Mammalogie-Görlitz: Gruppenfoto



The historical vertebrate collection comes mainly from the 19th century. The majority of the collection consists of habitus preparations of birds from all continents. Numerous species are represented in a few copies each. The mammalian collection has essentially only been built up since 1980.

Today the scientific requirements and our own research determine the profile of the collection.

The concept of the collection includes the securing and preservation of vertebrates found dead with long-term preservation obligations. However, it also takes into account special collections of materials according to the requirements of current research projects.

Particularly noteworthy are extensive series of skulls and skeletons of native carnivores and small mammals, as well as population series of bird skeletons.


748 mounted skinsfor excibitions, faunistical records
2.960 skins/round skinsfaunistical records, population series
29.914 skulls, skeletonsfaunistical records, population series
13.200 skulls from owl pelletsfaunistical records, population series
143 fluid-preserved specimensfaunistical records, embryos, organs


6.325 mounted skinsfor excibitions, faunistical records
1.176 round skinsfaunistical records
3.963 skeletons population series
2.570 clutches of eggs faunistical records

Cryo Collection

11.938 tissue samples (cryo collection)for genetic analyses, contamination analyses
392 reptiles
455 amphibians
285 fishes

Lower vertebrates
