Bodies and Committees

Executive Committee of the Supervisory Board

The Executive Committee of the Supervisory Board is a committee of the Supervisory Board. The Executive Committee prepares the meetings of the Supervisory Board and monitors the execution of its decisions. It shall also perform all the tasks assigned to it by the Supervisory Board.

The Executive Committee is composed by the following members:

  • the Chair of the Supervisory Board (President of the Senckenberg Society for Nature Research),
  • the Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board,
  • the representative of the Ministry of the State of Hesse responsible for scientific research in the Supervisory Board,
  • the representative of the Federal Ministry responsible for scientific research in the Supervisory Board,
  • up to two additional members of the Supervisory Board.

Honorary President

Prof. h.c. Wolfgang Strutz

Members of the Executive Committee

(as of November, 2024)

  • Carsten Kratz (Chair of the Supervisory Board/ President of the Senckenberg Society for Nature Research, Senior Partner and Managing Director Bridgepoint GmbH)
  • Dr. Holger Alfes (Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board, LL.M. Laywer, Partner Noerr LLP)
  • Melanie Kehr (Member of the Executive Board of the KfW)
  • Prof. Dr. Jochen Maas (Vice President of House of Pharma and Healthcare; former Head of Research and Development, Sanofi Germany)
  • Dr. Dorothee Lux (Hesse Ministry of Science and Arts)
  • Dr. Stefan Johannes Stupp (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)