Major projects

Neogene Climate Evolution in Eurasia

NECLIME is an open international network of scientists working on the Neogene palaeoclimate evolution in Eurasia and related changes of continental ecosystems.

The steadily growing network formed in 1999, is coordinated by groups of researchers, and currently has around 136 members in 36 countries. NECLIME holds annual meetings, has working groups and advisers for specific topics thus bringing forward scientific exchange, joint projects, and integration of the results obtained.

Research Topics

Combining a palaeogeography relatively close to present and globally warmer conditions, most Neogene time periods anticipate future climate change and thus are suited for case studies in an ideal manner. NECLIME research themes comprise palaeoclimate reconstruction, including atmospheric CO2, and ecosystem analysis using multiple quantitative methods on various proxies (palaeoflora; vertebrates; invertebrates; isotopes; geological proxies). Model studies are employed to study the processes behind. They include ocean, atmosphere and biosphere modelling at global or regional scale. In order to study changing patterns along the cooling in the later Neogene one key aspect is the transition into the ice-house in the earlier Pleistocene.

Additional objectives of NECLIME research in the forthcoming decade were appointed by the members in 2019, on meetings in Weimar and Saint Petersburg, and our known flow chart was re-arranged accordingly. “History of Biodiversity” including various sub-themes such as “Evolution” and “Dispersal” have been added as new research fields. Moreover, the analysis of transpacific climate and vegetation patterns will be in the focus of the network.

Working groups

NECLIME actually has 6 active working groups organizing regular workshops. As the annual meetings the workshops are open to the interested party. Details on working group activities and forthcoming workshops are available at the NECLIME website.

Taxonomy of Neogene palynomorphs
Coordinators: D. Ivanov, E. Worobiec

Taxonomy of the Neogene macrobotanical record of Eurasia
Coordinators: B. Erdei, T. Utescher

Digital data on plant distribution
Coordinators: A. A. Bruch, T. Utescher

Detailed and high-resolution records
Coordinators: A. K. Kern, M. Harzhauser

Cimate reconstruction from fossil woods
Coordinators: J. Sakala, S. Iamandei

Neogene Stratigraphy of the plant bearing horizons in Central and East Asia
Coordinators: M. Böhme, Li Cheng-Sen, M. Fortelius, V. Mosbrugger, D. Uhl


Forthcoming meetings

Circulars for all forthcoming NECLIME meetings are available for download at the NECLIME website.

NECLIME at the XV. IPC / XI. IOPC Prague, (Czech Republic) 12th to 19th of September, 2020

  • T02 Cenozoic continental climate and vegetation patterns on both sides of the North Pacific – an open NECLIME symposium (convenors: Torsten Utescher, Yusheng (Christopher) Liu, Cheng Quan, & Atsushi Yabe)
  • Q01 A global view on Early Pleistocene Climate and Vegetation dynamics (Yul Altolaguirre, Angela A. Bruch, & Kale Sniderman)



References of publications contributing to NECLIME are available at the ResearchGate NECLIME Project.

Moreover, NECLIME has published special issues:

Henrot, A.-J., Bruch, A. A., François, L., Utescher, T. (eds.), 2021. Biodiversity and floral patterns in the course of Cenozoic climate change. – Geological Journal 56 (2), 613-1186.

François, L., Bruch, A. A., Utescher, T., Spicer, R. A., Spicer, T. (eds.), 2017. Reconstructing Cenozoic vegetation from proxy data and models – a NECLIME synthesis. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 467, 1-286.

Wang, W.-M., Zhou Z.-K. (eds.), 2013. Neogene climate and environmental evolution in Eastern Eurasia. – Palaeoworld 22, 73-168.

Akgün, F., Bruch, A. A. (eds.), 2012.  Neogene terrestrial environments and climate change in Eurasia. – Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 21 (2), 153-334.

Utescher, T., Böhme, M., Mosbrugger, V. (eds.), 2011. The Neogene of Eurasia: spatial gradients and temporal trends. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 304 (3-4), 197-378.

Bruch, A. A., Uhl, D., Mosbrugger, V. (eds),  2007. Miocene Climate in Europe – patterns and evolution. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 253 (1-2), 1-270.



NECLIME data are stored in PANGAEA, a data base system for earth and environmental science. Currently, ca. 270 data sets can be accessed online.