10th Dresden Meeting on Insect Phylogeny
September 27 – 29, 2024
The Dresden Meetings on Insect Phylogeny are dedicated to a broad variety of topics concerning the phylogeny of insects. This includes both the interordinal and intraordinal levels, both morphological and molecular work, and both extant and fossil taxa, as well as occasional methodological contributions.
The 10th Dresden Meeting on Insect Phylogeny (2024) will not have a particular focus but will generally deal with frontline topics of phylogenetic research in insects. There will be ca. 30 talks presented by high-profile specialists, plus many poster presentations. The language of the Meeting is English.
[ Program, Abstract Issue & Meeting Information PDF-Download ]
Registration and Payment
[All speakers (not the co-authors!) of invited talks are free of charge, do not need to register, and are not concerned by the following!]
For your registration, please write an e-mail to klaus.klass@senckenberg.de, including your data in the following way (in one block; the first two lines will also be used for your personal badge):
- Title Forename(s) Surname [all 3 elements obligatory; state “no title” if you haven’t got one]
- Institute’s name (short version), City (if not included in institute’s name), Country [obligatory]
- E-mail address [obligatory]
- Full / reduced fees [obligatory: please indicate whether “full” or “reduced” applies to you, and why “reduced” may apply to you. Reduced fee is granted only to BSc, MSc, and PhD students who have sent proper documentation proving their student status; so please attach a scan of your latest (im)matriculation / enrollment document in case you are a BSc, MSc, or PhD student]
- Full Invoicing Address [obligatory, either private or institutional]
- Order Number [optional, number given by your institute’s administration for its own internal reference]
- Social evening: yes / no [obligatory; but you can change from “no” to “yes” upon arrival at the meeting]
- I will pay the registration fees (and fees for the social evening, if selected in point 7) (a) by bank transfer before or on July 31, 2024 (early payment) / (b) by bank transfer after July 31, 2024 (late payment) / (c) upon arrival at the meeting’s reception desk (late payment)” [obligatory; please indicate option a, b, or c]
If you want to register several persons (e.g. your students), do not combine several persons in one e-mail, but write one e-mail per person!
Following your registration e-mail, you will receive an invoice on registration fees (and on fees for the social evening, if selected) to the e-mail address you have indicated. This will conform with your selection of either early payment (bank transfer before or on July 31, 2024, option a in point 8 above) or late payment (bank transfer after July 31, 2024 or payment in cash at reception, options b and c above). Please note that when you want to pay at the reception desk, only € can be accepted.
Registration fees (VAT-exempt)
Full fee for the meeting:
early payment € 100
late payment € 115
Reduced fee for the meeting (only students up to PhD):
early payment € 50
late payment € 65
Registration fees include supply with beverages and snacks during the breaks.
Social evening (including 19% VAT)
€ 25
Submission of posters and oral presentations
If you are
- invited to give an oral presentation, or
- if you want to submit a poster or an oral presentation yourself,
please send an abstract (Microsoft Word) not longer than 4000 signs (including spaces, title and author lines) to the contact e-mail address of the meeting (see below). The topic of the poster or oral presentation should have a focus on the phylogeny of some taxon of Insecta. The receipt of the abstract will be confirmed by e-mail. The editor may return the abstract to you requesting revision.
Deadline for abstract submission is July 15, 2024.
Submitted posters and oral presentations can only be accepted if the first author has been registered as a visitor of the “10th Dresden Meeting on Insect Phylogeny” by the deadline for submission [Note: Speakers of invited talks are automatically registered!]
Submitted oral presentations
These are limited to 15 minutes including discussion. As the number of slots available is limited, contributions submitted as oral presentations might be redirected to the poster presentations. The author(s) will be informed about acceptance as an oral presentation by the end of July 25, 2024.
The maximum size for a poster is DIN A0.
The following pattern should be followed in all abstracts, both for posters and oral presentations:
Please head the page by “POSTER” or “ORAL PRESENTATION”
Title of poster or oral presentation
[new line] author 1 (institutional affiliation or private address)
[new line] author 2 (institutional affiliation or private address)
[new line] author n (institutional affiliation or private address)
[new line] Text, not structured by headings
[new line] References
Genus & species names should be in Italics; otherwise, please do not use any other formating (such as indentations)
If you want to include references: In the text these should be given like e.g. Muller (1930), Muller & Smith (1980), Muller et al. (2000), (Muller 1930; Smith et al. 2000); all should be listed at the end of the abstract according the format: “Smith U., Cold S., Watson R. 1988: The pretty things we found. Journal of Great News 25: 35-37.”
The abstracts will be printed in a booklet together with the programme and will be distributed to visitors at the reception of the meeting.
The venue of the meeting is the Senckenberg Natural History Collections Dresden (SNSD), located in the Dresden suburb of Klotzsche (about 8 km from center) and ca. 1 km from Dresden Airport. There is a railway shuttle (S-BAHN) from station in “Dresden-Klotzsche”.
Map of venue area (SNSD) Dresden-Klotzsche (PDF, 500kb)
Map of Dresden Airport & Klotzsche (natural view) (PDF, 3MB)
Organised by
Klaus-Dieter Klass (Senckenberg Natural History Collections Dresden)
Contact: klaus.klass@senckenberg.de
Andreas Zwick (Australian National Insect Collection / CSIRO)
Bonnie B. Blaimer (Museum für Naturkunde Berlin)
Theo Léger (Museum für Naturkunde Berlin)