Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt/M.


The study of biocultural evolution and human diversity has emerged as a core competence of the Palaeoanthropology Division of the Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt. Our research regarding human evolution combines six complementary fields of interest:

The joint research of the Division of Palaeoanthropology focuses on processes and factors influencing the biocultural evolution of humans in their interactions with the environment. This concept has been developed over the past 10 years and integrates the biological and cultural diversity of humans. The aim is a systemic understanding and a concentrated presentation and coordination of the research focus biocultural diversity.

The heart of the division is the collection G.H.R. von Koenigswald, which came 1968 on permanent loan from the Werner Reimers Foundation, Bad Homburg, to the Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt for the study of the evolutionary biodiversity and palaeoecology in Southeast Asia. At the same time, world-famous palaeoanthropologist G.H.R. von Koenigswald († 1982) became the first head of the division.

The Division of Palaeoanthropology in Frankfurt a. M., is part of the following projects:

  • “Paleo-obstetric Understanding via Simulation and Heuristic Artificial Intelligence Tools PUSH@IT” Nicole Webb, Laura Watson (Doktorandin)
  • “Plant environment and resource exploitation in SW Ethiopia >50 ka to the present” DFG-Nr NE 408/16-1, 2021-2024. PIs: Katharina Neumann und Karen Hahn.  
  • “Microscopy for Chronology: Usewear Analysis and Lithic Technology in Island Southeast Asia” (Daimler und Benz Stiftung) Riczar Fuentes

Head of Division

Ottmar Kullmer
Apl. Prof. Dr. Ottmar Kullmer
Head of Division

Research interests

My research interests are diverse, reaching from general mammalian palaeobiology and palaeoanthropology into almost all topics of bone and dental analyses. In 2001 I have established at SF a virtual imaging lab for 3D-digitalization, editing, reconstruction and morphometrics of vertebrate hard tissue. The focus of my research lays on the structure and function of teeth with a main attention on evolutionary development, dietary and cultural adaptations in the masticatory system. A number of my national and international research projects funded by the DFG (e.g. DFG-FOR771) and the EU (EU-MRTN-CT-2005-019564) have led to the development of the well-known Occlusal Fingerprint Analysis (OFA).

  • Evolution and function of teeth and bone in mammals
  • Virtual 3D methods in mammalian paleontology
  • Evolution of humans
  • Plio-Pleistocene mammalian evolution of Africa
  • Prospecting tertiary mammal sites

Educational background

2022 Appointment as adjunct Professor
2014 Habilitation, Venia legendi for Zoology (PD), Faculty of Biosciences, Goethe University Frankfurt a. M., Germany
1997 Dr. rer. nat. graduation in Paleontology and Geology, Faculty of Geosciences, JG University of Mainz, Germany
1991 Diploma in Geology, Paleontology, Zoology and Anthropology, JG University of Mainz, Germany

Positions held

2016  – Head Department of Paleoanthropology, Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt, Germany
2008 – 2014 Provisional Head of Mammalogy Section, Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum, Department of Messel Research and Mammalogy Frankfurt, Germany
2003, 2004  Guest-professorship, Institute for Anthropology, University of Vienna, Austria.
2001 – Head Tertiary Mammal and Morphometrics Section, Senckenberg Research Institute, Department of Palaeoanthropology, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
1994 – 1997  Research Fellow University of Mainz, DFG-Project: Evolution of African Plio-Pleistocene suids based on tooth pattern analysis
1998 Research Assistant Hesse State Museum Darmstadt
1993 – 1994  Research Assistant Hesse State Museum Darmstadt
1999 – 2001 Research Fellow University of Mainz, Hesse State Museum Darmstadt, DFG-Project: Digital Breakage Pattern Analysis
Research profile

  • Palaeoanthropology
  • Virtual Anthropology
  • Hominid Palaeoecology and Palaeobiogeography
  • Life History Reconstruction
  • Palaeodiet
  • Biomechanics
  • Hard Tissue Functional Morphology
  • Palaeobiology of Mammals
  • Bone and tooth morphometry

