Marine Research

Our team

Head of Marine Research Department

Prof. Dr.  André Freiwald
Head of Marine Research Division and Marine Geology Section

Functions within Senckenberg:

  • Head of Division Marine Geology (SaM)
  • Speaker of RA 4.1: Evolving Earth and Environment

Research profile

  • Non-tropical biosedimentary systems
  • Cold-water coral ecosystems
  • Bioerosion
  • Paleoecology

Research interests

My research focuses on geobiological studies of recent and fossil cold-water corals, with a focus on occurrences along the increasingly oxygen-poor upwelling areas of West Africa (Mauritania and Angola-Namibia). Another topic is research on the quantitative degradation of carbonate by biological processes (bioerosion). Finally, we are developing a global database on habitat-forming cold-water coral and associated communities across all phyla. In this database, the current state of knowledge of the composition of the reef inhabitants from the unicellular organisms to the fish, their geographical changes and their biological functions will be depicted for the first time.

Professional positions
2018-2022 Director Senckenberg am Meer, Wilhelmshaven
Since 2010 Head of Department  Marine Research at Senckenberg am Meer
Since 2010 Professor, University of Bremen
2002-2010 Professor, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
2000-2002 Professor, University of Tübingen

2000 Heisenberg Fellow
1999 Habilitation University of Bremen
1993-1999 Researcher at University of Bremen
1993 PhD, Kiel University

Relevant scientific projects  2017-2023
2018-2019 Atlantic Thermocline Ocean and Ecosystems Dynamic during Natural Climate Change (ATHENA) (DFG) (externally administered through University of Heidelberg)
2019-2022 Cold-water Coral sensitivity (MARUM Excellence Cluster)
2019-2022 West-African Biodiversity under Pressure (WASP) (GIZ)
2022-2024 RestoreSeas: Restoration of Marine Forests (Cold-water corals, seagrass and coralline algae) (JPI OCEANS -BioDIVERSA)

Professional service, membership associations, cooperation in national and intl. committees

Since 2023 Member of the International Scientific Council of IMROP (Institut Mauritanien de Recherches Océanographiques et des Pêches, Nouadhibou, Mauritania)
Since 2023 Member of the International Scientific Council of the PNBA (Parc National Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania)
Since 2017 Advisory Board of the Northwest German University Society
Since 2015 -2022 Chairman of the DFG-BMBF Advisory Councils of the research vessels METEOR
2019 Foundation member of the Deutsche Allianz Meeresforschung
2015-2022 Member of the BMBF advisory board research vessel SONNE
2011-2015 Supervisory Board at the Center for Tropical Marine Ecology
Since 2010 Member of the MARUM board of the University of Bremen
​2008-2011 Speaker of DFG Geoforum
2004-2008 Member of the DFG Review Board Geology-Paleontology
2001-2006 Member of the DFG Senate Commission for Oceanography
2000-2003 Coordinator of the EU-FP5 Atlantic Coral Ecosystem Study (ACES) project

Editorial activities
2005-2010 Publisher of the Springer book series “Erlangen Earth Conference Series”
2004-2010 Publisher of the ISI journal FACIES together with Springer

Awards and awarded memberships
2016 Gustav-Steinmann-Medal of the Geological Association
2015 Northern German Science Award for innovative research on cold-water corals



Bridges AEH, Howell KL, Amaro T, Atkinson L, Barnes DKA, Bax N, Bell JB, Bernardino AF, Beuck L, Braga-Henriques A, Brandt A, Bravo ME, Brix S, Butt S, Carranza A, Doti BL, Elegbede IO, Esquete P, Freiwald A, Gaurdron SM, Guilhon M, Hebbeln D, Horton T, Kainge P, Kaiser S, Lauretta D, Limongi P, Mcquaid KA, Milligan RJ, Milosavich P, Narayanaswamy BE, Orejas C, Paulus S, Pearman TRR, Perez JAA, Ross RE, Saeedi H, Shimabukuro M, Sink K, Stevenson A, Taylor M, Titschack J, Vieira RP, Vinha B, Wienberg C (2023) Review of the Central and South Atlantic shelf and deep-sea benthos: Science, policy, and management. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 61:127-218

Caballero Herrera JA, Hoffman L, Freiwald A, Gofas S (2023) The dispersal capacity of Mollusca—a test on the South Azorean Seamount Chain. Marine Biodiversity 53:59

Gofas S, Freiwald A, Hoffman L (2023) New species and new records in Cerithiopsidae and Newtoniellidae (Triphoroidea, Gastropoda) from the South Azorean Seamount Chain Iberus 41:111-148

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2023) Species in Fissurellidae (Gastropoda) from the North Atlantic with a focus on the Azorean seamounts. Basteria 87:77-96

Knorrn AH, Beuck L, Barros-García, Fernández-Peralta, Freiwald A (accepted) Gaidropsarus mauritanicus (Gadiformes, Gaidropsaridae) a new three-bearded rockling species from a deep-water coral ecosystem with a genetically verified biogeographical distribution of the genus. Spixiana

Wienberg C, Freiwald A, Frank N, Mienis F, Titschack J, Orejas C, Hebbeln D (accepted) Cold-water coral reefs in the oxygen minimum zones off West Africa. In: Cordes EE, Mienis F (eds) Coral Reefs of the World, Springer

Vinha B, Rossi S, Gori A, Hanz U, Pennetta A, De Benedetto GE, Mienis F, Huvenne VAI, Hebbeln D, Wienberg C, Titschack J, Freiwald A, Piraino S, Orejas C (2023) Trophic ecology of Angolan cold‑water coral reefs (SE Atlantic) based on stable isotope analyses. Scientific Reports 13:9933



Freiwald A (2022) Leon der Profi. Natur, Forschung und Museum 152:86-89

Herrán N, Narayan GR, Doo SS, Klicpera A, Freiwald A, Westphal H (2022) High-resolution imaging sheds new light on a multi-tier symbiotic partnership between a “walking” solitary coral, a sipunculan, and a bivalve from East Africa. Ecology and Evolution 12:e8633

Hesemann M, Hoffman L, Ottway B, Freiwald A (2022) Benthic foraminiferal assemblages from the Mauritanian shelf and upper slope and their association with cold-water coral habitats. Natur im Fokus 53:21-153

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2022) Anatoma occidentalis n. sp. (Vetigastropoda, Anatomidae) from upper bathyal coral habitats off western Africa. Iberus 40:355-362

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2022) A review of Atlantic deep-water species in the genus Talassia (Caenogastropoda, Vanikoridae). European Journal of Taxonomy 819:140-157

Meyer N, Wisshak M, Edinger EN, Azetsu-Scott K, Freiwald A (2022) Ichnodiversity in the eastern Canadian Arctic in the context of polar microbioerosion patterns. Polar Research 41:8083

Sampaio I, Beuck L, Freiwald A (2022) A new octocoral species of Swiftia (Holaxonia, Plexauridae) from the upper bathyal off Mauritania (NE Atlantic). ZooKeys 1106:121-140

Sampaio I, Beuck L, Menezes GM, Freiwald A (2022) The Mauritanian slope (NE Atlantic) has no desert: Swiftia phaeton (Holaxonia: Plexauridae) shaping coral gardens. In: Chimienti G (ed) Corals – Habitat formers from the shallow to the deep. InTech Open, pp 1-27

Wisshak M, Meyer N, Kuklinski P, Rüggeberg A, Freiwald A (2022) ‘Ten Years After’—a long-term settlement and bioerosion experiment in an Arctic rhodolith bed (Mosselbukta, Svalbard). Geobiology 20:112-136

Zettler ML, Hendrycks EA, Freiwald A (2022) A new amphipod species of the bathyal genus Dautzenbergia Chevreux, 1900 (Amphipoda, Calliopioidea, Pontogeneiidae) associated with cold-water corals off Angola. Zootaxa 5213:49-63



Freiwald A (2021) Wettlauf mit der Zeit. Natur, Forschung und Museum 151:126-131

Gil M, Freiwald A, Ramil F (2021) Two new species of Rosalinda (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Anthoathecata) from West African cold-water coral mounds. Deep-Sea Research 168:103436

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2021) Bathyal species in Rissoidae (Gastropoda) from Azorean seamounts. Biodiversity Journal 12:777-792

Hoffman L, Gofas S, Freiwald A (2021) The genus Anatoma Woodward, 1859 (Gastropoda, Anatomidae) from Azorean seamounts. Iberus 39:139-152

Meyer N, Wisshak M, Freiwald A (2021) Bioerosion ichnodiversity in barnacles from the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology 44:667-682

Orejas C, Wienberg C, Titschack J, Tamborrino L, Freiwald A, Hebbeln D (2021) Madrepora oculata forms large frameworks in hypoxic waters off Angola (SE Atlantic). Scientific Reports 11:15170

Petersen J, Titschack H, Groeneveld J, Wehrmann A, Hebbeln D, Freiwald A (2021) Reef-building Pacific oysters record seasonal variations in water mass-properties of tidal basins from the Central Wadden Sea (North Sea). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 577:110534

Sanna G, Freiwald A (2021) Deciphering the composite morphological diversity of Lophelia pertusa, a cosmopolitan deep-water ecosystem engineer. Ecosphere 12:e03802

Schätzle PK, Wisshak M, Bick A, Freiwald A, Kieneke A (2021) Exploring confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and fluorescence staining as a tool for imaging and quantifying traces of marine microbioerosion and their trace-making microendoliths. Journal of Microscopy 284:118-131

Schleinkofer N, Evans D, Wisshak M, Büscher JV, Fiebig J, Freiwald A, Härter S, Marshall HR, Voigt S, Raddatz J (2021) Host-influenced geochemical signature in the parasitic foraminifera Hyrrokkin sarcophaga. Biogeosciences 18:4733-4753



Hebbeln D, Wienberg C, Dullo WC, Freiwald A, Mienis F, Orejas C, Titschack J (2020) Cold-water coral reefs thriving under hypoxia. Coral Reefs 39:853-859

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2020) Bathyal Eulimidae (Gastropoda: Vanikoroidea) from the Azorean seamounts collected during the R/V Meteor Cruise M151 Athena. Miscellanea Malacologica 8:81-99

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2020) Cantrainea mauritanea n. sp. (Gastropoda: Colloniidae) from deep-water coral habitats off Mauritania. Miscellanea Malacologica 8:69-73

Hoffman L, Gofas S, Freiwald A (2020) A large biodiversity of “skeneimorph” (Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda) species from the South Azorean Seamount Chain, with the description of seventeen new species. Iberus Supplement 9:1-82

Hoffman L, Gofas S, Freiwald A (2020) New and little-known Seguenziidae (Vetigastropoda, Gastropoda) from the South Azorean Seamount Chain. Iberus 38:1-18

Hoffman L, Gofas S, Freiwald A (2020) Ten new species in Papuliscala de Boury, 1911 (Gastropoda, Epitoniidae) from the South Azorean Seamount Chain. Iberus 38:29-53

Morato T, González-Irusta JM, Dominguez-Carrió C, Wei CL, Davies A, Sweetman AK, Taranto GH, Beazley L, García-Alegre A, Grehan A, Laffargue P, Murillo FJ, Sacau M, Vaz S, Kenchington E, Arnaud-Haond S, Callery O, Chimienti G, Cordes E, Egilsdottir H, Freiwald A, Gasbarro R, Gutiérrez-Zárate C, Gianni M, Gilkinson K, Wareham Hayes VE, Hebbeln D, Hedges K, Henry LA, Johnson D, Koen-Alonso M, Lirette C, Mastrototaro F, Menot L, Molodtsova T, Muñoz PD, Orejas C, Pennino MG, Puerta P, Ragnarsson SA, Ramiro-Sánchez B, Rice J, Rivera J, Roberts JM, Ross SW, Rueda JL, Sampaio Í, Snelgrove P, Stirling D, Treble MA, Urra J, Vad J, Van Oevelen D, Watling L, Walkusz W, Wienberg C, Woillez M, Levin LA, Carreiro-Silva M (2020) Climate-induced changes in the suitable habitat of cold-water corals and commercially important deep-sea fishes in the North Atlantic. Global Change Biology 26:2181-2202

Raddatz J, Titschack J, Frank N, Freiwald A, Conforti A, Osborne A, Skornitzke S, Stiller W, Rüggeberg A, Voigt S, Albuquerque ALS, Vertino A, Schröder-Ritzrau A, Bahr A (2020) Solenosmilia variabilis-bearing cold-water coral mounds off Brazil. Coral Reefs 39:69-83



Freiwald A (2019) Messinian Salinity Crisis: What happened to cold-water corals? In: Orejas C, Jiménez C (eds) Mediterranean Cold-Water Corals: Past, Present and Future. Springer, pp 47-50

George KH, Wehrmann A, Freiwald A (2019) Gipfelstürmer der Tiefe. Natur, Forschung und Museum 149:72-77

Hanz U, Wienberg C, Hebbeln D, Duineveld G, Lavaleye M, Juva K, Dullo WC, Freiwald A, Tamborrino L, Reichart GJ, Flögel S, Mienis F (2019) Environmental factors influencing cold-water coral ecosystems in the oxygen minimum zones on the Angolan and Namibian margins. Biogeosciences 16:4337-4356

Hoffman L, Beuck L, Van Heugten B, Lavaleye M, Freiwald A (2019) Last snails standing since the Pleistocene, a tale of Calliostomatidae (Gastropoda) living in deep-water coral habitats in the Northeast Atlantic. Zootaxa 4613:93-110

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2019) Neocardia kandeli n. sp. (Bivalvia: Philobryidae) from Namibia. Miscellanea Malacologica 8:55-58

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2019) Vexillum monscorallum n. sp. (Gastropoda: Costellariidae) from deep-water coral habitats off Mauritania. Miscellanea Malacologica 8:37-40

Hoffman L, Monsecour K, Freiwald A (2019) Columbellidae (Gastropoda) from deep-water coral habitats off Mauritania. Miscellanea Malacologica 8:41-49

Hoffman L, Von Cosel R, Freiwald A (2019) New and little-known Pliocardiinae (Bivalvia, Vesicomyidae) from the continental slope off Mauritania. Basteria 83:151-157

Sampaio I, Carreiro-Silva M, Freiwald A, Menezes G, Grasshoff M (2019) Natural history collections as a basis for sound biodiversity assessments: Plexauridae (Octocorallia, Holaxonia) of the Naturalis CANCAP and Tyro Mauritania II expeditions. ZooKeys 870:1-32

Sampaio I, Freiwald A, Porteiro FM, Menezes G, Carreiro-Silva M (2019) Census of Octocorallia (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) of the Azores (NE Atlantic) with a nomenclature update. Zootaxa 4550:451-498

Schleinkofer N, Raddatz J, Freiwald A, Evans D, Beuck L, Rüggeberg A, Liebetrau V (2019) Environmental and biological controls on Na/Ca ratios in scleractinian cold-water corals. Biogeosciences 16:3565-3582

Tamborrino L, Wienberg C, Titschack J, Wintersteller P, Mienis F, Schröder-Ritzrau A, Freiwald A, Orejas C, Dullo WC, Haberkern J, Hebbeln D (2019) Mid-Holocene extinction of cold-water corals on the Namibian shelf steered by the Benguela oxygen minimum zone. Geology 47:1185-1188



Hoffman L, Fraussen K, Freiwald A (2018) The genus Chauvetia (Gastropoda, Buccinoidea) in deep-water coral habitats on the continental slope of Mauritania. Miscellanea Malacologica 7:127-138

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2018) Last snails standing: a tale of Fissurellidae (Gastropoda) from deep-water coral habitats off Mauritania since the Pleistocene. Miscellanea Malacologica 7:115-126

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2018) A new genus and two new species in Calliotropidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from NE Atlantic cold-water coral habitats. Miscellanea Malacologica 7:89-96

Hoffman L, Freiwald A, van Heugten B, Lavaleye M (2018) New information on Ganesa, Lopheliella and Trochaclis (Gastropoda) in cold-water coral habitats in the temperate and tropical North Atlantic  Miscellanea Malacologica 8:27-34

Hoffman L, Lavaleye M, van Heugten B, Freiwald A (2018) Lepetella (Gastropoda: Lepetellidae) in deep-water coral habitats in the North Atlantic. Miscellanea Malacologica 8:19-26

Ramos A, Ramil F, Freiwald A, Beuck L, Moctar M, Bouzouma ME, Khallahi B, Kloff S (2018) Une deuxieme vie pour la zone d’exclusivite du puits Chinguetti – Un réseau d’Aires Marines Protégées sur le talus Mauritanien pour une pêche plus riche et une meilleure maitrise du milieu marin. Présenté par le panel d’experts mandaté par Le Ministère des Pêches et de l’Economie Maritime, Le Ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable et Le Ministère de l’Education nationale

Rosso A, Beuck L, Vertino A, Sanfilippo A, Freiwald A (2018) Cribrilinids (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) associated with deep-water coral habitats at the Great Bahama Bank slope (NW Atlantic), with description of new taxa. Zootaxa 4524:401-439

Wienberg C, Titschack J, Freiwald A, Frank N, Lundälv T, Taviani M, Beuck L, Schröder-Ritzrau A, Krengel T, Hebbeln D (2018) The giant Mauritanian cold-water coral mound province: Oxygen control on coral mound formation. Quaternary Science Reviews 185:135-152

Zettler ML, Freiwald A, Guerra-García JM (2018) Cold-water corals off Angola as refuge for a new Aeginella species (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidae). Zootaxa 4462:535-546



Freiwald A, Rogers A, Hall-Spencer J, Guinotte JM, Davies AJ, Yesson C, Martin CS, Weatherdon LV (2017) Global distribution of cold-water corals (version 5.0). Fifth update to the dataset in Freiwald et al. (2004) by UNEP-WCMC, in collaboration with Andre Freiwald and John Guinotte. . URL: edn., Cambridge, UK

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2017) A unique and diverse amalgamated mollusk shell assemblage from the Coral Patch Seamount, eastern Atlantic. Miscellanea Malacologica 7:55-73

Milker Y, Weinkauf MFG, Titschack J, Freiwald A, Krüger S, Jorissen FJ, Schmiedl G (2017) Testing the applicability of a benthic foraminiferal-based transfer function for the reconstruction of paleowater depth changes in Rhodes (Greece) during the early Pleistocene. PlosOne 12:e0188447



Beuck L, Aguilar R, Fabri M, Freiwald A, Gofas S, Hebbeln D, López Correa M, Ramos Matos A, Ramil F, Sánchez Delgado F, Taviani M, Wienberg C, Wisshak M, Zibrowius H (2016) Biotope characterisation and compiled geographical distribution of the deepwater oyster Neopycnodonte zibrowii in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Rapport Commission International Mer Méditerranée 41:462

Cordes EE, Arnaud-Haond S, Bergstad OA, Da Costa Falcao AP, Freiwald A, Roberts JM, Bernal P (2016) Cold-water corals. In: Inniss L, Simcock A, Ajawin AY et al. (eds) World Ocean Assessment I. United Nations, pp 1-28

Färber C, Titschack J, Schönberg CHL, Ehrig K, Boos K, Baum D, Illerhaus B, Asgaard U, Bromley RG, Freiwald A, Wisshak M (2016) Long-term macrobioerosion in the Mediterranean Sea assessed by micro-computed tomography. Biogeosciences 13:3461-3474

Göcke C, Hestetun JT, Uhlir C, Freiwald A, Beuck L, Janussen D (2016) Cladorhiza corallophila sp. nov., a new carnivorous sponge (Cladorhizidae, Demospongiae) living in close association with Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata (Scleractinia). Zootaxa 4168:512-524

Macpherson E, Beuck L, Freiwald A (2016) Some species of Munidopsis from the Gulf of Mexico, Florida Straits and Caribbean Sea (Decapoda: Munidopsidae), with the description of two new species. Zootaxa 4137:405-416

Titschack J, Fink HG, Baum D, Wienberg C, Hebbeln D, Freiwald A (2016) Mediterranean cold-water corals – an important regional carbonate factory? Depositional Record 2:74-96

Welte C, Wacker L, Hattendorf B, Christl M, Fohlmeister J, Breitenbach SFM, Robinson LF, Andrews AH, Freiwald A, Farmer JR, Yeman C, Synal HA, Günther D (2016) Laser ablation − accelerator mass spectrometry: An approach for rapid radiocarbon analyses of carbonate archives at high spatial resolution. Analytical Chemistry 88:8570-8576



Färber C, Wisshak M, Pyko I, Bellou N, Freiwald A (2015) Effects of water depth, seasonal exposure, and substrate orientation on microbial bioerosion in the Ionian Sea (Eastern Mediterranean). Plos One 10:e0126495

Freiwald A (2015) Kaltwasserriffe als Geobiodiversitäts-Hotspots. Natur, Forschung und Museum 145:6-13

Freiwald A (2015) Tiefseeforschungsschiff „Sonne“ nimmt Fahrt auf. Natur, Forschung und Museum 145:34-37

Matsuyama K, Titschack J, Baum D, Freiwald A (2015) Two new species of erect Bryozoa (Gymnolaemata: Cheilostomata) and the application of non-destructive imaging methods for quantitative taxonomy. Zootaxa 4020:81-100

Sakai K, Türkay M, Beuck L, Freiwald A (2015) A collection of the Infraorder Callianassidea (Decapoda, Pleocyemata) with one new genus and five new species from the Eastern Atlantic off Mauritania (R/V Maria S. Merian cruise MSM 16/3 “PHAETON”). Marine Biodiversity 45:113-133

Taviani M, Angeletti L, Beuck L, Campiani E, Canese S, Foglini F, Freiwald A, Montagna P, Trincardi F (2015) On and off the beaten track: Megafaunal sessile life and Adriatic cascading processes. Marine Geology 369:273-287

Titschack J, Baum D, De Pol-Holz R, López Correa M, Forster N, Flögel S, Hebbeln D, Freiwald A (2015) Aggradation and carbonate accumulation of Holocene Norwegian cold-water coral reefs. Sedimentology 62:1873-1898

Wisshak M, Berning B, Jakobsen J, Freiwald A (2015) Temperate carbonate production: biodiversity of calcareous epiliths from intertidal to bathyal depths (Azores). Marine Biodiversity 45:87-112



Fabri MC, Pedel L, Beuck L, Galgani F, Hebbeln D, Freiwald A (2014) Megafauna of vulnerable marine ecosystems in French Mediterranean submarine canyons: Spatial distribution and anthropogenic impacts. Deep-Sea Research II 104:184-207

Freiwald A (2014) Kaltwasserkorallen – aus der Grundlagenforschung auf die politische Agenda. Natur, Forschung, Museum 144:6-17

Hebbeln D, Wienberg C, Wintersteller P, Freiwald A, Becker M, Beuck L, Dullo C, Eberli GP, Glogowski S, Matos L, Forster N, Reyes-Bonilla H, Taviani M (2014) Environmental forcing of the Campeche cold-water coral province, southern Gulf of Mexico. Biogeosciences 11:1799-1815

Matsuyama K, Janssen A, Martínez Arbizu P, Martha SO, Freiwald A (2014) Bryozoans from RV Sonne deep-sea cruises SO 167 ‘Louisville’ and SO 205 ‘Mangan’. Zootaxa 3856:100-116

Montagna P, McCulloch M, Douville E, López Correa M, Trotter J, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Dissard D, Ferrier-Pagès C, Frank N, Freiwald A, Goldstein S, Mazzoli C, Reynaud S, Rüggeberg A, Russo S, Taviani M (2014) Li/Mg systematics in scleractinian corals: Calibration of the thermometer. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 132:288-310

Savini A, Vertino A, Marchese F, Beuck L, Freiwald A (2014) Mapping cold-water coral habitats at different scales within the northern Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean): An assessment of coral coverage and associated vulnerability. Plos One 9:e87108

Teichert S, Freiwald A (2014) Polar coralline algal CaCO3-production rates correspond to intensity and duration of the solar radiation. Biogeosciences 11:833-842

Teichert S, Woelkerling W, Rüggeberg A, Wisshak M, Piepenburg D, Meyerhöfer M, Form A, Freiwald A (2014) Arctic rhodolith beds and their environmental controls (Spitsbergen, Norway). Facies 60:15-37

Wisshak M, Schönberg CHL, Form A, Freiwald A (2014) Sponge bioerosion accelerated by ocean acidification across species and latitudes? Helgoland Marine Research 68:253-262



Barnich R, Beuck L, Freiwald A (2013) Scale worms (Polychaeta: Aphroditiformia) associated with cold-water corals in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 93:2129-2143

Freiwald A, Beuck L, Wisshak M (2013) Korallenriffe im kalten Wasser des Nordatlantiks. In: Beck E (ed) Die Vielfalt des Lebens: Wie hoch, wie komplex, warum? Wiley-VCH, pp 88-98

Joseph N, López Correa M, Schönfeld J, Rüggeberg A, Freiwald A (2013) Subarctic Holocene climatic and oceanographic variability in Stjernsund, northern Norway: evidence from benthic foraminifera and stable isotopes. Boreas 42:511-531

Marali S, Wisshak M, López Correa M, Freiwald A (2013) Skeletal microstructure and stable isotope signature of three bathyal solitary cold-water corals from the Azores. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 373:25-38

Raddatz J, Liebetrau V, Rüggeberg A, Hathorne E, Krabbenhöft A, Eisenhauer A, Böhm F, Vollstaedt H, Fietzke J, López Correa M, Freiwald A, Dullo WC (2013) Stable Sr-isotope, Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca, Li/Ca and Mg/Li ratios in the scleractinian cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa. Chemical Geology 352:143-152

Sanfilippo R, Vertino A, Rosso A, Beuck L, Freiwald A, Taviani M (2013) Serpula aggregates and their role in deep-sea coral communities in the southern Adriatic Sea. Facies 59:663-677

Titschack J, Joseph N, Fietzke J, Freiwald A, Bromley RG (2013) Record of a tectonically-controlled regression captured by changes in carbonate skeletal associations on a structured island shelf (mid-Pleistocene, Rhodes, Greece). Sedimentary Geology 283:15-33

Wisshak M, Schönberg CHL, Form A, Freiwald A (2013) Effects of ocean acidification and global warming on reef bioerosion—lessons from a clionaid sponge. Aquatic Biology 19:111-127



Addamo AM, Reimer JD, Taviani M, Freiwald A, Machordom A (2012) Desmophyllum dianthus (Esper, 1794) in the scleractinian phylogeny and its intraspecific diversity. Plos One 7:e50215

Fink HG, Wienberg C, Hebbeln D, McGregor HV, Schmiedl G, Taviani M, Freiwald A (2012) Oxygen control on Holocene cold-water coral development in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Deep-Sea Research I 62:89-96

Hebbeln D, Freiwald A (2012) Manche mögen’s kalt und dunkel. In: Wefer G, Schmieder F, Freifrau von Neuhoff S (eds) Tiefsee Expeditionen zu den Quellen des Lebens. Rosenheim, pp 160-167

Kuechler RR, Birgel D, Kiel S, Freiwald A, Goedert J, Thiel V, Peckmann J (2012) Miocene methane-derived carbonates from southwestern Washington, USA and a model for silification at seeps. Lethaia 45:259-273

López Correa M, Montagna P, Joseph N, Rüggeberg A, Fietzke J, Flögel S, Dorschel B, Goldstein SL, Wheeler A, Freiwald A (2012) Preboreal onset of cold-water coral growth beyond the Arctic Circle revealed by coupled radiocarbon and U-series dating and neodymium isotopes. Quaternary Science Reviews 34:24-43

McCulloch M, Trotter J, Montagna P, Falter J, Dunbar R, Freiwald A, Försterra G, López Correa M, Maier C, Rüggeberg A, Taviani M (2012) Resilience of cold-water scleractinian corals to ocean acidification: Boron isotopic systematics of pH and saturation state up-regulation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 87:21-34

Teichert S, Woelkerling W, Rüggeberg A, Wisshak M, Piepenburg D, Meyerhöfer M, Form A, Büdenbender J, Freiwald A (2012) Rhodolith beds (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) and their physical and biological environment at 80°31’N in Nordkappbukta (Nordaustlandet, Svalbard Archipelago, Norway). Phycologia 51:371-390

Wisshak M, Schönberg CHL, Form A, Freiwald A (2012) Ocean acidification accelerates reef bioerosion. Plos One 7:e45124



Eisele M, Frank N, Wienberg C, Hebbeln D, López Correa M, Douville E, Freiwald A (2011) Productivity controlled cold-water coral growth periods during the last glacial off Mauritania. Marine Geology 280:143-149

Fabri MC, Pedel L, Freiwald A, Madurell T (2011) Habitats particuliers des étages bathyal et abyssal (Med). SRM MO Initial Assessment for the Water Marine Framework Strategy

Frank N, Freiwald A, López Correa M, Wienberg C, Eisele M, Hebbeln D, van Rooij D, Henriet JP, Colin C, van Weering T, De Haas H, Buhl-Mortensen P, Roberts JM, De Mol B, Douville E, Blamart D, Hatte C (2011) Northeastern Atlantic cold water coral reefs and climate. Geology 39:743-746

Freiwald A (2011) Cold-water coral reefs. Encyclopedia of modern coral reefs. Springer, Heidelberg

Freiwald A, Beuck L (2011) Sind Kaltwasserkorallen durch den Klimawandel gefährdet? In: Lozán JL, Graßl H, Karbe L, Reise K (eds) Warnsignal Klima: Die Meere – Änderungen und Risiken. Hamburg, pp 220-224

Rüggeberg A, Flögel S, Dullo WC, Hissmann K, Freiwald A (2011) Water mass characteristics and sill dynamics in a subpolar cold-water coral reef setting at Stjernsund, northern Norway. Marine Geology 282:5-12

Schönfeld J, Dullo WC, Pfannkuche O, Freiwald A, Rüggeberg A, Schmidt S, Weston J (2011) Recent benthic foraminiferal assemblages from cold-water coral mounds in the Porcupine Seabight. Facies 57:187-213

Wisshak M, Tribollet A, Golubic S, Jakobsen J, Freiwald A (2011) Temperate bioerosion: ichnodiversity and biodiversity from intertidal to bathyal depths (Azores). Geobiology 9:492-520



Beuck L, Freiwald A, Taviani M (2010) Spatiotemporal bioerosion patterns in deep-water scleractinians from off Santa Maria di Leuca (Apulia, Ionian Sea). Deep-Sea Research II 57:458-470

Copard K, Colin C, Douville E, Freiwald A, Gudmundsson G, De Mol B, Frank N (2010) Nd isotopes in deep-sea corals in the North-eastern Atlantic. Quaternary Science Reviews 29:2499-2508

Hebbeln D, Freiwald A (2010) Manche mögen’s kalt. Der europäische Korallengürtel von Norwegen bis ins Mittelmeer. In:  Klima und Leben. pp 6-13

Heindel K, Titschack J, Dorschel B, Huvenne VAI, Freiwald A (2010) The sediment composition and predictive mapping of facies on the Propeller Mound – A cold-water coral mound (Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic). Continental Shelf Research 30:1814-1829

Taviani M, Freiwald A, Beuck L, Angeletti L, Remia A, Vertino A, Dimech M, Schembri PJ (2010) The deepest known occurrence of the precious red coral Corallium rubrum (L., 1758) in the Mediterranean Sea. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Red Coral Science, Management, and Trade: Lessons from the Mediterranean. NOAA Technical Memorandum CRCP-13,

Trincardi F, Angeletti L, Asioli A, Campiani E, Ceregato A, Foglini F, Freiwald A, Remia A, Taviani M, Vertino A (2010) South West Adriatic margin morphology and deep-sea macrobenthic ecosystems. Rapport de la Commission International pour l’Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée 39:70

Westphal H, Halfar J, Freiwald A (2010) Heterozoan carbonates in subtropical to tropical settings in the present and in the past. International Journal of Earth Sciences 99 Supplement 1:S153-S169

Wisshak M, Form A, Jakobsen J, Freiwald A (2010) Temperate carbonate cycling and water mass properties from intertidal to bathyal depths (Azores, N-Atlantic). Biogeosciences 7:2379-2396



Freiwald A, Beuck L, Rüggeberg A, Taviani M, Hebbeln D (2009) The white coral community in the central Mediterranean Sea revealed by ROV surveys. Oceanography 22:58-74

Roberts JM, Wheeler AJ, Freiwald A, Cairns SD (2009) Cold-water corals – The biology and geology of deep-sea coral habitats. Cambridge University Press,

Taviani M, Angeletti L, Dimech M, Mifsud C, Freiwald A, Harasewych MG, Oliverio M (2009) Coralliophilinae (Gastropoda: Muricidae) associated with deep-water coral banks in the Mediterranean. The Nautilus 123:106-112

Titschack J, Radtke U, Freiwald A (2009) Dating and characterization of polymorphic transformation of aragonite to calcite in Pleistocene bivalves from Rhodes (Greece) by combined shell microstructure, stable isotope, and electron spin resonance study. Journal of Sedimentary Research 79:332-346

Titschack J, Thierens M, Dorschel B, Schulbert C, Freiwald A, Kano A, Takashima C, Kawagoe N, Li X (2009) Carbonate budget of a cold-water coral mound (Challenger Mound, IODP Exp. 307). Marine Geology 259:36-46

Weaver PPE, Boetius A, Danovaro R, Freiwald A, Gunn V, Heussner S, Morato T, Schewe I, van den Howe S (2009) The future of integrated deep-sea research in Europe—The HERMIONE Project. Oceanography 22:177-191

Wienberg C, Hebbeln D, Fink HG, Mienis F, Dorschel B, Vertino A, López Correa M, Freiwald A (2009) Scleractinian cold-water corals in the Gulf of Cádiz—First clues about their spatial and temporal distribution. Deep-Sea Research I 56:1873-1893

Wisshak M, López Correa M, Gofas S, Salas C, Taviani M, Jakobsen J, Freiwald A (2009) Shell architecture, element composition, and stable isotope signature of the giant deep-sea oyster Neopycnodonte zibrowii sp. n. from the NE Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research I 66:374-407

Wisshak M, López Correa M, Zibrowius H, Jakobsen J, Freiwald A (2009) Skeletal reorganisation affects geochemical signals, exemplified in the stylasterid hydrocoral Errina dabneyi (Azores Archipelago). Marine Ecology Progress Series 397:197-208

Wisshak M, Neumann C, Jakobsen J, Freiwald A (2009) The ‘living-fossil community’ of the cyrtocrinoid Cyathidium foresti and the deep-sea oyster Neopycnodonte zibrowii (Azores Archipelago). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 271:77-83



Beuck L, López Correa M, Freiwald A (2008) Biogeographical distribution of Hyrrokkin (Rosalinidae, Foraminifera) and its host-specific morphological and textural trace variability. In: Wisshak M, Tapanila L (eds) Current Developments in Bioerosion. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 329-360

Beuck L, Wisshak M, Munnecke A, Freiwald A (2008) A giant boring in a Silurian stromatoporoid analysed by computer tomography. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 53:149-160

Birgel D, Himmler T, Freiwald A, Peckmann J (2008) A new constraint on the antiquity of anaerobic oxidation of methane: Late Pennsylvanian seep limestones from southern Namibia. Geology 36 (7):543-546

Himmler T, Freiwald A, Stollhofen H, Peckmann J (2008) Late Carboniferous hydrocarbon-seep carbonates from the glaciomarine Dwyka Group, southern Namibia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 257:185-197

Montagna P, López Correa M, Rüggeberg A, McCulloch M, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Dullo WC, Ferrier-Pagès C, Freiwald A, Henderson GM, Mazzoli C, Russo S, Silenzi S, Taviani M (2008) Coral Li/Ca in micro-structural domains as a temperature proxy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72:A645

Reveillaud J, Freiwald A, Van Rooij D, Le Guilloux E, Altuna A, Foubert A, Vanreusel A, Olu-Le Roy K, Henriet JP (2008) The distribution of scleractinian corals in the Bay of Biscay, NE Atlantic. Facies 54:317-331

Rüggeberg A, Fietzke J, Liebetrau V, Eisenhauer A, Dullo WC, Freiwald A (2008) Stable strontium isotopes (d88/86Sr) in cold-water corals— a new proxy for reconstruction of intermediate ocean water temperatures. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 269:569-574

Titschack J, Nelson CS, Beck T, Freiwald A (2008) Sedimentary evolution of a Late Pleistocene temperate red algal reef (Coralligène) on Rhodes, Greece: correlation with global sea-level fluctuations. Sedimentology 55:1747-1776

Wienberg C, Beuck L, Heidkamp S, Hebbeln D, Freiwald A, Pfannkuche O, Monteys X (2008) Franken Mound: facies and biocoenoses on a newly-discovered “carbonate mound” on the western Rockall Bank, NE Atlantic. Facies 54:1-24



Dullo WC, Freiwald A, Rüggeberg A, Taviani M (2007) Cold-water coral reefs around Europe – Hotspots from the central Mediterranean. Rapport Commission International Mer Méditerranée 38:84

Kiriakoulakis K, Freiwald A, Fisher E, Wolff G (2007) Organic matter quality and supply to deep-water coral/mound systems of the NW European continental margin. International Journal of Earth Sciences 96:159-170

Lopez Correa M, Bednorz A, Freiwald A (2007) Cold-water corals as climate archives in the ocean depths. SOMATOM Sessions 11/07:52-54

Noé S, Lembke-Jene L, Reveillaud J, Freiwald A (2007) Microstructure, growth banding and age determination of a primnoid gorgonian skeleton (Octocorallia) from the late Younger Dryas to earliest Holocene of the Bay of Biscay. Facies 53:177-188

Wheeler AJ, Beyer A, Freiwald A, de Haas H, Huvenne VAI, Kozachenko M, Olu-Le Roy K, Opderbecke J (2007) Morphology and environment of cold-water coral carbonate mounds on the NE European margin. International Journal of Earth Sciences 96:37-57



Guinotte JM, Orr J, Cairns S, Freiwald A, Morgan L, George R (2006) Will human-induced changes in seawater chemistry alter the distribution of deep-sea scleractinian corals? Frontiers in the Ecology and the Environment 4:141-146

Noé S, Titschack J, Freiwald A, Dullo WC (2006) From sediment to rock: diagenetic processes of hardground formation in deep-water carbonate mounds of the NE Atlantic. Facies 52:183-208

Roberts JM, Wheeler AJ, Freiwald A (2006) Reefs of the deep: the biology and geology of cold-water coral ecosystems. Science 312:543-547

Wisshak M, Connor D, Hain S, Golding N, Freiwald A (2006) Lophelia pertusa in the Northeast Atlantic: the current record. UNEP Data Set



Beuck L, Freiwald A (2005) Bioerosion patterns in a deep-water Lophelia pertusa (Scleractinia) thicket (Propeller Mound, northern Porcupine Seabight). In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer, pp 915-936

Costello MJ, McCrea M, Freiwald A, Lundälv T, Jonsson L, Bett BJ, van Weering TCE, de Haas H, Roberts JM, Allen D (2005) Role of cold-water Lophelia pertusa coral reefs as fish habitat in the NE Atlantic. In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 771-805

Dorschel B, Hebbeln D, Rüggeberg A, Dullo WC, Freiwald A (2005) Growth and erosion of a cold-water coral covered carbonate mound in the Northeast Atlantic during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 233:33-44

Försterra G, Beuck L, Häussermann V, Freiwald A (2005) Shallow-water Desmophyllum dianthus (Scleractinia) from Chile: characteristics of the biocoenoses, the bioeroding community, heterotrophic interactions and (Paleo)-bathymetric implications. In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 937-977

Freiwald A, Rogers A, Hall-Spencer J (2005) Global distribution of cold-water corals (version 2). UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre,

Kiriakoulakis K, Fisher E, Wolff GA, Freiwald A, Grehan A, Roberts JM (2005) Lipids and nitrogen isotopes of two deep-water corals from the North-East Atlantic: initial results and implications for their nutrition. In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 715-729

Könnecker G, Freiwald A (2005) Plectroninia celtica n.sp. (Calcarea, Minchinellidae), a new species of “pharetronid” sponge from bathyal depths in the northern Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic. Facies 51:53-59

López Correa M, Freiwald A, Hall-Spencer J, Taviani M (2005) Distribution and habitats of Acesta excavata (Bivalvia: Limidae) with new data on its shell ultrastructure. In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 173-205

Roberts JM, Freiwald A (2005) Integrated European research into cold-water coral reefs. Current 21:41-45

Schröder-Ritzrau A, Freiwald A, Mangini A (2005) U/Th-dating of deep-water corals from the eastern North Atlantic and the western Mediterranean Sea. In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 157-172

Taviani M, Freiwald A, Zibrowius H (2005) Deep coral growth in the Mediterranean Sea: an overview. In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 137-156

Taviani M, Remia A, Corselli C, Freiwald A, Malinverno E, Mastrototaro F, Savini A, Tursi A (2005) First geo-marine survey of living cold-water Lophelia reefs in the Ionian Sea (Mediterranean basin). Facies 50:409-417

Titschack J, Bromley RG, Freiwald A (2005) Plio-Pleistocene cliff-bound, wedge-shaped, warm-temperate carbonate deposits from Rhodes (Greece): Sedimentology and facies. Sedimentary Geology 180:29-56

Titschack J, Freiwald A (2005) Growth, deposition, and facies of Pleistocene bathyal coral communities from Rhodes, Greece. In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 41-59

Wisshak M, Freiwald A, Lundälv T, Gektidis M (2005) The physical niche of the bathyal Lophelia pertusa in a non-bathyal setting: environmental controls and palaeoecological implications. In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 979-1001

Wisshak M, Gektidis M, Freiwald A, Lundälv T (2005) Bioerosion along a bathymetric gradient in a cold-temperate setting (Kosterfjord, SW Sweden): an experimental study. Facies 51:93-117



Freiwald A (2004) Kaltwasser-Karbonate und Tiefwasser-Riffe – eine geobiologische Herausforderung. Gmit 18:8-14

Freiwald A, Fosså JH, Grehan A, Koslow T, Roberts JM (2004) Cold-water coral reefs. UNEP-WCMC Biodiversity Series 22:1-84

Mienert J, Weaver PPE, Berné S, Dullo WC, Evans D, Freiwald A, Henriet JP, Joergensen BB, Lericolas G, Lykousis V, Parkes J, Trincardi F, Westbrook G (2004) Dynamics and evolution of European margins. Oceanography 17:12-29

Weaver PPE, Billett DSM, Boetius A, Danovaro R, Freiwald A, Sibuet M (2004) Hotspot ecosystem research on Europe’s deep-ocean margins. Oceanography 17:132-143

Wisshak M, Volohonsky E, Seilacher A, Freiwald A (2004) A trace fossil assemblage from fluvial Old Red deposits (Wood Bay Formation; Lower to Middle Devonian) of NW-Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Lethaia 37:149-163



Beck T, Metzger T, Freiwald A (2003) BIAS Biodiversity Inventorial Atlas of macrobenthic seamount animals. OASIS Deliverable 25 1-127

Blomeier D, Wisshak M, Dallmann W, Volohonsky E, Freiwald A (2003) Facies analysis of the Old Red sandstone of Spitsbergen (Wood Bay Formation): Reconstruction of the depositional environments and implications of basin development. Facies 49:151-174

Blomeier D, Wisshak M, Joachimski M, Freiwald A, Volohonsky E (2003) Calcareous, alluvial and lacustrine deposits in the Old Red Sandstone of central north Spitsbergen (Wood Bay Formation, Early Devonian). Norwegian Journal of Geology 83:281-298

Freiwald A (2003) Korallengärten in kalten Tiefen. Spektrum der Wissenschaft 2/2003:666-673

