Dr. Martin Jansen undertook his first research and collecting trip for Senckenberg to Latin America already in 1999 during his biology studies. In 2004, he was co-initiator of the research station “Chiquitos” for the exploration and conservation of the Chiquitano dry forest in Bolivia. He heads the “Audiovisual Biodiversity Research” unit in the Terrestrial Zoology Department at Senckenberg.
Scientific articles
Fouquet, A., Marinho, P., Réjaud, A., Carvalho, T. R., Caminer, M. A. Jansen, M., Rainha, R., Rodrigues, M. T., Werneck, F. P. Lima, A. P. Hrbek, T. , Giaretta, A. A., Venegas, P. J., Chávez, G. & S.Ron (2021) Systematics and biogeography of the Boana albopunctata species group (Anura, Hylidae), with the description of two new species from Amazonia, Systematics and Biodiversity, 19:4, 375-399, DOI: 10.1080/14772000.2021.1873869
Emmrich M, Vences M, Ernst R, Köhler J, Barej MF, Glaw F, Jansen M, Rödel M-O (2020) A guild classification system proposed for anuran advertisement calls. Zoosystematics and Evolution 96(2): 515-525. https://doi.org/10.3897/zse.96.38770
Pansonato A, Motta A, Cacciali P, Haddad CFB, Strüssmann C, Jansen M (2020) On the identity of species of Oreobates (Anura: Craugastoridae) from central South America, with the description of a new species from Bolivia. Journal of Herpetology54 (4): 393–412. doi: https://doi.org/10.1670/20-001
Jansen, M, Engler, M, Blumer, LM, Rumiz, DI, Aramayo, JL, Krone, O. (2020) A camera trapping survey of mammals in the mixed landscape of Bolivia’s Chiquitano region with a special focus on the jaguar. CheckList 16(2): 323-335.
Azevedo, JAR, Guedes, TB, de C. Nogueira, C, Passos, P, Sawaya, RJ, Prudente, ALC, Barbo, FE, Strüssmann, C, Franco, FL, Arzamendia, V, Giraudo, AR, Argôlo, AJS, Jansen, M, Zaher, H, Tonini, JFR, Faurby S & Antonelli, A (2020): Museums and cradles of diversity are geographically coincident for narrowly distributed Neotropical snakes: Ecography 43(2): 328-339
Romero-Muñoz, A. Jansen, M., Nuñez, A. M., Almonacid, R. V., Kümmerle, T. (2019): Fires scorching Bolivia´s Chiquitano forest. Science 366, 6469: 1089.
Jansen, M., D. Santana, B. F. D. Teixeira & G. Köhler (2019) A new striped species of Dendropsophus (Anura: Hylidae) with a composite advertisement call and comments on the D. rubicundulus group. Vertebrate Zoology 69(3), DOI: 10.26049/VZ69-3-2019-01
Bálint, M., Nowak, C., Márton, O., Pauls, S. U., Wittwer, C., Aramayo B., J. L., Schulze, A., Chambert, T., Cocchiararo, B. & Jansen, M. (2018): Accuracy, limitations and cost-efficiency of eDNA-based community structure assessments in tropical frogs. Molecular Ecology Resources. 18(6): 1415-1426. DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.12934
Guedes TB, Sawaya RJ, Zizka A, Bérnil RS, Jansen M, Passos P, Prudente ALC, Cisneros-Heredia DF, Braz H, Nogueira CdC. & Antonelli A: Patterns, biases, and prospects in the distribution and diversity of Neotropical snakes. Global Ecol Biogeogr. 2018; 27:14–27. https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.12679
Jörn Köhler, Martin Jansen, Ariel Rodríguez, Philippe J. R. Kok, Luís Felipe Toledo, Mike Emmrich, Frank Glaw, Célio F. B. Haddad, Mark-Oliver Rödel & Miguel Vences: The use of bioacoustics in anuran taxonomy: theory, terminology, methods and recommendations for best practice. Zootaxa, 4251, 1-124, 2017
Marcel A. Caminer, Borja Milá, Martin Jansen, Antoine Fouquet, Pablo J. Venegas, Germán Chávez, Andrew Chek, Santiago R. Ron: Systematics of the Dendropsophus leucophyllatus species complex (Anura: Hylidae): Cryptic diversity and the description of two new species. PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0171785 March 1, 2017
Jansen, M., A. Masurowa & R. B. O’Hara (2016): Temporal variation, duty cycle and absolute calling effort during sustained calling of Leptodactylus mystacinus (Anura: Leptodactylidae). Salamandra 52(4): 328-336.
Pansonato, A., A. C. Veiga-Menoncello, J. R. Mudrek, M. Jansen, S. M. Reco-Pimentel & I. A. Martins (2016): Two new species of Pseudopaludicola Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926 (Anura: Leptodactylidae: Leiuperinae) from eastern Bolivia and western Brazil. Herpetologica, 72(3): 235-255.
Jansen, M., M. Plath, F. Brusquetti & M. Ryan (2016): Asymmetric frequency shift in advertisement calls of sympatric frogs. Amphibian-Reptilia, 37: 137-152
Schulze, A., Jansen, M. & G. Köhler (2015): Tadpole diversity of Bolivia`s lowland anuran communities: molecular identification, morphological characterization, and ecological assignment. Zootaxa, 4016(1):1-111.
Gehara, M., Crawford, A. J., Orrico, V. G. D., Rodríguez, A., Lötters, S., Fouquet, A., Barrientos, L. S., Brusquetti, F., De la Riva, I., Ernst, R., Urrutia, G. G., Glaw, F., Guayasamin, J. M., Hölting, M., Jansen, M., Kok, P. J. R., Kwet, A., Lingnau, R., Lyra, M., Moravec, J., Pombal Jr., J. P., Rojas-Runjaic, F. J. M., Schulze, A., Celsa Señaris, J., Solé, M., Rodrigues, M. T., Twomey, E., Haddad, C. F. B., Vences, M. and Köhler J. (2014 ). High levels of diversity uncovered in a widespread nominal taxon: continental phylogeography of the Neotropical tree frog Dendropsophus minutus. 2014. Plos One, 10 September 2014.
Brusquetti, F., Jansen, M., C. Barrio-Amorós, Magno Segalla & C. F. B. Haddad (2014): Taxonomic review of Scinax fuscomarginatus (Lutz, 1925) and related species (Anura; Hylidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 171, 4: 783-821
Schulze, A. & M. Jansen: One species, two strategies? Oviposition site variation in a member of the Leptodactylus pentadctylus group (Amphibia: Anura: Leptodactylidae). Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment, 47, 183-191, DOI:10.1080/01650521.2012.71110
Jansen, M. & A. Schulze (2012): Molecular, morphology and bioacoustic data suggest Bolivian distribution of a large species of the Leptodactylus pentadactylus group (Amphibia: Anura: Leptodactylidae). Zootaxa, 3307, 35–47
Jansen, M., R. Bloch, A. Schulze & M. Pfenninger (2011): Integrative inventory of Bolivia’s lowland frogs reveals hidden diversity. Zoologica Scripta, 40, 6, 567–583
Mebs, D., M. Jansen, G. Köhler, W. Pogoda & G. Kauert: Myrmecophagy and alkaloid sequestration in amphibians: A study on Dendrobatidae (Ameerega picta) and Microhylidae (Elachistocleis) frogs. Salamandra 46(1): 11-15.#
Jansen, M., A. Schulze, L. Werding & B. Streit (2009): Effects of extreme drought in the dry season on an anuran community in the Bolivian Chiquitano region. Salamandra 45(4): 233-238
Jansen, M., L. Gonzales & G. Köhler (2009): Description of a new species of Xenopholis (Serpentes: Colubridae) from the Cerrado of Bolivia with comments on Xenopholis scalaris in Bolivia. Zootaxa 2222: 31-45.
Schulze, A., Jansen, M. & G. Köhler (2009): Diversity and ecology of an anuran community in San Sebastián, Bolivia. Salamandra 45:75-90.
Jansen, M., L. Gonzales & G. Köhler (2007): New species of Hydrolaetare (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from Bolivia with some notes on its natural history. Journal of Herpetology 41(4): 724-732.
Jansen, M.: Zeckenbefall bei Lacerta agilis Linnaeus, 1758 und Zootoca vivipara Jacquin, 1787 im Spessart. Salamandra, Rheinbach 38(2): 85-94.
Jansen, M. & G. Köhler: Biogeografische Analyse der Herpetofauna von ausgewählten Hochlandgebieten Nicaraguas. Salamandra, Rheinbach, 38 (4): 269-286.
Jansen, M. & G. Köhler: Ökologie des Mombacho-Salamanders, Bolitoglossa mombachoensis Köhler & McCranie, 1999, am Volcán Mombacho, Nicaragua (Caudata: Plethodontidae). Salamandra, Rheinbach, 37 (2): 83-98.

Maya Beukes has been working at Senckenberg since February 2022. After working for six years in environmental management she pursued her interest in ecological research. She founded the Kgalagadi Lion Project and completed her Master’s degree in lion ecology. Following on she worked for an NGO overseeing research, collaborations, and monitoring and evaluation. Maya then founded the Baviaanskloof Wildlife Project and is currently pursuing her Doctoral degree in Zoology through Rhodes University (South Africa) whilst working as a Research Data Officer for Senckenberg’s Audiovisual Biodiversity Research Department.
Nams, V.O., Parker, D.M., Weise, F.J., Patterson, B.D., Buij, R., Radloff, F.G., Vanak, A.T., Tumenta, P.N., Hayward, M.W., Swanepoel, L.H. and Funston, P.J., 2023. Spatial patterns of large African cats: a large‐scale study on density, home range size, and home range overlap of lions Panthera leo and leopards Panthera pardus. Mammal Review.
Bouderka, S., Perry, T.W., Parker, D., Beukes, M. and Mgqatsa, N., 2022. Count me in: Leopard population density in an area of mixed land‐use, Eastern Cape, South Africa. African Journal of Ecology, 61(1), pp.228-232.
Beukes, M., Radloff, F.G. and Ferreira, S.M., 2020. Spatial and seasonal variation in lion (Panthera leo) diet in the southwestern Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. African Journal of Wildlife Research, 50(1), pp.55-68.
Beukes, M., Radloff, F.G.T. and Ferreira, S.M., 2017. Estimating lion’s prey species profile in an arid environment. Journal of Zoology, 303(2), pp.136-144.

