The database SeSam exploits the collectables of Senckenberg and some smaller museums which have joined our system.
For a modern and faster access to our public collection data, please visit our Search portal, also called AQUiLA, that enables full-text search in the database. For reasons of data protection, only parts of our database will be freely available. If you need more detailed or comprehensive information, please contact the team responsible for the respective collection.
All public SeSam data are displayed in the AQUiLA Search portal.
But you can still call up the SeSam page directly. For a visit of the original database system, please chose:
SeSam General SeSam Tübingen/SHEP
Below, the external SeSam databases (not included into the Senckenberg Search) are listed.
start SeSam for Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
start SeSam for the Zoological Museum Hamburg
start SeSam for the Bavarian State Collection of Zoology
start SeSam for the Zoological Museum Kiel
start SeSam for the Zoological Collection Rostock
start SeSam for the Zoological Collection Marburg