Laboratory Facilities
Goethe University-Senckenberg BiK-F Joint Stable Isotope Facility
The Goethe University-Senckenberg BiK-F Joint Stable Isotope Facility is located at the Riedberg Campus of Goethe University and jointly run by Prof. J. Fiebig and Prof. A. Mulch.
This facility currently runs two MAT 253 and one MAT 253plus gas mass spectrometers equipped for fully automated clumped isotope measurements as well as conventional stable isotope analyses. Further we use IR laser-based isotope analyzers for oxygen, hydrogen and carbon isotope analyses of gases and water.
Common applications include:
- Clumped isotope analyses of carbonates and bioapatite
- C- and O-isotope analyses of carbonates
- C-, N- and S- isotope analyses of solids
- H-isotope analyses of silicates and volcanic gases
- O-isotope analyses of silicates using laser fluorination
- H- and O-isotope analyses of waters
For detailed information on lab capabilities and pricing please contact Prof. Dr. Jens Fiebig
Senckenberg Biomarker Laboratory
The Biomarker laboratory exemplifies the integrative framework of Geo- and Biosciences at Senckenberg BiK-F. It greatly benefits from the complementary expertise which allows to successfully complete multi-proxy approaches in paleoclimate research including reconstructions of sea surface temperatures based on UK’37 and TEX86 or mean annual air temperatures based on MBT/CBT indices.
The organic geochemistry laboratory at Senckenberg BiK-F is fully equipped for biomarker extraction, separation and purification (fume hoods, freeze dryer, solvent based extractors, nitrogen flow lines, Turbovap evaporation device, ultrasonic bath).
The Biomarker laboratory hosts:
- HPLC-MS/MS (HPLC-Tandem Mass Spectrometer): MBT/CBT (MAAT, pH), TEX’86 paleothermometry
- GC-MS (Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry) for structural characterization of organic molecules, identification and quantification of biomarkers (e.g. CPI, ACL, UK’37 paleothermometry).
- Los Gatos Laser Cavity Ringdown Systems for δD & δ18O of water
- Büchi Speed Extractor for pressure assisted solvent extraction.
For further enquiries please contact Prof. Andreas Mulch ( or our Lab Manager, Ulrich Treffert.
Key publications
Fiebig, J., Bajnaj, D., Löffler, N., Methner, K., Krsnik, E., Mulch, A., Hofmann, S. (2019) Combined high-precision D47 and D48 analysis of carbonates. Chemical Geology, 522, 186-191.
Löffler, N., Fiebig, J., Mulch, A., Tütken, T., Schmidt, B.C., Bajnai, D., Conrad, A.C., Wacker, U., Böttcher, M.E. (2019) Refining the temperature dependence of the oxygen and clumped isotopic compositions of structurally bound carbonate in apatite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 253, 19-38.
Ardenghi, N., Mulch, A., Pross, J., Niedermeyer, E.M. (2017) Leaf wax n-alkane extraction: An optimised procedure. Organic Geochemistry. 113, 283-292.
Nieto-Moreno, V., Rohrmann, A., van der Meer, M.T.J., Sinninghe Damsté, J.S., Sachse, D., Tofelde, S., Niedermeyer, E.N., Strecker, M.R., Mulch, A. (2016) Elevation-dependent changes in n-alkane dD and soil GDGTs across the South Central Andes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 453, 234-242.
Methner, K., Mulch, A., Fiebig, J., Wacker, U., Gerdes, A., Graham, S.A., Chamberlain, C.P., (2016) Rapid Middle Eocene temperature change in western North America. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 450, 132-139.