I am Stacey Klein Snakenborg and I’m currently a master’s student in Zoology at Rhodes University, South Africa. I work for Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency as an ecological technician, monitoring priority species, alien plants, and normal game species in the region. For my research, I am assessing the spatial and temporal variation in leopard demographics and diet in the Baviaanskloof World Heritage Site, South Africa. I am using camera trap data to individually identify leopards and then estimate the density of the population. I will be using scat analysis to determine the diet of leopards in the area and comparing my results to a study in 2004 to determine if there has been any change in their diet over time.

I’m Elihle Mankuntsu, and I’m currently a first year Masters student in Zoology at Rhodes University in Grahamstown, South Africa. In my project, I will be assessing the spatial and temporal variation of baboon demographics in Baviaanskloof, Eastern Cape. In this study camera traps will be used to assess the abundance, baboon density, and identify whether baboon behavior varies spatially, across vegetation types (fynbos, forest, savannah, thicket, and farmland) and across land use types and temporally.

Santana Tosi is a Furman University graduate who spent her undergraduate career researching the effects of puma activity and habitat characteristics on coyote activity. She comes from Boston, Massachusetts, and is currently a Master’s student at Rhodes University, South Africa, working towards her degree in Zoology. Her current research project involves an acoustic study of birds in the Baviaanskloof, Eastern Cape, South Africa. She is using audio recorders that are placed in six different habitat types (Fynbos, Forest, Savanna, Agricultural Lands, Intact Thicket, and Degraded Thicket) to assess how habitat type acts as a driver of bird communities across the Baviaanskloof.
Field Operatives

Research Associates