Bottom-up and top-down interactions in North Sea food webs.  (© photos: Seal: Nick Upton, NPL; copepod:; carcinus meanas:


Response of biodiversity change in North Sea food webs mediated by environmental drivers and human activities

The project is funded by „Coastal Research in North and Baltic Sea: Changing Coasts (KüNO3)“ within the research program MARE:N of the German federal government as part of the BMBF program „Science for a sustainable development“ (FONA3).

The North Sea, as many other marine ecosystems worldwide, is changing rapidly, i.a. driven by changes in human activities and effects of climate change. Decreasing fishing pressure, de-eutrophication due to decreasing riverine nutrient loads from the big rivers, and increasing water temperatures are the most striking changes altering the southern North Sea as a habitat for various species.

Therefore, shifts in the food web can occur through stronger top-down controlled processes (predatory fish) and weaker bottom-up effects (primary production), which have the potential to severely change ecosystem services and the usability of biological resources.

For a better understanding of the consequences of ongoing biodiversity changes for food webs, we will jointly analyse existing long-term datasets of 5 different taxonomic groups (marine mammals, fish, benthos, zoo- and phytoplankton). In addition, we will identify dominant functional characteristics („traits“) and their changes, which will then be implemented as functional groups in a food web model of the Ecopath family, thereby improving the parametrization of the model.

The scenarios for biodiversity changes as well as their effects on food webs and the use of biological resources will be discussed with local and regional stakeholders in the North Sea coastal zone, such as local fisheries, aquaculture companies, and local authorities responsible for tourism and other economic activities. To fulfill these objectives, we will form focus groups and execute case studies. Proposed solutions for ecologically, economically and socially sustainable future use and adaption strategies will be jointly developed.


BioWeb @ Web


Further Information

Project Objectives

Our project objectives were formulated with regards to their contribution to the political and social challenges of a sustainable use and extensive protection of the coast.

  1. Investigation of the spatio-temporal variability of biodiversity and functional characteristics („traits“) of plankton-, benthos-, fish-, and marine mammals-communities in the southeastern North Sea as a function of environmental parameters (e.g. temperature, nutrients) and anthropogenic stressors (e.g. fishery)
  2. Integration of „trait“ data in a Ecopath/Ecosim food web model, to examine bottom-up and top-down processes on different spatial and temporal scales.
  3. Scenario-development of potential future changes will be executed based on the IPCC global scenarios, to investigate how biodiversity and functionality of the North Sea ecosystem will develop.
  4. Discussion of the social and economic consequences and risks of the model scenarios for the local economy and coastal communities, performed in focus groups with local and regional stakeholders, and development of adaptation options.
  5. Implementation of a case study for seals and grey seals, to identify ecosystem services of marine mammals and to transfer them to actors. 

Work Packages

Work Package 1: Temporal and spatial variability of biodiversity and functional traits of phyto- and zooplankton, benthos, fishes, and marine mammals in the North Sea related to environmental factors (e.g. hydrography, temperature, nutrients, fisheries)

WP1 will produce an inventory of the long-term changes in taxonomic biodiversity and functional traits for the diverse trophic groups (phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthos, fishes, marine mammals) on different spatial scales in the Southern North Sea.

This inventory will be created through integration of existing observational and model-derived datasets, which describe the marine communities of interest in the context of different environmental factors like warming temperatures and nutrient declines, as well as anthropogenic activities such as reduction of fishing effort. The data were collected in both national (e.g. German Small-scale Bottom Trawl Survey (GSBTS), German Autumn Survey in the Exclusive Economic Zone (GASEEZ), LTER North Sea Benthos Observatory, LTER Helgoland and Sylt Roads, marine mammal monitoring surveys) and international monitoring programmes (e.g. International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS), Small Cetacean Abundance in the North Sea (SCANS)).

We will integrate these long-running data series in order to analyse and compare long-term changes in biodiversity and traits on different spatial scales in relation to various environmental factors (HZG-Habitats Atlas), like for example temperature increase, extreme events, water mass dynamics, nutrient decrease as well as direct human activities (e.g. alterations in fishing pressure). For the purpose of these analyses, the data will be combined in such a way that they allow for hypothesis testing with regard to shifting top-down and bottom-up processes in the food web.


Work Package 2: Modelling the food web

In WP2, we will make use of spatially explicit, mass-balanced food web models of the Ecopath family in order to model the effects of changes in biodiversity, abundance, and spatial distribution of species, as induced by anthropogenic influences (e.g. fisheries) and environmental changes (e.g. nutrients, temperature, water mass dynamics). The model will be adapted to represent biological characteristics on different trophic levels.

By running simulations, we will improve our understanding of the processes triggering the historically observed shifts within the food web in time and space. Furthermore, they will allow for projections of future changes in the North Sea food web structure, trophic energy transfer as well as ecosystem services such as fishing yield. In developing these modelling approaches, BioWeb will provide information required for sustainable management of human activities, including the definition and accomplishment of a Good Environmental Status (GES) as set out in the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive.


Work Package 3: Transfer

In WP3, we will communicate our results to local and regional stakeholders from coastal communities along the German North Sea by organizing focus group workshops. Specifically, we will elucidate our projections on changes in biological diversity and their ramifications for the food web, and relate these to availability of biological resources. Stakeholders addressed in these workshops include representatives from local fishing communities, aquaculture, trade, tourism, local organizations, politics and administration.

The focus groups will provide feedback to the project concerning economic and social consequences of the developed scenario’s on local actors and communities as well as their adaptation capacities. The outcomes of the focus group discussions will not only sketch realistic pictures of the expectable economic and social ramifications (e.g. profitability of businesses, employment) for directly affected sectors like fisheries and aquaculture, but also unveil farther-reaching consequences for coastal communities, with respect to e.g. tourism and trade.

By means of a case study, one focus of WP3 will be laid on the recovery of grey seal populations in the Wadden Sea and on Helgoland, which is perceived as being in direct conflict with human activities at sea (e.g. fishing). The apparent disputes between piscivorous seals and fisheries are rooted in a) a lack of consideration regarding the complexity of predator-prey interactions and their top-down regulating effects and b) a lack of insight into other factors that influence the food web. These aspects will be subjected in BioWeb and elucidated to local actors in a comprehensible manner.



BioWeb Partners

Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, Senckenberg am Meer, Wilhelmshaven

Thünen Institut für Seefischerei, Bremerhaven

Alfred Wegener Institut, Helmholtz Zentrum für Polar und Meeresforschung, Biologische Anstalt Helgoland und Sylt

Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, Institut für Terrestrische und Aquatische Wildtierforschung Büsum

Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Helmholtz-Küstenforschungszentrum, Geesthacht


Marques, R., Otto, S.A., Di Pane, J., Boersma, M., Meunier, C., Wiltshire, K., Möllmann, C., Renz, J. (accepted): Response of the large sized zooplankton community to long-term environmental changes in the Southern North Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science.

Püts, M., Kempf, A., Möllmann, C., Taylor, M. (2023): Trade-offs between fisheries, offshore wind farms and marine protected areas in the southern North Sea – winners, losers and effective spatial management. Marine Policy 152.

Singer, A., Bijleveld, A.I., Hahner, A.F., Holthuijsen, S., Hubert, K., Kerimoglu, O., Kleine Schaars, L., Kröncke, I., Lettmann, K., Rittweg, T., Scheiffarth, G., van der Veer, H., Wurpts, A. (2023): Long-term response of coastal macrofauna communities to de-eutrophication and sea level rise mediated habitat changes (1980s and 2018). Frontiers in Marine Science 9:963325.

Boyi, J. O., Heße, E., Rohner, S., Säurich, J., Siebert, U., Gilles, A., & Lehnert, K. (2022): Deciphering Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra L.) and seal (Phoca vitulina L.; Halichoerus grypus F.) diet: metabarcoding tailored for fresh and saltwater fish species. Molecular Ecology, doi:

Ludwig, K.E. (2022): Systematic error in the DATRAS-variables CatchWgt and CatCatchWgt. Working document presented to the ICES International Bottom Trawl Survey Working Group in April 2022.

Current Updates

05./06. December 2023
KüNO III final symposium at the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (IOW) in Warnemünde-Rostock.
The key results of the KüNO III project BioWeb were presented in Warnemünde.
I. Kröncke: ‘BioWeb: Auswirkungen von Biodiversitätsveränderungen auf die Nahrungsnetze der Nordsee – beeinflusst von Klimawandel und menschlichen Aktivitäten’ (Presentation).
E. Heße: ‘Nahrungsanalysen von Meeressäugetieren in der südlichen Nordsee-du bist, was Du isst!’ (Presentation).

12.-15. September 2023
Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria ans Switzerland (GfÖ) in Leipzig.  
Dr. Anja Singer presented her results about long-term trends in benthos and fish communities in the German Bight at the 52th Annual Meeting of the GfÖ in Leipzig ‘The Future of Biodiversity – overcoming barriers of taxa, realms and scales’.
Singer A., Kröncke I., Neumann H & Sell A. F.: ‘Long-term data for the North Sea reveal common trends in characteristic epifauna and fish communities driven by environmental and anthropogenic habitat changes (1998-2022)’, Session: Long-term data and global change (Presentation).
14./15. June 2023
3rd Annual BioWeb Workshop at  Thünen-Institute in Bremerhaven.
All BioWeb partners from AWI, Thünen, TiHo and Senckenberg met in Bremerhaven to discuss about recent scientific results and the refinement of existing cooperations. The focus of the meeting was on joint publications and final steps in the third project year.
04.-09. June 2023
ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting in Spain.  
The BioWeb researcher Dr. Raquel Marques presented her scientific results on the ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting on Palma de Mallorca. 
Marques A., Otto S.A. , Boersma M., Wiltshire K. & Renz J.: ‘Phenology changes of the North Sea meroplankton since 1975’, session: Resilience and Recovery in Aquatic Systems (Presentation).
9.-11. November 2022
3rd Coastal Symposium ‘Coast in Transition 2022’ at the Maritime Museum Hamburg.
The KüNO III project BioWeb was representend  in Hamburg with several posters and presentations as well as a science slam. 
M. Püts: ‘Caught in the web – Disentangling top-down and bottom-up processes in the southern North Sea’ (Presentation)
A. Singer: ‘Auswirkungen von Biodiversitätsveränderungen auf die Nahrungsnetze der Nordsee, beeinflusst von Klimawandel und menschlichen Aktivitäten’ (Pitch).
K. Ludwig: ‘Picky Eaters? Using Benthos Data and Trait Information to Study Prey Selectivity in Demersal Fishes’ (Poster).
R. Marques: ‘Changes in taxonomic and functional community structure of large zooplankton in the Southern North Sea’ (Poster).
E. Heße: ‘Trophic interactions of seals and harbour porpoises in the North Sea food web’ (Poster).
16. Juni 2022
Joint BioWeb-MuSSeL Workshop at the Thünen-Institute in Bremerhaven.
Scientists from both KüNO III projects BioWeb and MuSSeL met for the first time in person in June 2022 to discuss existing synergies and cooperations of both projects as well as potential future data exchange and common research approaches

28. April 2021
Online KüNO workshop on species traits and food web analysis in the North and Baltic Sea.
BioWeb presented its research approach ‘Dynamics in bottom-up and top-down processes – identifying dominant traits within and across taxonomic groups” and discussed possible cooperations with other  KüNO-projects and MGF Nordsee und MGF Ostsee (DAM).

