Rhagonyhcha fulva in copula auf Blüte.
Rhagonycha fulva (Scopoli, 1763) (Cantharidae) in copula, Gatineau, Quebéc, Canada. Photo: Vinicius S. Ferreira.

Senckenberg German Entomological Institute

Coleoptera Section

The Coleoptera section is the largest section in the Senckenberg German Entomological Institute (Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, SDEI), accounting for approximately 40% of all specimens deposited at the institute. The collection is one of the largest in Europe, with more than 2 million specimens and approximately 15.000 primary types. The collection houses type of many important entomologists, such as Ernst Gustav Kraatz (1831-1909), founder of the institute, and many other eminent coleopterists, like Walther Horn (1871-1939), Karl-Heinz Mohr (1925-1989) and Sigmund Schenkling (1865-1946).

The SDEI Coleoptera collection is continually expanding, thanks to expeditions, exchange with institutes and specialists, and donations from other institutes and private entomologists. Our specimens are available for research purposes, and loan requests should be made to the curator or technical assistant of the section. All requests must include contact information of the person requesting the loan and a brief description of the purpose of the loan. Loans initiated by or for a student must be cosigned by the major professor and are of legal responsibility of the major professor.

The section is currently headed by Dr. Vinicius S. Ferreira, whose main research interests are focused on the evolution of paedomorphosis in Coleoptera, and on the systematics and taxonomy of net-winged beetles (Lycidae), fireflies (Lampyridae), glowworm beetles (Phengodidae), and other soft-bodied Elateroidea beetles. Dr. Ferreira’s research integrates morphology, natural history, and genomics data. More details can be found in his personal website at https://cantharoid.com/research/.