PD. Dr. Irina Ruf
seit 2014 Sektionsleitung Mammalogie, Abteilung Paläoanthropologie und Messelforschung, Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Frankfurt am Main
2007-2014 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin bzw. Akademische Rätin auf Zeit im Bereich Paläontologie des Steinmann-Instituts für Geologie, Mineralogie und Paläontologie, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
2004-2007 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (50%) am Lehrstuhl für Spezielle Zoologie, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
2014 Habilitation im Fach Paläontologie am Steinmann-Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Paläontologie, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
2004 Promotion im Fach Biologie am Lehrstuhl für Spezielle Zoologie, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
1993-1999 Studium der Biologie an der Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Abschluss Diplom (Zoologie, Botanik, Paläontologie)
Craniogenese, Systematik und Evolution der Säugetiere
Vergleichende Anatomie, Ontogenese, und Funktionsmorphologie der Nasen- und Ohrregion
Ontogenese und Funktionsmorphologie bei Pflanzenfressergebissen (DFG FOR 771, Steinmann-Institut Universität Bonn)
Histologie, µCT, 3D-Rekonstruktion
53) Werneburg, I., Ruf, I. (2022): Vergleichende Entwicklungsgeschichte—A Festschrift on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Maier, Tübingen. Vertebrate Zoology 72: 1125–1136.
52) Maier, W., Tröscher, A., Ruf, I. (2022): The orbitotemporal region and the mandibular joint in the skull of shrews (Soricidae, Mammalia). Vertebrate Zoology 72: 1099-1124.
51) Wirkner, M., Heyder, K., Ruf, I. (2022): Comparative morphology and postnatal ontogeny of the bony labyrinth in Pantherinae (Felidae, Carnivora) with special emphasis on the lion. Vertebrate Zoology 72, 2022, 883–905.
50) Ruf, I. (2022): The turbinal skeleton of Pentalagus furnessi (Leporidae, Lagomorpha). Vertebrate Zoology 72: 423-432.
49) Stefen, C., Wagner, F., Asztalos, M., Giere, P., Grobe, P., Hiller, M., Hofmann, R., Jähde, M., Lächele, U., Lehmann, T., Ortmann, S., Peters, B., Ruf, I., Schiffmann, C., Thier, N., Unterhitzenberger, G., Vogt, L., Rudolf, M., Wehner, P., Stuckas, H. (2022): Phenotyping in the era of genomics: MaTrics—a digital character matrix to document mammalian phenotypic traits. Mammalian Biology 102: 235–249.
48) Wagner, F., Ruf, I., Lehmann, T., Hofmann, R., Ortmann, S., Schiffmann, C., Hiller, M., Stefen, C., Stuckas, H. (2021). Reconstruction of evolutionary changes in fat and toxin consumption reveals associations with gene losses in mammals: a case study for the lipase inhibitor PNLIPRP1 and the xenobiotic receptor NR1I3. Journal of evolutionary biology. https://doi.org/10.1111/jeb.13970
47) Schultz, J.A., Ruf, I., Averianov, A.O., Schellhorn, R., Lopatin, A.V., Martin, T. (2021): Jurassic mammaliaform petrosals from Western Siberia (Russia) and implications for early mammalian inner-ear anatomy. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, zlab096, https://doi.org/10.1093/zoolinnean/zlab096
46) Fostowicz-Frelik, Ł., Ge, D.-Y., Ruf, I. (2021). Editorial: Recent advances in the evolution of Euarchontoglires. Frontiers in Genetics 12: 773789.
45) Hofmann, R., Lehmann, T., Warren, D.L., Ruf, I. (2021). The squirrel is in the detail: Anatomy and morphometry of the tail in Sciuromorpha (Rodentia, Mammalia). Journal of Morphology 282(11): 1659-1682
44) Gettings, S.M., Maxeiner, S., Tzika, M., Cobain, M.R., Ruf, I., Benseler, F., Brose, N., Krasteva-Christ, G., Vande Velde, G., Schönberger, M., Althaus, M. (2021). Two functional epithelial sodium channel isoforms are present in rodents despite pronounced evolutionary pseudogenisation and exon fusion. Molecular Biology and Evolution 38(12): 5704–5725.