BioWeb on a glance

Foto: © R. Marques, SaM
Foto: © A. Singer, SaM
Foto: © I. Kröncke, SaM
Foto: © I. Kröncke, SaM
Foto: © I. Kröncke, SaM
Foto: © A. Singer, SaM
Foto: © A. Singer, SaM
Foto: © I. Kröncke, SaM
Foto: © A. Singer, SaM
Foto: © I. Kröncke, SaM

Projekt Collaborators

team ingrid kröncke
Prof. Dr.  Ingrid Kröncke
Fachgebietsleiterin Meeresbiologie

Beruflicher Werdegang

1978 bis 1985 Biologiestudium an den Universitäten Braunschweig, Kiel und Hamburg
1985 Diplom Universität Hamburg
1990 Promotion Universität Hamburg
1990-1992 Post-Doc Alfred Wegener Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven
seit 1992 Leiterin des Fachgebietes Meeresbiologie in der Abteilung für Meeresforschung bei Senckenberg am Meer, Wilhelmshaven
2006 Habilitation Universität Oldenburg

seit 2016 Professorin für Benthosökologie am Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres (ICBM), Universität Oldenburg


Funktionelle Diversität
Benthische Nahrungsnetze
Anthropogene Effekte
Species Distribution Modellierung


Gesamte Nordsee


seit 1994 an der Universität Oldenburg

Begutachtete Publikationen

  1. Kröncke, I., 1985. Makrofaunahäufigkeiten in Abhängigkeit von der Sauerstoffkonzentration im Bodenwasser der östlichen Nordsee. Diplomarbeit, Univ. Hamburg, 124 pp.
  2. Westernhagen, H. v., W. Hickel, E. Bauerfeind, U. Niermann & I. Kröncke, 1986. Sources and effects of oxygen deficiencies in the south-eastern North Sea. Ophelia 26: 457-473.
  3. Kröncke, I., 1987. Lead and cadmium concentrations in selected macrofauna species from the Dogger Bank and the eastern North Sea. Helgoländer Meeresunters. 41: 465-475.
  4. Kröncke, I., 1988. Macrofauna standing stock of the Dogger Bank: A comparison: I. 1951-1952 versus 1985. In: S. KEMPE et al. (eds.): Biogeochemistry and distribution of suspended matter in the North Sea and implications to Fisheries Biology, Mitt. geol.-paläont. Inst., Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderbd. 65: 439-454.
  5. Kröncke, I., 1988. Heavy metals in North Sea macrofauna. In: S. KEMPE et al. (eds.): Biogeochemistry and distribution of suspended matter in the North Sea and implications to Fisheries Biology, Mitt. geol.-paläont. Inst., Hamburg, SCOPE/UNEP Sonderbd. 65: 455-465.
  6. Kröncke, I., 1989. Die Makrofaunabesiedlung auf der Doggerbank. Ein ökologischer Vergleich zwischen den Jahren 1950-54 und 1985-87. Dissertation Univ. Hamburg, 258 pp.
  7. Kröncke, I., 1990. Macrofauna standing stock of the Dogger Bank. A comparison: II. 1951-52 versus 1985-87. Are changes in the community of the northeastern part of the Dogger Bank due to environmental changes? Neth. J. Sea Res.  25(1/2): 189-198.
  8. Kersten, M. & I. Kröncke, 1990. Kontamination und Bioverfügbarkeit von Schwermetallen im Sediment. In: J. Lozan et al. (eds.): Warnsignale aus der Nordsee, Parey-Verlag: 41-48.
  9. Kersten, M. & I. Kröncke, 1990. Bioavailability of trace metals in marine sediments. ICES C.M./E:22.
  10. Kröncke, I., 1991. The macrofauna distribution on the Dogger Bank in April/May 1985-87. Ber. Biol. Anst. Helgoland 8: 1-137.
  11. Kersten, M. & I. Kröncke, 1991. Bioavailability of lead in North Sea sediments. Helgoländer Meeresunters. 45: 403-409.
  12. Kröncke, I. & E. Rachor, 1992. Macrofauna investigations along a transect from the German Bight towards the Dogger Bank. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 91: 269-276.
  13. Kröncke, I., G.C.A. Duineveld, S. Raak, E. Rachor & R. Daan, 1992. Effects of a former discharge of drill cuttings on the macrofauna community. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 91: 277-287.
  14. Kröncke, I., 1992. Macrofauna standing stock of the Dogger Bank. A comparison: III. 1950-54 versus 1985-87. A final summary. Helgoländer Meeresunters. 46: 137-169.
  15. Kröncke, I., T.L. Tan & R. Stein, 1994. High benthic bacteria standing stocks in the deep Arctic Ocean. Polar Biol. 14: 423-428.
  16. Kröncke, I., 1994. Macrobenthos composition, abundance and biomass in the Arctic Ocean along a transect between Svalbard and the Makarov Basin. Polar Biol. 14: 519-529.
  17. Kröncke, I., Knust, R., 1995. The Dogger Bank: a special ecological region in the central southern North Sea. Helgoländer Meeresunters. 49: 335-353.
  18. Kröncke, I., 1995. Long-term changes in North Sea benthos. Senckenbergiana marit. 26(1/2): 73-80.
  19. Kröncke, I., 1996. Impact of biodeposition on macrofaunal communities in intertidal sand flats. Mar. Ecol. 17(1-3): 159-174.
  20. Boetius, A., C. Grahl, I. Kröncke, G. Liebezeit & E.-M. Nöthig, 1996. Distribution of plant pigments in Eastern Arctic sediments: Indication of recent marine organic matter input. In: R. Stein, G.I. Ivanov, M.A. Levitan & K. Fahl (Eds.): Surface-sediment composition and sedimentary processes in the central Arctic Ocean and along the Eurasian Continental margin, Berichte zur Polarforschung 212: 213-218.
  21. Zeiss, B. & I. Kröncke, 1997. Macrofauna long-term studies in a subtidal habitat off Norderney (East Frisia, Germany) from 1978 to 1994. I. The late winter samples.- Oceanologica Acta 20(1): 311-318.
  22. Kröncke, I., Bergfeld, C. 1997. Die Makrofaunauntersuchungen auf der Swinnplate. In: Flemming B.W. et al.: Zur Elastizität makrofaunistischer biosedimentärer Systeme im Spiekerooger Watt: Wechselwirkungen zwischen Organismen, Sediment und Wasserkörper. Abschlußbericht zur Ökosystemforschung Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer, pp. 117-157.
  23. Kröncke, I., 1998. Macrofauna communities in the Amundsen Basin, at the Morris Jesup Rise and at the Yermak Plateau (Eurasian Arctic Ocean). Polar Biol. 19: 383-392.
  24. Kröncke, I., J.P. Dippner, H. Heyen, H., B. Zeiss, 1998. Long-term changes in macrofauna communities off Norderney (East Frisia, Germany) in relation to climate variability. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 167: 25-36.
  25. Fiege, D., I. Kröncke & R. barnich (2000). High abundance of Myriochele fragilis Nilsen & Holthe, 1985 (Polychaeta: Oweniidae) in the deep sea of the Eastern Mediterranean. Hydrobiologia 426: 97-103.
  26. Kröncke, I., A. Vanreusel, M. Vincx, J. Wollenburg, A. Mackensen, G. Liebezeit, B. Behrends (2000). The different benthic size compartments and their relation with sediment chemistry in the deep Eurasian Arctic Ocean. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 199: 31-41.
  27. Kröncke, I., Wieking, G. (2000). Benthos and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). In: Report of the Benthos Ecology Working Group, ICES CM 2000/E:08, pp. 45-47.
  28. Kröncke, I., Zeiss, B., Rensing, C. (2001). Long-term variability in macrofauna species composition off the island of Norderney (East Frisia, Germany), in relation to changes in climatic and environmental conditions. Senckenbergiana marit. 31: 65-82.
  29. Stoeck, T., Kröncke, I. (2001). Influence of particle mixing on vertical profiles of chlorophyll a and bacterial biomass in sediments of the German Bight, Oyster Ground and Dogger Bank. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 52: 783-795.
  30. Wieking, G. & Kröncke, I. (2001): Decadal changes in macrofauna communities on the Dogger Bank caused by large-scale climate variability. In: Kröncke, I. & Türkay, M. & Sündermann, J. (eds): Burning issues of North Sea ecology, Proceedings of the 14th international Senckenberg Conference “North Sea 2000”, Senckenbergiana marit. 31(2): 125-141.
  31. Reiss, H., Kröncke, I. (2001). Spatial and temporal distribution of macrofauna in the Otzumer Balje. In: Kröncke, I. & Türkay, M. & Sündermann, J. (eds): Burning issues of North Sea ecology, Proceedings of the 14th international Senckenberg Conference “North Sea 2000”, Senckenbergiana marit. 31(2): 283-298.
  32. Zühlke, R., Alsvag, J., de Boois, I., Cotter, J., Ford, A., Hinz, H., Jarre-Teichmann, A., Jennings, S., Kröncke, I., Lancaster, J., Piet, G., Prince, P. (2001). Epibenthic diversity in the North Sea. In: Kröncke, I., Türkay, M., Sündermann, J. (eds.) Burning issues of North Sea ecology, Proceedings of the 14th international Senckenberg Conference “North Sea 2000”, Senckenbergiana marit. 31(2): 269-281.
