Entomology III


The collection of the Entomology III section focuses on Lepidoptera or butterflies, as well as Trichoptera (caddisflies) and Odonata (dragonflies). The collection includes dried insects, alcohol specimens, extensive cryosections and microscopic specimens. There are also – in some cases extensive – library holdings (especially offprints and monographs) for the processed and managed orders.

Many important former private collections have been incorporated into the Section’s collections. Outstanding examples of these include

  • Carl Semper’s Philippine Lepidoptera (and other insects) from the 19th century including most of the types he described;
  • the collection of Colin G. Treadaway (probably the world’s largest collection of butterflies from the Philippines) with many primary types
  • Max Saalmüller’s collection (especially Lepidoptera from Madagascar) with many types described from it;
  • the Adalbert Seitz collection (butterflies, especially Riodinidae from the Neotropics);
  • the globally important Bombycoidea (hawkmoths and spinners) collection of W. A. Nässig (http://www.saturnia.de/).
  • Important cryo-collection of Trichoptera from the Afrotropics and the Himalayas.
  • Caddisfly collection and archive of Dr. Walter Döhler

In cooperation with the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Hessischer Lepidopterologen (Arge HeLep), a voucher and comparison collection for the state of Hesse is being established for the Lepidoptera (http://www.arge-helep.de/). With Beate Wolf’s collection and the acquisition of Thomas Pitsch’s collection, we also maintain an extensive collection of caddisflies of Hesse.