Prizes and Honours
DZMB staff members have already been awarded national and international prizes for their scientific achievements, book publications and doctoral theses as well as for the popular scientific communication of knowledge.
Doctoral Student Jenny Neuhaus from the Senckenberg Research Institute and Dr. Katrin Linse from the British Antarctic Survey were awarded the Wilhelmshaven Science Prize on 14.11.2024 for the discovery of a new species of deep-sea scaphopod. The new species, Fissidentalium aurae, lives in symbiosis with an anemone at a depth of over 3300 m and is so far only known from the Labrador Sea. The Wilhelmshaven Science Prize facilitates networking and the promotion of science in the city of Wilhelmshaven.
PD Dr. Mona Hoppenrath and three other colleagues have been awarded the JSP Best Paper Award 2023 by the Japanese Society of Phycology 2024 for their publication: TILLMANN, U., WIETKAMP, S., GOTTSCHLING, M. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2023): Prorocentrum pervagatum sp. nov. (Prorocentrales, Dinophyceae), a new small planktonic species with a global distribution. Phycological Research 71: 56-71. doi: 10.1111/pre.12502
Dr. Alexander Kieneke, Jannik Schnier and four other colleagues received the Reinhard Rieger-Award in Zoomorphology 2020 on 18.10.2020 for their research study: SCHNIER, J., AHLRICHS, W.H., GRUHL, A., SCHULBERT, C., TEICHERT. S. & KIENEKE, A. (2019) Ultrastructure of the epidermal gland system of Tetranchyroderma suecicum Boaden, 1960 (Gastrotricha: Macrodasyida) indicates a defensive function of its exudate. Zoomorphology 138: 443-462.
Dr. Sven Rossel won the annual Science Slam Wilhelmshaven, organized by the Nordwestdeutschen Universitätsgesellschaft e.V. (NWDUG), achieving full score through voting of the audience. With his presentation „Wer ist es? – Mit Lasern!“ about species identification of Copepods using molecular methods he was able to defeat the Science Slammers of the other Wilhelmshaven research institutes. (12.2019)
A video of the Science Slam can be found on YouTube via:
Der Senckenbergerin PD Dr. Mona Hoppenrath wurde am 11.08.2015 der „Prescott Award“ verliehen. Während der Jahrestagung der „Phycological Society of America“ nahm die Meeresforscherin von Senckenberg am Meer und Erstautorin des durch den Prescott Award ausgezeichneten Buches „Marine benthic dinoflagellates – unveiling their worldwide biodiversity“ den Preis stellvertretend für das Autorenteam entgegen.
The research group „Molecular taxonomy of marine organisms“ of the division German Center for Marine Biodiversity Research (DZMB) of Senckenberg am Meer was prized as official project of the UN-Dekade “Biologische Vielfalt”. This distinction is awarded to projects which support the preservation of biological diversity in a commendable way.
Jana Packmor: Awarded for best student oral communication presented at the 12th International Conference on Copepoda at Hanyang University, Korea, July 2014
PACKMOR, J., MÜLLER, F. & GEORGE, K. H.: Atlantic seamounts and Islands as staging posts for the dispersal of shallow-water Paramesochridae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida). 12th International Conference on Copepoda (14.-18.07.2014) Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
The junior research group „Molecular taxonomy of marine organisms“ was awarded as “Selected Location 2012” as part of the National Initiative “Germany – Country of Ideas”.
The initiative under patronage of the Federal President of Germany and the Deutsche Bank awards 365 outstanding projects and ideas of the sustainability of Germany yearly. As winner of this contest in 2012, the working group will act as an ambassador of the “Country of Ideas”, representing the innovation potential of Germany.
Dr. Lena Menzel will be honoured at the 24.2.2012 with the Bernhard-Rensch-Preis der GfBS 2012 for her outstanding PhD Thesis.
Lena Menzel 2011: Argestidae Por, 1986 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) in the deep sea – systematics and geographical distribution. Universität Oldenburg
The Bernhard Rensch Prize is being awarded by the Society of Biological Systematics (GfBS, Germany) to Dr. Lena Menzel who has demonstrated exceptional work in biological systematics. The award was launched by the GfBS according to a suggestion by the late Prof. Dr. Ernst Mayr, an honorary member of the GfBS.
Dr. Gritta Veit-Köhler will recieve the Hanns Christian Schroeder-Hohenwarth Preis 2011 of the Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturkunde at the 6.2.2012 for the best populary scientific publication in the journal Natur-Forschung-Museum for her article:
Gritta Veit-Köhler, Jutta Kuhnert and Nils Volkenborn 2010: Der Ingenieur im Watt und die Meiofauna. Natur und Museum 140 (5/6): 120-125.
Dr. Alexander Kieneke was awarded the Reinhard Rieger-Award in Zoomorhology 2011 for his publication:
Birgen H. Rothe, Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa und Alexander Kieneke 2011: The nervous system of Neodasys chaetonotoideus (Gastrotricha: Neodasys) revealed by combined confocal laserscanning and transmission electron microscopy: evolutionary comparison of neuroanatomy within the Gastrotricha and basal Protostomia. Zoomorphology 130: 51–84.
Inga Mohrbeck was selected best early stage researcher at the World Conference on Marine Biodiversity in Aberdeen 2011 and awarded with the Royal Society Publishing Award for her digital object presentation (film).
Dr. Terue Cristina Kihara was selected for the category “Image of Distinction” Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition 2011 for her confocal laser-scanning microscope image of a parasitic copepod (Clausidium) she took at the DZMB, Senckenberg am Meer.