Konglomerat fossiler Kleinsäugerknochen der Abteilung Quartärpaläontologie Weimar

Quaternary Palaeontology | Weimar

Quaternary Small Mammals

The scientific field of the section is biodiversity and evolution of Quaternary small mammal assemblages, which are investigated in the framework of international research projects and collaborations.

Small mammals studies are an integral part of both research and rescue excavations organised in collaboration with the other sections of the research station and the technical staff.

The projects carried out in this section are included in the Senckenberg Research Fields RF III Biodiversity and Climate and RF IV Biodiversity and Earth System Dynamics.


This section is responsible for the microvertebrate collection, which comprises c. 18,000 Pleistocene and recent specimens/series. These fossils originate mainly from Quaternary sites in Thuringia (Untermassfeld, Voigtstedt, Süßenborn, Ehringsdorf, Taubach, Burgtonna). In addition to the small vertebrate collections, the curator is also partly responsible for the large mammal collections.