geb. 17.08.1959
seit 2009
Wissenschaftlicher Leiter der Abteilung Bodenzoologie und
Leiter der Sektion Mesofauna
Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz
seit 2008
Internationales Hochschulinstitut Zittau
im Mastersprogramm des Instituts für Umweltbiotechnologie
2005 – 2008
Oberkonservator der Abteilung Bodenzoologie
Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz
seit 2001
Konservator der Sektion Mesofauna
Staatliches (ab 1/2009: Senckenberg] Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz
2000 – 2001
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Zoologisches Institut und Museum, Universität Greifswald
Projektmanagement und Bearbeitung von Collembola und Actinedida im BMBF-Projekt:
„Zukunftsorientierte Waldwirtschaft“
1997 – 2001
Julius Springer Verlag, Heidelberg
für Cell and Tissue Research, Experimental Brain Research, Biology and Fertility of Soils
1994 – 1995
University of Maryland – European Division
(Biologie / Ökologie)
1991 – 1992
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Zoologisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg
Untersuchungen der Auswirkungen chronischer Schwermetallbelastung auf Collembolengemeinschaften und Dekompositionsprozesse natürlicher Buchenwälder
1990 – 1993
Freier Mitarbeiter
WWF-Auen-Institut, Rastatt
Auswirkungen verschiedener forstwirtschaftlicher und Renaturierungsmethoden boden-ökologischer Parameter
1994 – 1998
Universität Heidelberg
Abschluss: Promotion (Biologie)
1984 – 1993
Universität Heidelberg
Abschluss: Diplom Biologe
1983 – 1984
University of Maryland (Heidelberg, BRD)
Abschluss: Associate in Arts
1980 – 1982
Sprachreisen in Europa
1977- 1979
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (U.S.A.)
Akademie für öffentliche Verwaltung des Freistaates Sachsen
Moderations- und Besprechungstechnik
Akademie für öffentliche Verwaltung des Freistaates Sachsen
Kommunikation und Gesprächsführung
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA
Acarology Summer Program
Kurs: Soil Acarology; Drs. Kethley, Johnston, Norton
Sommerakademie für Systematische Zoologie
Kurs: Collembola (Arthropleona); Prof. Dr. W. Dunger
Bonfanti, J., Potapov, A. M., Angst, G., Ganault, P., Briones, M. J. I., Calderon-Sadou, I., Chen, T.-W., Conti, E., Degrune, F., Eisenhauer, N., Ferlian, O., Hackenberger, D., Hauer, A., Hedde, M., Hohberg, K., Krogh, P. H., Mulder, C., Perez-Roig, C., Russell, D., Shelef, O., Zhou, Z., Zuev, A., Berg, M. (2024). Linking effect traits of soil fauna to processes of organic matter transformation. Functional Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.14720
Gabriel Salako, Andrey Zaitsev, Bibiana Betancur-Corredor, David J. Russell (2024): Modelling and spatial prediction of earthworms ecological-categories distribution reveal their habitat and environmental preferences. Ecological Indicators, Vol. 169. pdf
Kotschik, P., Brooks, B., Felix da Graca Silva, V., Grenni, P., Luz, T., Menke, U., Renaud, M., Princz, J., Rijk, I., Russell, D.J., van Gestel, K., Vieira, D., Pieper, S. (in prep.) Soil protection & risk assessment for chemicals: Where do we stand and what do we need? Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management
Aldana-Martín J.F., Russell, D.J., Martínez-Muñoz C.A., Driller, C., Navas-Delgado, I. (submitted): Advancing soil biology research: empowering European databases with ontological frameworks for enhanced data integration. Ecological Informatics
