Kirilenko BM, Munegowda C, Osipova E, Jebb D, Sharma V, Blumer M, Morales AE, Ahmed AW, Kontopoulos DG, Hilgers L, Lindblad-Toh K, Karlsson EK, Zoonomia Consortium, Hiller M #. Integrating gene annotation with orthology inference at scale. Science, 380 (6643), eabn3107, 2023
Osipova E, Barsacchi R, Brown T, Sadanandan K, Gaede AH, Monte A, Jarrells J, Moebius C, Pippel M, Altshuler DL, Winkler S, Bickle M, Baldwin MW, Hiller M #. Loss of a gluconeogenic muscle enzyme contributed to adaptive metabolic traits in hummingbirds. Science, 379(6628), 185-190, 2023 pdf of article
Blumer M, Brown T, Freitas MB, Destro AL, Oliveira JA, Morales A, Schell T, Greve C, Pippel M, Jebb D, Hecker N, Ahmed AW, Kirilenko BM, Foote M, Janke A, Lim BK, Hiller M #. Gene losses in the common vampire bat illuminate molecular adaptations to blood feeding. Science Advances, 8 (12), eabm6494, 2022
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Jebb D, Huang Z, Pippel M, Hughes GM, Lavrichenko K, Devanna P, Winkler S, Jermiin LS, Skirmuntt EC, Katzourakis A, Burkitt-Gray L, Ray DA, Sullivan KAM, Roscito JG, Kirilenko BM, Dávalos LM, Corthals AP, Power ML, Jones G, Ransome RD, Dechmann D, Locatelli AG, Puechmaille SJ, Fedrigo O, Jarvis ED, Hiller M #, Vernes SC #, Myers EW #, Teeling EC #. Six reference-quality genomes reveal evolution of bat adaptations. Nature, 583, 578–584, 2020
See also Nature Reviews Genetics highlight and Science feature. More press.
Huelsmann M, Hecker N, Springer MS, Gatesy J, Sharma V, Hiller M #. Genes lost during the transition from land to water in cetaceans highlight genomic changes associated with aquatic adaptations. Science Advances, 5(9), eaaw6671, 2019
some press: New York Times, Science News, Discover Magazine, Smithsonian, Daily Herald, German Radio
F1000 recommended
Hecker N, Sharma V, Hiller M #. Convergent gene losses illuminate metabolic and physiological changes in herbivores and carnivores. PNAS, 116(8), 3036-3041, 2019
Roscito JG, Sameith K, Parra G, Langer BE, Petzold A, Moebius C, Bickle M, Rodrigues MT, Hiller M #. Phenotype loss is associated with widespread divergence of the gene regulatory landscape in evolution. Nature Communications, 9:4737, 2018
Lee JH, Lewis KM, Moural TW, Kirilenko B, Bogdanova B, Prange G, Koessl M, Huggenberger S, Kang C, and Hiller M #. Molecular parallelism in fast-twitch muscle proteins in echolocating mammals. Science Advances, 4(9), eaat9660, 2018
Sharma V, Lehmann T, Stuckas H, Funke L, and Hiller M #. Loss of RXFP2 and INSL3 genes in Afrotheria shows that testicular descent is the ancestral condition in placental mammals. PLoS Biology 16(6), e2005293, 2018
some Press: New York Times, Smithsonian Magazine, Inside Science, Scienmag
Sharma V, Hecker N, Roscito JG, Foerster L, Langer BE, and Hiller M #. A genomics approach reveals insights into the importance of gene losses for mammalian adaptations. Nature Communications, 9(1), 1215, 2018
Nowoshilow S, Schloissnig S #, Fei JF, Dahl A, Pang AWC, Pippel M, Winkler S, Hastie AR, Young G, Roscito JG, Falcon F, Knapp D, Powell S, Cruz A, Cao H, Habermann B, Hiller M #, Tanaka EM #, Myers E. The axolotl genome and the evolution of key tissue formation regulators. Nature, 554(7690), 50-55, 2018.
Prudent X, Parra G, Schwede P, Roscito JG, Hiller M #. Controlling for phylogenetic relatedness and evolutionary rates improves the discovery of associations between species’ phenotypic and genomic differences. Mol Biol Evol, 33(8), 2135-5, 2016.
See also MBE News.
Hiller M, Schaar BT, Indjeian VB, Kingsley DM, Hagey LR, and Bejerano G. (2012): A “forward genomics” approach links genotype to phenotype using independent phenotypic losses among related species. Cell Reports, 2(4), 817-823. Read more on F1000