Schäfer P, Freiwald A, Meyer J, Miketta P, Nadzeika U (2003) Ice-floe induced sedimentation during extreme winters: a case study from the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea. Meyniana 55:73-90



Freiwald A (2002) Reef-forming cold-water corals. In: Wefer G, Billett D, Hebbeln D, Jørgensen BB, Schlüter M, van Weering TCE (eds) Ocean Margin Systems. Springer, pp 365-385

Freiwald A, Hühnerbach V, Lindberg B, Wilson JB, Campbell J (2002) The Sula Reef complex, Norwegian Shelf. Facies 47:179-200

Sorauf JE, Freiwald A (2002) Skeletal structure in the rugosan genus Calophyllum from Permian strata of Timor: Comparison with the living deep water coral Lophelia pertusa. Coral Research Bulletin 7:191-207



Grehan AJ, Freiwald A (2001) The Atlantic Coral Ecosystem Study (ACES): Forging a new partnership between scientists and principal stakeholders. In: Willison JHM, Hall J, Gass S, Kenchington ELR, Butler M, Doherty P (eds) Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals. Ecology Action Centre and Nova Scotia Museum, pp 95-105

Nelson CS, Freiwald A, Titschack J, List S (2001) Lithostratigraphy and sequence architecture of temperate mixed siliciclastic-carbonate facies in a new Plio-Pleistocene section at Plimiri, Rhodes Island (Greece). Occasional Report Department of Earth Sciences, University of Waikato 25:1-50



Freiwald A, Mortensen PB (2000) The first record of the deep-water coral Stenocyathus vermiformis (Pourtalès, 1868) (Scleractinia, Guyniidae) from Norwegian waters. Sarsia 85:275-276



Cuif JP, Dauphin Y, Freiwald A, Gautret P, Zibrowius H (1999) Biochemical markers of zooxanthellae symbiosis in soluble matrices of skeleton of 24 Scleractinia species. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A: Physiology 123:269-278

Freiwald A, Wilson JB, Henrich R (1999) Grounding Pleistocene icebergs shape recent deep-water coral reefs. Sedimentary Geology 125:1-8



Freiwald A (1998) Microbial maceration and carbonate dissolution on cold-temperate shelves. Historical Biology 13:27-35

Freiwald A (1998) Modern nearshore cold-temperate calcareous sediments in the Troms District, northern Norway. Journal of Sedimentary Research 68:763-776

Freiwald A, Mostafawi N (1998) Ostracods in a cold-temperate coastal environment, western Troms, northern Norway: sedimentary aspects and assemblages. Facies 38:255-274

Freiwald A, Wilson JB (1998) Taphonomy of modern deep, cold-temperate water coral reefs. Historical Biology 13:37-52



Freiwald A, Henrich R, Pätzold J (1997) Anatomy of a deep-water coral reef mound from Stjernsund, West-Finnmark, northern Norway. In: James NP, Clarke JAD (eds) Cool-water carbonates, vol 56. SEPM, Special Publication, pp 141-161

Freiwald A, Reitner J, Krutschinna J (1997) Microbial alteration of the deep-water coral Lophelia pertusa: early postmortem processes. In: Neuweiler F, Reitner J, Monty C (eds) Biosedimentology of microbial buildups IGCP Project No. 380 – Proceedings of 2nd Meeting, 1997. Facies, pp 223-226

Gautret P, Cuif JP, Freiwald A (1997) Composition of soluble mineralizing matrices in zooxanthellate and non-zooxanthellate scleractinian corals: biochemical assessment of photosynthetic metabolism through the study of a skeletal feature. Facies 36:189-194

Henrich R, Freiwald A, Bickert T, Schäfer P (1997) Evolution of an Arctic open-shelf carbonate platform, Spitsbergen Bank (Barents Sea). In: James NP, Clarke JAD (eds) Cool-water carbonates, vol 56. SEPM, Special Volume, pp 163-181



Andruleit H, Freiwald A, Schäfer P (1996) Bioclastic carbonate sediments on the southwestern Svalbard Shelf. Marine Geology 134:163-182

Freiwald A, Schönfeld J (1996) Substrate pitting and boring pattern of Hyrrokkin sarcophaga Cedhagen, 1994 (Foraminifera) in a modern deep-water coral reef mound. Marine Micropaleontology 28:199-207

Henrich R, Freiwald A, Wehrmann A, Schäfer P, Samtleben C, Zankl H (1996) Nordic cold-water carbonates: occurrences and controls. Göttinger Arbeiten zur Geologie und Paläontologie Sb 2:35-52



Freiwald A (1995) Bacteria-induced carbonate degradation: a taphonomic case study of Cibicides lobatulus from a high-boreal carbonate setting. Palaios 10:337-346

Freiwald A (1995) Sedimentological and biological aspects in the formation of branched rhodoliths in northern Norway. Beiträge zur Paläontologie 20:7-19

Henrich R, Freiwald A, Betzler CB, Bader B, Schäfer P, Samtleben C, Brachert TC, Wehrmann A, Zankl H, Kühlmann DHH (1995) Controls on modern carbonate sedimentation on warm-temperate to Arctic coasts, shelves and seamounts in the northern Hemisphere: implications for fossil counterparts. Facies 32:71-108

Wehrmann A, Freiwald A, Zankl H (1995) Formation of cold-temperate water multispecies rhodoliths in intertidal gravel pools from northern Brittany, France. Senckenbergiana maritima 26:51-71



Freiwald A, Henrich R (1994) Reefal coralline algal build-ups within the Arctic Circle: morphology and sedimentary dynamics under extreme environmental seasonality. Sedimentology 41:963-984



Freiwald A (1993) Coralline algal maerl frameworks-Islands within the phaeophytic kelp belt. Facies 29:133-148

Freiwald A (1993) Subarktische Kalkalgenriffe im Spiegel hochfrequenter Meeresspiegelschwankungen und interner biologischer Steuerungsprozesse. PhD Thesis, Kiel University

Schmidt H, Freiwald A (1993) Rezente gesteinsbohrende Kleinorganismen des norwegischen Schelfs. Natur und Museum 123:149-155



Freiwald A, Willmann R (1992) lnsekten aus der Fur-Formation von Dänemark (Moler, ob. Paleozän I unt. Eozän ?). 7. Ptychopteridae (Diptera). Meyniana 44:179-187

Henrich R, Hartmann M, Reitner J, Schäfer P, Freiwald A, Steinmetz S, Dietrich P, Thiede J (1992) Facies belts and communities of the Arctic Vesterisbanken Seamount (Central Greenland Sea). Facies 27:71-104



Freiwald A (1991) lnsekten aus der Fur-Formation von Dänemark (Moler, ob. Paleozän / unt. Eozän 3). 5. Cylindrotomidae (Diptera: Tipulomorpha). Meyniana 43:97-123

Freiwald A, Henrich R, Schäfer P, Willkomm H (1991) The significance of high-boreal to subarctic maerl deposits in northern Norway to reconstruct Holocene climatic changes and sea level oscillations. Facies 25:315-340

Freiwald A, Krzeminski W (1991) Cylindrotomidae (Diptera, Tipulomorpha) from the Paleogene of Bolshaya Svetlovodnaya (Eastern Asiatic USSR). Paläontologische Zeitschrift 65:339-344

Krzeminski W, Freiwald A (1991) Toxorhina (Ceratocheilus) caucasiensis, a new species from the Middle Miocene of Stavropol (northern Caucasus, USSR) (Diptera, Limoniidae). Paläontologische Zeitschrift 65:153-155



Freiwald A (1990) Insekten aus der Fur-Formation von Dänemark (Moler, ob. Paleozän / unt. Eozän ?) 4. Tipulidae. Meyniana 42:47-63




Section Heads

Dr. Alexander Bartholomä
Dr. Alexander Bartholomä
Head of Marine Sedimentology Section
Dr. Alexander Bartholomä
Marine Sedimentology,
Department of Marine Research
Senckenberg am Meer,
Wilhelmshaven, Germany
Born 18th January 1960, 2 children
Nationality: German


University education and qualification
  • 1982-1988  Degree in Geology, Free University of Berlin, Germany
  • 1989-1992  Geo sciences (Dr.rer.nat), Free University of Berlin, Germany
  • Since 1997  Head of Marine Sedimentology; Division of Marine Science, Senckenberg Institute ,Wilhelmshaven, Germany
  • 1992 – 1997 Post Doc at the Senckenberg Institute, Division of Marine Science, Wilhelmshaven, Germany
  • 1990 – 1992  Research Assistant at the Free University of Berlin, Department of Sedimentology
  Professional experience
  • Since 1984  Shipboard scientist on German an international RVs
  • Since 2002  editorial board member of Geo Marine letters
  • Since 2003  Member of the expert-group “Guide book for geotechnical site surveys for offshore wind turbines” (Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Acency)
  • Since 2004  Scientific Board Member of the int. Conf. “Tidalites”
  • Since 2007  Member of the working group German Marine monitoring BLANO ErBem UAG Hydrology-Morphology
Fields of expertise
  • Marine Sedimentologie; Dynamics of coastal and shelf sediments; Facies analysis Of tidal basins and conceptional models; underwater acoustics remote sensing and acoustic seabed classification; HydroLab with sidescan sonar, multibeam, subbottom profiler, ADCP (mobil and stationary), CTDs, ADV, SVP, RTK-GPS, MRU; shallow work boats (6.5m and 8 m); Scientific-diver licence
  • 1997 – present  Field trips and lectures at the Senckenberg Institute for external student groups of several national and international universities
  • 1997- present  supervising of student interships (5 to 10 times per year 2-mounth stay);  Supervision of Bachelor-, Master- and PhD-Theses, mainly at the  University of Bremen.
  • 2004 – present Senior Lecturer in the Bachelor and Master-Course Program at the University of Bremen (Faculty of Earth Science and the MARUM)
  • Principle Investigator and chief scientist on more than 450 days on sea); North- /Baltic Sea, Atlantic and Indian Ocean; coastal waters of Columbia, Brazil, South Korea and New Zealand

Peer-Reviewed (80)

2020 ()

Capperucci R, Kubicki A, Holler P, Bartholomä A (2020) Does a sidescan sonar work for habitat mapping in 70 cm water depth? Effectiveness and Efficiency of acoustic techniques in extreme shallow water intertidal environments, in comparison with multispectral remote sensing tools. Geo Marine Letters,

2019 (4)

Becker L, Bartholomä A, Singer A, Bischof K, Coers S, Kröncke I (2019) Small-scale distribution modeling of benthic species in a protected natural hard ground area in the German North Sea (Helgoländer Steingrund). Geo Marine Letters,

Bartholomä A, Capperucci R, Becker L, Battershill C (2019) Hydrodynamics and hydroacoustic mapping of a benthic seafloor in a coarse grain habitat of the German Bight. Geo Marine Letters,

Held Ph, Bartholomä-Schrottke K, Bartholomä A (2019) Indications for the transistion of Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities into propagating internal waves in a high turbid estuary and their effect on the stratification stability. Geo-Marine Letters, 39, 2, 149-159.

Boxberg F, Asendorf S, Bartholomä A, Schnetger B, de Lange W, Hebbeln D (2019) Historical anthropogenic heavy metal input to the south-eastern North Sea, p. 1-14, Open Access, Geo Marine Letters,

2018 (2)

Restrepo J C, Schrottke K, Traini, Bartholomä A, Ospino S, Ortíza J C, Otero L, Orejarena A (2018) Estuarine and sediment dynamics in a microtidal tropical estuary of high fluvial discharge: Magdalena River (Colombia, South America). Mar Geol., 398, 86-98.

Kröncke I, Becker L, Badewien Th H, Bartholomä A, Schulz A-Ch, Zielinski O (2018) Near- and Offshore Macrofauna Communities and Their Physical Environment in a South-Eastern North Sea Sandy Beach System. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5, 497, 10.3389/fmars.2018.00497.

2017 (6)

Gutperlet R, Capperucci RM, Bartholomä A, Kröncke I (2017) Relationships between spatial patterns of macrofauna communities, sediments and hydroacoustic backscatter data in a highly heterogeneous and anthropogenic altered environment. Journal of Sea Research, 121, 33-46, doi: 10.1016/j.seares.2017.01.005

Beck M, Reckhardt A, Amelsberg J, Bartholomä A., Brumsack H-J, Cypionka H, Dittmar T, Engelen B, Greskowiak J, Hillebrand H, Holtappels M, Neuholz R, Köster J, Kuypers M M M, Massmann G, Meier D, Niggemann J, Paffrath R, Pahnke K, Rovo S, Striebel M, Vandieken V, Wehrmann A, Zielinski O (2017) The drivers of biogeochemistry in beach ecosystems: A cross-shore transect from the dunes to the low-water line. Marine Chemistry, 190, 35-50.

Biondo M, Bartholomä A (2017) A multivariate analytical method to characterize sediment attributes from high-frequency acoustic backscatter and ground-truthing data (Jade Bay, German North Sea coast). Continental Shelf Research. 138 (04/2017), 65-80,

Krämer K, Holler P, Herbst G, Bratek A, Ahmerkamp S, Neumann A, Bartholomä A , van Beusekom J E E, Holtappels M, Winter Ch (2017) Abrupt emergence of a large pockmark field in the German Bight, south-eastern North Sea. Scientific Reports 7, 5150. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-05536-1.

Holler, P., Markert, E., Bartholomä, A., Capperucci, R., Hass, C.H., Kröncke, I., Mielk, F., Reimers, C.H. (2017) Tools to evaluate seafloor integrity: comparison of multi-device acoustic seafloor classifications for benthic macrofauna-driven patterns in the German Bight, southern North Sea. Geo-Mar Lett, 37 (2), 93-109.

Hass Ch, Mielck F, Fiorentino D, Papenmeier S., Holler P, Bartholomä A (2017) Seafloormonitoring west of Helgoland (German Bight, North Sea) using the acoustic ground discrimination system RoxAnn. Geo-Mar Lett (2017) 37:125–136, DOI 10.1007/s00367-016-0483-1.

2016 (4)

Adolph W, Jung R, Schmidt A, Ehlers M, Heipke C, Bartholomä A, Farke H (2016) Integration of TerraSAR-X, RapidEye and airborne lidar for remote sensing of intertidal bedforms on the upper flats of Norderney (German Wadden Sea). Geo-Marine Letters, 37, 193-205, 10.1007/s00367-016-0485-z.

Adolph W, Schückel U, Chang S S, Jung R, Bartholomä A, Ehlers M, Kröncke I, Lehner S, Farke H (2016) Monitoring spatiotemporal trends in intertidal bedforms of the German Wadden Sea in 2009-2015 with TerraSAR-X, including links with sediments and benthic macrofauna. Geo-Marine Letters, 37, 79-91, 10.1007/s00367-016-0478-y.

Meyer J, Kröncke I, Bartholomä A, Dippner J W, Schückel U (2016) Long-term changes in species composition of demersal fish and epibenthic species in the Jade area (German Wadden Sea/Southern North Sea) since 1972, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 181, 284-293;

Kubicki A, Kösters F, Bartholomä A (2016) Dune convergence/divergence controlled by residual current vortices in the Jade tidal channel, south-eastern North Sea. Geo-Mar Lett, 37 (02/2017), (1),47-74, DOI 10.1007/s00367-016-0470-6.

2015 (5)

Reckhardt A, Beck M, Seidel M, Riedel Th, Wehrmann A, Bartholomä A, Schnetger B, Dittmar T, Brumsack H-J (2015) Carbon, nutrient and trace metal cycling in sandy sediments: A comparison of high-energy beaches and backbarrier tidal flats, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 159, 1-14.

Gutperlet R, Capperucci R M, Reiss H, Bartholomä A, Kröncke I (2015) Benthic biodiversity changes in response to dredging activities during the construction of a deep-water port. Mar. Biodiv.1/2015; doi 10.1007/s12526-014-0298-0

Bartholdy J, Ernstsen V, Flemming B, Winter C, Bartholomä A, Kroon A (2015) On the formation of current ripples. Scientific reports, 5.DOI: 10.1038/srep11390

Schrottke, K und Bartholomä, A (2015) Schliessen von Datenlücken und Verbesserung der Messmethoden. Die Küste, 83, 103-116.

Meilianda E, Huhn K, Alfian D, Bartholomä A, Kubicki A (2015): Variability of surface sediment re-distribution in the high-energy coastal shelf environment at German Bight, North Sea. AACL Bioflux, Vol.8 (5), 667-678.

2014 (1)

Papenmeier S, Schrottke K, Bartholomä A (2014) Over time and space changing characteristics of estuarine suspended particles in the German Weser and Elbe estuaries. Journal of Sea Research, Vol. 85, 104-115.

2013 (4)

Becker M, Schrottke K, Bartholomä A, Ernstsen V, Winter C, Hebbeln D (2013) Formation and entrainment of fluid mud layers in troughs of subtidal dunes in an estuarine turbidity zone. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans. 118(4). 2175-2187. doi:10.1002/​jgrc.20153

Held Ph, Schrottke K, Bartholomä A (2013) Generation and Evolution of High Frequency Internal Waves in the Ems Estuary. Journ. of Sea Research, Vol 78, 25-35. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2012.12.001

Markert E, Holler P, Kröncke I, Bartholomä A (2013) Benthic habitat mapping of sorted bedforms using hydroacoustic and ground-truthing methods in a coastal area oft he German Bight/North Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,129,94 -104.

Papenmeier S, Schrottke K, Bartholomä A, Flemming BW (2013) Sedimentological and Rheological Properties of the Water–Solid Bed Interface in the Weser and Ems Estuaries, North Sea, Germany: Implications for Fluid Mud Classification. Journal of Coastal Research, 29 (4), pp. 797-808.

2012 (4)

Flemming BW, Bartholomä A (2012) Temporal variability, migration rates, and preservation potential of subaqueous dune fields on the southeast African continental shelf. Int Assoc Sedimentol. Spec. Publ., 44, 229-248.

Meilianda, E., Alfian, D., Huhn, K., Bartholomä, A. (2012) Application of multivariate geostatistics to investigate the median grain-size distribution of the surficial sediments on the energetic shallow sandy shelf environment of the Spiekeroog Island of the German Bight, North Sea. Open Journal of Marine Science, 2012, 2, 103-118, doi:10.4236/ojms.2012.24014 Published Online October 2012 (

Papenmeier, S., Schrottke, K., Bartholomä, A. and Flemming., B.W. (2012) Sedimentological and rheological properties of the water-solid bed interface in the Weser and Ems estuaries, North Sea, Germany: Implications for fluid mud classification. Journal of Coastal Research, online published p. 121130055139007 30.11.2012, doi: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-11-00144.1, hdl:10013/epic.40839

Son Ch. S., Flemming, B.W., Bartholomä, A., Chun, S. S. (2012) Long-Term Changes In Morphology and Textural Sediment Characteristics In Response To Energy Variation On Shoreface-Connected Ridges Off the East Frisian Barrier-Island Coast, Southern North Sea Journal of Sedimentary Research, June 2012, v. 82, p. 385-399, doi:10.2110/jsr.2012.33

2011 (6)

Ernstsen, V. B. , Lefebvre A. , Bartholdy J. , Bartholomä A. and Winter C. (2011) Spatiotemporal height variations of large-scale bedforms in the Grådyb tidal inlet channel (Denmark): a case study on coastal system impact. J. Coast. Res.,Spec. Iss. 64, ICS 2011 Proc., 756-760.

Bartholomä, A., Holler, P., Schrottke, K. and Kubicki, A. (2011) Acoustic habitat mapping in the German Wadden Sea – Comparison of hydro-acoustic devices. J. Coast. Res.,Spec. Iss. 64, ICS 2011 Proc., 1-5.

Kubiki, A. & Bartholomä, A. (2011) Sediment dynamics in the Jade tidal channel prior to port construction, southeastern North Sea. J. Coast. Res.,Spec. Iss. 64, ICS 2011 Proc., 771-775.

Papenmeier, S., Schrottke, K., Bartholomä, A. (2011). Total volume concentration and size distribution of suspended matter at sites affected by water injection dredging of subaqueous dunes in the German Weser Estuary. Coastline Reports Vol 2010-16: 71-76.

Son, Ch.-S., Flemming, B.W. and Bartholomä, A. (2011): Evidence for sediment recirculation on an ebb-tidal delta of the East Frisian barrier-island system, southern North Sea. Geo Mar. Letts., 31 (2), 87-100.

Eichfeld, I., Bartholomä, A., Beck, M., Bungenstock, F., Freund, H., Karle, M., Kröncke, I., Schückel, U., Siegmüller, A., Silinski, A., Stratmann, V., Wehrmann, A., u. Wartenberg, W., 2010: The Jade Bay Project – a summary of targets and planned activities. Wadden Sea Ecosystem 26, 189–192.

2010 (3)

Bartholdy, J., B.W. Flemming, V.B. Ernstsen, C. Winter and A. Bartholomä (2010): Hydraulic roughness over simple subaqueous dunes. Geo-Marine Letters, 30(1): 63-76.

Bartholdy, J., V.B. Ernstsen, B.W. Flemming, C. Winter and A. Bartholomä (2010): A simple model of bedform migration. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol 35, no. 10, 1211-1220.

Papenmeier, S., Schrottke, K., Bartholomä, A., Steege, V. (2010). Wirkungskontrolle von Wasserinjetkionsbaggerungen auf subaquatischen Dünenfeldern in der Unterweser auf der Basis von hydroakustischen, optischen und laseroptischen Messungen. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL), Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2009 (Oldenburg), Hardegsen, 6 S.

2009 (6)

Bartholdy J, Flemming BW, Ernstsen V, Winter C, Bartholomä A (2009) Hydraulic roughness over simple subaqueous dunes. Geo-Mar Lett, DOI 10.1007/s00367-009-0153-7

Bartholomä A, Kubicki A, Badewien Th H, Flemming BW. (2009) Suspended sediment transport in the German Wadden Sea – seasonal variations and extreme events. Ocean Dyn., Spec Iss., 59, 213-225, DOI 10.1007/s10236-009—0193-6

Badewien Th H, Zimmer E, Bartholomä A, Reuter R (2009) Towards a continuous long-term measurement of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in turbid coastal waters. Ocean Dyn., Spec Iss., 59, 227-238, DOI:10.1007/s10236-009-0183-8

Reuter R., Badewien TH, Bartholomä A, Braun A., Lübben A, Rullkötter J (2009) A hydrographic time-series station in the Wadden Sea (southern North Sea). Ocean Dyn., Spec Iss., 59, 195-211, DOI 10.1007/s10236-009-0196-3.

Staneva J, Stanev E, Wolff J-O, Badewien T, Reuter R, Flemming BW, Bartholomä A, Bolding K (2009) Hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics in the German Bight: A focus on observations and numerical modelling. Continental Shelf Research, 29 (1), 302-319.

Svenson C., Ernstsen V.B., Winter C. Bartholomä A. Hebbeln D. (2009) Tide-driven sediment variations on a large compound dune in the Jade tidal inlet channel, Southeastern North Sea. J. Coast. Res.,Spec. Iss. 56, ICS 2009 Proc., 361-365.

2008 (6)

Bartholdy J, Ernstsen VB, Flemming BW, Winter C, Bartholomä A (2008) On the development of a bedform migration model. In: Parsons D, Garlan T, Best J (eds) Marine and River Dune Dynamics, pp 9-16.

Bartholomä, A., K. Schrottke and C. Winter (2008) Sand wave dynamics: Surfing between assumptions and facts. In: Parsons, D., T. Garlan and J. Best (eds) Marine and River Dune Dynamics, p. 17-24

Karle, M. & Bartholomä, A. (2008) Saltmarsh sediments as natural resources for dyke construction – sediment recycling in clay pits. – Senck. Marit., 38/2, 83-92.

Schwarzer, K., Ricklefs, K., Bartholomä, A, Zeiler, M., (2008) Geological development of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Die Küste, 74, 1-17.

Zeiler, M., Schwarzer, K. , Bartholomä, A. Ricklefs, K. (2008) Seabed Morphology and Sediment Dynamics. – Die Küste, 74, 31-44.

Wang, L., Winter, C., Schrottke, K., Hebbeln, D. and Bartholomä, A. (2008): Modelling of estuarine fluid mud evolution in troughs of large subaequous dunes. In: Zanke, U. and A. Roland (editors), Proceedings of the Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, August 24-30, 2008, Darmstadt, Germany, pp. 369-376.

2007 (6)

Bartholomä, A. & Flemming, B.W. (2007). Progressive grain-size sorting along an intertidal energy gradient. In: Flemming, B.W. & Hartmann, D. (eds), From particle size to sediment dynamics. Proceeding of a Workshop, 15-18 April 2004, Hanse Institiute for Advanced Study, Delmenhorst (Germany). Sedimentary Geology (Spec. Issue) 202: 464-472. doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2007.03.010

Chang, T.S., Flemming, B.W. and Bartholomä, A. (2007). Distinction between sortable silts and aggregated particles in muddy intertidal sediments of the southern North Sea. In: Flemming, B.W. & Hartmann, D. (eds), From particle size to sediment dynamics. Proceeding of a Workshop, 15-18 April 2004, Hanse Institiute for Advanced Study, Delmenhorst (Germany). Sedimentary Geology (Spec. Issue) 202: 453-463.

Ernstsen, V.B., Becker, M., Winter, C., Bartholomä, A., Flemming, B.W. & Bartholdy, J. (2007). Bedload transport in an inlet channel during s tidal cycle. In: Dohmen-Janssen, C.M. & Hulscher, S.J.M.H. (eds), River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics. RCEM 2007, University of Twente, Enschede (NL), Proceedings, pp. 351-358.

Stanev, E.V., Flemming, B.W., Bartholomä, A., Staneva, J.V. & Wolff, J.-O. (2007). Vertical circulation in shallow tidal inlets and back-barrier basins. Continental Shelf Research 27: 798-831.

Winter, C., Becker, M., Ernstsen, V., Bartholomä, A., Flemming BW, Hebbeln, D., Lunau, M. (2007) In-situ observation of aggregate dynamics in a tidal channel using acoustics-, laser diffraction-, and optics – Journal of Coastal Research, SI 50, 1173-1177.

Winter, C., Katoshevski, D., Bartholomä, A., Flemming, B.W. (2007) Grouping dynamics of suspended matter in tidal channels – Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, doi:10.1029/2005JC003423,

2006 (9)

Bartholomä, A. (2006): Acoustic bottom detection and seabed classification in the German Bight.- Geo Mar. Lett., 26, (3), 177-184, doi: 10.1007/s00367-006-0030-6.

Chang, T.S., Bartholomä, A. and Flemming, B.W. (2006): Seasonal dynamics of fine-grained sediments in a back-barrier tidal basin of the German Wadden Sea (southern North Sea).- Jour. Coastal Res., 22, (2), 328-338, doi:10.2112/03-0085.1.

Chang, T.S., Flemming, B.W., Tilch, E., Bartholomä, A. and Wöstmann R. (2006): Late Holocene stratigraphic evolution of a back-barrier tidal basin in the East Frisian Wadden Sea, southern North Sea. transgressiv deposition and its preservation potentional.- Facies, 52, No.3, 329-340, doi:10.1007/s10347-006-0080-2.

Chang TS, Joerdel O, Flemming BW, Bartholomä A (2006) The role of particle aggregation/disaggregation in muddy sediment dynamics and seasonal sediment turnover in a back-barrier tidalbasin, East Frisian Wadden Sea, southern North Sea.. Marine Geology 235: 49-61.

Ernstsen, V.B., Noormets, R. Hebbeln, D. Bartholomä, A. and Flemming, BW. (2006): Precision of high resolution multibeam echo sounding coupled with high-accuracy positioning in a shallow water coastal environment.- Geo Mar. Lett., 26 (3), 141-149, doi: 10.1007/s00367-006-0025-3.

Ernstsen, V.B., Noormets, R. Hebbeln, D., Winter, Ch. Bartholomä, A. Flemming, BW. and Bartholdy, J. (2006): Quantification of dune dynamics during a tidal cycle in an inlet channel of the Danish Wadden Sea.- Geo Mar. Lett., 26 (3), 151-163, doi: 10.1007/s00367-006-0026-2.

Noormets, R. Ernstsen, V.B., Bartholomä, A., Flemming, BW. and Hebbeln, D. (2006): Implications of bedform dimensions for the prediction of local scour in tidal inlets: a case study from the southern North Sea.- Geo Mar. Lett., 26 (3), 165-176, doi: 10.1007/s00367-006-0029-z.

Schrottke, K. Becker, M., Bartholomä, A., Flemming, BW. and Hebbeln, D. (2006): Fluid dynamics in the Weser estuary turbidity zone tracked by high-resolution side-scan sonar and parametric sub-bottom profiler.- Geo Mar. Lett., 26 (3), 185-198, doi: 10.1007/s00367-006-0027-1.

Winter, Ch. and Bartholomä, A. (2006): Coastal dynamics and human impact: south-eastern North Sea, an overview.- Geo Mar. Lett., 26 (3), 125-132, doi: 10.1007/s00367-006-0024-4.

2005 (6)

Bartholdy, J., Flemming, B.W., Bartholomä, A. & Ernstsen, V.B. (2005): Flow and grain size control of depth-independent simple subaqueous dunes. J. Geophys. Res. – Earth Surface, Vol. 110, F04S16, doi:10.1029/2004JF000183.

Ernstsen, V.B., Noormets, R., Winter, C., Bartholomä, A., Flemming, B.W. & Bartholdy, J. (2005): Development of subaqueous barchanoid dunes due to lateral flow and grain size variability in a tidal inlet channel of the Danish Wadden Sea. J. Geophys. Res. 110, F04S08, doi: 10.1029/2004JF000180.

Schrottke, K., Becker, M.& Bartholomä, A. (2005): Bed Mobility in the Weser Estuary Turbidity Zone – Hydro International, Vol. 9, No. 7, 27-29.

Schrottke, K., Bartholomä, A. & Stegmann, S. (2005): Sedimentkartierung des Weser-Ästuars auf Basis hydroakustischer Messungen. – Schriftenreihe des DVW Band 47: 45-51.

Bartholomä, A. (2005): Ermittlung von Sedimenttransport und Morphodynamik mit akustischen Methoden in der Nordsee. – Schriftenreihe des DVW Band 47: 261-264.

Wienberg, C. & Bartholomä, A. (2005) Acoustic seabed classification of a coastal environment (outer Weser Estuary, German Bight) – a new approach to monitor dredging and dredge spoil disposal, J Continental Shelf Res, 25, 1143-1156.

2004 (1)

Bartholomä, A., Ernstsen, V.B., Flemming, B.W. & Bartholdy, J. (2004): Bedform dynamics and net sediment transport paths over a flood-ebb tidal cycle in the Grådyb channel (Denmark), determined by high-resolution multi-beam echosounding.- Danish J. Geogr., 104: 45-55.

2002 (2)

Bartholdy, J., Bartholomä, A. & Flemming, B.W. (2002): Grain-size control of large compound flow-transverse bedforms in a tidal inlet of the Danish Wadden Sea.- Mar. Geol., 188: 391-413.

Joerdel, O., Bartholomä, A. and Flemming, B.W. (2002): Wave measurements using an ADCP?- The method and first results from the East Frisian Wadden Sea.- In Turla, T. (Eds.) (2002): Hydro 2002- Papers of the 17th Hydrographic Days 2002; The Hydrographic Special Publication, 46, 340-346

1998 (1)

Bartholomä, A., Ibbeken, H. & Schleyer, R. (1998): Modification of gravel during longshore transport (Bianco Beach, Calabria, Southern Italy.- Jour. Sedimentary Research 68 (1): 138-147.

1997 (1)

Flemming, B.W. & Bartholomä, A. (1997): Response of the Wadden Sea to a rising sea level: a predictive empirical model.- German J. Hydrogr., 49: 343-353.

1996 (1)

Delafontaine, M.T., Bartholomä, A., Flemming, B.W. & Kurmis, R. (1996): Volume-specific dry POC mass in surficial intertidal sediments: A comparison between biogenic muds and adjacent sand flats.- Senckenbergiana maritima, 26: 167-178.

1992 (1)

Diepenbroek, M., Bartholomä, A. & Ibbeken, H. (1992): How round is round? A new approach to the topic roundness by Fourier grain shape analysis.- Sedimentology, 39: 411-422.


Contributions to Books (11)

2015 (1)

Wehrmann, A. & Bartholomä, A. (2015): Meeresgeologie. In: Olderburger Landesverein für Geschichte, Natur und Heimatkunde e.V. und Biologische Schutzgemeinschaft Hunte Weser-Ems (Hrsg.): Die Jade- Flusslandschaft am Jadebusen, Isensee Verlag, Oldenburg, ISBN-978-3-7308-1075-0, 471 S..

2013 (3)

Bartholomä, A, Dittmann, T, Exo, K-M, Flemming, BW, Karle, M. Kröncke, I. Metzing, D & Vöge, S (2013) Die Kleipütte Petersgroden. In: III Oldenburgischer Deichband (Hrsg.) : Wiederverlandung einer Pütte – Forschungsergebnisse zu Chancen und Risiken von Kleientnahmen in Salzwiesen für den Deichbau. 61-67 ,KomReGis, Oldenburg, 217p, ISBN 978-3-938501-35-1.

Bartholomä, A, Karle, M. Flemming, BW, & Tilch, E (2013) Eine Kleipütte verlandet – Morphologie und Sedimente. In: III Oldenburgischer Deichband (Hrsg.) : Wiederverlandung einer Pütte – Forschungsergebnisse zu Chancen und Risiken von Kleientnahmen in Salzwiesen für den Deichbau. 68-88 ,KomReGis, Oldenburg, 217p, ISBN 978-3-938501-35-1.

Bartholomä, A, Bunje, J, Dittmann, T, Exo, K-M, Karle, M. Metzing, D, Südbeck, P & Vöge, S (2013) Synthese – Bewertung der ökologischen Verträglichkeit von Pütten. In: III Oldenburgischer Deichband (Hrsg.) : Wiederverlandung einer Pütte – Forschungsergebnisse zu Chancen und Risiken von Kleientnahmen in Salzwiesen für den Deichbau. 186-209 ,KomReGis, Oldenburg, 217p, ISBN 978-3-938501-35-1.

2006 (1)

Bartholomä, A., Flemming, B.W. (2006): Übergang zwischen Land und Meer. – in Look, E.R. & Feldmann (Eds.) Fazination Geologie – Die bedeutendsten Geotope Deutschlands – SchweizerBartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 18-19.

2003 (1)

Flemming, B.W. & Bartholomä, A. (2003): Sedimentation und Erosion an der Nordseeküste.- In: Lozán, J.L., Rachor, E., Reise, K., Sündermann, J. & Westernhagen, H. von (Eds), Warnsignale aus Nordsee & Wattenmeer – Eine aktuelle Umweltbilanz. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen/GEO, Hamburg, p. 57-60.

2000 (3)

Bartholomä, A., Flemming, B.W. & Delafontaine, M.T. (2000): Mass balancing the turnover of mud and sand in the vicinity of an intertidal mussel bank in the German Wadden Sea (southern North Sea).- In: Flemming, B.W., Delafontaine, M.T. & Liebezeit, G. (eds), Muddy Coast Dynamics and Resource Management. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, pp. 85-106.

Delafontaine, M.T., Flemming, B.W. & Bartholomä, A. (2000). Mass balancing the turnover of POC in mud and sand on a back-barrier tidal flat (southern North Sea).- In: Flemming, B.W., Delafontaine, M.T. & Liebezeit, G. (eds), Muddy Coast Dynamics and Resource Management. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, pp. 107-124.

Mai, S. & Bartholomä, A.: (2000): The missing mud flats of the Wadden Sea: a reconstruction of sediments and accomodation space lost in the wake of land reclamation.- In: Flemming, B.W., Delafontaine, M.T. & Liebezeit, G. (2000): Muddy coast dynamics and resource management.- Proceedings in marine science, ELSEVIER-Verlag Amsterdam, 257-272.

1999 (1)

Bartholomä, A. (1999): Zur historischen und künftigen Entwicklung der Morphologie des ostfriesischen Wattenmeers.- Umweltatlas Wattenmeer, Bd. 2 Zwischen Elb- und Emsmündung, Ulmer Verlag Stuttgart, 18-19.

1995 (1)

Flemming, B.W. & Bartholomä, A. [Hrsg.] (1995): Tidal Signatures in Modern and Ancient Sediments.- Special Publication of Int. Asc. Sed., 24, Blackwell Science: 358 S.; Oxford , U.K..


Journals and Reports (non peer reviewed) (25)

2020 (1)

Bartholomä A., Capperucci R., Bungenstock F., Schaumann R., Toebrock L, Enters D., Wehrmann A., Drews E. (2020) Rekonstruktion versunkener Landschaften im ostfriesischen Wattenmeer – Ergebnisse aus den geophysikalischen Messungen und Kernbohrungen im Projekt WASA. Nachrichten des Marschenrates, 57, 61-69.

2014 (2)

Bartholomä A. & Capperucci R. (2014): Fernerkundung zur Klassifizierung und Bewertung von Seeböden und Habitaten. Nachrichten des Marschenrates, Heft 51, S 58-63.

Winter C, Herrling G, Bartholomä A, Capperucci R, Callies U, Heipke C, Schmidt A, Hillebrand H, Reimers C, Bremer P, Weiler R. 2014. Wissenschaftliche Konzepte für ein Monitoring des ökologischen Zustands des deutschen Küstenmeeres. Wasser und Abfall 07-08/2014; 21-26

2011 (1)

Schrottke, K., Bartholomä, A., und Papenmeier, S. (2011) Auswirkungen von WI-Baggerungen subaquatischer Dünen auf die Sedimentcharakteristik und –dynamik der gewässersohle in der Tideweser. In: Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde BfG (Hrsg.) 2011: Umweltauswirkungen von Wasserinjektionsbaggerungen, (2), Koblenz, 42-54.

2006 (2)

Lang, St., Bartholomä, A., Hoppe, A. & Lerch, Ch. (2006): Einblicke in den Unetergrund-Flachseismik auf dem Main – Natur und Museum, 136(1/2): 15-19.

Bartholomä, A. & Flemming, B.W. (2006): Den Gezeiten auf der Spur- Exponat des Monats Oktober 2006.- Natur und Museum, 136(9/10): 227-229.

2005 (3)

Flemming, B.W., Bartholomä, A. (Hrgs.) (2005): Untersuchungen zur ökologischen Entwicklung bei der Wiederverlandung einer Kleipütte im Aussendeich bei Petersgroden (Jadebusen), 1. Dangaster Gespräche. – Berichte Forschungszentrum Terramare, Vol. 14, 67 S..

Flemming, B.W., Bartholomä, A. (2005): Schlicksedimentation und Salzwiesenentwicklung.- in: Flemming, B.W., Bartholomä, A. (Hrgs.) (2005): Untersuchungen zur ökologischen Entwicklung bei der Wiederverlandung einer Kleipütte im Aussendeich bei Petersgroden (Jadebusen), 1. Dangaster Gespräche. – Berichte Forschungszentrum Terramare, Vol. 14, 8-11.

Bartholomä, A., Karle, M. & Tilch. E. (2005): Morphodynamik und Sediemntologie.- in: Flemming, B.W., Bartholomä, A. (Hrgs.) (2005): Untersuchungen zur ökologischen Entwicklung bei der Wiederverlandung einer Kleipütte im Aussendeich bei Petersgroden (Jadebusen), 1. Dangaster Gespräche. – Berichte Forschungszentrum Terramare, Vol. 14, 12-20.

2002 (1)

Flemming, B.W., Bartholomä, A., Irion, G., Kröncke, I. & Wehrmann, A. (2002): Naturraum Wattenmeer.- Akad. Geowiss. Hannover, Veröffentl., 20: 150-159.

2001 (4)

Bartholomä, A. & Tilch, E. (2001): Morphodynamik und Sedimentologie. In: Flemming, B.W. (Hrsg.) (2001). Untersuchung der ökologischen Entwicklung einer Aussendeichskleipütte als Ergänzung der quantitativen Beweissicherung des Wiederverlandungsprozesses. Erster Zwischenbericht. Senckenberg am Meer, Bericht 01-1, 1-17.

Bartholomä, A. & Flemming, B.W. (2001a): 25 Jahre Meeresforschung mit FK „Senckenberg“. Vom Gebrauchsfahrzeug zum Multifunktionsschiff.- Natur und Museum, 131(10): 329-341.

Bartholomä, A. & Flemming, B.W. (2001b): Exponat des Monats November: Probennahme am Meeresboden.- Natur und Museum, 131(11): 412-413.

Flemming, B.W., Bartholomä, A. & Niedermeyer, R.-O. (2001): Rendezvous im Bodden. 10 Jahre Kooperation mit der Universität Greifswald.- Natur und Museum, 131(10): 341-350.

1999 (1)

Walter, U. Delafontaine, M.T., Henning, D., Bartholomä, A., Flemming, B.W. & Minhorst. A. (1999): Sublitorale Muschelkulturen in der Jade: Wachstum von Mytilus edulis L., Hydrographie, Sedimentologie und Benthosbesiedlung – Ein Projekt der Niedersächsischen Wattenmeerstiftung- Endbericht 1996-1999.- Forschungszentrum Terramare Berichte, Nr. 10, 69S..

1998 (4)

Flemming. B. & Bartholomä, A. (1998): Die Gezeiten – Ursachen und Erscheinungsformen.- In: Türkay. M. (Hrsg.): Wattermeer.- Kleine Senckenbergreihe 29: 3-9.

Flemming. B. & Bartholomä, A. (1998): Gezeitenmerkmale in Biologie und Geologie.- In: Türkay. M. (Hrsg.): Wattermeer.- Kleine Senckenbergreihe 29: 11-14.

Flemming. B., Bartholomä, A. & Mai, S. (1998): Sedimentzonierung im Ostfriesischen Wattenmeer.- In: Türkay. M. (Hrsg.): Wattermeer.- Kleine Senckenbergreihe 29: 21-24.

Bartholomä, A. & Flemming, B.W. (1999): Exponat des Monats: Schallbilder vom Meeresgrund. Natur und Museum, 130 (1): 20-22.

1996 (1)

Flemming, B.W., Bartholomä, A., Ramsay, P., Schuhmann, E., Smith, A., & Wehrmann, A. (1996): Marine Geoscience M33/3.- In: Lochte, K., Halbach, P. & Flemming, B.W.[Hrsg.]: Biogeochemical fluxes in the Deep Sea and investigations of geological structures in the Indian Ocean; Cruise No. 33 from 22.09.-30.12.1995.- Meteor-Berichte 96-5, Inst. Für Meereskunde der Universität Hamburg: 100-115.

1995 (1)

Bartholomä, A. & Flemming, B.W. (1995): Zur Sedimentdynamik in den ostfriesischen Rückseitenwatten und den Veränderungen durch natürliche und anthropogene Einflüsse.- In: Schutzgemeinschaft Deutsche Nordseeküste [Hrsg]: Klimaänderung und Küste 1995.- Schutzgemeinschaft Deutsche Nordseeküste, 9: 70-89.

1994 (3)

Bartholomä, A., Boysen-Ennen, E., Delafontaine, M.T., Flemming, B.W., Hertweck, G., Kröncke, I. & Türkay, M. (1994): Zur Elastizität makrofaunistischer biosedimentärer Systeme im Spiekerooger Watt: Wechselwirkung zwischen Organismen, Sediment und Wasserkörper.- In: Umweltbundesamt [Hrsg.]: Ber. aus der ÖSF. Wattenmeer, 4: 98-100.

Bartholomä, A. & Flemming, B.W. (1994): Massenbilanz und Transportsortierung der Sedimente der Gröninger Plate.- In: Umweltbundesamt [Hrsg.]: Ber. aus der ÖSF. Wattenmeer, 4: 218-220.

