Senckenberg – Leibniz Institution for Biodiversity and Earth System Research

Researcher Alumni Network Senckenberg (FANS)

Senckenberg researchers have an extensive scientific network worldwide. Each year, many international scientists visit the Senckenberg institutes and collections. They conduct collaborative research projects with Senckenberg scientists or integrate Senckenberg’s collections into their own research projects.

By means of the “Forscher-Alumni-Strategien”-Programm der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (2016-2018), we implemented a broad Alumni network and an Alumni strategy at Senckenberg. Meanwhile we have a network of more than 130 alumni. Some of them have already come back to Senckenberg in the last years to continue collaborative research with Senckenberg. If you are interested in what connected or still connects them with Senckenberg, please read here.

Senckenberg Alumni are invited to join our network and benefit from our offers, activities, and events.  

If you have previously conducted research at Senckenberg for at least fourteen days or have been employed by Senckenberg, and want to stay in touch –you‘re at the right spot here. Welcome to the Researcher Alumni Network Senckenberg!

your Alumni team




Deadline for Alumni Grants

The current deadline for Alumni Grants is March 31st, 2025.

Our offerings for Alumni

All registered Alumni can apply for a Alumni-Card, that provides life-long free entry to the Senckenberg museums in Frankfurt, Görlitz and Dresden. For this purpose, please write an email to Isabel Gajcevic.

Alumni receive the newest information on research highlights through our regular newsletter “Highlights”.

Alumni and their Senckenberg cooperation partners have the opportunity to apply for financial support, allowing them and their junior researchers to stay in contact, deepen cooperations or build up new cooperations with Senckenberg.

You can apply

  • if you registered as Alumnus/a  and want to return to Senckenberg for further research
  • or if you ar a junior scientist at Senckenberg or with an Alumnus/aand want to visit the working group of a cooperation patrner (Senckenberg or Alumnus/a) to initiate new collaborations.

All applications received during an application period will be evaluated competitively. A decision on the applications will be taken within one month (after the relevant deadline).

The criteria for a successful application are

  • the quality of the previous collaboration with Senckenberg (e.g. joint publications)
  • the expected results of the renewed collaboration
  • the added value of renewed collaboration


Reunion Grant: If you have done research at Senckenberg in the past and are currently abroad, you can apply for financial support to return to Senckenberg for another short stay. This support can also be granted to a colleague at your international institution to establish a collaboration with a Senckenberger (max. € 500 per grant).

Travel Grant for Junior Researchers: Doctoral students and Senckenberg junior researchers, as well as their international cooperation partners, can apply for financial support for research stays at the other institution (max. € 500 per grant).

Annual application deadlines


For an application, please use our blank form. Send your application to:

You will get further information via email after registering.