  33. Stoeck, T., Kröncke, I., Duineveld, G.C.D., Palojärvi, A. (2002). Phospholipid fatty acid profiles at depositional and non-depositional sites in the North Sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 241: 57-70.
  34. Stoeck, T., Kröncke, I., Garland, J. (2002). Functional profiles of microbial communities in southern and central North Sea sediments in relation to organic carbon input. Senckenbergiana marit. 32: 11-24.
  35. Callaway, R., Alsvag, J., de Boois, I., Cotter, J., Ehrich, S., Ford, A., Hinz, H., Kröncke, I., Lancaster, J., Piet, G. Prince, P. (2002). Diversity and community structure of epibenthic invertebrates and fish in the North Sea. ICES J. Sea. Res. 59: 1199-1214.
  36. Birchenough, A.C., Barnes, N., Evans, S.M., Hinz, H., Kröncke, I., Moss, C. (2002). A review and assessment of tributyltin contamination in the North Sea, based on surveys of butyltin tissue burdens and imposex / intersex in four species of neogastropods. Mar. Poll. Bull. 44: 534-543.
  37. Bergfeld, C. & Kröncke, I. (2003): Spio martinensis Mesnil 1896 (Polychaeta, Spionidae), not a new record in German coastal waters of the North Sea. Senckenbergiana marit., 32: 25-33.
  38. Dippner, J.W. & Kröncke, I. (2003): Forecast of climate-induced change in macrozoobenthos in the southern North Sea. Clim. Res., 25(2): 179-182.
  39. Kröncke, I. & Bergfeld, C. (2003). North Sea benthos: a review. Senckenbergiana marit., 33: in press.
  40. Kröncke, I. & Türkay, M. & Fiege, D. (2003): Macrofauna communities in the eastern Mediterranean deep-sea. PSZNI Mar. Ecol., 24(3): 193-216.
  41. Kröncke, I. & Türkay, M. (2003): Structural and functional aspects of the macrofauna communities in the deep Angola-Basin. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 260: 43-53.
  42. Nehmer, P. & Kröncke, I. (2003): Macrofauna communities in the Wichter Ee, a channel system in the East Frisian Wadden Sea. Senckenbergiana marit., 32: 1-10.
  43. Reiss, H. & Knäuper, S. & Kröncke, I. (2003): Invertebrate associations with gastropod shells inhabited by Pagurus bernhardus (Paguridae) – secondary hard substrate increasing biodiversity in North Sea soft-bottom communities. Sarsia, 88: 404-414.
  44. Schöne, B. R. & Kröncke, I. & Houk, S. D. & Freyre Castro, A. D. (2003): The Cornucopia of Chilly Winters: Ocean Quahog (Arctica islandica L., Mollusca) Master Chronology Reveals Bottom Water Nutrient Enrichment during Colder Winters (North Sea). Senckenbergiana marit., 32: 165-175.
  45. Schöne, B. R. & Oschmann, W. & Rössler, J. & Freyre Castro, A. D. & Houk, S.D. & Kröncke, I. & Dreyer, W. & Janssen, R. & Rumohr, H. & Dunca, E. (2003): North Atlantic oscillation dynamics recorded in shells of a long-lived bivalve mollusk. Geology, 31 (12): 1037-1040.
  46. Stoeck, T. & Kröncke, I. & Garland, J. (2003): Functional profiles of microbial communities in southern and central North Sea sediments in relation to organic carbon input. Senckenbergiana marit., 32: 11-23.
  47. Strasser, M. & Dekker, R. & Essink, K. & Günther, C.-P. & Jaklin, S. & Kröncke, I. & Madsen, P. Brinch & Michaelis, H. & Vedel, G. (2003): How predictable is high bivalve recruitment after a severe winter in the Wadden Sea? J. Sea Res., 49: 47-57.
  48. Wieking, G. & Kröncke, I. (2003): Abundance and growth of the sea urchin Echinocardium cordatum in the central North Sea in the late 80s and 90s. Senckenbergiana marit., 32: 113-124.
  49. Wieking, G. & Kröncke, I. (2003): Benthic communities of the Dogger Bank (central North Sea) in the late 90s: Spatial distribution, species composition and trophic structure. Helgol. Mar. Res., 57: 34-46.
  50. Wieking, G. & Kröncke, I. (2003): Klimatisch bedingte Veränderungen im Benthos der Nordsee. In: Lozan, J. et al. (Hrsg.): Warnsignale aus der Nordsee: 172-175pp., Hamburg, Wiss. Auswertungen.
  51. Hinz, H., Kröncke, I., Ehrich S. (2004): Seasonal and annual mesoscale variability of an epifaunal community in the German Bight. Mar. Biol. 144: 735-745.
  52. Reiss, H., Kröncke, I. (2004): Seasonal variability of epibenthic communities in different areas of the southern North Sea. ICES J. Sea Res. 61(6): 882-905
  53. Kröncke, I., Stoeck, T., Wieking, G., Palojaervi, A. (2004): Relationship between structure and function of microbial and macrofaunal communities in different areas of the North Sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 282:13-31
  54. Schöne, B.R., Freyre Castro, A.D., Fiebig, J., Houk, S.D., Oschmann, W., Kröncke, I. (2004): Sea surface water temperatures over the period 1884-1983 reconstructed from oxygen isotope ratios of a bivalve mollusk shell (Arctica islandica, southern North Sea). Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology 212: 215-232
  55. Wieking, G., Kröncke, I. (2005): Is benthic trophic structure affected by food quality? The Dogger Bank example. Mar. Biol. 146:387-400.
  56. Schöne, B.R., Houk, S.D., Freyre Castro, A.D., Fiebig, J., Kröncke, I., Dreyer, I., Oschmann, W. (2005): Daily growth rates in Arctica islandica: Assessing subseasonal temperature records. Palaios 20:78-92.
  57. Reiss, H., Neumann, H., Kröncke, I. (2005): Chelar height – body weight relationships of North Sea hermit crabs (Paguridae). ICES J. Sea Res. 62:723-726
  58. Reiss, H., Kröncke, I. (2005): Seasonal variability of endobenthic community structures in three areas of the North Sea under different environmental conditions. Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 65:253-274
  59. Hinz, H., Kröncke, I., Ehrich, S. (2005). The feeding strategy of dab (Limanda limanda) in the southern North Sea: Linking stomach contents to prey availability in the environment. J Fish Biol 67 (Suppl. B): 1-21
  60. Reiss, H., Kröncke, I. (2006). Temporal patterns of endobenthic communities in the North Sea: interannual vs. intraannual variability. Senckenbergiana maritima 36(1): 11-18.
  61. Reiss, H., Meybohm, K., Kröncke, I. (2006). Cold winter (1995/96) effects on macrofauna communities in near- and offshore regions of the North Sea. Helgol. Mar. Res. 60: 224-238.
  62. Kröncke, I. (2006). Structure and function of macrofaunal communities influenced by hydrodynamically controlled food availability in the Wadden Sea, the open North Sea and the deep-sea. Habilitationsschrift Univ. Oldenburg, 88 pp.
  63. Reiss, H., Kröncke, I., Ehrich, S. (2006). Estimating catch efficiency of a 2 m beam trawl for sampling epifauna by removal experiments. ICES J. Sea Res. 63: 1453-1464.
  64. Kröncke, I. (2006). Structure and function of macrofaunal communities influenced by hydrodynamically controlled food availability in the Wadden Sea, the open North Sea and the deep-sea. A synopsis. Senckenbergiana maritima 36(2): 123-164.
  65. Reiss, H., Wieking, G., Kröncke, I. (2007). Benthic microflora of the Dogger Bank: a comparison between shallow and deep areas usingphytopigment composition of the sediment. Mar. Biol. 150: 1061-1071.
  66. Ehrich, S., Adlerstein, S., Brockmann, U., Floeter, J., Garthe, S., Hinz, H., Kröncke, I., Neumann, H., Reiss, H., Sell, A.F., Stein, M., Stelzenmüller, V., Stransky, C., Temming, A., Wegner, G., Zauke, G.-P. (2007). 20 years of the German Small-Scale Bottom Trawl Survey (GSBTS): A review. Senckenbergiana marit. 37: 13-82.
  67. Kröncke, I., Wieking, G., Neumann H., Dippner J.W. (2007): Long-term studies reveal climate-induced changes in benthic communities of the North Sea. Ocean Challenge 15: 19-23.
  68. Neumann, H., Ehrich, S., Kröncke, I. (2008). Spatial variability of epifaunal communities in the North Sea in relation to sampling effort. Helgol. Mar. Res. 62: 215-225.
  69. Neumann, H., Ehrich, S., Kröncke, I. (2008). Temporal variability of an epibenthic community in the German Bight affected by cold winter and climate. Clim. Res. 37:241-251.
  70. Vöge, S., Reiss, H., Kröncke, I. (2008). Macrofauna succession in an infilling salt marsh clay pit. Senckenbergiana marit. 38: 93-106.
  71. Noffke, A., Hertweck, G., Kröncke., I., Wehrmann, A. (2009). Particle size selection and tube-structure of the polychaete Owenia fusiformis. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 81: 160-168.