Salako, G., Zaitsev, A., Bentacur-Corredor, B., Russell, D.J. (in press): Modelling and spatial prediction of earthworms ecological-groups distribution reveal their habitat and environmental preferences. Ecological indicators
Russell, D.J. (submitted): Quality review enhances the benefits of data publication for soil biodiversity conservation. Applied Soil Ecology
Betancur Corredor, B., Zaytsev, A., Russell, D. (submitted): Intensified land uses lead to lower taxonomic richness of nematodes, sprintails, and mites in a global meta-analysis. Geoderma. Preprint: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-4793957/v1
Betancur Corredor, B., Zaytsev, A., Russell, D. (in press): Concurrent adoption of multiple less intensive practices is essential for effectively preserving earthworm diversity in agroecosystems: a global meta-analysis. Scientific Reports. Preprint: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-4544851/v1
Russell, D.J., Naudts, E., Soudzilovskaia, N.A., Briones, M.J.I., Çakır, M., Conti, E., Cortet, J., Fiera, C., Hackenberger Kutuzovic, D., Hedde, M., Hohberg, K., Indjic, D., Krogh, P.H., Lehmitz, R., Lesch, S., Marjanovic, Z., Mulder, C., Mumladze, L., Murvanidze, M., Rick, S., Roß-Nickoll, M., Schlaghamerský, J., Schmidt, O., Shelef, O., Suhadolc, M., Tsiafouli, M., Winding, A., Zaitsev, A., Potapov, A. (2024): Edaphobase 2.0: advanced international data warehouse for collating and using soil biodiversity datasets. Applied Soil Ecology 204. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4820719
Ballasus, H., Beylich, A., Bluhm, C. Buscot, F., Cordsen, E. Eisenhauer, N., Fröhlich, J. Glante, F., Grüneberg, E., Hommel, B., Höper, H., Jacob, F., Lachmann, C., Nabel, M., Pieper, S., Puhlmann, H., Römbke, J., Roß-Nickol, M., Russell, D.J., Scheu, S. Tebbe, C.C., Toschki, A., Walter, R. Weiß, L. (2024): Wege zu einem bundesweiten harmonisierten Monitoring: Verbesserung der Erfassung der Bodenbiodiversität und ihrer Funktionen. Natur und Landschaft 09/10: 452-458
Russell, D.J., Tebbe, C.C., Ashwood, F., Scheunemann, N., Hohberg. K. (2024): Beeindruckendes Bodenleben. Natur und Landschaft 09/10: 426-458
Betancur Corredor, B., Zaytsev, A., Russell, D. (2024): A meta-analysis of the impact of land use intensification on selected soil fauna in global agroecosystems – Methods. Open Science Framework: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/S96GY
Farfan, M.A., Guerra, C.A., Hedlund, K., Ingimarsdóttir, M., Barrios, E., Cox, N., Dahlberg, A., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Eisenhauer, N., Lundesjö, M., Orgiazz,i A., Parnell, J.J., Potapov, A., Ramirez, K.S., Raschmanová, N., Russell, D., Wall, D.H., Zaytsev, A. (2024): Preliminary assessment of the knowledge gaps to improve nature conservation of soil biodiversity. Soils for Europe 1: e118853. https://doi.org/10.3897/soils4europe.e118853
Ganault, P., Ristok, C., Phillips, H. R., Hedde, M., Capowiez, Y., Bottinelli, N., Decaëns, T., Marchan, D., Gerard, S., Mathieu, J., Potapov, A., Cameron, E. K., Brown, G., Bartz, M., Zeiss, R., Zi, Y., Tsiafouli, M., Russell, D. J., Guerra, C., Eisenhauer, N. (2024): Soil BON Earthworm – A global initiative on earthworm distribution, traits, and spatiotemporal diversity patterns. Soil Organisms 96(1): 47-60. https://doi.org/10.25674/362