Flemming, B.W., Delafontaine, M.T. & Bartholomä, A. (1994): Morphodynamics and mass balances of biodeposition in a back barrier mussel bank (Spiekeroog, southern North Sea).- In: Umweltbundesamt [Hrsg.]: Ber. aus der ÖSF. Wattenmeer, 4: 98-100.

1993 (1)

Bartholomä, A., 1993. Zeitliche Variabilität und räumliche Inhomogenität in den Substrateigenschaften und der Zoobenthosbesiedlung im Umfeld von Miesmuschelbänken. D. Hydrodynamik. Berichte Senckenberg am Meer 93/1, pp. 117–123.

Prof. Dr.  André Freiwald
Head of Marine Research Division and Marine Geology Section

Functions within Senckenberg:

  • Head of Division Marine Geology (SaM)
  • Speaker of RA 4.1: Evolving Earth and Environment

Research profile

  • Non-tropical biosedimentary systems
  • Cold-water coral ecosystems
  • Bioerosion
  • Paleoecology

Research interests

My research focuses on geobiological studies of recent and fossil cold-water corals, with a focus on occurrences along the increasingly oxygen-poor upwelling areas of West Africa (Mauritania and Angola-Namibia). Another topic is research on the quantitative degradation of carbonate by biological processes (bioerosion). Finally, we are developing a global database on habitat-forming cold-water coral and associated communities across all phyla. In this database, the current state of knowledge of the composition of the reef inhabitants from the unicellular organisms to the fish, their geographical changes and their biological functions will be depicted for the first time.

Professional positions
2018-2022 Director Senckenberg am Meer, Wilhelmshaven
Since 2010 Head of Department  Marine Research at Senckenberg am Meer
Since 2010 Professor, University of Bremen
2002-2010 Professor, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
2000-2002 Professor, University of Tübingen

2000 Heisenberg Fellow
1999 Habilitation University of Bremen
1993-1999 Researcher at University of Bremen
1993 PhD, Kiel University

Relevant scientific projects  2017-2023
2018-2019 Atlantic Thermocline Ocean and Ecosystems Dynamic during Natural Climate Change (ATHENA) (DFG) (externally administered through University of Heidelberg)
2019-2022 Cold-water Coral sensitivity (MARUM Excellence Cluster)
2019-2022 West-African Biodiversity under Pressure (WASP) (GIZ)
2022-2024 RestoreSeas: Restoration of Marine Forests (Cold-water corals, seagrass and coralline algae) (JPI OCEANS -BioDIVERSA)

Professional service, membership associations, cooperation in national and intl. committees

Since 2023 Member of the International Scientific Council of IMROP (Institut Mauritanien de Recherches Océanographiques et des Pêches, Nouadhibou, Mauritania)
Since 2023 Member of the International Scientific Council of the PNBA (Parc National Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania)
Since 2017 Advisory Board of the Northwest German University Society
Since 2015 -2022 Chairman of the DFG-BMBF Advisory Councils of the research vessels METEOR
2019 Foundation member of the Deutsche Allianz Meeresforschung
2015-2022 Member of the BMBF advisory board research vessel SONNE
2011-2015 Supervisory Board at the Center for Tropical Marine Ecology
Since 2010 Member of the MARUM board of the University of Bremen
​2008-2011 Speaker of DFG Geoforum
2004-2008 Member of the DFG Review Board Geology-Paleontology
2001-2006 Member of the DFG Senate Commission for Oceanography
2000-2003 Coordinator of the EU-FP5 Atlantic Coral Ecosystem Study (ACES) project

Editorial activities
2005-2010 Publisher of the Springer book series “Erlangen Earth Conference Series”
2004-2010 Publisher of the ISI journal FACIES together with Springer

Awards and awarded memberships
2016 Gustav-Steinmann-Medal of the Geological Association
2015 Northern German Science Award for innovative research on cold-water corals



Bridges AEH, Howell KL, Amaro T, Atkinson L, Barnes DKA, Bax N, Bell JB, Bernardino AF, Beuck L, Braga-Henriques A, Brandt A, Bravo ME, Brix S, Butt S, Carranza A, Doti BL, Elegbede IO, Esquete P, Freiwald A, Gaurdron SM, Guilhon M, Hebbeln D, Horton T, Kainge P, Kaiser S, Lauretta D, Limongi P, Mcquaid KA, Milligan RJ, Milosavich P, Narayanaswamy BE, Orejas C, Paulus S, Pearman TRR, Perez JAA, Ross RE, Saeedi H, Shimabukuro M, Sink K, Stevenson A, Taylor M, Titschack J, Vieira RP, Vinha B, Wienberg C (2023) Review of the Central and South Atlantic shelf and deep-sea benthos: Science, policy, and management. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 61:127-218

Caballero Herrera JA, Hoffman L, Freiwald A, Gofas S (2023) The dispersal capacity of Mollusca—a test on the South Azorean Seamount Chain. Marine Biodiversity 53:59

Gofas S, Freiwald A, Hoffman L (2023) New species and new records in Cerithiopsidae and Newtoniellidae (Triphoroidea, Gastropoda) from the South Azorean Seamount Chain Iberus 41:111-148

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2023) Species in Fissurellidae (Gastropoda) from the North Atlantic with a focus on the Azorean seamounts. Basteria 87:77-96

Knorrn AH, Beuck L, Barros-García, Fernández-Peralta, Freiwald A (accepted) Gaidropsarus mauritanicus (Gadiformes, Gaidropsaridae) a new three-bearded rockling species from a deep-water coral ecosystem with a genetically verified biogeographical distribution of the genus. Spixiana

Wienberg C, Freiwald A, Frank N, Mienis F, Titschack J, Orejas C, Hebbeln D (accepted) Cold-water coral reefs in the oxygen minimum zones off West Africa. In: Cordes EE, Mienis F (eds) Coral Reefs of the World, Springer

Vinha B, Rossi S, Gori A, Hanz U, Pennetta A, De Benedetto GE, Mienis F, Huvenne VAI, Hebbeln D, Wienberg C, Titschack J, Freiwald A, Piraino S, Orejas C (2023) Trophic ecology of Angolan cold‑water coral reefs (SE Atlantic) based on stable isotope analyses. Scientific Reports 13:9933



Freiwald A (2022) Leon der Profi. Natur, Forschung und Museum 152:86-89

Herrán N, Narayan GR, Doo SS, Klicpera A, Freiwald A, Westphal H (2022) High-resolution imaging sheds new light on a multi-tier symbiotic partnership between a “walking” solitary coral, a sipunculan, and a bivalve from East Africa. Ecology and Evolution 12:e8633

Hesemann M, Hoffman L, Ottway B, Freiwald A (2022) Benthic foraminiferal assemblages from the Mauritanian shelf and upper slope and their association with cold-water coral habitats. Natur im Fokus 53:21-153

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2022) Anatoma occidentalis n. sp. (Vetigastropoda, Anatomidae) from upper bathyal coral habitats off western Africa. Iberus 40:355-362

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2022) A review of Atlantic deep-water species in the genus Talassia (Caenogastropoda, Vanikoridae). European Journal of Taxonomy 819:140-157

Meyer N, Wisshak M, Edinger EN, Azetsu-Scott K, Freiwald A (2022) Ichnodiversity in the eastern Canadian Arctic in the context of polar microbioerosion patterns. Polar Research 41:8083

Sampaio I, Beuck L, Freiwald A (2022) A new octocoral species of Swiftia (Holaxonia, Plexauridae) from the upper bathyal off Mauritania (NE Atlantic). ZooKeys 1106:121-140

Sampaio I, Beuck L, Menezes GM, Freiwald A (2022) The Mauritanian slope (NE Atlantic) has no desert: Swiftia phaeton (Holaxonia: Plexauridae) shaping coral gardens. In: Chimienti G (ed) Corals – Habitat formers from the shallow to the deep. InTech Open, pp 1-27

Wisshak M, Meyer N, Kuklinski P, Rüggeberg A, Freiwald A (2022) ‘Ten Years After’—a long-term settlement and bioerosion experiment in an Arctic rhodolith bed (Mosselbukta, Svalbard). Geobiology 20:112-136

Zettler ML, Hendrycks EA, Freiwald A (2022) A new amphipod species of the bathyal genus Dautzenbergia Chevreux, 1900 (Amphipoda, Calliopioidea, Pontogeneiidae) associated with cold-water corals off Angola. Zootaxa 5213:49-63



Freiwald A (2021) Wettlauf mit der Zeit. Natur, Forschung und Museum 151:126-131

Gil M, Freiwald A, Ramil F (2021) Two new species of Rosalinda (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Anthoathecata) from West African cold-water coral mounds. Deep-Sea Research 168:103436

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2021) Bathyal species in Rissoidae (Gastropoda) from Azorean seamounts. Biodiversity Journal 12:777-792

Hoffman L, Gofas S, Freiwald A (2021) The genus Anatoma Woodward, 1859 (Gastropoda, Anatomidae) from Azorean seamounts. Iberus 39:139-152

Meyer N, Wisshak M, Freiwald A (2021) Bioerosion ichnodiversity in barnacles from the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology 44:667-682

Orejas C, Wienberg C, Titschack J, Tamborrino L, Freiwald A, Hebbeln D (2021) Madrepora oculata forms large frameworks in hypoxic waters off Angola (SE Atlantic). Scientific Reports 11:15170

Petersen J, Titschack H, Groeneveld J, Wehrmann A, Hebbeln D, Freiwald A (2021) Reef-building Pacific oysters record seasonal variations in water mass-properties of tidal basins from the Central Wadden Sea (North Sea). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 577:110534

Sanna G, Freiwald A (2021) Deciphering the composite morphological diversity of Lophelia pertusa, a cosmopolitan deep-water ecosystem engineer. Ecosphere 12:e03802

Schätzle PK, Wisshak M, Bick A, Freiwald A, Kieneke A (2021) Exploring confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and fluorescence staining as a tool for imaging and quantifying traces of marine microbioerosion and their trace-making microendoliths. Journal of Microscopy 284:118-131

Schleinkofer N, Evans D, Wisshak M, Büscher JV, Fiebig J, Freiwald A, Härter S, Marshall HR, Voigt S, Raddatz J (2021) Host-influenced geochemical signature in the parasitic foraminifera Hyrrokkin sarcophaga. Biogeosciences 18:4733-4753



Hebbeln D, Wienberg C, Dullo WC, Freiwald A, Mienis F, Orejas C, Titschack J (2020) Cold-water coral reefs thriving under hypoxia. Coral Reefs 39:853-859

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2020) Bathyal Eulimidae (Gastropoda: Vanikoroidea) from the Azorean seamounts collected during the R/V Meteor Cruise M151 Athena. Miscellanea Malacologica 8:81-99

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2020) Cantrainea mauritanea n. sp. (Gastropoda: Colloniidae) from deep-water coral habitats off Mauritania. Miscellanea Malacologica 8:69-73

Hoffman L, Gofas S, Freiwald A (2020) A large biodiversity of “skeneimorph” (Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda) species from the South Azorean Seamount Chain, with the description of seventeen new species. Iberus Supplement 9:1-82

Hoffman L, Gofas S, Freiwald A (2020) New and little-known Seguenziidae (Vetigastropoda, Gastropoda) from the South Azorean Seamount Chain. Iberus 38:1-18

Hoffman L, Gofas S, Freiwald A (2020) Ten new species in Papuliscala de Boury, 1911 (Gastropoda, Epitoniidae) from the South Azorean Seamount Chain. Iberus 38:29-53

Morato T, González-Irusta JM, Dominguez-Carrió C, Wei CL, Davies A, Sweetman AK, Taranto GH, Beazley L, García-Alegre A, Grehan A, Laffargue P, Murillo FJ, Sacau M, Vaz S, Kenchington E, Arnaud-Haond S, Callery O, Chimienti G, Cordes E, Egilsdottir H, Freiwald A, Gasbarro R, Gutiérrez-Zárate C, Gianni M, Gilkinson K, Wareham Hayes VE, Hebbeln D, Hedges K, Henry LA, Johnson D, Koen-Alonso M, Lirette C, Mastrototaro F, Menot L, Molodtsova T, Muñoz PD, Orejas C, Pennino MG, Puerta P, Ragnarsson SA, Ramiro-Sánchez B, Rice J, Rivera J, Roberts JM, Ross SW, Rueda JL, Sampaio Í, Snelgrove P, Stirling D, Treble MA, Urra J, Vad J, Van Oevelen D, Watling L, Walkusz W, Wienberg C, Woillez M, Levin LA, Carreiro-Silva M (2020) Climate-induced changes in the suitable habitat of cold-water corals and commercially important deep-sea fishes in the North Atlantic. Global Change Biology 26:2181-2202

Raddatz J, Titschack J, Frank N, Freiwald A, Conforti A, Osborne A, Skornitzke S, Stiller W, Rüggeberg A, Voigt S, Albuquerque ALS, Vertino A, Schröder-Ritzrau A, Bahr A (2020) Solenosmilia variabilis-bearing cold-water coral mounds off Brazil. Coral Reefs 39:69-83



Freiwald A (2019) Messinian Salinity Crisis: What happened to cold-water corals? In: Orejas C, Jiménez C (eds) Mediterranean Cold-Water Corals: Past, Present and Future. Springer, pp 47-50

George KH, Wehrmann A, Freiwald A (2019) Gipfelstürmer der Tiefe. Natur, Forschung und Museum 149:72-77

Hanz U, Wienberg C, Hebbeln D, Duineveld G, Lavaleye M, Juva K, Dullo WC, Freiwald A, Tamborrino L, Reichart GJ, Flögel S, Mienis F (2019) Environmental factors influencing cold-water coral ecosystems in the oxygen minimum zones on the Angolan and Namibian margins. Biogeosciences 16:4337-4356

Hoffman L, Beuck L, Van Heugten B, Lavaleye M, Freiwald A (2019) Last snails standing since the Pleistocene, a tale of Calliostomatidae (Gastropoda) living in deep-water coral habitats in the Northeast Atlantic. Zootaxa 4613:93-110

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2019) Neocardia kandeli n. sp. (Bivalvia: Philobryidae) from Namibia. Miscellanea Malacologica 8:55-58

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2019) Vexillum monscorallum n. sp. (Gastropoda: Costellariidae) from deep-water coral habitats off Mauritania. Miscellanea Malacologica 8:37-40

Hoffman L, Monsecour K, Freiwald A (2019) Columbellidae (Gastropoda) from deep-water coral habitats off Mauritania. Miscellanea Malacologica 8:41-49

Hoffman L, Von Cosel R, Freiwald A (2019) New and little-known Pliocardiinae (Bivalvia, Vesicomyidae) from the continental slope off Mauritania. Basteria 83:151-157

Sampaio I, Carreiro-Silva M, Freiwald A, Menezes G, Grasshoff M (2019) Natural history collections as a basis for sound biodiversity assessments: Plexauridae (Octocorallia, Holaxonia) of the Naturalis CANCAP and Tyro Mauritania II expeditions. ZooKeys 870:1-32

Sampaio I, Freiwald A, Porteiro FM, Menezes G, Carreiro-Silva M (2019) Census of Octocorallia (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) of the Azores (NE Atlantic) with a nomenclature update. Zootaxa 4550:451-498

Schleinkofer N, Raddatz J, Freiwald A, Evans D, Beuck L, Rüggeberg A, Liebetrau V (2019) Environmental and biological controls on Na/Ca ratios in scleractinian cold-water corals. Biogeosciences 16:3565-3582

Tamborrino L, Wienberg C, Titschack J, Wintersteller P, Mienis F, Schröder-Ritzrau A, Freiwald A, Orejas C, Dullo WC, Haberkern J, Hebbeln D (2019) Mid-Holocene extinction of cold-water corals on the Namibian shelf steered by the Benguela oxygen minimum zone. Geology 47:1185-1188



Hoffman L, Fraussen K, Freiwald A (2018) The genus Chauvetia (Gastropoda, Buccinoidea) in deep-water coral habitats on the continental slope of Mauritania. Miscellanea Malacologica 7:127-138

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2018) Last snails standing: a tale of Fissurellidae (Gastropoda) from deep-water coral habitats off Mauritania since the Pleistocene. Miscellanea Malacologica 7:115-126

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2018) A new genus and two new species in Calliotropidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from NE Atlantic cold-water coral habitats. Miscellanea Malacologica 7:89-96

Hoffman L, Freiwald A, van Heugten B, Lavaleye M (2018) New information on Ganesa, Lopheliella and Trochaclis (Gastropoda) in cold-water coral habitats in the temperate and tropical North Atlantic  Miscellanea Malacologica 8:27-34

Hoffman L, Lavaleye M, van Heugten B, Freiwald A (2018) Lepetella (Gastropoda: Lepetellidae) in deep-water coral habitats in the North Atlantic. Miscellanea Malacologica 8:19-26

Ramos A, Ramil F, Freiwald A, Beuck L, Moctar M, Bouzouma ME, Khallahi B, Kloff S (2018) Une deuxieme vie pour la zone d’exclusivite du puits Chinguetti – Un réseau d’Aires Marines Protégées sur le talus Mauritanien pour une pêche plus riche et une meilleure maitrise du milieu marin. Présenté par le panel d’experts mandaté par Le Ministère des Pêches et de l’Economie Maritime, Le Ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable et Le Ministère de l’Education nationale

Rosso A, Beuck L, Vertino A, Sanfilippo A, Freiwald A (2018) Cribrilinids (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) associated with deep-water coral habitats at the Great Bahama Bank slope (NW Atlantic), with description of new taxa. Zootaxa 4524:401-439

Wienberg C, Titschack J, Freiwald A, Frank N, Lundälv T, Taviani M, Beuck L, Schröder-Ritzrau A, Krengel T, Hebbeln D (2018) The giant Mauritanian cold-water coral mound province: Oxygen control on coral mound formation. Quaternary Science Reviews 185:135-152

Zettler ML, Freiwald A, Guerra-García JM (2018) Cold-water corals off Angola as refuge for a new Aeginella species (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidae). Zootaxa 4462:535-546



Freiwald A, Rogers A, Hall-Spencer J, Guinotte JM, Davies AJ, Yesson C, Martin CS, Weatherdon LV (2017) Global distribution of cold-water corals (version 5.0). Fifth update to the dataset in Freiwald et al. (2004) by UNEP-WCMC, in collaboration with Andre Freiwald and John Guinotte. . URL: edn., Cambridge, UK

Hoffman L, Freiwald A (2017) A unique and diverse amalgamated mollusk shell assemblage from the Coral Patch Seamount, eastern Atlantic. Miscellanea Malacologica 7:55-73

Milker Y, Weinkauf MFG, Titschack J, Freiwald A, Krüger S, Jorissen FJ, Schmiedl G (2017) Testing the applicability of a benthic foraminiferal-based transfer function for the reconstruction of paleowater depth changes in Rhodes (Greece) during the early Pleistocene. PlosOne 12:e0188447



Beuck L, Aguilar R, Fabri M, Freiwald A, Gofas S, Hebbeln D, López Correa M, Ramos Matos A, Ramil F, Sánchez Delgado F, Taviani M, Wienberg C, Wisshak M, Zibrowius H (2016) Biotope characterisation and compiled geographical distribution of the deepwater oyster Neopycnodonte zibrowii in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Rapport Commission International Mer Méditerranée 41:462

Cordes EE, Arnaud-Haond S, Bergstad OA, Da Costa Falcao AP, Freiwald A, Roberts JM, Bernal P (2016) Cold-water corals. In: Inniss L, Simcock A, Ajawin AY et al. (eds) World Ocean Assessment I. United Nations, pp 1-28

Färber C, Titschack J, Schönberg CHL, Ehrig K, Boos K, Baum D, Illerhaus B, Asgaard U, Bromley RG, Freiwald A, Wisshak M (2016) Long-term macrobioerosion in the Mediterranean Sea assessed by micro-computed tomography. Biogeosciences 13:3461-3474

Göcke C, Hestetun JT, Uhlir C, Freiwald A, Beuck L, Janussen D (2016) Cladorhiza corallophila sp. nov., a new carnivorous sponge (Cladorhizidae, Demospongiae) living in close association with Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata (Scleractinia). Zootaxa 4168:512-524

Macpherson E, Beuck L, Freiwald A (2016) Some species of Munidopsis from the Gulf of Mexico, Florida Straits and Caribbean Sea (Decapoda: Munidopsidae), with the description of two new species. Zootaxa 4137:405-416

Titschack J, Fink HG, Baum D, Wienberg C, Hebbeln D, Freiwald A (2016) Mediterranean cold-water corals – an important regional carbonate factory? Depositional Record 2:74-96

Welte C, Wacker L, Hattendorf B, Christl M, Fohlmeister J, Breitenbach SFM, Robinson LF, Andrews AH, Freiwald A, Farmer JR, Yeman C, Synal HA, Günther D (2016) Laser ablation − accelerator mass spectrometry: An approach for rapid radiocarbon analyses of carbonate archives at high spatial resolution. Analytical Chemistry 88:8570-8576



Färber C, Wisshak M, Pyko I, Bellou N, Freiwald A (2015) Effects of water depth, seasonal exposure, and substrate orientation on microbial bioerosion in the Ionian Sea (Eastern Mediterranean). Plos One 10:e0126495

Freiwald A (2015) Kaltwasserriffe als Geobiodiversitäts-Hotspots. Natur, Forschung und Museum 145:6-13

Freiwald A (2015) Tiefseeforschungsschiff „Sonne“ nimmt Fahrt auf. Natur, Forschung und Museum 145:34-37

Matsuyama K, Titschack J, Baum D, Freiwald A (2015) Two new species of erect Bryozoa (Gymnolaemata: Cheilostomata) and the application of non-destructive imaging methods for quantitative taxonomy. Zootaxa 4020:81-100

Sakai K, Türkay M, Beuck L, Freiwald A (2015) A collection of the Infraorder Callianassidea (Decapoda, Pleocyemata) with one new genus and five new species from the Eastern Atlantic off Mauritania (R/V Maria S. Merian cruise MSM 16/3 “PHAETON”). Marine Biodiversity 45:113-133

Taviani M, Angeletti L, Beuck L, Campiani E, Canese S, Foglini F, Freiwald A, Montagna P, Trincardi F (2015) On and off the beaten track: Megafaunal sessile life and Adriatic cascading processes. Marine Geology 369:273-287

Titschack J, Baum D, De Pol-Holz R, López Correa M, Forster N, Flögel S, Hebbeln D, Freiwald A (2015) Aggradation and carbonate accumulation of Holocene Norwegian cold-water coral reefs. Sedimentology 62:1873-1898

Wisshak M, Berning B, Jakobsen J, Freiwald A (2015) Temperate carbonate production: biodiversity of calcareous epiliths from intertidal to bathyal depths (Azores). Marine Biodiversity 45:87-112



Fabri MC, Pedel L, Beuck L, Galgani F, Hebbeln D, Freiwald A (2014) Megafauna of vulnerable marine ecosystems in French Mediterranean submarine canyons: Spatial distribution and anthropogenic impacts. Deep-Sea Research II 104:184-207

Freiwald A (2014) Kaltwasserkorallen – aus der Grundlagenforschung auf die politische Agenda. Natur, Forschung, Museum 144:6-17

Hebbeln D, Wienberg C, Wintersteller P, Freiwald A, Becker M, Beuck L, Dullo C, Eberli GP, Glogowski S, Matos L, Forster N, Reyes-Bonilla H, Taviani M (2014) Environmental forcing of the Campeche cold-water coral province, southern Gulf of Mexico. Biogeosciences 11:1799-1815

Matsuyama K, Janssen A, Martínez Arbizu P, Martha SO, Freiwald A (2014) Bryozoans from RV Sonne deep-sea cruises SO 167 ‘Louisville’ and SO 205 ‘Mangan’. Zootaxa 3856:100-116

Montagna P, McCulloch M, Douville E, López Correa M, Trotter J, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Dissard D, Ferrier-Pagès C, Frank N, Freiwald A, Goldstein S, Mazzoli C, Reynaud S, Rüggeberg A, Russo S, Taviani M (2014) Li/Mg systematics in scleractinian corals: Calibration of the thermometer. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 132:288-310

Savini A, Vertino A, Marchese F, Beuck L, Freiwald A (2014) Mapping cold-water coral habitats at different scales within the northern Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean): An assessment of coral coverage and associated vulnerability. Plos One 9:e87108

Teichert S, Freiwald A (2014) Polar coralline algal CaCO3-production rates correspond to intensity and duration of the solar radiation. Biogeosciences 11:833-842

Teichert S, Woelkerling W, Rüggeberg A, Wisshak M, Piepenburg D, Meyerhöfer M, Form A, Freiwald A (2014) Arctic rhodolith beds and their environmental controls (Spitsbergen, Norway). Facies 60:15-37

Wisshak M, Schönberg CHL, Form A, Freiwald A (2014) Sponge bioerosion accelerated by ocean acidification across species and latitudes? Helgoland Marine Research 68:253-262



Barnich R, Beuck L, Freiwald A (2013) Scale worms (Polychaeta: Aphroditiformia) associated with cold-water corals in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 93:2129-2143

Freiwald A, Beuck L, Wisshak M (2013) Korallenriffe im kalten Wasser des Nordatlantiks. In: Beck E (ed) Die Vielfalt des Lebens: Wie hoch, wie komplex, warum? Wiley-VCH, pp 88-98

Joseph N, López Correa M, Schönfeld J, Rüggeberg A, Freiwald A (2013) Subarctic Holocene climatic and oceanographic variability in Stjernsund, northern Norway: evidence from benthic foraminifera and stable isotopes. Boreas 42:511-531

Marali S, Wisshak M, López Correa M, Freiwald A (2013) Skeletal microstructure and stable isotope signature of three bathyal solitary cold-water corals from the Azores. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 373:25-38

Raddatz J, Liebetrau V, Rüggeberg A, Hathorne E, Krabbenhöft A, Eisenhauer A, Böhm F, Vollstaedt H, Fietzke J, López Correa M, Freiwald A, Dullo WC (2013) Stable Sr-isotope, Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca, Li/Ca and Mg/Li ratios in the scleractinian cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa. Chemical Geology 352:143-152

Sanfilippo R, Vertino A, Rosso A, Beuck L, Freiwald A, Taviani M (2013) Serpula aggregates and their role in deep-sea coral communities in the southern Adriatic Sea. Facies 59:663-677

Titschack J, Joseph N, Fietzke J, Freiwald A, Bromley RG (2013) Record of a tectonically-controlled regression captured by changes in carbonate skeletal associations on a structured island shelf (mid-Pleistocene, Rhodes, Greece). Sedimentary Geology 283:15-33

Wisshak M, Schönberg CHL, Form A, Freiwald A (2013) Effects of ocean acidification and global warming on reef bioerosion—lessons from a clionaid sponge. Aquatic Biology 19:111-127



Addamo AM, Reimer JD, Taviani M, Freiwald A, Machordom A (2012) Desmophyllum dianthus (Esper, 1794) in the scleractinian phylogeny and its intraspecific diversity. Plos One 7:e50215

Fink HG, Wienberg C, Hebbeln D, McGregor HV, Schmiedl G, Taviani M, Freiwald A (2012) Oxygen control on Holocene cold-water coral development in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Deep-Sea Research I 62:89-96

Hebbeln D, Freiwald A (2012) Manche mögen’s kalt und dunkel. In: Wefer G, Schmieder F, Freifrau von Neuhoff S (eds) Tiefsee Expeditionen zu den Quellen des Lebens. Rosenheim, pp 160-167

Kuechler RR, Birgel D, Kiel S, Freiwald A, Goedert J, Thiel V, Peckmann J (2012) Miocene methane-derived carbonates from southwestern Washington, USA and a model for silification at seeps. Lethaia 45:259-273

López Correa M, Montagna P, Joseph N, Rüggeberg A, Fietzke J, Flögel S, Dorschel B, Goldstein SL, Wheeler A, Freiwald A (2012) Preboreal onset of cold-water coral growth beyond the Arctic Circle revealed by coupled radiocarbon and U-series dating and neodymium isotopes. Quaternary Science Reviews 34:24-43

McCulloch M, Trotter J, Montagna P, Falter J, Dunbar R, Freiwald A, Försterra G, López Correa M, Maier C, Rüggeberg A, Taviani M (2012) Resilience of cold-water scleractinian corals to ocean acidification: Boron isotopic systematics of pH and saturation state up-regulation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 87:21-34

Teichert S, Woelkerling W, Rüggeberg A, Wisshak M, Piepenburg D, Meyerhöfer M, Form A, Büdenbender J, Freiwald A (2012) Rhodolith beds (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) and their physical and biological environment at 80°31’N in Nordkappbukta (Nordaustlandet, Svalbard Archipelago, Norway). Phycologia 51:371-390

Wisshak M, Schönberg CHL, Form A, Freiwald A (2012) Ocean acidification accelerates reef bioerosion. Plos One 7:e45124



Eisele M, Frank N, Wienberg C, Hebbeln D, López Correa M, Douville E, Freiwald A (2011) Productivity controlled cold-water coral growth periods during the last glacial off Mauritania. Marine Geology 280:143-149

Fabri MC, Pedel L, Freiwald A, Madurell T (2011) Habitats particuliers des étages bathyal et abyssal (Med). SRM MO Initial Assessment for the Water Marine Framework Strategy

Frank N, Freiwald A, López Correa M, Wienberg C, Eisele M, Hebbeln D, van Rooij D, Henriet JP, Colin C, van Weering T, De Haas H, Buhl-Mortensen P, Roberts JM, De Mol B, Douville E, Blamart D, Hatte C (2011) Northeastern Atlantic cold water coral reefs and climate. Geology 39:743-746

Freiwald A (2011) Cold-water coral reefs. Encyclopedia of modern coral reefs. Springer, Heidelberg

Freiwald A, Beuck L (2011) Sind Kaltwasserkorallen durch den Klimawandel gefährdet? In: Lozán JL, Graßl H, Karbe L, Reise K (eds) Warnsignal Klima: Die Meere – Änderungen und Risiken. Hamburg, pp 220-224

Rüggeberg A, Flögel S, Dullo WC, Hissmann K, Freiwald A (2011) Water mass characteristics and sill dynamics in a subpolar cold-water coral reef setting at Stjernsund, northern Norway. Marine Geology 282:5-12

Schönfeld J, Dullo WC, Pfannkuche O, Freiwald A, Rüggeberg A, Schmidt S, Weston J (2011) Recent benthic foraminiferal assemblages from cold-water coral mounds in the Porcupine Seabight. Facies 57:187-213

Wisshak M, Tribollet A, Golubic S, Jakobsen J, Freiwald A (2011) Temperate bioerosion: ichnodiversity and biodiversity from intertidal to bathyal depths (Azores). Geobiology 9:492-520



Beuck L, Freiwald A, Taviani M (2010) Spatiotemporal bioerosion patterns in deep-water scleractinians from off Santa Maria di Leuca (Apulia, Ionian Sea). Deep-Sea Research II 57:458-470

Copard K, Colin C, Douville E, Freiwald A, Gudmundsson G, De Mol B, Frank N (2010) Nd isotopes in deep-sea corals in the North-eastern Atlantic. Quaternary Science Reviews 29:2499-2508

Hebbeln D, Freiwald A (2010) Manche mögen’s kalt. Der europäische Korallengürtel von Norwegen bis ins Mittelmeer. In:  Klima und Leben. pp 6-13

Heindel K, Titschack J, Dorschel B, Huvenne VAI, Freiwald A (2010) The sediment composition and predictive mapping of facies on the Propeller Mound – A cold-water coral mound (Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic). Continental Shelf Research 30:1814-1829

Taviani M, Freiwald A, Beuck L, Angeletti L, Remia A, Vertino A, Dimech M, Schembri PJ (2010) The deepest known occurrence of the precious red coral Corallium rubrum (L., 1758) in the Mediterranean Sea. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Red Coral Science, Management, and Trade: Lessons from the Mediterranean. NOAA Technical Memorandum CRCP-13,

Trincardi F, Angeletti L, Asioli A, Campiani E, Ceregato A, Foglini F, Freiwald A, Remia A, Taviani M, Vertino A (2010) South West Adriatic margin morphology and deep-sea macrobenthic ecosystems. Rapport de la Commission International pour l’Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée 39:70

Westphal H, Halfar J, Freiwald A (2010) Heterozoan carbonates in subtropical to tropical settings in the present and in the past. International Journal of Earth Sciences 99 Supplement 1:S153-S169

Wisshak M, Form A, Jakobsen J, Freiwald A (2010) Temperate carbonate cycling and water mass properties from intertidal to bathyal depths (Azores, N-Atlantic). Biogeosciences 7:2379-2396



Freiwald A, Beuck L, Rüggeberg A, Taviani M, Hebbeln D (2009) The white coral community in the central Mediterranean Sea revealed by ROV surveys. Oceanography 22:58-74

Roberts JM, Wheeler AJ, Freiwald A, Cairns SD (2009) Cold-water corals – The biology and geology of deep-sea coral habitats. Cambridge University Press,

Taviani M, Angeletti L, Dimech M, Mifsud C, Freiwald A, Harasewych MG, Oliverio M (2009) Coralliophilinae (Gastropoda: Muricidae) associated with deep-water coral banks in the Mediterranean. The Nautilus 123:106-112

Titschack J, Radtke U, Freiwald A (2009) Dating and characterization of polymorphic transformation of aragonite to calcite in Pleistocene bivalves from Rhodes (Greece) by combined shell microstructure, stable isotope, and electron spin resonance study. Journal of Sedimentary Research 79:332-346

Titschack J, Thierens M, Dorschel B, Schulbert C, Freiwald A, Kano A, Takashima C, Kawagoe N, Li X (2009) Carbonate budget of a cold-water coral mound (Challenger Mound, IODP Exp. 307). Marine Geology 259:36-46

Weaver PPE, Boetius A, Danovaro R, Freiwald A, Gunn V, Heussner S, Morato T, Schewe I, van den Howe S (2009) The future of integrated deep-sea research in Europe—The HERMIONE Project. Oceanography 22:177-191

Wienberg C, Hebbeln D, Fink HG, Mienis F, Dorschel B, Vertino A, López Correa M, Freiwald A (2009) Scleractinian cold-water corals in the Gulf of Cádiz—First clues about their spatial and temporal distribution. Deep-Sea Research I 56:1873-1893

Wisshak M, López Correa M, Gofas S, Salas C, Taviani M, Jakobsen J, Freiwald A (2009) Shell architecture, element composition, and stable isotope signature of the giant deep-sea oyster Neopycnodonte zibrowii sp. n. from the NE Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research I 66:374-407

Wisshak M, López Correa M, Zibrowius H, Jakobsen J, Freiwald A (2009) Skeletal reorganisation affects geochemical signals, exemplified in the stylasterid hydrocoral Errina dabneyi (Azores Archipelago). Marine Ecology Progress Series 397:197-208

Wisshak M, Neumann C, Jakobsen J, Freiwald A (2009) The ‘living-fossil community’ of the cyrtocrinoid Cyathidium foresti and the deep-sea oyster Neopycnodonte zibrowii (Azores Archipelago). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 271:77-83



Beuck L, López Correa M, Freiwald A (2008) Biogeographical distribution of Hyrrokkin (Rosalinidae, Foraminifera) and its host-specific morphological and textural trace variability. In: Wisshak M, Tapanila L (eds) Current Developments in Bioerosion. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 329-360

Beuck L, Wisshak M, Munnecke A, Freiwald A (2008) A giant boring in a Silurian stromatoporoid analysed by computer tomography. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 53:149-160

Birgel D, Himmler T, Freiwald A, Peckmann J (2008) A new constraint on the antiquity of anaerobic oxidation of methane: Late Pennsylvanian seep limestones from southern Namibia. Geology 36 (7):543-546

Himmler T, Freiwald A, Stollhofen H, Peckmann J (2008) Late Carboniferous hydrocarbon-seep carbonates from the glaciomarine Dwyka Group, southern Namibia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 257:185-197

Montagna P, López Correa M, Rüggeberg A, McCulloch M, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Dullo WC, Ferrier-Pagès C, Freiwald A, Henderson GM, Mazzoli C, Russo S, Silenzi S, Taviani M (2008) Coral Li/Ca in micro-structural domains as a temperature proxy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72:A645

Reveillaud J, Freiwald A, Van Rooij D, Le Guilloux E, Altuna A, Foubert A, Vanreusel A, Olu-Le Roy K, Henriet JP (2008) The distribution of scleractinian corals in the Bay of Biscay, NE Atlantic. Facies 54:317-331

Rüggeberg A, Fietzke J, Liebetrau V, Eisenhauer A, Dullo WC, Freiwald A (2008) Stable strontium isotopes (d88/86Sr) in cold-water corals— a new proxy for reconstruction of intermediate ocean water temperatures. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 269:569-574

Titschack J, Nelson CS, Beck T, Freiwald A (2008) Sedimentary evolution of a Late Pleistocene temperate red algal reef (Coralligène) on Rhodes, Greece: correlation with global sea-level fluctuations. Sedimentology 55:1747-1776

Wienberg C, Beuck L, Heidkamp S, Hebbeln D, Freiwald A, Pfannkuche O, Monteys X (2008) Franken Mound: facies and biocoenoses on a newly-discovered “carbonate mound” on the western Rockall Bank, NE Atlantic. Facies 54:1-24



Dullo WC, Freiwald A, Rüggeberg A, Taviani M (2007) Cold-water coral reefs around Europe – Hotspots from the central Mediterranean. Rapport Commission International Mer Méditerranée 38:84

Kiriakoulakis K, Freiwald A, Fisher E, Wolff G (2007) Organic matter quality and supply to deep-water coral/mound systems of the NW European continental margin. International Journal of Earth Sciences 96:159-170

Lopez Correa M, Bednorz A, Freiwald A (2007) Cold-water corals as climate archives in the ocean depths. SOMATOM Sessions 11/07:52-54

Noé S, Lembke-Jene L, Reveillaud J, Freiwald A (2007) Microstructure, growth banding and age determination of a primnoid gorgonian skeleton (Octocorallia) from the late Younger Dryas to earliest Holocene of the Bay of Biscay. Facies 53:177-188

Wheeler AJ, Beyer A, Freiwald A, de Haas H, Huvenne VAI, Kozachenko M, Olu-Le Roy K, Opderbecke J (2007) Morphology and environment of cold-water coral carbonate mounds on the NE European margin. International Journal of Earth Sciences 96:37-57



Guinotte JM, Orr J, Cairns S, Freiwald A, Morgan L, George R (2006) Will human-induced changes in seawater chemistry alter the distribution of deep-sea scleractinian corals? Frontiers in the Ecology and the Environment 4:141-146

Noé S, Titschack J, Freiwald A, Dullo WC (2006) From sediment to rock: diagenetic processes of hardground formation in deep-water carbonate mounds of the NE Atlantic. Facies 52:183-208

Roberts JM, Wheeler AJ, Freiwald A (2006) Reefs of the deep: the biology and geology of cold-water coral ecosystems. Science 312:543-547

Wisshak M, Connor D, Hain S, Golding N, Freiwald A (2006) Lophelia pertusa in the Northeast Atlantic: the current record. UNEP Data Set



Beuck L, Freiwald A (2005) Bioerosion patterns in a deep-water Lophelia pertusa (Scleractinia) thicket (Propeller Mound, northern Porcupine Seabight). In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer, pp 915-936

Costello MJ, McCrea M, Freiwald A, Lundälv T, Jonsson L, Bett BJ, van Weering TCE, de Haas H, Roberts JM, Allen D (2005) Role of cold-water Lophelia pertusa coral reefs as fish habitat in the NE Atlantic. In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 771-805

Dorschel B, Hebbeln D, Rüggeberg A, Dullo WC, Freiwald A (2005) Growth and erosion of a cold-water coral covered carbonate mound in the Northeast Atlantic during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 233:33-44

Försterra G, Beuck L, Häussermann V, Freiwald A (2005) Shallow-water Desmophyllum dianthus (Scleractinia) from Chile: characteristics of the biocoenoses, the bioeroding community, heterotrophic interactions and (Paleo)-bathymetric implications. In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 937-977

Freiwald A, Rogers A, Hall-Spencer J (2005) Global distribution of cold-water corals (version 2). UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre,

Kiriakoulakis K, Fisher E, Wolff GA, Freiwald A, Grehan A, Roberts JM (2005) Lipids and nitrogen isotopes of two deep-water corals from the North-East Atlantic: initial results and implications for their nutrition. In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 715-729

Könnecker G, Freiwald A (2005) Plectroninia celtica n.sp. (Calcarea, Minchinellidae), a new species of “pharetronid” sponge from bathyal depths in the northern Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic. Facies 51:53-59

López Correa M, Freiwald A, Hall-Spencer J, Taviani M (2005) Distribution and habitats of Acesta excavata (Bivalvia: Limidae) with new data on its shell ultrastructure. In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 173-205

Roberts JM, Freiwald A (2005) Integrated European research into cold-water coral reefs. Current 21:41-45

Schröder-Ritzrau A, Freiwald A, Mangini A (2005) U/Th-dating of deep-water corals from the eastern North Atlantic and the western Mediterranean Sea. In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 157-172

Taviani M, Freiwald A, Zibrowius H (2005) Deep coral growth in the Mediterranean Sea: an overview. In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 137-156

Taviani M, Remia A, Corselli C, Freiwald A, Malinverno E, Mastrototaro F, Savini A, Tursi A (2005) First geo-marine survey of living cold-water Lophelia reefs in the Ionian Sea (Mediterranean basin). Facies 50:409-417

Titschack J, Bromley RG, Freiwald A (2005) Plio-Pleistocene cliff-bound, wedge-shaped, warm-temperate carbonate deposits from Rhodes (Greece): Sedimentology and facies. Sedimentary Geology 180:29-56

Titschack J, Freiwald A (2005) Growth, deposition, and facies of Pleistocene bathyal coral communities from Rhodes, Greece. In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 41-59

Wisshak M, Freiwald A, Lundälv T, Gektidis M (2005) The physical niche of the bathyal Lophelia pertusa in a non-bathyal setting: environmental controls and palaeoecological implications. In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 979-1001

Wisshak M, Gektidis M, Freiwald A, Lundälv T (2005) Bioerosion along a bathymetric gradient in a cold-temperate setting (Kosterfjord, SW Sweden): an experimental study. Facies 51:93-117



Freiwald A (2004) Kaltwasser-Karbonate und Tiefwasser-Riffe – eine geobiologische Herausforderung. Gmit 18:8-14

Freiwald A, Fosså JH, Grehan A, Koslow T, Roberts JM (2004) Cold-water coral reefs. UNEP-WCMC Biodiversity Series 22:1-84

Mienert J, Weaver PPE, Berné S, Dullo WC, Evans D, Freiwald A, Henriet JP, Joergensen BB, Lericolas G, Lykousis V, Parkes J, Trincardi F, Westbrook G (2004) Dynamics and evolution of European margins. Oceanography 17:12-29

Weaver PPE, Billett DSM, Boetius A, Danovaro R, Freiwald A, Sibuet M (2004) Hotspot ecosystem research on Europe’s deep-ocean margins. Oceanography 17:132-143

Wisshak M, Volohonsky E, Seilacher A, Freiwald A (2004) A trace fossil assemblage from fluvial Old Red deposits (Wood Bay Formation; Lower to Middle Devonian) of NW-Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Lethaia 37:149-163



Beck T, Metzger T, Freiwald A (2003) BIAS Biodiversity Inventorial Atlas of macrobenthic seamount animals. OASIS Deliverable 25 1-127

