
The section houses a collection of both dry and alcohol-preserved molluscs (and also some small collections of other invertebrate taxa not covered by other divisions, for instance Crustacea). Most recent additions are of non-marine species, particularly terrestrial slugs. The latter are the focus of our research. Besides some faunistic work and investigations of life cycles, we focus on mating behaviour and reproduction, partly because this relates to speciation and taxonomy. Much of our work involves behavioural observations using video recordings, but it also includes paternity analysis, measurements of lifetime fecundity, morphology, and DNA analysis.

For details of research projects, lists of publications (including downloads), CVs, pictures, etc., please see the home pages of Heike Reise and John Hutchinson.

Senckenberg has further malacology sections in two of its other museums:  Malacology Frankfurt and Malacology Dresden.