NECLIME hat derzeit 6 aktive Arbeitsgruppen, die regelmäßig stattfindende Workshops organisieren. Die für alle Interessenten offenen Veranstaltungen werden jeweils auf der NECLIME Homepage angekündigt.
Taxonomy of Neogene palynomorphs
Koordinatoren: D. Ivanov, E. Worobiec
Taxonomy of the Neogene macrobotanical record of Eurasia
Koordinatoren: B. Erdei, T. Utescher
Digital data on plant distribution
Koordinatoren: A. A. Bruch, T. Utescher
Detailed and high-resolution records
Koordinatoren: A. K. Kern, M. Harzhauser
Climate reconstruction from fossil woods
Koordinatoren: J. Sakala, S. Iamandei
Neogene Stratigraphy of the plant bearing horizons in Central and East Asia
Koordinatoren: M. Böhme, Li Cheng-Sen, M. Fortelius, V. Mosbrugger, D. Uhl
Zirkulare für die anstehenden NECLIME-Tagungen sind online verfügbar.
NECLIME auf der XV. IPC / XI. IOPC Prague, (Czech Republic) 12th to 19th of September, 2020
- T02 Cenozoic continental climate and vegetation patterns on both sides of the North Pacific – an open NECLIME symposium (convenors: Torsten Utescher, Yusheng (Christopher) Liu, Cheng Quan, & Atsushi Yabe)
- Q01 A global view on Early Pleistocene Climate and Vegetation dynamics (Yul Altolaguirre, Angela A. Bruch, & Kale Sniderman)
Zitate zu Publikationen mit Bezug zu NECLIME sind in einem gleichnamigen ResearchGate-Projekt verfügbar.
Außerdem publiziert NECLIME thematische Sonderbände:
Henrot, A.-J., Bruch, A. A., François, L., Utescher, T. (eds.), 2021. Biodiversity and floral patterns in the course of Cenozoic climate change. – Geological Journal 56 (2), 613-1186.
François, L., Bruch, A. A., Utescher, T., Spicer, R. A., Spicer, T. (eds.), 2017. Reconstructing Cenozoic vegetation from proxy data and models – a NECLIME synthesis. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 467, 1-286.
Wang, W.-M., Zhou Z.-K. (eds.), 2013. Neogene climate and environmental evolution in Eastern Eurasia. – Palaeoworld 22, 73-168.
Akgün, F., Bruch, A. A. (eds.), 2012. Neogene terrestrial environments and climate change in Eurasia. – Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 21 (2), 153-334.
Utescher, T., Böhme, M., Mosbrugger, V. (eds.), 2011. The Neogene of Eurasia: spatial gradients and temporal trends. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 304 (3-4), 197-378.
Bruch, A. A., Uhl, D., Mosbrugger, V. (eds), 2007. Miocene Climate in Europe – patterns and evolution. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 253 (1-2), 1-270.
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