Vogel, H.J., Amelung, W., Baum, C., Bonkowski, M., Blagodatsky, S., Grosh, R., Herbst, M., Kiese, R., Koch, S., Kuhwald, M., König, S., Leinweber, P., Lennartz, B., Müller, C.W., Pagel, H., Rillig, M.C., Rüschhoff, J., Russell, D., Schnepf, A., Schulz, S., Siebers, N., Vetterlein, D., Wachendorf, C., Weller, U., Wollschläger, U. (2024): How to adequately represent biological processes in modeling multifunctionality of arable soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils 60: 263-306 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00374-024-01802-3
Potapov, A.M., Chen, TW., Striuchkova, A.V., Alato, J.M., Alexandre, D. … Russell, D.J. et al. (2024): Global fine-resolution data on springtail abundance and community structure. Scientific Data 11: 22. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-02784-x
Le Guillarme, N., Hedde, M., Potapov, A.M., Martínez-Muñoz, C.A., Berg, M.B., Briones, M.J.I., Calderón-Sanou, I., Degrune, F., Hohberg, K., Martinez-Almoyna, C., Pey, B., Russell, D.J., Thuiller, W. (2023): The soil food web ontology: Aligning trophic groups, processes, resources, and dietary traits to support food-web research. Ecological Informatics 102360, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2023.102360
Scheuemann, N., Russell, D. J. (2023): Hydrological regime and forest development have indirect effects on soil fauna feeding activity in Central European hardwood floodplain forests. Nature Conservation 53: 257-278 https://doi.org/10.3897/natureconservation.53.106260
Roeder, M., Binder, F., Reif, A., Unseld, R., Dichtl, T., Schneider, E., Mailänder, S., Stöger, W., Russell, D., Egger G. (2023): Auwaldbewirtschaftung in unsicheren Zeiten – die Suche nach Baumarten für den Auwald der Zukunft. Auenmagazin 23: 43-50
Lang, B., Betancur-Corredor, B., Russell, D.J. (2023): Soil mineral nitrogen content is increased by soil mesofauna and nematodes – a meta-analysis. Soil Organisms 95(2): 117-128 https://doi.org/10.25674/so95iss2id310
Salako, G., Russell, D.J., Stucke, A., Eberhardt, E. (2023): Assessment of multiple model algorithms to predict earthworm geographic distribution range and biodiversity in Germany: implications for soil‑monitoring and species‑conservation needs. Biodiversity and Conservation 32: 2365–2394 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-023-02608-9
Lang, B., Betancur-Corredor, B., Russell, D.J. (2023): Earthworms increase soil mineral nitrogen content – a meta-analysis. Soil Organisms 95(1): 1-16 https://doi.org/10.25674/so95iss1id308
Potapov, A.M., Guerra, C.A., van den Hoogen, J., Babenko, A., Bellini, B.C., Berg, M.P., Chown, S.L., Deharveng, L., Kovac, L., Kuznetsova, N.A., Ponge, J.-F., Potapov, M.B., Russell, D.J., Alexander, D., et al. (2023): Globally invariant metabolism but density-diversity mismatch in springtails. Nature communications 14: 374, 13 pp., https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-36216-6
Betancur-Corredor, B., Lang, B., Russell, D.J. (2022): Reducing tillage intensity benefits the soil micro- and mesofauna in a global meta-analysis. European Journal of Soil Science 73:e13321. https://doi.org/10.1111/ejss.13321
Betancur-Corredor, B., Lang, B., Russell, D.J. (2022): Organic nitrogen fertilization benefits selected soil fauna in global agroecosystems. Biology and Fertility of Soils
Tsiafouli, M.A., Cortet, J., Russell, D. (2022). A call for collaboration to create the European Atlas of Soil Fauna. Soil Organisms 94(3): 175-181
Lang, B., Russell, D. J. (2022): Excretion of nitrogenous waste by soil fauna and assessment of the contribution to soil nitrogen pools. Soil Organism, 94 (2): 69 -83
