The Electronic Journals Library – EZB
The Electronic Journals Library (EZB) is a cooperative service of over 650 libraries and institutions for the effective use of scientific online journals. The EZB lists over 100,000 titles, of which over 65,000 are freely accessible. As a member of EZB Senckenberg is able to offer its staff quick, structured and coherent access to the full texts of freely accessible titles and those licensed by Senckenberg (approx. 15,000 titles via currently 47 national licences, and approx. 9.000 titels via further Senckenberg licences, see internal infoportal science – read & publish). Articles from these journals can be read online and downloaded. For the other journals, tables of contents and abstracts can almost always be viewed. Articles from these journals can usually be obtained via interlibrary loan.
Specialised information service for biodiverity research – BIOfid
The specialised information service for biodiversity research (BIOfid) makes current and historical literature on biodiversity available nationwide (until further notice via ViFaBio), enables free access to the JSTOR database “Global Plants” with more than 2, 5 million digitized herbarium specimens for herbaria and botanical gardens in Germany. BIOfid is a cooperation between the J. C. Senckenberg Frankfurt/M. University library, the text technology lab of the Goethe University Frankfurt/M. and the Senckenberg – Leibniz Institution for Biodiversity and Earth System Research (SBIK-F Data and Modelling Centre and Senckenberg Exchange of Publications) and is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Institutional Repository
- institutional repository from 2010
Digital resources of library and archive of Senckenberg German Entomological Institute, Müncheberg
Biographies of the entomologists of the world
Historic Portrait Collection of the Senckenberg German Entomological Institute
Collection of electronically available theses
Collection of electronically available entomological journals
Index novus litteraturae entomologicae – database of the global entomological literature up to 1863, being a revised and updated version of Horn and Schenkling (1928): Index Litteraturae Entomologicae.
Senckenberg OPACs within HeBIS
OPAC of the library of Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz
- Polish search interface:
OPAC z biblioteki Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Gorlice - Czech search interface:
OPAC knihovny Senckenberg přírodovědného muzea Görlitz
OPAC of the library of the Senckenberg German Entomological Institute, Müncheberg