Blomeier D, Wisshak M, Dallmann W, Volohonsky E, Freiwald A (2003) Facies analysis of the Old Red sandstone of Spitsbergen (Wood Bay Formation): Reconstruction of the depositional environments and implications of basin development. Facies 49:151-174

Blomeier D, Wisshak M, Joachimski M, Freiwald A, Volohonsky E (2003) Calcareous, alluvial and lacustrine deposits in the Old Red Sandstone of central north Spitsbergen (Wood Bay Formation, Early Devonian). Norwegian Journal of Geology 83:281-298

Freiwald A (2003) Korallengärten in kalten Tiefen. Spektrum der Wissenschaft 2/2003:666-673

Schäfer P, Freiwald A, Meyer J, Miketta P, Nadzeika U (2003) Ice-floe induced sedimentation during extreme winters: a case study from the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea. Meyniana 55:73-90



Freiwald A (2002) Reef-forming cold-water corals. In: Wefer G, Billett D, Hebbeln D, Jørgensen BB, Schlüter M, van Weering TCE (eds) Ocean Margin Systems. Springer, pp 365-385

Freiwald A, Hühnerbach V, Lindberg B, Wilson JB, Campbell J (2002) The Sula Reef complex, Norwegian Shelf. Facies 47:179-200

Sorauf JE, Freiwald A (2002) Skeletal structure in the rugosan genus Calophyllum from Permian strata of Timor: Comparison with the living deep water coral Lophelia pertusa. Coral Research Bulletin 7:191-207



Grehan AJ, Freiwald A (2001) The Atlantic Coral Ecosystem Study (ACES): Forging a new partnership between scientists and principal stakeholders. In: Willison JHM, Hall J, Gass S, Kenchington ELR, Butler M, Doherty P (eds) Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals. Ecology Action Centre and Nova Scotia Museum, pp 95-105

Nelson CS, Freiwald A, Titschack J, List S (2001) Lithostratigraphy and sequence architecture of temperate mixed siliciclastic-carbonate facies in a new Plio-Pleistocene section at Plimiri, Rhodes Island (Greece). Occasional Report Department of Earth Sciences, University of Waikato 25:1-50



Freiwald A, Mortensen PB (2000) The first record of the deep-water coral Stenocyathus vermiformis (Pourtalès, 1868) (Scleractinia, Guyniidae) from Norwegian waters. Sarsia 85:275-276



Cuif JP, Dauphin Y, Freiwald A, Gautret P, Zibrowius H (1999) Biochemical markers of zooxanthellae symbiosis in soluble matrices of skeleton of 24 Scleractinia species. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A: Physiology 123:269-278

Freiwald A, Wilson JB, Henrich R (1999) Grounding Pleistocene icebergs shape recent deep-water coral reefs. Sedimentary Geology 125:1-8



Freiwald A (1998) Microbial maceration and carbonate dissolution on cold-temperate shelves. Historical Biology 13:27-35

Freiwald A (1998) Modern nearshore cold-temperate calcareous sediments in the Troms District, northern Norway. Journal of Sedimentary Research 68:763-776

Freiwald A, Mostafawi N (1998) Ostracods in a cold-temperate coastal environment, western Troms, northern Norway: sedimentary aspects and assemblages. Facies 38:255-274

Freiwald A, Wilson JB (1998) Taphonomy of modern deep, cold-temperate water coral reefs. Historical Biology 13:37-52



Freiwald A, Henrich R, Pätzold J (1997) Anatomy of a deep-water coral reef mound from Stjernsund, West-Finnmark, northern Norway. In: James NP, Clarke JAD (eds) Cool-water carbonates, vol 56. SEPM, Special Publication, pp 141-161

Freiwald A, Reitner J, Krutschinna J (1997) Microbial alteration of the deep-water coral Lophelia pertusa: early postmortem processes. In: Neuweiler F, Reitner J, Monty C (eds) Biosedimentology of microbial buildups IGCP Project No. 380 – Proceedings of 2nd Meeting, 1997. Facies, pp 223-226

Gautret P, Cuif JP, Freiwald A (1997) Composition of soluble mineralizing matrices in zooxanthellate and non-zooxanthellate scleractinian corals: biochemical assessment of photosynthetic metabolism through the study of a skeletal feature. Facies 36:189-194

Henrich R, Freiwald A, Bickert T, Schäfer P (1997) Evolution of an Arctic open-shelf carbonate platform, Spitsbergen Bank (Barents Sea). In: James NP, Clarke JAD (eds) Cool-water carbonates, vol 56. SEPM, Special Volume, pp 163-181



Andruleit H, Freiwald A, Schäfer P (1996) Bioclastic carbonate sediments on the southwestern Svalbard Shelf. Marine Geology 134:163-182

Freiwald A, Schönfeld J (1996) Substrate pitting and boring pattern of Hyrrokkin sarcophaga Cedhagen, 1994 (Foraminifera) in a modern deep-water coral reef mound. Marine Micropaleontology 28:199-207

Henrich R, Freiwald A, Wehrmann A, Schäfer P, Samtleben C, Zankl H (1996) Nordic cold-water carbonates: occurrences and controls. Göttinger Arbeiten zur Geologie und Paläontologie Sb 2:35-52



Freiwald A (1995) Bacteria-induced carbonate degradation: a taphonomic case study of Cibicides lobatulus from a high-boreal carbonate setting. Palaios 10:337-346

Freiwald A (1995) Sedimentological and biological aspects in the formation of branched rhodoliths in northern Norway. Beiträge zur Paläontologie 20:7-19

Henrich R, Freiwald A, Betzler CB, Bader B, Schäfer P, Samtleben C, Brachert TC, Wehrmann A, Zankl H, Kühlmann DHH (1995) Controls on modern carbonate sedimentation on warm-temperate to Arctic coasts, shelves and seamounts in the northern Hemisphere: implications for fossil counterparts. Facies 32:71-108

Wehrmann A, Freiwald A, Zankl H (1995) Formation of cold-temperate water multispecies rhodoliths in intertidal gravel pools from northern Brittany, France. Senckenbergiana maritima 26:51-71



Freiwald A, Henrich R (1994) Reefal coralline algal build-ups within the Arctic Circle: morphology and sedimentary dynamics under extreme environmental seasonality. Sedimentology 41:963-984



Freiwald A (1993) Coralline algal maerl frameworks-Islands within the phaeophytic kelp belt. Facies 29:133-148

Freiwald A (1993) Subarktische Kalkalgenriffe im Spiegel hochfrequenter Meeresspiegelschwankungen und interner biologischer Steuerungsprozesse. PhD Thesis, Kiel University

Schmidt H, Freiwald A (1993) Rezente gesteinsbohrende Kleinorganismen des norwegischen Schelfs. Natur und Museum 123:149-155



Freiwald A, Willmann R (1992) lnsekten aus der Fur-Formation von Dänemark (Moler, ob. Paleozän I unt. Eozän ?). 7. Ptychopteridae (Diptera). Meyniana 44:179-187

Henrich R, Hartmann M, Reitner J, Schäfer P, Freiwald A, Steinmetz S, Dietrich P, Thiede J (1992) Facies belts and communities of the Arctic Vesterisbanken Seamount (Central Greenland Sea). Facies 27:71-104



Freiwald A (1991) lnsekten aus der Fur-Formation von Dänemark (Moler, ob. Paleozän / unt. Eozän 3). 5. Cylindrotomidae (Diptera: Tipulomorpha). Meyniana 43:97-123

Freiwald A, Henrich R, Schäfer P, Willkomm H (1991) The significance of high-boreal to subarctic maerl deposits in northern Norway to reconstruct Holocene climatic changes and sea level oscillations. Facies 25:315-340

Freiwald A, Krzeminski W (1991) Cylindrotomidae (Diptera, Tipulomorpha) from the Paleogene of Bolshaya Svetlovodnaya (Eastern Asiatic USSR). Paläontologische Zeitschrift 65:339-344

Krzeminski W, Freiwald A (1991) Toxorhina (Ceratocheilus) caucasiensis, a new species from the Middle Miocene of Stavropol (northern Caucasus, USSR) (Diptera, Limoniidae). Paläontologische Zeitschrift 65:153-155



Freiwald A (1990) Insekten aus der Fur-Formation von Dänemark (Moler, ob. Paleozän / unt. Eozän ?) 4. Tipulidae. Meyniana 42:47-63



team ingrid kröncke
Prof. Dr.  Ingrid Kröncke
Head of Marine Biology Section

Employment history

1978 bis 1985 Study of Biology at the Universities of Braunschweig, Kiel and Hamburg
1985 Diploma University of Hamburg
1990 PhD University of Hamburg
1990-1992 Post-Doc Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven
since 1992 Head of Marine Biology Section in the Dept. for marine Research at Senckenberg am Meer, Wilhelmshaven
2006 Habilitation University of Oldenburg

since 2016 Professor for Benthic  Ecology at the Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the marine Environment (ICBM), University of Oldenburg

Research Topics

Benthic ecology
Functional Diversity
Benthic long-term studies
Benthic food webs
Anthropogenic Effects
Species Distribution Modelling

Study areas

Wadden Sea
North Sea
Deep Sea

Reviewed publications

  1. Kröncke, I., 1985. Makrofaunahäufigkeiten in Abhängigkeit von der Sauerstoffkonzentration im Bodenwasser der östlichen Nordsee. Diplomarbeit, Univ. Hamburg, 124 pp.
  2. Westernhagen, H. v., W. Hickel, E. Bauerfeind, U. Niermann & I. Kröncke, 1986. Sources and effects of oxygen deficiencies in the south-eastern North Sea. Ophelia 26: 457-473.
  3. Kröncke, I., 1987. Lead and cadmium concentrations in selected macrofauna species from the Dogger Bank and the eastern North Sea. Helgoländer Meeresunters. 41: 465-475.
  4. Kröncke, I., 1988. Macrofauna standing stock of the Dogger Bank: A comparison: I. 1951-1952 versus 1985. In: S. KEMPE et al. (eds.): Biogeochemistry and distribution of suspended matter in the North Sea and implications to Fisheries Biology, Mitt. geol.-paläont. Inst., Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderbd. 65: 439-454.
  5. Kröncke, I., 1988. Heavy metals in North Sea macrofauna. In: S. KEMPE et al. (eds.): Biogeochemistry and distribution of suspended matter in the North Sea and implications to Fisheries Biology, Mitt. geol.-paläont. Inst., Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderbd. 65: 455-465.
  6. Kröncke, I., 1989. Die Makrofaunabesiedlung auf der Doggerbank. Ein ökologischer Vergleich zwischen den Jahren 1950-54 und 1985-87. Dissertation Univ. Hamburg, 258 pp.
  7. Kröncke, I., 1990. Macrofauna standing stock of the Dogger Bank. A comparison: II. 1951-52 versus 1985-87. Are changes in the community of the northeastern part of the Dogger Bank due to environmental changes? Neth. J. Sea Res.  25(1/2): 189-198.
  8. Kersten, M. & I. Kröncke, 1990. Kontamination und Bioverfügbarkeit von Schwermetallen im Sediment. In: J. Lozan et al. (eds.): Warnsignale aus der Nordsee, Parey-Verlag: 41-48.
  9. Kersten, M. & I. Kröncke, 1990. Bioavailability of trace metals in marine sediments. ICES C.M./E:22.
  10. Kröncke, I., 1991. The macrofauna distribution on the Dogger Bank in April/May 1985-87. Ber. Biol. Anst. Helgoland 8: 1-137.
  11. Kersten, M. & I. Kröncke, 1991. Bioavailability of lead in North Sea sediments. Helgoländer Meeresunters. 45: 403-409.
  12. Kröncke, I. & E. Rachor, 1992. Macrofauna investigations along a transect from the German Bight towards the Dogger Bank. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 91: 269-276.
  13. Kröncke, I., G.C.A. Duineveld, S. Raak, E. Rachor & R. Daan, 1992. Effects of a former discharge of drill cuttings on the macrofauna community. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 91: 277-287.
  14. Kröncke, I., 1992. Macrofauna standing stock of the Dogger Bank. A comparison: III. 1950-54 versus 1985-87. A final summary. Helgoländer Meeresunters. 46: 137-169.
  15. Kröncke, I., T.L. Tan & R. Stein, 1994. High benthic bacteria standing stocks in the deep Arctic Ocean. Polar Biol. 14: 423-428.
  16. Kröncke, I., 1994. Macrobenthos composition, abundance and biomass in the Arctic Ocean along a transect between Svalbard and the Makarov Basin. Polar Biol. 14: 519-529.
  17. Kröncke, I., Knust, R., 1995. The Dogger Bank: a special ecological region in the central southern North Sea. Helgoländer Meeresunters. 49: 335-353.
  18. Kröncke, I., 1995. Long-term changes in North Sea benthos. Senckenbergiana marit. 26(1/2): 73-80.
  19. Kröncke, I., 1996. Impact of biodeposition on macrofaunal communities in intertidal sand flats. Mar. Ecol. 17(1-3): 159-174.
  20. Boetius, A., C. Grahl, I. Kröncke, G. Liebezeit & E.-M. Nöthig, 1996. Distribution of plant pigments in Eastern Arctic sediments: Indication of recent marine organic matter input. In: R. Stein, G.I. Ivanov, M.A. Levitan & K. Fahl (Eds.): Surface-sediment composition and sedimentary processes in the central Arctic Ocean and along the Eurasian Continental margin, Berichte zur Polarforschung 212: 213-218.
  21. Zeiss, B. & I. Kröncke, 1997. Macrofauna long-term studies in a subtidal habitat off Norderney (East Frisia, Germany) from 1978 to 1994. I. The late winter samples.- Oceanologica Acta 20(1): 311-318.
  22. Kröncke, I., Bergfeld, C. 1997. Die Makrofaunauntersuchungen auf der Swinnplate. In: Flemming B.W. et al.: Zur Elastizität makrofaunistischer biosedimentärer Systeme im Spiekerooger Watt: Wechselwirkungen zwischen Organismen, Sediment und Wasserkörper. Abschlußbericht zur Ökosystemforschung Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer, pp. 117-157.
  23. Kröncke, I., 1998. Macrofauna communities in the Amundsen Basin, at the Morris Jesup Rise and at the Yermak Plateau (Eurasian Arctic Ocean). Polar Biol. 19: 383-392.
  24. Kröncke, I., J.P. Dippner, H. Heyen, H., B. Zeiss, 1998. Long-term changes in macrofauna communities off Norderney (East Frisia, Germany) in relation to climate variability. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 167: 25-36.
  25. Fiege, D., I. Kröncke & R. barnich (2000). High abundance of Myriochele fragilis Nilsen & Holthe, 1985 (Polychaeta: Oweniidae) in the deep sea of the Eastern Mediterranean. Hydrobiologia 426: 97-103.
  26. Kröncke, I., A. Vanreusel, M. Vincx, J. Wollenburg, A. Mackensen, G. Liebezeit, B. Behrends (2000). The different benthic size compartments and their relation with sediment chemistry in the deep Eurasian Arctic Ocean. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 199: 31-41.
  27. Kröncke, I., Wieking, G. (2000). Benthos and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). In: Report of the Benthos Ecology Working Group, ICES CM 2000/E:08, pp. 45-47.
  28. Kröncke, I., Zeiss, B., Rensing, C. (2001). Long-term variability in macrofauna species composition off the island of Norderney (East Frisia, Germany), in relation to changes in climatic and environmental conditions. Senckenbergiana marit. 31: 65-82.
  29. Stoeck, T., Kröncke, I. (2001). Influence of particle mixing on vertical profiles of chlorophyll a and bacterial biomass in sediments of the German Bight, Oyster Ground and Dogger Bank. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 52: 783-795.
  30. Wieking, G. & Kröncke, I. (2001): Decadal changes in macrofauna communities on the Dogger Bank caused by large-scale climate variability. In: Kröncke, I. & Türkay, M. & Sündermann, J. (eds): Burning issues of North Sea ecology, Proceedings of the 14th international Senckenberg Conference “North Sea 2000”, Senckenbergiana marit. 31(2): 125-141.
  31. Reiss, H., Kröncke, I. (2001). Spatial and temporal distribution of macrofauna in the Otzumer Balje. In: Kröncke, I. & Türkay, M. & Sündermann, J. (eds): Burning issues of North Sea ecology, Proceedings of the 14th international Senckenberg Conference “North Sea 2000”, Senckenbergiana marit. 31(2): 283-298.
  32. Zühlke, R., Alsvag, J., de Boois, I., Cotter, J., Ford, A., Hinz, H., Jarre-Teichmann, A., Jennings, S., Kröncke, I., Lancaster, J., Piet, G., Prince, P. (2001). Epibenthic diversity in the North Sea. In: Kröncke, I., Türkay, M., Sündermann, J. (eds.) Burning issues of North Sea ecology, Proceedings of the 14th international Senckenberg Conference “North Sea 2000”, Senckenbergiana marit. 31(2): 269-281.
  33. Stoeck, T., Kröncke, I., Duineveld, G.C.D., Palojärvi, A. (2002). Phospholipid fatty acid profiles at depositional and non-depositional sites in the North Sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 241: 57-70.
  34. Stoeck, T., Kröncke, I., Garland, J. (2002). Functional profiles of microbial communities in southern and central North Sea sediments in relation to organic carbon input. Senckenbergiana marit. 32: 11-24.
  35. Callaway, R., Alsvag, J., de Boois, I., Cotter, J., Ehrich, S., Ford, A., Hinz, H., Kröncke, I., Lancaster, J., Piet, G. Prince, P. (2002). Diversity and community structure of epibenthic invertebrates and fish in the North Sea. ICES J. Sea. Res. 59: 1199-1214.
  36. Birchenough, A.C., Barnes, N., Evans, S.M., Hinz, H., Kröncke, I., Moss, C. (2002). A review and assessment of tributyltin contamination in the North Sea, based on surveys of butyltin tissue burdens and imposex / intersex in four species of neogastropods. Mar. Poll. Bull. 44: 534-543.
  37. Bergfeld, C. & Kröncke, I. (2003): Spio martinensis Mesnil 1896 (Polychaeta, Spionidae), not a new record in German coastal waters of the North Sea. Senckenbergiana marit., 32: 25-33.
  38. Dippner, J.W. & Kröncke, I. (2003): Forecast of climate-induced change in macrozoobenthos in the southern North Sea. Clim. Res., 25(2): 179-182.
  39. Kröncke, I. & Bergfeld, C. (2003). North Sea benthos: a review. Senckenbergiana marit., 33: in press.
  40. Kröncke, I. & Türkay, M. & Fiege, D. (2003): Macrofauna communities in the eastern Mediterranean deep-sea. PSZNI Mar. Ecol., 24(3): 193-216.
  41. Kröncke, I. & Türkay, M. (2003): Structural and functional aspects of the macrofauna communities in the deep Angola-Basin. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 260: 43-53.
  42. Nehmer, P. & Kröncke, I. (2003): Macrofauna communities in the Wichter Ee, a channel system in the East Frisian Wadden Sea. Senckenbergiana marit., 32: 1-10.
  43. Reiss, H. & Knäuper, S. & Kröncke, I. (2003): Invertebrate associations with gastropod shells inhabited by Pagurus bernhardus (Paguridae) – secondary hard substrate increasing biodiversity in North Sea soft-bottom communities. Sarsia, 88: 404-414.
  44. Schöne, B. R. & Kröncke, I. & Houk, S. D. & Freyre Castro, A. D. (2003): The Cornucopia of Chilly Winters: Ocean Quahog (Arctica islandica L., Mollusca) Master Chronology Reveals Bottom Water Nutrient Enrichment during Colder Winters (North Sea). Senckenbergiana marit., 32: 165-175.
  45. Schöne, B. R. & Oschmann, W. & Rössler, J. & Freyre Castro, A. D. & Houk, S.D. & Kröncke, I. & Dreyer, W. & Janssen, R. & Rumohr, H. & Dunca, E. (2003): North Atlantic oscillation dynamics recorded in shells of a long-lived bivalve mollusk. Geology, 31 (12): 1037-1040.
  46. Stoeck, T. & Kröncke, I. & Garland, J. (2003): Functional profiles of microbial communities in southern and central North Sea sediments in relation to organic carbon input. Senckenbergiana marit., 32: 11-23.
  47. Strasser, M. & Dekker, R. & Essink, K. & Günther, C.-P. & Jaklin, S. & Kröncke, I. & Madsen, P. Brinch & Michaelis, H. & Vedel, G. (2003): How predictable is high bivalve recruitment after a severe winter in the Wadden Sea? J. Sea Res., 49: 47-57.
  48. Wieking, G. & Kröncke, I. (2003): Abundance and growth of the sea urchin Echinocardium cordatum in the central North Sea in the late 80s and 90s. Senckenbergiana marit., 32: 113-124.
  49. Wieking, G. & Kröncke, I. (2003): Benthic communities of the Dogger Bank (central North Sea) in the late 90s: Spatial distribution, species composition and trophic structure. Helgol. Mar. Res., 57: 34-46.
  50. Wieking, G. & Kröncke, I. (2003): Klimatisch bedingte Veränderungen im Benthos der Nordsee. In: Lozan, J. et al. (Hrsg.): Warnsignale aus der Nordsee: 172-175pp., Hamburg, Wiss. Auswertungen.
  51. Hinz, H., Kröncke, I., Ehrich S. (2004): Seasonal and annual mesoscale variability of an epifaunal community in the German Bight. Mar. Biol. 144: 735-745.
  52. Reiss, H., Kröncke, I. (2004): Seasonal variability of epibenthic communities in different areas of the southern North Sea. ICES J. Sea Res. 61(6): 882-905
  53. Kröncke, I., Stoeck, T., Wieking, G., Palojaervi, A. (2004): Relationship between structure and function of microbial and macrofaunal communities in different areas of the North Sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 282:13-31
  54. Schöne, B.R., Freyre Castro, A.D., Fiebig, J., Houk, S.D., Oschmann, W., Kröncke, I. (2004): Sea surface water temperatures over the period 1884-1983 reconstructed from oxygen isotope ratios of a bivalve mollusk shell (Arctica islandica, southern North Sea). Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology 212: 215-232
  55. Wieking, G., Kröncke, I. (2005): Is benthic trophic structure affected by food quality? The Dogger Bank example. Mar. Biol. 146:387-400.
  56. Schöne, B.R., Houk, S.D., Freyre Castro, A.D., Fiebig, J., Kröncke, I., Dreyer, I., Oschmann, W. (2005): Daily growth rates in Arctica islandica: Assessing subseasonal temperature records. Palaios 20:78-92.
  57. Reiss, H., Neumann, H., Kröncke, I. (2005): Chelar height – body weight relationships of North Sea hermit crabs (Paguridae). ICES J. Sea Res. 62:723-726
  58. Reiss, H., Kröncke, I. (2005): Seasonal variability of endobenthic community structures in three areas of the North Sea under different environmental conditions. Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 65:253-274
  59. Hinz, H., Kröncke, I., Ehrich, S. (2005). The feeding strategy of dab (Limanda limanda) in the southern North Sea: Linking stomach contents to prey availability in the environment. J Fish Biol 67 (Suppl. B): 1-21
  60. Reiss, H., Kröncke, I. (2006). Temporal patterns of endobenthic communities in the North Sea: interannual vs. intraannual variability. Senckenbergiana maritima 36(1): 11-18.
  61. Reiss, H., Meybohm, K., Kröncke, I. (2006). Cold winter (1995/96) effects on macrofauna communities in near- and offshore regions of the North Sea. Helgol. Mar. Res. 60: 224-238.
  62. Kröncke, I. (2006). Structure and function of macrofaunal communities influenced by hydrodynamically controlled food availability in the Wadden Sea, the open North Sea and the deep-sea. Habilitationsschrift Univ. Oldenburg, 88 pp.
  63. Reiss, H., Kröncke, I., Ehrich, S. (2006). Estimating catch efficiency of a 2 m beam trawl for sampling epifauna by removal experiments. ICES J. Sea Res. 63: 1453-1464.
  64. Kröncke, I. (2006). Structure and function of macrofaunal communities influenced by hydrodynamically controlled food availability in the Wadden Sea, the open North Sea and the deep-sea. A synopsis. Senckenbergiana maritima 36(2): 123-164.
  65. Reiss, H., Wieking, G., Kröncke, I. (2007). Benthic microflora of the Dogger Bank: a comparison between shallow and deep areas usingphytopigment composition of the sediment. Mar. Biol. 150: 1061-1071.
  66. Ehrich, S., Adlerstein, S., Brockmann, U., Floeter, J., Garthe, S., Hinz, H., Kröncke, I., Neumann, H., Reiss, H., Sell, A.F., Stein, M., Stelzenmüller, V., Stransky, C., Temming, A., Wegner, G., Zauke, G.-P. (2007). 20 years of the German Small-Scale Bottom Trawl Survey (GSBTS): A review. Senckenbergiana marit. 37: 13-82.
  67. Kröncke, I., Wieking, G., Neumann H., Dippner J.W. (2007): Long-term studies reveal climate-induced changes in benthic communities of the North Sea. Ocean Challenge 15: 19-23.
  68. Neumann, H., Ehrich, S., Kröncke, I. (2008). Spatial variability of epifaunal communities in the North Sea in relation to sampling effort. Helgol. Mar. Res. 62: 215-225.
  69. Neumann, H., Ehrich, S., Kröncke, I. (2008). Temporal variability of an epibenthic community in the German Bight affected by cold winter and climate. Clim. Res. 37:241-251.
  70. Vöge, S., Reiss, H., Kröncke, I. (2008). Macrofauna succession in an infilling salt marsh clay pit. Senckenbergiana marit. 38: 93-106.
  71. Noffke, A., Hertweck, G., Kröncke., I., Wehrmann, A. (2009). Particle size selection and tube-structure of the polychaete Owenia fusiformis. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 81: 160-168.
  72. Neumann, H., Ehrich, S., Kröncke, I. (2009). Variability of epifauna and temperature in the northern North Sea. Mar. Biol. 156:1817–1826.
  73. Neumann, H., Reiss, H., Rakers, S., Ehrich, S., Kröncke, I. (2009). Temporal variability of southern North Sea epifauna communities after the cold winter 1995/1996. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 66: 2233-2243.
  74. Reiss, H., Greenstreet, S., Sieben, K., Ehrich, S., Piet, G., Quirijns, F., Robinson, L., Wolff, W., Kröncke, I. (2009). Effects of fishing disturbance on benthic communities and secondary production within an intensively fished area. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 394: 201-213.
  75. Reiss, H., Degraer, S., Duineveld, G., Kröncke, I., Craeymeersch, J., Aldridge, J.N., Eggleton, J., Hillewaert, H., Lavaleye, M., Moll, A., Pohlmann, T., Rachor, E., Robertson, M., Vanden Berghe, E., Van Hoey, G., Rees, H.L. (2010). Spatial patterns of infauna, epifauna and demersal fish communities and underlying processes in the North Sea. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 67: 278–293. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsp253
  76. Markert, A., Kröncke, I., Wehrmann, A. (2010). Recently established Crassostrea-reefs vs. native Mytilus-beds: Differences in habitat engineering affects the macrofaunal communities (Wadden Sea of Lower Saxony, southern German Bight). Biol. Invasions 12 (1): 15-32.
  77. Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2010). Long-term variability of benthic indices off the island of Norderney in the southern North Sea. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 60:58-68. Doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2009.09.001
  78. Robinson, L.A., Greenstreet, S.P.R., Reiss, H., Callaway, R., Craeymeersch, J., de Boois, I., Degraer, S., Ehrich, S., Fraser, H.M., Goffin, A., Kröncke. I.,  Lindal Jørgenson, L., Robertson, M.R., Lancaster, J. (2010). Morphometric relationships of 240 North Sea benthic invertebrates and fish. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK doi:10.1017/S0025315409991408
  79. Schückel, S., Ehrich, S., Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2010). Linking diet composition of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) to benthic prey availability in three different areas in the northern North Sea. J. Fish Biol. 77: 98–118.
  80. Weinert, M., Kröncke, I., Floeter, J., Sell, A. (2010). The role of prey composition for the condition of grey gurnard (Eutrigla gurnardus). J. Appl. Ichthyol. 26 (Suppl. 1): 75-84.
  81. Neumann H, Kröncke I, Ehrich S (2010) Establishment of the angular crab Goneplax rhomboides (Linnaeus, 1758) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) in the southern North Sea. Aquatic Invasion 5: S27 – S30.
  82. Schückel, U., Ehrich, S., Kröncke, I. (2010). Temporal variability of three macrofauna communities in the northern North Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 89:1-11.
  83.  Dippner, J.W., Junker, K., Kröncke, I. (2010). Biological regime shifts and changes in predictability. Geophysical Research Letters 37: L24701, 5 pp.
  84. Neumann, H., Kröncke, I. (2011). The effect of temperature on the ecological functioning of epifauna in the German Bight. Marine Ecology 32 (Suppl. 1): 49-57.
  85. Colijn, F., Fanger, H.-U., Boersma, M., Franke, H.-D., Ehrich, S., Kraberg, A., Kröncke, I., Wiltshire, K. (2011). Klimabedingte Änderungen in aquatischen Ökosystemen: Elbe, Wattenmeer und Nordsee. In: Storch, H. von, Claussen, M. (Hrsg.), Klimabericht für die Metropolregion Hamburg, Springer: 177-194.
  86. Kröncke, I., Reiss, H., Eggleton, J.D., Aldridge, J., Bergman, M.J.N., Cochrane, S., Craeymeersch, J., Degraer, S., Desroy, N., Dewarumez, J.-M., Duineveld, G., Essink, K., Hillewaert, H., Lavaleye, M.S.S., Moll, A., Nehring, S., Newell, J., Oug, E., Pohlmann, T., Rachor, E., Robertson, M., Rumohr, H., Schratzberger, M., Smith, R., Vanden Berghe, E., van Dalfsen, J., van Hoey, G., Vincx, M., Willems, W., Rees, H.L. (2011). Changes in North Sea macrofauna communities and species distribution between 1986 and 2000. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 94: 1-15.
  87. Kröncke, I., Neumann, H., Reiss, H., Schückel, U. (2011). Wie reagieren die Benthosgemeinschaften der offenen Nordsee auf die globale Erwärmung? In: Lozán, J.L., Graßl, H., Karbe, L., Reise, K. (eds.) Warnsignal Klima: Die Meere – Änderungen und Risiken: 183-188. Hamburg, Wiss. Auswertungen
  88. Schückel, S., Sell, A., Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2011). Diet composition and resource partitioning of two small flatfish species in the German Bight. J. Sea Res. 66: 195- 204.
  89. Kröncke, I. (2011). Changes in Dogger Bank macrofauna communities in the 20th century caused by fishing and climate. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 94 (3): 234-245. 
  90. Reiss, H., Cunze, S., König, K., Neumann, H., Kröncke, I. (2011). Species distribution modelling of marine benthos: a North Sea case study. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 442: 71-86.
  91. Katsanevakis S, Stelzenmüller V, South A, Sørensen T K, Jones P J S, Kerr S, Badalamenti F, Anagnostou C, Breen P, Chust G, D’anna G, Duijn M, Filatova T, Fiorentino F, Hulsman H, Karageorgis A, Kröncke I, Mirto S, Pipitone C, Portelli S, Qiu W, Reiss H, Sakellariou D, Salomidi M, Van Hoof L, Vassilopoulou V, Vega T, Vöge S, Weber A, Zenetos A, and ter Hofstede R (2011) Ecosystem-based marine spatial management: review of concepts, policies, tools, and critical issues. Ocean and Coastal Management 54: 807-820.
  92. Birchenough, S.N.R., Degraer, S., Reiss, H., Borja, A., Braeckman, U., Craeymeersch, J., De Mesel, I., Kerckhof, F., Kröncke, I., Mieszkowska, N., Parra, S., Rabaut, M., Schroeder, A., van Colen, C., van Hoey, G., Vincx M., Wätjen K. (2011). Responses of marine benthos to climate change. In: Reid, P.C., Valdes, L. (eds.) ICES status report on climate change in the North Atlantic. ICES Coop. Res. Rep. 310: 123-146.
  93. Schückel, U., Beck, M., Kröncke, I. (2012). Spatial variability in structural and functional aspects of macrofauna communities and their environmental parameters in the Jade Bay (Wadden Sea Lower Saxony, southern North Sea). Helgoland Marine Research DOI 10.1007/s10152-012-0309-0
  94. Schückel, S., Sell, A., Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2012). Diet overlap between commercial and non-commercial flatfish species in the southern North Sea. J. Fish Biol. 80: 2571–2594.
  95. Schückel, S., Sell, A.F., Kihara, T.C., Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2012). Meiofauna as food source for small-sized demersal fish in the southern North Sea. Helgoland Mar. Res. DOI 10.1007/s10152-012-0316-1
  96. Junker, K., Sovilj, D., Kröncke, I., Dippner, J.W. (2012). Climate induced changes in benthic macrofauna – a non-linear model approach. J. Mar. Systems 96-97: 90-94.
  97. Katsanevakis S., Weber A., Pipitone C., Leopold M., Cronin, M., Doyle, T.K., Buhl-Mortensen, L., Buhl-Mortensen, P., D’Anna, G., de Boois, I., Dalpadado, P., Damalas, D., Fiorentino, F., Garofalo, G., Giacalone, V.M., Hawley, K.L., Issaris, Y., Jansen, J., Knight, C.M., Knittweis, L., Kröncke, I., Mirto, S., Muxika, I., Reiss, H., Skjoldal, H.R., Vöge, S. (2012). Monitoring marine populations and communities: methods dealing with imperfect detectability. Aquatic Biology 16:31-52.
  98. Neumann, H., Reiss, H., Ehrich, S., Sell, A., Panten, K., Kloppmann, M., Wilhelms, I., Kröncke, I. (2013). Benthos and demersal fish habitats in the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the North Sea. Helgoland Mar. Res. 67: 445-459.
  99. Schückel, S., Sell, A.F., Kihara, T.C., Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2013). Meiofauna as food source for small-sized demersal fish in the southern North Sea. Helgoland Mar. Res. 67:203–218.
  100. Schückel, U., Beck, M., Kröncke, I. (2013). Spatial variability in structural and functional aspects of macrofauna communities and their environmental parameters in the Jade Bay (Wadden Sea Lower Saxony, southern North Sea). Helgoland Marine Research 67:121–136.
  101. Schückel, U., Kröncke, I. (2013). Temporal changes in intertidal macrofauna communities over eight decades: A result of eutrophication and climate change. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 117: 210-218.
  102. Neumann, H., de Boois, I., Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2013). Climate change facilitated range expansion of the non-native Angular crab Goneplax rhomboides into the North Sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 484: 143–153.
  103. Kröncke, I., Reiss, H., Dippner, J.W. (2013). Effects of cold winters and regime shifts on macrofauna communities in the southern North Sea. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 119: 79-90.
  104. Sell, A.F., Kröncke, I. (2013). Correlations between benthic habitats and demersal fish assemblages – A case study on the Dogger Bank (North Sea). J. Sea Res. 80: 12–24.
  105. Markert, E., Holler, P., Kröncke, I., Bartholomä, A. (2013). Benthic habitat mapping using hydroacoustic and ground-truthing methods in coastal waters of the German Bight. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci.129: 94-104.
  106. Kröncke, I., Reiss, H., Türkay, M. (2013). Macro- and megafauna communities in three deep basins of the South-East Atlantic. Deep-Sea Res. I 81: 25-35.
  107. Emeis, K.C., van Beusekom, J., Callies, U., Ebinghaus, R., Kannen, A., Kraus, G., Kröncke, I., Lenhart, H., Lorkowski, I., Matthias, V., Möllmann, C., Pätsch, J., Scharfe, M., Thomas, H., Weisse, R., Zorita, E. (2014). The North Sea – A shelf sea in the Anthropocene. J. Mar. Systems, in press.
  108. Connolly, S.R., MacNeil, M.A., Caley, M.J.,  Knowlton, N.,  Cripps, E., Hisanoa, M., Thibaut, L.M., BhattacharyaeB.D., Benedetti-Cecchi, L., Brainard, R.E., Brandt, A., Bulleri, F., Ellingsen, K.E., Kaiser, S., Kröncke, I., Linsel, K., Maggi, E., O’Hara, T.D. Plaisance, L., Poorem, G.B.C., Sarkare, S.K., Satpathyn, K.K., Schückel, U., Williams, A., Wilson, R.S. (2014). Commonness and rarity in the marine biosphere. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (23):8524-8529.
  109. Dippner, J.W., Möller, C., Kröncke, I. (2014). Persistency of the North Atlantic Oscillation and its biological implication. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2 (57): 1-8.
  110. Emeis, K.C., van Beusekom, J., Callies, U., Ebinghaus, R., Kannen, A., Kraus, G., Kröncke, I., Lenhart, H., Lorkowski, I., Matthias, V., Möllmann, C., Pätsch, J., Scharfe, M., Thomas, H., Weisse, R., Zorita, E. (2015). The North Sea – A shelf sea in the Anthropocene. J. Mar. Systems 141:18-33.
  111. Stelzenmüller, V., Fock, H.O., Gimpel, A., Seidel, H., Diekmann, R., Probst, W.N, Callis, U., Bockelmann, F., Neumann, H., Kröncke, I.(2015). Quantitative environmental risk assessments in the context of marine spatial management: Current approaches and some perspectives. ICES J Sea Res. 72(3): 1022-1042.
  112. Birchenough, S.N.R., Degraer, S., Reiss, H., Borja, A., Braeckman, U., Craeymeersch, J., De Mesel, I., Kerckhof, F., Kröncke, I., Mieszkowska, N., Parra, S., Rabaut, M., Schröder, A., Van Colen, C., Van Hoey, G., Vincx, M., Wätjen, K. (2015). Response of marine benthos to climate changes. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 6 (2):203-223.
  113. Markert, E., Kröncke, I., Kubicki, A. (2015). Small scale morphodynamics of shoreface-connected ridges and their impact on benthic macrofauna. J. Sea Res. 99: 47-55.
  114. Gutperlet, R., Capperucci, R.M., Bartholomä, A., Kröncke, I. (2015). Benthic biodiversity changes in response to dredging activities during the construction of a deep-water port. Marine Biodiversity 45(4): 819-839.
  115. Schückel, U., Beck, M., Kröncke, I. (2015). Spatial distribution and structuring factors of subtidal macrofauna communities in the Wadden Sea (Jade Bay). Marine Biodiversity 45: 841-855.
  116. Schückel, U., Kröncke, I., Baird, D. (2015) Linking long-term changes in trophic structure and function of an intertidal macrobenthic system to eutrophication and climate change by using ecological network analysis. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 536:25-38.
  117. Bowler, D.E., Haase, P., Kröncke, I., Tackenberg, O., Bauer, H.G., Brendel, C., Brooker, R., Gerisch, M., Henle, K., Hickler, T., Hof, C., Klotz, S., Kühn, I., Matesanz, S., O‘Hara, R., Russell, D., Schweiger, O., Valladares, F., Welk, E., Böhning-Gaese, K.(2015). A cross-taxa analysis of the impact of climate change on abundance trends. Biological Conservation 187: 41-50.
  118. Dippner, J.W., Kröncke,I. (2015). Ecological forecasting in the presence of abrupt regime shifts. J. Mar. Systems 150: 34-40.
  119. Oehler, T., Martinez, R., Schückel, U., Winter, C., Kröncke, I., Schlüter, M. (2015). Seasonal and spatial variations of benthic oxygen and nitrogen fluxes in the Helgoland Mud Area (southern North Sea). Continental Shelf Research 106: 118-129.
  120. Harris, R.J., Pilditch, C.A., Greenfield, B.L., Moon, V., Krӧncke, I. (2015). The influence of benthic macrofauna on the erodibility of intertidal sediments with varying mud content in three New Zealand estuaries. Estuaries and Coasts, in press
  121. Weinert, M., Kröncke, I., Mathis, M., Neumann, H., Pohlmann, T., Reiss, H. (2016). Modeling climate change effects on North Sea benthos: distributional shifts from 2001 to 2099. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci.175: 157-168.
  122. Neumann, H., Diekmann, R., Kröncke, I. (2016). The influence of habitat characteristics and fishing effort on functional composition of epifauna in the south-eastern North Sea. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 169: 182-194.
  123. Müller, F., Bergmann, M., Dannowski, R., Dippner, J.W., Gnauck, A., Haase, P., Jochimsen, M.C., Kasprzak, P., Klotz, S., Kröncke, I., Kümmerlin, R., Küster, M., Lischeid, G., Meesenburg, H., Merz, C., Millat, G., Müller, J., Padisák, J., Schimming, C.G., Schubert, H., Schuldt, M., Selmeczy, G., Shatwell, T., Stoll, S., Schwabe, M., Soltwedel, T., Straile, D., Theuerkauf, M. (2015). Assessing resilience in long-term ecological data sets. Ecological Indicators
  124. Singer, A., Schückel, U., Beck, M., Bleich, O., Brumsack, H.-J., Freund, H., Geimecke, C., Lettmann, K.A., Millat, G., Staneva, J., Vanselow, A., Westphal, H., Wolff, J.-O.,  Wurpts, A., Kröncke, I. (2016). Evaluating species distribution models with historical macrofauna data: a hindcast for the Jade Bay (North Sea, Germany). Marine Ecology Progress Series 551:13-30.
  125. Meyer, J., Kröncke, I., Bartholomä, A., Dippner, J.W., Schückel, U. (2016). Long-term changes in species composition of demersal fish and epifauna species in the Jade area (German Wadden Sea/ North Sea) since 1972. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 181: 284-293.
  126. Adolph, W., Schückel, U., Son, C.S., Jung, R., Bartholomä, A., Ehlers, M., Kröncke, I., Lehner, S., Farke, H. (2016). Monitoring spatiotemporal trends in intertidal bedforms of the German Wadden Sea in 2009–2015 with TerraSAR-X, including links with sediments and benthic macrofauna. Geo-Marine Letters 37: 79-91.
  127. Holler, P., Markert, E., Bartholomä, A., Capperucci, R., Hass, H.-C., Kröncke, I., Mielck, F., Reimers, H.-C. (2017). Tools to evaluate seafloor integrity: comparison of multi-device acoustic seafloor classifications for benthic macrofauna-driven patterns in the German Bight, southern North. Geo-Marine Letters 37: 93-109.
  128. Bowler, D.E., Hof, C., Haase, P., Kröncke, I., Schweiger, O., Adrian, R., Baert, L., Bauer, H.-G.,  Blick, T., Brooker, R.W., Dekoninck, W., Domisch, S., Eckmann, R., Hendrickx, F., Hickler, T., Klotz, S., Kraberg, A., Kühn, I., Matesanz, S., Meschede, A., Neumann, H., O’Hara, R., Russell, D.J., Sell, A.F., Sonnewald, M., Stoll, S., Sundermann, A., Tackenberg, O., Türkay, M., Valladares, F., van Herk, K., van Klink, R., Vermeulen, R., Voigtländer, K., Wagner, R., Welk, E., Wiemers, M., Wiltshire, K.H., Böhning-Gaese, K. (2016). Cross-realm assessment of climate-change impacts on species’ abundance trend. Nature Ecology and Evolution 1: 0067.
  129. Gutperlet, R., Capperucci, R.M., Bartholomä, A., Kröncke, I. (2017). Relationships between spatial patterns of macrofauna communities, sediments and hydroacoustic backscatter data in a highly heterogeneous and human disturbed environment. Journal of Sea Research 121: 33-46.
  130. Singer, A., Staneva, J., Millat, G., Kröncke, I. (2017). Modelling benthic macrofauna and seagrass distribution patterns in a North Sea tidal basin in response to 2050 climatic and environmental scenarios. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 188: 99-108.
  131. Neumann, H., Diekmann, R., Emeis, K.-C., Kleeberg, U., Moll, A., Kröncke, I. (2017). Full-coverage spatial distribution of epibenthic communities in the south-eastern North Sea in relation to habitat characteristics and fishing effort. Marine Environmental Research 130: 1-11.
  132. Bowler, D.E., Haase, P., Hof, C., Kröncke, I., Baert, L., Dekoninck, W., Domisch, S., Hendrickx, H., Hickler, T., Neumann, H., O’Hara, R.B., Sell, A.F., Sonnewald, M., Stoll, S., Türkay, M., van Klink, R., Schweiger, O., Vermeulen, R., Böhning-Gaese, K. (2017). Cross-taxa generalities in the relationship between population abundance and ambient temperatures. Proceedings Royal Society B 284: 20170870.
  133. Lange, G., Haynert, K., Dinter, T., Scheu, S., Kröncke, I. (2018). Adaptation of benthic invertebrates to food sources from marine to terrestrial boundaries: determination by carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. J. Sea Res. 131: 12-21.
  134. Silberberger, M.J., Renaud, P.E., Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2018). Food web structure in four locations along the European shelf indicates spatial differences in ecosystem functioning. Frontiers in Marine Science in press
  135. Silberberger, M.J., Renaud, P.E., Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2018). Food web structure in four locations along the European shelf indicates spatial differences in ecosystem functioning. Frontiers in Marine Science 5:119.
  136. Brandt, A., Scholz, J., Allspach, A., Brenke, N., Brix, S., George, K.H., Hörnschemeyer, T., Holst, S., Hoppenrath, M., Iwan, F., Janssen, A., Janssen, R., Janussen, D., Jeskulke, K., Fiege, D., Kaiser, S., Kieneke, A., Kihara, T.C., Kröncke, I., Krupp, F., Martha, S.O., Martínez Arbizu, P.M., Meißner, K., Miljutina, M., Miljutin, D., Renz, J., Riehl, T., Saeedi, H., Siegler, V., Sonnewald, M., Stuckas, H. Veit-Köhler, G. (2018). 200 Years of Marine Research at Senckenberg – Selected Highlights. Marine Biodiversity 48:159–
  137. Zettler, M.L., Beermann, J., Dannheim, J., Ebbe, B., Grotjahn, M., Günther, C.-P., Gusky, M., Kind, B., Kröncke, I., Kuhlenkamp, R., Orendt, C., Rachor, E., Schanz, A., Schröder, A., Schüler, L., Witt, J. (2018). An annotated checklist of macrozoobenthic species in German waters of the North and Baltic Seas. Helgoland Marine Research 72: 5, 10 pp.
  138. Umbricht, J., Dippner, J.W., Fry, B., Kröncke, I., Liskow, I., Nehmer, P., Thoms, F., Voss, M. (2018). Influence of preservation methods on the isotopic composition (δ13C and δ15N) of macrozoobenthos. Marine Ecology Progress Series 595: 1-13.
  139. de la Vega, C., Schückel, U., Horn, S., Kröncke, I., Asmus, R., Asmus, H. (2018). How to include ecological network analysis results in management? A case study of three tidal basins of the Wadden Sea, south-eastern North Sea. Ocean and Coastal Management 163: 401-416.
  140. Meyer, J., Nehmer, P., Moll, A., Kröncke, I. (2018). Shifting south-eastern North Sea macrofauna community structure since 1986: A response to de-eutrophication and regionally decreasing food supply? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 213: 115-127.
  141. Kröncke, I., Becker, L.R., Badewien, T., Bartholomä, A., Schulz, A.-C., Zielinski, O. (2018). Near- and offshore macrofauna communities and their physical environment: A case study for a south-eastern North Sea sandy beach system. Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 497: 1-11.
  142. Meyer, J., Nehmer, P., Kröncke, I. (2019). Shifting south-eastern North Sea macrofauna bioturbation potential over the past three decades: A response to increasing SST and regionally decreasing food supply. Marine Ecology Progress Series 609: 17-32.
  143. Lange, G., Schmitt, J., Kröncke, I., Moorthi, S., Rohde, S., Scheu, S., Schupp, P. (2019). The role of invasive marine plants for macrofauna nutrition in the Wadden Sea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 512: 1-11.
  144. Zhang, W., Wirtz, K., Daewel, U., Wrede, A., Kröncke, I., Kuhn, G., Neumann, A., Meyer, J., Ma, M., Schrum, C. (2019). The budget of macrobenthic reworked organic carbon – a modelling case study of the North Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences: 124.
  145. Kröncke, I., Neumann, H., Dippner, J.W., Holbrook, S., Lamy, T., Miller, R., Padedda, B.M., Pulina, S., Reed, D., Reinikainen, M., Satta, C.T., Sechi, N., Soltwedel, T., Suikkanen, S., Lugliè, A. (2019). Comparison of common long-term marine ecological trends related to northern hemisphere climate. Nature Conservation 34: 311-341.
  146. Olivier, P., Frelat, R., Bonsdorff, E., Kortsch, S., Kröncke, I., Möllmann, C., Neumann, H., Nowicki, M., Sell, A.F., Nordström, M.C. (2019) Exploring the temporal variability of a food web using long-term biomonitoring data. Ecography 42: 2107–2121.
  147. Meyer, J., Kröncke, I. (2019). Shifts in functional and structural south-eastern North Sea macrofauna community structure. PlosOne 14(12):e0226410
  148. Becker, L.R., Bartholomä, A., Singer, A., Bischof, K., Coers, S., Kröncke, I. (2020). Small-scale distribution modeling of benthic species in a protected natural hard ground area in the German North Sea (Helgoländer Steingrund). Geo-Marine Letters 40: 167-181.
  149. Lange, G., Bininda-Emonds, O.R.P., Hillebrand, H., Meier, D., Moorthi, S.D., Schmitt, J.A., Zielinski, O., Kröncke, I. (2020). Elevation gradient affects the development of macrozoobenthic communities in the Wadden Sea: A field experiment with artificial islands. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 523: 151268.
  150. Becker, L.R., Ehrenberg, A., Feldrappe, V., Kröncke, I., Bischof, K. (2020). The role of artificial material for benthic communities – Establishing different concrete materials as hard bottom. Marine Environmental Research161:105081.
  151. Pilotto, F., Kühn, I., Adrian, R., Alber, R., Alignier, A., Andrews, C., Bäck, J., Barbaro, L., Beaumont, D., Beenaerts, N., Benham, S., Boukal , D.S., Bretagnolle, V., Camatti, E., Canullo, R., Cardoso, P.G., Ens, B.G., Everaert, G., Evtimova, V., Feuchtmayr, H., García-González, R., Gómez García, D., Grandin, U., Gutowski, J.M., Hadar, L., Halada, L., Halassy, M., Hummel, H., Huttunen, K.-L., Jaroszewicz, B., Jensen, T.C., Kalivoda, H., Kappel Schmidt, I., Kröncke, I., Leinonen, R., Martinho, F., Meesenburg, H., Meyer, J., Minerbi, S., Monteith, D., Nikolov, B.P., Oro, D., Ozoliņš, D., Padedda, B.M., Pallett, D., Pansera, M., Pardal, M.A., Petriccione, B., Pipan, T., Pöyry, J., Schäfer, S.M., Schaub, M, Schneider, S.C., Skuja, A., Soetaert, K., Spriņģe, G., Stanchev, R., Stockan, J.A., Stoll, S., Sundqvist, L., Thimonier, A., Van Hoey, G., Van Ryckegem, G., Visser, M.E., Vorhauser, S., Haase, P. (2020). Meta-analysis of multidecadal biodiversity trends in Europe. Nature Communications 11:3486.
  152. Becker, L.R., Kröncke, I., Ehrenberg, A., Feldrappe, V., Bischof, K. (subm.). Is there a difference? Succession patterns on different concrete materials introduced to a German deep-water port. Helgoland Marine Research
  153. Weinert, M., Mathis, M., Kröncke, I., Pohlmann, T., Reiss, H. (subm.). Climate change effects on Marine Protected Areas: projected decline of benthic species in the North Sea. Marine Environmental Research
  154. Tschink, D., Hahner, F., Lange, G., Kröncke, I., Wolff, J.-O., Lettmann, K., Gerlach, G. (subm.). Environment and behaviour drive colonisation in newly-derived tidal habitats. Applied Ecology