  72. Neumann, H., Ehrich, S., Kröncke, I. (2009). Variability of epifauna and temperature in the northern North Sea. Mar. Biol. 156:1817–1826.
  73. Neumann, H., Reiss, H., Rakers, S., Ehrich, S., Kröncke, I. (2009). Temporal variability of southern North Sea epifauna communities after the cold winter 1995/1996. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 66: 2233-2243.
  74. Reiss, H., Greenstreet, S., Sieben, K., Ehrich, S., Piet, G., Quirijns, F., Robinson, L., Wolff, W., Kröncke, I. (2009). Effects of fishing disturbance on benthic communities and secondary production within an intensively fished area. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 394: 201-213.
  75. Reiss, H., Degraer, S., Duineveld, G., Kröncke, I., Craeymeersch, J., Aldridge, J.N., Eggleton, J., Hillewaert, H., Lavaleye, M., Moll, A., Pohlmann, T., Rachor, E., Robertson, M., Vanden Berghe, E., Van Hoey, G., Rees, H.L. (2010). Spatial patterns of infauna, epifauna and demersal fish communities and underlying processes in the North Sea. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 67: 278–293. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsp253
  76. Markert, A., Kröncke, I., Wehrmann, A. (2010). Recently established Crassostrea-reefs vs. native Mytilus-beds: Differences in habitat engineering affects the macrofaunal communities (Wadden Sea of Lower Saxony, southern German Bight). Biol. Invasions 12 (1): 15-32.
  77. Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2010). Long-term variability of benthic indices off the island of Norderney in the southern North Sea. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 60:58-68. Doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2009.09.001
  78. Robinson, L.A., Greenstreet, S.P.R., Reiss, H., Callaway, R., Craeymeersch, J., de Boois, I., Degraer, S., Ehrich, S., Fraser, H.M., Goffin, A., Kröncke. I.,  Lindal Jørgenson, L., Robertson, M.R., Lancaster, J. (2010). Morphometric relationships of 240 North Sea benthic invertebrates and fish. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK doi:10.1017/S0025315409991408
  79. Schückel, S., Ehrich, S., Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2010). Linking diet composition of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) to benthic prey availability in three different areas in the northern North Sea. J. Fish Biol. 77: 98–118.
  80. Weinert, M., Kröncke, I., Floeter, J., Sell, A. (2010). The role of prey composition for the condition of grey gurnard (Eutrigla gurnardus). J. Appl. Ichthyol. 26 (Suppl. 1): 75-84.
  81. Neumann H, Kröncke I, Ehrich S (2010) Establishment of the angular crab Goneplax rhomboides (Linnaeus, 1758) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) in the southern North Sea. Aquatic Invasion 5: S27 – S30.
  82. Schückel, U., Ehrich, S., Kröncke, I. (2010). Temporal variability of three macrofauna communities in the northern North Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 89:1-11.
  83.  Dippner, J.W., Junker, K., Kröncke, I. (2010). Biological regime shifts and changes in predictability. Geophysical Research Letters 37: L24701, 5 pp.
  84. Neumann, H., Kröncke, I. (2011). The effect of temperature on the ecological functioning of epifauna in the German Bight. Marine Ecology 32 (Suppl. 1): 49-57.
  85. Colijn, F., Fanger, H.-U., Boersma, M., Franke, H.-D., Ehrich, S., Kraberg, A., Kröncke, I., Wiltshire, K. (2011). Klimabedingte Änderungen in aquatischen Ökosystemen: Elbe, Wattenmeer und Nordsee. In: Storch, H. von, Claussen, M. (Hrsg.), Klimabericht für die Metropolregion Hamburg, Springer: 177-194.
  86. Kröncke, I., Reiss, H., Eggleton, J.D., Aldridge, J., Bergman, M.J.N., Cochrane, S., Craeymeersch, J., Degraer, S., Desroy, N., Dewarumez, J.-M., Duineveld, G., Essink, K., Hillewaert, H., Lavaleye, M.S.S., Moll, A., Nehring, S., Newell, J., Oug, E., Pohlmann, T., Rachor, E., Robertson, M., Rumohr, H., Schratzberger, M., Smith, R., Vanden Berghe, E., van Dalfsen, J., van Hoey, G., Vincx, M., Willems, W., Rees, H.L. (2011). Changes in North Sea macrofauna communities and species distribution between 1986 and 2000. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 94: 1-15.
  87. Kröncke, I., Neumann, H., Reiss, H., Schückel, U. (2011). Wie reagieren die Benthosgemeinschaften der offenen Nordsee auf die globale Erwärmung? In: Lozán, J.L., Graßl, H., Karbe, L., Reise, K. (eds.) Warnsignal Klima: Die Meere – Änderungen und Risiken: 183-188. Hamburg, Wiss. Auswertungen
  88. Schückel, S., Sell, A., Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2011). Diet composition and resource partitioning of two small flatfish species in the German Bight. J. Sea Res. 66: 195- 204.
  89. Kröncke, I. (2011). Changes in Dogger Bank macrofauna communities in the 20th century caused by fishing and climate. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 94 (3): 234-245. 
  90. Reiss, H., Cunze, S., König, K., Neumann, H., Kröncke, I. (2011). Species distribution modelling of marine benthos: a North Sea case study. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 442: 71-86.
  91. Katsanevakis S, Stelzenmüller V, South A, Sørensen T K, Jones P J S, Kerr S, Badalamenti F, Anagnostou C, Breen P, Chust G, D’anna G, Duijn M, Filatova T, Fiorentino F, Hulsman H, Karageorgis A, Kröncke I, Mirto S, Pipitone C, Portelli S, Qiu W, Reiss H, Sakellariou D, Salomidi M, Van Hoof L, Vassilopoulou V, Vega T, Vöge S, Weber A, Zenetos A, and ter Hofstede R (2011) Ecosystem-based marine spatial management: review of concepts, policies, tools, and critical issues. Ocean and Coastal Management 54: 807-820.
  92. Birchenough, S.N.R., Degraer, S., Reiss, H., Borja, A., Braeckman, U., Craeymeersch, J., De Mesel, I., Kerckhof, F., Kröncke, I., Mieszkowska, N., Parra, S., Rabaut, M., Schroeder, A., van Colen, C., van Hoey, G., Vincx M., Wätjen K. (2011). Responses of marine benthos to climate change. In: Reid, P.C., Valdes, L. (eds.) ICES status report on climate change in the North Atlantic. ICES Coop. Res. Rep. 310: 123-146.
  93. Schückel, U., Beck, M., Kröncke, I. (2012). Spatial variability in structural and functional aspects of macrofauna communities and their environmental parameters in the Jade Bay (Wadden Sea Lower Saxony, southern North Sea). Helgoland Marine Research DOI 10.1007/s10152-012-0309-0
  94. Schückel, S., Sell, A., Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2012). Diet overlap between commercial and non-commercial flatfish species in the southern North Sea. J. Fish Biol. 80: 2571–2594.
  95. Schückel, S., Sell, A.F., Kihara, T.C., Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2012). Meiofauna as food source for small-sized demersal fish in the southern North Sea. Helgoland Mar. Res. DOI 10.1007/s10152-012-0316-1
  96. Junker, K., Sovilj, D., Kröncke, I., Dippner, J.W. (2012). Climate induced changes in benthic macrofauna – a non-linear model approach. J. Mar. Systems 96-97: 90-94.
  97. Katsanevakis S., Weber A., Pipitone C., Leopold M., Cronin, M., Doyle, T.K., Buhl-Mortensen, L., Buhl-Mortensen, P., D’Anna, G., de Boois, I., Dalpadado, P., Damalas, D., Fiorentino, F., Garofalo, G., Giacalone, V.M., Hawley, K.L., Issaris, Y., Jansen, J., Knight, C.M., Knittweis, L., Kröncke, I., Mirto, S., Muxika, I., Reiss, H., Skjoldal, H.R., Vöge, S. (2012). Monitoring marine populations and communities: methods dealing with imperfect detectability. Aquatic Biology 16:31-52.
  98. Neumann, H., Reiss, H., Ehrich, S., Sell, A., Panten, K., Kloppmann, M., Wilhelms, I., Kröncke, I. (2013). Benthos and demersal fish habitats in the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the North Sea. Helgoland Mar. Res. 67: 445-459.
  99. Schückel, S., Sell, A.F., Kihara, T.C., Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2013). Meiofauna as food source for small-sized demersal fish in the southern North Sea. Helgoland Mar. Res. 67:203–218.
  100. Schückel, U., Beck, M., Kröncke, I. (2013). Spatial variability in structural and functional aspects of macrofauna communities and their environmental parameters in the Jade Bay (Wadden Sea Lower Saxony, southern North Sea). Helgoland Marine Research 67:121–136.