Phillips, H.R.P., Bach, E.M., Bartz, M.L.C, Bennett, J.M., Beugnon, R., Briones, M.J.I., Brown, G.G., Ferlian, O., Gongalsky, K.B., Guerra, C.A. König-Ries, B.-, Krebs, J.J., Orgiazzi, A., Ramirez, K.S., Russell, D.J., et al. … (110 further Authors), Eisenhauer, N. (2021): Global data on earthworm abundance, biomass, diversity and corresponding environmental properties. Scientific Data 8:136 https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.13399118
Toschki, A., Burkhardt, U. Haase, H., Höfer, H., Jänsch, S., Oellers, J., Römbke, J., Roß-Nickoll, M., Salamon, J.A., Schmelz, R., Scholz-Starke, B., Russell, D.J. (2021): Die Edaphobase-Länderstudien Synökologische Untersuchungen von Bodenorganismen in einem Biotop- und Standortgradienten in Deutschland 2014–2018. Peckiana 14 367 S, SMNG Görlitz
Gotelli, N. J., Booher, D. B., Urban, M. C., Ulrich, W., Suarez, A. V., Skelly, D. J., Russell, D. J., Rowe, R. J., Rothendler, M., Rios, N., Rehan, S. M., Ni, G., Moreau, C. S., Magurran, A. E., Jones, F. A. M., Graves, G. R., Fiera, C., Burkhardt, U., Primack, R. B. (2021): Estimating species relative abundances from museum records. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 00: 1– 13. https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.13705
Potapov, A., Bellini, B.C., Chown, S.L., Deharveng, L., Janssens, F., Kováč, L., Kuznetsova, N., Ponge, J.-F., Potapov, M., Querner, P., Russell, D., Sun, X., Zhang, F., Berg, M.B. (2020): Towards a global synthesis of Collembola knowledge – challenges and potential solutions. Soil Organisms 92: 161–188
Russell, D.J., Heynen, S. (2020) Die komplexe Biodiversität des Bodens und ihre funktionelle Bedeutung. Bodenschutz 3: 96-99
Lang, B., Russell, D.J. (2020): Effects of earthworms on bulk density: A meta-analysis. European Journal of Soil Science 71(1): 80-83, doi.org/10.1111/ejss.12846
Lehmitz, R., Haase, H., Otte, V., Russell, D. (2020): Bioindication in peatlands by means of multi-taxa indicators (Oribatida, Araneae, Carabidae, Vegetation). Biological indicators 109: 105837
Russell, D.J., K. Franke (2019): Actinedida ‑ Acari Bibliographia Acarologica 19 (3): 1-34
Phillips H.R.P, Guerra, C.A., Bartz, M.L.C., Briones, M.J.I., Brown, G., Crowther, T.W., Ferlian, O., Gongalsky, K.B., Hoogan, J., van der, Krebs, J., Orgiazzi, A., Routh, D., Schwarz, B., Bach, E.M., Bennett, J., Brose, U., Decaëns, T., König-Ries, B., Loreau, M., Mathieu, J., Mulder, C., van der Putten, W.H., Ramirez, K.S., Rillig, M.C., Russell, D., Rutgers, M., Thakur, M.P., De Vries, F.T., Wall, D.H., Wardle, D., …, Cameron, E., Eisenhauer, N. (2019): Global distribution of earthworm diversity. Science 366: 480-485 DOI: 10.1126/science.aax4851
Thakur, M.P., Phillips, H.R.P., Brose, U., De Vries, F.T., Lavelle, P., Loreau, M., Mathieu, J., Mulder, C., Van der Putten, W.H., Rillig, M., Wardle, D.A., Bach, E., Bartz, M., Bennett, J.M., Briones, M.J.I., Brown, G., Decaëns, T., Eisenhauer, N., Ferlian, O., Guerra, C.,A., König-Ries, B., Orgiazzi, A., Ramirez, K.S., Russell, D.J., Rutgers, M., Wall, D.H., Cameron, E.K. (2019): Toward an integrative understanding of soil biodiversity. Biological Reviews doi: 10.1111/brv.12567
Lang, B., Russell, D.J. (2019): Effects of earthworms on bulk density: A meta-analysis. European Journal of Soil Science, 2019:1–4, doi.org/10.1111/ejss.12846
Russell. D.J., Gergocs, V. (2019): Forest-management types similarly influence soil collembolan communities throughout regions in Germany – A data bank analysis. Forest Ecology and Management 434: 49–62