Not reviewed publications

  1. Kröncke, I., 1990. The macrofauna standing stock of the Dogger Bank. A comparison: 1950-54 versus 1985-87. ICES C.M. 1990/Mini:3.
  2. Thiel, H., I. Kröncke & K. Frauenheim, 1991. Langzeituntersuchungen – Was unsere Großväter nicht wußten. In: H. THIEL (ed.): Kurs Nord – Meeresforschung mit VALDIVIA, Boysen & Co.: 25-30.
  3. Kröncke, I., 1992. The ecology of the Dogger Bank: The actual state of knowledge. ICES C.M./E:42:1-7.
  4. Kröncke, I., 1992. Benthos. In: Fütterer, D.K. (ed.): ARCTIC ’91: Die Expedition ARK-VIII/3 mit FS “Polarstern” 1991. Berichte zur Polarforschung 107: 41-44.
  5. Kröncke, I. & R. Knust, 1992. Seasonal variation in macrofaunal abundance on the Dogger Bank in relationship to stomach content of dab (Limanda limanda). ICES C.M. /G:80: 1-10.
  6. Kröncke, I., 1993. Das Benthos der Nordsee. In: W. Lenz, E. Rachor & B. Watermann (eds.) “Geht es der Nordsee besser?”, SDN-Kolloquium, Hamburg, 83-90.
  7. Kröncke, I., 1993. Environmental changes in the central southern North Sea.- North Sea Monitor, Dec. 93, SEAS AT RISK, Amsterdam, 4-5.
  8. Rachor, E., J. Harms, W. Heiber, I. Kröncke, H. Michaelis, K. Reise & K.H. van Bernem, 1995. Rote Liste der bodenlebenden Wirbellosen des deutschen Wattenmeer- und Nordseebereichs. Schr.-R. f. Landschaftspfl. u. Natursch. 44: 63-74.
  9. Leuchs, H., S. Nehring, R. Hagendorff, I. Kröncke, J. Stecher, 1996. Dauerklappstelle Brunsbüttel – Auswirkungen auf das Makrozoobenthos. BfG Mitt. 11: 53-59.
  10. Kröncke, I., B. Zeiss, S. Dahms, 1997. Makrofauna-Langzeitreihe im Inselvorfeld von Norderney. Abschlußbericht Umweltbundesamt Nr. 98-021: 1-139.
  11. Kröncke, I.,  B.P. Albers, B.  Behrends, P.  Brocks, A. Hild, K. Knauth-Köhler & T. Leu, 1997. Macrofauna and micro-organisms in relation to geochemically transformed organic matter in the vicinity of a mussel bed. In: Flemming, B.W., M.T. Delafontaine & G. Liebezeit (eds). Muddy Coasts ´97. Forschungszentrum Terramare Berichte 2:54.
  12. Kröncke, I., 1998. Langzeitveränderungen in den Lebensgemeinschaften am Meeresboden der Nordsee. SDN Magazin: 30-32.
  13. Kröncke, I., 1998. Die Lebensgemeinschaften im Wattboden. In: M. Türkay (Hrsg.) Wattenmeer. Kleine Senckenberg-Reihe 29: 73-76.
  14. Kröncke, I., 1998. Miesmuscheln. In: M. Türkay (Hrsg.) Wattenmeer. Kleine Senckenberg-Reihe 29: 77-80.
  15. Kröncke, I., 1998. Extremereignisse im Wattenmeer. In: M. Türkay (Hrsg.) Wattenmeer. Kleine Senckenberg-Reihe 29: 81-84.
  16. Kröncke, I., 1998. Langzeitveränderungen in den Bodentiergemeinschaften im Wattboden. In: M. Türkay (Hrsg.) Wattenmeer. Kleine Senckenberg-Reihe 29: 85-88.
  17. Kröncke, I., 1998. Im Meer lebende Bohrmuscheln und Bohrasseln. Natur u. Mus. 128(8): 255-256.
  18. Fiege, D., A. Allspach, M. Apel, R. Barnich, Ch. O. Coleman, S. Doulgeraki, T. Jellinek, M. Kitsos, A. Koukouras, I. Kröncke, W. Rosenboom (1999). Benthos und Plankton Studies (M40/3) – Macro- and Megabenthos. Meteor-Berichte 99-2: 114-116.
  19. de Jong, F., I. Kröncke, M. Leopold, B. Zeiss (1999). Biology – The Offshore Area: In: de Jong et al. 1999 Wadden Sea Quality Status Report. Wadden Sea Ecosystem 9: 191-196.
  20. Kröncke, I. (1999). Naturschutznahe Meeresforschung in der Nordsee: Kleine Senckenberg-Reihe 32: 95-100.
  21. Königshof, P., H.-P Kopelke., I. Kröncke, D. Mollenhauer (Hrsg.) (1999). Grundlagenforschung für den Naturschutz. Kleine Senckenberg-Reihe 32: 1-134.
  22. Kröncke, I. & G. Wieking (2000). Benthos and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). In: Report of the Benthos Ecology Working Group, ICES CM 2000/E:08, pp. 45-47.
  23. Kröncke, I., Bergfeld, C. (2001). Synthesis and new conception of North Sea Research (SYCON), Working Group 10: Review of the current knowledge on North Sea benthos. Berichte ZMK – Reihe Z 12 : 138pp.
  24. Sündermann, J., Beddig, S., Kröncke, I., Radach, G., Schlünzen K.H. (eds.) (2001). The changing North Sea: Knowledge, speculation and new challenges – Synthesis and new conception of North Sea Research (SYCON). Berichte ZMK – Reihe Z 8: 335pp.
  25. Kröncke, I., Brockmann, U., Floeter, J., Fock, H., Lenhart, H., Pohlmann, T., Radach, G., Tillmann, U. (2001). Understanding of processes. In: Sündermann, J., Beddig, S., Kröncke, I., Radach, G., Schlünzen K.H. (2001). The changing North Sea: Knowledge, speculation and new challenges – Synthesis and new conception of North Sea Research (SYCON). Berichte ZMK – Reihe Z 8: 179-193.
  26. Rick, H., Tillmann, U., Floeter, J., Kröncke, I., Bergfeld, C., Greve, W., Poremba, K. (2001). Marine Biology. In: Sündermann, J., Beddig, S., Kröncke, I., Radach, G., Schlünzen K.H. (2001). The changing North Sea: Knowledge, speculation and new challenges – Synthesis and new conception of North Sea Research (SYCON). Berichte ZMK – Reihe Z 8: 137-161.
  27. Rick, H.-J., Beddig, S., Bergfeld, C., Bester, K., Brockmann, U., Brügmann, L., Floeter, J., Greve, W., Krause, M., Krell, U., Kröncke, I., Lenhart, H., Pohlmann, T., Poremba, K., Radach, G., Schulz, M., Temming, A., Tillmann, U., Topçu, D., Weigel S. (2001). Deficits in the disciplines. In: Sündermann, J., Beddig, S., Kröncke, I., Radach, G., Schlünzen K.H. (2001). The changing North Sea: Knowledge, speculation and new challenges – Synthesis and new conception of North Sea Research (SYCON). Berichte ZMK – Reihe Z 8: 252-268.
  28. Radach, G., Bergfeld, C., Beddig, S., Brockmann, U., Damm, P., Flöter, J., Kröncke, I., Lenhart, H., Rick, H.J. (2001). Data situation. In: Sündermann, J., Beddig, S., Kröncke, I., Radach, G., Schlünzen K.H. (2001). The changing North Sea: Knowledge, speculation and new challenges – Synthesis and new conception of North Sea Research (SYCON). Berichte ZMK – Reihe Z 8: 162-178.
  29. Becker, G. A., Brockmann, U. H., Damm, P., Fleoter, J., Giese, H., Krause, M., Krell, U., Kröncke, I., Tillmann, U., Topcu, D., (2001). Instruments and observational methods. In: Sündermann, J., Beddig, S., Kröncke, I., Radach, G., Schlünzen K.H. (2001). The changing North Sea: Knowledge, speculation and new challenges – Synthesis and new conception of North Sea Research (SYCON). Berichte ZMK – Reihe Z 8: 212-238.
  30. Radach, G., Beddig, S., Kröncke, I. (2001). The present status of the North Sea. In: Sündermann, J., Beddig, S., Kröncke, I., Radach, G., Schlünzen K.H. (2001). The changing North Sea: Knowledge, speculation and new challenges – Synthesis and new conception of North Sea Research (SYCON). Berichte ZMK – Reihe Z 8: 20- 32.
  31. Brockmann, U., Topçu, D., Becker, G., Floeter, J., Fock, H., Krell, U., KRÖNCKE, I., Pohlmann, T., Tillmann, U. (2001). Changes in the status of the North Sea ecosystem. In: Sündermann, J., Beddig, S., Kröncke, I., Radach, G., Schlünzen K.H. (2001). The changing North Sea: Knowledge, speculation and new challenges – Synthesis and new conception of North Sea Research (SYCON). Berichte ZMK – Reihe Z 8: 33-43.
  32. Kröncke, I., Nehmer, P., Reiss, H., Rensing, C., Stoeck, T., Wieking, G. (2001). Die Nordsee im Wandel – Benthosuntersuchungen in der Nordsee mit FK „Senckenberg“. Natur und Museum 131 (10): 351-360.
  33. Kröncke, I. (2001). Die 14. internationale Senckenberg Konferenz „North Sea 2000 – Burning issues of North Sea ecology“ in Wilhelmshaven. Natur und Museum 131 (10). 363.
  34. Busquets, T.; Irion, G., Kröncke, I., Pino, M. (2001): Tonmineralogische und geochemische Untersuchungen zum Sedimenttransport im Elbe Ästuar.- Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 13: 27.
  35. Reiss, H. & Kröncke, I. (2001): Teilprojekt – Ökofaunsitik II: Benthische Makrofauna. In: Flemming, B.W. (ed.) Untersuchungen der ökologischen Entwicklung einer Aussendeichskleipütte als Ergänzung der quantitativen Beweissicherung des Wiederverlandungsprozesses. 1. Zwischenbericht. Senckenberg am Meer Bericht 01-1: 60-74.
  36. Flemming, B.W., Bartholomä, A., Irion, G., Kröncke, I., Wehrmann, A. (2002). Naturraum Wattenmeer. Akad. Geow. Hannover, Veröffentl. 20: 150-159.
  37. Rees, H., S. Cochrane, J. Craeymeersch, M. de Kluijver, S. Degraer, N. Desroy, J.M. Dewarumez, G. Duineveld, K. Essink, H. Hillewaert, R. Kilbride, I. Kröncke, P. Nehmer, E. Rachor, H. Reiß, M. Robertson, H. Rumohr, E. Vanden Berghe & G. Van Hoey (2002). The North Sea Benthos Project: planning, management and objectives. ICES CM 2002/L:09: 10pp.
  38. Türkay, M., Kröncke, I. (2004): Eine Insel unter Wasser: die Doggerbank. Natur und Mus. 134(9): 261-277
  39. Ehrich, S., Reiss, H., Damm, U., Kröncke, I. (2004). Vulnerability of bottom fish species to the standard GOV. ICES CM 2004/D:05.
  40. Busquets, T., Irion, G., Kröncke, I. (2005) Recent and Mid- to Late Holocene sediment transport in the Elbe estuary as revealed by mineralogical and faunistic methods. Schriftenreihe Dt. Gesell. F. Geowiss. 39: 59.
  41. Vöge, S., Reiss, H., Kröncke, I. (2005): Teilprojekt 4: Ökofaunistik II – Benthische Makrofauna. Wiederbesiedlung der verlandenden Aussendeichskleipütte Petersgroden durch benthische Makrofauna 2000-2004. Forschungszentrum Terramare Berichte 14: 46-57.
  42. Vöge, S., Reiss, H., Kröncke, I. (2006). Teilprojekt 4: Ökofaunistik II – Benthische Makrofauna. Wiederbesiedlung der verlandenden Aussendeichskleipütte Petersgroden durch benthische Makrofauna 2000-2005. Abschlussbericht Untersuchungszeitraum April 2003 – März 2006. Senckenberg am Meer Bericht 06-1: 39-51.
  43. Kröncke, I., Türkay, M. (2006). Sediment parameters and hydrographic data. In: Balzer, W., Alheit, J., Emeis, K.-C., Lass, H.U., Türkay, M., South-East Atlantic 2000, Cruise No. 48, 6 July – 3 November 2000. Meteor-Berichte, Universität Hamburg, 06-05: 1-6 – 1-9.
  44. Türkay, M., Allspach, A., Bohn, J., Cristobo, F.J., Fiege, D., Kröncke, I., Rosenboom, W., Ruthensteiner, B., Saiz-Salinas, J.I., Urgorri, V. (2006). Mega-Epifauna. In: Balzer, W., Alheit, J., Emeis, K.-C., Lass, H.U., Türkay, M., South-East Atlantic 2000, Cruise No. 48, 6 July – 3 November 2000. Meteor-Berichte, Universität Hamburg, 06-05: 1-27 – 1-32.
  45. Fiege, D., Barnich, R., Cristobo, F.J., Hilbig, B., Jellinek, T., Kröncke, I., Mühlenhardt-Siegel, U., Purschke, G., Saiz-Salinas, J.I., Urgorri, V. (2006). Macroinfauna collected from box cores. In: Balzer, W., Alheit, J., Emeis, K.-C., Lass, H.U., Türkay, M., South-East Atlantic 2000, Cruise No. 48, 6 July – 3 November 2000. Meteor-Berichte, Universität Hamburg, 06-05: 1-19 – 1-22.
  46. Greenstreet, S., Robinson, L., Piet, G., Craeymeersch, J., Callaway, R., Reiss, H., Ehrich, S., Kröncke, I., Fraser, H., Lancaster, J., Jorgensen, L., Goffin, A. (2007): The ecological disturbance caused by fishing in the North Sea. Fisheries Research Services, Col. Report No 04/07: 169 pp.
  47. Greenstreet, S., Robinson, L., Piet, G., Callaway, R., Reiss, H., Ehrich, S., Kröncke, I., Craeymeersch, J., Lancaster, J., Jorgensen, L., Degraer, S., Goffin, A. (2007): Managing fisheries to conserve North Sea groundfish and benthic invertebrate species diversity. Fisheries Research Services, Col. Report No 05/07: 136 pp.
  48. Greenstreet, S., Robinson, L., Callaway, R., Reiss, H., Ehrich, S., Piet, G., Craeymeersch, J., Kröncke, I., Fraser, H., Lancaster, J., Jorgensen, L., Goffin, A. (2007): Relationship between TACs, fish landings and fishing effort in the North Sea. Fisheries Research Services, Col. Report No 06/07: 152 pp.
  49. Greenstreet, S., Fraser, H., Piet, G., Robinson, L., Callaway, R., Reiss, H., Ehrich, S., Kröncke, I., Craeymeersch, J., Lancaster, J., Jorgensen, L., Goffin, A. (2007): Species composition, diversity, biomass and production of the demersal fish community of the North Sea. Fisheries Research Services, Col. Report No 07/07: 95 pp.
  50. Greenstreet, S., Robinson, L., Reiss, H., Kröncke, I., Callaway, R., Snelgrove, P., Costello, M., Bermann, M., Hiddink, J., Fraser, H., Craeymeersch, J., Degraer, S., Jorgensen, L.,  Goffin, A., Lancaster, J. (2007): Review of theoretical community ecology: implications for marine communities. Fisheries Research Services, Col. Report No 08/07: 127 pp.
  51. Greenstreet, S., Robinson, L., Reiss, H., Craeymeersch, J., Callaway, R., Goffin, A., Jorgensen, L., Robertson, M., Kröncke, I., de Boois, I., Jacob, N., Lancaster, J., (2007): Species composition, diversity, biomass and production of the benthic invertebrate community of the North Sea. Fisheries Research Services, Col. Report No 10/07: 67 pp.
  52. Callaway, R., Robinson, L., Greenstreet, S., Reiss, H., Fraser, H., Kröncke, I., Craeymeersch, J., de Boois, I., Robertson, M., Lancaster, J., Goffin, A. (2007): Methodology for the combined sampling of marine groundfish and benthic invertebrate communities. Fisheries Research Services, Col. Report No 11/07: 23 pp.
  53. Craeymeersch, J.A., Bergman, M.J.N., Duniveld, G.C.A., Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2007) : Fishing practices. In: Rees, H.L., Eggleton, J.D., Rachor, E., Vanden Berghe E. (eds.) Structure and dynamics of the North Sea benthos. ICES Coop. Res. Per. 288 : 156-171.
  54. Eggleton, J.D., Smith, R., Reiss, H., Rachor, E., vanden Berghe, E., Rees, H.L. (2007) Species distribution and changes (1986-2000). In: Rees, H.L., Eggleton, J.D., Rachor, E., Vanden Berghe E. (eds.) Structure and dynamics of the North Sea benthos. ICES Coop. Res. Per. 288 : 91-108.
  55. Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2007): Changes in community structure (1986-2000) and causal influences. In: Rees, H.L., Eggleton, J.D., Rachor, E., Vanden Berghe E. (eds.) Structure and dynamics of the North Sea benthos. ICES Coop. Res. Per. 288 : 60-68.
  56. Rachor, E., Reiss, H., Degraer, S., Dunieveld G.C.A., van Hoye, G., Lavaleye, M., Willems, W., Rees, H.L. (2007): Structure, distribution, and characterizing species of North Sea macro-zoobenthos communities in 2000. In: Rees, H.L., Eggleton, J.D., Rachor, E., Vanden Berghe E. (eds.) Structure and dynamics of the North Sea benthos. ICES Coop. Res. Per. 288 : 46-59.
  57. Rees, H.L., Rachor, E., Craeymeersch, J.A., Kröncke, I., Duineveld, G.C.A., Reiss, H., Rumohr, H. (2007) : Benthic community studies over relevant timescales. In: Rees, H.L., Eggleton, J.D., Rachor, E., Vanden Berghe E. (eds.) Structure and dynamics of the North Sea benthos. ICES Coop. Res. Per. 288 : 128-140.
  58. Reiss, H., Rees, H.L. (2007): Links between infauna, epifauna, and demersal fish distribution. In: Rees, H.L., Eggleton, J.D., Rachor, E., Vanden Berghe E. (eds.) Structure and dynamics of the North Sea benthos. ICES Coop. Res. Per. 288 : 141-152.
  59. Vöge, S., Reiss, H., Kröncke, I. (2007): Ökofaunistik II – Benthische Makrofauna. Wiederbesiedlung der verlandenden Aussendeichskleipütte Petersgroden durch benthische Makrofauna 2000-2006. In: Flemming BW (Hrsg) Dokumentation der ökologischen Entwicklung einer wiederverlandenden Außendeichskleipütte. Zwischenbericht. Senckenberg am Meer Bericht 07-1: 51 pp.
  60. Sell, A., Kröncke, I., Ehrich, S. (2007): Linking the diversity of fish assemblages to habitat structure: A study on Dogger Bank (North Sea). ICES CM 2007/E:18: 1-21.
  61. Rees, H.L., Bergman, M.J.N., Birchenough, S.N.R., Borja, A., Boyd, S.E., Brown, C.J., Buhl-Mortensen, L., Callaway, R., Connor, D.W., Cooper, K.M., Davies, J., de Boois, I., Gilkinson, K.D., Gordon jr., D.C., Hillewaert, H., Kautsky, H., de Kluyver, M., Kröncke, I., Limpenny, D.S., Meadows, W.J., Parra, S., Pennington, S.E., Rachor, E., Reiss, H., Rumohr, H., Schratzberger, M., Smith, S., Tunberg, B.G., van Dalfsen J.A., Ware, S., Watling, L. (2009): Guidelines for the study of epibenthos of subtidal environments. ICES Techniques Marine Sci. 42: 1-90.
  62. Kröncke, I. (2008): Nahrungsangebot und Nahrungsqualität in der Tiefsee. Natur und Museum 138: 320-325.
  63. Kröncke, I., Cristobo, F. J., Hendrycks, E., Reiss, H., Rios, P., Saiz-Salinas, J. I., Urgorri V. (2009). Macroinfauna collected from box cores. In: Türkay, M. & Pätzold, J., Southwestern Indian Ocean – Eastern Atlantic Ocean, Cruise No. 63. Meteor-Berichte 09-3:2-10 – 2-14.
  64. Türkay, M., Kröncke, I., Köster, B., Reiss, H. (2009). Sediment parameters and hydrographic data. In: Türkay, M. & Pätzold, J., Southwestern Indian Ocean – Eastern Atlantic Ocean, Cruise No. 63. Meteor-Berichte 09-3:2-25 – 2-28.
  65. Kröncke,  I., Boersma, M., Czeck, R., Dippner, J.W., Ehrich, S., Exo, M.K., Hüppop, O., Malzahn, A., Marencic, H., Markert, A., Millat, G., Neumann, H., Reiss, H., Sell, A., Sobottka, M., Wehrmann, A., Wiltshire, K.H., Wirtz, K. (2012). Auswirkungen auf marine Lebensräume. In: Mosbrugger, V.,  Brasseur,  G.P., Schaller , M., Stribrny, B. (Hrsg.), Klimawandel und Biodiversität – Folgen für Deutschland. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt: 106-127.
  66. Neumann, H., Kröncke, I., Schückel, U. (2012). Nordsee, Benthos und Klimawandel – Vom Nutzen biologischer Langzeituntersuchungen. Forum Geoökologie 23(3): 7-13.
  67. Schückel, U., Markert, A., Neumann, H., Kröncke, I., Wehrmann, A. (2013). Neue Krebse im Vormarsch. Senckenberg – Natur, Forschung, Museum 143 (5/6): 152-157.
  68. Vöge, S., Reiss, H., Kröncke, I. (2013). Wiederbesiedlung der Kleipütte durch benthische Makrofauna. In: Bartholomä A. et al. Wiederverlandung einer Pütte. Forschungsergebnisse zu Chancen und Risiken von Kleientnahmen in Salzwiesen für den Deichbau, pp 89-108, III. Oldenburgischer Deichband, KOMREGIS, Jever (218 pp total).
  69. Neumann, H., Schückel, U., Kröncke, I. (2014). Langzeitveränderungen in den Benthosgemeinschaften der Nordsee und des Wattenmeeres. Marschenrat 51: 64-71.
  70. Schückel, U., Kröncke, I. (2014). Wirbellosenfauna im Ökosystem Wattenmeer. In:  Brodauf, A. et al. (Hrsg.) Die Jade: Flusslandschaft am Jadebusen, pp 235-246, Isensee Verlag, Oldenburg.
  71. Schückel, U., Meyer, J., Kröncke, I., Neumann, H. (2016). Langzeitstudien als Datenbasis für die Meeresstrategie-Rahmenrichtlinie der EU. Senckenberg Natur-Forschung-Museum 146(1/2): 6-13.
  72. Winter, C., V. Backer, W. Adolph, A. Bartholomä, M. Becker, D. Behr, C. Callies, R. Capperucci, M. Ehlers, H. Farke, C. Geimecke, S. Grayek, C. Hass, C. Heipke, G. Herrling, H. Hillebrand, D. Hodapp, P. Holler, R. Jung, H. Krasemann, I. Kröncke, E. Kwoll, J. März, E. Markert, D. Meyerdierks, F. Mielck, G. Millat, H.C. Reimers, R. Reuter, A. Schmidt, J. Staneva, E. Stanev, J. van Beusekom, K. Wirtz (2016). WIMO – Wissenschaftliche Monitoringkonzepte für die Deutsche Bucht – Abschlussbericht, 156 pp., DOI 10.2314/GBV:860303926
  73. Kröncke, I., Meyer, J., Bodur, Y. (2016) Fische und Krabben ziehen um. Senckenberg Natur-Forschung-Museum, 146 (11/12): 359-361.

  74. van Beusekom, J., Thiel, R., Bobsien, I., Boersma, M., Buschbaum, C., Dänhardt, A., Darr, A., Friedland, R., Kloppmann, M., Kröncke, I., Rick, J., Wetzel, M. (2018) Aquatische Ökosysteme: Nordsee, Wattenmeer, Elbeästuar und Ostsee. In: von Storch, H., Meinke, I., Claußen, M. (Hrsg.) Hamburger Klimabericht: 90-107, Springer-Verlag.

  75. Hillebrand, H., Borowski, C., Brey, T., Glöckner, F.O., Gutt, J., Jürgens, K., Kröncke, I., Karsten, U., Matthiessen, B., Moritz, T., Sommer, U. (2018). Marine Biodiversitätsforschung. Strategiepapier des Konsortium Deutsche Meeresforschung. 32 pp.
Achim Wehrmann
Dr Achim Wehrmann
Head of Actuopalaeontology Section

Universität Marburg 1984-1991
Vordiplom Geologie 1986
Diplom Geologie 1990
Diplomarbeit 1991 “Die Geologie des südl. Wadi Abu Gerfan (Golf v. Suez, Ägypten):
Sedimentologie, Tektonik und Fazies”
GEOMAR Institut (Kiel)/Universität Marburg 1991-1994
Promotion 1994 “Subboreale Flachwasserkarbonate des Holozäns in der
Nordbretagne: Steuerungsmechanismen in karbonatproduzierenden

Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
DFG Projektstelle 1991-1994
im SPP: Globale und regionale Steuerung biogener Sedimentation: Riff-Evolution
und Kreide-Sedimentation
Projekt: Kaltwasser-Karbonate (GEOMAR Institut/Universität Marburg)

Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg PostDoc-Stelle 1995-1997
Aktuopaläontologie flachmarine Lebens- und Ablagerungsräume
Abt. Meeresforschung, Wilhelmshaven

Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Wilhelmshaven, seit 1998
Fachgebietsleiter Aktuopaläontologie mit eigener Arbeitsgruppe, seit 2000

Editor-in-chief Senckenbergiana maritima International Journal of Marine Sciences (2001-2008)
Gast-Editor Terra Nostra Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung
Zentralblatt f. Geologie und Paläontologie

Forschungstaucher, seit 1998

Universität Marburg, Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie, 1999-2004
Universität Oldenburg, Institut für Biologie und Umweltwissenschaften, ab WS 2005/06

Geobiologische Prozesse moderner flachmariner Ablagerungsräume (Biosedimentäre Systeme)
Biofazies, Sedimentologie und Sequenze-Stratigraphie fossiler Riff-Komplexe und Küsten/Schelfablagerungen
Biofazies von biogenen Sedimenten (Gezeitenbereich bis Schelfregionen und Seeberge nicht-tropischer Klimate)
Land-Meer Übergänge und Interaktionen
Paläoklima südliches Afrika

Mitgliedschaft in wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften
SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology (global member)
SEPM-CES (Central European section)
IAS International Association of Sedimentologists
Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft

Mitgliedschaft in wissenschaftlichen Gremien
gewähltes Mitglied im Wissenschaftsausschuss des FIS (2004-2012)
Koordinator Tätigkeitsschwerpunkt ‘RA 11: Marine (Bio-)sedimentary Systems’ (zusammen mit A. Freiwald bis 2014)
erweiterter Vorstand SEPM-CES (2002-2004)
Mitglied in den QSR (Wadden Sea Quality Status Report)-Fachgremien ‘Intertidal Blue Mussel Beds and Pacific Oyster Reefs’ und ‘Geomorphology’
Mitglied der BLMP Fach-AG ‘Neobiota’

Wissenschaftliche Preise/Ernennungen
Humbold-Gedächtnis Preis 1998
Best Poster Award (2nd) 16th Meeting of Sedimentologists (Jena 2001)

Größere Expeditionen
1987 Eastern Desert (Ägypten/Golf v. Suez/Rotes Meer, syn-rift Karbonate)
1992 METEOR-Fahrt M21/4 (Barentsee/Arktis, Kaltwasser Karbonate)
1992 Discovery Bay (Jamaika, tropische Riffe)
1992 LITTORINA-Fahrt (Bretagne, Kaltwasser Karbonate)
1995 METEOR-Fahrt M33/3 (Süd-Indik, temperierte Karbonate)
1996 Südostafrikanischer Schelf (Südafrika, temperierte Karbonate)
2002 West-Sahara (Devonische Riffe)
2004 Tauchexpedition Comao-Fjord (Nordpatagonien, Chile, Kaltwasser Karbonate)
2005 DEVEC-TR (Taurusgebirge, Türkei)
2006 DEVEC-TR (Taurusgebirge, Türkei)
2010 POSEIDON-Fahrt PO 397 (Gr. Meteor Bank, biosedimentäre Systeme)
2010 METEOR-Fahrt M83/2 (Ampere Seamount, biosedimentäre Systeme)
2012 DECENT (Taurusgebirge, Türkei)
2013 GEOARCHIVES (Kalahari, Namibia, Südafrika)
2014 GEOARCHIVES (Skelettküste, Namibia)
2014 POSEIDON-Fahrt PO 466 ‘MAPS’ (Madeira hot spot track)
2015 GEOARCHIVES (Namib, Namibia)
2016 GEOARCHIVES II (Kalahari, Namibia)
2016 MARIA S MERIAN-Fahrt MSM 55 ‘ARCA’ (Spitzbergen, Barent See)


Scheder, J., Bungenstock, F., Haynert, K., Pint, A., Schlütz, F., Frenzel, P., Wehrmann, A., Brückner, H., Engel, M. (2022): Insights into Holocene relative sea-level changes in the southern North Sea using an improved microfauna-based transfer function. – Journal of Quaternary Science, 37(1): 71-85

Schüller, I.,Belz, L., Wilkes, H. & Wehrmann, A., (2022): Kalahari Pans: Quaternary evolution and processes of ephemeral lakes. In: Eckhardt, F. (ed.), Landscapes and Landforms of Botswana, Springer (Dordrecht).

Bittmann, F., Bungenstock, F. & Wehrmann, A. (2022): Drowned palaeolandscapes: archaeological and geoscientific research at the southern North Sea coast. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 101, e3,

Hitzegrad, J., Brohmann, L., Pfennings, K., Hoffmann, T.K., Eilrich, A.K., Paul, M., Welzel, M., Schlurmann, T., Aberle, J., Wehrmann, A., Goseberg, N. (2022): Oyster reef surfaces in the central Wadden Sea: a comprehensive statistical description. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10.3389/fmars.2022.808018

Capperucci, R.M., Bartholomä, A., Bungenstock, F., Enters, D., Karle, M., Wehrmann, A. (2022): The WASA core catalogue of Late Quaternary depositional sequences in the central Wadden Sea – a manual for the core repository. – Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 101, e5,

Enters, D., Haynert, K., Wehrmann, A., Freund, H. & Schlütz, F. (2021): A new ΔR value for the southern North Sea and its application in coastal research. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 100: e1,

Bungenstock, F., Hertweck, G., Hochstein, M.L. & Wehrmann, A. (2021): Distribution pattern and controls of biosedimentary facies in backbarrier tidal flats of the central Wadden Sea (North Sea). – Journal of Applied and Regional Geology.

Elschner, A., Scheder, J., Bungenstock, F., Bartholomä, A., Becker, T., Capperucci, R., Enters, D., Schlütz, F., Wehrmann, A. & Hoffmann, G. (2021): Microfauna- and sedimentology-based facies analysis for palaeo-landscape reconstruction in the back-barrier area of Norderney (NW Germany). – Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 100: e4,

Karle, M., Frechen, M. & Wehrmann, A. (2021): Geological long-term preconditions controlling the impact of medieval stormflood events in the western Jade Bay (southern North Sea). –Journal of Applied and Regional Geology

Petersen, J., Titschack, J., Groeneveld, J., Wehrmann, A., Hebbeln, D., Freiwald, A. (2021): Reef-building Pacific oysters record seasonal variations in water mass-properties of tidal basins from the Central Wadden Sea (North Sea). – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 577,

Schaumann, R.M., Capperucci, R.M., Bungenstock, F., McCann, T., Enters, D., Wehrmann, A., Bartholomä, A. (2021): The Middle Pleistocene to early Holocene subsurface geology of the Norderney tidal basin: new insights from core data and high-resolution sub-bottom profiling (Central Wadden Sea, Southern North Sea). – Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 100: e15,

Karle, M., Bungenstock, F., Wehrmann, A. (2021): Holocene coastal landscape development in response to a rising sea-level in the Central Wadden Sea coastal region. – Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 100: e12

Giebels, D., Carus, J., Paul, M., Kleyer, M., Siebenhüner, B., Arns, A., Bartholomä, A., Carlow, V., Jensen, J., Tietjen, B., Wehrmann, A., Schröder, B. (2020): Transdisciplinary knowledge management: A key but underdeveloped skill in EBM decision-making. Marine Policy, 119: 104020, doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2020.104020

Haynert, K., Gluderer, F., Pollierer, M.M., Scheu, S., Wehrmann, A. (2020): Food spectrum and habitat-specific diets of benthic foraminifera from the Wadden Sea – a fatty acid biomarker approach. Frontiers Marine Science, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.510288

Belz, L., Schüller, I., Wehrmann, A., Köster, J., Wilkes, H. (2020): The leaf wax biomarker record of a Namibian salt pan reveals enhanced summer rainfall during the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 543: xxx-xxx.

Bartholomä, A., Capperucci, R., Bungenstock, F., Schaumann, R., Toebrock, L., Enters, D., Wehrmann, A., Drews, E. (2020): Rekonstruktion versunkener Landschaften im ostfriesischen Wattenmeer –Ergebnisse aus den geophysikalischen Messungen und Kernbohrungenim Projekt WASA. – Nachrichten des Marschenrates, 57: 61-69.

Feist, M., Nazik, A., Schindler, E., Wehrmann, A., Yalçın, M.N. (2019): Distribution and palaeoecology of charophyte floras in Devonian coastal environments of the Central Taurides (Turkey). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 99 (3): 352-366.

George, K., Wehrmann, A., Freiwald, A. (2019): Gipfelstürmer in der Tiefe – Forschungsfahrten zum größten atlantischen Seeberg. Natur, Forschung, Museum, 149: 71-77.

Baucon, A., Bednarz, M., Dufour, S., Felletti, F., Malgesini, G., De Carvalho, C.N., Niklas, K.J., Wehrmann, A., Batstone, R., Bernardini, F., Briguglio, A., Cabella, R., Cavalazzi, B., Ferretti, A., Zanzerl, H., McIlroy, D. (2019): Ethology of the trace fossil Chondrites: form, function and environment. Earth Science Reviews,

George, K.-H., Arndt, H., Wehrmann, A., Baptista, L., Berning, B., Bruhn, M., Carvalho, F. C., Cordeiro, R., Creemers, M., Defise, A., Domingues, A., Hermanns, K., Hohlfeld, M., Iwan, F., Janßen, T., Jeskulke, K., Kargerer, M., Kaufmann, M., Kieneke, A., Loureiro, C., Madeira, P., Meyer, C., Narciso, A., Ostmann, A., Pieper, C., Pointner, K., Raeke, A., Silva, T., Springer, B., Wilsenack, M., (2018): Controls in benthic and pelagic BIODIversity of the AZores BIODIAZ, Cruise No. M150, 27.08.2018 – 02.10.2018, Cádiz (Spain) – Ponta Delgada, São Miguel (Azores). METEOR-Berichte, M150: 74pp.

Segelken-Voigt, A., Gerdes, K., Wehrmann, A., Martínez Arbizu, P., Glatzel, T. (2018): Light or tide? Effects on the emergence and recolonization of harpacticoid copepods from sand flats of the Wadden Sea (southern North Sea). – Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 502: 52-62.