  101. Schückel, U., Kröncke, I. (2013). Temporal changes in intertidal macrofauna communities over eight decades: A result of eutrophication and climate change. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 117: 210-218.
  102. Neumann, H., de Boois, I., Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2013). Climate change facilitated range expansion of the non-native Angular crab Goneplax rhomboides into the North Sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 484: 143–153.
  103. Kröncke, I., Reiss, H., Dippner, J.W. (2013). Effects of cold winters and regime shifts on macrofauna communities in the southern North Sea. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 119: 79-90.
  104. Sell, A.F., Kröncke, I. (2013). Correlations between benthic habitats and demersal fish assemblages – A case study on the Dogger Bank (North Sea). J. Sea Res. 80: 12–24.
  105. Markert, E., Holler, P., Kröncke, I., Bartholomä, A. (2013). Benthic habitat mapping using hydroacoustic and ground-truthing methods in coastal waters of the German Bight. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci.129: 94-104.
  106. Kröncke, I., Reiss, H., Türkay, M. (2013). Macro- and megafauna communities in three deep basins of the South-East Atlantic. Deep-Sea Res. I 81: 25-35.
  107. Emeis, K.C., van Beusekom, J., Callies, U., Ebinghaus, R., Kannen, A., Kraus, G., Kröncke, I., Lenhart, H., Lorkowski, I., Matthias, V., Möllmann, C., Pätsch, J., Scharfe, M., Thomas, H., Weisse, R., Zorita, E. (2014). The North Sea – A shelf sea in the Anthropocene. J. Mar. Systems, in press.
  108. Connolly, S.R., MacNeil, M.A., Caley, M.J.,  Knowlton, N.,  Cripps, E., Hisanoa, M., Thibaut, L.M., BhattacharyaeB.D., Benedetti-Cecchi, L., Brainard, R.E., Brandt, A., Bulleri, F., Ellingsen, K.E., Kaiser, S., Kröncke, I., Linsel, K., Maggi, E., O’Hara, T.D. Plaisance, L., Poorem, G.B.C., Sarkare, S.K., Satpathyn, K.K., Schückel, U., Williams, A., Wilson, R.S. (2014). Commonness and rarity in the marine biosphere. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (23):8524-8529.
  109. Dippner, J.W., Möller, C., Kröncke, I. (2014). Persistency of the North Atlantic Oscillation and its biological implication. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2 (57): 1-8.
  110. Emeis, K.C., van Beusekom, J., Callies, U., Ebinghaus, R., Kannen, A., Kraus, G., Kröncke, I., Lenhart, H., Lorkowski, I., Matthias, V., Möllmann, C., Pätsch, J., Scharfe, M., Thomas, H., Weisse, R., Zorita, E. (2015). The North Sea – A shelf sea in the Anthropocene. J. Mar. Systems 141:18-33.
  111. Stelzenmüller, V., Fock, H.O., Gimpel, A., Seidel, H., Diekmann, R., Probst, W.N, Callis, U., Bockelmann, F., Neumann, H., Kröncke, I.(2015). Quantitative environmental risk assessments in the context of marine spatial management: Current approaches and some perspectives. ICES J Sea Res. 72(3): 1022-1042.
  112. Birchenough, S.N.R., Degraer, S., Reiss, H., Borja, A., Braeckman, U., Craeymeersch, J., De Mesel, I., Kerckhof, F., Kröncke, I., Mieszkowska, N., Parra, S., Rabaut, M., Schröder, A., Van Colen, C., Van Hoey, G., Vincx, M., Wätjen, K. (2015). Response of marine benthos to climate changes. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 6 (2):203-223.
  113. Markert, E., Kröncke, I., Kubicki, A. (2015). Small scale morphodynamics of shoreface-connected ridges and their impact on benthic macrofauna. J. Sea Res. 99: 47-55.
  114. Gutperlet, R., Capperucci, R.M., Bartholomä, A., Kröncke, I. (2015). Benthic biodiversity changes in response to dredging activities during the construction of a deep-water port. Marine Biodiversity 45(4): 819-839.
  115. Schückel, U., Beck, M., Kröncke, I. (2015). Spatial distribution and structuring factors of subtidal macrofauna communities in the Wadden Sea (Jade Bay). Marine Biodiversity 45: 841-855.
  116. Schückel, U., Kröncke, I., Baird, D. (2015) Linking long-term changes in trophic structure and function of an intertidal macrobenthic system to eutrophication and climate change by using ecological network analysis. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 536:25-38.
  117. Bowler, D.E., Haase, P., Kröncke, I., Tackenberg, O., Bauer, H.G., Brendel, C., Brooker, R., Gerisch, M., Henle, K., Hickler, T., Hof, C., Klotz, S., Kühn, I., Matesanz, S., O‘Hara, R., Russell, D., Schweiger, O., Valladares, F., Welk, E., Böhning-Gaese, K.(2015). A cross-taxa analysis of the impact of climate change on abundance trends. Biological Conservation 187: 41-50.
  118. Dippner, J.W., Kröncke,I. (2015). Ecological forecasting in the presence of abrupt regime shifts. J. Mar. Systems 150: 34-40.
  119. Oehler, T., Martinez, R., Schückel, U., Winter, C., Kröncke, I., Schlüter, M. (2015). Seasonal and spatial variations of benthic oxygen and nitrogen fluxes in the Helgoland Mud Area (southern North Sea). Continental Shelf Research 106: 118-129.
  120. Harris, R.J., Pilditch, C.A., Greenfield, B.L., Moon, V., Krӧncke, I. (2015). The influence of benthic macrofauna on the erodibility of intertidal sediments with varying mud content in three New Zealand estuaries. Estuaries and Coasts, in press
  121. Weinert, M., Kröncke, I., Mathis, M., Neumann, H., Pohlmann, T., Reiss, H. (2016). Modeling climate change effects on North Sea benthos: distributional shifts from 2001 to 2099. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci.175: 157-168.
  122. Neumann, H., Diekmann, R., Kröncke, I. (2016). The influence of habitat characteristics and fishing effort on functional composition of epifauna in the south-eastern North Sea. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 169: 182-194.
  123. Müller, F., Bergmann, M., Dannowski, R., Dippner, J.W., Gnauck, A., Haase, P., Jochimsen, M.C., Kasprzak, P., Klotz, S., Kröncke, I., Kümmerlin, R., Küster, M., Lischeid, G., Meesenburg, H., Merz, C., Millat, G., Müller, J., Padisák, J., Schimming, C.G., Schubert, H., Schuldt, M., Selmeczy, G., Shatwell, T., Stoll, S., Schwabe, M., Soltwedel, T., Straile, D., Theuerkauf, M. (2015). Assessing resilience in long-term ecological data sets. Ecological Indicators
  124. Singer, A., Schückel, U., Beck, M., Bleich, O., Brumsack, H.-J., Freund, H., Geimecke, C., Lettmann, K.A., Millat, G., Staneva, J., Vanselow, A., Westphal, H., Wolff, J.-O.,  Wurpts, A., Kröncke, I. (2016). Evaluating species distribution models with historical macrofauna data: a hindcast for the Jade Bay (North Sea, Germany). Marine Ecology Progress Series 551:13-30.
  125. Meyer, J., Kröncke, I., Bartholomä, A., Dippner, J.W., Schückel, U. (2016). Long-term changes in species composition of demersal fish and epifauna species in the Jade area (German Wadden Sea/ North Sea) since 1972. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 181: 284-293.
  126. Adolph, W., Schückel, U., Son, C.S., Jung, R., Bartholomä, A., Ehlers, M., Kröncke, I., Lehner, S., Farke, H. (2016). Monitoring spatiotemporal trends in intertidal bedforms of the German Wadden Sea in 2009–2015 with TerraSAR-X, including links with sediments and benthic macrofauna. Geo-Marine Letters 37: 79-91.
  127. Holler, P., Markert, E., Bartholomä, A., Capperucci, R., Hass, H.-C., Kröncke, I., Mielck, F., Reimers, H.-C. (2017). Tools to evaluate seafloor integrity: comparison of multi-device acoustic seafloor classifications for benthic macrofauna-driven patterns in the German Bight, southern North. Geo-Marine Letters 37: 93-109.
  128. Bowler, D.E., Hof, C., Haase, P., Kröncke, I., Schweiger, O., Adrian, R., Baert, L., Bauer, H.-G.,  Blick, T., Brooker, R.W., Dekoninck, W., Domisch, S., Eckmann, R., Hendrickx, F., Hickler, T., Klotz, S., Kraberg, A., Kühn, I., Matesanz, S., Meschede, A., Neumann, H., O’Hara, R., Russell, D.J., Sell, A.F., Sonnewald, M., Stoll, S., Sundermann, A., Tackenberg, O., Türkay, M., Valladares, F., van Herk, K., van Klink, R., Vermeulen, R., Voigtländer, K., Wagner, R., Welk, E., Wiemers, M., Wiltshire, K.H., Böhning-Gaese, K. (2016). Cross-realm assessment of climate-change impacts on species’ abundance trend. Nature Ecology and Evolution 1: 0067.
