Flora of Germany
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The completely revised 22nd edition of the Rothmaler-Exkursionsflora offers identification keys and species diagnoses for the vascular plants of the German flora. For the first time stoneworts (Characeae) can also be determined. Additionally, the book contains detailed information on the distribution of the species in Germany, differentiated information on their status and frequency, data on habitats, plant sociology, total range of the species and information on growth habit, biology and chromosome number in Germany.
Together with the atlas volume and the supplementary volume, this basic volume forms the most comprehensive overview of the German flora, to which >40 authors, mostly as Citizen Scientists, have contributed.
2013 the Atlas volume has been updated by including more than 200 new species; more than 50 existing drawings were revised. Both text and atlas were restructured with respect to current taxonomy; the new systematic arrangement follows concepts developed by APG III.
In 2016 the supplementary volume has been completely redesigned, and now only covers those critical taxa which have not been included in detail in the base-line edition (Ranunculus auricomus, Sorbus, Rubus, Taraxacum u. Hieracium laevigatum agg.). With this publication, the Rothmaler flora is now completely available in the new structure.
In addition to the printed volume we offer open access to a virtual herbarium of critical plant taxa in Germany.
Institute of Botany – Technical University Dresden
Geobotany – Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Department of Botany – Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz