Senckenberg – Leibniz Institution for Biodiversity and Earth System Research
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors heads the Senckenberg – Leibniz Institution for Biodiversity and Earth System Research and adopts the resolutions of the Presidential Committee/ Verwaltungsrat and the General Assembly of the Senckenberg Members. The Board of Directors consists of the Director General as Chairperson and up to five other members. The additional members of the Board of Directors include the Deputy Director General and the Administrative Director, who are appointed by the Board of Directors for a period of up to five years.
Klement Tockner is Director General of Senckenberg – Leibniz Institution for Biodiversity and Earth System Research and Professor for Ecosystem Science at Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main (since 2021). He was President of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF; 2016-2020), Professor for Aquatic Ecology at the Freie Universität Berlin (2007-2020) and Director of the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Berlin (2007-2016). He received a PhD in Zoology and Botany at the University of Vienna (1993) and a titular professorship at ETH Zurich (2005).
He was Editor-in-Chief of the journal Aquatic Sciences (2005-2014) and is Editorial Board Member of the journal Ecosystems. He has published around 250 scientific papers, including more than 200 ISI articles. In 2009, he published a comprehensive book on European rivers (“Rivers of Europe”, Elsevier / Academic Press; 2nd edition in 2022).
Klement Tockner is an internally leading aquatic ecologist. His research focuses on biodiversity, river basin management and the role of science in society. His current research interests include the ecology of dry rivers, the consequences of large-scale infrastructure projects (e.g., dams, water transfer schemes) worldwide, and the coupling of biological and cultural diversity.
Klement Tockner has successfully led large inter- and transdisciplinary projects such as the “BioFresh” project funded by the European Commission. He advises scientific institutions worldwide on their strategic development and is a member of several committees and advisory boards, including the German Science and Humanities Council and the University Council of the University of Salzburg, Austria. He is an elected member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz. For the FWF, he received the Wikimedia Prize for “Open Knowledge” in 2019, and he was named “National Champion” of the first Frontiers Planet Prize (2023).
Employment History
since 2021 Director General of the Senckenberg Society for Nature Research
since 2021 Professor of Ecosystem Sciences at Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
2017-2021 Head of the Austrian Agency for Research Integrity – ÖAWI, Vienna, Austria
2016-2020 President of the Austrian Science Fund – FWF, Vienna, Austria
2007-2020 Professor of Aquatic Ecology at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
2007-2016 Director of the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Berlin, Germany
2005 Titular professorship at ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2004/2005 Visiting Scientist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, NY, USA
2002 JSPS research fellow at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
1999-2007 Group leader at EAWAG/ETH, Dübendorf, Switzerland
1996-1999 Assistant Professor (“Senior Assistant”) at ETH Zurich, Switzerland
1994-1996 Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Vienna, Austria
1993-1994 Freshwater consultant in Rwanda and Uganda, Africa
1993 PhD in Zoology and Botany at the University of Vienna, Austria
since 2024 WR – German Science and Humanities Council (Member)
since 2023 DB – Deutsche Bank (Member of Nature Council)
since 2023 Paris Lodron University Salzburg, PLUS, Austria (Member of the University Council)
since 2023 WCL – WasserCluster Lunz/See, Austria (Member of the Scientific Advisory Board)
since 2023 BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria (Member of the Scientific Advisory Board)
since 2023 University of Basel, Switzerland, Department of Environmental Sciences (Member of the Scientific Advisory Board)
since 2023 Bruno H. Schubert Foundation, Frankfurt am Main (Chairman of the Board of Trustees)
since 2022 Sparkling Science 2.0 Program (OeAD) (Chairman of the Board of Trustees)
since 2022 Crespo Foundation, ArtNature/NatureArt Residencies in Glenkeen Garden (Member of the Jury)
since 2021 Johanna Quandt Young Academy at the Goethe-Institut (JQYA) (Co-Director)
since 2021 Messel Pit World Heritage Site (gGmbH), Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
since 2021 Werner Reimers Foundation (Member of the Scientific Advisory Board)
since 2021 Paul Ungerer Foundation (Member of the Board of Trustees)
since 2005 Ecosystems (Editorial Board Member)
2021-2022 Paris Lodron University Salzburg, PLUS (Member of the Kuratorium)
2019-2021 University of Koblenz-Landau and Kaiserslautern University of Technology (Member of the Steering Group of the Ministry for Science & Health)
2016-2020 ZALF – Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, Müncheberg, Germany (Member of the Board of Trustees)
2017 Science Europe (Member of the Executive Committee and the Steering Committee)
2017 Uppsala University (Chair of the Evaluation Committee, Department of Biology)
2009-2014 BioFresh ( (Coordinator of the FP7-EU project)
2009-2013 DIVERSITAS (Member of DIVERSITAS freshwater BIODIVERSITY)
2013 European River Prize (Member of the Jury)
2009-2013 ISRS – International Society for River Science (Member of the Board of Directors)
2011-2016 BeGenDiv – Berlin Center for Genomics in Biodiversity Research (Co-Speaker)
2014 UNEP project on water quality guidelines for ecosystems (Member of the Scientific Drafting Group)
2012 Global Environmental Outlook Report 5 of UNEP (Principal Reviewer, Biodiversity chapter)
Leibniz Association
2009-2014 Leibniz Research Network on Biological Diversity (LVB), a network of 22 institutes (Spokesperson)
2011-2013 Section “Environmental Sciences” (Spokesperson)
German Research Foundation (DFG)
2012-2016 Commission on Biodiversity (Member)
2011-2014 Review Board of Panel 318 (Water Research, Member)
2009-2016 Commission for Water Research (KOWA; Permanent Guest)
Foschungsverbund Berlin
2015-2016 Network of eight research institutes of the Leibniz Association
2011-2013 Network of eight research institutes of the Leibniz Association (Spokesperson)
Scientific advisory bodies
2018-2020 BC – Biology Center of the CAS, České Budějovice, Czech Republic (Member)
2015-2018 NIES – National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan (Member)
2011-2016 BfG – Federal Institute of Hydrology, Bonn, Germany (Co-Chairman)
2009-2016 ICRA – Catalan Water Research Institute, Girona, Spain (Member)
Editorial activities
2015-2019 Aquatic Sciences: Transboundary Research (Co-Editor)
2005-2014 Aquatic Sciences: Transboundary Research (Editor-in-chief)
Four special issues in Aquatic Sciences, Freshwater Biology, Rivers Research and Application, Fundamental and Applied Limnology (Guest Editor)
Prizes & Awards (Selection)
Elected member of the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz (elected 2022), elected member of the German Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina (elected in 2015), elected member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (kMA, elected in 2012). “National Champion” of the first Frontiers Planet Prize (2023), Wikimedia Prize for “Freies Wissen” (FWF, 2019), Fenner Lecture (UNC-Chapel Hill, USA, 2013), Margalef Lecture (Guimares, Portugal, 2012), Fellow of JSPS, Sendai, Japan (2002), Liepolt-Prize for Danube Research (1999).
Klement Tockner Publications
Summary Information (Status: 10 January 2024)
Total:~ 280, hereof 185 ISI-publications (1996-2022: in average >10 publications per year; >7 ISI publications per year)
h-Index(Google Scholar): 89; Total # of citations: 37,698 (maximum: 2,292 citations per publication); highly cited papers with more than 200 citations each: 43
Orcid: 0000-0002-0038-8151
Tockner, K., Zarfl, C., Robsinson, C. T. (Eds.). (2022). Rivers of Europe (2nd Edition) Academic Press.
Mehner, T., Tockner, K. (Eds.). (2022). Encyclopedia of Inland Waters (2nd Edition, 4 volumnes) Academic Press.
Drenckhahn, D., Arneth, A., Filser, J., Haberl, H., Hansjürgens, B., Herrmann, B., … Tockner, K. (2020). Globale Biodiversität in der Krise: Was können Deutschland und die EU dagegen tun? Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina eV-Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Tockner, K., Uehlinger, U., Robsinson, C. T. (Eds.). (2009). Rivers of Europe. Academic Press.
Woolsey, S., Weber, C., Gonser, T., Hoehn, E., Hostmann, M., Junker, B., Roulier, C., Schweizer, S., Tiegs, S., Tockner, K., Peter, A. (2005). Handbook for evaluating rehabilitation projects in rivers and streams: A publication by the Rhone-Thur project. Eawag, WSL, LCH-EPFL, VAW-ETHZ.
Special issues
Lewandowski, J., Nützmann, G., & Tockner, K. (Eds.). (2014). Frontiers in real-time ecohydrology. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 184, 3.
Milner, A. M., & Tockner, K. (Eds.). (2010). Freshwater Benthic Science – what has it contributed to ecological theory? River Research and Applications, 26.
Gurnell, A., Tubino, M., & Tockner, K. (Eds.). (2009). Linkages and feedbacks in highly dynamic alpine fluvial systems. Aquatic Sciences, 71.
Tockner, K., Kollmann, J., Edwards, P. E., & Ward, J. V. (Eds.). (2002). Riverine Landscapes. Freshwater Biology, 47.
Peer-reviewed journal articles (ISI listed)
Foulquier, A., Datry, T., Corti, R., von Schiller, D., Tockner, K., Stubbington, R., … & Zoppini, A. (2023). Unravelling large-scale patterns and drivers of biodiversity in dry rivers.
Peters, R., Berlekamp, J., Kabiri, C., Kaplin, B. A., Tockner, K., & Zarfl, C. (2024). Sustainable pathways towards universal renewable electricity access in Africa. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 5(2), 137-151.
He, F., Svenning, J. C., Chen, X., Tockner, K., Kuemmerle, T., le Roux, E., … & Jähnig, S. C. (2024). Freshwater megafauna shape ecosystems and facilitate restoration. Biological Reviews.
Saber, A. A., Al-Mashhadany, M. F. M., Hamid, A., Gabrieli, J., Tockner, K., Alsaif, S. S., … & Bhat, S. U. (2024). Carcinogenic and Non-Carcinogenic Health Risk Evaluation of Heavy Metals in Water Sources of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer in the El-Farafra Oasis (Egypt). Water, 16(12), 1649.
Hernández-Agüero, J. A., Wesche, K., Zarfl, C., Falkenhahn, M., & Tockner, K. Mapping the Global Distribution of Oases: Insights into Vulnerable and Crowded Ecosystems. Available at SSRN 4731646.
Datry, T., Boulton, A. J., Fritz, K., Stubbington, R., Cid, N., Crabot, J., & Tockner, K. (2024). Publisher Correction: Non-perennial segments in river networks. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 5(1), 75-75.
Sukhodolov, A. N., Manfrin, A., Larsen, S., Shumilova, O. O., Monaghan, M. T., & Tockner, K. (2023). Interactions between diurnal winds and floodplain mosaics control the insect boundary layer in a river corridor. Aquatic Sciences, 85(4), 109.
Datry, T., Boulton, A. J., Fritz, K., Stubbington, R., Cid, N., Crabot, J., & Tockner, K. (2023). Non-perennial segments in river networks. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 1-16.
Hölker, F., Jechow, A., Schroer, S., Tockner, K., & Gessner, M. O. (2023). Light pollution of freshwater ecosystems: principles, ecological impacts and remedies. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 378(1892), 20220360.
*Tydecks, L., Hernández-Agüero, J.A., Böhning-Gaese, K., Bremerich, V., Jeschke, J.M., Schütt, B., Zarfl, C., Tockner, K. (2023) Oases in the Sahara Desert – Linking biological and cultural diversity. PLoS ONE18(8): e0290304
#Sylvester, F., Weichert, F. G., Lozano, V. L., Groh, K. J., Bálint, M., Baumann, L.,… Tockner, K…. & Hollert, H. (2023). Better integration of chemical pollution research will further our understanding of biodiversity loss. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1-4.
Sánchez-Montoya, M. M., Datry, T., Ruhi, A., Carlson, S. M., Corti, R., & Tockner, K. (2023). Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams are pivotal corridors for aquatic and terrestrial animals. BioScience, 73(4), 291-301.
#Shumilova, O., Tockner, K., Sukhodolov, A., Khilchevskyi, V., De Meester, L., Stepanenko, S., … & Gleick, P. (2023). Impact of the Russia–Ukraine armed conflict on water resources and water infrastructure. Nature Sustainability, 6(5), 578-586.
#Shumilova, O., & Tockner, K. (2023). Urgent action is needed to restore the water sector in Ukraine. Nature Sustainability. Research Briefing.
*Peters, R., Berlekamp, J., Tockner, K., & Zarfl, C. (2023). RePP Africa–a georeferenced and curated database on existing and proposed wind, solar, and hydropower plants. Scientific Data, 10(1), 16.
Maasri, A., Jähnig, S. C., Adamescu, M. C., Adrian, R., Baigun, C., … Tockner, K., … Worischka, S. (2022). A global agenda for advancing freshwater biodiversity research. Ecology Letters, 25 (2), 255-263.
Salamé, L., Bogardi, J. J., Sebesvari, Z., Tockner, K., …, Walz, Y. (2021). Drivers, Pressures and Stressors: The Societal Framework of Water Resources Management. In J. J. Bogardi et. Al. (Ed.), Handbook of Water Resources Management: Discourses, Concepts and Examples (pp. 329-364). Springer.
Tockner, K. (2021). Freshwaters: Global Distribution, Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, and Human Pressures. In J. J. Bogardi et. Al. (Ed.), Handbook of Water Resources Management: Discourses, Concepts and Examples (pp. 489-501). Springer.
#He, F., Thieme, M. Zarfl, C., Grill, G., Lehner, B., … Tockner, K., … Jahnig, S. C. (2021). Impacts of loss of free-flowing rivers on global freshwater megafauna. Biological Conservation, 263 (109335).
Thieme, M L., Tickner, D., Grill, G., Carvallo, J. P., Goichot, M., … Tockner, K., … Opperman, J. (2021). Navigating trade-offs between dams and river conservation. Global Sustainability, 4(E17), 1-7.
Cantonati, M., Fensham, R. J., Stevens, L. E., Gerecke, R., Glazier, D. S., Goldscheider, N., … Tockner, K. (2021). Urgent plea for global protection of springs. Conservation Biology, 35(1), 378-382.
Jähnig, S. C., Baranov, V., Altermatt, F., Cranston, P., Friedrichs‐Manthey, M., … Tockner, K., … Domisch, S. (2021). Revisiting global trends in freshwater insect biodiversity. WIREs Water, 8(2), e1506.
Peters, R., Berlekamp, J., Lucía, A., Stefani, V., Tockner, K., & Zarfl, C. (2021). Integrated Impact Assessment for Sustainable Hydropower Planning in the Vjosa Catchment (Greece, Albania). Sustainability, 13(3), 1514.
He, F., Langhans, S. D., Zarfl, C., Wanke, R., Tockner, K., & Jähnig, S. C. (2020). Combined effects of life‐history traits and human impact on extinction risk of freshwater megafauna. Conservation Biology, 35(2), 643-653.
Heger, T., Bernard-Verdier, M., Gessler, A., Greenwood, A. D., Grossart, H.-P., … Tockner, K., … Jeschke, J. M. (2020). Clear Language for Ecosystem Management in the Anthropocene: A Reply to Bridgewater and Hemming. BioScience, 70(5), 374-376.
Moleón, M., Sánchez-Zapata, J. A., Donázar, J. A., Revilla, E., Martín-López, B., Gutiérrez-Cánovas, C., … Tockner, K. (2020). Rethinking megafauna. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 287(1922), 20192643.
Sánchez-Montoya, M. M., Tockner, K., von Schiller, D., Miñano, J., Catarineu, C., Lencina, J. L., … Ruhi, A. (2020). Dynamics of ground-dwelling arthropod metacommunities in intermittent streams: The key role of dry riverbeds. Biological Conservation, 241, 108328.
Serlet, A. J., López Moreira M, G. A., Zolezzi, G., Wharton, G., Hölker, F., … Tockner, K., … Zarfl, C. (2020). SMART Research: Toward Interdisciplinary River Science in Europe. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 8, 63.
Thieme, M. L., Khrystenko, D., Qin, S., Golden Kroner, R. E., Lehner, B., … Tockner, K., … Mascia, M. B. (2020). Dams and protected areas: Quantifying the spatial and temporal extent of global dam construction within protected areas. Conservation Letters, 13(4), e12719.
Tickner, D., Opperman, J. J., Abell, R., Acreman, M., Arthington, A. H., … Tockner, K., … Young, L. (2020). Bending the Curve of Global Freshwater Biodiversity Loss: An Emergency Recovery Plan. BioScience, 70(4), 330-342.
Grill, G., Lehner, B., Thieme, M., Geenen, B., Tickner, D., … Tockner, K., … Zarfl, C. (2019). Mapping the world’s free flowing rivers. Nature, 569(7755), 215-221.–019–1111–9
He, F., Zarfl, C., Bremerich, V., David, J. N. W., Hogan, Z., … Tockner, K., Jähnig, S. C. (2019). The global decline of freshwater megafauna. Global Change Biology, 25(11), 3883-3892.
Heger, T., Bernard-Verdier, M., Gessler, A., Greenwood, A. D., Grossart, H.-P., … Tockner, K., … Jeschke, J. M. (2019). Towards an Integrative, Eco-Evolutionary Understanding of Ecological Novelty: Studying and Communicating Interlinked Effects of Global Change. BioScience, 69(11), 888-899.
Hickisch, R., Hodgetts, T., Johnson, P. J., Sillero‐Zubiri, C., Tockner, K., & Macdonald, D. (2019). Effects of publication bias on conservation planning. Conservation Biology, 33(5), 1151-1163.
Jeschke, J. M., Börner, K., Stodden, V., & Tockner, K. (2019). Open Access journals need to become first choice, in invasion ecology and beyond. NeoBiota, 52, 1-8.
Jeschke, J. M., Lokatis, S., Bartram, I. & Tockner, K. (2019). Knowledge in the dark: scientific challenges and ways forward. FACETS, 4(1), 423-441.–2019–0007
Kyba, C. M. C., Giuliani, G., Franziskakis, F., Tockner, K., & Lacroix, P. (2019). Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Sites in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Are Not Associated with Nighttime Light Emissions. J Multidisciplinary Science Journal, 2(2), 152-161.