Field experience

2022  Malawi Rift (Karonga) Chiwondo Beds: Plio-Pleistocene.
2008 – 2011
Malawi Rift (Karonga) Chiwondo Beds: Plio-Pleistocene.
2006 Albertine Rift (Nkondo, Kaiso) Uganda: Mio-Pleistocene
2000 – 2009 Gadamaitu (Somali Region) in Ethiopia: Plio-Pleistocene.
1998 – 1999 Laetoli (Ndolanya Beds) and Kakesio (Kakesio Beds) in Tanzania, Plio-Pleistocene.
1992 – 1997 Chiwondo Beds (Malawi) ”Hominid Corridor Research Project”, Plio-Pleistocene.
1988 Maramena (Northern Greece): Upper Miocene.
Third party funded projects (last 10 years)

2019 – 2020 The impact of climate change on growth and development in marsupial and placental mammals. Contribution: Chief Investigator. Cooperation with Dr. L. Fiorenza, Monash University, Australia. Faculty of Science and Faculty of Medicine Interdisciplinary Research Seed Funding Scheme (S01802), Monash University, Australia.
2017 Monash University, Faculty of Medicine Strategic Grant Scheme (SGS16-0344). Understanding the evolution of the human diet. Cooperation with Dr. L. Fiorenza Monash University, Australia.
2008 – 2014 DFG (German Science Foundation) reserach unit FOR 771: Occlusal Fingerprint Analyser – OFA software tool for the analysis of occlusal tooth contacts.
2012 – 2014 DFG (German Science Foundation) KU 1260/8 Project A2: Evolution and functional variability of bunodont molars in primates.
2008 – 2014 DFG (German Science Foundation) KU 1260/9 Project D3: Function of the dentition in original Tribosphenida, Co-PI together with Prof. Dr. T. Martin, University Bonn.
2006 – 2009 EU-MRTN-CT-2005-019564 EVAN – European Virtual Anthropology Network,Human Resources and Mobility (HRM) Activity, Marie Curie Actions Research Training Network (RTN), together with 15 European Partners
EVAN total amount.
2006 – 2009 EU-MRTN-CT-2005-019564 EVAN own sub-project: Functional pattern analysis of tooth surfaces applying virtual technique.
Academic teaching experiences (selected)          

  • Lectures

2011 – Evolutionary biology of mammals and paleoanthropology Institute of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
2006  – Paleoecology of early hominids     (Functional morphology of mammals), Institute of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
2003 – 2004 Background to African hominid sites, Department of Anthropology, University Vienna, Austria
2001 – 2002 Palaeobiology of vertebrates (architecture and function), Institute of Geosciences Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
2000 – 2005 Specific zoology (vertebrates), comparative morphology and function of the Metazoa (amphibians, reptiles, mammals), Institute of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany

  • Practical courses

2011  – Strukture and function of organisms, Institut für Ökologie, Institute of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
2011 –     Practical course and excursion, Evolutionary biology of mammals and paleoanthropology, Institute of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
2010 – Evolution and biodiversity of animals (Evolution of architectural and functional morphology of vertebrates Institute of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
2006 – Paleoecology of early hominids     (Functional morphology of mammals)         ), Institute of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
2001 –       Introduction to the scientific work, Institute of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
2003 – 2004    Privatissimum, practical training for fossil sites remote sensing (satellite image analysis), Department of Anthropology, Univeristy Vienna, Austria
2000 – 2005    Specific zoology (vertebrates), comparative morphology and function of the Metazoa (amphibians, reptiles, mammals), Institute of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany

  •  Seminars

2011 – Seminar of evolutionary biology, Institute of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
2007 – Seminar for exam candidates, Institute of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
2006 –  Paleoecology of early hominids     (Functional morphology of mammals), Institute of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
2001 – Introduction to the scientific work, Examenskandidaten, Institute of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
2003 – 2004 Introduction in the Plio-Pleistocene faunas of Africa, Department of Anthropology, Univeristy Vienna, Austria

  • Supervision/Co-supervision of PhD thesis

2018 – Zur Bedeutung der Analyse okklusaler Abrasionsmuster für die klinisch-manuelle Funktionsdiagnostik“, dissertation J. Heil, cooperation with Prof. U. Lotzmann, Phillipps University Marburg, Germany.
2018 – Dietary Changes during the english industrial revolution and transformed masticatory behaviours. Dissertation C. Silvester, cooperation with Prof. S. Hillson University College London, UK.
2011 – 2017 Evolution und Funktionsvariabilität von bunodonten Molaren bei Primaten, disseration U. Menz, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
2010 – 2015  Early Homo phylogenetic and functional relationships, reconstructed from mandibular/dental structures and growth patterns, dissertation M. Bäuchle, cooperation with Prof. J.-J. Hublin, Max-Planck Institut for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig and Prof. F. Schrenk, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
2006 – 2012 Tandem scanning Microscopical Analysis of enamel ultrastructure of Homo erectus, dissertation J. Tausch, cooperation with Prof. F. Schrenk, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, and Prof. Dr. T. Bromage New York University (NYU), College of Dentistry
2006 – 2009 Occlusion Wear Pattern Analysis of Functional Morphology in Neanderthal and         Early Homo sapiens, dissertation Luca Fiorenza, cooperation with Prof. F.  Schrenk, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
2003 – 2006 Kaumechanik und Funktion der Molaren-Okklusion früher Hominiden, dissertation M.  Huck, cooperation with Prof. F. Schrenk, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
2002 – 2006  Molaren – Konstruktion und Funktion der Okklusionsfacetten der Cercopithecoidea, dissertation L. Ulhaas, cooperation with Prof. F. Schrenk, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
2001 – 2004 Molaren – Konstruktion, Phylogenese und Paläoökologie der Hominoidea (Hylobates, Pongo, Gorilla, Pan), dissertation K. Engel, cooperation with Prof. F. Schrenk, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany

  • Supervision of Diploma, master and bachelor thesis

2001 – Diploma, master and bachelor thesis in the fields of evolution and functional morphology of mammals, including hominins, paleoecology, taphonomy, morphometry, 2D/3D image analysis, virtual paleontology, Paläoökologie, Taphonomie, Morphometrie, 2D/3D Bildverarbeitung; Virtuelle Paläontologie Institute of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany

  • Long term scientific cooperations (international und national)

2018 – Virtual analyses of functional morphology in modern human teeth. Cooperation: Prof. U. Lotzmann, department of orofacial Prosthetics and function, Phillipps University Marburg, Germany.
2016 – Isotope, element and ultra-structure analyses in dental tissue for life history reconstructions of mammals, and hominins. Cooperation:  Prof. W. Müller, Institute of Geosciences, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, Prof. A. Mulch, Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Center Frankfurt, Germany, Dr. L Bondioli, Museo delle Civiltà Roma, Servizio di Bioarcheologia, Roma, Italy, Prof. R. Joannes-Boyau Southern Cross University Lismore, Australia, Prof. G. Schwartz, School of Human Evolution and Social Changes, Arizona State University Tempe, USA.
2015 – Human Evolution and Biodiversity in South East Asia. Analysis of fossil remains in the G.H.R. von Koenigswald collection. Cooperation: Clément Zanolli, Laboratoire PACEA, University Bordeaux, France.
2010 – Human Paleobiomics Hard Tissue Research Program (, International research program for structural life history analyses of dental and bone material. Cooperation: Prof. T. Bromage, University of New York (NYU), College of Dentistry, Prof. F. Schrenk JWG – Universität Frankfurt a. M.
2010 –  Phylogenetic and functional relationships in early hominins reconstructed from mandibular/dental structures and growth patterns. Cooperation: Prof. Jean-Jacques Hublin, Prof. K. Kupczik, Dr. P. Gunz, Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig, Prof. Schrenk, Institute of Ecology, Evolution and Diversity, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
2010 – Combining Finite Element Method (FEM) and Occlusal Fingerprint Analysis (OFA), distribution of loads in dental tissues and mandibular bone, dental arch reconstruction in fossil hominids derived from Occlusal Fingerprint Analysis Prof. S. Benazzi, Department of Cultural Heritage. University Bologna, Italy
2006 – Virtual structure analysis und 3D morphometry in anthropology, EVAN Society ( Kooperation: Prof. G. Weber, Department of Anthropology, University Vienna.
2003 – Fundamental research in correlation between the jaw joint motion and native occlusal surface in teeth. Cooperation: Prof. Olaf Winzen, SRH-University Hamm, Dentale Bewegungslehre und Craniomedizin Zentrum Frankfurt, Germany.

  • Organisation of international workshops und conference (selection)

2022 International Symposium on Dental Morphology, Senckenberg Research Insitute andNatural History Museum Frankfurt, Germany
International Senckenberg Workshop “Evolutionary Medicine: The Biocultural Perspective”, Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt, Germany.
2016  Co-organizer International Senckenberg-Conference 125 Years of Homo erectus; Georgian National Museum, Tbilisi, Georgia
2011 Co-organizer International Senckenberg Konferenz „The World at the Messel Time: Puzzles in Palaeobiology, Palaeoenvironment and the History of the early Primates”. Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt, Germany.
2007 EVAN „Intensive Training Course“ Evolution und Function of Mammalian Dentition Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt, Germany.
2005 3D-Advances in Natural History and Cultural Heritage (Symposium with 80 international participants) Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt, Germany.
Museum activities

  • Exhibits

2010  Scientific supervision „Safari zum Urmensch“, temporary exhibition Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt, Germany.
2008 – 2010 Idea, concept and organisation „Humans in 3D – In the focus digital techniques, travelling exhibition in the frame of the EU-project EVAN. presentation: Frankfurt, Germany, Vienna Austria, Leipzig, Germany, Mettmann, Germany, Toulouse, France, Meersburg, Germany.
1998 Concept and co-organisation permanent exhibition ”Die Frühzeit des Menschen”, State Museum of Hessia Darmstadt, Germany.                                  
1998 Scientific supervision of eight head-reconstructions of early humans, cooperation with   Wildlife Art (W. Schnaubelt & N. Kieser), State Museum of Hessia Darmstadt, Germany.

  • Curator activities

2001 – Collections of fossil mammal remains dinothere sands of Eppelsheim 1996-2000 and Dorn Dürkheim hosted in the Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt, Germany.
2001 –  Collection G.H.R. von Koenigswald fossil teeth and bone from Java, Indonesia, Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt, Germany.
2001 – Cast collection fossil of hominids, Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt, Germany.
2001 – Collection digital surface and CT data of fossil hominoid teeth, jaws, skulls, Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt, Germany.
2008-2014 Provisional curator collection of modern mammals, Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt, Germany.

  • Memberships, commissions and editorial activities

2011 – European Society of Human Evolution (ESHE)
2010 – 2012 Associate Editor Journal of Human Evolution
2009-2017 Scientific BoardWissenschaftsausschuss Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung
2009 – EVAN Society e.V. European Virtual Anthropology Network
2006 – Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP)
2006 – IT-user advisory council Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung
2005 – Scientific editorial advisory council Senckenberg Journal Nature – Research –Museum
2005 – German Palaeontological Society

Selected publications (peer-reviewed, since 2011)

Fiorenza L, Menter C G, Fung S, Lee J, Kaidonis J,  Moggi-Cecchi J, Townsend G, Kullmer O, 2020. The functional role of the Carabelli trait in early and late hominins. Journal of Human Evolution, 145, 102816

Gokhman D, Nissim-Rafinia M, Agranat-Tamir L, Housman G, García-Pérez R, Lizano E, Cheronet O, Mallick S, Nieves-Colón M, Li H, Alpaslan-Roodenberg S, Novak M, Gu H, Osinski J, Ferrando-Bernal M, Gelabert P, Lipende I, Mjungu D, Kondova I, Bontrop R, Kullmer O, Weber G, Shahar T, Dvir-Ginzberg M, Faerman M, Quillen E, Meissner A, Lahav Y, Kandel L, Liebergall M, Prada M E, Encinas J M V, Gronostajski R, Stone A, Yakir B, Lalueza-Fox C, Pinhasi R, Reich D, Marques-Bonet T, Meshorer E, Carmel L, 2020. Differential DNA methylation of vocal and facial anatomy genes in modern humans. Nature Communications, 11, 1189.

Zanolli C, Schillinger B, Kullmer O, Schrenk F, Kelley J, Rössner GE, Macchiarelli R, 2020. When X-Rays Do Not Work. Characterizing the Internal Structure of Fossil Hominid Dentognathic Remains Using High-Resolution Neutron Microtomographic Imaging. Front. Ecol. Evol. 8:42. doi:10.3389/fevo.2020.00042

Gunz P, Kozakowski S, Neubauer S, Le Cabec A, Kullmer O, Benazzi S, Hublin J-J, Begun D R, 2020. Skull reconstruction of the late Miocene ape Rudapithecus hungaricus from Rudabánya, Hungary. Journal of Human Evolution, 138, 102687

Joannes-Boyau R, Adams J W, Austin C, Arora M, Moffat I, Herries A I, Tonge M P, Benazzi S, Evans A R, Kullmer O, Wroe S, Dosseto A, Fiorenza L 2019. Elemental signatures of Australopithecus africanus teeth reveal seasonal dietary stress. Nature, 572(7767), 112-115.

Zanolli C, Kullmer O, Kelley J, Bacon A-M, Demeter F, Dumoncel J, Fiorenza L, Grine FE, Hublin J-J, Nguyen AT, Nguyen TMH, Lei P, Schillinger B, Schrenk F, Skinner MM, Xueping J, Macchiarelli R, 2019. Evidence for increased hominid diversity in the Early to Middle Pleistocene of Indonesia. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3: 755–764.
Fiorenza L, Benazzi S, Kullmer O, Zampirolo G, Mazurier A, Zanolli C, Macchiarelli R 2019. Dental macrowear and cortical bone distribution of the Neanderthal mandible from Regourdou (Dordogne, Southwestern France). Journal of Human Evolution, 132, 174-188.
Lüdecke T, Kullmer O, Wacker U, Sandrock O, Fiebig J, Schrenk F, Mulch A 2018. Dietary versatility of Pleistocene hominins. PNAS, 115(52), 13330-13335.
Smith TM, Houssaye A, Kullmer O, Le Cabec A, Olejniczak AJ, Schrenk F, de Vos J, Tafforeau P, 2018. Disentangling isolated dental remains of Asian Pleistocene hominins and pongines. PloS ONE, 13(11), e0204737.
Wroe S, Parr WC, Ledogar JA, Bourke J, Evans SP, Fiorenza L, Benazzi S, Hublin J-J, Stringer C, Kullmer O, Curry M, Rae TC, Yokley TR, 2018. Computer simulations show that Neanderthal facial morphology represents adaptation to cold and high energy demands, but not heavy biting. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 285(1876), 20180085.
Oxilia G, Bortolini E, Martini S, Papini A, Boggioni M, Buti L, Figus C, Sorrentino R, Townsend G, Kaidonis J, Fiorenza L, Cristiani E, Kullmer O, Moggi-Cecchi J, Benazzi S, 2018. The physiological linkage between molar inclination and dental macrowear pattern. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 166:941-951.
Zanolli C, Pan L, Dumoncel J, Kullmer O, Kundrát M, Liu W, Macchiarelli R, Mancini L, Schrenk F, Tuniz C, 2018. Inner tooth morphology of Homo erectus from Zhoukoudian. New evidence from an old collection housed at Uppsala, C. 2018. University, Sweden. Journal of Human Evolution, 116, 1-13.
Fiorenza L, Benazzi S, Oxilia G, Kullmer O, 2018. Functional relationship between dental macrowear and diet in Late Pleistocene and recent modern human populations. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 28(2), 153-161.
Schillinger B, Beaudet A, Fedrigo A, Grazzi F, Kullmer O, Laaß M, Makowska M, Werneburg I, Zanolli C, 2018. Neutron Imaging in Cultural Heritage Research at the FRM II Reactor of the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Center. Journal of Imaging, 4, 22; doi:10.3390/jimaging4010022.
Zanolli C, Schillinger B, Beaudet A, Kullmer O, Macchiarelli R, Mancini L, Schrenk F, Tuniz C, Vodopivec V, 2017. Exploring hominin and non-hominin primate dental fossil remains with neutron microtomography. Physics Procedia, 88, 109-115.
Schultz JA, Menz U,  Winkler DE, Schulz-Kornas E, Engels S, Kalthoff DC, von Koenigswald W, Ruf I, Kaiser TM, Kullmer O, Südekum K-H, Martin T 2017. Modular Wear Facet Nomenclature for mammalian post-canine dentitions, Historical Biology: 1-12.
Bocherens H, Schrenk F, Chaimanee Y, Kullmer O, Mörike D, Pushkina D, Jaeger JJ, 2017. Flexibility of diet and habitat in Pleistocene South Asian mammals: Implications for the fate of the giant fossil ape Gigantopithecus. Quaternary International. 434 (A):148-155.
Fiorenza L, Kullmer O 2016. Occlusion in an Adult Male Gorilla with a Supernumerary Maxillary Premolar. International Journal of Primatology. DOI: 10.1007/s10764-016-9937-6.
Luedecke T, Schrenk F, Thiemeyer H, Kullmer O, Bromage TG, Sandrock O, Fiebig J, Mulch A 2016. Persistent C3 vegetation accompanied Plio-Pleistocene hominin evolution in the Malawi Rift (Chiwondo Beds, Malawi). Journal of Human Evolution, 90:163-175.
Benazzi S, Nguyen HN, Kullmer O, Kupczik K 2016. Dynamic Modelling of Tooth Deformation Using Occlusal Kinematics and Finite Element Analysis. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0152663. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0152663
Luedecke T, Mulch A, Kullmer O, Sandrock O, Thiemeyer H, Fiebig J, Schrenk F 2016. Stable isotope dietary reconstructions of herbivore enamel reveal heterogeneous savanna ecosystems in the Plio-Pleistocene Malawi Rift. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 479:170-181.
Fiorenza L, Benazzi S, Henry AG, Salazar-García DC, Blasco R, Picin A, Wroe S, Kullmer O 2015. To Meat or Not to Meat? New Perspectives on Neanderthal Ecology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Yearbook of Physical Anthropology), 156 (Suppl.59):43–71.
Fiorenza L, Kullmer O 2015. Dental wear patterns in early modern humans from Skhul and Qafzeh: A response to Sarig andTillier. Homo – Journal of Comparative Biology, published online ahead of print, DOI:10.1016/j.jchb.2015.04.002.
Zanolli C, Grine FE, Kullmer O, Schrenk F, Macchiarelli R 2015. Brief Communication: The Early Pleistocene Deciduous Hominid Molar FS-72 From the Sangiran Dome of Java, Indonesia: A Taxonomic Reappraisal Based on its Comparative Endostructural Characterization. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 157(4):666–674.
Oxilia G, Peresani M, Romandini M, Matteucci C, Spiteri CD, Henry AG, Schulz D, Archer W, Crezzini J, Boschin F, Boscato P, Jaouen K, Dogandzic T, Broglio A, Moggi-Cecchi J, Fiorenza L, Hublin J-J, Kullmer O, Benazzi S 2015. Earliest evidence of dental caries manipulation in the Late Upper Palaeolithic. Scientific Reports, 5, 12150. DOI:10.1038/srep12150
Benazzi S, Nguyen HN, Kullmer O, Hublin J-J 2015. Exploring the biomechanics of taurodontism. Journal of Anatomy, 226 (2):180-188.
Tausch J, Kullmer O, Bromage TG 2015. A New Method for Determining the 3D Spatial Orientation of Molar Microwear, Scanning, 9999:1-12. published online ahead of print DOI: 10.1002/sca.21234.
Shar S, Batsaikhan N, Dolch D, Gardner S, Kullmer O, Lebedev VS, Lkhagvasuren D, Menz U, Samiya R, Stubbe M, Ansorge H 2015. First Report of the Herb Field Mouse, Apodemus uralensis (Pallas, 1811) from Mongolia. Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences, 13 (1-2). pp. 35-42.