  129. Gutperlet, R., Capperucci, R.M., Bartholomä, A., Kröncke, I. (2017). Relationships between spatial patterns of macrofauna communities, sediments and hydroacoustic backscatter data in a highly heterogeneous and human disturbed environment. Journal of Sea Research 121: 33-46.
  130. Singer, A., Staneva, J., Millat, G., Kröncke, I. (2017). Modelling benthic macrofauna and seagrass distribution patterns in a North Sea tidal basin in response to 2050 climatic and environmental scenarios. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 188: 99-108.
  131. Neumann, H., Diekmann, R., Emeis, K.-C., Kleeberg, U., Moll, A., Kröncke, I. (2017). Full-coverage spatial distribution of epibenthic communities in the south-eastern North Sea in relation to habitat characteristics and fishing effort. Marine Environmental Research 130: 1-11.
  132. Bowler, D.E., Haase, P., Hof, C., Kröncke, I., Baert, L., Dekoninck, W., Domisch, S., Hendrickx, H., Hickler, T., Neumann, H., O’Hara, R.B., Sell, A.F., Sonnewald, M., Stoll, S., Türkay, M., van Klink, R., Schweiger, O., Vermeulen, R., Böhning-Gaese, K. (2017). Cross-taxa generalities in the relationship between population abundance and ambient temperatures. Proceedings Royal Society B 284: 20170870.
  133. Lange, G., Haynert, K., Dinter, T., Scheu, S., Kröncke, I. (2018). Adaptation of benthic invertebrates to food sources from marine to terrestrial boundaries: determination by carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. J. Sea Res. 131: 12-21.
  134. Silberberger, M.J., Renaud, P.E., Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2018). Food web structure in four locations along the European shelf indicates spatial differences in ecosystem functioning. Frontiers in Marine Science in press
  135. Silberberger, M.J., Renaud, P.E., Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2018). Food web structure in four locations along the European shelf indicates spatial differences in ecosystem functioning. Frontiers in Marine Science 5:119.
  136. Brandt, A., Scholz, J., Allspach, A., Brenke, N., Brix, S., George, K.H., Hörnschemeyer, T., Holst, S., Hoppenrath, M., Iwan, F., Janssen, A., Janssen, R., Janussen, D., Jeskulke, K., Fiege, D., Kaiser, S., Kieneke, A., Kihara, T.C., Kröncke, I., Krupp, F., Martha, S.O., Martínez Arbizu, P.M., Meißner, K., Miljutina, M., Miljutin, D., Renz, J., Riehl, T., Saeedi, H., Siegler, V., Sonnewald, M., Stuckas, H. Veit-Köhler, G. (2018). 200 Years of Marine Research at Senckenberg – Selected Highlights. Marine Biodiversity 48:159–
  137. Zettler, M.L., Beermann, J., Dannheim, J., Ebbe, B., Grotjahn, M., Günther, C.-P., Gusky, M., Kind, B., Kröncke, I., Kuhlenkamp, R., Orendt, C., Rachor, E., Schanz, A., Schröder, A., Schüler, L., Witt, J. (2018). An annotated checklist of macrozoobenthic species in German waters of the North and Baltic Seas. Helgoland Marine Research 72: 5, 10 pp.
  138. Umbricht, J., Dippner, J.W., Fry, B., Kröncke, I., Liskow, I., Nehmer, P., Thoms, F., Voss, M. (2018). Influence of preservation methods on the isotopic composition (δ13C and δ15N) of macrozoobenthos. Marine Ecology Progress Series 595: 1-13.
  139. de la Vega, C., Schückel, U., Horn, S., Kröncke, I., Asmus, R., Asmus, H. (2018). How to include ecological network analysis results in management? A case study of three tidal basins of the Wadden Sea, south-eastern North Sea. Ocean and Coastal Management 163: 401-416.
  140. Meyer, J., Nehmer, P., Moll, A., Kröncke, I. (2018). Shifting south-eastern North Sea macrofauna community structure since 1986: A response to de-eutrophication and regionally decreasing food supply? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 213: 115-127.
  141. Kröncke, I., Becker, L.R., Badewien, T., Bartholomä, A., Schulz, A.-C., Zielinski, O. (2018). Near- and offshore macrofauna communities and their physical environment: A case study for a south-eastern North Sea sandy beach system. Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 497: 1-11.
  142. Meyer, J., Nehmer, P., Kröncke, I. (2019). Shifting south-eastern North Sea macrofauna bioturbation potential over the past three decades: A response to increasing SST and regionally decreasing food supply. Marine Ecology Progress Series 609: 17-32.
  143. Lange, G., Schmitt, J., Kröncke, I., Moorthi, S., Rohde, S., Scheu, S., Schupp, P. (2019). The role of invasive marine plants for macrofauna nutrition in the Wadden Sea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 512: 1-11.
  144. Zhang, W., Wirtz, K., Daewel, U., Wrede, A., Kröncke, I., Kuhn, G., Neumann, A., Meyer, J., Ma, M., Schrum, C. (2019). The budget of macrobenthic reworked organic carbon – a modelling case study of the North Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences: 124.
  145. Kröncke, I., Neumann, H., Dippner, J.W., Holbrook, S., Lamy, T., Miller, R., Padedda, B.M., Pulina, S., Reed, D., Reinikainen, M., Satta, C.T., Sechi, N., Soltwedel, T., Suikkanen, S., Lugliè, A. (2019). Comparison of common long-term marine ecological trends related to northern hemisphere climate. Nature Conservation 34: 311-341.
  146. Olivier, P., Frelat, R., Bonsdorff, E., Kortsch, S., Kröncke, I., Möllmann, C., Neumann, H., Nowicki, M., Sell, A.F., Nordström, M.C. (2019) Exploring the temporal variability of a food web using long-term biomonitoring data. Ecography 42: 2107–2121.
  147. Meyer, J., Kröncke, I. (2019). Shifts in functional and structural south-eastern North Sea macrofauna community structure. PlosOne 14(12):e0226410
  148. Becker, L.R., Bartholomä, A., Singer, A., Bischof, K., Coers, S., Kröncke, I. (2020). Small-scale distribution modeling of benthic species in a protected natural hard ground area in the German North Sea (Helgoländer Steingrund). Geo-Marine Letters 40: 167-181.
  149. Lange, G., Bininda-Emonds, O.R.P., Hillebrand, H., Meier, D., Moorthi, S.D., Schmitt, J.A., Zielinski, O., Kröncke, I. (2020). Elevation gradient affects the development of macrozoobenthic communities in the Wadden Sea: A field experiment with artificial islands. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 523: 151268.
  150. Becker, L.R., Ehrenberg, A., Feldrappe, V., Kröncke, I., Bischof, K. (2020). The role of artificial material for benthic communities – Establishing different concrete materials as hard bottom. Marine Environmental Research161:105081.
  151. Pilotto, F., Kühn, I., Adrian, R., Alber, R., Alignier, A., Andrews, C., Bäck, J., Barbaro, L., Beaumont, D., Beenaerts, N., Benham, S., Boukal , D.S., Bretagnolle, V., Camatti, E., Canullo, R., Cardoso, P.G., Ens, B.G., Everaert, G., Evtimova, V., Feuchtmayr, H., García-González, R., Gómez García, D., Grandin, U., Gutowski, J.M., Hadar, L., Halada, L., Halassy, M., Hummel, H., Huttunen, K.-L., Jaroszewicz, B., Jensen, T.C., Kalivoda, H., Kappel Schmidt, I., Kröncke, I., Leinonen, R., Martinho, F., Meesenburg, H., Meyer, J., Minerbi, S., Monteith, D., Nikolov, B.P., Oro, D., Ozoliņš, D., Padedda, B.M., Pallett, D., Pansera, M., Pardal, M.A., Petriccione, B., Pipan, T., Pöyry, J., Schäfer, S.M., Schaub, M, Schneider, S.C., Skuja, A., Soetaert, K., Spriņģe, G., Stanchev, R., Stockan, J.A., Stoll, S., Sundqvist, L., Thimonier, A., Van Hoey, G., Van Ryckegem, G., Visser, M.E., Vorhauser, S., Haase, P. (2020). Meta-analysis of multidecadal biodiversity trends in Europe. Nature Communications 11:3486.
  152. Becker, L.R., Kröncke, I., Ehrenberg, A., Feldrappe, V., Bischof, K. (subm.). Is there a difference? Succession patterns on different concrete materials introduced to a German deep-water port. Helgoland Marine Research
  153. Weinert, M., Mathis, M., Kröncke, I., Pohlmann, T., Reiss, H. (subm.). Climate change effects on Marine Protected Areas: projected decline of benthic species in the North Sea. Marine Environmental Research
  154. Tschink, D., Hahner, F., Lange, G., Kröncke, I., Wolff, J.-O., Lettmann, K., Gerlach, G. (subm.). Environment and behaviour drive colonisation in newly-derived tidal habitats. Applied Ecology

