Palaeozoology II


Prof. Dr. Simon Darroch
Head of Palaeozoology II

I am a geobiologist and paleontologist, with a research program focused on understanding major changes in the complexity of Earth-Life systems. Our group works on a large number of things! However, at the moment we are focused on understanding the evolution, ecology, and disappearance of some of the oldest complex eukaryotes (the ‘Ediacara biota’), the causes and consequences of mass extinction events, and the biogeographic responses of taxa to major intervals of global change. We are also currently part of a large group funded by NSF hoping to understand the role of ‘ecoystem engineers’ – organisms that physcially modify their environment and alter reosurce flows – in controling processes of community assembly, and what this might tell us about the impact of human activities on the global biosphere. Our work is by necessity interdisciplinary, and combines aspects of biology, ecology, and geology. Members of our lab perform fieldwork all over the world, most recently in South Africa, Namibia, Canada, and the Bahamas.

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Dr. Eberhard Schindler

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Publikationen.

Im Druck

Schindler, E. (im Druck): Kellwasser – der Name eines Harzer Baches steht weltweit für ein globales Massenaussterbe-Ereignis im Devon. Gaussiana; Göttingen.


Brinkmann, J., Luppold, F.W., Röhling, H.-G., Schindler, E. & Stedingk, K. (2020): Dieter Stoppel (1933 – 2019). – Pander Society Newsletter, 52: 13-16.

Yalçın, M.N., Wedel, A., Schindler, E. & Er, S. (2020): Haydarpaşa ve Adana Gar Binalarindaki Lahn Mermerleri. –, 68: 101-108.


Brinkmann, J., Luppold, F.W., Röhling, H.-G., Schindler, E. & Stedingk, K. (2019): Dieter Stoppel (18.3.1933 – 7.6.2019). – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 34: 40-43; Münster.

Schindler, E., Brocke, R., Wehrmann, A. & Wilde, V. (2019): A vendobiont from the Lower Devonian of Germany? – Paleo & Life, Abstracts of the 90 th Annual Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Munich 2019: 132; München.

Feist, M., Nazik, A., Schindler, E., Wehrmann, A. & Yalçın, M.N. (2019): Distribution and palaeoecology of charophyte floras in Devonian coastal environments of the Central Taurides (Turkey). – Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 99 (3): 353-366; Frankfurt am Main. doi: org/10.1007/s12549-018-0355-y

Özkan, R., Nazik, A., Munnecke, A., Saydam-Demiray, D.G., Schindler, E., Aydin Özbek, T., Şeker Zor, E., Yilmaz, I., Brocke, R., Sancay, R.H., Wilde, V. & Yalçın, M.N. (2019): Givetian/Frasnian (Middle/Upper Devonian) transition in the Eastern Taurides, Turkey. – Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 28 (2): 207-231. doi: 10.3906/yer-1804-20

Schindler, E., Brocke, R., Becker, R.T., Buchholz, P., Jansen, U., Luppold, F.W., Nesbor, H.-D., Salamon, M., Weller, H. & Weyer, D. (2018): Das Devon in der Stratigraphischen Tabelle von Deutschland 2016. The Devonian in the Stratigraphic Table of Germany 2016. – Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 168 (4): 447-463. doi: 10.1127/zdgg/2017/0135 [date of imprint 2017]

Menning, M., Glodny, J., Brocke, R., Jansen, U., Schindler, E. & Weyer, D. (2018): Die Devon-Zeitskala der Stratigraphischen Tabelle von Deutschland 2016 (STD 2016). The Devonian time scale in the Stratigraphic Table of Germany 2016 (STG 2016). – Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 168 (4): 465-482. doi: 10.1127/zdgg/2017/0151 [date of imprint 2017]

Schindler, E. & Lord, A. (2018): Rudolf Birenheide 1929 – 2017. – Gmit, 71: 90.

Brocke, R., Riegel, W., Brett, C.E., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Lenz, O., Königshof, P., Schindler, E. & Wilde, V. (2018): Palynology and microfacies of Middle Devonian leperditioan-rich beds from the classical Eifel area (Germany). – 5th International Paleontological Congress – Paris, 9th-13th July 2018, Abstract Book: 786.

Schindler, E., Feist, M., Nazik, A., Wehrmann, A. & Yalçın, M.N. (2018): First record of charophytes in the Devonian of Turkey (Central Taurides). – 5th International Paleontological Congress – Paris, 9th-13th July 2018, Abstract Book: 809.

Nazik, A., Groos-Uffenorde, H., Olempska, E., Yalçın, M.N., Wilde, V., Schindler, E., Königshof, P., Şeker Zor. E. & Wehrmann, A. (2018): Late Silurian and Devonian ostracods of the Istanbul Zone (Western Pontides) and the Taurides: palaeogeographical implications. – Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 98 (4): 593-612. doi: org/10.1007/s12549-018-0340-5

Nazik, A., Groos-Uffenorde, H., Olempska, E., Yalçın, M.N., Wilde, V., Schindler, E., Königshof, P., Şeker Zor. E. & Wehrmann, A. (2018): Correction to: Late Silurian and Devonian ostracods of the Istanbul Zone (Western Pontides) and the Taurides: palaeogeographical implications. – Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 98 (4): 613. doi: org/10.1007/s12549-018-0364-x

Schindler, E. (2018): Rudolf Birenheide (6.2.1929 – 8.11.2017). – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 33: 2-3
Feist, M., Nazik, A., Schindler, E., Wehrmann, A. & Yalçın, M.N. (2018): Distribution and palaeoecology of charophyte floras in Devonian coastal environments of the Central Taurides (Turkey). – Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments.

Franzke, H.-J., Knolle, F., Röhling, H.-G., Schindler, E., Tanner, D.C., Teicke, J., Wellmer, F.-W., Wilde, V. & Zellmer, H. (2017): Die klassischen Quadratmeilen der Geologie. Exkursion II: Oberharz. – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 90: 177-208, 43 Abb.; Hannover. doi:10.1127/sdgg/90/2017/177

Weiner, T., Kalvoda, J, Kumpan, T., Schindler, E. & Šimíček, D. (2017): An Integrated Stratigraphy of the Frasnian-Famennian Boundary Interval (Late Devonian) in the Moravian Karst (Czech Republic) and Kellerwald (Germany). – Bulletin of Geosciences, 92 (2): 257-281, 9 figs., 3 tabs., electronic supplementary appendix; Praha. doi: 10.3140/bull.geosci.1636

Brocke, R., Brett, C.E., Ellwood, B.B., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Riegel, W., Schindler, E. & Tomkin, J.H. (2017): Comparative palynofacies, magnetic susceptibility and cyclicity of the Middle Devonian Müllertchen Section (Eifel area, Germany). – Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 97 (3): 449-467, 10 figs., 1 tab.; Frankfurt am Main. doi: 10.1007/s12549-017-0289-9

Schindler, E., Brocke, R., Brett, C.E., Ellwood, B.B., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Riegel, W. & Tomkin, J.H. (2016): Comparison of palynofacies, magnetic susceptibility and cyclicity of the Mid Devonian Müllertchen Section (Eifel area, Germany). – IGCP 591 “The Early to Middle Paleozoic Revolution”, Closing Meeting, Ghent University, Belgium, 6-9 July 2016, Abstracts: 70; Ghent.

Nazik, A., Groos-Uffenorde, H.,  Olempska, E., Yalçın, M.N., Wilde, V., Schindler, E., Königshof, P. & Şeker, E. (2016): Contribution of the Silurian-Devonian Ostracods to the Palaeogeographical Assignment of the Western Pontides, Central and Eastern Taurides, Turkey. – IGCP 591 “The Early to Middle Paleozoic Revolution”, Closing Meeting, Ghent University, Belgium, 6-9 July 2016, Abstracts: 118-119; Ghent.

Schindler, E., Yalçın, M.N., Wilde, V., Nazik, A., Wehrmann, A. & Yılmaz, İ. (2016): Enigmatic fossils from the Middle Devonian of the Eastern Taurides (Turkey). – 87th Annual Conference of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft e. V., Dresden 2016: 136-137; Dresden.

Brocke, R., Fatka, O., Lindemann, R.H., Schindler, E. & Ver Straeten, C.A. (2016): Palynology, dacryoconarids and the lower Middle Devonian Basal Choteč Event: Case studies from the Prague and Appalachian basins. – Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 423: 123-169, 18 figs. 1 tab., 1 app.; London.

Lindemann, R.H., Ver Straeten, C.A., Schindler, E., Brocke, R. & Fatka, O. (2015): Lower Eifelian (Middle Devonian) dacryoconarid biostratigraphy and biogeography, Central and Northern Appalchian Basin. – Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 47 (3): 107; Boulder.

Schindler, E., Amler, M.R.W., Hirschmann, S., Oppl, S. & Uhl, D. (2015): Marburger GeoArchiv findet neues Zuhause. – Senckenberg 2013-2014: 92-95, 4 Abb.; Frankfurt am Main.

Schindler, E., Yalçın, M.N., Bozdoğan, N., Brocke, R., Groos-Uffenorde, H., Jansen, U., Nazik, A., Özkan, R., Sancay, R.H., Saydam-Demiray, G., Weddige, K., Wehrmann, A., Wilde,V. & Yılmaz, İ. (2015): Biostratigraphy and correlation of Devonian successions in the Taurides (Turkey). – Berichte des Institutes für Erdwissenschaften, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 21: 340; Graz.

Schindler, E., Gereke, M., Piecha, M., Luppold, F.W. & Stoppel, D. (2015): The Kellwasser type locality in the Harz Mountains (Germany) revisited – new results after widening of the classical outcrop – STRATA, Série 1: Communications, 16: 128-129; Brussels.

Nazik, A., Groos-Uffenorde, H., Şeker, E., Yalçın, M.N., Wilde, V. & Schindler, E. (2015): Biostratigraphy, Palaeoecology and Paleaobiogeography of Devonian Ostracodes from Central-Eastern Taurides and from NW Anatolia. – 100th Anniversary Symposium of the Geology at Istanbul University, 21-23 October 2015, Istanbul, Türkiye, Book of Abstracts: 40.

Schindler, E., Gereke, M., Piecha, M., Luppold, F.W. & Stoppel, D. (2015): The Kellwasser type locality in the Harz Mountains, Germany. – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 30: 20-27; Münster.

Schindler, E., Uhl, D. & Amler, M.R.W. (2015): The collections of Marburg University (GeoArchive Marburg) are now located at the Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt. – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 30: 13-14; Münster.

Jansen, U., Nazik, A., Nalcıoğlu, G.F., Özkan, R., Groos-Uffenorde, H., Şeker, E., Brocke, R., Sancay, R.H., Bozdoğan, N. , Yılmaz, İ., Yalçın, M.N. & Schindler, E. (2014):New paleontological data from the Devonian of Turkey and their paleobiogeographical implications. – 67th Geological Congress of Turkey, Abstracts Book: 675; Ankara.

Yalçın, M.N., Schindler, E., Wehrmann, A., Nazik, A., Yılmaz, İ., Wilde,V., Özkan, R., Bozdoğan, N., Brocke, R., Saydam-Demiray, G., Weddige, K., Sancay, R.H., Jansen, U., Nalcıoğlu, G., Kozlu, H., Linnemann, U., Şahin, N. & Groos-Uffenorde, H. (2014): Devonian stratitraphy of the Central and Eastern Taurides. – 67th Geological Congress of Turkey, Abstracts Book: 703; Ankara.

Schindler, E., Nazik, A., Haude, R., Brocke, R., Şeker, E., Bozdoğan, N., Sancay, R.H., Groos-Uffenorde, H., Jansen, U., Weddige, K., Özkan, R., Yalçın, M.N., Wehrmann, A., & Wilde,V. (2014): First record of loboliths in Turkey: Scyphocrinoids and other palaeontological evidence for the Silurian/Devonian boundary interval in the Eastern and Central Taurides. – 67th Geological Congress of Turkey, Abstracts Book: 705; Ankara.

Wilde, V., Finks, R.M., Wehrmann, A., Schindler, E., Özkan, R., Nazik, A., Yalçın, M.N., Kozlu, H. & Yılmaz, i. (2014): A demosponge-dominated facies in the Middle Devonian of the Eastern Taurides. – 67th Geological Congress of Turkey, Abstracts Book: 707; Ankara.
Brocke, R., Ertuğ, K.İ., Sancay, R.H., Bozdoğan, N., Wilde, V., Schindler, E., Wehrmann, A. & Yalçın, M.N. (2014): Late Devonian palynology of the Eastern Taurides. – 67th Geological Congress of Turkey, Abstracts Book: 709; Ankara.

Amler, M.R.W., Schindler, E. & Uhl, D. (2014): GeoArchiv Marburg jetzt im Senckenberg. – Gmit, 56: 21-22, 1 Abb.; Bonn.

Gereke, M., Luppold, F.W., Piecha, M., Schindler, E. & Stoppel, D. (2014): Die Typlokalität der Kellwasser-Horizonte im Oberharz, Deutschland. – Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 165 (2): 145-162, 10 Abb.; Stuttgart.

Oppl, S., Hirschmann, S., Schindler, E., Uhl, D., Amler, M.R.W. & Jansen, U. (2014): Alte Schätze finden neues Zuhause – Das GeoArchiv Marburg zieht ins Frankfurter Senckenberg-Institut um. – SENCKENBERG – natur · forschung · museum, 144 (9/10): 310-315, 8 Abb.; Frankfurt am Main.

Brocke, R., Fatka, O., Lindemann, R.H., Schindler, E. & Ver Straeten, C.A. (2014): The Early Mid-Devonian Choteč event in its type area in the Prague Basin and the Appalchian Basin: New insights from palynomorphs and dacryoconarids. – 9th European Palaeobotany – Palynology Conference, 26-31 August 2014, Abstract Book: 31-32; Padova. 

Jansen, U. & Schindler, E. (2014): Mena Schemm-Gregory, 1976-2013. – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 29: 6-8; Münster. 

Linnemann,U., Yılmaz, İ, Klaus, I., Yalçın, M.N., Putzmann, F., Bozdoğan, N., Schindler, E., Wilde, V. & Wehrmann, A. (2014): The signature of hinterland processes and climate of the N-Gondwanan margin in Devonian shelf deposits of the central Taurids (Turkey). – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 85: 125; Hannover.

Jansen, U., Bozdoğan, N., Brocke, R., Ertuğ, K., Finks, R.M., Groos-Uffenorde, H., Haude, R., Kozlu, H., Nalcıoğlu, G.F., Nazik, A., Özkan, R., Sancay, R.H., Saydam-Demiray, D.G., Schindler, E., Şeker, E., Weddige, K., Wehrmann, A., Wilde, V., Yalçın, M.N. & Yılmaz, I. (2014): New palaeontological data from the Devonian of Turkey. – 4th International Palaeontological Congress, Abstract Volume: 848; Mendoza.

Schindler, E., Uhl, D. & Amler, M.R.W. (2014): GeoArchive Marburg moved to Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt. – Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 53 (2): 135-136, 1 fig.; Modena.  

Nazik, A., Yalçın, M.N., Schindler, E.,Wilde,V., Wehrmann, A., Haude, R., Finks, R.M., Webster, G.D, Yılmaz, İ., Brocke, R., Jansen, U., Özkan, R., Şeker, E., Groos-Uffenorde, H., Bozdoğan, N., Sancay, R.H., Nalcıoğlu, G., Saydam-Demiray, G., Weddige, K. & Kozlu, H. (2014): Important paleontological evidences of Devonian strata in the Eastern Taurides. – 15. Paleontoloji-Stratigrafi çaliştayi: 44; Antalya.

Ver Straeten, C.A., Lindemann, R.H., Schindler, E., Brocke, R. & Kirchgasser, W.T. (2013): The Emsian and lower Eifelian Stages (upper Lower and lower Middle Devonian) of New York: Overview, recent findings and consequent revisions. – Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 45 (1): 52; Boulder.

Brocke, R., Fatka, O., Lindemann, R.H., Schindler, E. & Ver Straeten, C. A. (2013): New biostratigraphic insights from the early Mid-Devonian Choteč Event. – Documents de l’Institut Scientifique, 26: 28; Rabat.

Schindler, E., Yalçın, M.N., Yılmaz, İ., Wilde, V. , Wehrmann, A., Weddige, K., Saydam-Demiray, D.G., Özkan, R., Nazik, A., Jansen, U., Brocke, R. & Bozdoğan, N. (2013): The Devonian of the Turkish Taurides – new biostratigraphic insights. – Documents de l’Institut Scientifique, 26: 113-116; Rabat.

Jansen, U. & Schindler, E. (2013): Mena Schemm-Gregory 1976 – 2013. – Gmit, 54: 102-103, 1 Abb.; Bonn.

Krause, R.A., Schindler, E., Brocke, R., Schroeder, R. & Wilde, V. (2012): Alfred Wegener: Vordenker und Erneuerer der Geowissenschaften – 100 Jahre Hypothese von der Drift der Kontinente. – SENCKENBERG – natur · forschung · museum, 142 (1/2): 12-17; Frankfurt am Main.

Brocke, R., Schultka, S. & Schindler, E. (2012): 400 Millionen Jahre alte Böden in der Eifel – Als die Pflanzen sesshaft wurden. – SENCKENBERG – natur · forschung · museum, 142 (1/2): 52-57; Frankfurt am Main.

Schindler, E. (2012): Tentaculitoids – an enigmatic group of Palaeozoic fossils. – In: Talent, J.A. (ed.): Earth and Life: Global Biodiversity, Extinction Intervals and Biogeographic Perturbations Through Time: 479-490; Dordrecht (Springer). doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-3428-1_14

Schindler, E. & Radtke, G. (2012):Obituary: Hans-Jürgen Anderle 23.01.1939 – 22.01.2012. – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 27: 5-6; Münster.

Brett, C.E., Zambito IV, J.J., Hunda, B.R. & Schindler, E. (2012): Mid-Paleozoic trilobite lagerstätten: Models of diagenetically enhanced obrution deposits. – PALAIOS, 27 (5): 326-345; Tulsa. doi: 10.2110/palo.2011.p11-040r

Wehrmann, A. Bozdoğan, N., Brocke, R., Schindler, E., Wilde, V., Yalçın, M.N. & Yılmaz, İ. (2012):Sedimentary signatures of the North Gondwana margin in the Devonian (Taurides, Turkey): Reconstruction of depositional environments and hinterland processes. – Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists, Special Publication, 6: 7-9; Ankara.

Schindler, E., Bozdoğan; N., Brocke, R., Jansen, U., Karslıoğlu, Ö., Kozlu, H., Nalcıoğlu, G., Nazik, A., Özkan, R., Saydam-Demiray, D.G., Weddige, K., Wehrmann, A., Wilde, V., Yalçın, M.N. & Yılmaz, İ. (2012): Facies development, global events, and lithology of stratigraphically constrained sequences in the Devonian of the Central and Eastern Taurides (Turkey). – Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists, Special Publication, 6: 10-11; Ankara.

Nazik, A., Yalçın, M.N., Wilde, V., Wehrmann, A., Yılmaz, İ.,. Schindler, E., Kozlu, H. & Bozdoğan, N. (2012): Palaeoecology and palaeogeography of ostracods from the Devonian of Halevikdere (Eastern Taurides, Turkey). – Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists, Special Publication, 6: 35-36; Ankara.

Saydam-Demiray, D.G., Weddige, K., Schindler, E., Yılmaz, İ., Wehrmann, A., Wilde, V. & Yalçın, M.N. (2012):Devonian conodonts from the Geyikdağ Unit in the Eastern Taurides (Southern Turkey): Biostratigraphical implications. – Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists, Special Publication, 6: 37-40; Ankara.

Yalçın, M.N., Wehrmann, A., Schindler, E., Yılmaz, İ., Wilde, V., Nazik, A., Bozdoğan, N., Özkan, R., Kozlu, H. & Brocke, R. (2012):
Devonian. – Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists, Special Publication, 7: 79-97; Ankara.

Schindler, E. (2012):“Time-Specific Facies” – a great concept introduced by a great man: Otto H. Walliser. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 367-368: 3-5; Amsterdam. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.04.025

Brett, C.E., McLaughlin, P.I., Histon, K., Schindler, E. & Ferretti, A. (2012): Time-specific aspects of facies: State of the art, examples, and possible causes. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 367-368: 6-18; Amsterdam.

Gereke, M. & Schindler, E. (2012):“Time-Specific Facies” and biologic crises – the Kellwasser Event interval near the Frasnian/Famennian boundary (Late Devonian). – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 367-368: 19-29; Amsterdam. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2011.11.024

Brett, C.E., Zambito IV, J.J., Schindler, E. & Becker, R.T. (2012):Diagenetically-enhanced trilobite obrution deposits in concretionary limestones: The paradox of “Rhythmic Events Beds”. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 367-368: 30-43; Amsterdam. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2011.12.004

Schindler, E. & Wilde, V. (2011): Das Kellwasser-Tal – Ein weltweit bekannter Ort der Geologie. – Unser Harz, 59 (3/2011): 50-52, 2 Abb.; Clausthal-Zellerfeld.

Schindler, E., Bozdoğan, N., Brocke, R., Nazik, A., Özkan, R., Wehrmann, A., Wilde, V., Yalçın, M.N. & Yılmaz, İ. (2011): Devonian sequences of the Central and Eastern Taurides (Turkey) – biostratigraphy, facies, and global events. – Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 43 (1): 96; Boulder.

Brocke, R., Berkyová, S., Fatka, O., Lindemann, R.H., Schindler, E. & Ver Straeten, C.A. (2011): The early Mid-Devonian Choteč Event: Do Palynomorphs have the potential for long-distance correlations? – Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 43 (1): 97; Boulder.

Lindemann, R.H., Ver Straeten, C.A. & Schindler, E. (2011): Dacryoconarid faunas of the basal Eifelian to Choteč Bioevent interval in the North and Central Appalachian Basin. – Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 43 (1): 97; Boulder.

Over, D.J. & Schindler, E. (2011):  Obituary: Jared R. Morrow, 1959 – 2010. – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 26: 2; Münster.

Groos-Uffenorde, H. & Schindler, E. (2011): Obituary: Otto H. Walliser 03.03.1928 – 30.12.2010. – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 26: 7-8; Münster.

Brett, C.E., Schindler, E. & Königshof, P [eds.] (2011): Sea-level cyclicity, climate change, and bioevents in Middle Devonian marine and terrestrial environments. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 304 (1-2): 1-194; Amsterdam.

Brett, C.E., Schindler, E. & Königshof, P (2011): Sea-level cyclicity, climate change, and bioevents in Middle Devonian marine and terrestrial environments: An overview. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 304: 1-2; Amsterdam.

Ellwood, B.B., Tomkin, J.H., El Hassani, A., Bultynck, P., Brett, C.E., Schindler, E., Feist, R. & Bartholomew, A.J. (2011): A climate-driven model and development of a floating point time scale for the entire Middle Devonian Givetian Stage: A test using magnetostratigraphy susceptibility as a climate proxy. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 304: 85-95; Amsterdam.

Schindler, E. & Wehrmann, A. (2011): Genesis and internal architecture of the Middle to Upper Devonian Gwirat Al Hyssan reef-mound (Western Sahara). – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 304: 184-193; Amsterdam.

Herbig, H.-G., Bender, P., Jansen, U. & Schindler, E. (2011): Devon und Unterkarbon (Mississippium) der Hörre-Zone und der südwestlichen Dillmulde (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Deutschland). – Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Subkommissionen für Devon- und Karbonstratigraphie, Exkursionsführer: 30 S.; Marburg.

Groos-Uffenorde, H. & Schindler, E. (2011): Obituary for Otto H. Walliser 03.03.1928 – 30.12.2010. – Silurian Times, 18: 15-16; Gent.

Schindler, E., Brocke, R., Schroeder, R., Wilde, V. & Krause, R.A. (2011): Die Hypothese von der Drift der Kontinente wird 100 – Alfred Wegeners Idee hat Geburtstag. – Gmit, 45: 24; Bonn.

Schindler, E. & Wilde, V. (2011): The Kellwasser Valley, pinpointing a global event 375 million years ago in the Geopark Harz · Braunschweiger Land · Ostfalen. – European Geoparks Network Magazine, 8: 27; Lesvos.

Schindler, E., Brocke, R., Schroeder, R., Wilde, V. & Krause, R.A. (2011): Alfred Wegener – Die Hypothese von der Drift der Kontinente wird 100. – SENCKENBERG – natur · forschung · museum, 141 (11/12): 340-341; Frankfurt am Main.

Hochsprung, U., Joger, U., Kosma, R., Krüger, F.J., Schindler, E., Wilde, V. & Zellmer, H. (2011):
Es begann am Heeseberg … Stromatolithe und der Ursprung des Lebens. – 60 S.; München (Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil)


Schindler, E. & Lord, A. (2010): Obituary: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Becker, 1928 – 2009. – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 25: 3; Münster.

Königshof, P., Lazauskiene, J., Schindler, E., Wilde, V. & Yalçin, M.N. (2010): The IGCP project no. 499: ”Devonian land-sea interactions: evolution of ecosystems and climate” (DEVEC) – final report (excerpt). – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 25: 17-18; Münster.

Wehrmann, A., Yilmaz, I., Yalçın, M.N., Wilde, V., Schindler, E., Weddige, K., Saydam Demirtas, G., Özkan, R., Nazik, A., Nalcioğlu, G., Kozlu, H., Karslioğlu, Ö., Jansen, U., Ertug, K., Brocke, R. & Bozdoğan, N. (2010): Devonian shallow-water sequences from the North Gondwana coastal margin (Central and Eastern Taurides, Turkey): Sedimentology, facies and global events. – Gondwana Research, 17 (2-3): 546-560, 5 figs., 1 tab., 3 e-suppl.; Kochi. doi: 10.1016/

Königshof, P., Schindler, E., Wilde, V., Lazauskiene, J. & Yalçin, M.N. (2010): Final report of the IGCP- 499 – Devonian land-sea interactions: Evolution of ecosystems and climate” (DEVEC) – Episodes, 33 (1): 45-50, 9 figs.; Bangalore.

Schindler, E., Brett, C.E., Brocke, R., Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Ver Straeten, C.A., Wehrmann, A. Wilde, V. & Yalçın, M.N. (2010): Zyklische Sedimente im Devon – Hinweis auf Meeresspiegelschwankungen und Klimaveränderungen. – Senckenberg 2007-2008: 44-45; Frankfurt am Main.

Luppold, F.W., Schindler, E., Brocke, R. & Stoppel, D. (2010): Typlokalität der Kellwasser-Horizonte erweitert. – Gmit, 39: 25-26, 1 Abb.; Bonn.

Schindler, E., Lord, A. & Prinz-Grimm, P. (2010): Gerhard Becker. – UniReport, 43 (2/10): 41; Frankfurt am Main.
Luppold, F.W., Röhling, H.-G., George, K., Schindler, E. & Zellmer, H. (2010): The Late Devonian „Kellwasser Event“ mass-extinction horizons in Germany: Restoring the type locality for science and geotourism. – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 66: 111; Hannover.

Wehrmann, A., Wilde, V., Schindler, E., Brocke, R. & Schultka, S. (2010): High-resolution facies analysis of a Lower Devonian deltaic marine-terrestrial transition (Nellenköpfchen Formation, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Germany): implications for small-scale fluctuations of coastal environments. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 256: 317-334, 5 figs., 1 tab.; Stuttgart. doi: 10.1127/0077-7749/2010/0056

Schindler, E. & Lord, A. (2010): Gerhard Becker 1928 – 2009. – Gmit, 40: 75-76, 1 Abb.; Bonn.

Brett, C.E., Baird, G.C., Bartholomew, A.J., McLaughlin, P., Schindler, E. & Zambito, J. (2010): Mid Paleozoic rhythmic trilobite-rich beds: A time-specific signature of obrutionary events and diagenetic rhythms. – 3rd International Palaeontological Congress, Programme & Abstracts: 99; London.

Brocke, R., Berkyová, S., Budil, P., Fatka, O., Frýda, J. & Schindler, E. (2010): The early Middle Devonian Choteč Event in the Barrandian area (Czech Republic): New insight from a phytoplankton bloom. – 3rd International Palaeontological Congress, Programme & Abstracts: 103; London.

Schindler, E. (2010): Time-Specific Facies – meaning, application, potential. – 3rd International Palaeontological Congress, Programme & Abstracts: 345; London.

Schindler, E. & Gereke, M. (2010): Tracking biological and sedimentological changes in event-related crisis intervals across facies borders – do they represent “Time-Specific Facies”? The Kellwasser Horizons and their equivalents near the Frasnian/Famennian boundary. – 3rd International Palaeontological Congress, Programme & Abstracts: 346; London.

Lord, A. & Schindler, E. (2010): Professor Dr Gerhard Becker, 31 August 1928 – 14 December 2009. – Newsletter of Micropalaeontology, 82: 45-46.

Lerosey-Aubril, R., Feist, R. & Schindler, E. (2010): Ecological and behavioural changes associated to the evolution of tagmosis in scutelluid trilobites. – Zitteliana, B 29: 69; München.

Wehrmann, A. & Schindler, E. (2010): Patterns and processes in the accumulation of plant debris in different macrotidal environments: Examples from the coast of Northern Brittany (France). – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 68: 597; Hannover.

Wehrmann, A., Yilmaz, I., Wilde, V., Yalçın, M.N. & Schindler, E. (2010): The Devonian coastline of Northern Gondwana: Sedimentary signatures of depositional environments at the land-sea transition (Taurides, Turkey). – 7th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, 18-22 October 2010 – University of çukurova ADANA – Turkey, Abstract Book: 55; Adana.

Schindler, E., Yilmaz, I., Yalçın, M.N., Wilde, V., Wehrmann, A., Weddige, K., Saydam Demiray, G., Özkan, R., Nazik, A., Nalcioğlu, G., Kozlu, H., Karslioğlu, Ö., Jansen, U., Ertug, K., Brocke, R. & Bozdoğan, N. (2010): Stratigraphy, facies development and global events in Devonian sequences of the Central and Eastern Taurides (Turkey). – 7th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, 18-22 October 2010 – University of çukurova ADANA – Turkey, Abstract Book: 56; Adana.

Wilde, V., Finks, R.M., Schindler, E., Yalçın, M.N., Yilmaz, I. & Wehrmann, A. (2010): Unusual facies in the Devonian of the Eastern Taurides. – 7th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, 18-22 October 2010 – University of çukurova ADANA – Turkey, Abstract Book: 58; Adana.

Yilmaz, I., Nazik, A., Yalçın, M.N., Schindler, E., Wilde, V. & Wehrmann, A. (2010): The Devonian of the Feke-Saiambeyli area (Eastern Taurides, Turkey). – 7th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, 18-22 October 2010 – University of çukurova ADANA – Turkey, Fieldtrip Guidebook: 24 pp.; Adana.

Schindler, E. & Lord, A. (2010): Prof. Dr. Gerhard Becker zum Gedenken. – Natur und Museum, 140 (11/12): 338, 1 Abb.; Frankfurt am Main.

Luu Thi Phuong Lan, Ellwood, B.B., Ta Hoa Phuong, Schindler, E. & Tomkin, J.H. (2010): Frasnian/Famennian boundary in limestone formations from Xom Nha Section, Vietnam: Using paleontological and MSEC methods. – 2010 IGCP 580 Meeting, Applications of Magnetic Susceptibility on Paleozoic Rocks, Meeting Programme and Abstracts, 28th November – 4th December, 2010, Guilin, China: 23; Guilin.

Schindler, E. & Gereke, M. (2009): Die Kellwasser-Krise im Ober-Devon: Ein Zeitabschnitt ökologischer Umwälzungen und eines großen Massenaussterbe-Ereignisses – Bezüge zum Harz. – Exkursionsführer und Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 239: 28-30, 1 Abb.; Hannover.

Gereke, M., Luppold, F.W., Piecha, M., Schindler, E. & Stoppel, D. (2009): Die Typlokalität der Kellwasserkalke am Weganschnitt im Kellwassertal NE Altenau/Oberharz. – Exkursionsführer und Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 239: 51-53, 4 Abb.; Hannover.

Yalçın, M.N., Karslıoğlu, Ö, Bozdoğan, N. & Schindler, E. (2009): Contributions to the Devonian stratigraphy in Eastern Taurids – Events and source rock formation. – 17th International Petroleum and Natural Gas Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, May 13-15, 2009, Abstracts & Proceedings Book: 11-13, 1 Fig.; Ankara.

Schindler, E., Wilde, V., Wehrmann, A. & Brocke, R. (2009): Siliciclastic microfacies and taphonomy of a Lower Devonian marine-terrestrial transitional environment (Nellenköpfchen Formation, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Germany): Implications for small-scale fluctuations in a complex setting. – Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific Contributions, 3: 52; Cincinnati.

Brett, C.E., Zambito, J.J., Schindler, E. & Hunda, B. (2009): Taphonomy of rhythmic trilobite beds in the Lower Devonian of Morocco: The paradox of „Cyclic Event Beds“. – Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific Contributions, 3: 341-342; Cincinnati.

Berkyová, S., Brocke, R., Fatka, O., Frýda, J., Schindler, E., Filipiak, P., Koptikova, L., Budil, P. & Suttner, T.J. (2009): Prasinophyte bloom and intense micritization as evidences for enhanced nutrient load during Basal Choteè Event – a preliminary report. – Berichte des Institutes für Erdwissenschaften, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 14: 11-12; Graz.

Brocke, R., Fatka, O., Berkyová, S., Budil, P., Fryda, J. & Schindler, E. (2009): Early Middle Devonian (Eifelian) phytoplankton bloom associated with the Basal Choteè Event in the Barrandian area (Czech Republic). – CIMP Faro’09 Abstracts: 79-81, 2 figs.; Faro.

Brocke, R., Berkyová, S., Budil, P., Fatka, O., Fryda, J. & Schindler, E. (2009): Phytoplankton bloom in the Early Middle Devonian (Eifelian): The Basal Choteè Event in the Barrandian area (Czech Republic). – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 63: 63; Hannover.

Schindler, E., Wilde, V., Wehrmann, A., Brocke, R. & Schultka, S. (2009): A Lower Devonian marine–terrestrial transition – implications for small-scale fluctuations in a complex environmental setting (Nellenköpfchen Formation, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Germany). – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 63: 70; Hannover.

Wehrmann, A., Yilmaz, I., Yalçın, M.N., Wilde, V., Schindler, E., Weddige, K., Saydam Demiray, D.G., Özkan, R., Nazik, A., Nalcioğlu, G., Kozlu, H., Karslioğlu, Ö., Jansen, U., Ertug, K., Brocke, R., & Bozdoğan, N. (2009): Devonian shallow-water sequences from the North Gondwana coastal margin (Central and Eastern Taurides, Turkey): Sedimentology, facies and global events. – Gondwana Research, doi:10.1016/

Brett, C.E., Zambito, J.J., Hunda, B.R., Kolbe, S.E. & Schindler, E. (2009): Taphonomic analysis of Devonian rhythmic trilobite beds: Event sedimentation and cyclic cementation. – Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 41 (7): 31; Boulder.

Königshof, P., Lazauskiene, J., Schindler, E., Wilde, V. & Yalcin, M.N. (2008): The IGCP Project 499: Summary of major past achievements of the project and major achievements in 2007. – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 23: 75-82; Münster.

Brocke, R., Riegel, W., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Brett, C.E., Königshof, P., Schindler, E. & Wilde, V (2008): Palynology and facies of the Eifelian-Givetian transition in its type area (Eifel Hills, Germany). – Terra Nostra, 2008/2: 39; Bonn.

Brett, C.E., DeSantis, M.K., Bartholomew, A.J., Baird, G.C., Schindler, E. & Königshof, P. (2008): Middle Devonian eustasy, paleoclimate, and bioevents: Toward an integrated model. – In: Königshof, P. & Linnemann, U. (Eds.): From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangaea: Dynamics of oceans and supercontinents. – 20th International Senckenberg Conference and 2nd Geinitz Conference, Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499, Abstracts and Programme: 34-37; Frankfurt am Main, Dresden.

Karslioglu, Ö., Yalçin, M.N. & Schindler, E. (2008): Geochemical investigation of the Lower Kellwasser Event in an Upper Devonian sequence of the Feke region (Eastern Taurides, Turkey). – In: Königshof, P. & Linnemann, U. (Eds.): From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangaea: Dynamics of oceans and supercontinents. – 20th International Senckenberg Conference and 2nd Geinitz Conference, Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499, Abstracts and Programme: 68-69; Frankfurt am Main, Dresden.

Özkan, R., Kalvoda, J., Yalçin, M.N. & Schindler, E. (2008): Devonian calcareous foraminifers from the Taurides, southern Turkey. – In: Königshof, P. & Linnemann, U. (Eds.): From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangaea: Dynamics of oceans and supercontinents. – 20th International Senckenberg Conference and 2nd Geinitz Conference, Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499, Abstracts and Programme: 114; Frankfurt am Main, Dresden.

Wehrmann, A., Yilmaz, I., Wilde, V., Schindler, E., Kozlu, H. & Yalçin, M.N. (2008): Sedimentology and microfacies of shallow-marine carbonates from the Central and Eastern Taurides (Turkey). – In: Königshof, P. & Linnemann, U. (Eds.): From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangaea: Dynamics of oceans and supercontinents. – 20th International Senckenberg Conference and 2nd Geinitz Conference, Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499, Abstracts and Programme: 137-139; Frankfurt am Main, Dresden.

Yalcin, M.N., Yilmaz, I., Wilde, V., Wehrmann, A., Schindler, E., Özkan, R., Nazik, A., Nalcioglu, G., Königshof, P., Jansen, U. & Brocke, R. (2008): Palaeogeographical setting of Devonian successions of Turkey – A Gondwanan vs. Laurasian comparison. – In: Königshof, P. & Linnemann, U. (Eds.): From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangaea: Dynamics of oceans and supercontinents. – 20th International Senckenberg Conference and 2nd Geinitz Conference, Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499, Abstracts and Programme: 141-142; Frankfurt am Main, Dresden.

Wehrmann, A., Yilmaz, I., Schindler, E., Kozlu, H., Bozdogan, N., Brocke, R., Ertug, K., Gedik, I., Jansen, U., Karslioglu, Ö., Nalcioglu, G., Nazik, A., Özkan, Ö., Saydam Demiray, D.G., Weddige, K., Wilde, V. & Yalcin, M.N. (2008): Key sections from the Devonian of the Central and Eastern Taurides (Turkey). – In: Königshof, P. & Linnemann, U. (Eds.): From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangaea: Dynamics of oceans and supercontinents. – 20th International Senckenberg Conference and 2nd Geinitz Conference, Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499, Abstracts and Programme: 239; Frankfurt am Main, Dresden.  

Schindler, E., Brocke, R. & Königshof, P. (2008): Cephalopod limestones in the Dill Syncline, abondoned quarry Benner (Bicken). – In: Königshof, P. & Linnemann, U. (Eds.): The Rheno-Hercynian, Mid-German Crystalline and Saxo-Thuringian Zones (Central European Variscides). – 20th International Senckenberg Conference and 2nd Geinitz Conference: “From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangaea: Dynamics of oceans and supercontinents”, Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499, Excursion Guide: 86-88; Frankfurt am Main, Dresden.
Liao, J.-C., Königshof, P., Valenzuela-Ríos, J.I. & Schindler, E. (2008): Depositional environment interpretation and development of the Renanué section (Upper Eifelian – Lower Frasnian; Pyrenees, N. Spain). – Bulletin of Geosciences, 83 (4): 481-490, 4 figs.; Praha.

Königshof, P., Lazauskiene, J., Schindler, E., Wilde, V. & Yalcin, M.N. (2007): The IGCP Project 499: “Devonian land-sea interaction: Evolution of ecosystems and climate” (DEVEC)” – what has happened, what’s coming up. – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 22: 66-71; Münster.

Brett, C.E., DeSantis, M., Bartholomew, A.J., Baird, G.C. & Schindler, E. (2007): Paleoenvironmental and eustatic context of Middle Devonian bioevents in Eastern North America and Europe. – Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 39 (1): 39; Boulder.

Jansen, U., Lazreq, N., Plodowski, G., Schemm-Gregory, M., Schindler, E. & Weddige, K. (2007): Neritic–pelagic correlation in the Lower and basal Middle Devonian of the Dra Valley (S Anti-Atlas, Moroccan Pre-Sahara). – Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 278: 9-37, 7 figs. 1 tab.; London.

Brocke, R., Riegel, W., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Brett, C.E., Schindler, E. & Wilde, V. (2007): Palynology and environment: A case study of the Eifelian-Givetian transition in its type area (Eifel Hills, Germany). – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy and IGCP 499 Devonian Land Sea Interaction, Eureka, Nevada, 9-17 September 2007, Program and Abstracts: 17; Eureka.

Ellwood, B.B., Schindler, E., Luu Thi Phuong Lan & Ta Hoa Phuong (2007): The Frasnian/Famennian boundary interval from the Xom Nha Cave section, Quang Binh Province, Central Viet Nam: Correlation to the type Kellwasser locality, Oker Reservoir, Harz Mountains, Germany, using magnetic susceptibility data sets. – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy and IGCP 499 Devonian Land Sea Interaction, Eureka, Nevada, 9-17 September 2007, Program and Abstracts: 32; Eureka.

Schindler, E., Wehrmann, A., Yilmaz, I., Yalcin, M.N., Wilde, V., Saydam, G., Özkan, R., Nazik, A., Nalcioglu, G., Kozlu, H., Gedik, I., Ertug, K. & Bozdogan, N. (2007): Stratigraphy and facies of Devonian sequences from the Northern margin of Gondwana (Central to Eastern Taurides, Turkey). – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy and IGCP 499 Devonian Land Sea Interaction, Eureka, Nevada, 9-17 September 2007, Program and Abstracts: 75-76; Eureka.

Yilmaz, I., Yalcin, M.N., Wilde, V., Wehrmann, A., Uguz, M.F., Schindler, E., Saydam, G., Özkan, R., Mann, U., Nazik, A., Nalcioglu, G., Kozlu, H., Königshof, P., Karslioglu, Ö., Jansen, U., Gedik, I., Ertug, K., Brocke, Bozdogan, N. & Bahtiyar, I. (2007): The Devonian of Turkey – an attempt for comparison of Laurussioan and Gondwanan continental margins. – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy and IGCP 499 Devonian Land Sea Interaction, Eureka, Nevada, 9-17 September 2007, Program and Abstracts: 90-91, 1 fig.; Eureka.

Köngishof, P. & Schindler, E. (2007): Devonforschung – Rückblick in die Jetztzeit. – Vernissage, 15 (10/07): 30-35, 9 Abb.; Frankfurt am Main.

Königshof, P., Brocke, R., Jansen, U., Schindler, E., Weddige, K., Wehrmann, A. & Wilde, V. (2007): Erdgeschichte im Wandel der Zeit: Ökosysteme und Klima im Devon. – Senckenberg 2005-2006: 40-41; Frankfurt am Main.

Schindler, E. (2006): Humboldt-Preisträger Carlton E. Brett am FIS. – Natur und Museum, 136 (4): 76-77, 1 Abb.; Frankfurt am Main.

Schindler, E. (2006): Carlton E. Brett – Humboldt-Preisträger am Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg. – Gmit, 23:96-97; Bonn.

Jansen, U., Weddige, K., Schindler, E., Schemm-Gregory, M., Plodowski, G. & Lazreq, N. (2006): Lower Devonian biostratigraphy in the Dra Valley (Moroccan Pre-Sahara). – Première Rencontre sur la Valorisation et la Préservation du Patrimoine Paléontologique, 27-29 Avril 2006: 31-33; Marrakech.

Jansen, U., Bensaid, M., Birenheide, R., El Hassani, A., Königshof, P., Plodowski, G., Rjimati, E.-C., Schemm-Gregory, M., Schindler, E. & Wehrmann, A. (2006): Middle Devonian reefs in the western Sahara. – Première Rencontre sur la Valorisation et la Préservation du Patrimoine Paléontologique, 27-29 Avril 2006: 105-107; Marrakech.

Wilde, V., Wehrmann, A., Schindler, E., Yalcin, M.N., Yilmaz, I., Özkan, R., Nazik, A., Nalcioglu, G., Kozlu, H., Gedik, I., Ertug, K. & Bozdogan, N. (2006): Devonian coastal sequences from the northern margin of Gondwana (Central to Eastern Taurids, Turkey). – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 45: 182; Hannover.

Königshof, P., Schindler, E., Wilde, V., Lazauskiene, J. & Yalcin, M.N. (2006): Joint IGCP 499/SDS Meeting – Siberia, Russia, July 25 – August 9, 2005. – Episodes, 29 (2): 134; Beijing.

Königshof, P., Schindler, E., Wilde, V., Lazauskiene, J. & Yalcin, M.N. (2006): IGCP 499 Workshop “Depositional Environments of the Gondwanan and Laurasian Devonian” – Istanbul, Turkey, September 26 – October 3, 2005. – Episodes, 29 (2): 135; Beijing.

Wedel, A. & Schindler, E. (2006):  „Konzert“ mit fossilen Lebenswelten – Der Lahnmarmor im Kurhaus Wiesbaden. – Jahrbücher des Nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde, 127: 11-21, 6 Abb.; Wiesbaden.

Wehrmann, A., Hertweck, G., Brocke, R., Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Plodowski, G., Schindler, E., Wilde, V., Blieck, A. & Schultka, S. (2005):
Paleoenvironment of an Early Devonian Land–Sea Transition: a Case Study from the Southern Margin of the Old Red Continent (Mosel Valley, Germany). – Palaios, 20 (2): 101-120, 17 figs., 2 tabs.; Tulsa.

Schindler, E. (2005): Tentakuliten – Fossilien paläozoischer Meere. – Natur und Museum, 135 (7/8): 182-183, 3 Abb.; Frankfurt am Main.

Königshof, P. & Schindler, E. (2005): Facies and sedimentology of Frasnian/Famennian boundary sections from the Western slope of the Middle Urals. – Devonian terrestrial and marine environments: From continent to shelf, Contributions: 87; Novosibirsk.

Liao, J.-C., Königshof, P., Valenzuela-Rios, J.I. & Schindler, E. (2005): Palaeoenvironmental interpretation and development of a Givetian and lower Frasnian section from the Aragonian Pyrenees (N. Spain). – Devonian terrestrial and marine environments: From continent to shelf, Contributions: 96-97; Novosibirsk.

Königshof, P., Lazauskiene, J., Schindler, E., Wilde, V. & Yalcin, M.N. (2005): ”Devonian land-sea interaction: Evolution of ecosystems and climate (DEVEC)” – the new IGCP Project 499. – In: Koren, T., Evdokimova, I. & Tolmacheva, T. [eds.]: The Sixth Baltic Stratigraphical Conference, Abstracts: 51-52; St. Petersburg.

Schemm-Gregory, M., Jansen, U. & Schindler, E. (2005): Die Brachiopoden-Fauna aus dem Ober-Siegenium (Unter-Devon) bei Aegidienberg (Siebengebirge, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). – Berichte des Institutes für Erdwissenschaften, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 10: 113-114; Graz.

Königshof, P., Lazauskiene, J., Schindler, E., Wilde, V. & Yalcin, M.N. (2005): ”Devonian land-sea interaction: Evolution of ecosystems and climate, (DEVEC)” – IGCP Project 499. – International Workshop on ”Depositional Environments of the Gondwanan and Laurussian Devonian”, 26 September – 3 October 2005 Turkey, Abstracts & Field Trip Guide Books: 7-8; Istanbul.

Wehrmann, A., Schindler, E. & Wilde, V. (2005): Plant taphonomy of marine-terrestrial transitions: The Rhenish Devonian and modern analogues. – International Workshop on ”Depositional Environments of the Gondwanan and Laurussian Devonian”, 26 September – 3 October 2005 Turkey, Abstracts & Field Trip Guide Books: 26-27; Istanbul.

Jansen, U., Weddige, K., Schindler, E. & Schemm-Gregory, M. (2005): Neritic-pelagic correlation in the Lower Devonian of Europe and North Africa. – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 39: 192; Hannover.

Schemm-Gregory, M., Jansen, U. & Schindler, E. (2005): The Upper Siegenian brachiopod fauna from Aegidienberg (Lower Devonian, Siebengebirge, Germany). – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 39: 330; Hannover.

Liao, J.-C., Königshof, P., Valenzuela-Rios, J.I., Schindler, E. & Ginter, M. (2005): Biofacies y litofacies del Givetiense y Frasniense inferior (Devónico) de la sección Renanué (Pirineo Aragonés): Una interpretación paleoambiental preliminar. – Meeting of the Spanish Palaeontological Society, Abstract, Sevilla.

Brocke, R., Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Schindler, E., Weddige, K., Wehrmann, A. & Wilde, V. (2005): Ökosysteme im Devon: Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Land und Meer. – Senckenberg 2004: 28-29; Frankfurt am Main.

Weddige, K., Jansen, U., Schindler, E., Ribbert, K.-H., Weller, H. & Zagora, K. (2005):Das Devon in der Stratigraphischen Tabelle von Deutschland 2002. – Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 41 (1-3): 43-59; Berlin, Stuttgart.

Weddige, K., Menning, M., Jansen, U. & Schindler, E. (2005): Die Devon-Zeitskala der Stratigraphischen Tabelle von Deutschland 2002. – Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 41 (1-3): 61-69; Berlin, Stuttgart.   

Köngishof, P., Lazauskiene, J., Schindler, E., Wilde, V. & Yalcin, N.M. (2004): ”Devonian land-sea interaction: Evolution of ecosystems and climate” (DEVEC) – the new IGCP Project 499. – Episodes, 27 (4): 303-304, 4 figs.; Beijing.

Schindler, T., Amler, M.R.W., Braun, A., Grimm, M.C., Haas, W., Heumann, G., Jansen, U., Otto, M., Poschmann, M. & Schindler, E. (2004):
Neue Erkenntnisse zur Paläontologie, Biofazies und Stratigraphie der Unterdevon-Ablagerungen (Siegen) der ICE-Neubaustrecke bei Aegidienberg (Siebengebirge, W-Deutschland). – Decheniana, 157: 135-150, 4 Abb., 1 Tab.; Bonn.

Schindler, E. (2004): Gerhard Plodowski im Ruhestand. – Natur und Museum, 134 (12): 420-422, 2 Abb.; Frankfurt am Main.

Schindler, E. (2004):  Late Devonian Bioevents: What must be considered? – Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 36 (5): 322; Boulder.

Königshof, P., Lazauskiene, J., Schindler, E., Wilde, V. & Yalcin, M.N. (2004): The new IGCP Project 499: ”Devonian land-sea interaction: Evolution of ecosystems and climate” (DEVEC). – Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 36 (5): 165; Boulder.

Schindler, E., Brocke, R., Hertweck, G., Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Plodowski, G., Schultka, S., Wehrmann, A. & Wilde, V. (2004): Coastal Paleoenvironment: A Lower Devonian (Emsian) land-sea transition South of the Old Red Continent (Mosel Syncline, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Germany). – Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 36 (5): 165; Boulder.

Köngishof, P., Lazauskiene, J., Schindler, E., Wilde, V. & Yalcin, N.M. (2004): New IGCP Project 499: ”Devonian land-sea interaction: evolution of ecosystems and climate (DEVEC)”. – International Organisation of Palaeobotany, Newsletter, 77: 5-7.

Köngishof, P., Lazauskiene, J., Schindler, E., Wilde, V. & Yalcin, N.M. (2004): New IGCP Project 499: ”Devonian land-sea interaction: evolution of ecosystems and climate” (DEVEC). – In: Reitner, J.; Reich, M. & Schmidt, G. (Eds.): Geobiologie 2. – Universitätsdrucke Göttingen: 251-253; Göttingen.

Wilde, V., Schindler, E., Plodowski, G., Königshof, P., Jansen, U., Brocke, R., Hertweck, G., Wehrmann, A. & Vogel, O. (2004): Arthropod tracks from the Emsian (upper Lower Devonian) of Burgen (Mosel Syncline, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). – In: Reitner, J.; Reich, M. & Schmidt, G. (Eds.): Geobiologie. – Universitätsdrucke Göttingen: 247; Göttingen.

Schindler, E., Jansen, U., Plodowski, G. & Weddige, K. (2004): Lower to basal Middle Devonian stratigraphy and facies in the Dra Valley (Moroccan Anti Atlas). – In: Reitner, J.; Reich, M. & Schmidt, G. (Eds.): Geobiologie. – Universitätsdrucke Göttingen: 205-206; Göttingen.

Königshof, P.; Bensaid, M.; Birenheide, R.; El Hassani, A.; Jansen, U.; Plodowski, G.; Rjimati, E.; Schindler, E. & Wehrmann, A. (2004): Carbonate buildups in the Middle Devonian – examples from the western Sahara. – In: Reitner, J.; Reich, M. & Schmidt, G. (Eds.): Geobiologie. – Universitätsdrucke Göttingen: 128-130; Göttingen.

Köngishof, P., Schindler, E. & Wilde, V. (2004): UNESCO unterstützt ein neues IGCP-Projekt zur Devonforschung am Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg. – Natur und Museum, 134 (10): 315-318, 5 Abb.; Frankfurt am Main.

Jansen, U., Becker, G., Plodowski, G., Schindler, E., Vogel, O. & Weddige, K. (2004): Pragian and Emsian near Aouinet Torkoz (SW Dra Valley, Morokko). – Documents de l’Institut Scientifique, 19: 75-84, 3 figs., 1 tab., 2 pls.; Rabat. [published online 21.09.2004]

Jansen, U., Plodowski, G., Schindler. E. & Weddige, K. (2004): The Pragian at Assa   (SW Dra Valley, Morocco). -Documents de l’Institut Scientifique, 19: 64-68, 2 figs., 1 pl.; Rabat. [published online 21.09.2004]

Jansen, U., Becker, G., Plodowski, G., Schindler, E., Vogel, O., & Weddige, K . (2004): The Emsian to Eifelian near Foum Zguid (NE Dra Valley, Morocco). – Documents de l’Institut Scientifique, 19: 19-28, 4 figs., 1 tab., 1 pl.; Rabat. [published online 21.09.2004]

Becker, R.T., Jansen, U., Plodowski, G., Schindler, E., Aboussalam, Z.S. & Weddige, K. (2004): Devonian litho- and biostratigraphy of the Dra Valley area – an overview. – Documents de l’Institut Scientifique, 19: 3-18, 5 figs., 2 tabs.; Rabat. [published online 21.09.2004]

Köngishof, P., Lazauskiene, J., Schindler, E., Wilde, V . & Yalcin , N.M. (2004): New IGCP Project 499: “Devonian Land-Sea Interaction: Evolution of Ecosystems and Climate” (DEVEC). – American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, Newsletter, 37 (3): 7-8.

Köngishof, P., Lazauskiene, J., Schindler, E., Wilde, V . & Yalcin , N.M. (2004): New IGCP Project 499: “Devonian land-sea interaction: evolution of ecosystems and climate” (DEVEC). – Facies, 50: 347-348; Berlin-Heidelberg.

Köngishof, P.; Lazauskiene, J.; Schindler, E.; Wilde, V . & Yalcin , N.M. (2004): “Devonian land-sea interaction: Evolution of ecosystems and climate” (DEVEC). – the new IGCP Project 499. – Erlanger geologische Abhandlungen, Sonderband 5: 46-47; Erlangen.

Köngishof, P., Lazauskiene, J., Schindler, E., Wilde, V . & Yalcin , N.M. (2004): New IGCP Project 499: “Devonian land-sea interaction: evolution of ecosystems and climate” (DEVEC). – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter, 20: 7-8; Arlington.

Jansen, U.; Brocke, R.; Königshof, P.; Ribbert, K.-H.; Schindler, E.; Schindler, T.; Schmidt-Gündel, O. & Wintgen, C. (2004):
Ein Profil im Paläozoikum des südöstlichen Venn-Sattels (Ordovizium bis Unter-Devon, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). – Scriptum, 11: 109-131, 5 Abb., 1 Tab.; Krefeld.

Brocke, R.; Jansen, U.; Königshof, P.; Ribbert, K.-H.; Schindler, E.; Schindler, T.; Schmidt-Gündel, O.; Vogel, O.; Weddige, K. & Wintgen, C. (2004): Fazies und Stratigrafie temporärer Schürfe (Erdgastrasse TENP 2) im Unter- und Mitteldevon der Rohrer Mulde, der Blankenheimer Mulde und der Sötenicher Mulde, Eifel. – Scriptum, 11: 7-107, 14 Abb., 1 Tab., 1 Taf.; Krefeld.

Brocke, R.; Fatka, O.; Jansen, U.; Schindler, E. & Weddige, K. (2004): Palynology and biostratigraphy of the Lower-Upper Emsian boundary (Lower Devonian) in the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge (Germany) and in the Barrandian area (Czech Republic). – Polen, 14: 147-148; Cordoba.

Königshof, P.; Lazauskiene, J.; Schindler, E.; Wilde, V. & Yalcin, M.N. (2004): New IGCP Project 499: "Devonian land-sea interaction: evolution of ecosystems and climate (DEVEC)”. – Palynos, 27 (1): 9-10.

Königshof, P.; Lazauskiene, J.; Schindler, E.; Wilde, V. & Yalcin, M.N. (2004): IGCP Project 499 – Devonian land-sea interaction: evolution of ecosystems and climate. – IAS Newsletter, 192: 14-15; Oxford.

Schindler, E. & Weddige, K. (2004): Tag der offenen Tür am "Wetteldorfer Richtschnitt”.- Natur und Museum, 134 (5): 155-158, 3 Abb.; Frankfurt/M.

Schindler , E. (2004): Devonische Gesteine in den nordöstlichen Vereinigten Staaten und in Zentraleuropa. – Natur und Museum, 134 (4): 113-122, 11 Abb.; Frankfurt/M.

Königshof, P.; Lazauskiene, J.; Schindler, E.; Wilde, V. & Yalcin, M.N. (2004): IGCP 499 – Devonian land-sea interaction: evolution of ecosystems and climate. – Document submitted to the Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy (IGS, IUGS), Rabat, Morocco, March 1, 2004: 2 pp.; Rabat.

Ellwood, B.B.; Benoist, S.L.; El Hassani, A., Feist, R. & Schindler, E. (2004): High Resolution Correlation Using Graphic Correlation of Biostratigraphic and Magnetostratigraphic or Chemostratigraphic Data Sets: Illustrating the Method by Defining the Middle Devonian Magnetostratigraphic Susceptibility for Sections from France and Morocco. – International Meeting on Stratigraphy, Annual Meeting of the Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy (SDS), Abstracts: 62; Rabat.

Königshof, P.; Bensaid, M.; Birenheide, R.; El Hassani, A.; Jansen, U.; Plodowski, G.; Rjimati, E.; Schindler, E. & Wehrmann, A. (2004):
Middle Devonian carbonate buildups – examples from the Western Sahara, Morocco. – International Meeting on Stratigraphy, Annual Meeting of the Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy (SDS), Abstracts: 28-29; Rabat.

Jansen, U.; Plodowski, G.; Schindler, E. & Weddige, K. (2004): Stratigraphy and facies of the Lower Devonian in the Dra Valley (Moroccan Pre-Sahara). – International Meeting on Stratigraphy, Annual Meeting of the Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy (SDS), Abstracts: 24; Rabat.

Königshof, P.; Wehrmann, A.; Schindler, E.; Jansen, U. & Plodowski, G. (2003): Geologische Expedition in die westliche Sahara. – Natur und Museum, 133 (10): 302-310, 10 Abb.; Frankfurt/M.

Schindler, E.; Brocke, R.; Fatka, O.; Jansen, U. & Weddige, K. (2003): Paläontologie, Biostratigraphie und Fazieswechsel im Grenzbereich Unter-/Ober-Emsium – das Referenzprofil Císarská rokle im Prager Becken (Unter-Devon, Barrandium, Tschechische Republik). – Terra Nostra, 5/2003: 141; Berlin.

Over, D.J. & Schindler , E. (2003): Depositional similarities in selected Late Devonian Kellwasser Horizons: Germany, Morocco, and Eastern United States. – Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 35 (6): 59905; Boulder.

Piecha , M. & Schindler , E. (2003): The Frasnian and Famennian subdivisions – results of German Late Devonian Working Group sessions 2001. – Subcomm. on Devonian Stratigr., Newsl., 19: 47-48; Arlington.

Schindler, E.; Brocke, R.; Hertweck, G.; Jansen, U.; Königshof, P.; Plodowski, G.; Schultka, S.; Wehrmann, A. & Wilde, V . (2003):
A Lower Devonian land-sea transition: Palaeoenvironment in a coastal setting of the Mosel area (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Germany). – Terra Nostra, 03/3: 139, 1 fig.; Berlin.

Wilde, V .; Wehrmann, A.; Schultka, S.; Schindler, E.; Königshof, P.; Jansen, U. & Brocke, R. (2003): Clastic microfacies of Lower Devonian plant accumulations in a marine-terrestrial transition. – Terra Nostra, 03/3: 72-73, 1 fig.; Berlin.

Königshof, P.; Bensaid, M.; Birenheide, R.; El Hassani, A.; Jansen, U.; Plodowski, G.; Rjimati, E.; Schindler, E. & Wehrmann, A. (2003):
The Middle Devonian (Givetian) Gor-al-Hessen reef-mound (Western Sahara). – Terra Nostra, 03/3: 43-44, 1 fig.; Berlin.

Königshof, P. & Schindler, E. (eds.) (2003): Mid-Palaeozoic Bio- and Geodynamics. – Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 242: 348 pp., 101 figs., 10 tabs., 28 pls.; Frankfurt/M.

Königshof, P. & Schindler, E. (2002): Als Hessen am Äquator lag.- Exkursionsführer, Jahr der Geowissenschaften 2002: 1-27; Frankfurt/M.

Weddige, K.; Jansen, U.; Schindler; E.; Weyer, D.; Anderle, H.-J.; Buchholz, P.; Grimm, M.C.; Kramer, W.; Ribbert, K.-H.; Stoppel, D.; Weller, H.; Zagora, I.; Zagora, K. & Subkommission Devon (2002):
Devon. – In: Deutsche Stratigraphische Kommission (Hrsg.): Stratigraphische Tabelle von Deutschland 2002.

Breisig, S.; Joachimski, M.M.; Buggisch, W. & Schindler, E. (2002): Secular changes in the oxygen isotopic composition of Devonian conodonts. – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 21: 84-85; Hannover.

Brocke, R.; Hertweck, G.; Jansen, U.; Königshof, P.; Plodowski, G.; Schindler, E.; Schultka, S.;Wehrmann, A. & Wilde, V . (2002):
Palaeoenvironment of Lower Devonian siliciclastic successions in the Rhenish Slate Mountains (Germany). – IPC 2002, Geological Society of Australia, Abstracts, 68: 24; Sydney.

Jahnke, H. & Schindler, E. (2002): Steinbruch Schmidt bei Braunau im Kellerwald.-

Piecha, M. & Schindler, E. (2002): Frasnian and Famennian subdivisions – results of German Late Devonian Working Group sessions 2001. – Document submitted to the Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy: 1p.; Toulouse.

Joachimski, M.M.; Buggisch, W. & Schindler, E. (2002):The oxygen isotopic composition of Late Devonian conodonts – evidence for climate cooling during the Frasnian-Famennian transition. – Strata, Série 1, 12: 89; Toulouse.

Brocke, R.; Riegel, W.; Wilde, V.; Huwe, S.; Jansen, U.; Königshof, P.; Plodowski, G.; Schindler, E. & Wehrmann, A. (2002):
New biostratigraphical results from the Lower Devonian (Emsian) of the Eifel area, Germany. – Strata, Série 1, 12: 22; Toulouse.

Schindler, E.; Brocke, R.; Hertweck, G.; Jansen, U.; Königshof, P.; Plodowski, G.; Schultka, S.; Wehrmann, A. & Wilde, V . (2002):
Accumulation of plant material in an intertidal environment (Lower Devonian, Germany). – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 17: 182; Hannover.

Königshof, P.; Brocke, R.; Hertweck, G.; Jansen, U.; Plodowski, G.; Schindler, E.; Schultka, S.; Wehrmann, A. & Wilde, V . (2002):
Sedimentary processes at the land – sea transition: Deposition of tide-dominated siliciclastic sequences along a Lower Devonian coastal margin. – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 17: 111-112; Hannover.

Crick, R.E.; Ellwood, B.B.; Feist, R.; El Hassani, A.; Schindler, E.; Dreesen, R.; Over, D.J. & Girard, C. (2002): Magnetostratigraphy susceptibility of the Frasnian/Famennian boundary. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 181 (1-3): 67-90, 12 figs.; Amsterdam.

Jansen, U.; Königshof, P.; Plodowski, G. & Schindler, E. (2001): 15. Internationale Senckenberg-Konferenz: Mid-Palaeozoic Bio- and Geodynamics: The North Gondwana – Laurussia Interaction.- Natur und Museum, 131 (12): 451-453, 2 Abb.; Frankfurt/M.

Jansen, U.; Königshof, P.; Plodowski, G. & Schindler, E. (2001): 15 th International Senckenberg Conference. – Episodes, 24 (3): 206-207, 2 figs.; Beijing.

Jansen, U.; Königshof, P.; Plodowski, G. & Schindler, E. (2001): 15. Internationale Senckenberg-Konferenz – IGCP-Projekt 421 und die internationale ‘Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy’ (SDS) tagten in Frankfurt am Main. – GMIT, 5: 117-118; Hannover-Bonn.

Schindler, E.; Blieck, A.; Brocke, R.; Hertweck, G.; Jansen, U.; Königshof, P.; Plodowski, G.; Schultka, S.; Vogel, O.; Wehrmann, A. & Wilde, V. (2001): Außergewöhnliche Pflanzenakkumulationen in einer gezeitendominierten Fazies im rheinischen Unter-Devon (Alken, Mosel). – Terra Nostra, 2001/6: 103; Berlin.

Bartzsch, K.; Blumenstengel, H.; Gereke, M.; Schindler, E.; Weyer, D. & Ziegler, W. (2001): Post-conference field trip (N, part 1): Thüringer Schiefergebirge (May 18-19, 2001). – 15 th Internat. Senckenberg Conf., Joint Meet. IGCP 421/SDS, May 2001, Field trips guidebook (N, part 1): 87-113; Frankfurt/M.

Jansen, U.; Königshof, P.; Plodowski, G.; Schindler, E. & Schindler, T . (2001): Pre-conference field trip (V2): Rhein/Mosel area and Lahn/Dill Synclines, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge (May 13-14, 2001). – 15 th Internat. Senckenberg Conf., Joint Meet. IGCP 421/SDS, May 2001, Field trips guidebook (V2): 45-85; Frankfurt/M.

Jansen, U.; Königshof, P.; Plodowski, G. & Schindler, E . [eds.] (2001): 15 th International Senckenberg Conference. – Joint Meeting IGCP 421/SDS, May 2001, Field trips guidebook: 1-151; Frankfurt/M.

Jansen, U.; Plodowski, G.; Schindler, E.; Schraut, G.; Weddige, K. & Ziegler, W. (2001):
Stratigraphy of Lower Devonian sections in the southern Anti-Atlas (Morocco). – 15 th Internat. Senckenberg Conf., Joint Meet. IGCP 421/SDS, May 2001, Abstr.: 52; Frankfurt/M.

Bikbaev, A.Z.; Ivanov, K.S.; Königshof, P.; Mizens, L.I.; Schindler, E.; Schraut, G.; Snigireva, M.P. & Ziegler , W. (2001):
Examples of the Frasnian/Famennian boundary from the western slope of the Middle Urals. – 15 th Internat. Senckenberg Conf., Joint Meet. IGCP 421/SDS, May 2001, Abstr.: 16; Frankfurt/M.

Jansen, U.; Königshof, P.; Plodowski, G. & Schindler, E. [eds.] (2001):15 th International Senckenberg Conference. – Joint Meeting IGCP 421/SDS, May 2001, Abstr.: 1-106; Frankfurt/M.


Plodowski, G.; Becker, G.; Brocke, R.; Jansen, U.; Lazreq, N.; Schindler, E.; Schraut, G.; Walliser, O.H.; Weddige, K. & Ziegler, W. (2000):
The section at Jebel Issimour (NW Maïder, Early to early Middle Devonian). First results with respect to lithology and biostratigraphy. – Notes Mém. Serv. Géol. Maroc, 399: 43-48, 1 fig.; Rabat.

Piecha , M. & Schindler , E. (2000): Substage subdivisions of the Frasnian and Famennian and redefinition of the German Late Devonian ‘Stages’ (Stufen). – Subcomm. on Devonian Stratigr., Newsl., 17: 15; Arlington.

Wehrmann, A.; Brocke, R.; Hertweck, G.; Jansen, U.; Königshof, P.; Plodowski, G.; Schindler, E.; Schultka, S. & Wilde, V. (2000):
Intertidal deposits in Lower Devonian siliciclastic sequences of the Mosel Region, Germany. – Internat. Assoc. Sedimentologists, 20 th regional Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, Abstr. Vol.: 62; Dublin.

Parrish , J.T.; Koch , P.; Allmon , W.; Ashley , G.; Cúneo , R.; Lorente , M.A. & Schindler , E. (2000):
Paleoclimatology. – In: Lane , R.H.; Steininger , F.F.; Kaesler , R.L.; Ziegler , W. & Lipps , J. (eds.): Fossils and the future – Paleontology in the 21 st century.- Senckenberg-Buch, 74: 167-172; Frankfurt/M.

Jansen, U.; Königshof, P.; Schindler, E. & Wehrmann, A. (2000): Lower Devonian siliciclastic sequences of the Mosel Trough and reef influenced Middle to Upper Devonian carbonate rocks of the Lahn Syncline (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Germany). – Europ. Palaeont. Assoc. Workshop, 30.6.-2.7.2000, Biomarkers and Stable Isotopes in Palaeontology: 133-147, 4 figs., 1 tab., 1 pl.; Frankfurt/M.

Königshof , P.; Schindler , E.; Schraut , G. & Ziegler , W. (2000):
Geologie an der Nahtstelle zwischen Europa und Asien. – Natur und Museum, 130 (3): 93-98, 6 Abb.; Frankfurt/M.

Ziegler , W.; Weddige , K.; Walliser , O.H.; Schraut , G.; Schindler , E.; Plodowski , G.; Lazreq , N.; Jansen , U.; Brocke , R. & Becker , G. (1999): The Early and early Middle Devonian in selected sections of the Moroccan Anti-Atlas. – Abstr. Book, Errachidia Meeting SDS-IGCP 421, April 23 rd – May 1 st 1999: 46; Montpellier.

Maletz , J.; Königshof , P.; Meço, S. & Schindler, E. ( 1998): Late Wenlock to Early Ludlow graptolites from Albania. – Senckenbergiana lethaea, 78: 141-151, 4 figs., 1 tab., 1 pl.; Frankfurt/M.

Schindler , E. (1998): Report of the German Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy at the SDS meeting in Bologna (Italy), June 1998. – Doc. subm. to the Subcomm. on Devonian Stratigr.: 1 p.; Bologna.

Piecha , M. & Schindler , E. (1998): Redefinition of the German Late Devonian ‘Stufen’.- Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy (SDS) Newsl., 15: 42-43; Arlington.

Schindler , E.; Schülke , I. & Ziegler , W. (1998): Conodont stratigraphy and sedimentology across the Frasnian/Famennian boundary at the Sessacker Trench section in the Dill Syncline (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Germany). In: Bagnoli , G. (ed.): ECOS VII Abstr., Bologna-Modena, 1998: 98; Bologna-Modena.

Schindler , E.; Schülke , I. & Ziegler , W. (1998): The Frasnian/Famennian boundary at the Sessacker Trench section near Oberscheld (Dill Syncline, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Germany). – Senckenbergiana lethaea, 77: 243-261, 3 figs., 1 tab., 5 pls.; Frankfurt/M.

Morrow , J.R.; Sandberg , C.A.; Ziegler , W. & Schindler , E. (1998): Conodont evidence for geologic and biologic events across Frasnian-Famennian (Late Devonian) mass extinction interval. – Geol. Soc. America, Abstr. with Progr., 30 (2): 62; Boulder.

Schindler , E.; Königshof , P. & Meço , S. (1997): Cooperation programme in Mid-Palaeozoic to Early Mesozoic rocks of the NE Albanian Korabi Zone. – 1 st Internat. Conf. on North Gondwanan Mid-Palaeozoic Biodynamics (IGCP Project 421), Vienna 17-21 Sept. 1997, Abstr.: 49; Wien.

Schindler , E. (1997): Report of the German Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy. SDS meeting at Rochester, N.Y.; July 1997. – SDS Newsl., 14: 14; Arlington.

Jansen , U. & Schindler , E. (1997): Subdivision of the Emsian stage – state of discussion in the German Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy. – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy (SDS) Newsl., 14: 8-9; Arlington.

Schindler , E. & Königshof , P. (1997): Sedimentology and microfacies of Late Devonian Kellwasser Limestones in relation to palaeobathymetry (Upper Kellwasser Horizon, late Frasnian). – Zbl. Geol. Paläont. Teil I, 1996 (5/6): 597-607, 4 figs.; Stuttgart.

Königshof, P.; Schindler, E. & Vogel, O . (1997): Albanien “s´ka problem” – Eine geologische Forschungsreise in den Nordosten Albaniens. – Natur und Museum, 127 (5): 157-161, 5 Abb.; Frankfurt/M.

Schindler , E.; Schülke , I. & Ziegler , W. (1996): Die Frasne/Famenne-Grenze im Sessacker-Schurf, Dill-Mulde. – 66. Tagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Terra Nostra, Heft 96/6: 126; Leipzig.

Schindler , E. & Königshof , P. (1996): Sedimentologie und Mikrofazies oberdevonischer Kellwasser-Kalke an ausgewählten Beispielen (Oberer Kellwasser-Horizont, hohe Frasne-Stufe). – Sediment ´96, 11. Sedimentologentreffen, Kurzfassungen: 154; Wien.

Königshof , P. & Schindler , E. [Hrsg.] (1995): Beiträge zur Geologie und Paläontologie aus unterschiedlichen Regionen des Paläozoikums. – Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 188: 209pp., 50 figs., 15 tabs., 24 pls.; Frankfurt/M.

Morrow , J.R.; Schindler , E. & Walliser , O.H. (1995): Phanerozoic development of selected global environmental features. – In: Walliser, O.H. (ed.): Global events and event stratigraphy in the Phanerozoic: 53-61, 1 chart; Berlin (Springer).

Morrow , J.R.; Sandberg , C.A. & Schindler , E. (1995): Conodont diversity trends across the late Frasnian (mid-Late Devonian) mass extinction interval, Nevada and West Europe. – Geol. Soc. Amer., Abstr. with Progr., 27(4): 48; Boulder.

Feist, R. & Schindler, E. (1994): Trilobites during the Frasnian Kellwasser Cisis in European Late Devonian cephalopod limestones. – Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, Willi Ziegler-Festschrift II, 169: 195-223; Frankfurt/M.

Schindler, E. & Neuser, R.D . (1993): Schalenstruktur bei Homocteniden und verwandten devonischen Cricoconariden. – Paläont. Ges., 63. Jahrestag., 21. – 26. September, Abstrakte, Paläozoikum: 19; Prag.

Schindler , E. (1993): Event-stratigraphical markers within the Kellwasser Crisis near the Frasnian/Famennian boundary (Upper Devonian) in Germany. – Palaeogeogr., Palaeocliamtol., Palaeoecol., 104: 115-125; Amsterdam.

Schindler, E. & Neuser, R.D. (1993): Apical part and shell structure of Homoctenus tenuicinctus (Cricoconarida; Devon). – Göttinger Arb. Geol. Paläont., 58: 107-114; Göttingen.

Groos-Uffenorde, H.; Jahnke, H. & Schindler, E. [ Hrsg.] (1993): O.H. Walliser-Festschrift. – Göttinger Arb. Geol. Paläont., 58: 161 S.; Göttingen.

Schindler , E. (1992): Examples for small-scale correlations during Kellwasser Crisis times (Upper Devonian). – V. Internat. Conf. on Global Bioevents, Göttingen, Febr. 16-19, 1992, Abstr. Vol.: 93-94, 1 Fig.; Göttingen.

Feist, R. & Schindler, E. (1992): The F/F boundary trilobite crisis in the Variscan realm. – V. Internat. Conf. on Global Bioevents, Göttingen, Febr. 16-19, 1992, Abstr. Vol.: 35; Göttingen.

Schindler , E. (1991b): Holostratigraphie und großregionale Vergleiche im Verlauf der Kellwasser-Krise (hohe Frasne-Stufe, Ober-Devon). – Zbl. Geol. Paläont. Teil I, 1991   (5): 1358-1360; Stuttgart.

Schindler , E. (1991a):
Event-stratigraphical markers within the Kellwasser Crisis near the Frasnian/Famennian boundary. – Event Markers in Earth History, Joint Meeting of IGCP Projects 216, 293, 303, Progr. and Abstr.: 65; Calgary.


Schindler , E. (1990c):
Extinction pattern and small-scale correlation of the Frasnian/Famennian Kellwasser-Bioevent. – Meeting IGCP Projects 216 and 303, Abstr.: 1 p.; Oxford

Sandberg, C.A.; Schindler, E.; Walliser, O.H. & Ziegler, W . (1990b): Criteria applicable to consideration of Steinbruch Schmidt as stratotype and GSSP for Frasnian-Famennian boundary. – Doc. subm. to the Subcomm. on Devonian Stratigraphy (IGS, IUGS), Frankfurt/M., Germany, 19 September 1990: 2 p.; Frankfurt/M.

Sandberg, C.A.; Schindler, E.; Walliser, O.H. & Ziegler, W . (1990a): Proposal for the Frasnian/Famennian boundary stratotype at Steinbruch Schmidt (Ense area, Kellerwald, Rhein. Schieferge­birge, Germany) and material for the corresponding field-trip on September 18, 1990. – Doc. subm. to the Subcomm. on Devonian Stratigraphy (ICS, IUGS), Frankfurt/M., September 1990: 18 p., 10 figs.; Frankfurt/M.

Schindler , E. (1990b): Die Kellwasser-Krise (hohe Frasne-Stufe, Ober-Devon). – Göttinger Arb. Geol. Paläont., 46: 1-115; Göttingen.

Schindler , E. (1990a): The Late Frasnian (Upper Devonian) Kellwasser Crisis. – Lecture Notes Earth Sci., 30: 151-159; Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo-Hong Kong.

Groos-Uffenorde, H. & Schindler, E. (1990): The effect of global events on entomozoacean Ostracoda. – In: Whatley, R. & Maybury, C. (eds.): Ostracoda and global events.- British Micropalaeont. Soc. Publ. Ser.: 101-112; London-New York- Tokyo-Melbourne-Madras.

Walliser, O.H.; Groos-Uffenorde, H.; Schindler, E. & Ziegler, W. (1989): On the Upper Kellwasser Horizon (Boundary Frasnian/Famennian). – Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 110: 247-255; Frankfurt/M.

Schindler, E. & Stoppel, D. (1988): Stop B13   Kellwasser valley. – Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 102: 214-215; Frankfurt/M.

Schindler , E. (1988): Stop B 12 Aeke valley. – Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 102: 211-213; Frankfurt/M.

Lottmann, J.; Schindler, E. & Walliser, O.H. (1988): Stop B11 Hühnertal. – Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 102: 207-210; Frankfurt/M.

Sandberg , C.A.; Schindler , E.; Walliser , O.H. & Ziegler , W. (1988): Stop B 8 Steinbruch Schmidt. – Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 102: 194-198; Frankfurt/M.

Walliser, O.H.; Lottmann, J. & Schindler, E. (1988): Global events in the Devonian of the Kellerwald and Harz Mountains. – Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 102: 190-193; Frankfurt/M.

Schindler , E. (1987):The Kellwasser-Event (Upper Devonian). Regional, stratigraphical and genetic approach. – Conf. on Palaeont. and Evol.: Extinction Events, Abstr.: 269; Leioa

Lottmann, J. ; Sandberg , C.A.; Schindler , E.; Walliser , O.H. & Ziegler , W. (1986): Devonian Events at the Ense Area (Excursion to the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). – Lecture Notes Earth Sci., 8: 17-21; Berlin-Heidelberg-New York-London-Paris-Tokyo.

Schindler, E. (1984): Stratigraphische, fazielle und tektonische Untersuchungen in der Lüdenscheider Mulde nördlich der Versetalsperre (GK 25 Altena. 4712 und GK 25 Herscheid 4812). – Dipl.-Arbeit Univ. Göttingen: 1-160, 42 Abb., 7 Taf.; Göttingen [unveröff.].

Dr. Rosemarie C. Baron-Szabo


Baron-Szabo, R. C., Schlagintweit, F. & Rashidi, K. (2023): Coral fauna across the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary at Zagros and Sistan Suture zones and Yazd Block of Iran.- Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, 142 (7): 1-49. DOI: 10.1186/s13358-023-00264-8


Baron-Szabo, R. C., Tschanz, K. & Kürsteiner, P. (2022): Scleractinian corals from the Lower Cretaceous of the Alpstein area (Anthozoa; Vitznau Marl; lower Valanginian) and a preliminary comparison with contemporaneous coral assemblages.- Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, 141(3). pp.1-61.


Baron-Szabo, R.C. (2021): Erratum (Page titled “appendix Table 2[2.1]”).- Zootaxa, 4999 (6). p. 599.

Baron-Szabo, R.C. (2021): Part F, Revised, Volume 2, Chapter 15: Systematic descriptions of the Scleractinian Family Negoporitidae.- Treatise Online, 144. pp. 1-6.

Baron-Szabo, R.C., Cairns, S.D. & Stolarski, J. (2021): Part F, Revised, Volume 2, Chapter 16: Systematic descriptions of the Scleractinia Family Fungiacyathidae.- Treatise Online, 149. pp. 1-5.

Baron-Szabo, R.C. (2021): Scleractinian corals of the Albian (uppermost Lower Cretaceous)—overview, revision, evaluation.- Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 134 (1). pp. 363-406.

Baron-Szabo, R.C. (2021): Upper Barremian–lower Aptian scleractinian corals of central Europe (Schrattenkalk Fm., Helvetic Zone, Austria, Germany, Switzerland).- Zootaxa, 4960 (1). pp. 1-199.

Cairns, S.D. & Baron-Szabo, R.C. (2021): A brief review of the stony coral (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleractinia) papers published by Zootaxa in its first 20 years.- Zootaxa, 4979 (1). pp. 212-214.


Baron-Szabo, R.C. & Sanders, D.G. (2020): Scleractinian corals (Anthozoa) from the Lower Oligocene (Rupelian) of the Eastern Alps. – Bollettino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana, p. I-XVIII. 

Lathuilière, B., Baron-Szabo, R.C., Charbonnier, S. & Pacaud, J.-M. (2020): The Mesozoic scleractinian genus Adelocoenia (Stylinidae) and its Jurassic species.  Carnets de Geologie, 20 (19), 40 p. DOI 10.2110/carnets.2020.2019.


Baron-Szabo, R. C. & Sanders, D. G. (2019): Scleractinian corals from the Lower Oligocene of the Eastern Alps: taxonomy, palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography.- 13th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, September 3-6, 2019, Modena, Italy, Abstract Book, p. 2.

Baron-Szabo, R.C. & Cairns, S.D. (2019): Part F, Revised, Volume 2, Chapter 14: Systematic descriptions of the Scleractinia Family DENDROPHYLLIIDAE.- Treatise Online, 119, 33 p.


Baron-Szabo, R.C. (2018): Nomenclatural notes on the genus Favia (Anthozoa; Scleractinia; Faviina; Faviidae).— Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 131(1), 197-201.

Prathapran, K. D., Pethiyagoda, R. Bawa, K. S., Raven, P. H., Rajan, P.D….[  ]….Baron-Szabo, R. C….[  ] Zhou, H.-z. (2018): When the cure kills — CBD limits biodiversity research.— Science, 360, p. 1405-1406 (and supplementary materials).

Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2018): Part F, Revised, Volume 2, Chapter 13: Systematic descriptions of the Scleractinian Family PACHYPHYLLIIDAE.— Treatise Online, 105, p. 1-8, 4 Figures, 2 Tables.

Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2018): Scleractinian corals from the upper Berriasian of central Europe and comparison of the contemporaneous coral assemblages.— Zootaxa, 4383, p. 1-98, 12 plates.

Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2018): Scleractinian corals from the upper Aptian-Albian of the Garschella Formation of central Europe (western Austria; eastern Switzerland): The Albian.— Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Wien, vol. 157(1-4), p. 241-260, 2 plates, (for 2017)

Baron-Szabo, R.C. & Furrer, H. (2018): Korallen [In]: Kürsteiner, P. & Klug, Ch. (Hrsg.): Fossilien im Alpstein – Kreide und Eozän der Nordostschweiz (Appenzeller Verlag), p. 113-143.


Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2017): Part F, Revised, Volume 2, Chapter 12: Systematic descriptions of the Scleractinia Family RHIPIDASTRAEIDAE. Treatise Online, no 99: 1-3

Baron-Szabo, R. C. & Cairns, S. D. (2017): Part F, Revised, Volume 2, Chapter 11: Systematic descriptions of the Scleractinia Family MICRABACIIDAE. Treatise Online, no 98: 1-8


Baron-Szabo, R. C. & Cairns, S. D. (2016): Part F, Revised, Volume 2, Chapter 10: Systematic descriptions of the Scleractinia Family RHIZANGIIDAE. Treatise Online, no. 80: 1-10.

Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2016): New taxonomic, stratigraphic, and geographic information on the genus Faksephyllia Floris, 1972 (Scleractinia; Caryophylliidae); first records from the Oligocene of Austria, Germany, and Italy.—Zootaxa, 4154(5): 526-540.

Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2016): On the genus Paraclausastrea Zlatarski, 1968 (Scleractinia; Hauterivian-Albian).—Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Wien, Abhandlungen, vol. 155 (1-4): 199-208.


Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2015): A new dendrophylliid coral genus Cairnsipsammia from the Lower Cretaceous of western Austria (Anthozoa; Scleractinia; Vorarlberg; Schrattenkalk Formation [upper Barremian-lower Aptian]).— Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, vol. 128(4): 216-226.

Baron-Szabo, R. C. R. (2015): Paraclausastrea vorarlbergensis sp. nov.; a ew coral from the Lower Cretaceous of western Austria (Scleractinia; upper Barremian-lower Aptian; Schrattenkalk Fm.; Vorarlberg.— Zootaxa, 4032 (3): 327-332.

Baron-Szabo, R. C. & Cairns, S. D. (2015): A new rhizangiid genus from the Miocene of North America (Sclerangia n. gen.; Florida, USA).— Paleontological Contributions, The University of Kansas Press, no. 13: 1-3.

Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2015): _mce_On the Cretaceous genus Nefophyllia Wells, 1937 (pro Platysmilia Felix, 1899, non Toula, 1889).— Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Wien, vol. 154 (1-4): 155-163, 2 text-figs., 1 table, 1 plate (for 2014).


Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2014): Scleractinian Corals from the Cretaceous of the Alps and Northern Dinarides (Helvetic Unit; Austro-Alpine Units; Rhenodanubian Unit; N Dinaric Platform; Inner Dinarides), with remarks on related taxa. – Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Wien, vol. 68, 1-297, 88 Plates, 22 Text-Figures.


Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2013): On the Cretaceous genus Podoseris Duncan, 1869 (Scleractinia; Albian; England). – Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Wien, 135 (1–4): 97-106.


Baron-Szabo, R. C., Nützel, A., Imran, A., Malchus, N., Nielsen, S., Koch, R. & Schulbert, Ch. (2012): A coral-oyster-gastropod community from the Eocene Malawa Formation (Padang Lampe, Barru Regency, South Sulawesi Prov., Indonesia).- Poster-Abstract, 15-20. September 2012, PANGEO AUSTRIA 2012, Salzburg.


Simpson, C., Kiessling, W., Mewis, H., Baron-Szabo, R. C. & Müller, J. (2011): Evolutionary diversification of reef corals: A comparison of the molecular and fossil records.- Evolution, 65 (11). pp. 3274-3284.


Szente, I., Baron-Szabo, R. C., Hradecká, L., Kvaček J., Svobodová, M., Švábenická, L. Schlagintweit, F. & Lobitzer, H. (2010): The Lower Gosau Subgroup of the Kohlbachgraben and “Station Billroth” North of St. Gilgen (Turonian–?Coniacian, Salzburg, Austria).- Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, vol. 65, p. 135-154, 3 Text-Figures, 5 Plates.

Baron-Szabo, R. C., Darrell, J., G. & Rosen, B., R. (2010): 3. Corals. In: Young, J. R., Gale, A. S. Knight, R. I. & Smith, A. B. (eds.): Fossils of the Gault Clay. Field guide to fossils, no. 12: 28-32; The Palaeontological Association, London.


Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2009): Remarks on the genus Bathangia Keferstein, 1859, with re-descritpion of the holotype of the type species Bathangia sessilis (Schlotheim, 1820) (Anthozoa, Scleractinia; Middle Eocene [Lutetian]).- Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 122 (4), 393-398.

Pandey, D.K. , Fürsich, F. , Baron-Szabo, R. (2009): Jurassic corals from the Jaisalmer Basin, western Rajasthan, India.- Zitteliana, A48/49, 13-37.


Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2008): Corals of the K/T-boundary: Scleractinian corals of the suborders Dendrophylliina, Caryophylliina, Fungiina, Microsolenina, and Stylinina.- Zootaxa,1952, 1-244.

Sanders, D. & Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2008): Palaeoecology of solitary corals in soft-substrate habitats: the example of Cunnolites (upper Santonian, Eastern Alps). Lethaia, 41, 1-14.


Pandey, D. K., Fürsich, F. T., Baron-Szabo, R. C. & Wilmsen, M. (2007): Lower Cretaceous corals from Koppeh Dagh, NE-Iran. Zitteliana, A47, 3-52.

Sanders, D., Baron-Szabo, R., (2007): First Oligocene coral fauna from the Eastern Alps. In: Geo.Alp, 4, p. 81. (Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, University of Innsbruck and Museo Scienze Naturali Alto Adige. Walser Print, Telfs).


Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2006): Corals of the K/T-boundary. Scleractinian corals of the Suborders Astrocoeniina, Faviina, Rhipidogyrina, and Amphiastraeina.- Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, London, 4, 1-108.

Baron-Szabo, R. C., Schafhauser, A., Götz, S. & Stinnesbeck, W. (2006): Scleractinian corals from the Maastrichtian of Mexico (State San Luis Potosí; Cardenas Formation).- Journal of Paleontology , 80 (6), 1033-1046.


Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2005): Geographic and stratigraphic distributions of the Caribbean species of Cladocora (Scleractinia, Faviidae).- Facies, 51, 12pp.

Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2005): Remarks on the genus Arctangia Wells, 1937, with the re-description of the type species Thecocyathus nathorsti   Lindström, 1900 (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) from the Lower Cretaceous of Norway.- Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington, 118, 479-482.

Sanders, D. & Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2005): Scleractinian assemblages under sediment input: their characteristics and relation to the nutrient input concept. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 216, 139-181.


Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2004): Austrian scleractinian corals from the K/T-boundary to the Miocene. In PIller, W. & Hubmann, B. (eds.): PANGEO Austria 2004, Erdwissenschaften und Öffentlichkeit. Berichte des Instituts für Erdwissenschaften Karl-Franzens-Universität

Kiessling, W. & Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2004): Extinction and recovery patterns of scleractinian corals at the K/T-boundary. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 214, 195-223.


Baron-Szabo, R. C., Casadio, S. & Parras, A. (2003): First shallow water scleractinian coral reef from the Danian, northern Patagonia, Argentina. Ameghiniana, 40, R79.

Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2003): Corals of the type localities of the Upper Cretaceous Gosau-Group: Finstergraben, Hofergraben, Schattau (Austria). in Weidinger, J. T., Lobitzer, H. & Spitzbart, I. (eds) Contributions to the Geology of the Salzkammergut Region, Austria, Gmundner Geo-Studien 2. Institut Museum Gmunden: Gmunden, 147-148.

Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2003): Ontogenetical development in Dasmiopsis lamellicostatus (Reuss, 1854) (Scleractinian; Meandrininidae), a rare coral from the Upper Cretaceous Gosau-Group (Hofergraben; Austria). in Weidinger, J. T., Lobitzer, H. & Spitzbart, I. (eds) Contributions to the Geology of the Salzkammergut Region, Austria, Gmundner Geo-Studien 2. Institut Museum Gmunden: Gmunden, 141-145.

Schafhauser, A., Götz, S., Baron-Szabo, R. C. & Stinnesbeck, W. (2003): Depositional environment of coral-rudist associations in the Upper Cretaceous Cardenas Formation (central Mexico).- Geologia Croatica, 56, 187-198.

Baron-Szabo, R. C., Hamedani, A. & Senowbari-Daryan, B. (2003): Scleractinian corals from Lower Cretaceous deposits north of Esfahan (central Iran).- Facies, 48, 199-216.

Baron-Szabo, R. C. & González-León, C. M. (2003): Late Aptian-Early Albian corals from the Mural Limestone of the Bisbee Group (Tuape and Cerro de Oro areas), Sonora, Mexico.- [In]: Bob F. Perkins Memorial Volume (Scott, R. W., ed.): Golf Coast Section SEPM Foundation, 187-225.

Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2003): Taxonomie und Ontogenie von Korallen der ostalpinen Oberkreide (Hochmoos- und Grabenbachschichten, Gosau Gruppe, Santon).- Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt Wien., 143, 107-201.


Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2002): Scleractinian corals of the Cretaceous. A guide to Cretaceous forms with descriptions, illustrations, and remarks on their taxonomic position. 539 pp, 142, pls, 86 text-figs (Knoxville, Baron-Szabo).


Opresko, D. M. & Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2001): Reevaluation of Tropidopathes saliciformis Silberfeld: A hydroid originally identifierd as an antipatharian coral.- Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 114 (3), 788-793.

Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2001): Corals of the Theresienstein reef (Upper Turonian-Coniacian, Salzburg, Austria).- Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington, 10, 257-268.

Opresko, D. M. & Baron-Szabo, R. C. (2001): Redescriptions of the Antipatharian Corals (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) Described by J.C. Esper with English Translations of the Original German Text.- Senckenbergiana biologica, 81 (1/2), 1-21.


Baron-Sazbo, R. C. (2000): Late Campanian-Maastrichtian corals from the United Arab Emirates-Oman border region.- Bulletin of The Natural History Museum, 56 (2), 91-131.


Baron-Sazbo, R. C. (1999): Taxonomy of Upper Cretaceous scleractinian corals of the Gosau Group (Weissenbachalm, Steiermark, Austria).- Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 56/ 2, 1-24.

Baron-Sazbo, R. C. & González-León, C. M. (1999): Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy (Cerro de Oro and Lampazos areas) and corals from the Bisbee Group, Sonora, Mexico.- Cretaceous Research 20, 465-497.

Sanders, D.G., Baron-Szabo, R.C. and Pons, J.M. (1999): Short description of the largest Upper Cretaceous coral reef of the eastern Alps (Theresienstein Formation nom. nov.), and a newly recognized coral-rudist buildup (Billroth Formation nom. nov.), Salzburg, Austria.— Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck, vol. 24:1-16


Baron-Sazbo, R. C. (1998): A new coral fauna of the Campanian from north Spain (Torallola village, Prov. Llèida).- Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck 23, 127-191.


Baron-Szabo, R. C. (1997): Miocene (Badenian) corals from Duplek, NE Slovenia.- Razprave IV, Slovenske Akademije Znanosti in Umetnosti XXXVIII, 97-104.

Baron-Szabo, R. C. (1997): Zur Korallenfazies der ostalpinen Kreide (Helvetikum: Allgäuer Schrattenkalk; Nördliche Kalkalpen: Brandenberger Gosau). Taxonomie, Paläökologie.- Zitteliana 21, 3-97.

Sanders, D. & Baron-Szabo, R. C. (1997): Coral-rudist bioconstructions in the Upper Cretaceous Haidach Section (Gosau Group; Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria).- Facies, 36, 69-90.

Baron-Szabo, R. C. & Fernandez-Mendiola, P. A. (1997): Cretaceous scleractinian corals from the Albian of Cabo de Ajo (Cantabria Province, N-Spain).- Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 71 (1/2), 35-50.


Baron-Szabo, R. C. & Steuber, T. (1996): Korallen und Rudisten aus dem Apt im tertiären Flysch des Parnass-Gebirges bei Delphi-Arachowa (Mittelgriechenland).- Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen (E) 18, 3-75.


Baron-Szabo, R. C. (1995): Taxonomy and Palaeoecology of Late Miocene corals of NW-Crete (Gramvoussa, Roka- and Koukounaras-Fms.).- Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen (E) 16, 569-577.


Baron-Szabo, R. C. (1994): Palökologie von nordspanischen Korallen des Urgon (Playa de Laga, Prov. Guernica, N-Spain).- Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen (E) 13, 441-451.


Baron-Szabo, R. C. (1993): Korallen der höheren Unterkreide („Urgon“) von Nordspanien (Playa de Laga, Prov. Guernica).- Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen (E) 9, 147-181.