Senckenberg Data and Modelling Center Subunit
Data Analysis and Modelling
Our mission is to promote the integration of bio- and geoscience data on geobiodiversity dynamics in the past and to develop models to simulate potential future dynamics, in particular in response to climate change. We provide expertise in and access to high-performance computing, environmental data (e.g. climate and Earth Observation), bio-statistics, environmental modeling and data storage and archiving.
Example projects
Technical support unit for data for the UN Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
Specialised Information Service Biodiversity Research (BIOfid)
BIOfid provides scientists with historical and current literature on biodiversity in contemporary formats. A special feature of this service is the semantic enrichment of 19th and 20th century Central European literature via text mining to enable a simplified and fast data extraction (e.g. species occurrence records, traits) from natural language texts. Among other things, this will give scientists the opportunity to explore biodiversity in a pre-agroindustrial baseline world.
GEOEssential Variables workflows for resource efficiency and environmental management (GEOEssential)