Nicht begutachtete Publikationen

  1. Kröncke, I., 1990. The macrofauna standing stock of the Dogger Bank. A comparison: 1950-54 versus 1985-87. ICES C.M. 1990/Mini:3.
  2. Thiel, H., I. Kröncke & K. Frauenheim, 1991. Langzeituntersuchungen – Was unsere Großväter nicht wußten. In: H. THIEL (ed.): Kurs Nord – Meeresforschung mit VALDIVIA, Boysen & Co.: 25-30.
  3. Kröncke, I., 1992. The ecology of the Dogger Bank: The actual state of knowledge. ICES C.M./E:42:1-7.
  4. Kröncke, I., 1992. Benthos. In: Fütterer, D.K. (ed.): ARCTIC ’91: Die Expedition ARK-VIII/3 mit FS “Polarstern” 1991. Berichte zur Polarforschung 107: 41-44.
  5. Kröncke, I. & R. Knust, 1992. Seasonal variation in macrofaunal abundance on the Dogger Bank in relationship to stomach content of dab (Limanda limanda). ICES C.M. /G:80: 1-10.
  6. Kröncke, I., 1993. Das Benthos der Nordsee. In: W. Lenz, E. Rachor & B. Watermann (eds.) “Geht es der Nordsee besser?”, SDN-Kolloquium, Hamburg, 83-90.
  7. Kröncke, I., 1993. Environmental changes in the central southern North Sea.- North Sea Monitor, Dec. 93, SEAS AT RISK, Amsterdam, 4-5.
  8. Rachor, E., J. Harms, W. Heiber, I. Kröncke, H. Michaelis, K. Reise & K.H. van Bernem, 1995. Rote Liste der bodenlebenden Wirbellosen des deutschen Wattenmeer- und Nordseebereichs. Schr.-R. f. Landschaftspfl. u. Natursch. 44: 63-74.
  9. Leuchs, H., S. Nehring, R. Hagendorff, I. Kröncke, J. Stecher, 1996. Dauerklappstelle Brunsbüttel – Auswirkungen auf das Makrozoobenthos. BfG Mitt. 11: 53-59.
  10. Kröncke, I., B. Zeiss, S. Dahms, 1997. Makrofauna-Langzeitreihe im Inselvorfeld von Norderney. Abschlußbericht Umweltbundesamt Nr. 98-021: 1-139.
  11. Kröncke, I.,  B.P. Albers, B.  Behrends, P.  Brocks, A. Hild, K. Knauth-Köhler & T. Leu, 1997. Macrofauna and micro-organisms in relation to geochemically transformed organic matter in the vicinity of a mussel bed. In: Flemming, B.W., M.T. Delafontaine & G. Liebezeit (eds). Muddy Coasts ´97. Forschungszentrum Terramare Berichte 2:54.
  12. Kröncke, I., 1998. Langzeitveränderungen in den Lebensgemeinschaften am Meeresboden der Nordsee. SDN Magazin: 30-32.
  13. Kröncke, I., 1998. Die Lebensgemeinschaften im Wattboden. In: M. Türkay (Hrsg.) Wattenmeer. Kleine Senckenberg-Reihe 29: 73-76.
  14. Kröncke, I., 1998. Miesmuscheln. In: M. Türkay (Hrsg.) Wattenmeer. Kleine Senckenberg-Reihe 29: 77-80.
  15. Kröncke, I., 1998. Extremereignisse im Wattenmeer. In: M. Türkay (Hrsg.) Wattenmeer. Kleine Senckenberg-Reihe 29: 81-84.
  16. Kröncke, I., 1998. Langzeitveränderungen in den Bodentiergemeinschaften im Wattboden. In: M. Türkay (Hrsg.) Wattenmeer. Kleine Senckenberg-Reihe 29: 85-88.
  17. Kröncke, I., 1998. Im Meer lebende Bohrmuscheln und Bohrasseln. Natur u. Mus. 128(8): 255-256.
  18. Fiege, D., A. Allspach, M. Apel, R. Barnich, Ch. O. Coleman, S. Doulgeraki, T. Jellinek, M. Kitsos, A. Koukouras, I. Kröncke, W. Rosenboom (1999). Benthos und Plankton Studies (M40/3) – Macro- and Megabenthos. Meteor-Berichte 99-2: 114-116.
  19. de Jong, F., I. Kröncke, M. Leopold, B. Zeiss (1999). Biology – The Offshore Area: In: de Jong et al. 1999 Wadden Sea Quality Status Report. Wadden Sea Ecosystem 9: 191-196.
  20. Kröncke, I. (1999). Naturschutznahe Meeresforschung in der Nordsee: Kleine Senckenberg-Reihe 32: 95-100.
  21. Königshof, P., H.-P Kopelke., I. Kröncke, D. Mollenhauer (Hrsg.) (1999). Grundlagenforschung für den Naturschutz. Kleine Senckenberg-Reihe 32: 1-134.
  22. Kröncke, I. & G. Wieking (2000). Benthos and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). In: Report of the Benthos Ecology Working Group, ICES CM 2000/E:08, pp. 45-47.
  23. Kröncke, I., Bergfeld, C. (2001). Synthesis and new conception of North Sea Research (SYCON), Working Group 10: Review of the current knowledge on North Sea benthos. Berichte ZMK – Reihe Z 12 : 138pp.
  24. Sündermann, J., Beddig, S., Kröncke, I., Radach, G., Schlünzen K.H. (eds.) (2001). The changing North Sea: Knowledge, speculation and new challenges – Synthesis and new conception of North Sea Research (SYCON). Berichte ZMK – Reihe Z 8: 335pp.
  25. Kröncke, I., Brockmann, U., Floeter, J., Fock, H., Lenhart, H., Pohlmann, T., Radach, G., Tillmann, U. (2001). Understanding of processes. In: Sündermann, J., Beddig, S., Kröncke, I., Radach, G., Schlünzen K.H. (2001). The changing North Sea: Knowledge, speculation and new challenges – Synthesis and new conception of North Sea Research (SYCON). Berichte ZMK – Reihe Z 8: 179-193.
  26. Rick, H., Tillmann, U., Floeter, J., Kröncke, I., Bergfeld, C., Greve, W., Poremba, K. (2001). Marine Biology. In: Sündermann, J., Beddig, S., Kröncke, I., Radach, G., Schlünzen K.H. (2001). The changing North Sea: Knowledge, speculation and new challenges – Synthesis and new conception of North Sea Research (SYCON). Berichte ZMK – Reihe Z 8: 137-161.
  27. Rick, H.-J., Beddig, S., Bergfeld, C., Bester, K., Brockmann, U., Brügmann, L., Floeter, J., Greve, W., Krause, M., Krell, U., Kröncke, I., Lenhart, H., Pohlmann, T., Poremba, K., Radach, G., Schulz, M., Temming, A., Tillmann, U., Topçu, D., Weigel S. (2001). Deficits in the disciplines. In: Sündermann, J., Beddig, S., Kröncke, I., Radach, G., Schlünzen K.H. (2001). The changing North Sea: Knowledge, speculation and new challenges – Synthesis and new conception of North Sea Research (SYCON). Berichte ZMK – Reihe Z 8: 252-268.
  28. Radach, G., Bergfeld, C., Beddig, S., Brockmann, U., Damm, P., Flöter, J., Kröncke, I., Lenhart, H., Rick, H.J. (2001). Data situation. In: Sündermann, J., Beddig, S., Kröncke, I., Radach, G., Schlünzen K.H. (2001). The changing North Sea: Knowledge, speculation and new challenges – Synthesis and new conception of North Sea Research (SYCON). Berichte ZMK – Reihe Z 8: 162-178.
  29. Becker, G. A., Brockmann, U. H., Damm, P., Fleoter, J., Giese, H., Krause, M., Krell, U., Kröncke, I., Tillmann, U., Topcu, D., (2001). Instruments and observational methods. In: Sündermann, J., Beddig, S., Kröncke, I., Radach, G., Schlünzen K.H. (2001). The changing North Sea: Knowledge, speculation and new challenges – Synthesis and new conception of North Sea Research (SYCON). Berichte ZMK – Reihe Z 8: 212-238.
  30. Radach, G., Beddig, S., Kröncke, I. (2001). The present status of the North Sea. In: Sündermann, J., Beddig, S., Kröncke, I., Radach, G., Schlünzen K.H. (2001). The changing North Sea: Knowledge, speculation and new challenges – Synthesis and new conception of North Sea Research (SYCON). Berichte ZMK – Reihe Z 8: 20- 32.
  31. Brockmann, U., Topçu, D., Becker, G., Floeter, J., Fock, H., Krell, U., KRÖNCKE, I., Pohlmann, T., Tillmann, U. (2001). Changes in the status of the North Sea ecosystem. In: Sündermann, J., Beddig, S., Kröncke, I., Radach, G., Schlünzen K.H. (2001). The changing North Sea: Knowledge, speculation and new challenges – Synthesis and new conception of North Sea Research (SYCON). Berichte ZMK – Reihe Z 8: 33-43.
  32. Kröncke, I., Nehmer, P., Reiss, H., Rensing, C., Stoeck, T., Wieking, G. (2001). Die Nordsee im Wandel – Benthosuntersuchungen in der Nordsee mit FK „Senckenberg“. Natur und Museum 131 (10): 351-360.
  33. Kröncke, I. (2001). Die 14. internationale Senckenberg Konferenz „North Sea 2000 – Burning issues of North Sea ecology“ in Wilhelmshaven. Natur und Museum 131 (10). 363.
  34. Busquets, T.; Irion, G., Kröncke, I., Pino, M. (2001): Tonmineralogische und geochemische Untersuchungen zum Sedimenttransport im Elbe Ästuar.- Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 13: 27.
  35. Reiss, H. & Kröncke, I. (2001): Teilprojekt – Ökofaunsitik II: Benthische Makrofauna. In: Flemming, B.W. (ed.) Untersuchungen der ökologischen Entwicklung einer Aussendeichskleipütte als Ergänzung der quantitativen Beweissicherung des Wiederverlandungsprozesses. 1. Zwischenbericht. Senckenberg am Meer Bericht 01-1: 60-74.
  36. Flemming, B.W., Bartholomä, A., Irion, G., Kröncke, I., Wehrmann, A. (2002). Naturraum Wattenmeer. Akad. Geow. Hannover, Veröffentl. 20: 150-159.
  37. Rees, H., S. Cochrane, J. Craeymeersch, M. de Kluijver, S. Degraer, N. Desroy, J.M. Dewarumez, G. Duineveld, K. Essink, H. Hillewaert, R. Kilbride, I. Kröncke, P. Nehmer, E. Rachor, H. Reiß, M. Robertson, H. Rumohr, E. Vanden Berghe & G. Van Hoey (2002). The North Sea Benthos Project: planning, management and objectives. ICES CM 2002/L:09: 10pp.
  38. Türkay, M., Kröncke, I. (2004): Eine Insel unter Wasser: die Doggerbank. Natur und Mus. 134(9): 261-277
  39. Ehrich, S., Reiss, H., Damm, U., Kröncke, I. (2004). Vulnerability of bottom fish species to the standard GOV. ICES CM 2004/D:05.
  40. Busquets, T., Irion, G., Kröncke, I. (2005) Recent and Mid- to Late Holocene sediment transport in the Elbe estuary as revealed by mineralogical and faunistic methods. Schriftenreihe Dt. Gesell. F. Geowiss. 39: 59.
  41. Vöge, S., Reiss, H., Kröncke, I. (2005): Teilprojekt 4: Ökofaunistik II – Benthische Makrofauna. Wiederbesiedlung der verlandenden Aussendeichskleipütte Petersgroden durch benthische Makrofauna 2000-2004. Forschungszentrum Terramare Berichte 14: 46-57.
  42. Vöge, S., Reiss, H., Kröncke, I. (2006). Teilprojekt 4: Ökofaunistik II – Benthische Makrofauna. Wiederbesiedlung der verlandenden Aussendeichskleipütte Petersgroden durch benthische Makrofauna 2000-2005. Abschlussbericht Untersuchungszeitraum April 2003 – März 2006. Senckenberg am Meer Bericht 06-1: 39-51.