43) Kraatz, B., Belabbas, R., Fostowicz-Frelik, Ł., Ge, D.-Y., Kuznetsov, A.N., Lang, M.M., López-Torres, S., Mohammadi, Z., Racicot, R.A., Ravosa, M.J., Sharp, A.C., Sherratt, E., Silcox, M.T., Słowiak, J., Winkler, A.J., Ruf, I. (2021): Lagomorpha as a model morphological system. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 636402. https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2021.636402
42) Ruf, I., Meng, J., & Fostowicz-Frelik, Ł. (2021): Anatomy of the nasal and auditory regions of the fossil lagomorph Palaeolagus haydeni: systematic and evolutionary implications. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 636110. https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2021.636110
41) Benoit J., Ford D.P., Miyamae J.A., Ruf I. (2021): Can maxillary canal morphology inform varanopid phylogenetic affinities? Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 66 (2): 389-393, 2021 https://doi.org/10.4202/app.00816.2020
40) Wagner, F., Ruf, I. (2021): “Forever young”—Postnatal growth inhibition of the turbinal skeleton in brachycephalic dog breeds (Canis lupus familiaris). The Anatomical Record, Special Issue 304: 154-189.
39) Ruf, I., Schubert, A. M., Koenigswald, W. v. (2020): Case studies on functional aspects and constraints in early and late tooth ontogeny. In: Martin, T. & Koenigswald, W. v. (eds.) Mammalian Teeth – Form and Function. Pfeil, München, pp. 102-124.
38) Schultz, J. A., Anders, U., Braune, C., Brinkkötter, J. J., Calandra, I., Engels, S., Findeisen, E., Gailer, J.-P., Hummel, J., Jäger, K. R. K., Kaiser, T. M., Kalthoff, D. C., Koenigswald, W. v., Kullmer, O., Landwehr, C., Mau, M., Menz, U., Ruf, I., Schubert, A. M., Schulz-Kornas, E., Schwermann, A. H., Schwermann, L. C., Skiba, M., Steuer, P., Südekum, K.-H., Winkler, D. E., Martin, T. (2020): A new wear facet terminology for mammalian dentitions. In: martin, T. & Koenigswald, W. v. (eds.) Mammalian Teeth – Form and Function. Pfeil, München, pp. 11-24.
37) Ruf, I., Behrens, H., Zeller, U. (2020): Ontogeny and morphofunctional implications of the ethmoidal region in the semiaquatic Potamogale velox (Afrotheria, Mammalia). Vertebrate Zoology, Special Issue on Recent Advances in Chondrocranium Research 70: 679-697.
36) Ruf, I. (2020). Ontogenetic transformations of the ethmoidal region in Muroidea (Rodentia, Mammalia): new insights from perinatal stages. Vertebrate Zoology, Special Issue on Recent Advances in Chondrocranium Research 70: 383-415
35) Benoit, J., Ruf, I., Miyamae, J.A., Fernandez, V., Rodrigues, P.G., Rubidge, B.S. (2020): The evolution of the maxillary canal in Probainognathia (Cynodontia, Synapsida): Reassessment of the homology of the infraorbital foramen in mammalian ancestors. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 27: 329-348.
34) Wagner, F., Ruf, I. (2019): Who nose the borzoi? Turbinal skeleton in a dolichocephalic dog breed (Canis lupus familiaris). Mammalian Biology 94: 106-119.
33) Schultz, J.A., Ruf, I., Martin, T. (2018): Oldest known multituberculate stapes suggests an asymmetric bicrural pattern as ancestral for Multituberculata. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285: 20172779.
32) Maier, W., Tröscher, A., Ruf, I. (2018): The anterior process of the malleus in extant Lagomorpha (Mammalia). Journal of Morphology 279: 132-146.