Larsen, S., Karaus, U., Claret, C., Sporka, F., Hamerlík, L., & Tockner, K. (2019). Flooding and hydrologic connectivity modulate community assembly in a dynamic riverfloodplain ecosystem. PLoS ONE, 14(4), e0213227.
Pinter, N., Brasington, J., Gurnell, A., Kondolf, G. M., Tockner, K., Wharton, G., & Yarnell, S. M. (2019). River research and applications across borders. River Research and Applications, 35(6), 768-775.
Reid, A. J., Carlson, A. K., Creed, I. F., Eliason, E. J., Gell, P. A., … Tockner, K., … Cooke, S. J. (2019). Emerging threats and persistent conservation challenges for freshwater biodiversity. Biological Reviews, 94(3), 849-873.
Schmidt-Kloiber, A., Bremerich, V., De Wever, A., Jähnig, S. C., Martens, K., … Tockner, K., Hering, D. (2019). The Freshwater Information Platform: a global online network providing data, tools and resources for science and policy support. Hydrobiologia, 838(1), 1-11.–019–03985–5
Schmidt-Kloiber, A., De Wever, A., Bremerich, V., Strackbein, J., Hering, D., Jähnig, S., … Tockner, K. (2019). The Freshwater Information Platform: An online network supporting freshwater biodiversity research and data publishing. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, 3, e37378.
Shumilova, O., Tockner, K., Gurnell, A. M., Langhans, S. D., Righetti, M., Lucía, A., & Zarfl, C. (2019). Floating matter: a neglected component of the ecological integrity of rivers. Aquatic Sciences, 81(2), 25.–0619–2
Shumilova, O., Zak, D., Datry, T., von Schiller, D., Corti, R., … Tockner, K., … Zarfl, C. (2019). Simulating rewetting events in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: A global analysis of leached nutrients and organic matter. Global Change Biology, 25(5), 1591-1611.
Tydecks, L., Ibelings, B. W., & Tockner, K. (2019). A global survey of freshwater biological field stations. River Research and Applications, 35(8), 1314-1324.
von Schiller, D., Datry, T., Corti, R., Foulquier, A., Tockner, K., Marcé, R., … Zoppini, A. (2019). Sediment Respiration Pulses in Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 33(10), 1251-1263.
Zarfl, C., Berlekamp, J., He, F., Jähnig, S. C., Darwall, W., & Tockner, K. (2019). Future large hydropower dams impact global freshwater megafauna. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 18531.–019–54980–8
Darwall, W., Bremerich, V., De Wever, A., Dell, A. I., Freyhof, J., … Tockner, K., … Weyl, O. (2018). The Alliance for Freshwater Life: A global call to unite efforts for freshwater biodiversity science and conservation. Aquatic Conservation, 28(4), 1015-1022.
Datry, T., Boulton, A. J., Bonada, N., Fritz, K., Leigh, C., … Tockner, K., … Dahm, C. N. (2018). Flow intermittence and ecosystem services in rivers of the Anthropocene. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55(1), 353-364.–2664.12941
Datry, T., Foulquier, A., Corti, R., von Schiller, D., Tockner, K., Mendoza-Lera, C., … Zoppini, A. (2018). A global analysis of terrestrial plant litter dynamics in non-perennial waterways. Nature Geoscience, 11(7), 497-503.–018–0134–4
de la Fuente, M., Bonada, N., Bêche, L., Dahm, C. N., Mendez, P. K., Tockner, K., … Acuña, V. (2018). Evolutionary responses of aquatic macroinvertebrates to two contrasting flow regimes. Hydrobiologia, 808(1), 353-370.–017–3437–3
He, F., Bremerich, V., Zarfl, C., Geldmann, J., Langhans, S. D., … Tockner, K., Jähnig, S. C. (2018). Freshwater megafauna diversity: Patterns, status and threats. Diversity and Distributions, 24(10), 1395-1404.
Lumsdon, A. E., Artamonov, I., Bruno, M. C., Righetti, M., Tockner, K., Tonolla, D., & Zarfl, C. (2018). Soundpeaking – Hydropeaking induced changes in river soundscapes. River Research and Applications, 34(1), 3-12.
Marshall, J. C., Acuña, V., Allen, D. C., Bonada, N., Boulton, A. J., … Tockner, K., Vander Vorste, R. (2018). Protecting U.S. temporary waterways. Science, 361(6405), 856-857.
Sánchez-Montoya, M. M., von Schiller, D., Barberá, G. G., Díaz, A. M., Arce, M. I., del Campo, R., & Tockner, K. (2018). Understanding the effects of predictability, duration, and spatial pattern of drying on benthic invertebrate assemblages in two contrasting intermittent streams. PLoS ONE, 13(3), e0193933.
Shumilova, O., Tockner, K., Thieme, M., Koska, A., & Zarfl, C. (2018). Global Water Transfer Megaprojects: A Potential Solution for the Water-Food-Energy Nexus? Frontiers in Environmental Science, 6, 150.
Turnbull, L., Hütt M.-C., Ioannides, A. A., Kininmonth, S., Poeppl, R., Tockner, K., … Parsons, A. J. (2018). Connectivity and complex systems: learning from a multidisciplinary perspective. Applied Network Science, 3(1), 11.–018–0067–2
Tydecks, L., Jeschke, J. M., Wolf, M., Singer, G., & Tockner, K. (2018). Spatial and topical imbalances in biodiversity research. PLoS ONE, 13(7), e0199327.
Carrizo, S. F., Jähnig, S. C., Bremerich, V., Freyhof, J., Harrison, I., … Tockner, K., … Darwall, W. (2017). Freshwater Megafauna: Flagships for Freshwater Biodiversity under Threat. BioScience, 67(10), 919-927.
He, F., Zarfl, C., Bremerich, V., Henshaw, A., Darwall, W., Tockner, K., & Jähnig, S.C. (2017). Disappearing giants: a review of threats to freshwater megafauna. WIREs Water, 4(3), e1208.
Leigh, C., Laporte, B., Bonada, N., Fritz, K., Pella, H., … Tockner, K., Datry, T. (2017). IRBAS: An online database to collate, analyze, and synthesize data on the biodiversity and ecology of intermittent rivers worldwide. Ecology and Evolution, 7(3), 815-823.
Skoulikidis, N. T., Sabater, S., Datry, T., Morais, M. M., Buffagni, A., Dörflinger, G., … Tockner, K. (2017). Non-perennial Mediterranean rivers in Europe: Status, pressures, and challenges for research and management. Science of the Total Environment, 577, 1-18.
Sommerwerk, N., Wolter, C., Freyhof, J., & Tockner, K. (2017). Components and drivers of change in European freshwater fish faunas. Journal of Biogeography, 44(8), 1781-1790.
Tockner, K., & Jeschke, J. M. (2017). Wissenschaft in Umbruchzeiten. Laborjournal, 78, 16-17.
Tockner, K., & Jeschke, J. M. (2017). Freie und unabhängige Wissenschaft: Fundament aufgeklärter Gesellschaften. In H. Hösele & L. Wieser (Eds.), Europa. USA. 3.0: Werte, Interessen, Perspektiven (pp. 199-213).Wieser.
Arora, R., Tockner, K., & Venohr, M. (2016). Changing river temperatures in northern Germany: trends and drivers of change. Hydrological Processes, 30(17), 3084-3096
Bismuth, C., Hansjürgens, B., Moss, T., Hoechstetter, S., Tockner, K., Yorke, V., … Yaramanci, U. (2016). Lessons Learnt, Open Research Questions and Recommendations. In R. F. Hüttl, O. Bens, C. Bismuth, & S. Hoechstetter (Eds.), Society – Water – Technology: Water Resources Development and Management (pp. 279-292). Springer.–3–319–18971–0_17
Gurnell, A. M., Bertoldi, W., Tockner, K., Wharton, G., & Zolezzi, G. (2016). How large is a river? Conceptualizing river landscape signatures and envelopes in four dimensions. WIREs Water, 3(3), 313-325.
Hansjürgens, B., Droste, N., & Tockner, K. (2016). Neglected Values of Major Water Engineering Projects: Ecosystem Services, Social Impacts, and Economic Valuation. In R. F. Hüttl, O. Bens, C. Bismuth, & S. Hoechstetter (Eds.), Society – Water – Technology: Water Resources Development and Management (pp. 65-78). Springer.–3–319–18971–0_5
Jackson, M. C., Weyl, O. L. F., Altermatt, F., Durance, I., Friberg, N, … Tockner, K., … Woodward, G. (2016). Chapter Twelve – Recommendations for the Next Generation of Global Freshwater Biological Monitoring Tools. Advances in Ecological Research, 55, 615-636.
Jeschke, J. M., Kaushal, S. S., & Tockner, K. (2016, April 8). Diversifying Skills and Promoting Teamwork in Science. Eos.
Le, Q. N., Fujii, M., Yoshimura, C., & Tockner, K. (2016). Dissolved nitrogen release from coarse and amphipod-produced fine particulate organic matter in freshwater column. Limnology, 17(1), 33-46.–0458–3
Sánchez‐Montoya, M. M., Moleón, M., Sánchez‐Zapata, J. A., & Tockner, K. (2016). Dry riverbeds: corridors for terrestrial vertebrates. Ecosphere, 7(10), e01508.
Sánchez‐Montoya, M. M., von Schiller, D., Ruhí, A., Pechar, G. S., Proia, L., Miñano, J., … Tockner, K. (2016). Responses of ground-dwelling arthropods to surface flow drying in channels and adjacent habitats along Mediterranean streams. Ecohydrology, 9(7), 1376-1387.
Tockner, K., Bernhardt, E. S., Koska, A., & Zarfl, C. (2016). A Global View on Future Major Water Engineering Projects. In R. F. Hüttl, O. Bens, C. Bismuth, & S. Hoechstetter (Eds.), Society – Water – Technology: Water Resources Development and Management (pp. 47-64). Springer.–3–319–18971–0_4
Tydecks, L., Bremerich, V., Jentschke, I., Likens, G. E., & Tockner, K. (2016). Biological Field Stations: A Global Infrastructure for Research, Education, and Public Engagement. BioScience, 66(2), 164-171.
Tydecks, L., Bremerich, V., Jentschke, I., Likens, G.E., & Tockner, K. (2016). Global Database on Biological Field Stations a pivotal infrastructure for environmental research, education and public information. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin, 25(3), 88-88.
Diener, S., Zurbrügg, C., & Tockner, K. (2015). Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens and effects on its life cycle. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 1(4), 261-270.
Krause, S., Lewandowski, J., Dahm, C. N., & Tockner, K. (2015). Frontiers in real-time ecohydrology – a paradigm shift in understanding complex environmental systems. Ecohydrology, 8(4), 529-537.
Rillig, M. C., Kiessling, W., Borsch, T., Gessler, A., Greenwood, A. D., … Tockner, K., … Jeltsch, F. (2015). Biodiversity research: data without theory – theory without data. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 3, 20.
Rosado, J., Morais, M., & Tockner, K. (2015). Mass Dispersal of Terrestrial Organisms During First Flush Events in a Temporary Stream. River Research and Applications, 31(7), 912-917.
von Schiller, D., Graeber, D., Ribot, M., Timoner, X., Acuña, V., Martí, E., … Tockner, K. (2015). Hydrological transitions drive dissolved organic matter quantity and composition in a temporary Mediterranean stream. Biogeochemistry, 123(3), 429-446.–015–0077–4
Zarfl, C., Lumsdon, A. E., Berlekamp, J., Tydecks, L., & Tockner, K. (2015). A global boom in hydropower dam construction. Aquatic Sciences, 77(1), 161-170.–014–0377–0
Acuña, V., Datry, T., Marshall, J., Barceló, D., Dahm, C. N., … Tockner, K., Palmer, M. A. (2014). Why Should We Care About Temporary Waterways? Science, 343(6175), 1080-1081.
Datry, T., Larned, S. T., & Tockner, K. (2014). Intermittent Rivers: A Challenge for Freshwater Ecology. BioScience, 64(3), 229-235.
Langhans, S. D., & Tockner, K. (2014). Is the unsaturated sediment a neglected habitat for riparian arthropods? Evidence from a large gravel-bed river. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2, 129-137.
Langhans, S. D., & Tockner, K. (2014). Edge Effects Are Important in Supporting Beetle Biodiversity in a Gravel-Bed River Floodplain. PLOS ONE, 9(12), e114415.
Muehlbauer, J. D., Collins, S. F., Doyle, M. W., & Tockner, K. (2014). How wide is a stream? Spatial extent of the potential “stream signature” in terrestrial food webs using meta‐analysis. Ecology, 95(1), 44-55.
Perkin, E. K., Hölker, F., & Tockner, K. (2014). The effects of artificial lighting on adult aquatic and terrestrial insects. Freshwater Biology, 59(2), 368-377.
Perkin, E. K., Hölker, F., Tockner, K., & Richardson, J. S. (2014). Artificial light as a disturbance to light-naïve streams. Freshwater Biology, 59(11), 2235-2244.
Prat, N., Gallart, F., Von Schiller, D., Polesello, S., García-Roger, E. M., … Tockner, K., Froebrich, J. (2014). The Mirage Toolbox: An integrated assessment tool for temporary streams. River Research and Applications, 30(10), 1318-1334.
Settele, J., Scholes, R., Betts, R. A., Bunn, S., Leadley, P., … Tockner, K., … Winter, M. (2014). Terrestrial and Inland Water Systems. In C. B. Field, V. R. Barros, D. J. Dokken, K. J. Mach, M. D. Mastrandrea, T. E. Bilir, … L. L. White (Eds.), Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (pp. 271-359). Cambridge University Press.
Shrestha, J., Niklaus, P. A., Pasquale, N., Huber, B., Barnard, R. L., …Tockner, K., Luster, J. (2014). Flood pulses control soil nitrogen cycling in a dynamic river floodplain. Geoderma, 228-229, 14-24.
Tockner, K. (2014). Novel freshwater ecosystems in a changing climate: a challenge for research and conservation. In H. Korn, J. Stadler, A. Bonn, K. Bockmühl, & N. Macgregor (Eds.), Proceedings of the European Conference “Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Europe – an ecological, policy and economic perspective” (BfN-Skripten 367, pp. 46-47). Bundesamt für Naturschutz. Tockner, K. (2014). Der Wert der Vielfalt. Leibniz-Journal, 3, 14-15.
Doering, M., Uehlinger, U., & Tockner, K. (2013). Vertical hydrological exchange, and ecosystem properties and processes at two spatial scales along a floodplain river (Tagliamento, Italy). Freshwater Science, 32(1), 12-25.–013.1
Hanafiah, M. M., Leuven, R. S. E. W., Sommerwerk, N., Tockner, K., & Huijbregts, M. A. J. (2013). Including the Introduction of Exotic Species in Life Cycle Impact Assessment: The Case of Inland Shipping. Environmental Science & Technology, 47(24), 13934-13940.
Karaus, U., Larsen, S., Guillong, H., & Tockner, K. (2013). The contribution of lateral aquatic habitats to insect diversity along river corridors in the Alps. Landscape Ecology, 28(9), 1755-1767.–013–9918–5
Langhans, S. D., Richard, U., Rueegg, J., Uehlinger, U., Edwards, P., Doering, M., & Tockner, K. (2013). Environmental heterogeneity affects input, storage, and transformation of coarse particulate organic matter in a floodplain mosaic. Aquatic Sciences, 75(3), 335-348.–012–0277–0
Ostojić, A., Rosado, J., Miliša, M., Morais, M., & Tockner, K. (2013). Release of nutrients and organic matter from river floodplain habitats: simulating seasonal inundation dynamics. Wetlands, 33(5), 847-859.–013–0442–9
Pahl-Wostl, C., Arthington, A., Bogardi, J., Bunn, S. E., Hoff, H., … Tockner, K., Tsegai, D. (2013). Environmental flows and water governance: managing sustainable water uses. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 5(3-4), 341-351.
Tockner, K. (2013). Managing river flood plains as ecosystems of global strategic importance. In European Environment Agency (Ed.), Late lessons from early warnings: science, precaution, innovation (EEA Report No. 1, pp. 349-350). EEA.
Tockner, K., & Grossart, H.-P. (2013). Biodiversität der Binnengewässer. In E. Beck (Ed.), Die Vielfalt des Lebens: Wie hoch, wie komplex, warum? (pp. 121-128). Wiley-VCH.
Beniston, M., Stoffel, M., Harding, R., Kernan, M., Ludwig, R., Moors, E., … Tockner, K. (2012). Obstacles to data access for research related to climate and water: Implications for science and EU policy-making. Environmental Science & Policy, 17, 41-48.
De Wever, A., Schmidt-Kloiber, A., Gessner, M. O., & Tockner, K. (2012). Freshwater Journals Unite to Boost Primary Biodiversity Data Publication. BioScience, 62(6), 529-530.
Handcock, R. N., Torgersen, C. E., Cherkauer, K. A., Gillespie, A. R., Tockner, K., Faux, R. N., & Tan, J. (2012). Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing of Water Temperature in Riverine Landscapes. In P. E. Carbonneau & H. Piégay (Eds.), Fluvial Remote Sensing for Science and Management (pp. 85-113). Wiley-Blackwell.
Peter, S., Rechsteiner, R., Lehmann, M. F., Brankatschk, R., Vogt, T., … Tockner, K., Durisch-Kaiser, E. (2012). Nitrate removal in a restored riparian groundwater system: functioning and importance of individual riparian zones. Biogeosciences, 9(11), 4295-4307.–9–4295–2012
Ricaurte, L. F., Boesch, S., Jokela, J., & Tockner, K. (2012). The distribution and environmental state of vegetated islands within human-impacted European rivers. Freshwater Biology, 57(12), 2539-2549.
Shrestha, J., Niklaus, P. A., Frossard, E., Samaritani, E., Huber, B., … Tockner, K., Luster, J. (2012). Soil Nitrogen Dynamics in a River Floodplain Mosaic. Journal of Environmental Quality, 41(6), 2033-2045.
Steward, A.L., von Schiller, D., Tockner, K., Marshall, J.C., & Bunn, S.E. (2012). When the river runs dry: human and ecological values of dry riverbeds. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 10(4), 202-209.
Tockner, K. (2012). Vom struktur- zum funktionsbasierten Gewässermanagement. Natur und Mensch, 54(2), 18-21.
Tockner, K., Gessner, J., Pusch, M., & Wolter, C. (2012). Domestizierte Ökosysteme und neuartige Lebensgemeinschaften: Herausforderungen für das Gewässermanagement. In U. Grünewald, O. Bens, H. Fischer, R.F. Hüttl, K. Kaiser, & A. Knierim (Eds.), Wasserbezogene Anpassungsmaßnahmen an den Landschafts- und Klimawandel (pp. 33-42). Schweizerbart.
Tonolla, D., Wolter, C., Ruhtz, T., & Tockner, K. (2012). Linking fish assemblages and spatiotemporal thermal heterogeneity in a river-floodplain landscape using high-resolution airborne thermal infrared remote sensing and in-situ measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment, 125, 134-146.
Diener, S., Studt Solano, N. M., Roa Gutiérrez, F., Zurbrügg, C., & Tockner, K. (2011). Biological Treatment of Municipal Organic Waste using Black Soldier Fly Larvae. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2(4), 357-363.–011–9079–1
Diener, S., Zurbrügg, C., Gutiérrez, F. R., Nguyen, D. H., Morel, A., Koottatep, T., & Tockner, K. (2011). Black soldier fly larvae for organic waste treatment – prospects and constraints. In M. Alamgir, Q. H. Bari, I. M. Rafizul, S. M. T. Islam,
Sarkar, & M. K. Howlader (Eds.), Proceedings of the WasteSafe 2011 – 2nd International Conference on Solid Waste Management in the Developing Countries, Khulna, Bangladesh (pp. 52 (1-8)).
Dieter, D., von Schiller, D., García-Roger, E. M., Sánchez-Montoya, M. M., Gómez, R., Mora-Gómez, J., … Tockner, K. (2011). Preconditioning effects of intermittent stream flow on leaf litter decomposition. Aquatic Sciences, 73(4), 599-609.–011–0231–6
Doering, M., Uehlinger, U., Ackermann, T., Woodtli, M., & Tockner, K. (2011). Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of soil and sediment respiration in a riverfloodplain mosaic (Tagliamento, NE Italy). Freshwater Biology, 56(7), 1297-1311.–2011.02569.x
Harner, M. J., Opitz, N., Geluso, K., Tockner, K., & Rillig, M. C. (2011). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on developing islands within a dynamic river floodplain: an investigation across successional gradients and soil depth. Aquatic Sciences, 73(1), 35-42.–010–0157–4
Pahl-Wostl, C., Nilsson, C., Gupta, J., & Tockner, K. (2011). Societal Learning Needed to Face the Water Challenge. AMBIO, 40(5), 549-553.–011–0149–1
Perkin, E. K., Hölker, F., Richardson, J. S., Sadler, J. P., Wolter, C., & Tockner, K. (2011). The influence of artificial light on stream and riparian ecosystems: questions, challenges, and perspectives. Ecosphere, 2(11), 122.–00241.1
Peter, S., Rechsteiner, R., Lehmann, M. F., Tockner, K., Vogt, T., Wehrli, B., & DurischKaiser, E. (2011). Denitrification hot spot and hot moments in a restored riparian system. In M. Schirmer, E. Hoehn, & T. Vogt (Eds.), GQ10: groundwater quality management in a rapidly changing world (pp. 433-436). International Association of Hydrological Sciences.
Samaritani, E., Shrestha, J., Fournier, B., Frossard, E., Gillet, F., … Tockner, K., … Luster, J. (2011). Heterogeneity of soil carbon pools and fluxes in a channelized and a restored floodplain section (Thur River, Switzerland). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 15(6), 1757-1769.–15–1757–2011
Steward, A. L., Marshall, J. C., Sheldon, F., Harch, B., Choy, S., Bunn, S. E., & Tockner, K. (2011). Terrestrial invertebrates of dry river beds are not simply subsets of riparian assemblages. Aquatic Sciences, 73(4), 551-566.–011–0217–4
Tonolla, D., Lorang, M. S., Heutschi, K., Gotschalk, C. C., & Tockner, K. (2011). Characterization of spatial heterogeneity in underwater soundscapes at the river segment scale. Limnology and Oceanography, 56(6), 2319-2333.
von Schiller, D., Acuña, V., Graeber, D., Martí, E., Ribot, M., Sabater, S., … Tockner, K. (2011). Contraction, fragmentation and expansion dynamics determine nutrient availability in a Mediterranean forest stream. Aquatic Sciences, 73(4), 485-497.–011–0195–6
Acuña, V., & Tockner, K. (2010). The effects of alterations in temperature and flow regime on organic carbon dynamics in Mediterranean river networks. Global Change Biology, 16(9), 2638-2650.
Blettler, M., Sukhodolov, A., & Tockner, K. (2010). Hydraulic conditions over bed forms control the benthic fauna distribution in a lowland river (Spree River, Germany). In A. Dittrich, K. Koll, J. Aberle, & P. Geisenhainer (Eds.), Riverflow 2010 (Vol. 2, pp. 1463-1467). Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau.
Hölker, F., Moss, T., Griefahn, B., Kloas, W., Voigt, C. C., Henckel, D., … Tockner, K. (2010). The Dark Side of Light: A Transdisciplinary Research Agenda for Light Pollution. Ecology and Society, 15(4), 13.
Hölker, F., Perkin, E. K., Voigt, C. C., Monaghan, M. T., Wolter, C., & Tockner, K. (2010). Artificial light and the environment. In F. Hölker & K. Tockner (Eds.), Loss of the Night: Transdisciplinary Research on Light Pollution (pp. 14-15). Mediabogen.
Hölker, F., & Tockner, K. (2010). Loss of the Night. In F. Hölker & K. Tockner (Eds.), Loss of the Night: Transdisciplinary Research on Light Pollution (pp. 4-5). Mediabogen.
Hölker, F., Wolter, C., Perkin, E. K., & Tockner, K. (2010). Light pollution as a biodiversity threat. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 25(12), 681-682.
Indermaur, L., Schaub, M., Jokela, J., Tockner, K., & Schmidt, B. R. (2010). Differential response to abiotic conditions and predation risk rather than competition avoidance determine breeding site selection by anurans. Ecography, 33(5), 887-–0587.2010.06150.x
Indermaur, L., Schmidt, B. R., Tockner, K., & Schaub, M. (2010). Spatial variation in abiotic and biotic factors in a floodplain determine anuran body size and growth rate at metamorphosis. Oecologia, 163(3), 637-649.–010–1586–4
Larned, S. T., Datry, T., Arscott, D. B., & Tockner, K. (2010). Emerging concepts in temporary-river ecology. Freshwater Biology, 55(4), 717-738.–2427.2009.02322.x
Milner, A. M., & Tockner, K. (2010). River science – What has it contributed to general ecological theory? River Research and Applications, 26(1), 1-4.
Sabater, S., & Tockner, K. (2009). Effects of Hydrologic Alterations on the Ecological Quality of River Ecosystems. In S. Sabater & D. Barceló (Eds.), Water Scarcity in the Mediterranean: Perspectives Under Global Change (pp. 15-39). Springer
Sommerwerk, N., Bloesch, J., Paunović, M., Baumgartner, C., Venohr, M., SchneiderJacoby, M., … Tockner, K. (2010). Managing the world’s most international river: the Danube River Basin. Marine and Freshwater Research, 61(7), 736-748.
Thieme, M. L., Turak, E., McIntyre, P., Darwall, W., Tockner, K., Cordeiro, J.,& Butchart, S. H. M. (2010). Freshwater Ecosystems Under Threat: The Ultimate Hotspot. In A. Mittermeier, T. A. Farrell, I. J. Harrison, A. J. Upgren, & T. M. Brooks (Eds.),Fresh Water: The Essence of Life (pp. 118-151). Conservation International
Tockner, K., Lorang, M. S., & Stanford, J. A. (2010). River flood plains are model ecosystems to test general hydrogeomorphic and ecological concepts. River Research and Applications, 26(1), 76-86.
Tockner, K., Pusch, M. T., Borchardt, D., & Lorang, M. S. (2010). Multiple stressors in coupled river-floodplain ecosystems. Freshwater Biology, 55(s1), 135-151.–2427.2009.02371.x
Tonolla, D., Acuña, V., Lorang, M. S., Heutschi, K., & Tockner, K. (2010). A field-based investigation to examine underwater soundscapes of five common river habitats. Hydrological Processes, 24(22), 3146-3156.
Tonolla, D., Acuña, V., Uehlinger, U., Frank, T., & Tockner, K. (2010). Thermal Heterogeneity in River Floodplains. Ecosystems, 13(5), 727-740.–010–9350–5
Yoshimura, C., Fujii, M., Omura, T., & Tockner, K. (2010). Instream release of dissolved organic matter from coarse and fine particulate organic matter of different origins. Biogeochemistry, 100(1), 151-165.–9412–y
Acuña, V., & Tockner, K. (2009) .Surface-subsurface water exchange rates along alluvial river reaches control the thermal patterns in an Alpine river network. Freshwater Biology, 54(2), 306-320.
Bertoldi, W., Gurnell, A., Surian, N., Tockner, K., Zanoni, L., Ziliani, L., & Zolezzi, G. (2009). Understanding reference processes: linkages between river flows, sediment dynamics and vegetated landforms along the Tagliamento River, Italy. River Research and Applications, 25(5), 501-516.
Diener, S., Roa Gutiérrez, F., Zurbrügg, C., & Tockner, K. (2009). Are larvae of the black soldier fly – Hermetia illucens – a financianlly viable option for organic waste management in Costa Rica? In R. Cossu, L. F. Diaz, & R. Stegmann (Eds.), Proceedings Sardinia 2009, Twelfth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. CISA publisher.
Diener, S., Zurbrügg, C., & Tockner, K. (2009). Conversion of organic material by black soldier fly larvae: establishing optimal feeding rates. Waste Management & Research, 27(6), 603-610.
Gurnell, A., Tubino, M., & Tockner, K. (2009). Linkages and feedbacks in highly dynamic alpine fluvial systems. Aquatic Sciences, 71(3), 251-252.–009–9021–9
Hölker, F., Voigt, C., Wolter, C., Perkin, E., & Tockner, K. (2009). Der Verlust der Nacht ist auch ein ökologisches Problem. Leibniz Gemeinschaft Zwischenruf, 2, 18-21.
Hölker, F., Wolter, C., Perkin, E., & Tockner, K. (2009). Der Verlust der Nacht. IGBJahresforschungsbericht 2008, 12-13.
Indermaur, L., Gehring, M., Wehrle, W., Tockner, K., & Naef-Daenzer, B. (2009).
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Indermaur, L., Winzeler, T., Schmidt, B. R., Tockner, K., & Schaub, M. (2009). Differential resource selection within shared habitat types across spatial scales in sympatric toads. Ecology, 90(12), 3430-3444.
Monaghan, M. T., & Tockner, K. (2009). BeGenDiv: Gemeinsam die Artenvielfalt entschlüsseln. IGB-Jahresforschungsbericht 2008, 8-9.
Sommerwerk, N., Baumgartner, C., Bloesch, J., Hein, T., Ostojić, A., Paunović M, … Tockner, K. (2009). The Danube River Basin. Rivers of Europe. In K. Tockner, U. Uehlinger, & C. T. Robinson (Eds.), Rivers of Europe (pp. 59-112). Academic Press.
Tockner, K., Robinson, C. T., Uehlinger, U. (Eds.). (2009). Rivers of Europe (1st ed.). Academic Press.
Tockner, K., Tonolla, D., Junker, B., & Heutschi, K. (2009). Der Klang der Flüsse. Nationalpark, 143, 20-21.
Tockner, K., Uehlinger, U., & Robinson, C. T. (2009). Preface and Acknowledgements. In K. Tockner, U. Uehlinger, & C. T. Robinson (Eds.), Rivers of Europe (1st ed., pp. xv-xv). Academic Press.
Tockner, K., Uehlinger, U., Robinson, C. T., Siber, R., Tonolla, D., & Peter, F. D. (2009).
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Tockner, K., Uehlinger, U., Robinson, C. T., Tonolla, D., Siber, R., & Peter, F. D. (2009). Introduction to European Rivers. In K. Tockner, U. Uehlinger, & C. T. Robinson (Eds.), Rivers of Europe (1st ed., pp. 1-21). Academic Press.
Tonolla, D., Lorang, M. S., Heutschi, K., & Tockner, K. (2009). A flume experiment to examine underwater sound generation by flowing water. Aquatic Sciences, 71(4), 449-462.–009–0111–5
Yarushina, M. I., Eremkina, T. V., & Tockner, K. (2009). Ural River Basin. In K. Tockner, U. Uehlinger, & C. T. Robinson (Eds.), Rivers of Europe (1st ed., pp. 673-684). Academic Press.
Acuña, V., Wolf, A., Uehlinger, U., & Tockner, K. (2008). Temperature dependence of stream benthic respiration in an Alpine river network under global warming. Freshwater Biology, 53(10), 2076-2088.
Arrigoni, A., Findlay, S., Fischer, D., & Tockner, K. (2008). Predicting carbon and nutrient transformations in tidal freshwater wetlands of the Hudson River. Ecosystems, 11(5), 790-802.–008–9161–0
Döring, M., & Tockner, K. (2008). Morphology and dynamics of riparian zones. In D. Arizpe, A. Mendes, & J. E. Rabaça (Eds.), Sustainable Riparian Zones: A Management Guide (pp. 24-29). Generalitat Valenciana.
Indermaur, L., Schmidt, B. R., & Tockner, K. (2008). Effect of transmitter mass and tracking duration on body mass change of two anuran species. AmphibiaReptilia, 29(2), 263-269.
Langhans, S. D., Tiegs, S. D., Gessner, M. O., & Tockner, K. (2008). Leaf-decomposition heterogeneity across a riverine floodplain mosaic. Aquatic Sciences, 70(3), 337-346.–008–8062–9
Paetzold, A., Yoshimura, C., & Tockner, K. (2008). Riparian arthropod responses to flow regulation and river channelization. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45(3), 894-903.–2008.01463.x
Tockner, K. (2008). Wenn die Nacht zum Tage wird: Lichtverschmutzung – ein stark unterschätztes Problem für Mensch und Natur. Grünblick, 77, 4-5.
Tockner, K., Bunn, S. E., Gordon, C., Naiman, R. J., Quinn, G. P., & Stanford, J. A. (2008). Flood plains: critically threatened ecosystems. In N. V. C. Polunin (Ed.), Aquatic Ecosystems: Trends and Global Prospects (pp. 45-61). Cambridge University Press.
Wantzen, K. M., Yule, C. M., Tockner, K., & Junk, W. J. (2008). Riparian Wetlands of Tropical Streams. In D. Dudgeon (Ed.), Tropical Stream Ecology (pp. 199-217). Academic Press.
Yoshimura, C., Gessner, M. O., Tockner, K., & Furumai, H. (2008). Chemical properties, microbial respiration, and decomposition of coarse and fine particulate organic matter. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 27(3), 664-673.–106.1
Doering, M., Uehlinger, U., Rotach, A., Schlaepfer, D. R., & Tockner, K. (2007). Ecosystem expansion and contraction dynamics along a large Alpine alluvial corridor (Tagliamento River, Northeast Italy). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 32(11), 1693-1704.
Paetzold, A., Sabo, J. L., Sadler, J. P., Findlay, S. E., & Tockner, K. (2007). AquaticTerrestrial Subsidies along River Corridors. In P. J. Wood, D. M. Hannah, & J. P.
Reichert, P., Borsuk, M., Hostmann, M., Schweizer, S., Spörri, C., Tockner, K., & Truffer, B. (2007). Concepts of decision support for river rehabilitation. Environmental Modelling & Software, 22(2), 188-201.
Tiegs, S. D., Langhans, S. D., Tockner, K., & Gessner, M. O. (2007). Cotton strips as a leaf surrogate to measure decomposition in river floodplain habitats. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 26(1), 70-77.–3593(2007)26[70:CSAALS]2.0.CO;2
Tockner, K. (2007). River restoration: linking science with application. Ecology and Civil Engineering, 10(1), 15-25.
Woolsey, S., Capelli, F., Gonser, T., Hoehn, E., Hostmann, M., … Tockner, K., … Peter, (2007). A strategy to assess river restoration success. Freshwater Biology, 52(4), 752-769.–2427.2007.01740.x
Coops, H., Tockner, K., Amoros, C., Hein, T., & Quinn, G. (2006). Restoring Lateral Connections Between Rivers and Floodplains: Lessons from Rehabilitation Projects. In J. T. A. Verhoeven, B. Beltman, R. Bobbink, & D. F. Whigham (Eds.), Wetlands and Natural Resource Management (pp. 15-32). Springer.–3–540–33187–2_2
Langhans, S. D., Tiegs, S. D., Uehlinger, U., & Tockner, K. (2006). Environmental heterogeneity controls organic-matter dynamics in river-floodplain ecosystems. Polish Journal of Ecology, 54(4), 675-680.
Langhans, S. D., & Tockner, K. (2006). The role of timing, duration, and frequency of inundation in controlling leaf litter decomposition in a river-floodplain ecosystem (Tagliamento, northeastern Italy). Oecologia, 147(3), 501-509.–005–0282–2
Malard, F., Uehlinger, U., Zah, R. and Tockner, K. (2006). Flood-pulse and riverscape dynamics in a braided glacial river. Ecology, 87(3), 704-716.–0889
Nakamura, K., Amano, K., & Tockner, K. (2006). River restoration: European perspectives and lessons for Japan. Ecology and Civil Engineering, 8(2), 201-214.
Paetzold, A., Bernet, J. F., & Tockner, K. (2006). Consumer-specific responses to riverine subsidy pulses in a riparian arthropod assemblage. Freshwater Biology, 51(6), 1103-1115.–2427.2006.01559.x
Tockner, K., Klaus, I., Baumgartner, C., & Ward, J. V. (2006). Amphibian diversity and nestedness in a dynamic floodplain river (Tagliamento, NE-Italy). Hydrobiologia, 565(1), 121-133.–005–1909–3
Tockner, K., Paetzold, A., Karaus, U., Claret, C., & Zettel, J. (2006). Ecology of Braided Rivers. In G. H. Sambrook Smith, J. L. Best, C. S. Bristow, & G. E. Petts (Eds.), Braided Rivers: Process, Deposits, Ecology and Management (pp. 339-359). Blackwell.
Trottmann, N., Langhans, S. D., & Tockner, K. (2006). Schwemmgut als Ausbreitungsmedium. Das Innenleben eines unterschätzten Naturstoffs. Wasser, Energie, Luft, 98(2), 153-159.
Yoshimura, C., Tockner, K., Omura, T., & Moog, O. (2006). Species diversity and functional assessment of macroinvertebrate communities in Austrian rivers. Limnology, 7(2), 63-74.–006–0170–4
Arscott, D. B., Tockner, K., & Ward, J. V. (2005). Later organization of aquatic invertebrates along the corridor of a braided floodplain river. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 24(4), 934-954.–037.1
Jansson, R., Backx, H., Boulton, A. J., Dixon, M., Dudgeon, D., Hughes, F. M. R., …
Tockner, K. (2005). Stating mechanisms and refining criteria for ecologically successful river restoration: a comment on Palmer et al. (2005). Journal of Applied Ecology, 42(2), 218-222.
Paetzold, A., Schubert, C. J., & Tockner, K. (2005). Aquatic Terrestrial Linkages Along a Braided-River: Riparian Arthropods Feeding on Aquatic Insects. Ecosystems, 8(7), 748-759.–005–0004–y
Paetzold, A., & Tockner, K. (2005). Effects of riparian arthropod predation on the biomass and abundance of aquatic insect emergence. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 24(2), 395-402.
Tockner, K. (2005). Linking Pattern and Process Along River Corridors. In G. E. Petts & B. Kennedy (Eds.), Emerging Concepts for Integrating Human and Environmental Water Needs in River Basin Management (ERDC/EL TR-05-13, pp. 11-17). Environmental Laboratory.
Tockner, K., Surian, N., & Toniutti, N. (2005). Geomorphologie, Ökologie und nachaltiges Management einer Wildflusslandschaft am Beispiel des Fiume Tagliamento (Friaul, Italien) – ein Modellökosystem für den Alpenraum und ein Testfall für die EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie. Jahrbuch des Vereins zum Schutz der Bergwelt, 70, 3-17.
Trottmann, N., Langhans, S. D., & Tockner, K. (2005). Schwemmgut, ein wichtiger Weg der Ausbreitung. Natur und Mensch, 47(5), 8-11.
Woolsey, S., Weber, C., Gonser, T., Hoehn, E., Hostmann, M., … Tockner, K., Peter, A. (2005). Handbuch für die Erfolgskontrolle bei Fliessgewässerrevitalisierungen. Eine Publikation des Rhone-Thur Projektes. Eawag, WSL, LCH-EPFL, VAW-ETHZ.
Yoshimura, C., Omura, T., Furumai, H., & Tockner, K. (2005). Present state of rivers and streams in Japan. River Research and Applications, 21(2-3), 93-112.
Kaiser, E., Arscott, D. B., Tockner, K., & Sulzberger, B. (2004). Sources and distribution of organic carbon and nitrogen in the Tagliamento River, Italy. Aquatic Sciences, 66(1), 103-116.–003–0683–4
Reichert, P., Borsuk, M., Hostmann, M., Schweizer, S., Spörri, C., Tockner, K., & Truffer, B. (2004). Concepts of Decision Support for River Rehabilitation. In C. Pahl-Wostl, S. Schmidt, A. E. Rizzoli, & A. J. Jakeman (Eds.), Complexity and Integrated Resources Management. Transactions of the 2nd Biennial Meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society. (Vol. 2, pp. 550-555). International Environmental Modelling and Software Societey.
Robinson, C. T., Tockner, K., & Burgherr, P. (2004). Drift benthos relationships in the seasonal colonization dynamics of alpine streams. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 160(4), 447-470.–9136/2004/0160–0447
Tockner, K., Karaus, U., Paetzold, A., & Blaser, S. (2004). Ökologischer Zustand der Rhone: Benthische Evertebraten und Uferfauna. Wasser, Energie, Luft, 96(1112), 315-317.
Arscott, D. B., Keller, B., Tockner, K., & Ward, J. V. (2003). Habitat Structure and Trichoptera Diversity in Two Headwater Flood Plains, N.E. Italy. International Review of Hydrobiology, 88(3-4), 255-273.
Arscott, D. B., Tockner, K., & Ward, J. V. (2003). Spatio-temporal patterns of benthic invertebrates along the continuum of a braided Alpine river. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 158(4), 431-460
Burgherr, P., Hieber, M., Klein, B., Monaghan, M. T., Robinson, C. T., & Tockner, K. (2003). Biodiversität der Wirbellosenfauna in Fliessgewässern des Val Roseg.
Burgherr, P., Klein, B., Robinson, C. T., & Tockner, K. (2003). Surface Zoobenthos. In J. V. Ward & U. Uehlinger (Eds.), Ecology of a Glacial Flood Plain (pp. 153-173). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Fujii, M., Yoshimura, C., Tockner, K., & Omura, T. (2003). Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) Formation from Particulate Organic Matter (POM) in Upstreams. Environmental Engineering Research, 40, 139-149.
Robinson, C. T., Burgherr, P., Malard, F., Tockner, K., & Uehlinger, U. (2003). Synthesis and Perspectives. In J. V. Ward & U. Uehlinger (Eds.), Ecology of a Glacial Flood Plain (pp. 259-271). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Tockner, K. (2003). The Tagliamento River: an ecosystem of European importance. FBA News, 22, 6.
Tockner, K. (2003). Der “König der Alpenflüsse” vor seinem Ende? Natur und Mensch, 45(4), 26-27.
Tockner, K. (2003). Totholz – entsorgungspflichtig oder wertvoll? Petri-Heil, 54(3), 43.
Tockner, K., Illi, R., Malard, F., & Uehlinger, U. (2003). Nutrient Dynamics. In J. V. Ward & U. Uehlinger (Eds.), Ecology of a Glacial Flood Plain (pp. 91-107). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Tockner, K., & Langhans, S. D. (2003). Die ökologische Bedeutung des Schwemmgutes. Wasser, Energie, Luft, 95(11-12), 353-354.
Tockner, K., & Malard F (2003). Channel Typology. In J. V. Ward & U. Uehlinger (Eds.), Ecology of a Glacial Flood Plain (pp. 57-73). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Tockner, K., & Peter. A. (2003) Totholz und Schwemmgut – entsorgungspflichtig oder ökologisch wertvoll? Wasser, Energie, Luft, 95(11-12), 351-374.
Tockner, K., Robinson, C. T., & Burgherr, P. (2003). Drift and colonization dynamics. In J. V. Ward & U. Uehlinger (Eds.), Ecology of a Glacial Flood Plain (pp. 243-257). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Tockner, K., Uehlinger, U., & Malard, F. (2003). Habitatdynamik in der Schwemmebene des Val Roseg. EAWAG news, 54d, 16-18.–a–000916380
Tockner, K., Uehlinger, U., & Malard, F. (2003). La dynamique des habitats de la plaine alluviale du Val Roseg. EAWAG news, 54f, 16-18.–001576927
Tockner, K., Ward, J. V., Arscott, D. B., Edwards, P. J., Kollmann, J., Gurnell, A. M., … Maiolini, B. (2003). The Tagliamento River: A model ecosystem of European importance. Aquatic Sciences, 65(3), 239-253.–0699–9
Uehlinger, U., Malard, F., & Tockner, K. (2003). Val Roseg: eine glaziale Schwemmebene in den Schweizer Alpen. EAWAG news, 54d, 13-15.–a–000916380
Uehlinger, U., Malard, F., & Tockner, K. (2003). La Val Roseg: Une plaine alluviale glaciaire des Alpes suisses. EAWAG news, 54f, 13-15.–a–001576927
Uehlinger, U., Tockner, K., & Malard, F. (2003). Ökologische Zeitfenster in glazialen Fliessgewässerökosystemen. EAWAG news, 54d, 22-23.–a–000916380
Uehlinger, U., Tockner, K., & Malard, F. (2003). Fenêtres écologiques dans les écosystèmes fluviaux glaciaires. EAWAG news, 54f, 22-23.–a–001576927
van der Nat, D., Tockner, K., Edwards, P. J., & Ward, J. V. (2003). Large wood dynamics of complex Alpine river floodplains. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 22(1), 35-50. van der Nat, D., Tockner, K., Edwards, P. J., Ward, J. V., & Gurnell, A. M. (2003).
Arscott, D. B., Glatthaar, R., Tockner, K., & Ward, J. V. (2002). Larval black fly (Diptera: Simuliidae) distribution and diversity along a floodplain river in the Alps (Tagliamento River, Italy). Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie: Verhandlungen, 28(2), 524-531.
Arscott, D., Tockner, K., van der Nat, D., & Ward, J. V. (2002). Aquatic Habitat Dynamics along a Braided Alpine River Ecosystem (Tagliamento River, Northeast Italy). Ecosystems, 5(8), 802-814.–0192–7
Burgherr, P., Hieber, M., Klein, B., Monaghan, M. T., Robinson, C. T., & Tockner, K. (2002). Biodiversity of Zoobenthos in Alpine Steams: The Val Roseg. EAWAG news, 54e, 22-23.–a–000012762
Claret, C., Ward, J. V., & Tockner, K. (2002). Temperature heterogeneity of interstitial water in island-associated water bodies of a dynamic flood plain. Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie: Verhandlungen, 28(1), 345-351.
Malard, F., Hofmann, A., Tockner, K., & Uehlinger, U. (2002). Iron concentration in the water of glacial river system. Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie: Verhandlungen, 28(1), 134-139.
Malard, F., Tockner, K., Dole-Olivier, M., & Ward, J. V. (2002). A landscape perspective of surface-subsurface hydrological exchanges in river corridors. Freshwater Biology, 47(4), 621-640.–2427.2002.00906.x
Robinson, C. T., Tockner, K., & Burgherr, P. (2002). Seasonal patterns in macroinvertebrate drift and seston transport in streams of an alpine glacial flood plain. Freshwater Biology, 47(5), 985-993.–2427.2002.00835.x
Tockner, K. (2002). Ausgedehnte Wildflusslandschaft durch Hochwasserschutz bedroht. Garten + Landschaft, 12, 42.
Tockner, K., Malard, F., Uehlinger, U., & Ward, J. V. (2002). Nutrients and organic matter in a glacial river-floodplain system (Val Roseg, Switzerland). Limnology and Oceanography, 47(1), 266-277. Tockner, K., Paetzold, A., & Karaus, U. (2002). Leben in der Flussdynamik zwischen Trockenfall und Hochwasser. In Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Ed.), Rundgespräche der Kommission für Ökologie (Vol. 24, pp. 37-46). Pfeil.
Tockner, K., & Peter, A. (2002). Totholz spielt im Ökosystem der Gewässer eine wichtige Rolle. Kommunalmagazin, 19(10), 31.
Tockner, K., & Stanford, J. A. (2002). Riverine flood plains: present state and future trends. Environmental Conservation, 29(3), 308-330.
Tockner, K., Uehlinger, U., & Malard, F. (2002). Habitat Dynamics in the Val Roseg Flood Plain. EAWAG news, 54e, 14-15.–a000012762
Uehlinger, U., Malard, F., & Tockner, K. (2002). Val Roseg: A Glacial Flood Plain in the Swiss Alps. EAWAG news, 54e, 12-13.–a000012762
Uehlinger, U., Tockner, K., & Burgherr, P. (2002). Vielfalt im Gebirgsbach. Resultate aus dem Val-Roseg-Projekt. Hotspot, 6, 9.
Uehlinger, U., Tockner, K., & Malard, F. (2002). Ecological Windows in Glacial Stream Ecosystems. EAWAG news, 54e, 20-21
van der Nat, D., Schmidt, A. P., Tockner, K., Edwards, P. J., & Ward, J. V. (2002).
van der Nat, D., Tockner, K., Edwards, P. J., & Ward, J. V. (2002). Quantification of large woody debris in large floodplain rivers: an area-based approach using differential GPS and GIS. Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie: Verhandlungen, 28(1), 332-335.
Ward, J. V., Malard, F., & Tockner, K. (2002). Landscape ecology: a framework for integrating pattern and process in river corridors. Landscape Ecology, 17(1), 35-45.
Ward, J. V., Robinson, C. T., & Tockner, K. (2002). Applicability of ecological theory to riverine ecosystems. Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie: Verhandlungen, 28(1), 443-450.
Arscott, D. B., Tockner, K., & Ward, J. V. (2001). Thermal heterogeneity along a braided floodplain river (Tagliamento River, northeastern Italy). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 58(12), 2359-2373.–183
Gurnell, A. M., Petts, G. E., Hannah, D. M., Smith, B. P. G., Edwards, P. J., Kollmann, J., … Tockner, K. (2001). Riparian vegetation and island formation along the gravel-bed Fiume Tagliamento, Italy. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 26(1), 31-62.–9837(200101)26:1%3C31::AIDESP155%3E3.0.CO;2–Y
Klaus, I., Baumgartner, C., & Tockner, K. (2001). Die Wildflusslandschaft des Tagliamento (Italien, Friaul) als Lebensraum einer artenreichen Amphibiengesellschaft. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie, 8, 21-29.
Tockner, K., Ward, J. V., Edwards, P. J., Kollmann, J., Gurnell, A. M., & Petts, G. E. (2001). Der Tagliamento (Norditalien): Eine Wildflussaue als Modellökosystem für den Alpenraum. Laufener Seminarbeiträge, 3, 25-34
Ward, J. V., Tockner, K., Uehlinger, U., & Malard, F. (2001). Understanding natural patterns and processes in river corridors as the basis for effective river restoration. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management, 17(4-5), 311-323.
Arscott, D. B., Tockner, K., & Ward, J. V. (2000). Aquatic habitat diversity along the corridor of an alpine floodplain river (Fiume Tagliamento, Italy). Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 149(4), 679-704.
Gurnell, A. M., Petts, G. E., Hannah, D. M., Smith, B. P. G., Edwards, P. J., Kollmann, J., … Tockner, K. (2000). Wood storage within the active zone of a large European gravel-bed river. Geomorphology, 34(1-2), 55-72.–555X(99)00131–2
Gurnell, A. M., Petts, G. E., Harris, N., Ward, J. V., Tockner, K., Edwards, P. J., & Kollmann, J. (2000). Large wood retention in river channels: the case of the Fiume Tagliamento, Italy. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 25(3), 255275.–9837(200003)25:3<255::AIDESP56>3.0.CO;2–H
Klein, B., & Tockner, K. (2000). Biodiversity in springbrooks of a glacial flood plain (Val Roseg, Switzerland). Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie: Verhandlungen, 27(2), 704-710.
Malard, F., Tockner, K., & Ward, J. V. (2000). Physico-chemical heterogeneity in a glacial riverscape. Landscape Ecology, 15(8), 679-695.
Petts, G. E., Gurnell, A. M., Gerrard, A. J., Hannah, D. M., Hansford, B., … Tockner, K., Smith, B. P. G. (2000). Longitudinal variations in exposed riverine sediments: a context for the ecology of the Fiume Tagliamento, Italy. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 10(4), 249-266.–0755(200007/08)10:4<249::AID–AQC410>3.0.CO;2–R
Tockner, K. (2000). Schweizer Forschung in italienischer Wildflusslandschaft: Der Tagliamento als Modell für Flussrevitalisierungen. CH-Forschung, 7, 1-2.
Tockner, K., Baumgartner, C., Schiemer, F., & Ward, J. V. (2000) Biodiversity of a Danubian floodplain: structural, functional and compositional aspects. In B. Gopal, W. J. Junk, & J. A. Davis (Eds.), Biodiversity in Wetlands: Assessment, Function and Conservation (Vol. 1, pp. 141-159). Backhuys.
Ward, J. V., Tockner, K., Edwards, P., Kollmann, J., Gurnell, A., Petts, G., … Rossaro, B. (2000). Potential role of island dynamics in river ecosystems. Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie: Verhandlungen, 27(5), 2582-2585.
Edwards, P. J., Kollmann, J., Tockner, K., & Ward, J. V. (1999). The role of island dynamics in the maintenance of biodiversity in an Alpine river system. Bulletin of the Geobotanical Institute ETH, 65, 73-86
Kollmann, J., Vieli, M., Edwards, P. J., Tockner, K., & Ward, J. V. (1999). Interactions between vegetation development and island formation in the Alpine river Tagliamento. Applied Vegetation Science, 2(1), 25-36.
Malard, F., Tockner, K., & Ward, J. V. (1999). Shifting Dominance of Subcatchment Water Sources and Flow Paths in a Glacial Floodplain, Val Roseg, Switzerland. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 31(2), 135-150.
Tockner, K., Pennetzdorfer, D., Reiner, N., Schiemer, F., & Ward, J. V. (1999). Hydrological connectivity, and the exchange of organic matter and nutrients in a dynamic river-floodplain system (Danube, Austria). Freshwater Biology, 41(3), 521-535.–2427.1999.00399.x
Tockner, K., Schiemer, F., Baumgartner, C., Kum, G., Weigand, E., Zweimüller, I., & Ward, J. V. (1999). The Danube restoration project: species diversity patterns across connectivity gradients in the floodplain system. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management, 15(1-3), 245-258.–1646(199901/06)15:1/3<245::AIDRRR540>3.0.CO;2–G
Ward, J. V., Malard, F., & Tockner, K. (1999). Landscape ecology in integrates pattern and process in river corridors. In J. A. Wiens & M. R. Moss (Eds.), Issues in Landscape Ecology (pp. 97-102). International Association for Landscape Ecology.
Ward, J. V., Burgherr, P., Gessner, M. O. G., Malard, F., Robinson, C. T., Tockner, K., … Zah, R. (1998). The Val Roseg project: habitat heterogeneity and connectivity gradients in a glacial flood-plain system. In K. Kovar, U. Tappeiner, N. E. Peters, & R. G. Craig (Eds.), Hydrology, Water Resources and Ecology in Headwaters (pp. 425-432). International Association of Hydrological Sciences.
Tockner, K., Malard, F., Burgherr, P., Robinson, C. T., Uehlinger, U., Zah, R., & Ward, J. V. (1997). Physico-chemical characterization of channel types in a glacial floodplain ecosystem (Val Roseg, Switzerland). Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 140(4), 433-463.–hydrobiol/140/1997/433
Tockner, K., & Schiemer, F. (1997). Ecological aspects of the restoration strategy for a river-floodplain system on the Danube River in Austria. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters, 6(3/4), 321-329.
Tockner, K., & Waringer, J. A. (1997). Measuring Drift during a Receding Flood: Results from an Austrian Mountain Brook (Ritrodat-Lunz). Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie, 82(1), 1-13.
Tockner, K. (1996). Colonization experiments for biomonitoring riparian communities of a large regulated river, the Danube (Austria). Large Rivers, 113(1-4), 433-442.
Tockner, K., & Bretschko, G. (1996). Spatial distribution of particulate organic matter (POM) and benthic invertebrates in a river-floodplain transect (Danube, Austria): importance of hydrological connectivity. Large Rivers, 11(1), 11-27.
Die Tiefsee ist der größte Lebensraum der Welt, jedoch gehört sie zu den am wenigsten erforschten Regionen. Unsere bisherigen Erkenntnisse dokumentieren jedoch eine sehr hohe Artenvielfalt am Meeresboden der Tiefsee. Ich versuche daher mit meiner Arbeitsgruppe die Artenvielfalt der Tiefsee zu erfassen, die Verbreitung der Organismen zu analysieren sowie ihre Ökologie und Evolution zu erforschen.
In meiner Arbeitsgruppe wird hauptsächlich an Krebsen (insbesondere Meeresasseln, Isopoda) als Modellorganismen gearbeitet, da diese Tiergruppe in der Tiefsee sehr häufig ist und gute Vergleichsuntersuchungen vorliegen. Wir analysieren die stammesgeschichtliche Herkunft und Besiedlungsgeschichte der Isopoden in der Tiefsee (wie z. B. Sub- und Emergenzphänomne im Südpolarmer), wir versuchen zu analysieren welches in der Tiefsee die treibenden Faktoren für die hohe Diversität sind und bearbeiten Artbildung, Konkurrenz und Koexistenz in Raum und Zeit.
Unsere aktuellen Projekte thematisieren die Besiedlungsmuster in der Tiefsee sowie ihre ökologischen und evolutionsbiologischen Hintergründe sowie die mögliche zukünftige Entwicklung der Biodiversität.
Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte
Kuril Kamchatka Biodiversity Studies II (KuramBio II)
Beneficial – Biogeography of the northwest Pacific fauna. A benchmark study for estimations of alien invasions into the Arctic Ocean in times of rapid climate chance.
Larsen-C PEARL – The influence of Larsen-C ice-cover on macrobenthic peracarid crustacean assemblages on the Antarctic shelf. (Comparisons of the Larsen-C assemblages with those from the seasonally ice-covered Filchner Trough and the ice free South Orkney Islands)
Deep-MiPoll – The role of hadal zones in the long-term fate of marine microplastics: Identification of microplastics in the deep sea of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench, Northwest Pacific.
Ausschluss der bodenberührenden Fischerei in marinen Schutzgebieten am Sylter Außenriff, Borkum Riffgrund und Doggerbank Entenschnabel: Zustandsbeschreibung der Bodensedimente und benthopelagischen Habitate. Teilprojekt 4: Raum-Zeitliche Variabilität der Endo- und Epifaunagemeinschaften in den ausgewiesenen Meeresschutzgebieten der Nordsee.
Themen für Abschlussarbeiten
Themen im Zusammenhang mit der Taxonomie und Systematik, Ökologie, Biogeographie und Evolution von Isopoda und/oder Marofaunaorganismen sowie den oben genannten Forschungsprojekten können im Rahmen von Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten sowie Praktika in unserer Sektion und Abteilung erforscht werden.
Beispiele für erfolgreich abgeschlossene und im Anschluss publizierte Bachelorarbeiten:
Kniesz K, Brandt A, Riehl T (2018) Peritrich ciliate epibionts on the new hadal isopod species Macrostylis marionae from the Puerto Rico Trench as an indicator for sex-specific behaviour. Deep-Sea Res Pt II 148:105–129.
Brandt, A., Alalykina, I., Brix, S., Brenke, N., Błażewicz, M., Golovan, O., Heitland, N., Hrinko, A.M., Jażdżewska, A.M., Jeskulke, K., Kamenev, G., Lavrenteva, A., Malyutina, M., Riehl, T., Lins, L. (2019): Depth zonation of Northwest Pacific deep-sea macrofauna. Progress in Oceanography 176 (2019), pp 1-10102131;
Beispiele für erfolgreich abgeschlossene und im Anschluss publizierte Masterarbeiten:
Bober S, Riehl T, Brandt A (2018) An organ of equilibrium in deep-sea isopods revealed: the statocyst of Macrostylidae (Crustacea, Peracarida, Janiroidea). Zoomorphology 137:71–82.
Beispiele für erfolgreich abgeschlossene und im Anschluss publizierte Doktorarbeiten:
Schmidt, C., Wolf, K.H.E., Lins, L., Martinez, P., Brandt, A., (2017 online, 2018): Abundance and community pattern of meiofauna in the Vema Fracture Zone and in the Puerto Rico trench. Deep-Sea Research II 148: 236-250.
Bober, S., Brix, S., Riehl, T., Schwentner, M., Brandt, A. (2018): Does the Mid Atlantic Ridge affect the distribution of benthic crustaceans across the Atlantic Ocean? Deep-Sea Research II 148: 91-104.
Kohlbach, D. et al., Brandt, A. (2018): Dependency of Antarctic zooplankton species on ice algae-produced carbon suggests sea ice-driven ecosystem during winter. Global Change Biology; 1-15. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14392
Guggolz, T., Meißner, K., Schwentner, M., Brandt, A. (2019): Diversity and distribution of Laonice species (Annelida: Spionidae) in the equatorial North Atlantic and Puerto Rico Trench. Nature Scientific Reports: 2019, 9:9260 |
Beispiele für erfolgreiche PostDoktorand*innen in der Arbeitsgruppe:
Saeedi, H., Costello, M.J., Warren, D., Brandt, A. (2019): Latitudinal and bathymetrical species richness in the NW Pacific and Arctic Ocean. Nature Scientific Reports, 2019; 9:9303, 1-10,|
Saeedi, H., Simões, M., Brandt, A. (2019): Endemicity and community composition of marine species along the NW Pacific and adjacent Arctic Ocean. PROOCE 178, 1-11;
Saeedi, H., Simões, M., Brandt, A. (2020): Biodiversity and distribution patterns of deep-sea fauna along the temperate NW Pacific. Progress in Oceanography 183, 1-12;
Lins, L., Brandt, A. (2020): Comparability between box-corer and epibenthic-sledge data on higher taxon level: A case study based on deep-sea samples from the NW Pacific. PROOCE. Progress in Oceanography 182 (2020) 102273
Riehl, T., Lins, L., Brandt, A. (2017 online, 2018): The effects of depth, distance, and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge on genetic differentiation of abyssal and hadal isopods (Macrostylidae). Deep-Sea Research II 148: 74-90.
Riehl, T, Brandão, S.N., Brandt, A. (2019): Chapter 6. Conquering the Ocean Depths Over Three Geological Eras. In G. Poore and M. Thiel, editors. The Natural History of the Crustacea, Volume 8: Evolution and Biogeography. Oxford University Press, New York, USA. In Preparation to press.
Ich unterrichte ich im Fachbereich Biowissenschaften am Institut für Ökologie und Evolution an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.
Im Bachelorstudiengang Biowissenschaften betreue ich einen Kurs im Bachelormodul 6b „Diversität der Organismen: Zoologie“. Im Rahmen von Exkursionen, Vorlesungen und eines Praktikums behandle ich die Systematik und Anatomie ausgewählter Tierstämme und unterrichte über die Bedeutung naturwissenschaftlicher Sammlungen und Forschungsmuseen.
Für das Mastermodul Evo-11 „Integrative Biodiversitätsforschung in der Zoologie“ habe ich mit Herrn Dr. Riehl und Kolleg*innen einen interaktiven und sehr praxisorientierten Kursteil entworfen, der innerhalb von zwei Wochen alle wichtigen Arbeitsschritte der taxonomisch-systematischen Erforschung von Tiefseemakrofauna vermittelt. Die Teilnehmer sortieren echte Tiefseeproben, entdecken und bestimmen Organismen daraus und erlernen dann über die Praxis das taxonomische Beschreiben einer Art, das Charakterisieren und kodieren von morphologischen Merkmalen sowie das Erstellen von Bestimmungsschlüsseln.
Prof. Dr. Angelika Brandt wurde in Minden Westfalen geboren und studierte Biologie und Pädagogik an der Universität Oldenburg (MSc 1987, PhD 1992). 1995 wurde sie ordentliche Professorin an der Universität Hamburg am Zoologischen Museum und Kuratorin der Abteilung Wirbellose II (Krustentiere und Polychaeta). Seit 2003 war sie entweder stellvertretende Direktorin oder Direktorin (2004-2009) des Zoologischen Museums der Universität Hamburg. Angelika Brandt arbeitet an der Makrofauna der Tiefsee und der Polarregionen und hat an 29 Expeditionen teilgenommen. Sie beschäftigt sich mit Systematik, Biodiversität, Biogeographie, Evolution und Ökologie der Tiefsee-Isopoda (Crustacea, Malacostraca). Die Abteilung für Marine Zoologie und die Abteilung Krustentiere des Senckenberg-Forschungsinstituts und Naturmuseums wird seit April 2017 von Angelika Brandt geleitet, die seit ihrer Mitgliedschaft im Stiftungsausschuss des Deutschen Zentrums für marine Biodiversität in Wilhelmshaven und Hamburg (DZMB) mit Senckenberg-zusammenarbeitet. Ihre Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Systematik, Ökologie und Evolution von perakariden Krebstieren mit Schwerpunkt auf Isopoda aus Tiefsee- und Polarlebensräumen. Im Rahmen der Volkszählung des Meeresorganismen (CoML) war sie an den Antarktis- und Tiefseefeldprojekten CAML (Vielfalt des Meereslebens in der Antarktis) und CeDAMar (Vielfalt des Meereslebens im Abyssal) beteiligt. Ihre Arbeit dokumentierte die hohe Artenvielfalt von Tiefsee-Wirbellosen im Südpolarmeer. In den letzten Jahren konzentrierte sich ihr Forschungsinteresse auf die Identifizierung von Evolutionstreibern in der Tiefsee wie Ausbreitungsbarrieren sowie auf die Weiterentwicklung der Methoden zur Probenahme in der Tiefsee. Sie ist in der Tiefseeforschung tätig (derzeit im Nordwestpazifik und im Südpolarmeer), interessiert sich aber auch für die Artenvielfalt der Weltmeere. Senckenberg hat auch einen starken traditionellen marinen Fokus auf das Rote und Arabische Meer sowie die Nordsee und die Ostsee Meer.
Curriculum vitae – Prof. Dr. Angelika Brandt
Berufliche Beschäftigung und akademische Ausbildung
04.2017 – Professorin für Marine Zoologie am Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum sowie an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
04.2017 – Abteilungsleiterin „Marine Zoologie“ am Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturhistorisches Museum
12.1995 – 31.3.2017 Professor für Zoologie an der Universität Hamburg und Kurator für Krustentiere und Polychaeta
11.2009 – 31.3.2017 Stellvertretender Leiterin des Zoologischen Museums der Universität Hamburg.
09.2004 – 11.2009 Leiterin des Zoologischen Museums der Universität Hamburg
01.1989 – 09.2012 29 Expeditionen mit Forschungsschiffen in die Arktis, den Süden, den Pazifik und den Atlantik sowie das Japanische Meer und den Kuril-Kamtschatka-Graben und das angrenzende Abyssal
01.1992 – 11.1995 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Sonderforschungsbereich 313, Arbeit im Nordatlantik zum Partikelfluss und zur Gemeinschaftsstruktur vor dem Hintergrund vom Umweltveränderungen.
03.1987 – 12.1990 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Oldenburg (Doktorand)
06.1989 – 11.1989 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, USA
Betreute Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten:
37 Diploma-, 21 Bachelor-, 19 Master- und 28 Doktoranden (4 davon laufend)
– Die Unterstützung junger Forscherinnen ist mir wichtig. Die meisten meiner ehemaligen Studenten haben sich international etabliert: z.B.
– Dr. Katrin Linse (leitende Wissenschaftlerin, BAS, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, Großbritannien);
– Dr. Anne-Nina Lörz (leitende Wissenschaftlerin, NIWA-Forschungsinstitut, Wellington, Neuseeland), jetzt wieder in Deutschland am Zentrum für Naturkunde (CeNak)
– Dr. Stefanie Kaiser (leitende Wissenschaftlerin, NOC, Nationales Institut für Ozeanographie, Southampton, Großbritannien), jetzt wieder in Deutschland
Dr. Saskia Brix (leitende Wissenschaftlerin, DZMB, Senckenberg)
– Prof. Dr. Jürgen Guerrero Kommritz (Professor, Universität Kolumbien, Bogota), jetzt in Santa Martha
– Vier meiner Studenten (Dr. Katrin Linse und Dr. Stefanie Kaiser und Sarah Schnurr MSc) erhielten 2001, 2010 und 2014 den BMBF-Preis „Annette-Barthelt-Preis für Meereswissenschaften“ und meine Mentee Dr. Agnes Weiner, die arbeitet an Foraminiferen im Jahr 2015.
Ausgewählte Auszeichnungen
Anerkennung als herausragende Antarktisforscherin (Wikipedia-Biografie)
Mitglied der Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur Mainz im Jahr 2012
Verleihung der SCAR-Medaille für herausragende Leistungen in den Polarwissenschaften im Juli 2008 in St. Petersburg
Die ANDEEP-Veröffentlichung (Nature, 2007) wurde vom TIME MAGAZINE als „eines der 10 wichtigsten wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse des Jahres 2007“ bezeichnet
Von der National Geographic Society als Abenteurer des Jahres 2007 ausgezeichnet
Mitglied der Linnean Society seit 2003
Preise für Diplom und Doktorarbeit („Annette-Barthelt-Preis für Meereswissenschaften“)
Gastgeberin von zwei Post-Docs der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
Ausgewählte Gremienarbeit und Leistungen
Expertenteamleiter des Teams „Clean Ocean“ für das UN-Jahrzehnt zum Auftakttreffen zu Meereswissenschaften und Nachhaltigkeit in Berlin 29.5.-2.6.2021
Referent für das Forschungsfeld „Systematik und Taxonomie“ in Senckenberg
Lenkungsausschuss von SOOS (Southern Ocean Observing System) (2011-2015)
Vizepräsident der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung (DGP) (2010-2015)
Beirat des ESF ERICOM-RV Aurora Borealis Science (ESAP) Mitglied (2009 – 2012)
Vizepräsident der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Meeresforschung (DGM) (2009 -)
Deutsche Kommission für das Internationale Polarjahr (2003 -2009)
Redaktionen, z.B. Zeitschrift für marine Biodiversität (Springer) (2008 -)
Vorsitzender der Kooperation der Wissenschaftssammlungen Hamburg (VNSH) (2008 -2014)
Vorsitzender der NORe-Zusammenarbeit (Museen der Nord- und Ostseeregion) (2008 -2016)
Mitglied des Lenkungsausschusses vieler internationaler Programme (z. B. CeDAMar (Volkszählung der Vielfalt des abyssalen Meeresorganismen) und CAML (Volkszählung der antarktischen Meeresorganismen), sowie SOOS (Southern Ocean Observing System)
LA-SCAR (Wissenschaftlicher Ausschuss für Antarktisforschung) (2001-2009)
Mitglied des Lenkungsausschusses der SCAR-EBA (Evolution und Biodiversität antarktischer Organismen) in der LSSSG (Life Sciences Scientific Standing Group) (2004 – 2010)
Fachkommission der Umweltbehörde des Ministeriums für Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (2006 – 2012)
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat – Deutsche Fischereiforschungsinstitution (2004 – 2008)
Beirat für die Schiffszeit von RV Meteor, Alkor usw. (2002 – 2012)
Beirat für die Schiffszeit von RV Polarstern (2007 – 2014)
Verschiedene Aufträge der Universität Hamburg (1995 – 2017)
1999 Gründungsausschuss des DZMB (Deutsches Zentrum für marine Biodiversität)
2002 Gründungsmitglied von CeDAMar (einem internationalen Konsortium für die Zählung der biologischen Vielfalt in der Tiefsee)
-16.5.2012 Bewertung des Zoologischen Museums von Kopenhagen (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat)
2012 – Mitglied der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz
2014 –NORe wird Mitglied von Cetaf
2014/2015 – Jungfernexpedition des neuen deutschen Tiefsee-Forschungsschiffes Sonne.
– Journal Sonderbände hreausgegeben: 9 in (DSR II), +1 Zootaxa + 1 Journal of Marine Systems and Engineering + 1 Progress in Oceanography
– Unbegutachtete Artikel, kurze Forschungsarbeiten und Notizen: 170
– Online-Datenbanken: 26
– Wissenschaftliche Filme: 1
10 ausgewählte begutachtete Publikationen
Brandt, A., Alalykina, I., Brix, S., Brenke, N., Błażewicz, M., Golovan, O., Heitland, N., Hrinko, A.M., Jażdżewska, A.M., Jeskulke, K., Kamenev, G., Lavrenteva, A., Malyutina, M., Riehl, T., Lins, L. (2019): Depth zonation of Northwest Pacific deep-sea macrofauna. Progress in Oceanography 176 (2019), pp 1-10102131;
Saeedi, H., Costello, M.J., Warren, D., Brandt, A. (2019): Latitudinal and bathymetrical species richness in the NW Pacific and Arctic Ocean. Nature Scientific Reports, 2019; 9:9303, 1-10,|
Johannsen, N., Lins, L., Riehl, T., Brandt, A. (2019): Changes in species composition of Haploniscidae (Crustacea: Isopoda) across potential barriers to dispersal in the Northwest Pacific. Progress in Oc4eanography
Kohlbach, D. et al., Brandt, A. (2018): Dependency of Antarctic zooplankton species on ice algae-produced carbon suggests sea ice-driven ecosystem during winter. Global Change Biology; 1-15. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14392
Bober, S., Brix, S., Riehl, T., Schwentner, M., Brandt, A. (2018): Does the Mid Atlantic Ridge affect the distribution of benthic crustaceans across the Atlantic Ocean? Deep-Sea Research II 148: 91-104.
Brandt, A., Linse, K., Ellingsen, K., Somerfield, P. (2016): Depth-related gradients in community structure and relatedness of bivalves and isopods in the Southern Ocean? Progress in Oceanography 144: 25–38, doi:
Kennicutt II M., Chown S.L., Cassano J., Liggett D., Massom R., Peck L., Rintoul S., Storey J., Vaughan D., Wilson T., Allison I., Ayton J., Badhe R., Baeseman J., Barrett P., Bell R., Bertler N., Bo S., Brandt A., Bromwich D., Cary C., Clark M., Convey P., Costa E.S., Cowan D., Deconto R., Dunbar R., Elfring C., Escutia C., Francis J., Fricker H., Fukuchi M., Gilbert N., Gutt J., Havermans C., Hik D., Hosie G., Jones C., Kim Y., Le Maho Y., Lee S.H., Leppe M., Leichenkov G., Li X., Lipenkov V., Lochte K., López-Martinez J., Lüdecke C., Lyons W., Marenssi S., Miller H., Morozova P., Naish T., Nayak S., Ravindra R., Retamales J., Ricci C., Rogan-Finnemore M., Ropert-Coudert Y., Samah A.A., Sanson L., Scambos T., Schloss I., Shiraishi K., Siegert M.J., Simões J., Sparrow M., Storey B., Wall D., Walsh J., Wilson G., Winther J.G., Xavier J., Yang H., Sutherland W.J. (2014). Six priorities for Antarctic science. Nature 512, 23-25. (2014): Six priorities for Antarctic science. Nature comment 521: 23-25, suppl. 7 pp.
Connolly, S.R., MacNeil, M.A., Caley, M.J., Cripps, E., Hisano, M., Thibaut, L.M., Bhattacharya, B.D., Benedetti-Cecchi, L., Brainard, R.E., Brandt, A., Bulleri, F., Kaiser, S., Knowlton, N., Kroncke, I., Linse, K., Maggi, E., O’Hara, T.D., Plaisance, L., Poore, G.C.B, Sarkar, S.K., Satpathy, K.K., Schückel, U., Sogin, L.M., Stocks, K.I., Williams, A., Wilson, R.S., Zettler, L.A. (2014): Commonness and rarity in the marine biosphere. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111: 8524-8529.
Constable, A.J., Melbourne-Thomas, J., Corney, S.P., Arrigo, K.R., Barbraud, C., Barnes, D.K.A., Bindoff, N.L., Boyd, P.W., Brandt, A., Costa, D.P., Davidson, A.T., Ducklow, H.W., Emmerson, L., Fukuchi, M., Gutt, J., Hindell, M.A., Hofman, H.E., Hosie, G.W., Iida, T., Jacob, S., Johnston, N.M., Kawaguchi, S., Koubbi, P., Lea, M.-A., Makhado, A., Massom, R.A., Meiners, K., Meredith, M.P., Murphy, E.J., Nicol, S., Richerson, K., Riddle, M.J., Rintoul, S.R., Smith Jr., W.O., Southwell, C., Stark, J.S., Sumner, M., Swadling, K.M., Takahashi, K.T., Trathan, P.N., Welsford, D.C., Weimerskirch, H., Westwood, K.J., Wienecke, B.C., Wolf-Gladrow, D., Wright, S.W., Xavier, J.C., Ziegler, P. (2014): Climate change and Southern Ocean ecosystems I: How changes in physical habitats directly affect marine biota. Global Change Biology, 1-22, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12623.
Brandt A, Gooday AJ, Brix SB, Brökeland W, Cedhagen T, Choudhury M, Cornelius N, Danis B, De Mesel I, Diaz RJ, Gillan DC, Ebbe B, Howe J, Janussen D, Kaiser S, Linse K, Malyutina M, Brandao S, Pawlowski J, Raupach M (2007). The Southern Ocean deep sea: first insights into biodiversity and biogeography. Nature 447, 307-311.
Editierte Wissenschaftliche Sonderbände
Brandt, A. & Hilbig, B. (2004): ANDEEP (ANtarctic benthic DEEP-sea biodiversity: colonization history and recent community patterns) – a tribute to Howard L. Sanders. Deep-Sea Research II, 51 (14-16): 1457-1919.
Brandt, A. & Ebbe, B. (2007): ANDEEP III ANtarctic benthic DEEP-sea biodiversity: colonisation history and recent community patterns. Deep-Sea Research II, 54(16-17): 1645-1904.
Brandt, A. & Ebbe, B. (2011): Southern Ocean biodiversity – from pelagic processes to deep-sea response. Deep-Sea Research II (19-20): 1945-2050.
Malyutina, M. & Brandt, A. (2013): SoJaBio (Sea of Japan Biodiversity study). Deep-Sea Research II (guest editors) 86-87: Pages 1-238.
Schüller, M., Brandt, A., Ebbe, B. (2013): Diversity of Southern Ocean deep-sea benthos between cosmopolitanism and crytic speciation: new species from the ANDEEP expeditions. Zootaxa 3692: 1-258.
Brandt, A., Würzberg, L. (2014): Southern Ocean deep sea – a benthic view to pelagic processes. DSR II: 108: 1-112.
Brandt A., Malyutina, M.V. (eds.)(2015): The German-Russian deep-sea expedition KuramBio (Kurile Kamchatka Biodiversity Studies) to the abyssal area of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench on board of the RV Sonne in 2012 following the footsteps of the legendary expeditions with RV Vityaz. Deep-Sea Research II 111: 1-405.
Brandt, A. (2016): “Research Tools and Methods for Marine Species Acquisition and Identification”. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.
Brandt A., Kaiser, S., Riehl, T. (eds.) (2018): bathymetry of the Vema-Fracture Zone and Puerto Rico TRench and Abyssal AtlaNtic BiodiverSITy Study (Vema-TRANSIT). Deep-Sea Research II
Malyutina, M.V., Chernyshev, A.V., Brandt, A. (eds.) (2018): SokhoBio (Sea of Okhotsk Biodiversity Studies). Deep-Sea Research II 154: 1-382.
Brandt A., Brix, S., Malyutina, M.V., Riehl, T. (eds.) (2018-2020): Biodiversity and biogeography of the abyssal and hadal Kuril-Kamchatka Trench and adjacent NW Pacific deep-sea regions. Progress in Oceanography.
Expeditionen gesamt 29, hier gelistet nur ab 2012
2012 ANT XXVIII/3 Expedition RV „Polarstern“ (SYSTCO II) Southern Polar Front (1.2012-3.2012)
2014 Expedition Vema-TRANSIT “Bathymetry of the Vema-Fracture Zone and Puerto Rico TRench and Abyssal AtlaNtic BiodiverSITy Study (TRANSIT)” RV „Sonne“ (15.12.2014-16.1.2015)
2015 Expedition RV „Akademik Lavrentyev“ Sea of Ochotsk (6.-7.2015)
2016 Expedition RV „James Clarke Ross“(JR15005), to the South Orkney Islands (25.2.-25.3.2016)
2016 Expedition KuramBio II (Kurile-Kamchatka Biodiversity Studies) RV „Sonne“ to the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench 16.8.-26.9.2016 (expedition leader A. Brandt)
2018 Expedition with RV “James Clarke Ross” (JR17003a) to Larsen-C Ice shelf, western Weddell Sea (21.2.-15.3.2018)
2019 Expedition with FS “Polarstern” (PS118) to the Larsen-C ice shelf, western Weddell Sea (9.2.-10.4.2019)
since 2011
Editor-in-chief Palaeontographica Abteilung B – Palaeobotany
since 2016
Secretary / treasurer International Organisation of Palaeobotany
2008 – 2016
spokesperson Arbeitskreis Paläobotanik/Palynologie der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft e. V.
since 1995 Lecturer Palaeobotany, Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg/Sachsen, Germany
since 1994 Curator and head of section palaeobotany, Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden
Dr. rer. nat. (PhD), Humboldt University Berlin, Germany, dissertation thesis: Conifers from the Late Cretaceous and their relics in the European Tertiary.
Diploma Geology/Palaeontology, Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg/Sachsen, Germany
Kunzmann, L., Huang, J., Su, T., Wu, M.-X., Zhou, Z.-K. (2025). A new fossil Magnolia Plum ex L. (Magnoliaceae) from Eocene Profen-Süd flora in Germany and its paleobiogeographic implications – Palaeontographica B [EarlyAccess version]
Conceição, D. M., Esperança Júnior, M. G. F., Gobo, W. V., Iannuzzi, R., Batistaa, M. E. P., Nascimento Jr., D. R., Silva Filho, W. F., Horodysk, R. S., Bamford, M. K., Kunzmann, L. (2025). Unique conifer assemblage from Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous deposits (NE Brazil) unveils the paleoclimate and paleobiogeography in the interior of equatorial Gondwana. – Cretaceous Research [EarlyAccess version]
Batista, M.E.P., Saraiva, A.Á.F. de Lima, F.J., Bantim, R.A.M., Pinheiro, A.P., Silva, D.B., Kunzmann, L. (2024). An enigmatic tropical conifer from the Early Cretaceous of Gondwana. – Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 69 (3): 375–393.
Conceição D. M., Gobo, W. V., Batista, M. E. P., Oliveira, N. C., Mastroberti, A. A., Iannuzzi, R., Bamford, M. K., Kunzmann, L. 2024. Expanding the diversity of conifer xyloflora from Early Cretaceous Crato Fossil Lagerstätte, Brazil. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 322:
Wu, M.-X., Kunzmann L, Li S, Teodoridis V, Zhou Z-K., Su T. 2024. Vegetation changes across the Eocene-Oligocene transition: Global signals vs. regional development. – Science China Earth Sciences, 67,
Wu, M. X., Huang, J., Zhou, Z.K., & Kunzmann, L. 2024. A new fossil genus of Altingiaceae based on unlobed leaves from Eocene subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest in Europe. – International Journal of Plant Sciences, 185(6), 523–534.
Gobo, W. V., Kunzmann, L., Iannuzzi, R., dos Santos, T. B., Conceicao, D. M., Nascimento Jr., D. R., Silva Filho, W. F., Bachelier, J. B., Coiffard, C. (2023). A new remarkable Early Cretaceous nelumbonaceous fossil bridges the gap between herbaceous aquatic and woody protealeans. Scientific Reports 13: 8978.
Müller C, Toumoulin A, Böttcher H, Roth-Nebelsick A, Wappler T, Kunzmann L. (2023). An integrated leaf trait analysis of two Paleogene leaf floras. – PeerJ 11:e15140
The Cenozoic CO2 Proxy Integration Project (CenCO2PIP) Consortium [… Kunzmann, L. ….] (2023): Toward a Cenozoic history of atmospheric CO2. Science 382, eadi5177(2023). DOI:10.1126/science.adi5177
Book chapter:
Martinetto E., …. Kunzmann, L., … et al. (2020). Triumph and Fall of the Wet, Warm, and Never-More-Diverse Temperate Forests (Oligocene-Pliocene). – In: Martinetto E., Tschopp E., Gastaldo R.A. (eds). Nature through Time. Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment. Springer, Cham.
Batista, M. E. P., Loiola, M. I. B., Soares, A. A., Mastroberti, A. A., Sá, A. A., Nascimento Jr., D. R., Silva Filho W. F., Kunzmann, L. (2022). New insights in the evolution of mucilage cells in Araucariaceae: Araucaria violetae sp. nov. from the Early Cretaceous Araripe Basin (NE Brazil). – International Journal of Plant Science 183(1): 43–60.
Dolezych, M., Mantzouka, D., Kunzmann, L. (2022). Cedroxylon shakhtnaense (Blokhina 2010) Dolezych, Mantzouka et L.Kunzmann comb. nov., a fossil Abies wood from the late early Miocene Mastixioideae flora of Wiesa (east Germany). – IAWA Journal 43(1–2): 136–163.
Gobo, W. V., Kunzmann, L., Iannuzzi, R., Bachelier, J. B., Coiffard, C. (2022). First evidence of ranunculids in Early Cretaceous tropics. – Scientific Reports 12: 5040.
Kunzmann, L., Li, S.-F., Huang, J., Utescher, T., Su, T., Zhou, Z.-K. (2022). Assessment of Phytogeographic Reference Regions for Cenozoic vegetation: a case study on the Miocene flora of Wiesa (Germany). – Fossil Imprint 78(1): 1–43.
Malekhosseini, M., Ensikat, H.-J., McCoy, V. E., Wappler, T., Weigand, M., Kunzmann, L., Rust, J. (2022). Traces of calcium oxalate biomineralization in fossil leaves from late Oligocene maar deposits in Germany. – Scientific Reports 12:15959
Sadowski, E.-M., Schmidt, A. R., Kunzmann, L. (2022). The hyperdiverse conifer flora of the Baltic amber forest. – Palaeontographica Abt. B 304 (1–4): 1–148.
Toumoulin, A., Tardif, D., Donnadieu, Y., Licht, A., Ladant, J.-B., Kunzmann, L., Dupont-Nivet, G. (2022). Evolution of continental temperature seasonality from the Eocene greenhouse to the Oligocene icehouse – A model-data comparison, – Climate of the Past, 18, 341–362. Book chapter:
Kunzmann L., Coiffard, C., de Oliveira Westerkamp, A. P. A., Batista, M. E. P., Uhl, D., Solórzano-Kraemer, M. M., Mendes, M., Nascimento Jr., D. R., Iannuzzi, R., Silva Filho, W. F. (2022). Crato Flora: A 115-Million-Year-Old Window into the Cretaceous World of Brazil. – In: Iannuzzi R., Rößler R., Kunzmann L. (eds) Brazilian Paleofloras. Springer, Cham.
Roth-Nebelsick, A., Grein, M., Traiser, C., Kunzmann, L., Kvacek, J., Wypich, J., Eder. J. (2021). Taxon-specific variability of leaf traits in three long-ranging fossil-taxa of the Paleogene and Neogene: responses to climate? – Palaeontologia Electronica 24.1.04.
Hutchinson, D. K., Coxall, H. K., Lunt, D. J., Steinthorsdottir, M., DeBoer, A. M., Baatsen, M., von der Heydt, A., Huber, M., Kennedy-Asser, A. T., Kunzmann, L., Ladant, J.-P., Lear, C. H., Moraweck, K., Pearson, P. N., Piga, E., Pound, M. J., Salzmann, U., Scher, H. D., Sijp, W. P., Śliwińska, K. K., Wilson, P. A., Zhang, Z. S. (2021). The Eocene-Oligocene transition: a review of marine and terrestrial proxy data, models and model-data comparisons. – Climate of the Past 17: 269–315.
Batista, M. E. P., Kunzmann, L., Sa, A. A., Saraiva, A. A. F., Loiola, M. I. B. (2020). A new species of Brachyphyllum from the Crato Formation (Lower Cretaceous) Araripe Basin, Brazil. – Ameghiniana 57 (6): 519–533.
Toumoulin, A., Kunzmann, L., Moraweck; K., Sack, L. (2020). Reconstructing leaf area from fragments: testing three methods using a fossil Paleogene species. – American Journal of Botany, 107 (12): 1786–1797.
Haug, C. et al. … Kunzmann, L. … (2020). Comment on the letter of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP) dated April 21, 2020 regarding “Fossils from conflict zones and reproducibility of fossil‑based scientific data”: the importance of private collections. – PaLZ 94: 413–429.
Noll, R., Kunzmann, L. (2020). Diversity in fossil Araucaria Juss.: new species from the Middle Jurassic Jaramillo Petrified Forests in Santa Cruz province, Argentina. – Palaeontographica B 301 (1–3): 3–75.
Seyfullah, L. J., Roberts, E. A., Schmidt, A. R., Ragazzi, E., Anderson, K. B., do Nascimento Jr., D. R., da Silva Filho, W. F., Kunzmann, L. (2020). Revealing the diversity of amber source plants from the Early Cretaceous Crato Formation, Brazil. M – BMC Evol. Biol. 20, 107.
Löcse, F., Zorn, I., Kunzmann, L., Rößler, R. (2019). Paläobotanische Kostbarkeiten aus den Versteinerten Wäldern von Nová Paka (Tschechien) und Chemnitz (Deutschland) – Originale zu Stenzel (1889, 1906) und Rudolph (1906) in der paläobotanischen Sammlung der Geologischen Bundesanstalt in Wien. – Jb. Geol. B.-A., 159 (1–4): 289–313.
Wang, L., Kunzmann, L., Su, T., Xing, Y.-W., Zhang, S.-T., Wang, Y.-Q., Zhou, Z.-K. (2019). Evolutionary stasis and the intensification of Asian monsoon caused the disappearance of Metasequoia (Cupressaceae) in SW China. – Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 264: 64-74.