  43. Kröncke, I., Türkay, M. (2006). Sediment parameters and hydrographic data. In: Balzer, W., Alheit, J., Emeis, K.-C., Lass, H.U., Türkay, M., South-East Atlantic 2000, Cruise No. 48, 6 July – 3 November 2000. Meteor-Berichte, Universität Hamburg, 06-05: 1-6 – 1-9.
  44. Türkay, M., Allspach, A., Bohn, J., Cristobo, F.J., Fiege, D., Kröncke, I., Rosenboom, W., Ruthensteiner, B., Saiz-Salinas, J.I., Urgorri, V. (2006). Mega-Epifauna. In: Balzer, W., Alheit, J., Emeis, K.-C., Lass, H.U., Türkay, M., South-East Atlantic 2000, Cruise No. 48, 6 July – 3 November 2000. Meteor-Berichte, Universität Hamburg, 06-05: 1-27 – 1-32.
  45. Fiege, D., Barnich, R., Cristobo, F.J., Hilbig, B., Jellinek, T., Kröncke, I., Mühlenhardt-Siegel, U., Purschke, G., Saiz-Salinas, J.I., Urgorri, V. (2006). Macroinfauna collected from box cores. In: Balzer, W., Alheit, J., Emeis, K.-C., Lass, H.U., Türkay, M., South-East Atlantic 2000, Cruise No. 48, 6 July – 3 November 2000. Meteor-Berichte, Universität Hamburg, 06-05: 1-19 – 1-22.
  46. Greenstreet, S., Robinson, L., Piet, G., Craeymeersch, J., Callaway, R., Reiss, H., Ehrich, S., Kröncke, I., Fraser, H., Lancaster, J., Jorgensen, L., Goffin, A. (2007): The ecological disturbance caused by fishing in the North Sea. Fisheries Research Services, Col. Report No 04/07: 169 pp.
  47. Greenstreet, S., Robinson, L., Piet, G., Callaway, R., Reiss, H., Ehrich, S., Kröncke, I., Craeymeersch, J., Lancaster, J., Jorgensen, L., Degraer, S., Goffin, A. (2007): Managing fisheries to conserve North Sea groundfish and benthic invertebrate species diversity. Fisheries Research Services, Col. Report No 05/07: 136 pp.
  48. Greenstreet, S., Robinson, L., Callaway, R., Reiss, H., Ehrich, S., Piet, G., Craeymeersch, J., Kröncke, I., Fraser, H., Lancaster, J., Jorgensen, L., Goffin, A. (2007): Relationship between TACs, fish landings and fishing effort in the North Sea. Fisheries Research Services, Col. Report No 06/07: 152 pp.
  49. Greenstreet, S., Fraser, H., Piet, G., Robinson, L., Callaway, R., Reiss, H., Ehrich, S., Kröncke, I., Craeymeersch, J., Lancaster, J., Jorgensen, L., Goffin, A. (2007): Species composition, diversity, biomass and production of the demersal fish community of the North Sea. Fisheries Research Services, Col. Report No 07/07: 95 pp.
  50. Greenstreet, S., Robinson, L., Reiss, H., Kröncke, I., Callaway, R., Snelgrove, P., Costello, M., Bermann, M., Hiddink, J., Fraser, H., Craeymeersch, J., Degraer, S., Jorgensen, L.,  Goffin, A., Lancaster, J. (2007): Review of theoretical community ecology: implications for marine communities. Fisheries Research Services, Col. Report No 08/07: 127 pp.
  51. Greenstreet, S., Robinson, L., Reiss, H., Craeymeersch, J., Callaway, R., Goffin, A., Jorgensen, L., Robertson, M., Kröncke, I., de Boois, I., Jacob, N., Lancaster, J., (2007): Species composition, diversity, biomass and production of the benthic invertebrate community of the North Sea. Fisheries Research Services, Col. Report No 10/07: 67 pp.
  52. Callaway, R., Robinson, L., Greenstreet, S., Reiss, H., Fraser, H., Kröncke, I., Craeymeersch, J., de Boois, I., Robertson, M., Lancaster, J., Goffin, A. (2007): Methodology for the combined sampling of marine groundfish and benthic invertebrate communities. Fisheries Research Services, Col. Report No 11/07: 23 pp.
  53. Craeymeersch, J.A., Bergman, M.J.N., Duniveld, G.C.A., Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2007) : Fishing practices. In: Rees, H.L., Eggleton, J.D., Rachor, E., Vanden Berghe E. (eds.) Structure and dynamics of the North Sea benthos. ICES Coop. Res. Per. 288 : 156-171.
  54. Eggleton, J.D., Smith, R., Reiss, H., Rachor, E., vanden Berghe, E., Rees, H.L. (2007) Species distribution and changes (1986-2000). In: Rees, H.L., Eggleton, J.D., Rachor, E., Vanden Berghe E. (eds.) Structure and dynamics of the North Sea benthos. ICES Coop. Res. Per. 288 : 91-108.
  55. Kröncke, I., Reiss, H. (2007): Changes in community structure (1986-2000) and causal influences. In: Rees, H.L., Eggleton, J.D., Rachor, E., Vanden Berghe E. (eds.) Structure and dynamics of the North Sea benthos. ICES Coop. Res. Per. 288 : 60-68.
  56. Rachor, E., Reiss, H., Degraer, S., Dunieveld G.C.A., van Hoye, G., Lavaleye, M., Willems, W., Rees, H.L. (2007): Structure, distribution, and characterizing species of North Sea macro-zoobenthos communities in 2000. In: Rees, H.L., Eggleton, J.D., Rachor, E., Vanden Berghe E. (eds.) Structure and dynamics of the North Sea benthos. ICES Coop. Res. Per. 288 : 46-59.
  57. Rees, H.L., Rachor, E., Craeymeersch, J.A., Kröncke, I., Duineveld, G.C.A., Reiss, H., Rumohr, H. (2007) : Benthic community studies over relevant timescales. In: Rees, H.L., Eggleton, J.D., Rachor, E., Vanden Berghe E. (eds.) Structure and dynamics of the North Sea benthos. ICES Coop. Res. Per. 288 : 128-140.
  58. Reiss, H., Rees, H.L. (2007): Links between infauna, epifauna, and demersal fish distribution. In: Rees, H.L., Eggleton, J.D., Rachor, E., Vanden Berghe E. (eds.) Structure and dynamics of the North Sea benthos. ICES Coop. Res. Per. 288 : 141-152.
  59. Vöge, S., Reiss, H., Kröncke, I. (2007): Ökofaunistik II – Benthische Makrofauna. Wiederbesiedlung der verlandenden Aussendeichskleipütte Petersgroden durch benthische Makrofauna 2000-2006. In: Flemming BW (Hrsg) Dokumentation der ökologischen Entwicklung einer wiederverlandenden Außendeichskleipütte. Zwischenbericht. Senckenberg am Meer Bericht 07-1: 51 pp.
  60. Sell, A., Kröncke, I., Ehrich, S. (2007): Linking the diversity of fish assemblages to habitat structure: A study on Dogger Bank (North Sea). ICES CM 2007/E:18: 1-21.
  61. Rees, H.L., Bergman, M.J.N., Birchenough, S.N.R., Borja, A., Boyd, S.E., Brown, C.J., Buhl-Mortensen, L., Callaway, R., Connor, D.W., Cooper, K.M., Davies, J., de Boois, I., Gilkinson, K.D., Gordon jr., D.C., Hillewaert, H., Kautsky, H., de Kluyver, M., Kröncke, I., Limpenny, D.S., Meadows, W.J., Parra, S., Pennington, S.E., Rachor, E., Reiss, H., Rumohr, H., Schratzberger, M., Smith, S., Tunberg, B.G., van Dalfsen J.A., Ware, S., Watling, L. (2009): Guidelines for the study of epibenthos of subtidal environments. ICES Techniques Marine Sci. 42: 1-90.
  62. Kröncke, I. (2008): Nahrungsangebot und Nahrungsqualität in der Tiefsee. Natur und Museum 138: 320-325.
  63. Kröncke, I., Cristobo, F. J., Hendrycks, E., Reiss, H., Rios, P., Saiz-Salinas, J. I., Urgorri V. (2009). Macroinfauna collected from box cores. In: Türkay, M. & Pätzold, J., Southwestern Indian Ocean – Eastern Atlantic Ocean, Cruise No. 63. Meteor-Berichte 09-3:2-10 – 2-14.
  64. Türkay, M., Kröncke, I., Köster, B., Reiss, H. (2009). Sediment parameters and hydrographic data. In: Türkay, M. & Pätzold, J., Southwestern Indian Ocean – Eastern Atlantic Ocean, Cruise No. 63. Meteor-Berichte 09-3:2-25 – 2-28.
  65. Kröncke,  I., Boersma, M., Czeck, R., Dippner, J.W., Ehrich, S., Exo, M.K., Hüppop, O., Malzahn, A., Marencic, H., Markert, A., Millat, G., Neumann, H., Reiss, H., Sell, A., Sobottka, M., Wehrmann, A., Wiltshire, K.H., Wirtz, K. (2012). Auswirkungen auf marine Lebensräume. In: Mosbrugger, V.,  Brasseur,  G.P., Schaller , M., Stribrny, B. (Hrsg.), Klimawandel und Biodiversität – Folgen für Deutschland. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt: 106-127.
  66. Neumann, H., Kröncke, I., Schückel, U. (2012). Nordsee, Benthos und Klimawandel – Vom Nutzen biologischer Langzeituntersuchungen. Forum Geoökologie 23(3): 7-13.
  67. Schückel, U., Markert, A., Neumann, H., Kröncke, I., Wehrmann, A. (2013). Neue Krebse im Vormarsch. Senckenberg – Natur, Forschung, Museum 143 (5/6): 152-157.
  68. Vöge, S., Reiss, H., Kröncke, I. (2013). Wiederbesiedlung der Kleipütte durch benthische Makrofauna. In: Bartholomä A. et al. Wiederverlandung einer Pütte. Forschungsergebnisse zu Chancen und Risiken von Kleientnahmen in Salzwiesen für den Deichbau, pp 89-108, III. Oldenburgischer Deichband, KOMREGIS, Jever (218 pp total).
  69. Neumann, H., Schückel, U., Kröncke, I. (2014). Langzeitveränderungen in den Benthosgemeinschaften der Nordsee und des Wattenmeeres. Marschenrat 51: 64-71.
  70. Schückel, U., Kröncke, I. (2014). Wirbellosenfauna im Ökosystem Wattenmeer. In:  Brodauf, A. et al. (Hrsg.) Die Jade: Flusslandschaft am Jadebusen, pp 235-246, Isensee Verlag, Oldenburg.
  71. Schückel, U., Meyer, J., Kröncke, I., Neumann, H. (2016). Langzeitstudien als Datenbasis für die Meeresstrategie-Rahmenrichtlinie der EU. Senckenberg Natur-Forschung-Museum 146(1/2): 6-13.
  72. Winter, C., V. Backer, W. Adolph, A. Bartholomä, M. Becker, D. Behr, C. Callies, R. Capperucci, M. Ehlers, H. Farke, C. Geimecke, S. Grayek, C. Hass, C. Heipke, G. Herrling, H. Hillebrand, D. Hodapp, P. Holler, R. Jung, H. Krasemann, I. Kröncke, E. Kwoll, J. März, E. Markert, D. Meyerdierks, F. Mielck, G. Millat, H.C. Reimers, R. Reuter, A. Schmidt, J. Staneva, E. Stanev, J. van Beusekom, K. Wirtz (2016). WIMO – Wissenschaftliche Monitoringkonzepte für die Deutsche Bucht – Abschlussbericht, 156 pp., DOI 10.2314/GBV:860303926
  73. Kröncke, I., Meyer, J., Bodur, Y. (2016) Fische und Krabben ziehen um. Senckenberg Natur-Forschung-Museum, 146 (11/12): 359-361.

  74. van Beusekom, J., Thiel, R., Bobsien, I., Boersma, M., Buschbaum, C., Dänhardt, A., Darr, A., Friedland, R., Kloppmann, M., Kröncke, I., Rick, J., Wetzel, M. (2018) Aquatische Ökosysteme: Nordsee, Wattenmeer, Elbeästuar und Ostsee. In: von Storch, H., Meinke, I., Claußen, M. (Hrsg.) Hamburger Klimabericht: 90-107, Springer-Verlag.

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