Vogel, H.-J., Wollschläger, U., Helming, K., Heinrich, U., Willms, M., Wiesmeier, M., Russell, D., Franko, U. (2019): Assessment of Soil Functions Affected by Soil Management. In: Schröter, M., Bonn, A., Klotz, S., Seppelt, R., Baessle, C. (eds) Atlas of Ecosystem Services – Drivers, Risks, and Societal Responses. Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 77-82
Russell, D.J., K. Franke (2018): Actinedida ‑ Acari Bibliographia Acarologica 18 (3): 1-28
Römbke, J., Bandow, C., Gerlach, A., Jaeschke, B., Schmelz, R.M., Natal-da-Luz, T. Sousa, J.P., Russell, D.J. (2018): Data on the Lumbricidae and Enchytraeidae from six forest sites in Germany and Portugal. Opusc. Zool. Budapest, 48(Supplementum 2): 73–81
Vogel, H-J., Bartke, S., Daedlow, K., Helming, K., Kögel-Knabner, I., Lang, B., Rabot, E., Russell, D.J., Stößel, B., Weller, Ul. Wiesmeier, M., Wollschläger, U. (2018): A systemic approach for modeling soil functions. Soil 4: 83-92 doi.org/10.5194/soil-4-83-2018
Russell, D.J., K. Franke (2017): Actinedida ‑ Acari Bibliographia Acarologica 17 (3): 1-37
Russell, D.J., (2017): Entwicklung der Collembolen im Boden der Hochwasserschutzpolder Altenheim nach Einführung der ökologischen Flutung. In: Schneider, E., Werling, M., Stammel, B., Januschke, K., Ledesma-Krist, G., Scholz, M. Hering, D., Gelhaus, M., Dister, E. Egger, G. (Hrsg.) Biodiversität der Flussauen Deutschlands. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt Heft 163, Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN), Bonn. S. 253-264
Hausen, J., Scholz-Starke, B., Burkhardt, U., Lesch, S., Rick, R., Russell, D., Roß-Nickoll, M., Ottermanns, R. (2017): Edaphostat: interactive ecological analysis of soil organism occurrences and preferences from the Edaphobase data warehouse. Database 2017: 1-6, doi:10.1093/database/bax080
Bowler, D.E., Hof, C., Haase, P., Kröncke, I., Schweiger, O., Adrian, R., Baert, L., Bauer, H.-G., Theo Blick, T., Brooker, R.W., Dekoninck, W., Sami Domisch, S., Eckmann, R., Hendrickx, F., Hickler, T., Stefan Klotz, S., Alexandra Kraberg, A., Ingolf Kühn, I., Matesanz, S., Meschede, A., Neumann, H., O’Hara, R., Russell, D.J., Sell, A.F., Sonnewald, M., Stoll, S., Sundermann, A., Oliver Tackenberg, O., Türkay, M., Valladares, F., van Herk, K., van Klink, R., Vermeulen, R., Voigtländer, K., Wagner, R., Welk, E., Wiemers, M., Wiltshire, K.H., Böhning-Gaese, K. (2017): Cross-realm assessment of climate change impacts on species’ abundance trends. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1, 0067
DOI: 10.1038/s41559-016-0067
Russell, D.J., Franke, K. (2016): Actinedida – Acari Bibliographia Acarologica 16 (3): 1–37
Russell, D.J., Michalik, P, Storch, V. (2016): In Memoriam – Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gerd Alberti. – Soil Organisms 88 (3): i–ii
Russell, D.J., Franke, K. (2015): Actinedida – Acari Bibliographia Acarologica 15 (3): 1–36
Xylander, W.E.R., Lehmitz, R., Hohber, K., Lang, B., Russell, D.J. (2015): Boden – ein unterschätzer Lebensraum. Biologie in unserer Zeit 45: 388–395
Ramirez, K., Döring, M., Eisenhauer, N., Gardi, C., Ladau, J., Leff, J.W., Lentendu, G., Lindo, Z., Rillig, M.C., Russell, D.J., Scheu, S., St. John, M.G., de Vries, F.T., Wubet, T., van der Putten, W.H., Wall, D.H. (2015): Toward a global platform for linking soil biodiversity data. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3: 91