Moraweck, K., Grein, M., Konrad, W., Kovar-Eder, J., Kvaček, J., Neinhuis, C., Roth-Nebelsick, A., Traiser, C., Kunzmann, L. (2019). Leaf traits of long-ranging Paleogene species and their relationship with depositional facies, climate and atmospheric CO2 level. Palaeontographica B 298 (4-6): 93-172.
Kunzmann, L., Moraweck, K., Müller, C., Schröder, I., Wappler, T., Grein, M., Roth-Nebelsick, A. (2019). A Paleogene leaf flora (Profen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany) and its potentials for palaeoecological and palaeoclimate reconstructions. – Flora 254: 71–87.
Kunzmann, L., Uhl, D., Krüger, P. S. (2018). Whitish leaves in Eocene lignites in central Germany – a brief survey from the viewpoint of palaeobotany. – Freib.-Forsch.-H. C 554: 213-223.
Batista, M. E. P., Kunzmann, L., Bezerra, F., Andrade, de J. A. F. G., Sá, A. A., Loiola, M. I. B. (2018). A new cheirolepidiaceous conifer Pseudofrenelopsis salesii sp. nov. from the Early Cretaceous of Brazil (Romualdo Formation, Araripe Basin): Paleoecological and taphonomic significance. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 258: 154-162
Adroit, B., Girard, V., Kunzmann, L., Terral, J.-F., Wappler, T. (2018). Plant-insect interactions patterns in three European paleoforests of the late-Neogene—early-Quaternary. – PeerJ 6:e5075;
Traiser, C., Roth-Nebelsick, A., Grein, M., Kovar-Eder, J., Kunzmann, L., Moraweck, K., Lange, J., Kvaček, J., Neinhuis, C., Folie, A., De Franceschi, D., Kroh, A., Prestianni, C., Poschmann, M., Wuttke, M. (2018). MORPHYLL: A database of fossil leaves and their morphological traits. – Palaeontologia Electronica 21.1.1T: 1-17.
Müller, C., Wappler, T., Kunzmann, L. (2018). Insect herbivory patterns in the late Eocene coastal lowland riparian associations from central Germany. – Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 491: 170-184.
Ding, W.-N., Kunzmann, L., Su, T., Huang, J., Zhou, Z.-K. (2018). A new fossil species of Cryptomeria (Cupressaceae) from the Oligocene of the Lühe Basin, Yunnan, East Asia: implications for paleobiogeography and paleoecology. – Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 248: 41-51.
Linnemann, U., Su, T., Kunzmann, L., Spicer, R. A., Ding, W.-N., Spicer, T. E. V., Zieger, J., Hofmann, M., Moraweck, K., Gärtner, A., Gerdes, A., Marko, L., Zhang, S.-T., Li, S.-F., Tang, H., Huang, J., Mulch, A., Mosbrugger, V., Zhou, Z.-K. (2018). New U-Pb dates show a Palaeogene origin for the modern Asian biodiversity hot spots. – Geology, 46 (1): 3-6.
Sadowski, E.-M., Schmidt, A. R., Seyfullah1, L. J., Kunzmann, L. (2017). Conifers of the ‘Baltic amber forest’ and their palaeoecological significance. – Stapfia 106: 1-73.
Kunzmann, L., Müller, C., Moraweck, K., Bräutigam, D., Wappler, T., Nel, A. (2017). First record of insects in lignite-bearing formations (upper Eocene) of the central German Leipzig Embayment. – PalZ 91 (3): 315-326.
Roth-Nebelsick, A., Grein, M., Traiser, C., Moraweck, K., Kunzmann, L., Kovar-Eder, J., Kvaček, J., Stiller, S., Neinhuis, C. (2017). Functional leaf traits and leaf economics in the Paleogene — A case study for Central Europe. – Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimat., Palaeoecol. 472: 1-14.
Book chapters
Kunzmann, L., Coiffard, C., Westerkamp, A. P. A. de O., Batista, M. E. P., Uhl, D., Solórzano-Kraemer, M., Mendes, M., Nascimento Jr., D. R., Iannuzzi, R., Silva Filho, W. F. (2021). The Crato Flora: A 115 Million Years old window into the Cretaceous world of Brazil. – In: Iannuzzi R., Rößler R., Kunzmann L. (eds). Brazilian Paleofloras. Springer, Cham.
Martinetto E., …. Kunzmann, L., … et al. (2020). Triumph and Fall of the Wet, Warm, and Never-More-Diverse Temperate Forests (Oligocene-Pliocene). – In: Martinetto E., Tschopp E., Gastaldo R.A. (eds). Nature through Time. Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment. Springer, Cham.
Uhl, D., Kunzmann, L., et al. (2018). FRANKFURT/DRESDEN/GÖRLITZ: Palaeontological collections of the Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung. – In: Beck L., Joger U. (eds). Paleontological Collections of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Natural History Collections. Springer, pp. 209-240.
The Mulch lab at the Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre and Goethe University Frankfurt uses state-of-the-art isotope geochemical approaches including novel applications of clumped isotope thermometry and molecular biomarker analysis to track changes in temperature and precipitation based on geologic materials such as paleosoils, fossil teeth or minerals in the Earth’s crust that store information about near surface meteoric waters in active deformation zones of our planet.
Collectively, these data permit reconstructions of the change in elevation of mountain belts through time and their role in guiding atmospheric moisture transport over continents or provide cornerstones in establishing the interactions of biotic and abiotic drivers of speciation and evolution in the highly diverse mountainous regions of e.g. the Andes and the Himalayas.
Research interests
Stable isotope paleoaltimetry
Interactions of mountains, climate and biodiversity
2015 – Present Director, Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt 2013 – Present Director of Science, Senckenberg – Leibniz Institution for Biodiversity and Earth System Research, Germany 2013 – 2021 Vice-Director General, Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung 2010 – Present Professor (W3), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt & Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre 2014 – 2015 Cox Visiting Professor, School of Earth Sciences, Stanford University, USA 2010 – 2017 Vice-Director, Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre 2007 – 2010 Director, Institute of Geology, Leibniz Universität Hannover 2006 – 2010 Professor (W2, tenured), Leibniz Universität Hannover 2005 – 2006 Research Associate, Stanford University, USA 2004 – 2005 US-NSF Research Associate, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA 2004 Dr. ès sci. in Mineralogy/Geochemistry, Universite de Lausanne, Switzerland 1999 Diploma in Geology (Tectonics), Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen
*advised or **co-advised student; underlined = advised postdoctoral scholar
Licht, A., Dupont-Nivet, G., Meijer, N., Caves-Rugenstein, J., Schauer, A., Fiebig, J., Mulch, A., Hoorn, C., Barbolini, N., Guo, Z. (2020.) Decline of soil respiration in northeastern Tibet through the transition into the Oligocene icehouse. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, 560, 110016.
Methner, K., Campani, M., Fiebig, J., *Löffler, N., Kempf, O., Mulch, A. (2020) Middle Miocene long-term continental temperature change in and out of pace with marine climate records. nature Scientific Reports 10: 7989.
Vasiliev, I., Feurdean, A., Reichart, G-J., Mulch, A. (2020) Late Miocene intensification of continentality in eastern Eurasia (Black Sea basin). Int J Earth Sciences
Pingel, H., Strecker, M.R., Mulch, A., Alonso, R.A., Cottle, J., Rohrmann, A. (2020) Late Cenozoic topographic evolution of the Eastern Cordillera and Puna Plateau margin (NW Argentina). Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Botsyun, S., Ehlers, T.A., Mutz, S.G., Methner, K., *Krsnik, E., Mulch, A. (2020) Opportunities and challenges for paleoaltimetry in “small” orogens: Insights from the European Alps. Geophys Res Letters, 47, e2019GL086046.
Meijers, M.J.M., Brocard, G., Whitney, D.L., Mulch, A. (2020) Paleoenvironmental conditions and drainage evolution of the central Anatolian lake system (Turkey) during late Miocene to Pliocene surface uplift. Geosphere, 16.
*Ardenghi, N., Mulch, A., Koutsodendris, A., Pross, J., Kahmen, A., Niedermeyer, E. (2019) Temperature and moisture variability in the Eastern Mediterranean region during Marine Isotope Stages 11–10 based on biomarker analysis of the Tenaghi Philippon peat deposit. Quaternary Science Reviews, 225, 105977.
Methner, K., Lenz, O., Riegel, W., Wilde, V., Mulch, A. (2019) Palaeoenvironmental response of mid-latitudinal wetlands to PETM climate change (Schöningen lignite deposits, Germany). Climate of the Past, 15, 1-15.
Heineke, C., Hetzel, R., Nilius, N.-P., Zwingmann, H., Todd, A., Mulch, A., Wölfler, A., Glotzbach, C., Akal, C., Dunkl, I., Raven, M., Hampel, A. (2019) Detachment faulting in a bivergent core complex constrained by fault gouge dating and low-temperature thermochronology. Journal of Structural Geology.
Fiebig, J., Bajnaj, D., *Löffler, N., Methner, K., *Krsnik, E., Mulch, A., Hofmann, S. (2019) Combined high-precision D47 and D48 analysis of carbonates. Chemical Geology, 522, 186-191.
Huang, S.1, Meijers, M.J.M.1, Eyres, A., Mulch, A., Fritz, S.A. (2019) Unravelling the history of biodiversity in mountain ranges through integrating geology and biogeography. Journal of Biogeography. Alexander von Humboldt Special Volume. 1= joint 1st authors
Dusseaux, C., Gébelin, A., Boulvais, P., Gardien, V., Grimes, S., Mulch, A. (2019) Meteoric fluid-rock interaction in Variscan shear zones. Terra Nova 2019;00:1–7.
*Löffler, N., Fiebig, J., Mulch, A., Tütken, T., Schmidt, B.C., Bajnai, D., Conrad, A.C., Wacker, U., Böttcher, M.E. (2019) Refining the temperature dependence of the oxygen and clumped isotopic compositions of structurally bound carbonate in apatite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 253, 19-38.
Lynch, E.A., Mulch, A., Yonkee, A., van der Pluijm, B. (2019) Hydrogen isotopes in authigenic clay minerals suggest presence of surface fluids in the evolving Sevier fold-thrust belt of ID-WY. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 513, 29-39.
Page, M., Licht, A., Dupont-Nivet, G., Meijer, N., Barbolini, N., Hoorn, C., Schauer, A., Huntington, K., Bajnai, D., Fiebig, J., Mulch, A., Guo, Z. (2019) Synchronous cooling and decline in monsoonal rainfall in NE Tibet during the fall into the Oligocene Icehouse. Geology
Schwartz, T., Methner, K., Mulch, A., Graham, S.A., Chamberlain, C.P. (2019) Paleogene topographic and climatic evolution of the Northern Rocky Mountains from integrated sedimentary and isotopic data. Geological Society of Americal Bulletin.
Vasiliev, I., Reichart, G-J., Krijgsman, W., Mulch, A. (2019) Black Sea rivers capture drastic change in catchment-wide mean annual temperature and soil pH during the Miocene-to-Pliocene transition. Global and Planetary Change, 172, 428-439.
Lüdecke, T., Kullmer, O., Wacker, U., Sandrock, O., Fiebig, J., Schrenk, F., Mulch, A. (2018) Dietary versatility of early Pleistocene hominins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115, 52, 13330-13335. Paper featured as „Hominins had flexible diets“ (2019) in nature Human
Antonelli, A., Kissling, W.D., Flantua, S.G.A., Bermudez, M.A., Mulch, A., Muellner-Riehl, A.N.M., Kreft, H., Lindner, H.P., Badgley, C., Fjeldsa, J., Fritz, S.A., Rahbek, C., Herman, F., Hooghiemstra, H., Hoorn, C. (2018) Geological and climatic determinants of mountain biodiversity. nature geoscience, 11, 718-725.
Meijers, M.J.M., Brocard, G.Y., Cosca, M.A., *Lüdecke, T., Teyssier, C., Whitney, D.L., Mulch, A. (2018) Rapid Late Miocene Surface Uplift of the Central Anatolian Plateau Margin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 497, 29-41.
Meijers, M.J.M., Peynircioglu, A., Cosca, M.A., Brocard, G.Y., Whitney, D.L., Langereis, C., Mulch, A. (2018) Climate stability in Central Anatolia during the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, 498, 53-67.
Boles, A. Mulch, A., v.d. Pluijm, B. (2018) Near-surface clay authigenesis in exhumed fault rock of the Alpine Fault Zone (New Zealand); O-H-Ar isotopic, XRD and chemical analysis of illite and chlorite. Journal of Structural Geology, 111, 27-41.
Mulch, A., Chamberlain, C.P. (2018) Stable isotope paleoaltimetry: Paleotopography as a key element in the evolution of landscapes and life. in: Mountains, Climate and Biodiversity, Hoorn, C., Perrigo, A. & Antonelli, A. (eds.) Wiley, 81-94.
Mosbrugger, V., Favre, A., Muellner-Riehl, A., Päckert, M., Mulch, A. (2018) Cenozoic evolution of Geo-Biodiversity in the Tibeto-Himalayan region. in: Mountains, Climate and Biodiversity, Hoorn, C., Perrigo, A. & Antonelli, A. (eds.) Wiley, 429-448.
**Hellwig, A., Voigt, S., Mulch, A., Bartenstein, A., Pross, J., Gerdes, A., Voigt, T. (2018) Late Oligocene-early Miocene increase in seasonality of precipitation in Central Asia recorded in terrestrial sequences from the Ili Basin (SE Kazakhstan), Sedimentology, 65, 2, 517-539.
Linnemann, U., Su T., Kunzmann, L., Spicer, R.A., Spicer, T.E.V., Zieger, J., Hofmann, M., Moraweck, K., Gärtner, A., Ding, W., Zhang, S.-T., Gerdes, A., Marko, L., Mulch, A., Mosbrugger, V., Zhou, Z.-K. (2018) New U/Pb dates show a Paleogene Origin for the modern Asian biodiversity hotspots, Geology, 46, 1, 3-6.
*Ardenghi, N., Mulch, A., Pross, J., Niedermeyer, E.M. (2017) Leaf wax n-alkane extraction: An optimised procedure. Organic Geochemistry. 113, 283-292.
*Schemmel, F., Niedermeyer, E.M., Koutsodendris, A., Pross, J., Fiebig, J., Mulch, A., (2017) Paleohydrological changes in the Eastern Mediterranean region during the early Holocene recorded in plant wax n-alkane distributions and d13CTOC – new data from Tenaghi Philippon, NE Greece. Organic Geochemistry, 110, 100-109.
Licht, A., Coster, P., Ocakoglu, F., Campbell, C., Metais, G., Mulch, A., Taylor, M., Kappelman, J., Beard, K.C. (2017) Tectono-stratigraphy of the Orhaniye Basin, Turkey: Implications for collision chronology and Paleogene biogeography of central Anatolia, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 143, 45-58.
Gébelin , A., Jessup, M., Teyssier, C., Cosca, M.A., Law, R.D., Brunel, M., Mulch, A. (2017) Infiltration of meteoric water in the South Tibetan Detachment (Mt. Everest, Himalaya): When and Why? Tectonics, 36, doi:10.1002/2016TC004399.
Barnosky, A.D., Hadly, E.A., Gonzalez, P., Head, J., Polly, P.D., Lawing, A.M., Eronen, J.T., … Mulch, A., … Zhang, Z. (2017) Merging paleobiology with conservation biology to guide the future of terrestrial ecosystems. Science, 355, eaah4787.
Badgley, C., Smiley, T.M., Davis, E.B., DeSantis, L.R.G., Fox, D.L., Hopkins, S.B., Jezkova, T., Matocq, M.D., Matzke, N., McGuire, J.L., Mulch, A., Riddle, B.R., Roth, L., Samuels, J.X., Strömberg, C.A.E., Terry, R., Yanites, B.J. (2017) Biodiversity and topographic complexity: Modern and geohistorical perspectives, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 32, 211-226.
Panait, A., Diaconu, A., Galka, M., Hutchinson, S.M., Hickler, T., Lamentowicz, M., Mulch, A., Tantau, I., Werner, C., Feurdean, A. (2017.) Hydrological conditions and carbon accumulation rates reconstructed from a raised mountain bog in the Carpathians: a multi-proxy approach. Catena 152, 57-68.
**Rohrmann, A., Sachse, D., Mulch, A., **Pingel, H., Tofelde, S., Alonso, R.N., Strecker, M.R. (2016 Miocene orographic uplift forces rapid hydrological change in the southern central Andes. nature Scientific Reports 6, 35678.
Mancktelow, N., Zwingmann, H., Mulch, A. (2016) K-Ar dating of fault gouge from the Naxos detachment (Cyclades, Greece). Tectonics, 35, 2334-2344.
Haines, S., Lynch, E., Mulch, A., Valley, J.W., van der Pluijm, B. (2016) Meteoric fluid infiltration in crustal-scale normal fault systems as indicated by d18O and d2H geochemistry, and Ar dating of neoformed clays in brittle fault rocks. Lithosphere, 8, 587-600.
Fritz, S.A., Eronen, J.T., Schnitzler, J., Hof, C. Janis, C.M., Mulch, A., Böhning-Gaese, K., Graham, C.H. (2016) Humans dissolve a 20-million-year link between productivity and mammalian diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doi/10.1073/pnas.1602145113
Nieto-Moreno, V., **Rohrmann, A., van der Meer, M.T.J., Sinninghe Damsté, J.S., Sachse, D., Tofelde, S., Niedermeyer, E.N., Strecker, M.R., Mulch, A. (2016) Elevation-dependent changes in n-alkane dD and soil GDGTs across the South Central Andes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 453, 234-242.
*Lüdecke, T., Mulch, A., Kullmer, O., Sandrock, O., Thiemeyer, H., Fiebig, J., Schrenk, F. (2016) Stable isotope dietary reconstructions of herbivore enamel reveal heterogeneous wooded savanna ecosystems in the Plio-Pleistocene Malawi Rift. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 459, 170-181.
*Methner, K., Mulch, A., Fiebig, J., Wacker, U., Gerdes, A., Graham, S.A., Chamberlain, C.P., (2016) Rapid Middle Eocene temperature change in western North America. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 450, 132-139.
Niedermeyer, E.N., Forrest, M., Beckmann, B., Sessions, A.L., Mulch, A., Schefuß, E. (2016) The stable hydrogen isotopic composition of sedimentary plant waxes as quantitative proxy for rainfall in the West African Sahel. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 184, 55-70.
Lagomarsino, L.P., Condamine, F.L., Antonelli, A., Mulch, A., Davis, C.C. (2016) The abiotic and biotic drivers of rapid diversification in Andean bellflowers (Campanulaceae). New Phytologist 210, 1430-1442.
Meijers, M.J.M., Strauss, B., Özkaptan, M., Feinberg, J.M., Mulch, A., Whitney, D.L., Kaymakci, N. (2016) Age and paleoenvironmental reconstruction of partially remagnetized lacustrine sedimentary rocks (Oligocene Aktoprak basin, central Anatolia, Turkey). Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 17, doi:10.1002/2015GC006209.
*Methner, K., Fiebig, J., Wacker, U., Umhoefer, P., Chamberlain, C.P., Mulch, A. (2016) Eo-Oligocene proto-Cascades topography revealed by clumped (D47) and oxygen isotope (d18O) geochemistry (Chumstick Basin, WA, USA). Tectonics, 35, doi: 10.1002/2015TC003984.
**Pingel, H., Mulch, A., Alonso, R.A., Cottle, J., Hynek, S.A., Poletti, J., **Rohrmann, A., Schmitt, A.K., Stockli, D.F., Strecker, M.R. (2016) Surface uplift and convective rainfall along the southern Central Andes (Angastaco Basin, NW Argentina). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 440, 33-42.
*Schemmel, F., Niedermeier, E.M., Schwab, V.F., Gleixner, G., Pross, J., Mulch, A. (2016) Plant wax dD values record changing Eastern Mediterranean atmospheric circulation patterns during the 8.2 kyr B.P. climatic event. Quaternary Science Reviews, 133, 96-107.
Mulch, A. (2016) Stable isotope paleoaltimetry and the evolution of landscapes and life. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Invited Frontiers Article 433, 180-191.
*Lüdecke, T., Schrenk, F., Thiemeyer, H., Kullmer, O., Bromage, T.G., Sandrock, O., Fiebig, J., Mulch, A. (2016) Persistent C3 vegetation accompanied Plio-Pleistocene hominin evolution in the Malawi Rift (Chiwondo Beds, Malawi). Journal of Human Evolution, 90, 163-175.
Olaka, L., Wilke, F.D.H., Olago, D., Odada, E., Mulch, A., Musolff, A. (2016) Groundwater fluoride enrichment in an active rift setting: Central Kenya Rift case study. Science of the Total Environment, 545-546, 641-653.
Mix, H., Ibarra, D.E., Mulch, A., Graham, S.A., Chamberlain, C.P. (2016) A hot and high Eocene Sierra Nevada. Geol. Soc. America Bulletin, doi:10.1130/B31294.1
Macaulay, E.A., Sobel, E.R., Mikolaichuk, A., Wack, M., Gilder, S., Mulch, A., Fortuna, A.B., Hynek, S. (2016) The sedimentary record of the Issyk Kul basin, Kyrgyzstan: climatic and tectonic inferences. Basin Research, 28, 57-80.
Fanara, S., Botcharnikov, R.E., Palladino, D.M., Adams, F., Buddensiek, J., Mulch, A., Behrens, H. (2015) Volatiles in magmas related to Campanian ignimbrite eruption: Experiments vs. natural findings. American Mineralogist, 100, 10, 2284-2297.
Caves, J.K., Winnick, M.J., Graham, S.A., Sjostrom, D.J., Mulch, A. and Chamberlain, C.P. (2015) Role of Westerlies in Central Asia climate over the Cenozoic. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 428, 33-43.
Boles, A., van der Pluijm, B., Mulch, A., Mutlu, H., Uysal, I. T., Warr, L. (2015) Hydrogen and 40Ar/39Ar isotope evidence for multiple and protracted paleofluid flow events within the long-lived North Anatolian Keirogen (Turkey). Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. DOI 10.1002/2015GC005810
Eronen, J.T., Janis, C.M., Chamberlain, C.P., Mulch, A. (2015) Mountain uplift explains differences in Palaeogene patterns of mammalian evolution and extinction between North America and Europe. Trans. Royal. Soc London B. 282: 20150136
Feurdean, A., Galka, M., Kuske, E., Tantau, I., Lamentowicz, M., Florescu, G., Hutchinson, S.M., Liakka, J., Mulch, A., Hickler, T. (2015) Last Millennium hydro-climate variability in Central Eastern Europe (Northern Carpathians, Romania). The Holocene, 25, 1179-1192. doi: 10.1177/ 0959683615580197
McFadden, R., Mulch, A., Teyssier, C., Heizler, M. (2015) Eocene extension and meteoric fluid flow in the Wildhorse Detachment, Pioneer metamorphic core complex, Idaho. Lithosphere. doi: 10.1130/L429.1
Mancktelow, N., Zwingmann, H., Campani, M., Fügenschuh, B., Mulch, A. (2015) Timing and conditions of brittle faulting on the Silltal-Brenner Fault Zone, Eastern Alps (Austria). Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 108, 305-326.
Vespasiano, G., Apollaro, C., De Rosa, R., Muto, F., Fiebig, J., Mulch, A., Marini, L. (2015) The Small Spring Method (SSM) for the definition of stable isotope – elevation relationships in Northern Calabria (Southern Italy). Applied Geochemistry, 63, 333-346.
*Methner, K., Mulch, A., Teyssier, C., Wells, M., Cosca, M., **Gottardi, R., Gébelin, A., Chamberlain, C.P. (2015) Eocene and Miocene extension, meteoric fluid infiltration and core complex formation in the Great Basin (Raft River Mountains, Utah). Tectonics 34, doi:10.1002/2014TC003766
Mulch, A., Chamberlain, C.P., Cosca, M.A., Teyssier, C., *Methner, K., Hren, M.T., Graham, S.A. (2015) Rapid change in western North American high-elevation rainfall patterns during the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO). American Journal of Science, 315, 317-336. doi: 10.2475/04.2015.02
**Gottardi, R., Mulch, A., Teyssier, C., Valley, J. W., **Quilichini, A., Vennemann, T.W. (2015). Strain and Permeability gradients traced by stable isotope exchange in the Raft River detachment shear zone, Utah. Journal of Structural Geology, 71, 41-57. doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2014.10.005
**Quilichini, A., Siebenaller, L., Nachlas, W.O., Teyssier, C., Vennemann, T., Heizler, M.T., Mulch, A. (2015) Infiltration of meteoric fluids in an extensional detachment shear zone (Kettle dome, WA, USA): How quartz dynamic recrystallization relates to fluid-rock interaction. Journal of Structural Geology, 71, 71-85. doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2014.11.008
Gébelin, A., Teyssier, C., Heizler, M., Mulch, A. (2015) Meteoric water circulation in a rolling-hinge detachment system (northern Snake Range core complex, Nevada). Geol. Soc. America Bulletin, 127, 149-161. doi: 10.1130/B31063.1.
**Rohrmann, A., Strecker, M.R., Bookhagen, B., Mulch, A., Sachse, D., Pingel, H., Alonso, R.N., Schildgen, T.F., Montero, C. (2014) Can stable isotopes ride out the storm? The role of convection for water isotopes in models, records, and paleoaltimetry studies in the central Andes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 407, 187-195.
**Pingel, H., Alonso, R.A., Mulch, A., **Rohrmann, A., Sudo, M., and Strecker, M.R. (2014) Pliocene orographic barrier uplift in the southern Central Andes. Geology, 42, 691-694.
Nachlas, W.O., Whitney, D.L., Teyssier, C.T., Bagley, B., Mulch, A. (2014) Titanium concentration in quartz as a record of multiple deformation mechanisms in an extensional shear zone. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 15, 1374–1397, doi:10.1002/2013GC005200.
Mix, H., Winnick, M.J., Mulch, A., Chamberlain, C.P. (2013) Grassland expansion as an instrument of hydrologic change in Neogene western North America. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 377-378, 73-83.
Kent-Corson, M.L., Barnosky, A. D., Mulch, A., Carrasco, M.A., Chamberlain, C.P. (2013) Possible regional tectonic controls on mammalian evolution in western North America. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 387, 17-26.
Feng, R., Poulsen, C.J., Werner, M., Chamberlain, C.P., Mix, H., Mulch, A. (2013) Evolution of Early Cenozoic topography, climate and stable isotopes in precipitation in the North American Cordillera. American Journal of Science, 313, 613-648.
Regnery, J., Püttmann, W., Koutsodendris, A., Mulch, A., Pross, J. (2013) Comparing the paleoclimatic significance of higher land plant biomarker concentrations and pollen data: A case study on lake sediments from the Holsteinian interglacial. Organic Geochemistry, 61, 73-84.
Gébelin, A., Mulch, A., Teyssier, C., Jessup, M.J., Law, R.D., Brunel, M. (2013) The Miocene elevation of Mount Everest. Geology, 41, 7, 799-802.
Hoorn, C., Mosbrugger, V., Mulch, A., Antonelli, A (2013) Biodiversity from mountain building. Nature geoscience, 6, 154.
Hetzel, R., Zwingmann, H., Mulch, A., Gessner, K., Akal, C., Hampel, A., Güngör, T., Petschick, R. Mikes, T., Wedin, F. (2013) Spatio-temporal evolution of brittle normal faulting and fluid infiltration in detachment fault systems – a case study from the Menderes Massif, western Turkey. Tectonics, 32, 1-13. doi:10.1002/tect.20031
*Lüdecke, T., Mikes, T., Rojay, B., Cosca, M., Mulch, A. (2013) Oligo-Miocene paleoenvironment and paleohydrology of Central Anatolian lake basins. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences (VAMP Special Volume); 22, 793-819. DOI: 10.3906/yer-1207-11
*Schemmel, F., Mikes, T., Rojay, B., Mulch, A. (2013) The impact of topography on isotopes in precipitation across the Central Anatolian Plateau (Turkey). Am. Journal of Science, 313, 61-80.
Mazzini, I., Hudackova, N., Joniak, P., Kovacova, M., Mikes, T., Mulch, A., Rojay, B., Lucifora, S., Esu, D., Soulie-Märsche, I. Palaeoenvironmental And Chronological Constraints On The Tuğlu Formation (Çankırı Basin, Central Anatolia, Turkey) (2013) Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences (VAMP Special Volume) 22, 747-777. DOI: 10.3906/yer-1207-10
Campani, M., Mulch, A., Kempf, O., Schlunegger, F., Mancktelow, N. (2012) Miocene paleotopography of the Central Alps. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 337-338, 174-185.
Gebelin, A., Mulch, A., Teyssier, C., Chamberlain, C.P., Heizler, M. (2012) Coupled basin-detachment systems as paleoaltimetry archives of the western North American Cordillera, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 335-336, 36-47.
Chamberlain, C.P., Mix, H.T., Mulch, A., Hren, M.T., Kent-Corson, M.L., Davis, S.J., Horton, T.W., Graham, S.A. (2012) The Cenozoic Climatic and Topographic Evolution of the Western North American Cordillera, American Journal of Science, 312, 213-262. DOI 10.2475/04.2011.00
Königer, P., Marshall, J.D., Link, T., Mulch, A. (2011) An inexpensive, fast, and reliable method for vacuum extraction of soil and plant water for stable isotope analyses by mass spectrometry. Rap. Comm. Mass Spect., 25, 3041-3048.
Gebelin, A., Mulch, A., Teyssier, C., Heizler, M., Vennemann, T.W., Seaton, N.C.A. (2011) Oligo-Miocene extensional tectonics and fluid flow across the Northern Snake Range detachment system, Nevada. Tectonics, 30, TC5010 DOI 10.1029/2010TC002797.
Gottardi, R., Teyssier, C., Mulch, A., Vennemann, T. W., Wells, M. L. (2011) Preservation of an extreme geotherm in the Raft River detachment shear zone. Geology, 39, 759-762.
Mix, H., Mulch, A., Kent-Corson, M.L., Chamberlain, C.P. (2011) Cenozoic migration of topography in the North American Cordillera, Geology, 39, 87-90.
Cecil M.R. Ducea, M., Reiners, P., Gehrels, G., Mulch, A., Allen, C., Campbell, I. (2010) Provenance of Eocene river sediments from the central northern Sierra Nevada and implications for paleotopography. Tectonics, 29, TC6010.
Ballato, P., Mulch, A., Landgraf A., Strecker M.R., Dalconi M.C., Friedrich A., Tabatabaei S.H. (2010) Middle to late Miocene Middle Eastern climate from stable oxygen and carbon isotope data, southern Alborz mountains, N Iran. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 300, 125-138.
**Kent-Corson, M.L., Mulch, A., Graham, S.A., Carroll, A.C., Ritts, B.D., Chamberlain, C.P, (2010) Diachronous isotopic and sedimentary responses to topographic change as indicators of mid-Eocene hydrologic reorganization in the western United States. Basin Research 22, 6, 829-845.
Mulch A., Uba, C., Strecker, M.R., Schönberg, R., Chamberlain, C.P. (2010) Late Miocene climate variability and surface elevation in the central Andes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 290, 173-182.
Doebbert A., Carroll, A.R., Mulch, A., Chetel, L., Chamberlain, C.P. (2010) Geomorphic Controls On Lacustrine Isotopic Compositions: Evidence From The Laney Member, Green River Formation (Wyoming). Geological Society of America Bulletin, 122, 236-252.
Davis, S.J., Mulch A., Carroll, A.R., Horton T.W., Chamberlain, C.P. (2009) Paleogene landscape evolution of the central North American Cordillera: Developing topography and hydrology in the Laramide foreland. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 121, 100-116.
Garzione, C.N., Hoke, G.D., Libarkin, J.C., Withers, S., MacFadden B., Eiler, J., Mulch, A. (2008) The Rise of the Andes. Science, 320, 1304-1307.
Mulch, A., Sarna-Wojcicki, A.M., Perkins, M.E., Chamberlain, C.P. (2008) A Miocene to Pleistocene climate and elevation record of the Sierra Nevada, California. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105, 19, 6819-6824.
Agosta, F., Mulch, A., Chamberlain, C.P., Aydin, A. (2008) Geochemical traces of CO2-rich fluid flow along normal faults in central Italy. Geophysical Journal International 174, 758-770.
Mulch, A. and Chamberlain, C.P. (2007) Stable Isotope Paleoaltimetry in Orogenic Belts – The silicate record in surface and crustal geological archives. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 66, 89-118.
Mulch, A., Teyssier, C., Cosca, M.A., and Chamberlain, C.P. (2007) Stable isotope paleoaltimetry of Eocene Core Complexes in the North American Cordillera. Tectonics, 26, TC4001, doi:10.1029/ 2006TC001995.
Person, M., Mulch, A., Teyssier, C., Gao, Y. (2007) Isotope Transport and Exchange within Metamorphic Core Complexes. American Journal of Science 307, 555-589.
Monjoie, P., Bussy, F., Schaltegger, U., Mulch, A., Lapierre, H., Pfeifer, H.R. (2007) Contrasting magma types and timing of intrusion in the Permian layered mafic complex of Mont Collon (Western Alps,Valais, Switzerland): evidence from U/Pb zircon and 40Ar/39Ar amphibole dating. Swiss Journal of Geosciences 100, 125–135.
Mulch, A., Graham, S.A., and Chamberlain, C.P. (2006) Hydrogen Isotopes in Eocene River Gravels and Paleoelevation of the Sierra Nevada. Science 313, 87-89.*elected to be among the „Top 100 Science papers in 2006“ (Discover v. 28, 01, 2007)
Mulch, A. & Chamberlain, C.P. (2006) The rise and growth of Tibet. Nature 439, p. 670.
**Kent-Corson, M.L., Sherman, L.S., Mulch, A., and Chamberlain, C.P., (2006) Cenozoic topographic and climatic response to changing tectonic boundary conditions in western North America. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 252, 453-466.
Mulch, A., Teyssier, C., Cosca, M.A., and Vennemann, T. (2006) Thermomechanical analysis of strain localization in a detachment zone. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, B12405, doi:10.1029/2005JB004032
Mulch, A., Cosca, M.A., Fiebig, J., and Andresen, A. (2005) Time scales of mylonitic deformation and meteoric fluid infiltration during extensional detachment faulting: an integrated in situ 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and stable isotope study of the Porsgrunn-Kristiansand Shear Zone (Southern Norway). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 233, 375-390.
2004 – 2001
Mulch, A., Teyssier, C., Cosca, M.A., Vanderhaeghe, O., and Vennemann, T. (2004) Reconstructing paleoelevation in eroded orogens. Geology. 32, 6, 525-528. *paper was highlighted in Science 305, 19 and Geology Today 20, 5, 118-119.
Mulch, A. and Cosca, M.A. (2004) Recrystallization or cooling ages? – In situ UV-laser 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of muscovite in mylonitic rocks. Journal of the Geological Society London 161, 573-582.
Mulch, A., Cosca, M.A., and Handy, M. R. (2002) In-situ UV-laser 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of a micaceous mylonite – an example of defect-enhanced argon loss. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 142, 738-752.
Mulch, A., Rosenau, M. R., Dörr, W., and Handy, M. R. (2002) The age and structure of dikes along the tectonic contact of the Ivrea-Verbano and Strona-Ceneri Zones (southern Alps, Northern Italy, Switzerland). Swiss Bulletin of Mineralogy and Petrology 82, 55-76
Handy, M.R., Mulch, A., Rosenau, M.R., and Rosenberg, C.L. (2001) The role of fault zones and melts as agents of weakening, hardening and differentiation of the continental crust: a synthesis. in: Holdsworth R.E., Strachan, R.A., Magloughlin, J.F., and Knipe, R.J. (eds.): The Nature and Tectonic Significance of Fault Zone Weakening. Geological Society London, Special Publications 186, 305-332.
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