Karle, M., Wehrmann, A. (2018): Die holozäne Entwicklung der Küstenniederung des südlichen Jadebusens. – Nachrichten des Marschenrates, 55: 39-47.

Schüller, I., Belz, L., Wilkes, H., Wehrmann, A. (2018): Late Quaternary shift in southern African rainfall zones: sedimentary and geochemical data from Kalahari pans. Annals of Geomorphology, 61(4): 339-362.

Nazik, A., Groos-Uffenorde, H., Olempska, E., Yalçın, M.N., Wilde, V., Schindler, E., Königshof, P., Şeker Zor, E., Wehrmann, A. (2018): Late Silurian and Devonian ostracods of the Istanbul Zone (Western Pontides) and the Taurides: palaeogeographical implications. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 98: 593-612.

Martinez, P., Wehrmann, A. (2018): Nach Neozoen gefischt. Natur, Forschung, Museum, 148: 90-91.

Nazik, A., Groos-Uffenorde, H., Olempska, E., Yalçın, M.N., Wilde, V., Schindler, E., Königshof, P., Şeker Zor, E., Wehrmann, A. (2018): Late Silurian and Devonian ostracods of the Istanbul Zone (Western Pontides) and the Taurides: palaeogeographical implications. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 98: 613.

Oost, A.P., Winter, C., Vos, P., Bungenstock, F., Schrijvershof, R., Röbke, B., Bartholdy, J., Hofstede, J., Wurpts, A., Wehrmann, A. (2017): Geomorphlogy. In: Kloepper S. et al. (Eds.), Wadden Sea Quality Status Report 2017. 33 pp. Common Wadden Sea Secretariat, Wilhelmshaven, Germany.

Folmer, E., Büttger, H., Herlyn, M., Markert, A., Millat, G., Troost, K. & Wehrmann, A. (2017): Beds of blue mussels and Pacific oysters. In: Kloepper, S. et al. (Eds.), Wadden Sea Quality Status Report 2017. 20 pp. Common Wadden Sea Secretariat, Wilhelmshaven, Germany.

Rohde, S., Schupp, P., Markert, A., Wehrmann, A. (2017): Only half of the truth: managing invasive alien species by rapid assessment. – Ocean and Coastal Management, 146: 26-35.

Beck., M., Reckhardt, A., Amelsberg, J., Bartholomä, A., Brumsack, H.-J., Cypionka, H., Dittmar, T., Engelen, B., Greskowiak, J., Hillebrand H., Holtappels, M., Neuholz, R., Köster, J., Kuypers, MMM, Massmann, G., Meier, D., Niggemann, J., Paffrath, R., Pahnke, K., Rovo, S., M. Striebel, V. Vandieken, A. Wehrmann & O. Zielinski (2017): Die Treiber der Biogeochemie in Strandökosystemen: Ein Cross-Shore-Transekt von den Dünen zur Niedrigwasserlinie. – Marine Chemistry, 190: 35 & ndash; 50.

Karle, M., Frechen, M. & Wehrmann, A. (2017): Holozäne Küsten-Tieflandentwicklung: Rekonstruktion von Land-Meer-Übergängen als Reaktion auf Meeresspiegeländerungen (Jade Bay, südliche Nordsee, Deutschland). – German Journal of Geology, 168 (1): 21-38.

Wehrmann, A. (2016): Gezeitenablagerungssysteme. In: J. Harff, M. Meschede, S. Petersen & J. Thiede [Hrsg.], Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences: 849-859, Springer (Dordrecht).

Schüller, I; Wehrmann, A (2016): Age determinations of Witpan sediment sequence (Northern Cape, South Africa) by 14C dating of TOC bulk samples. doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.865053

Schüller, I; Wehrmann, A (2016): Age determinations of Omongwa Pan sediment sequence (Omaheke Region, Namibia) by 14C dating of TOC bulk samples. doi: 10.1594/PANGAEA.865040

Wehrmann, A. (2016): Wattenmeer. In: J. Harff, M. Meschede, S. Petersen & J. Thiede [Hrsg.], Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences: 933-939, Springer (Dordrecht).

Markert, A., Matsuyama, K., Rohde, S., Schupp, P., Wehrmann, A. (2016): Erste Aufzeichnung des nicht heimischen pazifischen Bryozoen Smittoidea prolifica Osburn, 1952 an der deutschen Nordseeküste. – Marine Biodiversity, 46 (3): 717-723.

Reckhardt, A., Beck, M., Seidel, M., Riedel, T., Wehrmann, A., Bartholomä, A., Schnetger, B., Dittmar, T., Brumsack, H.-J. (2015): Kohlenstoff-, Nährstoff- und Spurenmetallkreislauf in sandigen Sedimenten: Ein Vergleich von Hochenergiestränden und Backbarrier-Wattflächen. – Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science, 159: 1-14

Wehrmann, A. & Bartholomä, A. (2015): Meeresgeologie. In: Die Jade – Flusslandschaft am Jadebusen, 49-57, Isensee (Oldenburg).

Markert, A, Raupach, MJ, Segelken-Voigt, A. & Wehrmann, A. (2015): Molekulare Identifizierung und morphologische Eigenschaften von einheimischen und invasiven asiatischen Krabben (Crustacea: Brachyura) an japanischen und deutschen Küsten: Hemigrapsus penicillatus (De Haan, 1835) gegen Hemigrapsus takanoi Asakura & Watanabe 2005. – Organisms, Diversity & Evolution, 14 (4): 369-382.

Wilkes, H., Benz, O, Chabrillat, S., Mangelsdorf, K, Völkel, J., Wagner, D. Wehrmann, A. (2014): Landschaftsentwicklung und Klimawandel im südlichen Afrika. – System Erde, 4 (2): 38-45.

Wehrmann, A., Schwartz, M., Hecker, N. & Liebezeit, G. (2014): Anfängliche Barriereinselentwicklung (Kachelotplate, Zentrales Wattenmeer): Wechselwirkung zwischen Sediment und Vegetation. In: Hellwig, U. & Stock, M. [Hrsg.], Dynamische Inseln im Wattenmeer. – Wadden Sea Ecosystem, 33: 17-27.

Markert, A., Esser, W., Frank, D., Wehrmann, A. Exo, K.-M. (2013): Veränderung des Lebensraums durch die Bildung fremder Crassostrea-Riffe im Wattenmeer und seine Rolle als Futterstelle für Wasservögel. – Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science 131: 41-51.

Liebezeit, G., Wehrmann, A., Hecker, N. & Czeck, R. (2013): Die Kachelotplate – Einblicke in die Entstehung von Barriereinseln. – Natur und Umweltschutz, 12: 7-17.

Wehrmann, A. & Tilch, E. (2012): Der Inselentstehung auf der Spur – die Dynamik geobiologischer Prozesse im Wattenmeer. — Forum Geoökologie, 23(3): 22-27

Kröncke, I., Boersma, M., Czeck, R., Dippner, J.W., Ehrich, S., Exo, M.K., Hüppop, O., Malzahn, A., Marencic, H., Markert, A., Millat, G., Neumann, H., Reiss, H., Sell., A., Sobottka, M., Wehrmann, A., Wiltshire K.H. & Wirtz, K. (2012): Auswirkungen auf marine Lebensräume. In: In: Mosbrugger, V., Brasseur, G.P., Schaller , M., Stribrny, B. (Hrsg.), Klimawandel und Biodiversität – Folgen für Deutschland. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt: 106-127.

Wehrmann, A., Gerdes, G. & Höfling, R. (2011): Mikrobielle Matten in einer silikiklastischen Playa-Umgebung in der unteren Trias (Middle Buntsandstein, Nordsee). In: Chafetz, H. & Noffke, N. [Hrsg.]: Mikrobielle Matten in silikiklastischen Sedimenten. SEPM Special Publication, 101: 177-190.

Schindler, E. & Wehrmann, A. (2011): Entstehung und innere Architektur des mittel- bis oberdevonischen Gwirat Al Hyssan-Riffhügels (Westsahara). – Paläogeographie, Paläoklimatologie, Paläoökologie, 304: 184-193.

Brennholt, N., Bartelt, E. Gerts, G., Hauk, G., Luden, K. Oberbeckmann, S., Rahmdohr, S., Reifferscheid, G., Strauch, E., Wehrmann, A. & Böer, S. (2010): Pathogene Vibrionen in der marinen Umwelt – Bericht Workshop BfG 14./15. April 2010. – Umweltmedizin in Forschung und Praxis, 15(6): 343-351.

Markert, A., Wehrmann, A. & Kröncke, I. (2010): Kürzlich etablierte Crassostra-Riffe versus einheimische Mytilus-Betten: Unterschiede in der Ökosystemtechnik betreffen die makrofaunalen Gemeinschaften (Wattenmeer von Niedersachsen, süddeutsche Bucht). Biological Invasions, 12 (1): 15 & ndash; 32.

Wehrmann, A., Wilde, V., Schindler, E., Brocke, R. & Schultka, S. (2010): High-resolution facies analysis of a Lower Devonian deltaic marine-terrestrial transition (Nellenköpfchen Formation, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Germany): implications for small scale fluctuations of coastal environments. – Neues Jahrbuch Geologie Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 256 (3): 317-334.

Wehrmann, A., Yilmaz, İ., Yalcin, MN, Wilde, V., Schindler, E., Weddige, K., Saydam Demirtas, G., Özkan, R., Nazik, A., Nalcioglu, G., Kozlu, H., Karslioglu, Ö., Jansen, U., Ertug, K., Brocke, R. & Bozdogan, N. (2010): Devonische Flachwassersequenzen vom Nord-Gondwana-Küstenrand (Zentral- und Osttauriden) , Türkei): Sedimentologie, Fazies und globale Ereignisse. – Gondwana Research, 17 (2-4): 546-560.

Schmidt, A., Wehrmann, A. & Dittmann, S. (2010): Niedrige Sterblichkeitsraten jugendlicher pazifischer Austern im deutschen Wattenmeer sind charakteristisch für invasive Arten: Eine Antwort auf Beukema & Dekker. – Helgoland Marine Research, 64 (1): 71-73.

Nehls, G., Witte, S., Büttger, H., Dankers, N., Jansen, J., Millat, G., Herlyn, M., Markert, A., Krstensen, P., Ruth, M., Buschbaum, C. & Wehrmann, A. (2009) Beds of blue mussels and Pacific oysters. In: Marencic, H. & Vlas, J. DE [eds.]: Wadden Sea Quality Status Report 2009. – Wadden Sea Ecosystem, 25: 1-30.

Noffke, A., Hertweck, G., Kröncke, I. & Wehrmann,A. (2009): Particle size selection and tube-structure of the polychaete Owenia fusiformis. – Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science, 81: 160-168.

Wehrmann, A. & Tilch, E. (2008): Sedimentary dynamic of an ephemeral sand bank island (Kachelotplate, German Wadden Sea): An atlas of sedimentary structures. – Senckenbergiana maritima, 38(2): 185-198

Gerdes, G. & Wehrmann, A. (2008): Biofilms in surface sediments of the ephemeral sand bank island Kachelotplate (southern North Sea). – Senckenbergiana maritima, 38(2): 173-183

Schmidt, A., Wehrmann, A. & Dittmann, S. (2008): Population dynamics of the invasive Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigasduring the early stages of an outbreak in the Wadden Sea (Germany). – Helgoland Marine Research, 62(4): 367-376.

Brandt, G., Wehrmann, A. & Wirtz, K.W (2008): Rapid invasion of Crassostrea gigas into the German Wadden Sea dominated by larval supply. – Journal of Sea Research, 59(4): 279-296

Schneider-Storz, B., Nebelsick, J.H., Wehrmann, A. & Federolf, C. (2008): Comparative taphonomy of three bivalves from mass shell accumulation in the macrotidal regime of North Sea tidal flats. – Facies, 54(4): 461-478.

Hertweck, G., Wehrmann, A. & Liebezeit, G. (2007): Bioturbation structures of polychaetes in modern shallow marine environments and their analogues to Chondrites group traces. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 234(3/4): 382-389

Wehrmann, A., Markert, A.& Schmidt, A. (2007): Miesmuschelbank: ein verlorener Lebensraum? Die Einwanderung der Pazifischen Auster in das Wattenmeer und ihre Folgen. – Natur- und Umweltschutz, 6(1): 10-14

Schöne, B.R., Rodland, D.L., Wehrmann, A., Heidel, B., Oschmann, W., Zhang, Z., Fiebig, J. & Beck, L., (2007): Combined sclerochronologic and oxygen isotope analysis of gastropod shells (Gibbula cineraria, North Sea): life-history traits and utility as a high-resolution environmental archive for kelp forests. Marine Biology, 150: 1237-1252.

Wehrmann, A., Markert, A., May, P., Schieck, P. & Schmidt, A. (2006): Gefährdungspotential der eulitoralen Miesmuschelbänke im Niedersächsischen Wattenmeer durch die Bioinvasion der Pazifischen Auster Crassostrea gigas. – Unpubl. Abschlussbericht Nieders. Wattenmeer-Stiftung, 110 pp.

Wehrmann, A. (2005): Korallen, Gletscher, Vulkane: eine Tauch-Expedition zu den Fjorden Nord-Patagoniens. – Natur und Museum, 135 (11/12): 281.

Wehrmann, A. & Schmidt, A. (2005): Gefährdungspotential der eulitoralen Miesmuschelbänke im Niedersächsischen Wattenmeer durch die Bioinvasion der Pazifischen Auster Crassostrea gigas. – Unpubl. Zwischenbericht Nieders. Wattenmeer-Stiftung, 79 pp.

Vlas, J. de, Brinkmann, B., Buschbaum, C., Dankers, N., Herlyn, M., Kristensan, P. S., Millat, G., Nehls, G. Ruth, M., Steenberg, J. & Wehrmann, A. (2005): Intertidal blue mussel beds. – In: Essink, K., Dettmann, C., Farke, H., Laursen, K., Lürßen, G., Marencic, H. & Wiersinga, W. [Eds.]: Wadden Sea Quality Status Report 2004. – Wadden Sea Ecosystems, 19: 190-200.

Wehrmann, A., Blieck, A., Brocke, R., Hertweck, G., Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Plodowski, G., Schindler, E., Schultka, S. & Wilde, V. (2005): Paleoenvironment of an Early Devonian land-sea transition: a case study from the southern margin of the Old Red Continent (Mosel Valley, Germany). – Palaios, 20 (2): 101-120.

Hertweck, G., Liebezeit, G., Wehrmann, A. & Steffens, M. (2005): Principles in tidal flat ichnofabric zonation: Implications for palaeoenvironmental and palaeotrophic reconstructions. – Senckenbergiana maritima, 35 (2): 189-201

Königshof, P., Wehrmann, A., Schindler, E., Jansen, U. & Plodowski, G. (2003): Geologische Expedition in die westliche Sahara. – Natur u. Museum, 133: 285-316.

Wehrmann, A. (2003): Biogenic and taphonomic processes affecting the development of shell assemblages: an actuopaleontological case study from mussel banks on North Sea tidal flats. – Facies, 49: 19-30.

Liebezeit, G., Wehrmann, A. & Hamacher, S. (2003): Modern concretions in intertidal flats of the Lower Saxonian Wadden Sea, southern North Sea. – Senckenbergiana marit., 32 (1/2): 147-154.

Wehrmann, A. (2002): Exoten in der Nordsee, Einwanderer aus fremden Meeren. –Natur u. Mus., 132 (5): 186-188M.

Flemming, B. W., Bartholomä, A., Irion, G., Kröncke, I. & Wehrmann, A. (2002): Naturraum Wattenmeer. – Veröffentl. Akad. Geowiss. Hannover, 20: 150-159.

Bungenstock, F., Wehrmann, A., Hertweck, G. & Schäfer, A. (2002): Modifikation von Strömungssystemen und Sohlformen im Gezeitengang auf den Rückseitenwatten der Nordseeinsel Baltrum. – Zentralblatt f. Geologie u. Paläontologie, 2001 (3/4): 1-13.

Wehrmann, A., Herlyn, M., Bungenstock, F., Hertweck, G. & millat, G. (2000): The distribution gap is closed – First record of natural settled pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas in the East Frisian Wadden Sea, North Sea. – Senckenbergiana marit., 30 (3/4): 153-160.

Wehrmann, A. (1999): Long-term survival of epibenthic Cerastoderma edule (L.) in bivalve clusters from backbarrier tidal flats, North Sea. – Senckenbergiana maritima, 30 (1/2): 47-61.

Wehrmann, A. (1998): Modern cool-water carbonates on a coastal platform of Northern Brittany: carbonate production of macrophytic systems and sedimentary dynamics of bioclastic facies. – Senckenbergiana maritima, 28 (4/6): 151-166.

Wehrmann, A. & Hertweck, G. (1998): Lebensspuren. – In: Türkay, M. (Ed.): Wattenmeer.- Kl. Senckenberg – Reihe, 29: 53-57.

Hertweck, G. & Wehrmann, A. (1998): Faziesbereiche – Die Vielfalt in der Gestaltung der Wattlandschaft. – In: Türkay, M. (Ed.): Wattenmeer.- Kl. Senckenberg – Reihe, 29: 45-52.

Schäfer, P., Freiwald, A., Henrich, R., Bader, B., Wehrmann, A., Samtleben, C., Seiter, C. & Zankl, H. (1997): Riffe in gemäßigten und hohen Breiten. – In: Steininger, F. F. & Maronde, D. (Eds.): Städte unter Wasser: 2 Milliarden Jahre.- Kl. Senckenberg – Reihe, 24: 151-156.

Flemming, B.W., Bartholomä, A., Ramsey, P., Rogers, J., Schumann, E., Smith, A. & Wehrmann, A. (1996): Marine geoscience M33/3 – Bedform dynamics on the southeast African continental shelf. – In: Lochte, K., Halbach, P. & Flemming, B. (Eds.): Biogeochemical fluxes in the deep-sea and investigations of geological structures in the Indian Ocean, Meteor Cruise No. 33, Meteor-Berichte, 96-5, 100-116.

Henrich, R., Freiwald, A., Wehrmann, A., Schäfer, P., Samtleben, C. & Zankl, H. (1996): Nordic cold-water carbonates: Occurrences and controls.- In: Reitner, J., Neuweiler, F. & Gunkel, F. (Eds.): Global and regional controls on biogenic sedimentation. I. Reef Evolution. Research Reports. – Göttinger Arb. Geol. Paläont., 35-52.

Wehrmann, A., Freiwald, A. & Zankl, H. (1995): Formation of cold-temperate water multispecies rhodoliths in intertidal gravel pools from Northern Brittany, France. – Senckenbergiana marit., 26 (1/2): 51-71.

Henrich, R., Freiwald, A., Betzler, C., Bader, B., Schäfer, P., Samtleben, C., Brachert, T.C., Wehrmann, A., Zankl, H. & Kühlmann, D.H.H. (1995): Controls on modern carbonate sedimentation on warm-temperate to arctic coasts, shelves and seamounts in the northern hemisphere: implications for fossil counterparts. – Facies, 32, 71-108.

Braun, R., Oetken, S., Königshof, P., Kornder, L. & Wehrmann, A. (1994): Development and biofacies of reef-influenced carbonates (Central Lahn Syncline, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge).- Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 169, 351-386.

Oetken, S., Braun, R., Königshof, P., Kornder, L. & Wehrmann, A. (1993): Faziesdifferenzierung riffbeeinflußter Ablagerungsräume im Devon der mittleren Lahnmulde.- 8. Sedimentologentreffen Sediment ’93, Abstract-Volume, Geologica et Palaeontologica, 69.

Henrich, R., Reitner, J. & Wehrmann, A. (1993): Cold-water shelf carbonates and lag deposites and associated living benthic communities: Spitsbergen Bank.- In: Pfannkuche, O., Duinker, J.C., Graf, G., Henrich, R., Thiel, H. & Zeitzschel, B. (Eds.), Nordatlantik 92, Reise Nr. 21.- Meteor-Berichte, 93/4, 176-180.

Königshof, P., Gewehr, B., Kornder, L., Wehrmann, A., Braun, R. & Zankl, H. (1991): Stromatoporen-Morphotypen aus einem zentralen Riffbereich (Mitteldevon) in der südlichen Lahnmulde.- Geologica et Palaeontologica, 25, 19-35.



Petersen, J., Titschack, J., Groeneveld, J., Wehrmann, A., Hebbeln, D., Freiwald, A. (2021): Reef-building Pacific oysters record seasonal variations in water mass-properties of tidal basins from the Central Wadden Sea (North Sea). – vEGU21, 19-30 April 2021,

Hitzegrad, J., Brohmann, L., Kloft, H., Pfennings, K., Hoffmann, T., Wehrmann, A., Paul, M., Schlurmann, T., Goseberg N. (2020): Measurement and statistical analysis of oyster reef surfaces in the German Wadden Sea. AGU Fall Meeting 2020 7.-11.12.2020.

Capperucci, R., Bartholomae, A., Bungenstock, F., Schaumann, R., Wehrmann, A., Enters, D. (2019): Pleistocene-Holocene evolution of a barrier-island system by means of shallow acoustics and multiproxy core data. 34. IAS, Rom, Oral presentation

Schindler, E., Brocke, R., Wehrmann, A. & Wilde, V. (2019): A vendobiont from the Lower Devonian of Germany. In: Nützel, A., Reichenbacher, B., Krings, M. (Eds.), Paleo & Life Abstractvolume Munich PalGes 2019, p. 132.

Bonk, F., Wehrmann, A., Glatzel, T. (2019): Impact of subterranean estuaries on the diversity of copepods in the intertidal of the central Wadden Sea. In: Adão, H., Vicente, C., Sroczyńska, K., Espada, M., Alvim, P., Costa, M., Vieira, S. (Eds.), Book of Abstracts, 17th IMCO, Évora, Portugal, p. 103.

Gluderer, F., Rahman, N., Thomsen, K., Wehrmann, A. (2019): Reconstructing inter- to supratidal facies by foraminifera – Actualistic approaches using diet and community structures as indicative tools. Current Archaeological and Natural Scientific research in the Wadden Sea and the North Sea basin, WASA Workshop, Delmenhorst, 19.-20.9.2019

Karle, M., Wehrmann, A. (2019): Changing the scene – Holocene coastal development in northwestern Germany. Drowned paleo-landscapes. Current Archaeological and Natural Scientific research in the Wadden Sea and the North Sea basin, WASA Workshop, Delmenhorst, 19.-20.9.2019

Schaumann, R., Capperucci, R., Bungenstock, F., McCann, T., Wehrmann, A., Enters, D. (2019): Sedimentological and hydroacoustic evidence on how Middle Pleistocene morphology affects Holocene channel development in the backbarrier of the Norderney Island, S North Sea, Germany. Current Archaeological and Natural Scientific research in the Wadden Sea and the North Sea basin, WASA Workshop, Delmenhorst, 19.-20.9.2019

Schindler, E., Feist, M., Nazik, A., Wehrmann, A., Yalçın, M.N. (2018) First record of charophytes in the Devonian of Turkey (Central Taurides). 5th International Palaeontological Congress, 9-13 July 2018, Abstract book: 809

Bittmann, F., Bartholomä, A., Bungenstock, F., Enters, D., Siegmüller, A., Wehrmann, A., Wurpts, A., Zolitschka, B. (2018): The Wadden Sea: archive of landscape evolution, climate change and settlement history – the joint project WASA. DEUQUA 2018

Baucon, A., Bednarz, M., Dufour, S., Felletti, F., Malgesini, G., McIlroy, D., De Carvalho, C.N., Niklas, K.J., Wehrmann, A., Batstone, R., Bernardini, F., Cavalazzi, B., Ferretti, A., Zanzerl, H., (2018): Ethology and paleoenvironmental significance of Chondrites: revising the fossil icon of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary. International Meeting around the Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary, Geneve 5-7th December 2018

Schüller, I., Belz, L., Wilkes, H., Wehrmann, A. (2016): Climatic induced shift in rainfall zones preserved in Kalahari salt pans. – 1897, Abstract 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa. (

Schüller, I., Belz, L., Wilkes, H., Wehrmann, A. (2016): Modern and ancient lagoons of the Namibian coast: sedimentation processes and environmental changes. – 1901, Abstract 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa. (

Segelken-Voigt, A., Gerdes, K., Martínez Arbizu, P., Wehrmann, A., Glatzel, T. (2016): Emergence patterns of harpacticoid copepods in the Wadden Sea (southern North Sea). – IMCo 2016, Heraklion, Crete

Schüller, I., Belz, L., Wilkes, H., Wehrmann, A. (2016): Holocene sedimentation processes and environmental changes along the Namibian coastline. – – Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18. EGU 2016, Vienna

Belz, L., Schüller, I., Wehrmann, A., Wilkes, H. (2016): Southern African continental climate since the late Pleistocene: Insights from biomarker analyses of Kalahari salt pan sediments. – EGU 2016, Vienna

Schüller, I., Belz, L., Wilkes, H., Wehrmann, A. (2016): Climatic induced shift in rainfall zones preserved in Kalahari salt pans. – IGC 2016, Capetown, South Africa.

Schüller, I., Belz, L., Wilkes, H., Wehrmann, A. (2016): Modern and ancient lagoons of the Namibian coast: sedimentation processes and environmental changes. – IGC 2016, Capetown, South Africa.

Schindler, E., Yalçın, M. N., Wilde, V., Nazik, A., Wehrmann, A., Yılmaz, İ. (2016): enigmatic Fossils from the Middle Devonian of the Eastern Taurides. – 87th PalGes Dresden: 136-137.

Nazik, A., Groos-Uffenorde, H., Olempska, E., Yalçın, M.N., Wilde, V., Schindler, E., Königshof, P. & Şeker, E. (2016): Contribution of the Silurian-Devonian Ostracods to the Palaeogeographical Assignment of the Western Pontides, Central and Eastern Taurides, Turkey. – IGCP 591 “The Early to Middle Paleozoic Revolution” Meeting, Ghent University, Belgium, 6-9 July 2016, Abstracts: 118-119; Ghent.

Belz L., Schüller I., Wehrmann A., Wilkes H. (2015): Plant wax derived biomarkers as paleoenviromental proxies in Kalahari salt pan sediments. Program and Abstract book, p. 60 Plant Wax 2015, Ascona.

Schindler, E., Yalçın, M. N., Bozdoğan, N., Brocke, R., Groos-Uffenorde, H., Jansen, U., Nazik, A., Özkan, R., Sancay, R. H., Saydam-Demiray, D. G., Weddige, K., Wehrmann, A., Wilde, V., Yılmaz, İ. (2015): Biostratigraphy and correlation of Devonian successions in the Turkish Taurides. – Berichte des Institutes für Erdwissenschaften, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 21: 340; Graz

Schüller, I., Belz, L., Wilkes, H., Wehrmann, A. (2015) Kalahari salt pans as sedimentary archives for reconstruction of Quaternary environments. –Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17. EGU 2015, Vienna.

Belz, L., Schüller, I., Wehrmann, A., Wilkes, H. (2015:) Reconstruction of Holocene southern African continental climate using biomarkers from salt pan sediments. – Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17. EGU 2015, Vienna.

Belz, L., Schüller, I., Wehrmann, A., Wilkes, H. (2015): Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of Kalahari salt pans based on biomarker and stable isotopes. – Abstract book, p. 743-744. IMOG 2015

Nazik, A., Yalçın, M.N., Schindler, E.,Wilde,V., Wehrmann, A., Haude, R., Finks, R.M., Webster, G.D, Yılmaz, İ., Brocke, R., Jansen, U., Özkan, R., Şeker, E., Groos-Uffenorde, H., Bozdoğan, N., Sancay, R.H., Nalcıoğlu, G., Saydam-Demiray, G., Weddige, K.& Kozlu, H. (2014): Important paleontological evidences of Devonian strata in the Eastern Taurides. – 15. Paleontoloji-Stratigrafi çaliştayi: 44; Antalya

Jansen, U., Bozdoğan, N., Brocke, R., Ertuğ, K., Finks, R.M., Groos-Uffenorde, H., Haude, R., Kozlu, H., Nalcıoğlu, G.F., Nazik, A., Özkan, R., Sancay, R.H., Saydam-Demiray, D.G., Schindler, E., Şeker, E., Weddige, K., Wehrmann, A., Wilde, V., Yalçın, M.N. & Yılmaz, I. (2014): New palaeontological data from the Devonian of Turkey. – 4th International Palaeontological Congress, Abstract Volume: 848; Mendoza.

Linnemann,U., Yılmaz, İ, Klaus, I., Yalçın, M.N., Putzmann, F., Bozdoğan, N., Schindler, E., Wilde, V. & Wehrmann, A. (2014): The signature of hinterland processes and climate of the N-Gondwanan margin in Devonian shelf deposits of the central Taurids (Turkey). – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 85: 125; Hannover.

Brocke, R., Ertuğ, K.İ., Sancay, R.H., Bozdoğan, N., Wilde, V., Schindler, E., Wehrmann, A. & Yalçın, M.N. (2014): Late Devonian palynology of the Eastern Taurides. – 67th Geological Congress of Turkey, Abstracts Book: 709; Ankara.

Wilde, V., Finks, R.M., Wehrmann, A., Schindler, E., Özkan, R., Nazik, A., Yalçın, M.N., Kozlu, H. & Yılmaz, i. (2014): A demosponge-dominated facies in the Middle Devonian of the Eastern Taurides. – 67th Geological Congress of Turkey, Abstracts Book: 707; Ankara.

Schindler, E., Nazik, A., Haude, R., Brocke, R., Şeker, E., Bozdoğan, N., Sancay, R.H., Groos-Uffenorde, H., Jansen, U., Weddige, K., Özkan, R., Yalçın, M.N., Wehrmann, A., & Wilde,V. (2014): First record of loboliths in Turkey: Scyphocrinoids and other palaeontological evidence for the Silurian/Devonian boundary interval in the Eastern and Central Taurides. – 67thGeological Congress of Turkey, Abstracts Book: 705; Ankara.

Yalçın, M.N., Schindler, E., Wehrmann, A., Nazik, A., Yılmaz, İ., Wilde,V., Özkan, R., Bozdoğan, N., Brocke, R., Saydam-Demiray, G., Weddige, K., Sancay, R.H., Jansen, U., Nalcıoğlu, G., Kozlu, H., Linnemann, U., Şahin, N. & Groos-Uffenorde, H. (2014): Devonian stratitraphy of the Central and Eastern Taurides. – 67th Geological Congress of Turkey, Abstracts Book: 703; Ankara.

Yalçın, M.N., Schindler, E., Brocke, R., Jansen, U., Linnemann, U., Wehrmann, A. & Uhl, D. (2013): The Palaeozoic – an „event story“. – ICDP Scientific Conference: Imaging the past to imagine the future, Abstract Volume: 73-74; Potsdam.

Schindler, E., Yalçın, M.N., Yılmaz, İ., Wilde, V. , Wehrmann, A., Weddige, K., Saydam-Demiray, D.G., Özkan, R.,Nazik, A., Jansen, U., Brocke, R. & Bozdoğan, N. (2013): The Devonian of the Turkish Taurides – new biostratigraphic insights. – Documents de l’Institut Scientifique, 26: 113-116; Rabat.

Segelken-Voigt, A., Gerdes, K., Martinez Arbizu, P., Wehrmann, A. & Glatzel, T. (2013) Nocturnal and diurnal emergence and recolonization of harpacticoid copepods from backbarrier tidal flats (southern North Sea, Wangerooge Island).-Abstract Volume Crust-Tag 2013, Univ. Greifswald.

Wehrmann, A., Bozdoğan, N., Brocke, R., Schindler, E., Wilde, V., Yalçın, M.N. & Yılmaz, İ. (2012): Sedimentary signatures of the North Gondwana margin in the Devonian (Taurides, Turkey): reconstruction of depositional environments and hinterland processes. – In: Yalçın, M.N., Çorbacioğlu, H. & Bozdoğan, N.: Paleozoic of Northern Gondwana and its petroleum potential – A field workshop – TAPG Special Publication, 6: 7-9.

Schindler, E., Bozdoğan; N., Brocke, R., Jansen, U., Karslıoğlu, Ö., Kozlu, H., Nalcıoğlu, G., Nazik, A., Özkan, R., Saydam-Demiray, D.G., Weddige, K., Wehrmann, A., Wilde, V., Yalçın, M.N. & Yılmaz, İ. (2012): Facies development, global events, and lithology of stratigraphically constrained sequences in the Devonian of the Central and Eastern Taurides (Turkey).– In: Yalçın, M.N., Çorbacioğlu, H. & Bozdoğan, N.: Paleozoic of Northern Gondwana and its petroleum potential – A field workshop – Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists, Special Publication, 6: 10-11.

Nazik, A., Yalçın, M.N., Wilde, V., Wehrmann, A., Yılmaz, İ.,. Schindler, E., Kozlu, H. & Bozdoğan, N. (2012): Palaeoecology and palaeogeography of ostracods from the Devonian of Halevikdere (Eastern Taurides, Turkey).– In: Yalçın, M.N., Çorbacioğlu, H. & Bozdoğan, N.: Paleozoic of Northern Gondwana and its petroleum potential – A field workshop – Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists, Special Publication, 6: 35-36.

Saydam-Demiray, D.G., Weddige, K., Schindler, E., Yılmaz, İ., Wehrmann, A., Wilde, V. & Yalçın, M.N. (2012): Devonian conodonts from the Geyikdağ Unit in the Eastern Taurides (Southern Turkey): Biostratigraphical implications. – In: Yalçın, M.N., Çorbacioğlu, H. & Bozdoğan, N.: Paleozoic of Northern Gondwana and its petroleum potential – A field workshop – Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists, Special Publication, 6: 37-40.

Raupach, M.J., Markert, A. & Wehrmann, A. (2011): DNA barcodes support the existence of Hemigrapsus takanoi (Asakura & Watanabe, 2005), the sibling species of Hemigrapsus penicillatus (De Haan, 1835). In: Rivera, N.T. & Schubart C.D. (Eds.) Abstract Volume Crust-Tag 2011, Univ. Regensburg, p. 33.

Karle, M. & Wehrmann, A. (2011): Dynamic of land-sea-transition zones acting as a sea level proxy: Reconstruction of the palaeogeography in the coastal lowlands of the Jade Bay area during the Holocene period. In: Selby, K., Long, a. & Woodroffe, S.(eds.): All at Sea – Coastal environments: An holistic appraisal, University of York.

Schindler, E., Bozdoğan, N., Brocke, R., Nazik, A., Özkan, R., Wehrmann, A., Wilde, V., Yalçın, M.N. & Yılmaz, İ. (2011): Devonian sequences of the Central and Eastern Taurides (Turkey) – biostratigraphy, facies, and global events. – Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 43 (1): 96; Boulder.

Markert, A., Mayr, T., Demann, F. & Wehrmann, A. (2011): Temporal changes in community structure in intertidal habitats successively engineered by non-native Pacific oysters. International Symposium on the Ecology of the Wadden Sea, Texel, Niederlande. Oktober 2011

Kaben-Dobbeck, M., Kraemer, P., Markert, A., Wehrmann, A. & Gerlach, G. (2011). Differences in shell disease in native shore crabs Carcinus maenas versus the invasive Asian brush crab Hemigrapsus takanoi. DZG-Tagung, Saarbrücken, Abstractband, p. 94.

Karle, M. & Wehrmann, A. (2011). Land-Meer-Übergänge am Jadebusen – Ein Blick in die Vergangenheit AMK 2011, Bremen, 29.-30.4.2011

Wehrmann, A., Yılmaz, İ., Wilde, V., Yalçın, M.N. & Schindler, E. (2010): The Devonian coastline of Northern Gondwana: Sedimentary signatures of depositional environments at the Land-Sea transition (Taurids, Turkey), 7th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Adana. – Abstract book: p. 55.

Schindler, E., Yılmaz, İ., Yalçın, M.N., Wilde, V., Wehrmann, A.,Weddige K., Saydam Demirtas, G., Özkan, R., Nazik, A., Nalcıoğlu, G., Kozlu, H., Karslıoğlu, Ö., Jansen, U., Ertuğ, K., Brocke, R., Bozdoğan, N. (2010): Stratigraphy, facies development and global events in Devonian sequences of the Central and Eastern Taurides (Turkey), 7th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Adana (Turkey. – Abstract book: p. 56.

Brocke, R., Ertuğ, K., Wehrmann, A., Yılmaz, İ., Bozdoğan, N. & Yalçın, M.N. (2010): Do palynofacies and mineralogical signatures reflect hinterland processes? Implications from Devonian sequences in the Central and Eastern Taurides, Turkey, 7th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Adana (Turkey. – Abstract book: p. 57.

Wilde, V., Finks, R.M., Schindler, E., Yalçın, M.N., Yılmaz, İ. & Wehrmann, A. (2010): Unusual facies iin the Devonian of the Central Taurids, 7th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Adana (Turkey) . – Abstract book: p. 58.

Wehrmann, A. (2010): Miocene mixed carbonate-siliciclastic sequences of the Gulf of Suez: Controls in syn-rift deposition by sea-level changes and tectonic movements, 7th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Adana (Turkey) . – Abstract book: p. 61.

Wehrmann, A., Schindler, E. V. (2010): Pattern and processes in the accumulation of plant debris in different coastal settings: an overview, In: Hoppe, A., Röhling, H.G. & Schüth, C. (eds.): GeoDarmstadt2010 – Geosciences secure the future. – Schriftenreihe Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, 68: 597.

Karle, M. & Wehrmann, A. (2010): A shifting coastline – Holocene sea-level fluctuations forming land-sea transition zones in the Jade Bay area. In: Hoppe, A., Röhling, H.G. & Schüth, C. (eds.): GeoDarmstadt2010 – Geosciences secure the future. – Schriftenreihe Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, 68: 289-290.

Schindler, E., Wilde, V., Wehrmann, A. & Brocke, R. (2009): Siliciclastic microfacies and taphonomy of a Lower Devonian marine-terrestrial transitional environment (Nellenköpfchen Formation, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Germany): implications for small-scale fluctuations in a complex setting. – Cincinatti Museum Center Scientific Contributions, 3: 52

Brocke, R., Schultka, S., Wehrmann, A. (2009). Marine – terrestrial sequences in the Lower Devonian of Germany – a palaeobotanical and palynological approach. – Cincinatti Museum Center Scientific Contributions, 3: 51

Schindler, E., Wilde, V., Wehrmann, A., Brocke, R. & Schultka, S. (2009): A Lower Devonian marine-terrestrial transition – implications for small-scale fluctuations in a complex environmental setting (Nellenköpfchen Formation, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Germany). – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 63: 70.

Markert, A., Esser, W. & Wehrmann, A. (2008): The prominence of native blue mussels as ecosystem engineers in the intertidal flats of the Wadden Sea is replaced by alien oysters: status quo of system change. 1st WCMB World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Valencia (Spanien).

Wehrmann, A., Yilmaz, I., Schindler, E., Kozlu, H., Bozdogan, N., Brocke, R., Ertug, K., Gedik, I., Jansen, U., Karslioglu, Ö., Nalcioglu, G., Nazik, A., Özkan, Ö., Saydam Demiray, D.G., Weddige, K., Wilde, V. & Yalcin, M.N. (2008): Key sections from the Devonian of the Central and Eastern Taurides (Turkey). – From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangea: Dynamics of Oceans and Supercontinents. 20th International Senckenberg Conference and 2nd Geinitz Conference. Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499, Abstract volume, 241.

Wehrmann, A., Yilmaz, I., Wilde, V., Schindler, E., Kozlu, H., Yalcin, M.N. (2008): Sedimentology and microfacies of shallow-marine carbonates from the Devonian of the Central and Eastern Taurides (Turkey). – From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangea: Dynamics of Oceans and Supercontinents. 20th International Senckenberg Conference and 2nd Geinitz Conference. Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499, Abstract volume, 137-139.

Yalcin, M.N., Yilmaz, I., Wilde, V., Wehrmann, A. Schindler, E., Özkan, R., Nazik, A., Nalcioglu, G., Königshof, P., Jansen, U. & Brocke, R. (2008): Palaeogeographic setting of Devonian successions of Turkey – A Gondwana vs. Laurussia comparison. – From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangea: Dynamics of Oceans and Supercontinents. 20th International Senckenberg Conference and 2nd Geinitz Conference. Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499, Abstract volume, 141-142.

Herkommer, M., Kutschera, J., Markert, A. & Wehrmann, A. (2007): Monitoring of new established oyster reefs in the Wadden Sea. 3rd International Optech Seminar, Annual Optech ILRIS-3D Users Meeting, Rom.

Markert, A, Kröncke, I., Schmidt, A. & Wehrmann, A, (2007): New oyster reefs in the East Frisian Wadden Sea: Crassostrea gigas affects the community structure of native Blue Mussel beds. – 42nd EMBS Kiel 27–31 August 2007, Abstractvolume: p. 85.

Schindler, E., Wehrmann, A., Yilmaz, I., Yalcin, M.N., Wilde, V., Saydam, G., Özkan, R., Nazik, A., Nalcioglu, G., Kozlu, H., Gedik, I., Ertug, K. & Bozdogan, N. (2007): Stratigraphy and facies of Devonian sequences from the Northern margin of Gondwana (Central to Eastern Taurides, Turkey). – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy and IGCP 499 Devonian Land Sea Interaction, Eureka, Nevada, 9-17 September 2007, Program and Abstracts: 75-76; Eureka.

Yilmaz, I., Yalcin, M.N., Wilde, V., Wehrmann, A., Uguz, M.F., Schindler, E., Saydam, G., Özkan, R., Mann, U., Nazik, A., Nalcioglu, G., Kozlu, H., Königshof, P., Karslioglu, Ö., Jansen, U., Gedik, I., Ertug, K., Brocke, Bozdogan, N. & Bahtiyar, I. (2007): The Devonian of Turkey – an attempt for comparison of Laurussioan and Gondwanan continental margins. – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy and IGCP 499 Devonian Land Sea Interaction, Eureka, Nevada, 9-17 September 2007, Program and Abstracts: 90-91, 1 fig.; Eureka.

Markert, A, Kröncke, I., & Wehrmann, A, (2007): Crassostrea gigas affects the community structure of native Blue Mussel beds. – 10th International Conference on Shellfish Restoration ICRS Vlissingen 12–16 November 2007, Abstractvolume: p. 27.

Herkommer, M., Kutschera, J., Markert, A. & Wehrmann, A. (2007) Monitoring of new established oyster reefs in the Wadden Sea. 3rd International Optech Seminar, Annual Optech ILRIS-3D Users Meeting, Rom.

Jansen, U., Bensaid, M., Birenheide, R., El Hassani, A., Königshof, P., Plodowski, G., Rjimati, E.-C., Schemm-Gregory, M., Schindler, E. & Wehrmann, A. (2006): Middle Devonian reefs in the western Sahara. – Première Rencontre sur la Valorisation et la Préservation du Patrimoine Paléontologique, 27-29 Avril 2006: 105-107; Marrakech.

Wilde, V., Wehrmann, A., Schindler, E., Yalcin, M.N., Yilmaz, I., Özkan, R., Nazik, A., Nalcioglu, G., Kozlu, H. Gedik, I., Ertug, K. & Bozdogan, N. (2006): Devonian coastal sequences from the northern margin of Gondwana (Central to Eastern Taurids, Turkey). – Schriftenreihe Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, 45: 182

Schmidt, A., May, P., Markert, A., Schieck, P., Wehrmann, A., Dublier, N. & Dittmann, S. (2006): Invasion of Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) in the Wadden Sea – does it matter? – Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie, 36: 316.

Hertweck, G. , Wehrmann, A. & Liebezeit, G. (2005): From ichnocoenosis to Ichnofabric: Development of Ichnofacies before the fossil record. – 40th EMBS, Vienna, Abstract Volume: 56-57.