doi 10.3389/fevo.2015.00091
Hohberg, K., Schulz, H.-J., Balkenhol, B., Pilz, M., Thomalla, A., Russell, D.J., Pfanz, H. (2015): Soil faunal communities from mofette fields: Effects of high geogenic carbon dioxide concentration. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 88: 420–429
Bowler, D.E., Haase, P., Kröncke, I., Tackenberg, O., Bauer, H.G., Brendel, C., Brooker, R.W., Gerisch, M., Henle, K., Hickler, T., Hof, C., Klotz, S., Kühn, I., Matesanz, S., O‘Hara, R., Russell, D.J., Schweiger, O., Valladares, F., Welk, E., Wiemers, M., Böhning-Gaese, K. (2015): A cross-taxon analysis of the impact of climate change on abundance trends in central Europe. Biological Conservation 187: 41–50
Russell, D.J., Franke, K. (2014): Actinedida – Acari Bibliographia Acarologica 14 (3): 1–40
Russell, D.J., Hohberg, K., Potapov, M., Bruckner, A., Otte, V., Christian, A. (2014): Native terrestrial invertebrate fauna from the northern Antarctic Peninsula: new records, state of current knowledge and ecological preferences. Soil Organisms 86: 1–58
Burkhardt, U., Russell, D.J., Buryn, R., Decker, P., Döhler, M., Höfer, H., Lesch, S., Rick, S.Römbke, J., Trog, C., Vorwald, J., Wurst, E. & Xylander, W.E.R.(2014): The Edaphobase Project of GBIF-Germany – A new online soil-zoological data warehouse. Applied Soil Ecology 83: 3–12 ISSN 0929-1393
Gerlach, A., Russell, D.J., Jaeschke, B., Römbke, J.(2014): Feeding preferences of native terrestrial isopod species (Oniscoidea, Isopoda) for native and introduced leaf litter. – Applied soil Ecology 83: 95–100 ISSN 0929-1393
Russell, D.J., Franke, K. (2013): Actinedida – Acari Bibliographia Acarologica 13 (3): 1–34
Römbke, J. Burkhardt, U., Höfer, H., Horak, F., Jänsch, S., Roß-Nickoll, M., Russell, D.J, Schmitt, H., Toschki, A. (2013): Die Bodenbiodiversität als Instrument zur Beurteilung des Bodenzustands: Theoretischer Hintergrund, Konzeptionelle Überlegungen und Empfehlungen. In: Blume, H.-P. (ed.) Handbuch des Bodenschutzes. 8. Ecomed, Hamburg ISSN 1432-170X
Jänsch, S., Steffens, L., Höfer, H., Horak, F., Roß-Nickoll, M., Russell, D.J., Toschki, A., Römbke, J. (2013): State of knowledge of earthworm communities in German soils as a basis for biological soil quality assessment. –Soil Organisms 85 (2): 123–146
Ruf, A., Beylich, A., Blick, T., Büchs, W., Glante, F., Höss, S., Roß-Nickoll, M., Rueß, L., Russell, D.J., Römbke, J., Seitz, H., Theißen, B., Toschki, A., Weimann, C., Züghart, W. (2013): Soil organisms as an essential element of a monitoring plan to identify the effects of GMO cultivation. Requirements – Methodology – Standardisation. – BioRisk 8: 73–87
Römbke, J., Jänsch, S., Höfer, H., Horak, F., Roß-Nickoll, M., Russell, D.J. & Toschki, A. (2013): State of knowledge of enchytraeid communities in German soils as a basis for biological soil quality assessment. – Soil Organisms 85 (2): 123–146
Römbke, J., Burkhardt, U., Höfer, H. Horak, F., Jänsch, S., Roß-Nickoll, M., Russell, D.J., Schmitt, H, Toschki, A. (2013): Die Beurteilung der Boden-Biodiversität: Ergebnisse eines UBA-Vorhabens. – Bodenschutz 3 (13): 100–105
Russell, D.J., Hohberg, K., Otte, V., Christian, A., Potapov, M., Brückner, A., McInnes, S.J. (2013): The Impact of Human Activities on Soil Organisms of the Maritime Antarctic and the Introduction of Non-Native Species in Antarctica. UBA Texte Nr. 22/2013, Federal Environment Agency, Dessau, 232 pp. + XXXVIII www.uba.de
