Research interests
- Morphology, evolution, systematics, palaeoecology, palaeobiogeography of Plio- and Pleistocene small mammals of the Palaearctic
- Biostratigraphic correlation
- Morphometric changes in arvicolid molars
- Fossil gnawing marks (origin, interpretation)
⇒ Quaternary palaeontology | Quaternary small mammals
Curriculum vitae | ORCiD 0000-0002-8860-2932
born in Weimar
studied biology (specialising in zoology), Humboldt University, Berlin
Diploma in zoology: The rodents from the Pisede fossil burrows
scientific assistant at the Institute of Quaternary Palaeontology in Weimar
PhD in palaeozoology: The Biharian small mammal remains from Untermassfeld, Voigtstedt and Süssenborn and their chronological position within the Biharian micromammalian faunas of Europe
scientific researcher in Quaternary Palaeontology (Institute of Geosciences of Friedrich- Schiller-University, Jena)
since 1996
teaching (Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena)
head of the Quaternary small mammal section at the Senckenberg Research Station of Quaternary Palaeontology in Weimar
co-organisation of the 18th International Senckenberg Conference “Late Neogene and Quaternary biodiversity and evolution: Regional developments and interregional correlations”
since 2022
appointed honorary research associate of the Senckenberg Research Station of Quaternary Palaeontology
Scientific publications
LAZAREV, S., MAUL, L. C., KUIPER, K., BECKER, D., BUKHSIANIDZE, M., HOVAKIMYAN, H., SAHAKYAN, L. & VASILYAN, D. (2023): Pliocene volcanic terrain of the South Caucasus as a missing link in Eurasian palaeobiogeography: Dating and palaeoenvironments of vertebrate assemblages of the Jradzor locality, Armenia. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 625: 111685.
Open access: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111685
BACA, M., POPOVIĆ, D., AGADZHANYAN, A. K., BACA, K., CONARD, N. J., FEWLASS, H., FILEK, T., GOLUBIŃSKI, M., HORÁČEK, I., KNUL, M. V., KRAJCARZ, M., KROKHALEVA, M., LEBRETON, L., LEMANIK, A., MAUL, L. C., NAGEL, D., NOIRET, P., PRIMAULT, J., REKOVETS, L., RHODES, S. E., ROYER, A., SERDYUK, N. V., SORESSI, M., STEWART, J. R., STRUKOVA, T., TALAMO, S., WILCZYŃSKI, J. & NADACHOWSKI, A. (2023): Ancient DNA of narrow-headed vole reveal common features of the Late Pleistocene population dynamics in cold-adapted small mammals. – Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences 290: 20222238.
Open access: https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2022.2238.
MAUL, L. C. (2022): Voles and Lemmings (Arvicolinae) of the Palaearctic Region. Boris Kryštufek and Georgy I. Shenbrot. 2022. University of Maribor, University Press. 436 pp. – Journal of Animal Diversity 4 (3): 7-9.
Open access: http://dx.doi.org/10.52547/JAD.2022.4.3.2.
MAUL, L. C. (2022): New results on micromammals from the Early Pleistocene site of Untermassfeld. – In: KAHLKE, R.-D. (Ed.): The Pleistocene of Untermassfeld near Meiningen (Thüringen, Germany). Vol. 5. – Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums 40 (5): 1567-1626; RGZM, Mainz.
SMITH, K. T., COMAY, O., MAUL, L., WEGMÜLLER, F., Le TENSORER, J.-M. & DAYAN, T. (2021): A model of digestive tooth corrosion in lizards: experimental tests and taphonomic implications. – Scientific Reports 11: 12877.
Open access: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-92326-5
MAUL, L. C., RABINOVICH, R. & BITON, R. (2020): At the southern fringe: extant and fossil water voles of genus Arvicola (Rodentia, Cricetidae, Arvicolinae) from Israel, with the description of a new species. – Historical Biology 33 (11): 2773-2793 | https://doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2020.1827240.
POPOVA, L., MAUL, L. C. & PAZONYI, P. (2021): Biotic evolution and palaeogeography during the Quaternary with special reference to ground squirrels. – Historical Biology 33 (1): 1-3 | https://doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2020.1852402.
