Marine Botany


National teaching at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
as assistant professor

Winter term
5.02.351 Mikroskopische Anatomie

Summer term

5.02.361 Einführung in die Marine Biodiversität – Bachelor
5.02.441 Mikrofauna, Mikroflora und Protista limnischer und mariner Lebensräume


International teaching

2019 Lecturer, 12th Advanced Phytoplankton Course: Taxonomy and Systematics, Roscoff, France, June 2019
topic: dinoflagellates

2016 Lecturer, HELCOM-Phytoplankton Expert Group (PEG), meeting at the IOW, Warnemünde, Germany, April 2016
topic: dinoflagellate systematics

2015 Lecturer, 11th Advanced Phytoplankton Course: Taxonomy and Systematics, Naples, Italy, October 2015
topic: dinoflagellates

Lecturer, 10th Advanced Phytoplankton Course: Taxonomy and Systematics, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 2012
topic: dinoflagellates

Invited lecturer, New South Wales (NSW) Phytoplankton Research Workshop, Sydney Institute Marine Science (SIMS), Sydney, Australia, June 2011
topic: diatoms

Invited trainer for the workshop ‘Taxonomy challenges and identification of benthnic dinoflagellates’ in conjunction with the Open Science Meeting on Harmful Algal Blooms in Benthic Systems, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June 2010