Russell, D.J., Hohberg, K., Otte, V., Christian, A., Potapov, M., Brückner, A., McInnes, S.J. (2013): Der Einfluss menschlicher Aktivitäten auf Bodenorganismen der maritimen Antarktis und die Einschleppung von fremden Arten in die Antarktis. UBA Texte Nr. 21/2013, Umweltbundesamt, Dessau, 243 S. + XXXVIII www.uba.de
Hüttl, R.F., Russell, D.J., Sticht, Ch., Schrader, St., Weigel, H.-J., Bens, O., Lorenz, K., Schneider, B.U. (2012): Auswirkungen auf Bodenökosysteme In: Mosbrugger, V., Brasseur, G.P., Schaller, M., Stribrny B. (Eds) Klimawandel und Biodiversität: Folgen für Deutschland. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt. S. 128–163
Gerlach, A., Russell, D.J., Römbke, J., Brüggemann, W. (2012): Consumption of introduced oak litter by native decomposers (Glomeridae, Diplopoda). – Soil Biology & Biochemistry 44: 26–30
Lehmitz, R., Russell, D. J., Hohberg, K., Christian, A., Xylander W.E.R. (2012): Active dispersal of oribatid mites into young soils. – Applied Soil Ecology 55: 10–19.
Greenslade, P., Potapov, M., Russell, D.J., Convey, P. (2012): Lessons from history – Global Collembola (Springtails) on Deception Island. Journal of Insect Science 12: 1–16 www.insectscience.org
Hohberg, K., Elmer, M., Russell, D.J., Christian, A., Schulz, H.J., Lehmitz, R., Wanner, M. (2012): First five years of soil food-web development in the ‘Chicken Creek’ catchment. In: Elmer, M., Schaaf, W., Biemelt, D., Gerwin, W. & Hüttl, R.F. (eds.) The artificial catchment ‘Chicken Creek’ – initial ecosystem development 2005-2010. Ecosystem Development 3: 93–114
Römbke, J., Jänsch, S., Roß-Nickoll, M., Toschki, A., Höfer, H., Horak, F., Russell, D.J., Burkhardt, U., Schmitt, H. (2012): Erfassung und Analyse des Bodenzustands im Hinblick auf die Umsetzung und Weiterentwicklung der Nationalen Biodiversitätsstrategie. Texte des Umweltbundesamtes 33/2012, Dessau. 386 pp. www.uba.de
Russell, D.J., Franke, K. (2012): Actinedida – Acari Bibliographia Acarologica 12 (3): 1–19
Hohberg, K., Russell, D.J., Elmer, M (2011): Mass occurrence of algal-feeding tardigrade Apodibius confusus, in the young soils of a post-mining site. – Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 49: 62–65
Lehmitz, R., Russell, D.J., Hohberg, K., Christian, A., Xylander, W.E.R. (2011): Wind dispersal of oribatid mites as a mode of migration. – Pedobiologia 54: 201–207
Römbke, T., Römbke, J., Russell, D.J. (2011): Effects of temperature increases on the feeding activity of two species of isopods (Porcellio scaber, Porcellionides pruinosus) in laboratory tests. – Soil Organisms 83 (2): 210–220
Russell, D.J., Franke, K. (2011): Actinedida. – Acari Biblio. Acarol. 11 (3): 1–31
Russell, D.J., Schulz, H.-J., Hohberg, K., Pfanz, H. (2011): Occurrence of collembolan fauna in mofette fields (natural carbondioxide springs) of the Czech Republic. – Soil Organisms 83 (3): 489–505 www.soil-organisms.org
Russell, D.J., Hohberg, K., Elmer, M. (2010): Primary colonisation of newly formed soils by actinedid mites. – Soil Organisms 82(2): 237–251 www.soil-organisms.org
Russell, D.J., Franke, K. (2010): Actinedida – Acari Biblio. Acarol. 10 (3): 1–28
Elmer, M., Hohberg, K., Russell, D.J., Christian, A., Schulz, H.-J., Wanner, M. (2010): Succession of the soil faunal community during initial ecosystem development. In: Schaaf, W., Biemelt, D., Hüttl, R.F. (Eds.): Initial development of the artificial catchment ‘Chicken Creek’ – monitoring program and survey 2005-2008. – Ecosystem Development 2: 97–118.
