Our research contributes to the Research Field Biodiversity and Systematics.
The Dermaptera dry collection comprises now 2424 specimens of 124 species. 7 species are represented by holotypes, further 5 species by paratypes and 1 species by syntypes.
Most of the material had been collected in the 20th century; there are only few older specimens. Specimens from all zoogeographical regions are present, the West Palaearctic and Oriental regions are better represented than the remaining regions. Many specimens come from the W.H. Muche collection.
Steinmann (1981, 1983) published on the Dermaptera collection of the Dresden Museum. He identified 100 species and described 4 new species.
The collection has been reorganised by Danilo Matzke in 1998, and extended by material from his private collection.
A catalogue of type specimens was published in 2001.
Publications based on material of the Dermaptera collection:
Steinmann, H. 1981. The survey of the Dermaptera Material in the Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde Dresden. Part I: Catadermaptera. — Reichenbachia, 19 (24): 133-142.
Steinmann, H. 1983. The survey of the Dermaptera Material in the Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde Dresden. Part II: Eudermaptera. — Reichenbachia, 21 (7): 45-59.
Matzke, D. & Emmrich, R. 2001. Das Typenmaterial der Ohrwürmer im Staatlichen Museum für Tierkunde Dresden (Insecta: Dermaptera). — Entomologische Abhandlungen, 50 (10): 303-306.
The Hemiptera collection holds about 480 000 specimens, about 60 % are Auchenorrhyncha and ca. 40 % Heteroptera. The remaining taxa of Hemiptera are represented by comparatively few specimens.
At present, the Auchenorrhyncha collection includes several separate collections. The oldest part is represented by specimens from the second half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. Most of this material came to the Museum via the insect trading company Staudinger & Bang-Haas, and has been studied by Arnold Jacobi (who was director of the Museum from 1906-1936). The specimens were collected in all regions except for the Palaearctic Region. There are 35000 specimens, ca. 3300 species; 620 species described by Jacobi are represented by type specimens. Single type specimens of species described by other authors were acquired by exchange.
The following lists of type specimens are published:
Emmrich, R. 1973. Das Typen-Material der Zikaden (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) des Staatlichen Museums für Tierkunde Dresden. I. und II. Teil: Cicadelloidea und Membracoidea. — Entomologische Abhandlungen des Staatlichen Museums für Tierkunde Dresden, 39: 247–267.
Emmrich, R. 1974. Das Typen-Material der Zikaden (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) des Staatlichen Museums für Tierkunde Dresden. III. Teil: Cercopoidea. — Entomologische Abhandlungen des Staatlichen Museums für Tierkunde Dresden 40: 105–126.
Emmrich, R. 1978. Das Typen-Material der Zikaden (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) des Staatlichen Museums für Tierkunde Dresden. IV. Teil: Cicadoidea. – Entomologische Abhandlungen, 42: 203–210.
Emmrich, R. 1982. Das Typen-Material der Zikaden (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) des Staatlichen Museums für Tierkunde Dresden. V. Teil: Fulgoroidea. – Entomologische Abhandlungen des Staatlichen Museums für Tierkunde Dresden, 45: 213–231.
Specimens from the Palaearctic Region, especially from Central Europe, are united in a “Central Europe Collection”. Here has been included Palaearctic material from the above-mentioned old collection, the private collection of Hans Schiemenz, who studied the Auchenorrhyncha fauna of dry grassland and swamps in East Germany in 1964-1990, and specimens collected mainly in East Germany by R. Emmrich, curator of Hemiptera 1970-2005. The “Central Europe Collection” comprises about 25000 specimens in 570 species, among them paratypes of 6 species.
The Auchenorrhyncha collection of Hans Joachim Müller was received by the Museum in 1998. It includes the greater part of the Hermann Haupt collection. Müller collected 1940-1985 mainly in Central Europe, Haupt published also on extra-European species. The collection includes 16000 dry preserved specimens. [A list of type specimens is in preparation]. An important part is the collection of larvae by H.J. Müller, with 700 samples (tubes with one or several specimens in alcohol) representing 210 Central European species.
Since 2009 also Reinhard Remane’s collection of Auchenorrhyncha and Heteroptera is kept in our Museum. It includes mainly Material from the western Mediterranean, the Canary Islands and Germany. Among ca. 230000 specimens, about 85000 specimens are mounted, most of the others are stored in triangular envelopes. Most of this material is still in boxes according to the collection trips, a smaller portion has already been sorted to taxa for projects (in part with published results, in part unfinished). About 130 species of Hemiptera described by R. Remane are represented by holotypes, many also by series of paratypes.
The Heteroptera collection consists of several parts as well. The older material had been sorted and partly determined by A. Jacobi. Later, further collections were added, mainly from Saxonia, among them the private collections of K. Büttner with 400 species from southwestern Saxonia, collected 1935-1965.
The various parts were rearranged and united in a single collection 2001-2009 by Kurt Arnold. This does not yet include the Gerromorpha and Nepomorpha. The collection includes ca. 42000 specimens, representing ca. 2400 species.
Further 19000 specimens of Heteroptera collected by R. Remane had been given to the Museum before 2009; they are not included in the main collection. Further Heteroptera from the Remane collection are among the material still unsorted after the collection trips; their number can hardly be estimated.