Blick ins Zeitschriftenmagazin der Bibliothek der Abteilung Quartärpaläontologie Weimar

Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt/M.

Library Senckenberg Weimar

Quaternary Palaeontology

Our library of the Senckenberg Research Station of Quaternary Palaeontology is a scientific reference library (mainly for the Senckenberg staff and our numerous guest scientists) with the main collection dedicated to Quaternary palaeontology. In exceptional cases it is possible for external visitors to make copies (max. 20 pages, 0,10 € per page). It is only possible to borrow books out of our stock via Thüringische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Jena , which you can find in the catalogue of the ThULB Jena as well (352 volumes, inter-library loans also possible).

For requests concerning the series Quartärpaläontologie, please contact the head of library.

Our library keeps in stock about

  • 2,750 monographs
  • 13,500 volumes of 780 periodicals
  • 45 periodicals by continuous subscription
  • 5,000 reprints
  • 200 maps

Senckenberg Digital Library

Senckenberg Electronic Journals Library (EZB)

Bärbel Fiedler Team Quartärpaläontologie Weimar
Baerbel Fiedler
M.A., MA (LIS)
Scientific librarian and head of library of Quaternary palaeontology division


  • Managing and administration of the library stock (approximately 21,000 books, reprints, journals, and maps)
  • Acquisation of literature on demand of the sections of the research station of Quaternary palaeontology
  • Administration of Senckenberg e-journals licences (consortia)
  • Lending and borrowing of library stock (inter-library loans)
  • Spokeswoman of Senckenberg working group Libraries & Exchange of Literature (together with Ute Kaczinski, SDEI Entomological Library)
  • Maintaining the research station’s and Senckenberg libraries (Program Research Infrastructure) web-site
  • Maintaining the internal Senckenberg Information portal unit Publish & Read (together with Isabell Clasen, SGN Publishing division)
  • Keeping the press archive
  • Cover for administrative duties

Quaternary palaeontology division | working group documentation and information

ORCiD 0000-0002-9064-8278

since 2002
Head of the library of the Senckenberg researchstation of Quaternary palaeontology Weimar/Quaternary palaeontolgy division

Master degree in Library Sciences at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (MA (LIS) – Master of  Arts Library and Information Science). Master thesis: Die Bibliothek der Gedenkstätte Buchenwald. Entwicklung und Perspektiven einer One-Person Library 1990-2002

Master studies in Art History, Archaeological Studies; Theater, Film and Media Studies; History, German Literature, and Sociology at Johann-Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/M. (M.A. – Magistra Artium). Master thesis: ‘Unehrbare Weiber’ und moralische Ordnung – Zum Wandel des Geschlechterverhältnisses im Frankfurt des Spätmittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit (1450-1560).

FIEDLER, B. (2012): Quartärpaläontologische Forschung in Weimar 1962-2011. Eine Bibliographie. – 1-124; Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung; Frankfurt/M.