31) Schultz, J.A., Menz, U., Winkler, D.E., Schulz-Kornas, E., Sandra Engels, S., Kalthoff, D.C., Koenigswald, W. v., Ruf, I., Kaiser, T.M., Kullmer, O., Südekum, K.-H., Martin, T. (2018): Modular Wear Facet Nomenclature for mammalian post-canine dentitions. Historical Biology 30 (1-2): 30-41.
30) Ruf, I., Volpato, V., Rose, K.D., Billet, G., de Muizon, C., Lehmann, T. (2016): Digital reconstruction of the inner ear of Leptictidium auderiense (Leptictida, Mammalia) and North American leptictids reveals new insight into leptictidan locomotor agility. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 90(1): 153-171.
29) Maier, W., Ruf, I. (2016): The anterior process of the malleus in Cetartiodactyla. Journal of Anatomy 228:313-323.
28) Maier, W., Ruf, I. (2016): Evolution of the mammalian middle ear: A historical review. Journal of Anatomy 228:270-283.
27) Ruf, I., Janßen, S., Zeller, U. (2015): The ethmoidal region of the skull of Ptilocercus lowii (Ptilocercidae, Scandentia, Mammalia) – a contribution to the reconstruction of the cranial morphotype of primates. Primate Biology 2, Special Issue: 89-110.
26) Pfaff, C., Martin, T., Ruf, I. (2015): ‘Septal Compass’ and ‘Septal Formula’: a new method for phylogenetic investigation of the middle ear region in the squirrel-related clade (Rodentia: Mammalia). Organisms Diversity and Evolution 15: 721-730.
25) Pfaff, C., Martin, T., Ruf, I. (2015): Bony labyrinth morphometry indicates locomotor adaptations in the squirrel-related clade (Rodentia, Mammalia). Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282: 20150744.
24) Billet, G., Muizon, C. de, Schellhorn, R., Ruf, I., Ladevèze, S., Bergqvist, L. (2015): Petrosal and inner ear anatomy and allometry among specimens referred to Litopterna (Placentalia). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 173: 956-987.
23) Tröscher, A., Maier, W., Ruf, I., Hugot, J.-P., Böhme, M. (2015): The epitensoric chorda tympani of Laonastes aenigmamus (Rodentia, Diatomyidae) and its phylogenetic implications. Mammalian Biology 80: 96-98.
22) Ruf, I. (2014): Comparative anatomy and systematic implications of the turbinal skeleton in Lagomorpha (Mammalia). The Anatomical Record, Special Issue The Vertebrate Nose: Evolution, Structure, and Function, 297(11): 2031-2046.
21) Ruf, I., Maier, W., Rodrigues, P.G., Schultz, C.L. (2014): Nasal anatomy of the non-mammaliaform cynodont Brasilitherium riograndensis (Eucynodontia, Therapsida) reveals new insight into mammalian evolution. The Anatomical Record, Special Issue The Vertebrate Nose: Evolution, Structure, and Function, 297(11): 2018-2030.
20) Maier, W., Ruf, I. (2014): Morphology of the nasal capsule of Primates – with special reference to Daubentonia and Homo. The Anatomical Record, Special Issue The Vertebrate Nose: Evolution, Structure, and Function, 297(11): 1985-2006.
19) Flynn, L.J., Winkler, A.J., Erbaeva, M., Alexeeva, N., Anders, U., Angelone, C., Čermák, S., Fladerer, F.A., Kraatz, B., Ruedas, L.A., Ruf, I., Tomida, Y., Veitschegger, K., Zhang, Z. (The Cenozoic Lagomorph History Working Group) (2014): The Leporid Datum: a late Miocene biotic marker. Mammal Review 44: 164-176.
18) Rodrigues, P.G, Ruf, I., Schultz, C.L. (2014): Study of a digital cranial endocast of the non-mammaliaform cynodont Brasilitherium riograndensis (Later Triassic, Brazil) and its relevance to the evolution of the mammalian brain. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 88:329-352.