Kullmer O, 2015: Der verlorene Biss: Biologische und kulturelle Evolution der Zähne. In (H. Böhme, B. Kordaß, B. Slominski Hrsg.) Das Dentale – Faszination des oralen Systems in Wissenschaft und Kultur. S.65-86, Quintessenz, Berlin.
Emonet E-G, Kullmer O 2014. Variability in Premolar and Molar Root Number in a Modern Population of Pan troglodytes verus. The Anatomical Record 297(10): 1927-1934. DOI: 10.1002/ar.22959.
Weber GW, Benazzi S, Kullmer O 2014. Mikro-CT-Anwendungen in der biologischen Anthropologie. Journal für Mineralstoffwechsel 21(2):68-68f.
Benazzi S, Grosse,IR, Gruppioni,G, Weber GW, Kullmer O 2014. Comparison of occlusal loading conditions in a lower second premolar using three-dimensional finite element analysis. Clinical Oral Investigations, 18: 369-375.
Benazzi S, Nguyen HN, Kullmer O, Hublin J 2013. Unravelling the Functional Biomechanics of Dental Features and Tooth Wear. PLoS ONE 8(7): e69990. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0069990
Fiorenza L, Kullmer O 2013. Dental wear and cultural behavior in Middle Paleolithic humans from the Near East. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 152: 107–117. doi: 10.1002/ajpa.22335
Benazzi S, Nguyen NH, Schulz D, Grosse IR, Gruppioni G, Hublin J-J, Kullmer O 2013. The Evolutionary Paradox of Tooth Wear: Simply Destruction or Inevitable Adaptation? PLoS ONE 8(4): e62263.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062263.
Harvati K, Darlas A, Bailey SE, Rein TR, El Zaatari S, Fiorenza F, Kullmer O, Psathi E 2013. New Neanderthal remains from Mani peninsula, Southern Greece: The Kalamakia Middle Paleolithic cave site, Journal of Human Evolution, 64(6):486-499.
Weber GW, Benazzi S, Kullmer O 2013. CT-Anwendungen in der biologischen Anthropologie. Osteologie/Osteology, 22 (1):18-24.
Kullmer O, Benazzi S, Schulz D, Gunz P,  Kordos L, Begun DR 2013. Dental arch restoration using tooth macrowear patterns with application to Rudapithecus hungaricus, from the late Miocene of Rudabánya, Hungary. Journal of Human Evolution, 64(2):151-160.
Benazzi S, Kullmer O, Schulz D, Weber GW 2013. Individual tooth macrowear pattern guides the reconstruction of Sts 52 (A. africanus) dental arches. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 150: 324-329.
von Koenigswald W, Anders U, Engels S, Schultz JA, Kullmer O 2013. Jaw movement in fossil mammals: analysis, description and visualization. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 87:141–159, doi:10.1007/s12542-012-0142-4.

Kullmer O, Schulz D, Benazzi S 2012. An Experimental Approach to Evaluate the Correspondence Between Wear Facet Position and Occlusal Movements. The Anatomical Record, 295: 846–852.
Brügmann G, Krause J, Brachert TC, Stoll B, Weis U, Kullmer O, Semmanda I, Mertz DF, 2012. Chemical composition of modern and fossil Hippopotamid teeth and implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions and enamel formation – Part 2: Alkaline earth elements as tracers of watershed hydrochemistry and provenance. Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 3645-3691, doi:10.5194/bgd-9-3645-2012.
Böhme M, Aiglstorfer M, Uhl D, Kullmer O 2012. The Antiquity of the Rhine River: Stratigraphic Coverage of the Dinotheriensande (Eppelsheim Formation) of the Mainz Basin (Germany). PLoS ONE 7(5): e36817. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036817
Brügmann G, Krause J, Brachert TC, Kullmer O, Schrenk F, Ssemmanda I, Mertz DF 2012. Chemical composition of modern and fossil Hippopotamid teeth and implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions and enamel formation – Part 1: Major and minor element variation, Biogeosciences, 9, 119–139.
Smith TM, Olejniczak AJ, Zermeno JP, Tafforeau P, Skinner MM, Hoffmann A, Radovčić J, Toussaint M, Kruszynski R, Menter C, Moggi-Cecchi J, Glasmacher UA, Kullmer O, Schrenk F, Stringer C, Hublin J-J 2012. Variation in enamel thickness within the genus Homo. Journal of Human Evolution 62:395-411.
Benazzi S, Kullmer O, Grosse IR, Weber GW, 2012. Brief Communication: Comparing Loading Scenarios in Lower First Molar Supporting Bone Structure Using 3D Finite Element Analysis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 147(1):128-134.
Denys C, Sandrock O, Kullmer O, Ramirez Rozzi F, Bromage TG, Schrenk F 2011. Note on the presence of Hystrix (Mammalia, Rodentia) in the Malawi Chiwondo Beds (Plio-Pleistocene): taphonomical and palaeoecological implications. Geodiversitas 33 (4): 729-738.
Kullmer O, Sandrock O, Kupczik K, Frost SR, Volpato V, Bromage TG, Schrenk F 2011. New Primate Remains from Mwenirondo, Chiwondo Beds in northern Malawi, Journal of Human Evolution, 61:617-623.
Benazzi S, Douka K, Fornai C, Bauer CC, Kullmer O, Svoboda J, Pap I, Mallegni F, Bayle P, Coquerelle M, Condemi S, Ronchitelli A, Harvati K, Weber GW 2011. Early dispersal of modern humans in Europe and implications for Neanderthal behavior. NATURE, 479, 525-528.
Smith TM, Bacon A-M, Demeter F, Kullmer O, Nguyen KT, de Vos J, Wei W, Zermeno JP, Zhao L 2011. Dental tissue proportions in fossil orangutans from mainland Asia and Indonesia. Human Origins Research 2011; volume 1:e1
Benazzi S, Viola B, Kullmer O, Fiorenza L, Harvati K, Paul T, Gruppioni G, Weber GW, Mallegni F 2011. A reassessment of the Neanderthal teeth from Taddeo cave (southern Italy). Journal of Human Evolution, 61(4):377-387.
Benazzi S, Fornai C, Bayle P, Coquerelle M, Kullmer O, Mallegni F, Weber G 2011. Comparison of dental measurement systems for taxonomic assignment of Neanderthal andmodern human lower second deciduous molars. Journal of Human Evolution, 61(3):320-326.
Fiorenza L, Benazzi S, Kullmer O 2011. Para-masticatory wear facets and their functional significance in hunter–gatherer maxillary molars. Journal of Archaeological Sciences, 38 (9): 2182-2189.
Benazzi S, Kullmer O, Grosse IR, Weber GW 2011. Using occlusal wear information and finite element analysis to investigate stress distributions in human molars. Journal of Anatomy, 219:259–272.
Benazzi S, Fiorenza L, Kozakowski S, Kullmer O 2011. Comparing 3D Virtual Methods for Hemimandibular Body Reconstrution. The Anatomical Record, 294: 1116–1125.
Bocherens H, Sandrock O, Kullmer O, Schrenk F 2011. Hominin palaeoecology in Late Pliocene Malawi: First insights from isotopes (13C, 18O) in mammal teeth. South African Journal of Science, 107 (3/4), Art. #331, 6 pages. DOI: 10.4102/sajs.v107i3/4.331
Fiorenza L, Benazzi S, Tausch J, Kullmer O, Bromage TG, Schrenk F 2011. Molar Macrowear Reveals Neanderthal Eco-Geographic Dietary Variation. PLoS ONE 6(3): e14769. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0014769
Benazzi S, Fiorenza L, Katina S, Bruner E, Kullmer O 2011. Quantitative assessment of interproximal wear facet outlines for the association of isolated molars, American Journal of Physical Anthropology,144(2):309–316.
Fiorenza L, Benazzi S, Kullmer O, Schrenk F 2011. Relationship Between Cusp Size and Occlusal Wear Pattern in Neanderthal and Homo sapiens First Maxillary Molars, The Anatomical Record, 294:453-461.
Benazzi S, Coquerelle M, Fiorenza L, Bookstein F, Katina S, Kullmer O 2011. Comparison of dental measurement systems for taxonomic assignment of first molars. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 144(3):342–354.