Echinococcus multilocularis, historical Leuckart collection, Senckenberg, photo Bless/Mecke
Echinococcus multilocularis, historical Leuckart collection, Senckenberg Dresden, photo Lisa Bless / Sven Mecke

Museum of Zoology

Evertebrata Varia

The collections range from protozoans (Foraminifera) to more highly evolved worms (Annelids).

Research work until the end of 2021 was primarily assigned to the Senckenberg research field biodiversity and systematics. The former head of the section, Andreas Weck-Heimann, who had retired at that time, was working among other things on monitoring of the European medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) in Saxony, on monitoring of the mosquito species of Germany (a joint major Leibniz project of the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine in Hamburg and Senckenberg German Entomological Institute Müncheberg), as a co-worker in the Onychophora research project directed by Dr. Georg Mayer, University of Leipzig as well as on several Citizen Science projects („DinoCubus“, „ZeitCubus“ und „MonsterSlam – das Naturkunde Grusical“) for children and teenagers. A total of approx. € 35,000 third-party funding was acquired for these projects.

Stechapparat eine weiblichen Zecke (Holzbock) Ixodes ricinus
Stechapparat einer männlichen Zecke (Holzbock) Ixodes ricinus, Aufnahme mit dem Rasterelektronenmikroskop, A.Weck-Heimann