
Head of Division

Sabine Holst
Dr.  Sabine Holst
Head of Division

Link Fachbereich Cnidaria
Link Division Cnidaria

Begutachtete Publikationen


HOLST, S., SÖTJE, I. (2019) The stinging cell of Scyphozoa. In: Jarms G, Morandini A (eds.) World Atlas of Jellyfish. Dölling und Galitz Verlag. Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg: 54-63

HOLST, S., HEINS, A., LAAKMANN, S. (2019) Morphological and molecular diagnostic species characters of Staurozoa (Cnidaria) collected on the coast of Helgoland (German Bight, North Sea). Marine Biodiversity 49:1775–1797

HOLST, S., LAAKMANN, S. (2019): First record of the stalked jellyfish Haliclystus tenuis Kishinouye, 1910 (Cnidaria: Staurozoa) in Atlantic waters. Marine Biodiversity 49:1061–1066


HAO, W., GERDTS, G., HOLST, S., WICHELS, A. (2018): Bacterial communities associated with scyphomedusae at Helgoland Roads. Marine Biodiversity

HEINS, A., SÖTJE, S., HOLST, S. (2018): Assessment of various investigation techniques for scyphozoan statoliths with focus on the early development of the jellyfish Sanderia malayensis Goette, 1886. Marine Ecology Progress Series 591:37-56

Brandt, A., Scholz J., Allspach A., Brenke N., Brix S., George K.H., Hörnschemeyer T., Holst S., Hoppenrath M., Iwan F., Janssen A., Janssen R., Janussen D., Jeskulke K., Fiege D., Kaiser S., Kieneke A., Kihara T.C., Kröncke I., Krupp F., Martha S.O., Martínez Arbizu P.M., Meißner K., Miljutina M., Miljutin D., Renz J., Riehl T., Saeedi H., Siegler V., Sonnewald M., Stuckas H., Veit-Köhler G. (2018): 200 Years of Marine Research at Senckenberg: Selected Highlights. Marine Biodiversity 48:159–178


GOLDSTEIN, J., AUGUSTIN, C.B, BLEICH, S., HOLST, S. (2017): A matter of tolerance: distribution potential of scyphozoan polyps in a changing environment. Marine Ecology DOI: 10.1111/maec.12457

SÖTJE, I., DISHON, T., HOFFMANN, F., HOLST, S. (2017): New methods of morphometric analyses on scyphozoan jellyfish statolits including the first direct evidence for statolith growth using calcein as a fluorescent marker. Microscopy & Microanalysis 23:553-568 doi:10.1017/S1431927617000344

HOFFMANN, F.R., JUNGBLUT, S., HOLST, S., BERLITZ, P., OHMANN, T. (2017): Therapieoptionen bei Vernesselungen durch Quallen an deutschen Küstengewässern. Notfall und Rettungsmedizien 20:403–409


ALGUÉRO-MUÑIZ, M., MEUNIER, C.L., HOLST, S., ÁLVAREZ, S., BOERSMA, M. (2016): Withstanding multiple stressors: ephyrae of the moon jellyfish (Aurelia aurita, Scyphozoa) in a high temperature, high CO₂ and low oxygen environment. Marine Biology 163:185  DOI 10.1007/s00227-016-2958-z

HOLST, S., MICHALIK, P., NOSKE, M., KIEGER, J., SÖTJE, S. (2016): Potential of X-ray micro-computed tomography for soft-bodied and gelatinous cnidarians with special emphasis on scyphozoan and cubozoan statoliths. Journal of Plankton Research 38:1225–1242 doi:10.1093/plankt/fbw054


LESNIOWSKI, T.J., GAMBILL, M., HOLST, S., PECK M.A., ALGUÉRO-MUÑIZ, M., HAUNOST,M., MALZAHN A.M., BOERSMA M. (2015):  Effects of food and CO2 on growth dynamics of polyps of the scyphozoans (Cyanea capillata and Chrysaora hysoscella). Marine Biology 162:1371-1382. doi 10.1007/s00227-015-2660-6

HEINS, A., GLATZEL, T., HOLST, S. (2015):  Revised descriptions of the nematocysts and the asexual reproduction modes of the scyphozoan jellyfish Cassiopea andromeda (Forskål, 1775). Zoomorphology 134:351–366 DOI 10.1007/s00435-015-0263-x


HOLST, S., LAAKMANN, S. (2014): Morphological and molecular discrimination of two closely related jellyfish species, Cyanea capillata and C. lamarckii (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa), from the northeast Atlantic. Journal of Plankton Research 36: 48-63. doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbt093

LAAKMANN, S., HOLST, S. (2014): Emphasizing the diversity of North Sea hydromedusae by combined morphological and molecular methods. Journal of Plankton Research 36: 64-76. doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbt078

MEIßNER K., FIORENTO D., SCHNURR S., MARTINEZ ARBIZU P., HUETTMANN F., HOLST S., BRIX S., SVAVARSSON J. (2014): Distribution of marine benthic invertebrates at northern latitudes ― an evaluation applying multi-algorithm species distribution models. Journal of Sea Research 85:241-254. doi: 10.1016/j.seares.2013.05.007

 (2012): Morphology and development of benthic and pelagic life-stages of North Sea jellyfish (Scyphozoa, Cnidaria) with special emphasis on the identification of ephyra stages. Marine Biology 159:2707-2722

HOLST, S. (2012): Effects of climate warming on strobilation and ephyra production of North Sea scyphozoan jellyfish. Hydrobiologia. 690:127-140

 (2011): Quallen an Nord- und Ostseeküste. Biologie in unserer Zeit 4/2011: 240-247.

JARMS, G., HOLST, S. (2011): Einfluss von Umwelt- und Klimaveränderungen auf die Entwicklung von Quallen (Scyphozoa) der Nordsee. In: Lozan, J. L., Graßl, H., Karbe, L., Reise, K. (Hrsg.): Warnsignale Klima: Die Meere – Änderungen und Risiken. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, Hamburg, 384 Seiten. warnsignale.uni-hamburg

HOLST, S., Jarms, G.
 (2010): Effects of low salinity on settlement and strobilation of Scyphozoa (Cnidaria): Is the lion’s mane Cyanea capillata (L.) able to reproduce in the brackish Baltic Sea? Hydrobiologia 645:53-68

 (2008): Grundlagen der Populationsentwicklung verschiedener Scyphozoa (Cnidaria) der Deutschen Bucht. Dissertation im Fachbereich Biologie der Universität Hamburg. 


HOLST, S., SÖTJE, I. , TIEMANN, H., JARMS, G. (2007): Life cycle of the rhizostome jellyfish Rhizostoma octopus (L.) (Scyphozoa, Rhizostomeae), with studies on cnidocysts and statoliths. Marine Biology 151:1695-1710

HOLST, S., JARMS, G. (2007):  Substrate choice and settlement preferences of planula larvae of five Scyphozoa (Cnidaria) from German Bight, North Sea. Marine Biology 151:863-871

 (2006): Responses of solitary and colonial coronate polyps (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa, Coronatae) to sedimentation and burial. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 329:230-238

Cruise Reports


HOLST, S., NEUMANN, H., KOCOT, K., CANNON, J., LUCAS RODRÍGUEZ, Y. (2012): Megafauna. In S. Brix et al.: Overflow, Circulation and Biodiversity Cruise No. 85, Leg 3 August 27 – September 28, 2011 Reykjavik (Iceland) – Cuxhaven (Germany). METEOR-Berichte


(Co)Autor: Dr. Sabine Holst

Vortrag (internationale Konferenzen)


HOLST, S., MICHALIK, P., NOSKE, M., SÖTJE, I.: Potential and limitations of X-ray micro-computed tomography for statolith investigations and taxonomic studies on jellyfish. Fifth International Jellyfish Bloom Symposium, 30 May – 3 Jun 2016, Barcelona, Spain

HEINS, A., SÖTJE, S., HOLST, S.: Application and evaluation of various investigation techniques for analyses on scyphozoan statoliths. Fifth International Jellyfish Bloom Symposium, 30 May – 3 Jun 2016, Barcelona, Spain

ALGUÉRO-MUÑIZ, M., MEUNIER, C.L., ÁLVAREZ, S., HOLST, S., BOERSMA, M.: Aurelia aurita ephyrae in a changing world: facing multiple environmental stressor. Fifth International Jellyfish Bloom Symposium, 30 May – 3 Jun 2016, Barcelona, Spain

LAAKMANN, S., KNEBELSBERGER, T., HOLST, S.: Integrated North Sea zooplankton identification: a combination of morphology, DNA and proteome analyses towards a cost and time-effective application. ICES/PICES 6th Zooplankton Production Symposium, Bergen, Norway


HOLST, S., LAAKMANN, S.: Diversity of North Sea hydromedusae: Extending the knowledge from morphological species identification by molecular genetic COI analyses. The 8th Workshop of the Hydorzoan Society, 20-27 Jun 2015, Ischia, Italien

WICHELS, A., HAO, W., HOLST, S., GERDTS, G.: Bacterial community associated with scyphomedusae at Helgoland Roads. 50th European Marine Biology Symposium, 20-25 Sep 2015, Helgoland, Germany

ALGUÉRO-MUÑIZ, M., MEUNIER, C.L., ECKER, U., HOLST, S., BOERSMA, M.: Climate change effects on early life stages of the Moon Jellyfisch (Aurelia aurita, Scyphozoa). 50th European Marine Biology Symposium 50th European Marine Biology Symposium, 20-25 Sep 2015, Helgoland, Germany


HOLST, S., LAAKMANN, S.: Combined morphological and molecular identification methods in Scypho- and Hydromedusae. Fourth International Jellyfish Bloom Symposium, 5-7 Jun 2013, Hiroshima, Japan

GOLDSTEIN, J., AUGUSTIN, C. B., HOLST, S.: A matter of tolerance: potential distribution of scyphozoan polyps in semi-enclosed ecosystems such as the Baltic Sea. Fourth International Jellyfish Bloom Symposium, 5-7 Jun 2013, Hiroshima, Japan

LESNIOWSKI, T., GAMBILL, M., BOERSMA, M., HOLST, S., MALZAHN, A.: Effects of food quality and quantity on polyps of the scyphozoan Cyanea capillata Fourth International Jellyfish Bloom Symposium, 5-7 Jun 2013, Hiroshima, Japan

 Differential polyp reproduction strategies demonstrate the high flexibility and adaptability of scyphopolyps in changing environments. Third International Jellyfish Blooms Symposium, 13-16 Jul, Mar del Plata, Argentinien

HOLST, S., JARMS G.: The important role of scyphopolyps for the development of jellyfish blooms – reproduction of the Lion’s Mane in the brackish Baltic Sea? ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting, 25-30 Jan, Nizza, Frankreich

HOLST, S.: Effects of changing environmental conditions on polyp populations and production of ephyrae. Second International Jellyfish Blooms Symposium, 24-27 Jun, Griffith University, Coolangatta, Australien


Vortrag (andere)


HOLST, S.: Ecological and taxonomic studies on German Bight jellyfish Marine Science Seminar (20.09.2018) Trondhjem Biological Station, Norway


HOLST, S.: Fast nur aus Wasser? Einblicke in Forschungsarbeiten an Helgoländer Quallen (19.05.2017) Tag der offenen Tür, 125 Jahre Meeresforschung, Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Germany


HOLST, S.: Wanted alive! – Einblicke in die Forschungsarbeiten an lebenden Cnidaria am DZMB (21.11.2012) Senckenberg Kolloquium, Frankfurt, Germany


JARMS, G., HOLST, S.: Massenvermehrung von Quallen im Meer: Ist die Erwärmung schuld? Öffentliche Symposium Warnsignal Klima: Die Meere – Änderungen und Risiken (20.-22.09.2011), Hamburg, Germany

HOLST, S., RENZ, J.: Helgoländer Zooplankton Zeitserie – Methoden und Analyseverfahren. Workshop Senckenberg Langzeituntersuchungen (11.-13.04.2011), Wilhelmshaven, Germany


HOLST, S.: Quallen (Scyphozoa) der Deutschen Bucht und Ostsee. Untersuchungen zu Morphologie und Lebenszyklen. Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde (31.03.2010), Warnemünde, Deutschland

 Effects of changing environmental conditions on polyp populations and production of ephyrae. Seminar, Murdoch University, Perth, Australien

 JARMS, G., BAAMSTEDT, U., MARTINUSSEN, M., PAGÈS, F., FRANCO NAVARRO, I.: Biological and physical factors controlling recruitment of mass-occurring gelatinous species. EUROGEL final report. EUROGEL final meeting, Institut de Ciences Del Mar (CSIC), Barcelona, Spanien

HOLST,S.: Die Medusen der Deutschen Bucht und die Siedlungspräferenzen ihrer Larven. Seminar, Biologische Anstalt Helgoland (AWI), Helgoland

HOLST, S.: Die Medusen der Deutschen Bucht und die Siedlungspräferenzen ihrer Larven. Zoologisches Kolloquium, Department Zoologie, Universität Hamburg

HOLST, S., JARMS, G., BAAMSTEDT, U., MARTINUSSEN, M., PAGÈS, F., FRANCO NAVARRO, I.: Biological and physical factors controlling recruitment of mass-occurring gelatinous species. EUROGEL annual report. EUROGEL second annual meeting, Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Varna, Bulgarien

 JARMS, G., BAAMSTEDT, U., MARTINUSSEN, M., PAGÈS, F., FRANCO NAVARRO, I.: Biological and physical factors controlling recruitment of mass-occurring gelatinous species. EUROGEL annual report. EUROGEL first annual meeting, Centro Oceanografico, Murcia, Spanien

 Ökologie, Lebenszyklen und Funktionsmorphologie verschiedenartiger Cnidarier: Wie entfernen Polypen Sand aus ihrer Röhre? Forschungsseminar im Fachbereich Biologie, Institut für Holzwirtschaft, Hamburg


(Co)Author: Dr. Sabine Holst


HOLST, S., MIRANDA, L., MICHALIK, P., MEYER P., SÖTJE, I. (2020) Potential of micro-CT for taxonomic studies on Staurozoa (Cnidaria). 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Biological Systematics (Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik), Feb 12-15, 2020, Hamburg, Germany


HOLST, S., LAAKMANN, S., ROSSEL, S., RENZ, J., MARTINEZ ARBIZU, P., PETERS, J. Potential of MALDI−TOF MS-based proteomic fingerprinting for species identification of gelatinous zooplankton. 6th International Jellyfish Blooms Symposium, Nov 3-6, Capetown, South Africa

REINICKE, G-B., MORANDINI, A., HOLST, S., THIEL, H. (2019) A legacy of Max Egon Thiel: An unpublished manuscript and a review about four decades of Rhizostomeae research since 1979. 6th International Jellyfish Blooms Symposium, Nov 3-6, Capetown, South Africa


HOLST, S., MICHALIK, P., NOSKE, M., SÖTJE, I.: Application of X-ray micro-computed tomography in cnidarian tissues with special emphasis on their statocysts.  The 8th Workshop of the Hydorzoan Society, 20-27 Jun 2015, Ischia, Italien


HOLST, S., LAAKMANN, S.: Integrated morphological and molecular genetic taxonomy in North Sea Jellyfish. BioDivEvo 2014 24-27 March, Dresden, Germaniy

 Finding Nemo ist just easy. But what about sea anemones? 106th Annual Meeting of the German Zooloigcal Society 13-16 Sept 2013, Munich, Germany


GOLDSTEIN, J., AUGUSTIN, C.B., BLEICH, S., HOLST, S.: Physological responses of scyphozoan jellyfish stages to physico-chemical environmental parameters. YOUMARES 12-14 Sept 2012, Lübeck, Germany

RENZ, J., HOLST, S., BOERSMA, M., GREVE, W.: Monitoring of marine organisms in the North Sea – The Zooplankton Time Series Helgoalnd Roads. Nationales Biodiversitätsmonitoring 2020. 14-15 June 2012, Berlin, Germany   

MEIßNER, K., D. FIORENTINO, J. SVAVARSSON, P. MARTINEZ ARBIZU, F. HUETTMANN, S. SCHNURR, S. BRIX & HOLST, S.: Predictions of distributions of deep water benthic species in Icelandic waters – application of species distribution models. Deep-Sea Biodiversity and Life History Processes – Paul Tyler Retirement Meeting, National Oceanography Centre, 7-8 June 2012, Southampton, UK


LAAKMANN, S., HOLST, S., KNEBELSBERGER, T., RAUPACH, M.J., MARTINEZ ARBIZU, P., MOHRBECK, I.:  Application of molecular genetic tools in the assessment of North Sea zooplankton diversity. Fourth International Barcode of Life Conference 28 Nov -03 Dez 2011, Adelaide, Australia


HOLST, S., JARMS, G.: Development and identification of young scyphomedusa stages (Scyphozoa, Cnidaria) from German Bight, North Sea. Seventh Workshop of the Hydrozoan Society 10-18 Sept 2010, Lecce, Italy.


Lisa Kaiser
Bachelor Student (University of Hamburg)

Projektstudie 2020: Das Periderm der Scyphozoa