Phanerogams I + II


Research fields

  • Systematics, phylogeny, evolution and biogeography of angiosperms (esp. Bromeliaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Marcgraviaceae, Poaceae, Quiinaceae/Ochnaceae)
  • Phytodiversity of tropical habitats and their changes through man and climate change
  • Regional biodiversity and flora (especially Rhine-Main area and Hesse), changes and conservation
  • Biodiversity mapping of the city of Frankfurt/Main, biodiversity change, species and biotope conservation
  • Island floras

Running Projects

  • Phylogeny, (niche) evolution and biogeography of Bromeliaceae, especially Bromelioideae and additional genera (Puya, Fosterella), based on molecular data as well as morphological and anatomical characters (J. Paule, S. Renger, G. Zizka; cooperations: M. Alves, M. Barfuss, A. M. Benko-Iseppon, D. Crayn, G. Cruz, T. Givnish, M. Koch, J. Leebens-Mack, E. Leme, R. Louzada, J. Maciel, D. Pinange, K. Schulte, N. Schütz, A. C. Smith, W. Till, N. Wagner, G. Wanderley, K. Weising, K. Winter, A. Zizka)
  • Improving accessibility and identification of Bromeliaceae in living collections based on barcoding (F. Bratzel, J. Paule, G. Zizka; cooperation: M. Borsch, M. Koch)
  • Phytodiversity in West Africa: inventories, changes (man, climate) and evolution (Poaceae) / historical biogeography (gallery forests) (S. Dressler, M. Schmidt, G. Zizka; cooperations: K. Hahn, A. Ouedraogo, B. Sinsin, A. Thiombiano)
  • Phylogeny, evolution and biogeography of Marcgraviaceae (S. Dressler, C. Pätzold, A. Favre, G. Zizka; cooperation: A. Lemmon)
  • Systematics and evolution of the Poales (G. Zizka)
  • Long term biodiversity monitoring in the city of Frankfurt am Main (D. Bönsel, F. Schrauth, T. Gregor, A. Malten, C. Müllner, I. Starke-Ottich, G. Zizka). For more information see: Biodiversity Mapping
  • Regional biodiversity (Rhein-Main area and Hesse): inventories, taxonomy and changes (past, present and future) (D. Bönsel, T. Gregor,  H. Kalheber, A. Malten, I. Starke-Ottich, G. Zizka)
  • Systematics, evolution and biogeography of the Ochnaceae/Quiinaceae (T. Berberich, T. Jungcurt, J. Schneider, G. Zizka; cooperations: T. Andermann, M. Töpel, T. Shah, W. Baker, F. Forrest)
  • Interactions of plants and ants (G. Zizka)
  • FloraWebPlus (K. Wesche, C. Ritz, S. Dressler, T. Gregor, G. Zizka; cooperations: Univ. Halle; various Citizen Scientists)


  • Jardin Botanico Nacional, Havanna (Flora de Cuba Project, Bromeliaceae, Marcgraviaceae, Theaceae)
  • National Tropical Herbarium, James Cook University (Dr. K. Schulte, Dr. D. Crayn: Bromeliaceae)
  • Palmengarten der Stadt Frankfurt am Main (Bromeliaceae, Nepenthaceae: PD Dr. M. Jenny, PD Dr. C. Bayer)
  • Rijksherbarium Niederlande, Leiden, Utrecht und Wageningen (Prof. Dr. J. V. D. Maesen: Flora Malesiana)
  • Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela (Kooperationsvertrag: Prof. Dr. J. Gaviria: Bromeliaceae)
  • Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Botánica (Prof. Dr. G. Wanderley, R. Louzada: Bromeliaceae)
  • Universidade de Pernambuco, Genetics Department (Prof. Dr. A. M. Benko-Iseppon: Bromeliaceae)
  • Jardim Botanico „Refugio de Gravatas“, Teresopolis (E. M. C. Leme: Bromeliaceae)
  • Universität Kassel, AK Systematik (Prof. Dr. K. Weising: Bromeliaceae)
  • Universität Wien, Botanische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung (Dr. W. Till, Dr. M. Barfuss: Bromeliaceae)
  • University de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (Kooperationsvertrag: Prof. Dr. S. Guinko, Prof. Dr. A. Thiombiano: Flora von Burkina Faso)
  • University de Cotonou, Bénin (Kooperationsvertrag: Prof. Dr. B. Sinsin)
  • University of Oxford, Department of Plant Sciences (Prof. Dr. A. C. Smith: Bromeliaceae)
  • University of Wisconsin, Botany Department (Prof. Dr. T. Givnish: Bromeliaceae)
  • University of Athens, Georgia, Botany Department (Prof. J. Leebens-Mack)