphabetically after the second author, then chronologically; from 3 authors: only chronologically (no matter how many authors!).

Multiauthor papers with the number of authors exceeding 10 should be cited by the first 10 authors followed by ‘et al.’ to save printing space.

The journal style requires:

Author, A.M. (1989): Title of the article. Full title of the journal (no abbreviations!), 56: 1–45.

Author, A., Author, B. & Author, C. (1989a): Title of the article. Full title of the journal (no abbreviations!), 12 (3): 1–45.

Author, A. (1989): Title of the book. Publisher, Place of publication: I–VIII, 1–450.

Editor, A. & Editor, B. (Eds) (1989): Title of the book. Publisher, Place of publication: 250pp. [In Russian].

Author, A. & Author, B.C. van (1990): Title of the contribution. Full title of the journal (no abbreviations!): 44–67.

Author, A. & Author, B.E. van (1990): Title of the contribution. – In: Editor, C.

(Ed.): Title of the book or volume. Publisher, Place of publication: 12–34.

If manuscripts submitted are not in agreement with the editorial instructions they will be returned to the author immediately.


Authors of accepted manuscripts will receive a proof copy of their article as a PDF. Corrections should be returned to the Editor-in-Chief within four weeks to ensure uninterrupted processing; in the case of an authors’ failure to do so the manuscript will be checked by the Editor and will be published in the presented form. Major alterations to the text and illustrations are only accepted when absolutely necessary and the additional costs will be charged to the author. The correspondence addresses for all matters concerning the manuscripts are: