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Collections at the Locations

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Collections in Frankfurt/M.

Zoological Collections Head of Section
Archnology Dr. Peter Jäger
Crustacea Prof. Dr. Angelika Brandt
Entomology I Dr. Gunther Köhler (provisional)
Entomology II Dr. Wolfgang Nässig
Entomology III Prof. Dr. Steffen U. Pauls
Herpetology Dr. Gunther Köhler
Ichtyology Prof. Dr. Angelika Brandt (provisional)
River and Foodplain Ecology Prof. Dr. Peter Haase
River Ecosystem Management PD Fr. Andrea Sundermann
Marine Invertebrates I PD Dr. Dorte Janussen
Marine Invertebrates II Dr. Dieter Fiege
Marine Invertebrates III Dr. Joachim Scholz
Malacology Dr. Julia Sigwart
Mammalogy Dr. Irina Ruf
Ornithology Dr. Gerald Mayr
Botanical Collections Head of Section
Phanerogams Prof. Dr. Stefan Wanke, Dr. Marie Claire Veranso-Libalah
Cryptogams Dr. Christian Printzen
Paleontological/Geological Collections Head of Section
Palaeozoology I – Amber research
Amber, Fossil insects and spiders
Dr. Mónica Solórzano Kraemer
Historical Geology and Facies-Analysis
Conodonts, Microfacies, Trilobites, Ediacara, Minerals
Dr. Peter Königshof
Messel-Vertebrates PD Dr. Krister T. Smith
Messel-Invertebrates Dr. Sonja Wedmann
Dr. Jutta Zipfel
Ostracoda, Foraminifera and Radiolaria, Otoliths
Dr. Volker Wilde
Palaeoanthropology Prof. Dr. Friedemann Schrenk
Macro- and Microfossils all over earth history plant fossils, Eocene, Messel Nannoplankton
Dr. Volker Wilde
Skeletons of lower vertebrates
PD Dr. Krister T. Smith
Palynology and Palaeozoic Microvertebrates
Palynomorphs, Trace Fossils
Dr. Rainer Brocke
Fossil Vertebrates Dr. Rainer Brocke
Fossil small mammals Dr. Thomas Lehmann
Palaeoclimate- and Palaeoenvironmental Research
Geoarchive Marburg
apl. Prof. Dr. Dieter Uhl 
Palaeozoology II
Fossil Cnidaria and Echinodermata, Graptolithida, Stromatolithes, Tentaculitoidea
Dr. Eberhard Schindler
Palaeozoology III
Fossil Brachiopods, Fossil Mollusca, Hunsrück Slate Collection
Dr. Ulrich Jansen
Quaternary Large Mammals (Senckenberg location Weimar) Prof. Dr. Ralf-Dietrich Kahlke
Quaternary Small Mammals (Senckenberg location Weimar) Dr. Lutz Christian Maul
Quaternary Macroflora (Senckenberg location Weimar) Dr. Frank Kienast
Quaternary Microflora (Senckenberg location Weimar) Dr. Martina Stebich

Collections in Dresden

Geological-mineralogical Collections Dresden

The Museum of Mineralogy and Geology in Dresden is among the most significant museums in Germany with respect to research in the geosciences.  The collections comprise about 400,000 minerals, fossils and stones.  The fact that specimens in its collections were first mentioned in the year 1587 makes it the oldest geoscience institution in the world, and suggests an active developmental history.  The collections include many type specimens (described for the first time) and originals (researched items) of fossils and minerals and stones.

Geological-mineralogical Collections Dresden Head of Section
Geochronology Prof. Dr. Ulf Linnemann
Mineralogy Prof. Dr. Klaus Thalheim
Petrography Prof. Dr. Jan-Michael Lange
Palaeozoology PD Dr. Markus Wilmsen
Palaeobotany Dr. Lutz Kunzmann

Zoological Collections Dresden

The Museum of Zoology in Dresden, with more than 6 million animal specimens, is one of the approximately 10 large zoological collections of Germany. The Dresden collections originate from all over the globe, and their international significance is due not least to the abundance of types represented. In the beetle collection alone (2 million specimens) are name-bearing type specimens housed for some 13,500 taxa (species and subspecies). Especially noteworthy are the rich holdings of exterminated vertebrates — among them, for example, a skeleton of the giant sea cow (Hydrodamalis gigas). Also outstanding are the collections of birds and weevils.

Among the ca. 91,000 specimens in the ornithological collection, about 60% of the world’s ca. 9000 bird species are represented. The weevil collection covers about 20,000 of the globally 65,000 species. In addition to classical zoological collections containing alcoholic specimens, skins, coats, and mounted specimens, an extensive and continually growing collection of tissue and blood samples for molecular-genetic studies is provided, currently with over 20,000 samples.

Zoological Collections Dresden Head of Section
Mammalogy Dr. Clara Stefen
Ichthyology Dr. Ralf Britz
Herpetology Dr. Raffael Ernst
Ornithology Dr. Martin Päckert
Malacology Dr. Katrin Schniebs
Coleoptera Dr. Klaus-Dieter Klass
Diptera Dipl.-Ing.  Uwe Kallweit
Lepidoptera Dr. Matthias Nuss
Lower Evertebrates Andreas Weck-Heimann
Hemiptera-Polyneoptera Dr. Christian Schmidt

Collections in Görlitz

The Museum of Natural History houses extensive scientific collections with a total of over 6 million objects from the  fields of zoology, soil zoology, entomology, botany, paleontology and geology. These collections represent an archive of the animate and inanimate nature and document the development of organisms in space and time. They serve scientists worldwide e.g. for taxonomic-systematic, morphological and ecological studies.

Soil Zoology Collections
  Head of Section
Flatworms Plathelminthes Prof. Dr. Willi Xylander
Mesofauna    Dr. David J. Russell
Arachnids Arachnida Dr. Axel Christian
Nematodes Nematoda Dr. Karin Hohberg
Wingless Insects Apterygota Dr. Karin Hohberg (provisional)
Millipedes Myriapoda Dr. Karin Voigtländer
Oribatides mites Oribatida Dr. Ricarda Lehmitz

Collections in Müncheberg

The insect collection of the Senckenberg German Entomological Institute (SDEI) is one of the largest and most important natural history collections in Germany. The collection is a significant resource for the biodiversity research of the international scientific community.

At present it contains approximately 3 million specimens of about 190.000 species, including types of 22.000 species. The currently 13.000 drawers of the uniformly arranged, well catalogued collection are housed in climatised storagerooms in an electronically controlled system of compact shelving. Detailed data about the collection are publishes in Taeger et al. (2010).

Its foundation comprises the specialist collections of outstanding entomologists, which were mostly bequeathed to the SDEI. Amongst these are for example the collections of KRAATZ (Coleoptera), HORN (Coleoptera: Cicindelinae), LEONHARD (Coleoptera and Lepidoptera) and VON HEYDEN (Palaearctic Coleoptera). Particularly valuable are the collections made by SAUTER (1871-1948) in Formosa (about 6000 species, numerous types) and the 1961 DEI Expedition to Albania.

In general, insects of all orders and from every zoogeographic region are included in the collection. The main focus lies, however, on the orders Coleoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera, which have traditionally been worked on by staff of the SDEI. Additionally material related to biology (larvae, pupae, mines, feeding traces, nests, etc.) is collected and preserved.

The individual parts of the collection, with few exceptions, are arranged in the main collection in drawers of standardised dimension and according to the principles expressed by Walther Horn. They are documented in catalogues or by inclusion in the SDEI database. The stock of type specimens is largely covered in published catalogues and partly already accessible via an internal SDEI database.

The rich type material commits the SDEI to intensive international exchange. Numerous guest researchers constantly visit the SDEI from all parts of the world in order to work in the collection.

Databasing insect type specimens collected in Taiwan and housed abroad 

(External funder: National Museum of Natural Science (NMNS) in Taichung, Taiwan)

The collection of the SDEI is known for its large “Formosa Collection”, comprising about 6000 species and type material of 2258 species from Taiwan. The insects were collected between 1908 and 1914 by Hans Sauter (LINK: 1009683 ESAKI 1941.pdf) and donated to the institute, which engaged itself in finding specialists to examine the material, and in the publication of the results. Through this activity, Taiwan was for a long time the entomologically best investigated island in south-east Asia.

In 2007 the National Museum of Natural Science (NMNS) in Taichung, Taiwan, signed a contract with Senckenberg, which has led to the phased digitalisation of the type material in the Formosa Collection. The images have been made available by the NMNS in an online database Entomologists from all parts of the world are thus enabled to examine images of type material, often making it unnecessary to send specimens on loan.

Collections in Tübingen

At the Senckenberg Centre for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment (SHEP) at the University of Tübingen, nine collections are managed by Senckenberg. The six palaeontological collections have a history of more than 200 years and together comprise well over 1 million objects and more than 30,000 published individual items, mostly typological material. Fossils from the excavations of such important scientists as August von Quenstedt, Ernst Koken, Friedrich von Huene, Otto Schindewolf, Karl Mägdefrau, Alfred Eisenack or Adolf Seilacher can be examined. The collections also house central paleoanthropological fossils such as the bones of Danuvius guggenmosi (Madelaine Böhme) or the hominid teeth from the bean ore of the Swabian Alb (Wilhelm von Branco). In seven large exhibition halls, impressive vertebrate skeletons and other fossils, some in stratigraphic order and in a historicizing ambience, are presented in a long-established display, teaching and research collection.
The three collections of archaeobotany, archaeozoology and geoarchaeology developed from comparative research collections of the Tübingen Institute of Palaeontology, which has its origins in prehistoric studies.
In addition to the nine SHEP collections, there are also several working collections.

Early Prehistory and Quaternary EcologyProf. Nicholas J. Conard, Ph.D.
BiogeologyProf. Dr. Hervé Bocherens
PalaeoanthropologyProf. Dr. Katerina Harvati
Vertebrate EmbryologyPD Dr. Ingmar Werneburg
Comparative ZoologyProf. Dr. Madelaine Böhme, PD Dr. Ingmar Werneburg
SHEP CollectionsHead of Department/Head of Section
Systematic palaeontology of vertebratesPD Dr. Ingmar Werneburg
Systematic palaeontology of invertebrates PD Dr. Ingmar Werneburg
Stratigraphic palaeontologyPD Dr. Ingmar Werneburg
Collection of publicationsPD Dr. Ingmar Werneburg
MicropalaeontologyPD Dr. Ingmar Werneburg
PalaeobotanyPD Dr. Ingmar Werneburg
ArchaeobotanyPD Dr. Simone Riehl
ArchaeozoologyPD Dr. Britt Starkovich
GeoarchaeologyProf. Dr. Christopher Miller

Collections in Jena

Senckenberg Institute for Plant Form and Function Jena (SIP) was founded in June 2024 in cooperation with the Friedrich-Schiller-University (FSU) Jena. In Jena, the eighth Senckenberg Institute will comprehensively analyze biodiversity change in the Anthropocene – the age shaped by humans – using modern and innovative methods in temporal depth and spatial breadth. The professorships for Integrative Plant Taxonomy and Functional  Biodiversity Research, already established at FSU, and two new Senckenberg professorships for Bryophyte Ecology & Evolution and Digital Collectomics, plus associated staff from biological science and informatics, will utilise the collections of the Jena herbarium Haussknecht for as a foundation of novel, interdisciplinary research to investigate biodiversity change.

With 3.5 million specimens, the Herbarium Haussknecht is one of the most important herbaria in Europe and is also the largest regional botanical collection in Germany. Through digitization combined with ‘imaging’ and the inclusion of artificial intelligence and ‘deep learning’, through the integration of databases, and through the application of molecular genetic methods, the extensive potential of this unique collection for the analysis of biodiversity change can now be raised and shared. The aim is to reconstruct biodiversity and its changes and interactions in a spatially explicit manner over a period of the last century and to develop forecasts and options for action for the conservation of biodiversity.

In addition to FSU, the region has a strong expertise in biological, computer and earth-system sciences, including the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, several Max-Planck Institutes (MPI -BGC, -CE, -), a Leibniz Institute (HKI) and the Institute of Data Science of the German Aerospace Centre (DLR).

Collection Head of Section
Herbarium Hausknecht Hellwig, Frank, Univ.-Prof. Dr.