Ernst, A., Königshof, P., Scholz, J., Wehrmann, A. (2005): Bryozoan involvement in fossil reefs – examples from Devonian reefs in southern Morocco. – International Conference “Devonian terrestrial and marine environments: from continent to shelf, Novosibirsk, July 25 – August 09. – Abstractvolume.

Federolf, C. , Wehrmann, A., Nebelsick, J. & Tietze, K.-W. (2005): Vertically packed shells: an example from macrotidal flats of the North Sea. –Schriftenreihe Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, 38: 56.

Nebelsick, J. & Wehrmann, A. (2005): Patterns and processes of mass shell accumulations – carbonate factories in siliciclastic environments. –Schriftenreihe Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, 38: 113.

Schneider, B., Nebelsick, J. & Wehrmann, A. (2005): Taphonomie of mass shell accumulations in the macrotidal regimes of North Sea tidal flats. – Schriftenreihe Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, 38: 134.

Wehrmann, A., Wilde, V. & Schindler, E. (2005): Plant taphonomy of marine-terrestrial transitions: The Rhenish Devonian and modern analougs. – International IGCP 499 Workshop ‘Devonian Environments of the Gondwana and Laurasian Devonian, Abstract Volume, 26-27.

Schmidt, A., Wehrmann, A. & Dittmann, S. (2005): Mussel beds or oyster reefs – does it matter? – ‘Aquatic invasive species and the functioning of European coastal ecosystems’ MARBEF workshop Abstract Volume.

Königshof, P., Bensaid, M., Birenheide, R., El Hassani, A., Jansen, U., Plodowski, G., Rjimati, G., Schindler, E. & Wehrmann, A. (2004): Middle Devonian Carbonate buildups – examplesa from Western Sahara, Morocco. – ‚Devonian neritic-pelagic correlation and events’ Int. Meeting on Stratigraphy, Rabat, March 1-10 2004, Abstract-Vol.: 28-29.

Wehrmann, A., Schmidt, A. & Försterra, G. (2004): The end of a tropical story: carbonate production by coral assemblages and related benthic communities in the shallow waters of South Chilean fjords. – In: Kukla, P., Littke, R., Stollhofen, H. & Schwarzer, D. [Eds.]: Sediment 2004: Kurzfassungen und Exkursionsführer. – Schriftenr. Dt. Geol. Ges., 33: 174.

Schmidt, A., Wehrmann, A. & Dittmann, S. (2004): Bio-invasion of the Pacific Oyster into the East Frisian Wadden Sea (Germany): Will Mytilus-beds be replaced by Oyster-reefs? – 13th Internat. Conf. Aquatic Invasive Species, 20-24 Sept 2004, Ireland, Abstr. Vol.: 144.

Königshof, P.; Bensaid, M.; Birenheide, R.; El Hassani, A.; Jansen, U.; Plodowski, G.; Rjimati, E.; Schindler, E. & Wehrmann, A. (2004): Carbonate buildups in the Middle Devonian – examples from the western Sahara. – Universitätsdrucke Göttingen: 128-130.

Schindler, E., Brocke, R., Hertweck, G., Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Plodowski, G., Schultka, S., Wehrmann, A. & Wilde, V. (2004): Coastal Paleoenvironment: A Lower Devonian (Emsian) land-sea transition South of the Old Red Continent (Mosel Syncline, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Germany). – Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 36 (5): 74451.

Wilde, V., Schindler, E., Plodowski, G., Königshof, P., Jansen, U., Brocke, R., Hertweck, G., Wehrmann, A. & Vogel, O. (2004): Arthropod tracks from the Emsian (upper Lower Devonian) of Burgen (Mosel Syncline, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). – Universitätsdrucke Göttingen: 247.

Königshof, P., Bensaid, M., Birenheide, R., El Hassani, A., Jansen, U., Plodowski, G., Rjimati, E., Schindler, E. & Wehrmann, A. (2003): The Middle Devonian (Givetian) Gor-al-Hessen reef-mound (Western Sahara). – In: Wehrmann, A. [Ed.]: Sediment 2003 1st Regional Meeting of SEPM-CES. – Terra Nostra, 03/3: pp.

Schindler, E., Brocke, R., Hertweck, G., Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Plodowski, G., Schultka, S., Wehrmann, A. & Wilde, V. (2003): A Lower Devonian land-sea transition: Palaeoenvironment in a coastal setting of the Mosel area (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Germany). – In: Wehrmann, A. [Ed.]: Sediment 2003 1st Regional Meeting of SEPM-CES. – Terra Nostra, 03/3: 139.

Wilde, V., Wehrmann, A., Schultka, S., Schindler, E., Königshof, P., Jansen, U. & Brocke, R. (2003): Clastic microfacies of Lower Devonian plant accumulations in a marine-terrestrial transition (Alken, Mosel Valley, Germany). – In: Wehrmann, A. [Ed.]: Sediment 2003 1st Regional Meeting of SEPM-CES. – Terra Nostra, 03/3: 72-73.

Schindler, E., Brocke, R., Hertweck, G., Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Plodowski, G., Schultka, S., Wehrmann, A. & Wilde, V. (2002): Accumulation of plant material in an intertidal environment (Lower Devonian, Germany) – In: Hüssner, H., Hinderer, M., Götz, A. E. & Petschick, R. [Eds.]:Sediment 2002: Kurzfassungen und Programm. – Schriftenr. Dt. Geol. Ges., 17: 182.

Wehrmann, A. (2002): The formation of cold-water carbonates by kelp-forests, their role in coastal particle fluxes and their general setting in non-tropical carbonate systems. – In: Hüssner, H., Hinderer, M., Götz, A. E. & Petschick, R. [Eds.]:Sediment 2002: Kurzfassungen und Programm. – Schriftenr. Dt. Geol. Ges., 17: 216-217.

Wehrmann, A. (2002): Big digs: sand pits in bioclastic sediments of the North Sea – high grade bioturbation by the edible crab Cancer pagurus. – In: Hüssner, H., Hinderer, M., Götz, A. E. & Petschick, R. [Eds.]: Sediment 2002: Kurzfassungen und Programm. – Schriftenr. Dt. Geol. Ges., 17: 215.

Brocke, R., Hertweck, G., Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Plodowski, G., Schindler, E., Schultka, S., Wehrmann, A. & Wilde, V. (2002): Palaeoenvironment of Lower Devonian successions in the Rhenish Slate Mountains (Germany). – IPC 2002 Sydney, Geol. Soc. Austral. Abstracts, 68: 24.

Brocke, R., Riegel, W., Wilde, V., Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Plodowski, G., Schindler, E. & Wehrmann, A. (2002): New biostratigraphical results from the Lower Devonian (Emsian) of the Eifel area, Germany. ECOS VIII 22.-25. June 2002, Toulouse-Albi. – Strata, Ser. 1, 12: 22.

Königshof, P., Brocke, R., Hertweck, G., Jansen, U., Plodowski, G., Schindler, E., Schultka, S., Wehrmann, A. & Wilde, V. (2002): Sedimentary processes at the land-sea transition: deposition of tide-dominated siliciclastic sequences along a Lower Devonian coastal margin (Mosel Region, Germany). – In: Hüssner, H., Hinderer, M., Götz, A. E. & Petschick, R. [Eds.]:Sediment 2002: Kurzfassungen und Programm. – Schriftenr. Dt. Geol. Ges., 17: 111-112.

Bungenstock, F., Wehrmann, A. & Schäfer, A. (2001): Biofazieszonierung und Sedimentverteilung im Rückseitenwatt der ostfriesischen Insel Baltrum. – In: Gaupp, R. & Klauw, S. van der [Eds.]:Sediment 2001: Programm, Kurzfassungen, Exkursionsführer. – Schriftenr. Dt. Geol. Ges., 13: 27-28.

Schindler, E., Blieck, A., Brocke, R., Hertweck, G., Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Plodowski, G., Schultka, S., Vogel, O., Wehrmann, A. &Wilde, V. (2001): Außergewöhnliche Pflanzenakkumulationen in einer gezeitendominierten Fazies im rheinischen Unter-Devon (Alken, Mosel). – In: Wehrmann, A. [Ed.] (2001): PalBioSys 2001 – 3,5 Milliarden Jahre Biodiversität: Tagungsführer. – Terra Nostra, 01/6: 103.

Wehrmann, A. (2000): Are mussel beds just mussel beds? The persistence of epibenthic Cerastoderma edule in mussel beds of the backbarrier tidal flats. – ECSA Workshop Communityecology of soft bottom mussel beds, Abstract Volume: 28.

Wehrmann, A., Brocke, R., Hertweck, G., Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Plodowski, G., Schindler, E., Schultka, S. & Wilde, V. (2000): Intertidal deposits in Lower Devonian siliciclastic sequences of the Mosel Region, Germany. – IAS 20th Regional Meeting Dublin, Ireland, Abstract Volume: 62.

Wehrmann, A. (1998): Epibenthic long-term survival of Cerastoderma edule (L.) in bivalve clusters of the Langeoog/Baltrum backbarrier tidal flats, North Sea. – An actuopaleontological approach. – 33nd EMBS Wilhelmshaven 1998, Abstract-Volume: 71-72.

Wehrmann, A. (1999): Taphonomic effects in life-mode changes: the long-term survival of epibenthic Cerastoderma edule(L.) in bivalve clusters from backbarrier tidal flats, NorthSea. – 14. Sedimentologentreffen Sediment ’99, Terra Nostra, 99/4: 282-285.

Wehrmann, A., Flemming, B.W. & Bartholomä, A. (1997) Bryomol-Karbonate des Südostafrikanischen Schelfs (33°S): Steuerungsmechanismen biogener Karbonatproduktion. – 12. Sedimentologentreffen Sediment ’97, Terra Nostra, 97/2: 258-259.

Wehrmann, A.& Flemming, B.W. (1997) Modern Bryomol-Carbonate on the southeast African shelf: Controls in production and spatial distribution. – 18th. IAS Regional European Meeting of Sedimentology, Gaea heidelbergensis, 3: 358-359.

Wehrmann, A. (1997): Formation of multispecies rhodoliths in intertidal gravel pools from northern Brittany, France. – 32nd EMBS Lysekil 1997, Abstract-Volume: 136.

Wehrmann, A., Ultsch, A. & Korus, D. (1996): Artifical Neuronal networks in the analysis of sedimentary facies. – 11. Sedimentologentreffen Sediment ’96, Abstract-Volume, 176.

Ultsch, A., Korus, D. & Wehrmann, A. (1995): Neuronal networks and their rules for classification in marine geology. – In: Kremers, H. & Pillmann, W. [Eds.]: Space and Time in Environmental Information Systems – 9th International Symposium on Computer Science for Environmental Protection CSEP 1995: 676-693.

Wehrmann, A. (1995): Holozäne Flachwasserkarbonate der Nordbretagne-Steuerungsmechanismen in karbonatproduzierenden Ökosystemen höherer Breiten. – 10. Sedimentologentreffen Sediment ’95, Abstract-Volume, 205-206.

Braun, R., Königshof, P., Kornder, L., Oetken, S. & Wehrmann, A. (1993): Detailuntersuchungen im zentralen Bereich eines mitteldevonischen Stromatoporenriffes, Lahnmulde.- 8. Sedimentologentreffen Sediment ’93, Abstract-Volume, Geologica et Palaeontologica, 19-20.

Wehrmann, A. & Zankl, H. (1992): Miocene carbonate sequences of the Gulf of Suez: The result of sealevel changes and tectonic movements during rifting.-Profil, 1, 51.


Yalçın, M.N., Wehrmann, A.,Schindler, E., Yılmaz, İ., Wilde, V., Nazik, A., Bozdoğan, N., Özkan, R. & Brocke, R. (2012): Paleozoic of Eastern Taurides: Devonian – In: Göncüoğlu, M.C. & Bozdoğan, N. [Eds.]: Paleozoic of Northern Gondwana and its petroleum potential – A field workshop – TAPG Special Publication, 7: 79-99.

Yılmaz, İ., Nazik, A., Yalçın, M.N., Schindler, E., Wilde, V. & Wehrmann, A. (2010): Field trip guide – The Devonian of the Feke-Saimbeyli area (Eastern Taurides, Turkey). – 7th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Adana (Turkey), 23 pp.

Wehrmann, A. & Hertweck, G. (2003): Spiekeroog: Geology, Sedimentology and Actuopaleontology of a barrier island and related tidal flats – A field trip guide. In: Wehrmann, A. [Ed.]: Sediment 2003 1st Regional Meeting of SEPM-CES. – Terra Nostra, 03/3: 165-182.

Wehrmann, A. & Hertweck, G. (2001): Spiekeroog: Geologie, Sedimentologie und Aktuopaläontologie eines Barriereinsel- und Wattensystems. – In: Wehrmann, A. [Ed.]: PalBioSys 2001 – 3,5 Milliarden Jahre Biodiversität: Exkursionsführer. – Terra Nostra, 01/8: 49-66 pp.

Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Schindler, E. & Wehrmann, A. (2000): Lower Devonian siliciclastic sequences of the Mosel Trough and reef influenced Middle to Upper Devonian carbonate rocks of the Lahn Syncline (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Germany). – EPA Workshop 2000 Biomarkers and Stable Isotopes in Palaeontology, Abstract Volume: 133-148.


Editor-in-Chief, Co-Editor & Gasteditor
Wehrmann, A. {Ed. in Chief] (2008): Senckenbergiana maritima, 38 (1/2): 198 pp.

Wehrmann, A. {Ed. in Chief] (2007): Senckenbergiana maritima, 37 (1/2): 144 pp.

Wehrmann, A. [Ed. in Chief] (2006): Senckenbergiana maritima, 36 (1/2): 164 pp.

Wehrmann, A. [Ed. In Chief] (2005): Senckenbergiana maritima, 35 (1/2): 233 pp.

Wehrmann, A. [Ed. In Chief] (2004): Senckenbergiana maritima, 34 (1/2): 172 pp.

Wehrmann, A. [Ed. In Chief] (2004): Senckenbergiana maritima, 33 (1/2): 442 pp.

Wehrmann, A. [Ed.] (2004): Sediment 2003. – Zentralblatt f. Geologie u. Paläontologie, 2003 (3/4): 223-334.

Wehrmann, A. [Ed. In Chief] (2003): Senckenbergiana maritima, 32 (1/2): 193 pp.

Wehrmann, A. [Ed.] (2003): Sediment 2003 1st Regional Meeting of SEPM-CES. – Terra Nostra, 03/3: 200 pp.

Wehrmann, A. [Ed. In Chief] (2001/2002): Senckenbergiana maritima, 31 (1): 97 pp.

Wehrmann, A. [Ed.] (2001): PalBioSys 2001 – 3,5 Milliarden Jahre Biodiversität: Tagungsführer, Programm und Kurzfassungen. – Terra Nostra, 01/6: 230 pp.

Wehrmann, A. [Ed.] (2001): PalBioSys 2001 – 3,5 Milliarden Jahre Biodiversität: Exkursionsführer. – Terra Nostra, 01/8: 77 pp.

Diplomarbeit & Doktorarbeit
Wehrmann, A. (1994): Subboreale Flachwasserkarbonate des Holozäns in der Nordbretagne: Steuerungsmechanismen in karbonatproduzierenden Ökosystemen. Unpubl. Ph. D. Thesis, Univ. Marburg, Germany.

Wehrmann, A. (1991): Die Geologie des südl. Wadi Abu Gerfan (Golf v. Suez): Sedimentologie, Tektonik und Fazies. Unpubl. MSc. Thesis, Univ. Marburg, Germany.


Scientific employee

Dr. Lydia Beuck
Scientific employee marine geology
Scientific employee marine geology; contact person for public relations


Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
1997             Abitur

1997-2002  Biologiestudium an der Universität Tübingen

2002             Diplom (Titel der Diplomarbeit: Biodegradation und Ichnodiversität postmortaler Stadien der
                      Tiefwasserkoralle Lophelia pertusa am Propeller Mound (Porcupine Seabight))

2008             Promotion an der FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (Titel der Doktorarbeit: Framework-building cold-water coral
                       ecosystem characterisation: Key studies from macro- to micro-scale)

2008-2010  Post-Doc am GZN Fachgruppe Paläoumwelt mit Mitarbeit an den EU-Projekten Hermes, Hermione und

ab 2010       Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Senckenberg am Meer Wilhelmshaven


 Habitatkartierung und -charakterisierung von Tiefwasserkorallenökosystemen
 Ökosystemforschung mit Schwerpunkt auf inter- und intraspezifischen Interaktionen
 Biodegradationstudien insbesondere von Kaltwasserkorallen

 20.4. – 5.5.2004 RV Meteor 61-1 (Lissabon -Cork)
 5.6. – 20.6.2004 RV Meteor 61-3 (Cork – Punta Delgada)
 3.8. – 17.8.2004 RV Poseidon 316 (Reykjavik – Lissabon)
 24.9.- 18.10.2006 RV Meteor M 70/1 (Malta – Heraklion)
 18.2.- 10.3.2008 RV Pelagia 64PE284 (Portimão – Portimão)
 29.5.-16.6.2009 RV Poseidon Pos 385 (Faro-Toulon)
29.6.-15.7.2010 RV Poseidon Pos 400 (Vigo – Cork)
21.10.-20.11.10 RV Merian 16-3 (Las Palmas – Mindelo)


Wienberg C, Wintersteller P, Beuck L, Hebbeln D (2013) Coral Patch seamount (NE Atlantic) – a sedimentological and megafaunal reconnaissance based on video and hydroacoustic surveys.Biogeosciences 10: 3421-3443.

Sanfilippo R, Vertino A, Rosso A, Beuck L, Freiwald A, Taviani M (2013)  Serpula aggregates and their role in deep-sea coral communities in the southern Adriatic Sea. Facies 59/4: 663-677

Hebbeln D, Wienberg C, Wintersteller P, Freiwald A, Becker M, Beuck L, Dullo C, Eberli GP, Glogowski S, Matos L, Forster N, Reyes-Bonilla H, Taviani M, MSM 20-4 shipboard party (2013) Environmental forcing of the Campeche cold-water coral province, southern Gulf of Mexico. Biogeosciences Discussions 10: 18757-18801 (online)

Fabri M, Pedel L, Beuck L, Galgani F, Hebbeln D, Freiwald A (2013) Megafauna of vulnerable marine ecosystems in French mediterranean submarine canyons: Spatial distribution and anthropogenic impacts. Deep-Sea Research II (online)

Eisele M, Frank N, Wienberg C, Titschack J, Mienis F, Beuck L Tisnerat-Laborde N, Hebbeln D (2013) Sedimentation patterns on a cold-water coral mound off Mauritania. Deep-Sea Research II (online).

Barnich R, Beuck L, Freiwald A (2013) Scale worms (Polychaeta: Aphroditiformia) associated with cold-water corals in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 93:2129-2143


Beuck L, Freiwald A, Taviani M (2010) Spatiotemporal bioerosion patterns in deep-water scleractinians from off Santa Maria di Leuca (Apulia, Ionian Sea). Deep-Sea Research II 57: 458-470.


Freiwald A, Beuck L, Rüggeberg A, Taviani M, Hebbeln D (2009) The white coral community in the central Mediterranean Sea revealed by ROV surveys. Oceanography 22: 58-74.


Beuck L, Wisshak M, Munnecke A, Freiwald A (2008) A giant boring in a Silurian stromatoporoid analysed by computer tomography. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 53: 149-160.

Beuck L, López Correa M, Freiwald A (2008) Biogeographical distribution of Hyrrokkin (Rosalinidae, Foraminifera) and its host-specific morphological and textural trace variability In: Wisshak M, Tapanila L (eds) Current Developments in Bioerosion. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 329-360.

Wienberg C, Beuck L, Heidkamp S, Hebbeln D, Freiwald A, Pfannkuche O, Monteys X (2008) Franken Mound: facies and biocoenoses on a newly-discovered “carbonate mound” on the western Rockall Bank, NE Atlantic. Facies 54: 1-24.


Beuck L, Vertino A, Stepina E, Karolczak M, Pfannkuche O (2007) Skeletal response of Lophelia pertusa (Scleractinia) to bioeroding sponge infestation visualised with micro-computed tomography. Facies

Schönberg CHL, Beuck L (2007) Where Topsent went wrong: Aka infesta a.k.a. Aka labyrinthica (Demospongiae: Phloeodictyidae) and implications for other Aka spp. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K.  87: 1459-1476


Beuck L, Freiwald A (2005) Bioerosion patterns in a deep-water Lophelia pertusa (Scleractinia) thicket (Propeller Mound, northern Porcupine Seabight) In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer, pp 915-936.

Försterra G, Beuck L, Häussermann V, Freiwald A (2005) Shallow-water Desmophyllum dianthus (Scleractinia) from Chile: characteristics of the biocoenoses, the bioeroding community, heterotrophic interactions and (Paleo)-bathymetric implications In: Freiwald A, Roberts JM (eds) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer, pp 937-977.


Beuck L (2013) Sonderausstellung “Meeresgründe” in Wilhelmshaven. In: Senckenberg-Natur, Forschung und Museum 143(5/6): 188-189.

Beuck L (2013) Juwelen der Tiefe – Kaltwasserkorallen. In: Senckenberg-Natur, Forschung und Museum 143(3/4): 118

Freiwald A, Beuck L (2011) Sind Kaltwasserkorallen durch den Klimawandel gefährdet? In: Lozán JL, Graßl H, Karbe L, Reise K (eds) Warnsignal Klima: Die Meere – Änderungen und Risiken, Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, Hamburg, pp 220-224.

Hebbeln D, Wienberg C, Beuck L, Dehning K, Dullo W-C, Eberli G, Freiwald A, Glogowski S, Garlichs T, Jansen F, Joseph N, Klann M, Matos L, Nowald N, Reyes H, Ruhland G, Taviani M, Wilke T, Wilsenack M, Wintersteller P (2012) West Atlantic cold-water coral ecosystems: The west side story. MSM Cruise No. 20, Leg 4. Maria S Merian-Berichte 20-4: 1-53.

Taviani M, Freiwald A, Beuck L, Angeletti L, Remia A, Vertino A, Dimech M, Schembri PJ (2010) The deepest known occurrence of the precious red coral Corallium rubrum (L., 1758) in the Mediterranean Sea In: Bussoletti E, Cottingham D, Bruckner A, Roberts G, Sandulli R (eds) Proceedings of the International Workshop on Red Coral Science, Management, and Trade: Lessons from the Mediterranean. NOAA Technical Memorandum CRCP-13, pp 87-93.

Wienberg C, Beuck L, Coughlan M, Dimmler W, Eisele M, Freiwald A, Klann M, Ruhland G, Stone J (2010) Report and preliminary results of RV Poseidon Cruise POS 400 “CORICON – Cold-water corals along the Irish continental margin”, Vigo-Cork, June 29 – July 15 2010. Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen 275: 1-35.



Freiwald A, Beuck L & Wisshak M (2012) Korallenriffe im kalten Wasser des Nordatlantiks –
Entstehung, Artenvielfalt und Gefährdung. In: Beck E (ed) Die Vielfalt des Lebens. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, pp 89-96

Freiwald A, Beuck L (2011). Sind Kaltwasserkorallen durch den Klimawandel gefährdet? In: Lozán, J.L., Graßl, H., Karbe, L., Reise, K. (eds.) Warnsignal Klima: Die Meere – Änderungen und Risiken: 183-188. Hamburg, Wiss. Auswertungen

Freiwald A, Beuck L (2011). Die hängenden Gärten von Linosa. In Jakobi N, Neuhoff H von, Springer B (eds) 25 jahre FS Meteor. Hauschild, pp. 108-111.



Beuck L, Freiwald A, López Correa M, Taviani M, Zibrowius H, Hebbeln D (2012) Shedding light on deep-water oyster environments: Habitat characterisation of live Neopycnodonte zibrowii and its Atlantic-Mediterranean distribution. 5th International Deep-Sea Coral Symposium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands [Poster].

Wienberg C, Beuck L, Freiwald A, Taviani M, Titschack J, Frank N, Hebbeln D (2012) The Great Wall of(f) Mauritania: Cold-water corals in an upwelling region. 5th International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals, Amsterdam, The Netherlands [Poster].


Beuck L, Vertino A, Grehan A, Guillaumont B, Kutti T, van den Beld I, Freiwald A, Fossa JH, Laffargue P, Savini A, and CoralFISH members (2011) Protocol & illustrated glossary for mapping & characterisation of cold-water coral ecosystems. 3rd CoralFISH Science Meeting, Heraklion, Crete, Greece [Talk].

Vertino A, Savini A, Beuck L, Negri M, Malinverno E, Mastrototaro F, Corselli C (2011) Bathyal benthic habitats from the southern Apulian slope: characterization, spatial distribution and modifucations through time. 3rd CoralFISH Science Meeting, Heraklion, Crete, Greece [Talk].


Beuck L, Freiwald A, López Correa M, Taviani M, Zibrowius H, Hebbeln D (2010) Shedding light on deep-water oyster environments: Habitat characterisation of live Neopycnodonte zibrowii at El Idrissi Seamount (Alboran Sea) and its Atlantic Mediterranean distribution. HERMIONE Meeting, Malta, [Poster].

Beuck L, de Mol B, Wienberg C, Hebbeln D, Canals M, Freiwald A, Amblas D, Calafat A, Costa S, Duran R, Frigola J, Iglesias O, Lafuerza S, Lavoie C, Lastras G, Liquete CM, Rayo X, Sànchez A, Povea P, Pedrosa R, and HERMESIONE and Poseidon 385 shipboard party (2010) Habitat characterisation of El Idrissi Seamount (Alboran Sea) based on RV Poseidon POS385 and HERMESIONE cruise data. HERMIONE Meeting, Attard, Malta [Poster].

Beuck L, Grehan A, Guillaumont B, Kutti T, Freiwald A, Fossa JH, Laffargue P, and CoralFISH members (2010) Underwater video assessment of fish and cold-water corals. 1st CoralFISH Science Meeting, Attard, Malta [Talk]

Vertino A, Savini A, Negri M, Beuck L, Scuderi A, Malinverno E, Milan L, Panettieri M, Baratti V (2010) Cold-water coral province from Santa Maria di Leuca (Ionian Sea): habitat characterization, ecological and paleoecological observations. 2nd CoralFISH Science Meeting, Milan, Italy [Talk]

Beuck L, Rüggeberg A, Taviani M, Hebbeln D (2009) The white coral community in the central Mediterranean Sea revealed by ROV surveys. Oceanography 22: 58-74.

Dr Anja Singer
Scientific employee marine biology

Ludwig K.E., Singer A., Sell A.F. & Kröncke I. (under review in MEPS): Picky eaters? Predator-prey trait associations and feeding preferences of demersal fishes in the southern North Sea.

Singer A., Bijleveld A.I., Hahner F., Holthuijsen S.J., Hubert K., Kerimoglu O., Schaars L.K., Kröncke I., Lettmann K., Rittweg T., Scheiffarth G., van der Veer H.W. & Wurpts A. (2023) Long-term response of coastal macrofauna communities to de-eutrophication and sea level rise mediated habitat changes (1980s versus 2018). Journal: Frontiers in Marine Science 9:963325. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.963325.

Becker L. R., Bartholomä A., Singer A., Bischof K., Coers S. & Kröncke I. (2019): Small-scale distribution modeling of benthic species in a protected natural hard ground area in the German North Sea (Helgoländer Steingrund). Journal: Geo-Marine Letters: 1-15.

Singer A., Beck M., Millat G., Staneva J. & Kröncke I. (2017): Modelling benthic macrofauna and seagrass distribution patterns in a North Sea tidal basin in response to 2050 climatic and environmental scenarios. Journal: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 188: 99-108.

Singer A., Schückel U., Beck M., Bleich O., Brumsack H.-J., Freund H., Geimecke C., Lettmann K.A., Millat G., Staneva J., Vanselow A., Westphal H., Wolff J.-O., Wurpts A. & Kröncke I. (2016): Small-scale benthos distribution modelling in a North Sea tidal basin in response to climatic and environmental changes (1970s-2009). Journal: Marine Ecology Progress Series 551: 13-30.

Dr Jürgen Titschack
Scientific employee marine geology

(44) Mil­ker Y, Jo­r­is­sen F, Schmiedl G, Titschack J, Rei­cher­ter K, Wein­kauf M, Theo­dor M, Ril­ler U (2019) Pa­leo-eco­lo­gic and neo­tec­to­nic evo­lu­ti­on of a ma­ri­ne de­po­si­tio­nal en­vi­ron­ment in SE Rho­des (Greece) du­ring the ear­ly Plei­sto­ce­ne. Qua­tern­ary Sci­ence Re­views 213: 120-132.

(43) Heb­beln D, Por­tihlo-Ra­mos R, Wien­berg C, Tit­schack J (2019) The fate of cold-wa­ter co­rals in a chan­ging world: a ge­lo­gi­cal per­spec­tive. Fron­tiers in Ma­ri­ne Sci­ence ac­cep­ted 6: 199. DOI:10.3389/​​fmars.2019.00119

(42) Titschack J (2019) Ba­thy­al co­rals wi­t­hin the Ae­ge­an Sea and the ad­ja­cent Hel­le­nic Trench. In: Ore­jas C, Jimé­nez C. Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an Cold-Wa­ter Co­rals (eds.) Past, Pre­sent and Fu­ture – Un­der­stan­ding the Deep-Sea Re­alms of Co­ral. Sprin­ger In­ter­na­tio­nal Pu­blis­hing, Cham, Swit­z­er­land, Sprin­ger: 85-94.   

(41) Wang H, Lo Iaco­no C, Wien­berg C, Titschack J, Heb­beln D (2019) Cold-wa­ter co­ral mounds in the sou­thern Al­bo­ran Sea (wes­tern Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an Sea): In­ter­nal wa­ves as an im­portant dri­ver for mound for­ma­ti­on sin­ce the last de­gla­cia­ti­on. Ma­ri­ne Geo­lo­gy 412:1-18

(40) Heb­beln D, Ben­der M, Gai­de S, Tit­schack J, Van­dor­pe T, Van Rooij D, Win­ter­stel­ler P, Wienberg C (2019) Thousands of cold-wa­ter co­ral mounds along the Mo­roc­can At­lan­tic con­ti­nen­tal mar­gin: dis­tri­bu­ti­on and mor­pho­me­try. Ma­ri­ne Geo­lo­gy 411:51-61.

(39) Pe­tro­vic A, Lantzsch H, Schwenk T, Mar­quard J, Titschack J, Ha­ne­buth TJJ (2019) Post-LGM up­ward shift of the Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an Out­flow Wa­ter re­cor­ded in a con­tou­rite drift off NW Spain. Ma­ri­ne Geo­lo­gy 407: 334-349


(38) Bar­tels M, Titschack J, Fahl K, Stein R, Heb­beln D (2018) Wahlen­bergfjord, eas­tern Sval­bard: a gla­cier-sur­roun­ded fjord re­flec­ting re­gio­nal hy­dro­gra­phic va­ria­bi­li­ty du­ring the Ho­lo­ce­ne? Bo­reas 47:1003-1021.

(37) We­ber ME, Lantzsch H, De­kens P, Das SK, Reil­ly BT, Mar­tos YM, Mey­er-Ja­cob C, Agra­ha­ri S, Ek­blad A, Titschack J, Hol­mes B, Wolf­gramm P (2018) 200,000 ye­ars of mons­o­o­nal his­to­ry re­cor­ded on the lo­wer Ben­gal Fan – strong re­s­pon­se to in­so­la­ti­on for­cing. Glo­bal and Pla­ne­ta­ry Chan­ge 166:107-119

(36) Titschack J, Baum D, Mats­u­yama K, Boos K, Fär­ber C, Kahl WA, Eh­rig K, Meinel D, So­ria­no C, Stock SR (2018) Am­bi­ent oc­clu­si­on – A power­ful al­go­rithm to seg­ment shell and skel­etal in­tra­po­res in com­pu­ted to­mo­gra­phy data. Com­pu­ters & Geo­sci­en­ces 115:75-87

(35) Ávila SP, Ra­mal­ho RS, Ha­ber­mann JM, Titschack J (2018) The Ma­ri­ne Fos­sil Re­cord at San­ta Ma­ria Is­land (Azo­res). In: Kuep­pers U, Bei­er C (eds) Vol­ca­noes of the Azo­res: Re­vea­ling the Geo­lo­gi­cal Se­crets of the Cen­tral Nort­hern At­lan­tic Is­lands. Sprin­ger Ber­lin Hei­del­berg, Ber­lin, Hei­del­berg, pp155-196

(34) Wien­berg C, Titschack J, Frei­wald A, Frank N, Lun­dälv T, Ta­via­ni M, Beuck L, Schrö­der-Ritzrau A, Kren­gel T, Heb­beln D (2018) The gi­ant Mau­ri­ta­ni­an cold-wa­ter co­ral mound pro­vin­ce: Oxy­gen con­trol on co­ral mound for­ma­ti­on. Qua­tern­ary Sci­ence Re­views 185:135-152


(33) Mil­ker Y, Wein­kauf MFG, Titschack J, Frei­wald A, Krü­ger S, Jo­r­is­sen FJ, Schmiedl G (2017) Tes­ting the ap­p­lica­bi­li­ty of a bent­hic fo­ra­mi­ni­fe­ral-ba­sed trans­fer func­tion for the re­con­struc­tion of pa­leo­wa­ter depth chan­ges in Rho­des (Greece) du­ring the ear­ly Plei­sto­ce­ne. PLOS ONE 12:e0188447

(32) Ma­tos L, Wien­berg C, Titschack J, Schmiedl G, Frank N, Ab­ran­tes F, Cun­ha MR, Heb­beln D (2017) Co­ral mound de­ve­lop­ment at the Cam­pe­che cold-wa­ter co­ral pro­vin­ce, sou­thern Gulf of Me­xi­co: Im­pli­ca­ti­ons of Ant­arc­tic In­ter­me­dia­te Wa­ter in­crea­sed in­flu­ence du­ring in­ter­gla­ci­als. Ma­ri­ne Geo­lo­gy 392:53-65

(31) Wiss­hak M, Titschack J, Kahl WA, Gi­rod P (2017) Clas­si­cal and new bio­ero­si­on tra­ce fos­sils in Cret­aceous belem­ni­te guards cha­rac­te­ri­sed via mi­cro-CT. Fos­sil Re­cord 20:173-199

(30) Bar­tels M, Titschack J, Fahl K, Stein R, Sei­den­krantz MS, Hil­lai­re-Mar­cel C, Heb­beln D (2017) At­lan­tic Wa­ter ad­vec­tion vs. gla­cier dy­na­mics in nort­hern Spits­ber­gen sin­ce ear­ly de­gla­cia­ti­on. Clim Past 13:1717-1749

(29) Wien­berg C, Titschack J (2017) Frame­work-For­ming Scle­r­ac­ti­ni­an Cold-Wa­ter Co­rals Through Space and Time: A Late Qua­tern­ary North At­lan­tic Per­spec­tive. In: Ros­si S, Bra­man­ti L, Gori A, Ore­jas C (eds) Ma­ri­ne Ani­mal Fo­rests: The Eco­lo­gy of Bent­hic Bio­di­ver­si­ty Hot­spots. Sprin­ger In­ter­na­tio­nal Pu­blis­hing, Cham, pp699-732


(28) Titschack J, Fink HG, Baum D, Wien­berg C, Heb­beln D, Frei­wald A (2016) Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an cold-wa­ter co­rals – an im­portant re­gio­nal car­bo­na­te fac­to­ry? The De­po­si­tio­nal Re­cord 2: 74-96.

(27) Baum D, Titschack J (2016) Ca­vi­ty and Pore Seg­men­ta­ti­on in 3D Images with Am­bi­ent Oc­clu­si­on. Eu­ro­Vis 2016 – Short Pa­pers, pp. 113-117.

(26) Fär­ber C, Titschack J, Schön­berg CHL, Eh­rig K, Boos K, Baum D, Il­ler­haus B, As­gaard U, Brom­ley RG, Frei­wald A, Wiss­hak M (2016) Long-term ma­cro­bio­ero­si­on in the Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an Sea as­ses­sed by mi­cro-com­pu­ted to­mo­gra­phy. Bio­geo­sci­en­ces 13: 3461-3474.

(25) Mats­u­yama K, Titschack J, Baum D, Frei­wald A (2015) Two new spe­cies of erect Bryo­zoa (Gym­no­lae­ma­ta: Chei­lost­o­ma­ta) and the ap­p­li­ca­ti­on of non-de­struc­tive ima­ging me­thods for quan­ti­ta­ti­ve ta­xo­no­my. Zoo­ta­xa 4020: 81-100. 

(24) Titschack J, Baum D, De Pol Holz R, Lopéz Cor­rea M, Fors­ter N, Flö­gel S, Heb­beln D, Frei­wald A (2015) Ag­gra­da­ti­on and car­bo­na­te ac­cu­mu­la­ti­on of Ho­lo­ce­ne Nor­we­gi­an cold-wa­ter co­ral reefs. Se­di­men­to­lo­gy 62:1873-1898

(23) Wehr­mann LM, Titschack J, Bött­cher ME, Fer­de­l­man TG (2015) Lin­king se­di­men­ta­ry sul­fur and iron bio­geo­che­mis­try to growth pat­terns of a cold-wa­ter co­ral mound in the Por­cu­p­i­ne Ba­sin, S.W. Ire­land (IODP Ex­pe­di­ti­on 307). Geo­bio­lo­gy 13: 424-442. 

(22) Ávila SP, Ra­mal­ho RS, Ha­ber­mann JM, Quar­tau R, Kroh A, Berning B, John­son M, Kir­by MX, Za­non V, Titschack J, Goss A, Re­be­lo AC, Melo C, Ma­dei­ra P, Cor­dei­ro R, Mei­re­les RP, Ba­gaço L, Hip­ó­li­to A, Uch­man A, Sil­va CM, Cachão M, Ma­dei­ra J (2015) Pa­laeo­e­co­lo­gy, ta­pho­no­my, and pre­ser­va­ti­on of a lo­wer Plio­ce­ne shell bed (co­qui­na) from a vol­ca­nic ocea­nic is­land (San­ta Ma­ria Is­land, Azo­res, NE At­lan­tic Oce­an). Pa­laeo­geo­gr Pa­laeo­cli­ma­tol Pa­laeo­e­col 430: 57-73.

(21) Ei­se­le M, Frank N, Wien­berg C, Titschack J, Mie­nis F, Beuck L, Tis­ne­rat-La­bor­de N, Heb­beln D (2014) Se­di­men­ta­ti­on pat­terns on a cold-wa­ter co­ral mound off Mau­ri­ta­nia. eep-Sea Re­se­arch Part II: To­pi­cal Stu­dies in Ocea­no­gra­phy 99: 316-326.
(20) Thie­rens M, Brow­ning E, Pir­let H, Lout­re MF, Dor­schel B, Hu­ven­ne VAI, Titschack J, Co­lin C, Fou­bert A, Whee­ler AJ (2013) Cold-wa­ter co­ral car­bo­na­te mounds as uni­que pa­laeo-ar­chi­ves: the Plio-Plei­sto­ce­ne Chal­len­ger Mound re­cord (NE At­lan­tic). Qua­tern­ary Sci­ence Re­views 73:14-30

(19) Titschack J, Jo­seph N, Fietz­ke J, Frei­wald A, Brom­ley RG (2013) Re­cord of a tec­to­ni­cal­ly-con­trol­led re­gres­si­on cap­tu­red by chan­ges in car­bo­na­te skel­etal as­so­cia­ti­ons on a struc­tu­red is­land shelf (mid-Plei­sto­ce­ne, Rho­des, Greece). Sed Geol 283: 15-33.
(18) Thie­rens M, Pir­let H, Co­lin C, La­tru­we K, Van­ha­ecke F, Lee J, Stuut J-B, Titschack J, Hu­ven­ne V, Dor­schel B, Whee­ler AJ, Hen­riet J-P (2012) Ice-raf­ting from the Bri­tish-Irish ice sheet sin­ce the ear­liest Plei­sto­ce­ne (2.6 mil­li­on ye­ars ago): im­pli­ca­ti­ons for long-term mid-la­ti­tu­di­nal ice-sheet growth in the North At­lan­tic re­gi­on. Quat Sci Rev 44: 229-240.

(17) Seuss B, Titschack J, Sei­fert S, Neu­bau­er J, Nüt­zel A (2012) Oxy­gen and car­bon sta­ble iso­topes from a nau­ti­lo­id from the midd­le Penn­syl­va­ni­an (Late Car­bo­ni­fe­rous) im­p­regna­ti­on La­ger­stät­te ‘Buck­horn Asphalt Quar­ry’ – pri­ma­ry pa­leo-en­vi­ron­men­tal si­gnals ver­sus dia­ge­ne­sis. Pa­laeo­geo­gra­phy, Pa­laeo­cli­ma­to­lo­gy, Pa­laeo­e­co­lo­gy 319/​320: 1-15

(16) Titschack J, Goetz-Neun­hoef­fer F, Neu­bau­er J (2011) Mg quan­ti­fi­ca­ti­on in cal­ci­tes [(Ca, Mg)CO3] by Riet­veld-ba­sed XRD ana­ly­sis – Re­vi­sit­ing a well-es­ta­blis­hed me­thod. Am Min 96: 1028-1038.

(15) Frank T, Titschack J, Thie­rens M (2011) Ara­go­ni­te loss in a cold-wa­ter co­ral mound: me­cha­nisms and im­pli­ca­ti­ons. Se­di­men­to­lo­gy 58: 670-690.

(14) Titschack J, Zu­schin M, Spötl C, Baal C (2010) The gi­ant oys­ter Hyo­tis­sa hyo­tis from the nort­hern Red Sea as a de­ca­dal-sca­le ar­chi­ve for sea­so­nal en­vi­ron­men­tal fluc­tua­ti­ons in co­ral reef ha­bi­tats. Co­ral Reefs 29: 1061-1075.

(13) Hüb­scher C, Dul­lo C, Flö­gel S, Titschack J, Schön­feld J (2010) Con­tou­rite drift evo­lu­ti­on and re­la­ted co­ral growth in the eas­tern Gulf of Me­xi­co and its gate­ways. Int J Earth Sci 99 (Sup­pl. 1), 191-206.

(12) Hein­del H, Titschack J, Dor­schel D, Hu­ven­ne VAI, Frei­wald A (2010) The se­di­ment com­po­si­ti­on and pre­dic­tive map­ping of fa­cies on the Pro­pel­ler Mound — A cold-wa­ter co­ral mound (Por­cu­p­i­ne Se­abight, NE At­lan­tic). Cont Shelf Res 30: 1814-1829.

(11) Mai­er E, Titschack J (2010) Spon­dy­lus ga­eder­opus: a new Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an cli­ma­te ar­chi­ve – ba­sed on high-re­so­lu­ti­on oxy­gen and car­bon iso­to­pe ana­ly­sis. Pa­laeo­geo­gr Pa­laeo­cli­ma­tol Pa­laeo­e­col 291: 228 – 238.

(10) Thie­rens M, Titschack J, Dor­schel B, Hu­ven­ne VAI, Whee­ler AJ, Stuut J-B, O’Don­nell R (2010) The 2.6 Ma de­po­si­tio­nal se­quence from the Chal­len­ger cold-wa­ter co­ral car­bo­na­te mound (IODP Exp. 307): Se­di­ment cont­ri­bu­tors and hydro­dy­na­mic pa­laeo-en­vi­ron­ments. Mar Geol 271: 260-277.

(9) Titschack J, Rad­t­ke U, Frei­wald A (2009) Da­ting and cha­rac­te­ri­zing po­ly­mor­phic trans­for­ma­ti­on of ara­go­ni­te to cal­ci­te in Plei­sto­ce­ne bi­val­ves from Rho­des (Greece) by com­bi­ned shell mi­cro­struc­tu­re, sta­ble iso­to­pe and elec­tron spin re­so­nan­ce stu­dy. J Sed Res 79, 332-346.

(8) Titschack J, Thie­rens M, Dor­schel B, Schul­bert C, Frei­wald A, Kano A, Ta­ka­shi­ma C, Ka­wa­goe N, Li X and the IODP Ex­pe­di­ti­on 307 sci­en­ti­fic par­ty (2009) Car­bo­na­te Bud­get of a cold-wa­ter co­ral mound (Chal­len­ger Mound, IODP Exp. 307). Mar Geol 259, 36-46.

(7) Titschack J, Nel­son CS, Beck T, Frei­wald A, Rad­t­ke U (2008) Se­di­men­ta­ry evo­lu­ti­on of a Late Plei­sto­ce­ne tem­pe­ra­te red al­gal reef (Co­ral­li­gè­ne) on Rho­des, Greece: cor­re­la­ti­on with glo­bal sea-le­vel fluc­tua­ti­ons. Se­di­men­to­lo­gy 55, 1747-1776.

(6) Milàn J, Brom­ley RG, Titschack J, Theo­do­rou G (2007) A di­ver­se ver­te­bra­te ich­no­fau­na from a Qua­tern­ary eo­li­an oo­li­te from Rho­des, Greece. In: Brom­ley RG, Bua­tois LA, Máran­go MG, Ge­ni­se JF, Mel­chor RN (eds). Se­di­ment-or­ga­nism in­ter­ac­tions: A mul­ti­fa­ce­ted ich­no­lo­gy. SEPM Spec Publ 88, 331-342.

(5) Kano A, Fer­de­l­man TG, Wil­li­ams T, Hen­riet JP, Is­hi­ka­wa T, Ka­wa­goe N, Ta­ka­shi­ma C, Kakiz­aki N, Abe K, Sakai S, Brow­ning EL, Li X, And­res MS, Bja­er­ger M, Cragg BA, De Mol B, Dor­schel B, Fou­bert A, Frank TD, Fuwa Y, Gail­lot P, Gha­rib JJ, Gregg JM, Hu­ven­ne VAI, Léo­ni­de P, Man­gels­dorf K, Mon­teys X, No­vo­sel I, O’Don­nell R, Rüg­ge­berg A, Sa­mar­kin VK, Sa­sa­ki S, Spi­vack AJ, Ta­n­a­ka A, Titschack J, van Rooij D, Whee­ler AJ (2007) Age cons­traints on the ori­gin and growth his­to­ry of a deep-wa­ter co­ral mound in NE At­lan­tic dril­led du­ring In­te­gra­ted Oce­an Dril­ling Pro­gram Ex­pe­di­ti­on. Geo­lo­gy, 35: 1051-1054.

(4) Noé SU, Titschack J, Frei­wald A, Dul­lo W-Chr (2006) From se­di­ment to rock: for­ma­ti­on of hard­grounds in the NE At­lan­tic. Fa­cies 52: 183-208.

(3) Wil­li­ams T, Kano A, Fer­de­l­man T, Hen­riet JP, Abe K, And­res M, Bjer­ager M, Brow­ning EL, Cragg BA, De Mol B, Dor­schel B, Fou­bert A, Frank TD, Fuwa Y, Gail­lot P, Gha­rib JJ, Gregg JM, Hu­ven­ne VAI, Leo­ni­de P, Li X, Man­gels­dorf K, Ta­n­a­ka A, Mon­teys X, No­vo­sel I, Sakai S, Sa­mar­kin VA, Sa­sa­ki K, Spivak AJ, Ta­ka­shi­ma C, Titschack J (2006) Cold wa­ter co­ral mounds re­vea­led. EOS Tran­sac­tions, Ame­ri­can Geo­phy­si­cal Uni­on 87: 525 & 535-536.

(2) Titschack J, Brom­ley RG, Frei­wald A (2005) Plio-Plei­sto­ce­ne cliff-bound, wedge-shaped, warm-tem­pe­ra­te car­bo­na­te de­po­sits from Rho­des (Greece): se­di­men­to­lo­gy and fa­cies. Se­di­men­ta­ry Geo­lo­gy, 180: 29-56.

(1) Titschack J, Frei­wald A (2005) Growth, de­po­si­ti­on, and fa­cies of Plei­sto­ce­ne ba­thy­al co­ral com­mu­nities from Rho­des, Greece. In: Frei­wald, A., Ro­berts, J.M. (eds) Cold-Wa­ter Co­rals and Eco­sys­tems. Sprin­ger-Ver­lag Hei­del­berg, pp 41-59.

Dr.  Max Wisshak
Scientific employee marine geology

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Main fields of research:

  • Carbonate cycling experiments
  • Bioerosion
  • Ichnology
  • Invertebrate palaeobiology
  • Biodiversity assessments
  • Microstructure analyses
  • Stable isotope geochemistry
  • Speleology

1994-2001: Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen, Study of Geology / Palaeontology

1998-1999: University of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff (USA), Overseas Studies

2001: Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen, Diploma Degree in Geology / Palaeontology: June 2001 (Grade: 1.0), Diploma Studies within the DFG-Project „Palaeogeography, Palaeontology, and Biostratigraphy of the Devonian Old Red Succession of NW Spitsbergen“

2001-2002: Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen, Supplementary Study: Media Science / Media Practise (3 out of 4 Semesters)

2002-2006: Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, PhD Degree: April 2006 (Grade: summa cum laude), PhD Studies at the GeoZentrum Nordbayern within the DFG-Project „Quantitative Biodegradation of Marine Cold-Water Carbonates“

2006-2009: Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Post-Doc at the GeoZentrum Nordbayern within the DFG-Project „Monitoring Carbonate Production and Degradation (Azores, Portugal)“

2009-2011: Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Post-Doc at the GeoZentrum Nordbayern within the DFG-Project „Spatial and Temporal Effects of Anthropogenic Carbon on Bioerosion“

2011-2013: Senckenberg am Meer, Wilhelmshaven, Research Associate; continuation of DFG-Project „Spatial and Temporal Effects of Anthropogenic Carbon on Bioerosion“

since 2013: Senckenberg am Meer, Wilhelmshaven, Permanent Researcher at the Department of Marine Research


Wisshak M & Barton HA (eds.) (2022) Lechuguilla Cave: Discoveries in a Hidden Splendor. speleo-photo editions, Friedeburg, 240 p.

Wisshak M & Wisshak S (2020) New Zealand Karst: a Voyage across Limestone Landscapes into the Subterranean Realm of Caves. speleo-photo editions, Friedeburg, 256 p.

Wisshak M & Tapanila L (eds) (2008) Current Developments in Bioerosion. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 500 p.

Wisshak M (2008) Inside Mother Earth: Magische Höhlenwelten, Magic Caves, Grottes Magiques. Edition Reuss, Aschaffenburg, 152 p.

Wisshak M (2006) High-Latitude Bioerosion: The Kosterfjord Experiment. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 109, 202 p. [Staedtler Award].

Menne B, Wisshak M & Wolf A (eds)(2005) Berchtesgadener Alpen. Höhle und Karst 2004/2005, Verband Deutscher Höhlen- und Karstforscher e.V. München, 237 p.


Peer Reviewed Articles

Pyko I, Wisshak M, Teichert S (2025) Depth-related controls on the quantitative composition of rhodolith matrices in the High Arctic. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 45: article e70045.

Berning B, Wisshak M (2024) Cheilostomatida (Bryozoa) from settlement panels deployed in the Azores (central North Atlantic). Marine Biodiversity 54: article 72.

Teichert S, Reddin CJ, Wisshak M (2024) In situ decrease in rhodolith growth associated with Arctic climate change. Global Change Biology 30: e17300.

Straube E, Neumann H, Wisshak M, Mathes G, Teichert S (2024) Bayesian analysis of biodiversity patterns via beam trawl versus video transect—a comparative case study of Svalbard rhodolith beds. Biodiversity and Conservation 33: 1099-1123.


Mono P, Hoffmann R, Wisshak M, Lokier SW, Pederson CL, Hennhofer D, Diaz MR, Swart PK, Nehrke G, Immenhauser A (2024) Microborings reveal alternating agitation, resting and sleeping stages of modern marine ooids. Sedimentology 71: 359-382:24 pp.

Wisshak M, Schneider S, Mikuláš R, Richiano S, Ramil F, Wilson M (2023) Putative hydroid symbionts recorded by bioclaustrations in fossil molluscan shells: a revision and reinterpretation of the cecidogenus Rodocanalis. Papers in Palaeontology 9: e1484.

Cordova-Gonzalez A, Birgel D, Wisshak M, Urich T, Brinkmann F, Marcon Y, Bohrmann G, Peckmann J (2023) A carbonate corrosion experiment at a marine methane seep: The role of aerobic methanotrophic bacteria. Geobiology 21: 491-506.

Wisshak M, Neumann C, Sanna G, Nielsen KSS, Milàn J (2023) Suspected foraminiferan parasitism on a Late Cretaceous echinoid host recorded by the new attachment trace fossil Solichnus aestheticus. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 68: 13-22.

Bertling M, Buatois LA, Knaust D, Laing B, Mángano MG, Meyer N, Mikulás R, Minter NJ, Neumann C, Rindsberg AK, Uchman A, Wisshak M (2022) Names for trace fossils 2.0: theory and practice in ichnotaxonomy. Lethaia 55: 1-19.

Wisshak M, Knaust D, Vallon LH, Rindsberg AK (2022) Defining and refining principles in ichnotaxonomy: Markus Bertling (1959-2022). Ichnos 29: 102-105

Wisshak M, Barton HA, Bender K, DuChene HR (2022) The barite conundrum: active growth of non-hydrothermal BaSO4 speleothems in Lechuguilla Cave (New Mexico, USA). Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Speleology – Savoie Mont Blanc 2022, Karstologia Mémoires 25, Volume V: 177-180.

Büscher JV, Form AU, Wisshak M, Kiko R, Riebesell U (2022 ) Cold-water coral ecosystems under future ocean change: Live coral performance vs. framework dissolution and bioerosion. Limnology and Oceanography 67:2497-2515.

Ineson JR, Lauridsen BW, Lode S, Sheldon E, Sørensen HO, Wisshak M, Anderskouv K (2022) A condensed chalk–marl succession on an Early Cretaceous intrabasinal structural high, Danish Central Graben: Implications for the sequence stratigraphic interpretation of the Munk Marl Bed. Sedimentary Geology 440: article 106234.

Meyer N, Wisshak M, Edinger EN, Azetsu-Scott K, Freiwald A (2022) Ichnodiversity in the eastern Canadian Arctic in the context of polar microbioerosion patterns. Polar Research 41: article 8083.

Wisshak M, Meyer N, Kuklinski P, Rüggeberg A & Freiwald A (2021) ‘Ten Years After’ – a long-term settlement and bioerosion experiment in an Arctic rhodolith bed (Mosselbukta, Svalbard). Geobiology 20: 112-136.

Schätzle P-K, Wisshak M, Bick A, Freiwald A & Kieneke A (2021) Exploring confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and fluorescence staining as a tool for imaging and quantifying traces of marine microbioerosion and their trace-making microendoliths. Journal of Microscopy 284: 118-131.

Schleinkofer N, Evans D, Wisshak M, Büscher JV, Fiebig J, Freiwald A, Härter S, Marschall HR, Voigt S & Raddatz J, (2021) Host-influenced geochemical signature in the parasitic foraminifera Hyrrokkin sarcophaga. Biogeosciences 18: 4733-4753.

Teichert S, Löder MGJ, Pyko I, Mordek M, Schulbert C, Wisshak M & Laforsch C (2021) Microplastic contamination of the drilling bivalve Hiatella arctica in Arctic rhodolith beds. Scientific Reports 11: article 14574, 12 p.

Schlüter M, Pyko I, Wisshak M, Schulbert C, Teichert S (2021) Growth interruptions in Arctic rhodoliths correspond to water depth and rhodolith morphology. Minerals 11: article 538.

Schleinkofer N, Raddatz J, Evans D, Gerdes A, Flögel S, Büscher JV, Wisshak M (2021) Compositional variability of Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, and Na/Ca in the deep-sea bivalve Acesta excavata (Fabricius, 1779). Plos One 16:e0245605

Meyer N, Wisshak M & Freiwald A (2021) Bioerosion ichnodiversity in barnacles from the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology 44: 667-682

Hetzinger S, Halfar J, Zajacz Z, Möller M & Wisshak M (2021) Late twentieth century increase in northern Spitsbergen (Svalbard) glacierderived runoff tracked by coralline algal Ba/Ca ratios. Climate Dynamics: 56 3295-3303

Teichert S, Voigt N, Wisshak M (2020) Do skeletal Mg/Ca ratios of Arctic rhodoliths reflect atmospheric CO2 concentrations? Polar Biology 43:2059-2069.

Meyer N, Wisshak M, Freiwald A (2020). Ichnodiversity and bathymetric range of microbioerosion traces in polar barnacles of Svalbard. PolarResearch 39.

Buatois LA, Mángano MG, Minter NJ, Zhou K, Wisshak M, Wilson MA, Olea RA (2020) Quantifying ecospace utilization and ecosystem engineering during the early Phanerozoic –The role of bioturbation and bioerosion. Science Advances 6: eabb0618.

Wisshak M, Neumann C (2020) Dead urchin walking: resilience of an arctic Strongylocentrotus to severe skeletal damage. Polar Biology 43:391-396.

Wisshak M, Barton HA, Bender K, DuChene HR (2020) Active growth of non-hydrothermal subaqueous and subaerial barite (BaSO4) speleothems in Lechuguilla Cave (New Mexico, USA). International Journal of Speleology 49:11-26.

Mayoral E, Santos A, Vintaned JAG, Wisshak M, Neumann C, Uchman A, Nel A (2020) Bivalve bioerosion in Cretaceous-Neogene amber around the globe, with implications for the ichnogenera Teredolites and Apectoichnus. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 538:109410.

Haugen MN, Novosel M, Wisshak M, Berning B (2020) The genus Reptadeonella (Bryozoa, Cheilostomatida) in European waters: There’s more in it than meets the eye. Bryozoan Studies 2019 – Proceedings of the 18th International Bryozoology Association Conference, Liberec, Czech Republic, pp. 59-68.

Wisshak M, Neumann H, Rüggeberg A, Büscher JV, Linke P, Raddatz J (2019) Epibenthos dynamics and environmental fluctuations in two contrasting polar carbonate factories (Mosselbukta and Bjørnøy-Banken, Svalbard). Frontiers in Marine Science 6: article 667, 31 p.

Wisshak M, Hüne L (2019) The new encrusting microproblematicum Circumpodium enigmaticum and its attachment trace Circumpodichnus serialis from the Middle Jurassic of Normandy (France). Fossil Record 22:77-90.

Büscher JV, Wisshak M, Form AU, Titschack J, Nachtigall K, Riebesell U (2019) In situ growth and bioerosion rates of Lophelia pertusa in a Norwegian fjord and open shelf cold-water coral habitat. PeerJ 7: e7586, 36 p.

Forel M-B, Thuy B, Wisshak M (2019) Digging into the ancestral stocks of Jurassic lineages: ostracods (Crustacea) from Carnian (Late Triassic) sponge mounds from the Maantang Formation (South China). BSGF – Earth Sciences Bulletin 190: article 9, 29 p.

Hetzinger S, Halfar J, Zajacz Z, Wisshak M (2019) Early start of 20th-century Arctic sea-ice decline recorded in Svalbard coralline algae. Geology 47:963-967.

Wisshak M, Knaust D, Bertling M (2019) Bioerosion ichnotaxa: review and annotated list. Facies 65: article 24, 39 p.

Schönberg CHL, Gleason FH, Meyer N, Wisshak M (2019) Close encounters in the substrate: when macroborers meet microborers. Facies 65: article 22, 9 p.

Meyer N, Wisshak M, Schönberg CHL (2019) Sponge bioerosion versus aqueous pCO₂: morphometric assessment of chips and etching issures. Facies 65: article 27, 20 p.

Berning B, Achilleos K, Wisshak M (2019) Revision of the type species of Metroperiella (Bryozoa, Cheilostomatida), with the description of two new species, Journal of Natural History 53:141-158.

Wizemann A, Nandini SD, Stuhldreier I, Sánchez-Noguera C, Wisshak M, Westphal H, Rixen T, Wild C, Reymond CE (2018) Rapid bioerosion in a tropical upwelling coral reef. PLoS ONE 13:e0202887.

Uchman A, Wisshak M, Rodríguez-Tovar FJ (2018) The bivalve boring Cuenulites amygdaloides nov. isp. in siliceous sponges from the Upper Cretaceous of Germany. Geobios 51:481-486.

Wisshak M, Meyer N, Radtke G & Golubic S (2018) Saccomorpha guttulata – a new marine fungal microbioerosion trace fossil from cool- to cold-water settings. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 92:525-533.

Wisshak M, Neumann C (2018) Large dendrinids meet giant clam: the bioerosion trace fossil Neodendrina carnelia igen. et isp. n. in a Tridacna shell from Pleistocene-Holocene coral reef deposits, Red Sea, Egypt. Fossil Record 21:1-9.

Wisshak M (2017) Taming an ichnotaxonomical Pandora’s box: Revision of dendritic and rosetted microborings (ichnofamily: Dendrinidae). European Journal of Taxonomy 390:1-99.

Schönberg CHL, Tribollet A, Fang JKH, Carreiro-Silva M & Wisshak M (2017) Viewpoints in bioerosion research—are we really disagreeing? Ar eply to the comment by Silbiger and DeCarlo (2017). ICES Journal of Marine Science 74:2494-2500.

Wisshak M, Titschack J, Kahl W-A & Girod P (2017) Classical and new bioerosion trace fossils in Cretaceous belemnite guards characterised via micro-CT. Fossil Record 20:173-199.
Dataset at PANGAEA

Schönberg CHL, Fang JKH, Carreiro-Silva M, Tribollet A & Wisshak M (2017) Bioerosion: the other ocean acidification problem. ICES Journal of Marine Science 74:895-925.

Breton G, Wisshak M, Néraudeau D & Morel N (2017) Parasitic gastropod bioerosion trace fossils on Cenomanian oysters from Le Mans, France and its ichnologic and taphonomic context. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 62:45-57.

Wisshak M, Neumann C, Knaust D & Reich M (2017) Rediscovery of type material of the bioerosional trace fossil Talpina von Hagenow, 1840 and its ichnotaxonomical implications. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 91:127-135.

Buatois LA, Wisshak M, Wilson MA & Mángano MG (2017) Categories of architectural designs in trace fossils: A measure of ichnodisparity. Earth-Science Reviews 164:102-181.

Färber C, Titschack J, Schönberg CHL, Ehrig K, Boos K, Baum D, Illerhaus B, Asgaard U, Bromley RG, Freiwald A & Wisshak M(2016) Long-term macrobioerosion in the Mediterranean Sea assessed by micro-computed tomography. Biogeosciences 13:3461-3474.

Seuss B, Wisshak M, Mapes RH, Hembree DI & Landman NH (2016) Microbial bioerosion of erratic sub-fossil Nautilus shells in a karstic cenote (Lifou, Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia). Ichnos 23:108-115.

Wisshak M, Kroh, A, Bertling M, Knaust D, Nielsen JK, Jagt JWM, Neumann, C & Nielsen KSS (2015) In defence of an iconic ichnogenus – Oichnus Bromley, 1981. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 85:445-451.

Seuss B, Hembree DI, Wisshak M, Mapes RH & Landman NH (2015) Taphonomy of backshore versus deep-marine collected Nautilus macromphalus conchs (New Caledonia). Palaios 30:503-513.

Neumann C, Wisshak M, Aberhan M, Girod P, Rösner T, Bromley R (2015) Centrichnus eccentricus revisited: A new view on anomiid bivalve bioerosion. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 60:539-549.

Färber C, Wisshak M, Pyko I, Bellou N, Freiwald A (2015) Effects of Water Depth, Seasonal Exposure, and Substrate Orientation on Microbial Bioerosion in the Ionian Sea (Eastern Mediterranean). PLoS ONE 10:e0126495

Seuss B, Wisshak M, Mapes RH, Landman NH (2015) Syn-Vivo Bioerosion of Nautilus by Endo- and Epilithic Foraminiferans (New Caledonia and Vanuatu). PLoS ONE 10:e0125558.

Wisshak M, Berning B, Jakobsen J & Freiwald A (2015) Temperate carbonate production: Biodiversity of calcareous epiliths from intertidal to bathyal depths (Azores). Marine Biodiversity 45:87-112.

Thuy B, Kiel S, Dulai A, Gale AS, Kroh A, Lord AR, Numberger-Thuy LD, Stöhr S, Wisshak M (2014) First glimpse into Lower Jurassic deep-sea biodiversity: in situ diversification and resilience against extinction. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281:20132624.

Wisshak M, Schönberg CHL, Form A & Freiwald A (2014) Sponge bioerosion accelerated by ocean acidification across species and latitudes? Helgoland Marine Research 68:253-262.
Dataset at PANGAEA:

Wisshak M, Alexandrakis E, Hoppenrath M (2014) The diatom attachment scar Ophthalmichnus lyolithon igen. et isp. n. Ichnos 21:111-118.

Golubic S, Radtke G, Campbell S, Lee S-J, Vogel K, Wisshak M (2014) The complex fungal microboring trace Saccomorpha stereodiktyon isp. nov. reveals the growth strategy of its maker. Ichnos 21:100-110.

Schönberg CHL, Wisshak M (2014) Marine Bioerosion. In: Goffredo S, Dubinsky Z (eds) The Mediterranean Sea: Its History and Present Challenges. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 449-461.

Teichert S, Woelkerling W, Rüggeberg A, Wisshak M, Piepenburg D, Meyerhöfer M, Form A & Freiwald A (2014) Arctic rhodolith beds and their environmental controls (Spitsbergen, Norway). Facies 60:15-37.

Wisshak M, Schönberg CHL, Form A & Freiwald A (2013) Effects of ocean acidification and global warming on reef bioerosion – lessons from a clionaid sponge. Aquatic Biology 19:111-127.
Dataset at PANGAEA:

Kennedy E, Perry CT, Halloran PR, Iglesias-Prieto R, Schönberg CHL, Wisshak M, Form AU, Carricart-Ganivet JP, Fine M, Eakin CM, Mumby PJ (2013) Avoiding coral reef functional collapse requires local and global action. Current Biology 23:912-918.,

Marali S, Wisshak M, López Correa M & Freiwald A (2013) Skeletal microstructure and stable isotope signature of three bathyal solitary cold-water corals from the Azores. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 373:25-38.

Wisshak M, Schönberg CHL, Form A & Freiwald A (2012) Ocean acidification accelerates reef bioerosion. PLoS ONE 7(9):e45124.
Dataset at PANGAEA:

Schönberg CHL and Wisshak M (2012) The perks of being endolithic. Aquatic Biology 17:1-5.

Wisshak M (2012) Microbioerosion. In: Knaust D & Bromley R (eds) Trace Fossils as Indicators of Sedimentary Environments. Developments in Sedimentology 64, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 213-243.

Teichert S, Woelkerling W, Rüggeberg A, Wisshak M, Piepenburg D, Meyerhöfer M, Form A, Büdenbender J & Freiwald A (2012) Rhodolith beds (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) and their physical and biological environment at 80°31’N in Nordkappbukta (Nordaustlandet, Svalbard Archipelago, Norway). Phycologia 51:371-390.

Wisshak M, Tribollet A, Golubic S, Jakobsen J & Freiwald A (2011) Temperate bioerosion: Ichno- and biodiversity from intertidal to bathyal depths (Azores). Geobiology 9:492-520.

Van Rooij D, De Mol L, Le Guilloux L, Wisshak M, Huvenne VAI, Moeremans R & Henriet J-P (2010) Environmental setting of deep-sea oysters in the Bay of Biscay. Deep-Sea Research I 57:1561-1572.

Wisshak M, Form A, Jakobsen J & Freiwald A (2010) Temperate carbonate cycling and water mass properties from intertidal to bathyal depths (Azores). Biogeosciences 7:3279-2396.

Wisshak M, Form A, Jakobsen J & Freiwald A (2010) Temperate carbonate cycling and water mass properties from intertidal to bathyal depths (Azores, N-Atlantic). Biogeosciences Discussssions 7:3297-3333.

Wisshak M & Jantschke H (2010) Im Höhlenruinenniveau der Reiteralm (Berchtesgadener Alpen)? Beibelkareishöhle (1337/42) und Prünzlkopfhöhle (1337/57). Die Höhle 201:39-47.

Wisshak M, López Correa M, Zibrowius H, Jakobsen J & Freiwald, A (2009) Skeletal reorganisation affects geochemical signals, exemplified in the stylasterid hydrocoral Errina dabneyi (Azores Archipelago). Marine Ecology Progress Series 397:197-208.

Neumann C & Wisshak M (2009) Gastropod parasitism on Late Cretaceous to Early Paleocene holasteroid echinoids – evidence from Oichnus halo isp. n. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 284:115-119.

Wisshak M, Neumann C, Jakobsen J & Freiwald A (2009) Reply to the Comment on “The ‘living-fossil community’ of the cyrtocrinoid Cyathidium foresti and the deep-sea oyster Neopycnodonte zibrowii (Azores Archipelago). [Palaeontology Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 271:77-83]”. Palaeontology, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 279:235-236.

Wisshak M, Neumann C, Jakobsen J & Freiwald A (2009) The ‘living-fossil community’ of the cyrtocrinoid Cyathidium foresti and the deep-sea oyster Neopycnodonte zibrowii (Azores Archipelago). Palaeontology, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 271:77-83.

Wisshak M, López Correa M, Gofas S, Salas C, Taviani M, Jakobsen J & Freiwald A (2009) Shell architecture, element composition, and stable isotope signature of the giant deep-sea oyster Neopycnodonte zibrowii sp. n. from the NE Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research I 56:374-404.

Heindel K, Westphal H & Wisshak M (2009) Data report: bioerosion in the reef framework, IODP Expedition 310 off Tahiti (Tiarei, Maraa, and Faaa sites). Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Volume 310.

Heindel K, Wisshak M & Westphal H (2009) Microbioerosion in Tahitian reefs: A record of environmental change during the last deglacial sea-level rise (IODP #310). Lethaia 42:322-340.

Volohonsky E, Wisshak M, Blomeier D, Seilacher A & Snigirevsky S (2008) A new helical trace fossil from the Lower Devonian of Spitsbergen (Svalbard) and its palaeoenvironmental significance. Palaeontology, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 267:17-20.

Davies AJ, Wisshak M, Orr JC & Roberts JM (2008) Predicting suitable habitat for the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa(Scleractinia). Deep-Sea Res I 55:1048-1062.

Wisshak M & Jantschke, H (2008) Exceptional preservation of Upper Jurassic trace fossils in a modern cave (Mühlbachquellhöhle, S-Germany). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie 249:75-85.

Wisshak M (2008) Two new dwarf Entobia ichnospecies in a diverse aphotic ichnocoenosis (Pleistocene / Rhodes, Greece). In: Wisshak M & Tapanila L (eds) Current Developments in Bioerosion. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 213-234.

Wisshak M, Seuß B & Nützel A (2008) Evolutionary implications of an exceptionally preserved Carboniferous microboring assemblage in the Buckhorn Asphalt Lagerstätte (Oklahoma, USA). In: Wisshak M & Tapanila L (eds) Current Developments in Bioerosion. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 21-54.

Neumann C, Wisshak M & Bromley R (2008) Boring a mobile domicile: an alternative to the conchicolous life habit. In: Wisshak M & Tapanila L (eds) Current Developments in Bioerosion. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 307-328.

Beuck L, Wisshak M, Munnecke A & Freiwald A (2008) A giant boring in a Silurian stromatoporoid analysed by computer tomography. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 53:149-160.

Bromley RG, Wisshak M, Glaub I & Botquelen A (2007) Ichnotaxonomic review of dendriniform borings attributed to foraminiferans: Semidendrina igen. nov. In: Miller III W (ed) Trace fossils: concepts, problems, prospects. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 518-530.

Wisshak M & Porter D (2006) The new ichnogenus Flagrichnus – a palaeoenvironmental indicator for cold-water settings? Ichnos 13:135-145.

Neumann C & Wisshak M (2006) A foraminiferal parasite on the sea urchin Echinocorys: Ichnological evidence from the Late Cretaceous (Lower Maastrichtian, Northern Germany). Ichnos 13:185-190.

Wisshak M & Neumann C (2006) A symbiotic association of a boring polychaete and an echinoid from the Late Cretaceous of Germany. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 51:589-597.

Wisshak M & Rüggeberg A (2006) Colonisation and bioerosion of experimental substrates by benthic foraminiferans from euphotic to aphotic depths (Kosterfjord, SW-Sweden). Facies 52:1-17.

Wisshak M, Freiwald A, Lundälv T & Gektidis M (2005) The physical niche of the bathyal Lophelia pertusa in a non-bathyal setting: environmental controls and palaeoecological implications. In: Freiwald, A & Roberts, JM (eds): Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 979-1001.

Wisshak M, Gektidis M Freiwald A & Lundälv T (2005) Bioerosion along a bathymetrical gradient in a cold-temperate setting (Kosterfjord / SW Sweden): an experimental study. Facies 51:93-117.

Wisshak M, Volohonsky E & Blomeier D (2004) Acanthodian fish trace fossils from the Early Devonian of Spitsbergen. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 49:629-634.

Wisshak M, Volohonsky E, Freiwald A & Seilacher A (2004) A trace fossil assemblage from fluvial Old Red deposits (Wood Bay Formation; Lower to Middle Devonian) of NW-Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Lethaia 37:149-163.

Blomeier D, Wisshak M, Dallmann W, Volohonsky E & Freiwald A (2003) Facies analysis of the Old Red Sandstone of Spitsbergen (Wood Bay Formation): Reconstruction of the depositional environments and implications of basin development. Facies 49:151-174.

Blomeier D, Wisshak M, Joachimski M, Freiwald A & Volohonsky E (2003) Calcareous, alluvial and lacustrine deposits in the Old Red Sandstone of central north Spitsbergen (Wood Bay Formation, Early Devonian). Norwegian Journal of Geology 83:281-298.


Wisshak M (2024) Verborgene Pracht: Die Lechuguilla Cave in New Mexico. NaturFoto 55: 22-29.

Girod P, Wisshak M, Rösner T (2023) Spurenfossilien (Ichnofossilien). In: Schneider C, Girod P (eds) Fossilien aus dem Campan von Hannover. Arbeitskreis Paläontologie Hannover, Hannover, 654-686.

Teichert S, Löder MGJ, Pyko I, Schulbert C, Wisshak M, Laforsch C (2022) Plastikmüll im Mordpolarmeer – Analyse der Mikroplastikkontamination arktischer Bohrmuscheln. GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift 3/2022: 32-34.

Bristol D & Wisshak M (2020) Neuland in Lechuguilla Cave. NSS News 78(11): 11-16.

Wisshak M (2020) MSM55 – Scientific Report. Gutachterpanel Forschungsschiffe (GPF).

Wisshak M (2020) 150 Miles in Lechuguilla Cave. NSS News 78 (1):21-23.

Ricci S, Uchman A, Wisshak M (2019) The 9th International Bioerosion Workshop. Facies 66: article 2, 1

Wisshak M (2019). Karbonatfabriken im Polarmeer. Natur, Forschung, Museum 149:6-11.

Wisshak M & Lyles J (2018) Mopping up South Winds and Southern Climes (Lechuguilla Cave). NSS news 76:10-19.

Wisshak M, Bartholomä A, Beuck L, Büscher J, Form A, Freiwald A, Halfar J, Hetzinger S, Heugten B van, Hissmann K, Holler P, Meyer N, Neumann N, Raddatz J, Rüggeberg A, Teichert S, Wehrmann A (2017) Habitat characteristics and carbonate cycling of macrophyte-supported polar carbonate factories (Svalbard) – Cruise No. MSM55 – June 11 – June 29, 2016 – Reykjavik (Iceland) – Longyearbyen (Norway). MARIA S. MERIAN-Berichte, MSM55, 58 p., DFG-Senatskommission für Ozeanographie.

Beuck L, Aguilar R, Fabri M, Freiwald A, Gofas S, Hebbeln D, López Correa M, Ramos Martos A, Ramil F, Sánchez Delgado F, Taviani M, Wienberg C, Wisshak M & Zibrowius H (2016) Biotope characterisation and compiled geographical distribution of the deepwater oyster Neopycnodonte zibrowii in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Rapport Commission International Mer Mediterranee 41:462.

Färber C, Wisshak M, Titschack J, Schönberg CHL &Freiwald A (2016) Spatio-temporal variability of bioerosion in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Rapport Commission International Mer Mediterranee 41:349.

Bristol D & Wisshak M (2016) Neuland in Lechuguilla Cave. Descent 251:28-35.

Glaser S, Wisshak M & Fietzke J (2016) Altersdaten von Höhlensintern aus dem Raum Mühlbach (Südliche Frankenalb, Bayern). Laichinger Höhlenfreund 50:73-86.

Form AU, Büscher J, Hißmann K, Flögel S, Wisshak M, Rüggeberg A, Bannister R, Kutti T, Stapp L, Bennecke S, Küter M, Nachtigall K, Schauer J, & Fenske M (2015) RV POSEIDON Cruise Report POS473 LORELEI II Lophelia Reef Lander Expedition and Investigation II.- GEOMAR, Kiel, 25 p.

Berning B, Ávila S, Wisshak M & Ramalho R (2015) Janz weit draußen: die Karbonate nicht-tropischer ozeanischer Inseln. GMIT 60:6-17.

Form AU, Büscher J, Hißmann K, Flögel S, Wisshak M, Rüggeberg A, Hennige S, Bennecke S, Bannister R, Schauer J, and Fenske M (2014) RV POSEIDON Cruise Report POS455 LORELEI Lophelia Reef Lander Expedition and Investigation.- GEOMAR, Kiel, 29 p.

Wisshak M, Straub R, Jantschke H & López Correa M (2013) 25 Jahre Exploration des Eisrohrhöhle-Bammelschacht-Systems (Reiteralm, Berchtesgadener Alpen, D). Die Höhle 46:90-105.

Wisshak M, Straub R, Jantschke H & López Correa M (2013) Das Eisrohrhöhle-Bammelschacht-System (Reiteralm, Berchtesgadener Alpen). Materialhefte zur Karst- und Höhlenkunde 21:1-110.

Freiwald A, Beuck L & Wisshak M (2012) Korallenriffe im kalten Wasser des Nordatlantiks –
Entstehung, Artenvielfalt und Gefährdung. In: Beck E (ed) Die Vielfalt des Lebens. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, p. 89-96.

Freiwald A, Becker S, Bergmann T, Cordts D, Dorschel B, Eisele M, Fleischer D, Form A, Freiwald J, Fricke H, Fricke S, Hebbeln D, Hissmann K, Landmann G, Löffler S-B, Lüdecke C, Meyerhöfer M, Meyer-Schack B, Piebenburg D, Rüggeberg A, Schäfer R, Schauer J & Wisshak M (2009). Geo- and biological investigations on polar benthic ecosystems, palaeoceanography and polar history around Svalbard (Circulation and Ecosystems in the Subpolar and Polar North Atlantic, Part 3, Cruise No. 2, Leg 3, July 31 to August 17, 2006, Longyearbyen-Longyearbyen). MARIA S. MERIAN-Berichte 9-1, Institut für Meereskunde, Hamburg, 45

Wisshak M, Straub R & López Correa M (2005) Das Eisrohrhöhle-Bammelschacht-System (1337/118) im Kleinen Weitschartenkopf (Reiteralm). In: Menne B, Wisshak M & Wolf A (eds) Berchtesgadener Alpen. Höhle und Karst 2004/2005, Verband Deutscher Höhlen- und Karstforscher e.V. München, pp. 68-81.

Wisshak M & Jantschke H (2005) Die Höhlen der Reiteralm. In: Menne B, Wisshak M & Wolf A (eds) Berchtesgadener Alpen. Höhle und Karst 2004/2005, Verband Deutscher Höhlen- und Karstforscher e.V. München, pp. 19-37.

Wisshak M & López Correa M (2005) Authigene Calcitkristallbildung im Höhlenlehm am Beispiel der Steinbruchhöhle Traub (7127/8), Aalen-Waldhausen, Ostalbkreis.Mitteilingen der Oberrheinischen Geologischen Vereinigung, N.F. 87:417-430.

Wisshak M & Jantschke H (2004) Fasercalcite in Höhlen am Beispiel der Hornsteinhöhle (7720/59) bei Straßberg (Schwäbische Alb). Mitteilungen des Verbands deutscher Höhlen- und Karstforscher 50:108-111.

Jantschke H & Wisshak M (2004) Der Feldwegschacht (7519/17) bei Schwalldorf, Gemeinde Rottenburg (Muschelkalkgebiet 1). Beiträge zur Höhlen- und Karstkunde in Südwestdeutschland 44:19-21.

Jantschke H & Wisshak M (2004) Stratigrafie und Höhlenbildung im unteren Weißjura (Malm) der Südwestalb. Mitteilungen des Verbands der deutschen Höhlen- und Karstforscher 50:6-9.

López Correa M, Wisshak M & Jantschke H (2003) Geologie und Mineralogie der Seeigelhöhle im Oberdrackensteiner Steinbruch (Mittlere Schwäbische Alb). Laichinger Höhlenfreund 38:3-10.

Jantschke H & Wisshak M (2002) Höhlen der Kolbinger Berghalbinsel. Materiahefte zur Karst- und Höhlenkunde 17:102

Dallmann WK, Piepjohn K, McCann AJ, Sirotkin AN, Miloslavskij MJ, Ohta Y, Gjelsvik T, Volohonsky E & Wisshak M (2002) Geological map of Svalbard 1:100000, sheet BG5 Woodfjorden. Norsk Polaristitutt, preliminary edition.

Wisshak M (2001): Palaeoenvironment Reconstruction of a Continental to Marginal-Marine Facies Succession in the Old Red Sandstone Basin of NW Svalbard (Lower/Middle Devonian). unpublished masters thesis, Institut für Geowissenschaften der Universität Tübingen, 88

López Correa M, Striebel T & Wisshak M (2001) Höhlen im Steinbruch der Ulmer Weisskalkwerke bei Blaustein-Ehrenstein (Blatt 7525 Ulm-NW). Laichinger Höhlenfreund 36:103-112.

López Correa M & Wisshak M (2001) Höhlen im Kartenblatt 7519 Rottenburg am Neckar.- Beiträge zur Höhlen- und Karstkunde in Südwestdeutschland 42:3-24.

Bechly G, Nel A, Martinez-Delclòs X, Jarzembowski EA, Coram R, Martill D, Fleck G, Escuillié F, Wisshak M, Maisch M (2001) A revision and phylogenetic study of Mesozoic Aeshnoptera, with description of numerous new taxa (Insecta: Odonata: Anisoptera). Neue Paläontologische Abhandlungen 4:1-219.

López Correa M & Wisshak M (2000) Das Fliegenloch (7920/163) – eine neu entdeckte Schachthöhle auf Kartenblatt Leibertingen (Schwäbische Alb). Beiträge zur Höhlen- und Karstkunde in Südwestdeutschland 41:17-20.

Wisshak M & López Correa M (2000) Ein neuer Schachteinbruch auf der Mittleren Schwäbischen Alb – der Scheckenkobel-Erdfall (7621/36) bei Hörschwag im Zollernalbkreis. Beiträge zur Höhlen- und Karstkunde in Südwestdeutschland 41:13-16.

Wisshak M (1999) Der Menninger Schacht – Karstgenese und hydrologische Situation einer Schachthöhle im Randbereich der überdeckten Zone (Südwestalb). Mitteilungen des Verbands deutscher Höhlen- und Karstforscher 45:4-9.

Wisshak M & López Correa M (1998) Das Pommerlesloch (7418/1) – Eine bedeutende Schachthöhle im Oberen Muschelkalk bei Mötzingen, Landkreis Böblingen. Beiträge zur Höhlen- und Karstkunde in Südwestdeutschland 40:24-30.

Gavin Breyer
Scientific employee marine sedimentology

Scientific Career:

since 2022
Scientist in CREATE (Concepts to Reduce the Impact of Anthropogenic Pressures
and Benefits on Marine Ecosystems and Biodiversity), Senckenberg am Meer, Wilhelmshaven
2020 – 2021
M.Sc. Geoinformation Sciences, Jade University Oldenburg
(Masterthesis: Predictive Modelling of Lanice Conchilega in the German Wadden Sea of
Schleswig-Holstein Based on Sidescan Data and Machine Learning)
2016 – 2020
B.Sc. Applied Geodesy, Jade University Oldenburg

Research Interest
Predictive Modelling of Benthic Communities
Implementation and Development of Machine Learning Algorithms for Classification Tasks

WHV SaM Mitarbeiter Hanna Eyrich
Hanna Eyrich
Scientific employee marine geology


Since 2021
Master Student, Marine Environmental Science, Senckenberg am Meer (Wilhelmshaven) & University of Oldenburg
B.Sc. in Biological Sciences, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-University (Frankfurt am Main), Bachelor’s Thesis: Identifying the genus Callionymus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Perciformes: Callionymidae) in Europe: a morphpological obstacle course with genomic perspectives

Marine Expeditions
17.07. – 21.07.2023, Expedition HE580, North Sea, RV Senckenberg (Chief Scientist Dr. Moritz Sonnewald)
16.07. – 30.07.2021, Expedition HE580, North Sea, RV Heincke (Chief Scientist Dr.Moritz Sonnewald)

Alexander Knorrn
Scientific employee marine geology
PhD student marine geology
SaM_Mefo_Aktuo_Mitarbeiterfoto_Kai Pfennings
Kai Pfennings
Scientific employee actuopalaeontology
Giovanni Sanna
Giovanni Sanna
PhD student marine geology

2013–2016: B.Sc. Natural Sciences, University of Bologna. Dissertation: 3D models as educational and research tools – the case of the Northern Guests of the Pleistocene Mediterranean Sea

2016–2018: M.Sc. Biodiversity and Evolution, University of Bologna. Dissertation: Three-dimensional morphometric analysis of skull morphology in two ontogenetic series of toads (Anura: Bufonidae); in cooperation with Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, the Netherlands

since 2019: PhD student, Senckenberg am Meer & University of Bremen. Project: Cold-water coral sensitivity (DFG EXC 2077: The Ocean Floor – Earth’s Uncharted Interface)

Sanna G (2019) Ontogenetic and interspecific variation in skull morphology of two closely related species of toad, Bufo bufo and B. spinosus (Anura: Bufonidae). Acta Herpetologica 14:117–122.

Technical assistants

Ingo Albers
Technical assistant marine sedimentology
Corinna Anderssohn
Technical assistant marine geology
WHV_MeFo_MGeo_Mitarbeiterfoto_Nicol Mahnken
Nicol Mahnken
Technical assistant marine geology

1991  Abitur Max Planck Gymnasium Wilhelmshaven

1991 – 1993 Ausbildung zur staatlich geprüften Biologisch technischen Assistentin in Oldenburg

2004 – 2010 Studium der Medieninformatik an der Fachhochschule in Emden

seit September 2001 technische Assistentin Meeresgeologie Senckenberg am Meer in Wilhelmshaven


Mitarbeiterbild Jana Dewenter
Kerstin Thaler
Technical assistant marine biology