HEINRICH, W.-D. & MAUL, L. C. (2020): Mortality profiles of Castor and Trogontherium (Mammalia: Rodentia, Castoridae), with notes on the site formation of the Mid-Pleistocene hominin locality Bilzingsleben II (Thuringia, Central Germany). – Fossil Imprint 76 (1): 40-58.
Open access: http://fi.nm.cz/en/
HORÁČEK, I., LEHMANN, T., RUF, I. & MAUL, L. C. (Eds.) (2020): Mammalia. A tribute to Gerhard Storch. Part 2. – Fossil Imprint 76 (1): i-v+1-210.
Open access: http://fi.nm.cz/en/
LEHMANN, T., STORCH, A., HELFRICHT, A., KROHMANN, K., HORÁČEK, I., RUF, I. & MAUL, L. C. (Eds.) (2020): Gerhard Storch – a legend in mammal research (II). – Fossil Imprint 76 (1): iii-v.
Open access: http://fi.nm.cz/en/
MAHMOUDI, A., MAUL, L. C., KHOSHYAR, M., DARVISH, J., ALIABADIAN, M. & KRYšTUFEK, B. (2020): Evolutionary history of water voles revisited: confronting a new phylogenetic model from molecular data with the fossil record. – Mammalia 84 (2): 171-184 | https://doi.org/10.1515/mammalia-2018-0178.
MASINI, F., MAUL, L. C., ABBAZZI, L., PETRUSO, D. & SAVORELLI, A. (2020): Independent water vole (Mimomys savini, Arvicola: Rodentia, Mammalia) lineages in Italy and Central Europe. – Fossil Imprint 76 (1): 59-83.
Open access: http://fi.nm.cz/en/
HORÁČEK, I., LEHMANN, T., RUF, I. & MAUL, L. C. (Eds.) (2019): Mammalia. A tribute to Gerhard Storch. Part 1. – Fossil Imprint 75 (3-4): i-xxi+292-509.
Open access: http://fi.nm.cz/en/
HORÁČEK, I., LEHMANN, T., RUF, I., KROHMANN, K. & MAUL, L. C. (2019): Gerhard Storch – a legend in mammal research. – Fossil Imprint 75 (3-4): v-xxi.
Open access: http://fi.nm.cz/en/
LAZARIDIS, G., TSOUKALA, E. & MAUL, L. C. (2019): The earliest Hystrix refossa: a new Early Villafranchian record from Milia (Grevena, Macedonia, Greece). – Hystrix 30 (1): 12-18.
Open access: https://doi.org/10.4404/hystrix-00140-2018
MAUL, L. C. (2019): Die Kleinsäugerfauna aus der Forschungsbohrung Ummendorf 1/2012. – Mitteilungen zu Geologie und Bergwesen von Sachsen-Anhalt 20: 99-108.
STRAHL, J., WANSA, S., BAUMGARTEN, H., FRECHEN, M., MAUL, L. C., MENG, S., RAPPSILBER, I., ROLF, C. & THOMAS, M. (2019): Forschungsbohrung Ummendorf 1/2012 – Zielstellung und Untersuchungsmethoden. – Mitteilungen zu Geologie und Bergwesen von Sachsen-Anhalt 20: 7-20.
POPOVA, L. V., MAUL, L. C., ZAGORODNIUK, I. V., VEKLYCH, Yu. M., SHYDLOVSKIY, P. S., POGODINA, N. V., BONDAR, K. M., STRUKOVA, T. V. & PARFITT, S. A. (2019): ‘Good fences make good neighbours’: Concepts and records of range dynamics in ground squirrels and geographical barriers in the Pleistocene of the Circum-Black Sea area. – Quaternary International 509: 103-120 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2018.03.023.
MAUL, L. C., REKOVETS, L. I., HEINRICH, W.-D. & BRUCH, A. A. (2017): Comments on the age and dispersal of Microtoscoptini (Rodentia: Cricetidae). – Fossil Imprint 73 (3-4): 495-514.
Open access: http://fi.nm.cz/en/
SMITH, K. T., MAUL, L. C., FLEMMING, F., BARKAI, R. & GOPHER, A. (2016): The microvertebrates of Qesem Cave: A comparison of the two concentrations. – Quaternary International 398: 233-245 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.04.047.
MAUL, L. C., BRUCH, A. A., SMITH, K. T., SHENBROT, G., BARKAI, R. & GOPHER, A. (2016): Palaeoecological and biostratigraphical implications of the microvertebrates of Qesem Cave in Israel. – Quaternary International 398: 219-232 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.04.032.
BLASCO, R., ROSELL, J., SMITH, K. T., MAUL, L. C., SANUDO, P., BARKAI, R. & GOPHER, A. (2016): Tortoises as a dietary supplement: A view from the Middle Pleistocene site of Qesem Cave, Israel. – Quaternary Science Reviews 133: 165-187 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.12.006.
MAUL, L. C., SMITH, K. T., SHENBROT, G., BRUCH, A. A., WEGMÜLLER, F. & LE TENSORER, J.-M. (2015): Microvertebrates from unit G/layer 17 of the archaeological site of Hummal (El Kowm, Central Syria): Preliminary results. – L’anthropologie 119: 676-686 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anthro.2015.10.010.
ULBRICHT, A., MAUL, L. C. & SCHULZ, E. (2015): Can mesowear analysis be applied to small mammals? A pilot-study on leporines and murines. – Mammalian Biology 80 (1): 14-20 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mambio.2014.06.004.
MAUL, L. C., MASINI, F., PARFITT, S. A., REKOVETS, L. & SAVORELLI, A. (2014): Evolutionary trends in arvicolids and the endemic murid Mikrotia – New data and a critical overview. – Quaternary Science Reviews 96: 140-158 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.09.017.
MAUL, L. C. (2014): Leporid remains of the Sesselfelsgrotte (Neuessing, Lower Bavaria). – In: FREUND, G. (Hg. u. a.): Naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen : Wirbeltierfauna 1. – Sesselfelsgrotte – Forschungsprojekt “Das Paläolithikum und Mesolithikum des Unteren Altmühltals II” VI. – 119-139; Steiner, Stuttgart.
MAUL, L. C., HEINRICH, W.-D. & REKOVETS, L. (2013): Kurze Übersicht zum Kenntnisstand der fossilen Bibergattung Trogontherium (Castoridae, Rodentia). – Säugetierkundliche Informationen 9 (47): 143-152.
HORÁČEK, I., MAUL, L. C., SMITH, K. T., BARKAI, R. & GOPHER, A. (2013): Bat remains (Mammalia, Chiroptera) from the Middle Pleistocene site of Qesem Cave, Israel, with the first Pleistocene record of fruit bats in the Mediterranean region. – Palaeontologia Electronica 16 (3): 1-19.
Open access: http://www.palaeo-electronica.org/content/2013/513-qesem-bats
MAUL, L. C., STEBICH, M., FRENZEL, P., HAMBACH, U., HENKEL, T., KATZSCHMANN, L., KIENAST, F., MENG, S., PENKMAN, K., ROLF, C., THOMAS, M. & KAHLKE, R.-D. (2013): Age and palaeoenvironment of the enigmatic Arternian Interglacial – evidence from the Muschelton at Voigtstedt/Hackelsberg (Thuringia, Central Germany). – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 386: 68-85 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2013.05.005.
SMITH, K. T., MAUL, L. C., BARKAI, R. & GOPHER, A. (2013): To catch a chameleon, or actualism vs. natural history in the taphonomy of the microvertebrate fraction at Qesem Cave, Israel. – Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (8): 3326-3339 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2013.02.022.
MAUL, L. C., SMITH, K. T., BARKAI, R., BARASH, A., KARKANAS, P., SHAHACK-GROSS, R. & GOPHER, A. (2011): ‘Of Men and Mice’ at Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave, Israel. Small vertebrates, environment and biostratigraphy. – Journal of Human Evolution 60 (4): 464-480 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhevol.2010.03.015.
FEJFAR, O., HEINRICH, W.-D., KORDOS, L. & MAUL, L. C. (2011): Microtoid cricetids and the early history of arvicolids (Mammalia, Rodentia). – Palaeontologia Electronica 14 (3): 1-35.
Open access: http://palaeo-electronica.org/2011_3/6_fejfar/index.html.
MAUL, L. C. & PARFITT, S. A. (2010): Micromammals from the 1995 mammoth excavation at West Runton, Norfolk, UK. Morphometric data, biostratigraphy and taxonomic reappraisal. – Quaternary International 228: 91-115 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2009.01.005.
ULRICH, R. G., HECKEL, G., PELZ, H.-J., WIELER, L. H., NORDHOFF, M., DOBLER, G., FREISE, J., MATUSCHKA, F.-R., JACOB, J., SCHMIDT-CHANASIT, J., GERSTENGARBE, F. W., JÄKEL, T., SÜSS, J., EHLERS, B., NITSCHE, A., KALLIES, R., JOHNE, R., GÜNTHER, S., HENNING, K., GRUNOW, R., WENK, M., MAUL, L. C., HUNFELD, K.-P., WÖLFEL, R., SCHARES, G., SCHOLZ, H. C., BROCKMANN, S. O., PFEFFER, M., & ESSBAUER, S. S. (2009): Nagetiere und Nagetierassoziierte Krankheitserreger. Das Netzwerk „Nagetier-übertragene Pathogene“ stellt sich vor. – Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz 3: 352-369.
MAUL, L. C. (2007): Erster Nachweis von Hypolagus (Leporidae, Mammalia) in der unterpleistozänen Fundstelle Untermaßfeld (Thüringen, Mitteldeutschland). – Beiträge zur Geologie von Thüringen, N. F. 14: 215-233.
ERFURT, J. & MAUL, L. C. (eds) (2007): 34. Tagung des Arbeitskreises Wirbeltierpaläontologie der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft. Programm und wissenschaftliche Beiträge. – Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften, Beiheft 23: I-X + 1-198; Halle.
FEJFAR, O., HEINRICH, W.-D., KORDOS, L. & MAUL, L. C. (2007): Early arvicolids, their potential ancestors and related forms. – Hystrix 18 (Special Issue: 5th ECM Supplement) : 83.
Open access: https://doi.org/10.4404/hystrix-18.0-4381
KAHLKE, R.-D., MAUL, L. C. & MAZZA, P. P. A. (eds) (2007): Late Neogene and Quaternary biodiversity and evolution: Regional developments and interregional correlations. Proceedings of the 18th International Senckenberg Conference (VI International Palaeontological Colloquium in Weimar). Volume II. – Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 259: VI + 1-297; Schweizerbart, Stuttgart.
MAUL, L. C. & HEINRICH, W.-D. (2007): Neue Daten zur Kleinsäugerbiostratigraphie und Altersabfolge deutscher Quartärfundstellen. – Neue Ausgrabungen und Funde in Thüringen – Sonderband 2007 / Beiträge zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Mitteleuropas 48 / Terra Praehistoria: 81-96; Langenweissbach.
MAUL, L. C. (2007): Feedback-Selektion beim Übergang von hypsodonten zu hypselodonten Molaren der Schermäuse. – In: ERFURT, J. & MAUL. L. C. (eds): 34. Tagung des Arbeitskreises Wirbeltierpaläontologie der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft. Programm und wissenschaftliche Beiträge. – Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften, Beiheft 23: 65-70; Halle.
MAUL, L. C., HEINRICH, W.-D., PARFITT, S. A. & PAUNESCU, A.-C. (2007): Comment on the correlation between magnetostratigraphy and the evolution of Microtus (Arvicolidae, Rodentia, Mammalia) during the Early and early Middle Pleistocene. – In: KAHLKE, R.-D., MAUL, L. C. & MAZZA, P. P. A. (eds): Late Neogene and Quaternary biodiversity and evolution: Regional developments and interregional correlations. Proceedings of the 18th International Senckenberg Conference (VI International Palaeontological Colloquium in Weimar). Volume II. – Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 259: 243-263; Schweizerbart, Stuttgart.
SCHREIBER, D., LÖSCHER, M., MAUL, L. C. & UNKEL, I. (2007): Die Tierwelt der Mauerer Waldzeit. – In: WAGNER, G. A., RIEDER, H. & ZÖLLER, L. (eds): 100 Jahre Homo heidelbergensis von Mauer. Schlüsselfund der Menschheitsgeschichte. – 127-159; Theiss, Stuttgart.
MAUL, L. C. & MARKOVA, A. K. (2007): Similarity and regional differences in Quaternary arvicolid evolution in Central and Eastern Europe. – Quaternary International 160: 81-99 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2006.09.010.
FLADERER, F. A., EINWÖGERER, T., FRANK, C., FUCHS, G., GALIK, A., MAUL, L. C., STEIER, P. & WILD, E. M. (2006): Der neue mittelpaläolithische Fundplatz “Lurgrotte-Vorhöhle” bei Peggau in der Mittelsteiermark. – Quartär 53/54: 61-96.
Open access: https://quartaer.obermaier-gesellschaft.de/pdfs/2006/2006_04_fladerer.pdf
KAHLKE, R.-D., MAUL, L. C., MAZZA, P. P. A. (Eds) (2006): Late Neogene and Quaternary biodiversity and evolution: Regional developments and interregional correlations. Proceedings of the 18 th International Senckenberg Conference (VI International Palaeontological Colloquium in Weimar). Volume I. – Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 256: XII, 1-347; Schweizerbart, Stuttgart.
MASINI, F., GIANNINI, T., ABBAZZI, L., FANFANI, F., DELFINO, M., MAUL, L. C. & TORRE, D . (2005): A latest Biharian small vertebrate fauna from the lacustrine succession of San Lorenzo (Santarcangelo Basin, Basilicata, Italy). – Quaternary International 131: 79-93 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2004.07.008.
MAUL , L. C. (2004): The arvicolids of the old collection of Senèze reconsidered . – In: MAUL, L. C. & KAHLKE, R.-D. (eds): Late Neogene and Quaternary biodiversity and evolution: Regional developments and interregional correlations. Conference Volume. 18 th International Senckenberg Conference. VI International Palaeontological Colloquium in Weimar . Weimar (Germany), 25th – 30th April, 2004. – Terra Nostra 2004 (2): 168-169; Berlin.
MAUL, L. C. & KAHLKE, R.-D. (eds) (2004): Late Neogene and Quaternary biodiversity and evolution: Regional developments and interregional correlations. Conference Volume. 18 th International Senckenberg Conference. VI International Palaeontological Colloquium in Weimar . Weimar (Germany), 25th – 30th April, 2004. – Terra Nostra 2004 (2): 1-289; Berlin.
PAUNESCU, A. C., MAUL, L. C. & MASINI, F. (2004): Comparison of evolutionary patterns of Arvicola in Germany , France and Italy . – In: MAUL, L. C. & KAHLKE, R.-D. (eds): Late Neogene and Quaternary biodiversity and evolution: Regional developments and interregional correlations. Conference Volume. 18 th International Senckenberg Conference. VI International Palaeontological Colloquium in Weimar . Weimar (Germany), 25th – 30th April, 2004. – Terra Nostra 2004 (2): 203-204; Berlin.
KAHLKE, R.-D., MAUL, L. C., MEYRICK, R. A., STEBICH, M. & GRASSELT, T. (2002): The Quaternary sequence from the late Middle to Upper Pleistocene site of Weimar-Ehringsdorf. – In: MEYRICK, R. A. & SCHREVE, D. C . (eds): The Quaternary of Central Germany (Thuringia & Surroundings), Field Guide. – 163-178 ; Quaternary Research Association, London.
MAUL, L. C. (2002): Bedeutende Fossilvorkommen des Quartärs in Thüringen. Teil 4: Kleinsäugetiere. – In: KAHLKE, R.-D. & WUNDERLICH, J. (Hrsg.): Tertiär und Quartär in Thüringen. – Beiträge zur Geologie von Thüringen, N. F. 9: 187-205.
MAUL , L. C. (2002): The Quaternary small mammal faunas of Thuringia (Central Germany). – In: MEYRICK, R. A. & SCHREVE, D. C. (eds): The Quaternary of Central Germany (Thuringia & Surroundings), Field Guide. – 79-96 ; Quaternary Research Association, London .
MEYRICK, R. A. & MAUL, L. C. (2002): Stratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Eemian deposits of Burgtonna. – In: MEYRICK, R. A. & SCHREVE, D. C . (eds): The Quaternary of Central Germany (Thuringia & Surroundings), Field Guide. – 145-162; Quaternary Research Association, London .
MAUL, L. (2001): Die Kleinsäugerreste (Insectivora, Lagomorpha, Rodentia) aus dem Unterpleistozän von Untermaßfeld – In: KAHLKE, R.-D. (Hrsg.): Das Pleistozän von Untermaßfeld bei Meiningen (Thüringen). Teil 3. – Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums 40 (3): 783-887; Dr. Rudolf Habelt, Bonn.
Open acces: https://doi.org/10.11588/propylaeum.560
MAUL, L. (2001): Nagespuren von Kleinsäugern an Knochenmaterial aus der unterpleistozänen Komplexfundstelle Untermaßfeld bei Meiningen (Thüringen). – In: KAHLKE, R.-D. (Hrsg.): Das Pleistozän von Untermaßfeld bei Meiningen (Thüringen). Teil 3. – Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums 40 (3): 905-916; Dr. Rudolf Habelt, Bonn.
Open acces: https://doi.org/10.11588/propylaeum.560
MAUL, L. (2001): The transition from hypsodonty to hypselodonty in the Mimomys savini – Arvicola lineage. – Lynx, n. s. 32: 113-118.
MAUL, L. C., REKOVETS, L. I., HEINRICH, W.-D., KELLER, T. & STORCH, G. (2000): Arvicola mosbachensis (SCHMIDTGEN 1911) of Mosbach 2: a basic sample for the early evolution of the genus and a reference for further biostratigraphical studies. – Senckenbergiana lethaea 80: 129-147 | https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03043667.
LIPPI, P., MASINI, F., MAUL, L. & ABBAZZI, L. (1998): Evolutionary changes of enamel differentiation in Pleistocene Mediterranean and Middle European populations of Microtus (Rodentia, Arvicolidae). – Paludicola 2 (1): 50-61.
MAUL, L. & RZEBIK-KOWALSKA, B. (1998): A Record of Macroneomys brachygnathus FEJFAR, 1966 (Mammalia, Insectivora , Soricidae) in the early Middle Pleistocene (late Biharian) locality of Voigtstedt. – Acta zoologica cracoviensia 41: 79-100.
Open access: http://www.isez.pan.krakow.pl/journals/azc/pdf/azc_v/41(1)/41(1)_08.pdf
MAUL, L., MASINI, F., ABBAZZI, L. & TURNER, A. (1998): The use of different morphometric data for absolute age calibration of some South and Middle European arvicolid populations. – Palaeontographia Italica 85: 111-151.
MAUL, L., MASINI, F., ABBAZZI, L. & TURNER, A. (1998): Geochronometric application of evolutionary trends in the dentition of fossil arvicolids. – Mededelingen Nederlands Instituut voor Toegepaste Geowetenschappen TNO 60: 565-572.
MAUL, L. (1997): Nachweis eines Zungenbeinfragmentes einer Schildkröte (Emydini, Emydidae, Testudinata) aus dem Unterpleistozän von Untermaßfeld. – In: KAHLKE , R.-D. (Hrsg.): Das Pleistozän von Untermaßfeld bei Meiningen (Thüringen). Teil 1. – Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz 40 (1): 89-94 ; Dr. Rudolf Habelt, Bonn.
Open access: https://doi.org/10.11588/propylaeum.558
Popular scientific contributions
ARENHÖVEL, C., LÜTH, E. & MAUL, L. C. (2018): Die Schutzgebiete der Stadt Weimar Teil IX: Der Geschützte Landschaftsbestandteil “Burgholz”. – Thüringer Faunistische Abhandlungen 23: 7-36.
MAUL, L. C. & SMITH, K. T. (2014): Von Mäusen, Echsen und Menschen. – Natur • Forschung • Museum – Das Senckenberg Wissenschaftsmagazin 144 (7/8): 284-285.
MAUL, L. C. (2009): Quartäre Kleinsäugetiere als Zeitmarker und Umweltindikatoren. – Natur und Museum 139 (5/6): 166-171.
MAUL, L. C. (2009): Weimarer Fledermäuse. – Natur und Museum 139 (5/6): 184-185.
MAUL, L. C. (2007): Gleithörnchen. Zeitgenossen von Homo heidelbergensis. – Natur und Museum 137 (11/12): 280-281.
MAUL, L. C. (2003): Das Benagen von Knochen. – Natur und Museum 133 (6): 157-165.
MEYRICK, R. & MAUL, L. C. (2003): Ausgrabungen in Burgtonna seit 300 Jahren. – Natur und Museum 133 (9): 253-261.