17) Billet G., Germain D., Ruf I., Muizon C. de, Hautier L. (2013): The inner ear of Megatherium and the evolution of the vestibular system in sloths. Journal of Anatomy 223:557-567.
16) Rodrigues, P.G, Ruf, I., Schultz, C.L. (2013): Digital reconstruction of the otic region and inner ear of the non-mammalian cynodont Brasilitherium riograndensis (Late Triassic, Brazil) and its relevance to the evolution of the mammalian ear. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 20: 291-307.
15) Maier, W., Tröscher, A., Ruf, I. (2013): The entotympanic of Equus caballus (Perissodactyla, Mammalia). Mammalian Biology 78: 231-234.
14) Ruf, I., Luo, Z.-X., Martin, T. (2013): Reinvestigation of the basicranium of Haldanodon exspectatus (Mammaliaformes, Docodonta). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 33: 382-400.
13) Billet, G., Hautier, L., Asher, R., Schwarz, C., Crumpton, N., Martin, T., Ruf, I. (2012): High morphological variation of vestibular system accompanies slow and infrequent locomotion in three-toed sloths. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279: 3932-3939.
12) Luo, Z.-X., Ruf, I., Martin, T. (2012): The petrosal and inner ear of the late Jurassic cladotherian mammal Dryolestes leiriensis and implications for ear evolution in therian mammals. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 166: 433-463.
11) Maier, W., Ruf, I. (2011): The chorda tympani in Perissodactyla – with a new apomorphic character for Equus. Mammalian Biology, 76: 769-771.
10) Anders, U., Koenigswald, W. v., Ruf, I., Smith, B. H. (2011): Generalized individual dental age stages (IDAS) for fossil and extant placental mammals. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 85 (3): 321-339.
Erratum. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 85 (3): 341.
9) Hummel, J., Findeisen, E., Südekum, K.-H., Ruf, I., Kaiser, T. M., Bucher, M., Clauss, M., Codron, D. (2011): Another one bites the dust – faecal silica levels in large herbivores correlate with high-crowned teeth. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278: 1742-1747.
8) Luo, Z.-X., Ruf, I, Schultz, J. A., Martin, T. (2011): Fossil Evidence on Evolution of Inner Ear Cochlea in Jurassic Mammals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278: 28-34.
7) Koenigswald, W. v., Anders, U., Engels, S., Schultz, J., Ruf, I. (2010): Tooth morphology in fossil and extant Lagomorpha (Mammalia) reflects different mastication patterns. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 17 (4): 275-299.
6) Ruf, I., Maier, W. (2010): Topography of the chorda tympani nerve and the tensor tympani muscle in carnivores provides a new synapomorphy for Herpestidae (Carnivora, Mammalia). Journal of Morphology 271: 612-620.
5) Martin, T., Ruf, I. (2009): Perspectives: On the Mammalian Ear. Science 326: 243-244.
4) Koenigswald, W. v., Ruf, I., Gingerich, P.D. (2009): Cranial morphology of a new apatemyid, Carcinella sigei n. gen. n. sp. (Mammalia, Apatotheria) from the late Eocene of southern France. Palaeontographica Abt. A 288:53-91.
3) Ruf, I., Luo, Z.-X., Wible, J. R., Martin, T. (2009): Petrosal anatomy and inner ear structures of the Late Jurassic Henkelotherium (Mammalia, Cladotheria, Dryolestoidea): insight into the early evolution of the ear region in cladotherian mammals. Journal of Anatomy 214: 679-693.
2) Ruf, I., Frahnert, S., Maier, W. (2009): The chorda tympani and its significance for rodent phylogeny. Mammalian Biology 74 (2): 100-113.
1) Maier, W., Klingler, P., Ruf, I. (2002): Ontogeny of the Medial Masseter Muscle, Pseudo-Myomorphy, and the Systematic Position of the Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia). Journal of Mammalian Evolution 9 (4): 253-269.