2009 – 2000
Russell, D.J. & Alberti, G. (2009): Actinedid mite community diversity in a succession gradient in continental sand-dune habitats of central Europe. In: Sabelis, M.W. & Bruin, J. (eds.) Trends in Acarology. Springer, Dordrecht S. 135–142
Theißen, B., Russell D.J. (2009): Zur Bedeutung von Collembolen im GVO Monitoring. – Gefahrstoffe Reinhaltung der Luft 10: 391–394
Moll, S., Brunk, I., Russell, D.J. (2009): Entwicklung von Carabidengemeinschaften auf unterschiedlich sedimentierten Substrat nach der Flut 2002 am Fluss Mulde (Sachsen). – Entomologie Heute 21: 87–100
Russell, D.J., Franke, K. (2009): Actinedida. – Acari Biblio. Acarol. 9 (3): 1–35
Russell, D.J. (2008): Metacommunity responses of soil Collembola to inundation intensity in the Upper Rhine Valley. – In: G. Broll, S. Kaluz, Russell, D.J., W.E.R. Xylander (eds.): Floodplains: Hydology, Soils, Fauna and their Interactions. Peckiana 5: 127–143
Rahtkens, K., Russell, D.J. (2008): Regionale Veränderungen der Collembolenfauna infolge des Klimawandels – Ergebnisse einer 20jährigen Untersuchung an Dauerbeobachtungsflächen in Baden-Württemberg. – Marktredwitzer Bodenschutztage 5: 199–204
Russell, D.J., Franke, K. (2008): Actinedida. – Acari Biblio. Acarol. 8 (3): 1–22
Russell, D.J. (2008): Collembolan community structures in a continental psammic habitat of southwest Germany. – Soil Organisms 80 (1): 117–131
Russell, D.J., Franke, K. (2007): Actinedida. – Acari Biblio. Acarol. 7 (3): 1–30
Russell, D. J. (2007): Bodenbiologisches Monitoring: Verifizierung des Probenahmeschemas für Monitoringprogramme und Etablierung von Erwartungswerten für die Bodenbiodiversität in Auwaldhabitaten. – FZKA BWPLUS: Bericht als pdf; 98 S.
Russell, D.J., Franke, K. (2006): Actinedida. – Acari Biblio. Acarol. 6 (3): 1–25
Russell, D. J. & Griegel, A. (2006): Influence of variable inundation regimes on soil collembola. – Pedobiologia 50: 165–175
Russell, D.J., Franke, K. (2005): Actinedida. – Acari Biblio. Acarol. 5 (3): 1–22
Schöps, F.-R. & Russell, D.J. (2004): Ein modifiziertes Friedman-Test (nicht-parametrische ANOVA) für quantitativen Auswertungen von Bodenmesofauna-Daten. – Mitt. AG Bodenmesofauna 20: 31–35
Russell, D.J. & Köhler, H. (2004): 20 Jahre AG Mesofauna: Entstehung und Geschichte. – Mitt. AG Bodenmesofauna 20: 5–7
Russell, D.J., Schulz, M.M., OConnor, B. (2004): Mass occurrence of astimatid mites on human remains. – Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Görlitz 76 (1): 51–56
Russell, D.J., Hauth, A., Fox, O. (2004): Collembolan community reactions to inundation in floodplains of the upper Rhine Valley. – Pedobiologia 48 (5-6): 527–536
Russell, D.J., Franke, K. (2004): Actinedida. – Acari Biblio. Acarol. 4 (3): 1–28
Russell, D.J. (2004): Feststellung und Modellierung der kurzfristigen Jahresdynamik und kleinräumigen Verteilungsheterogenität von endogäischen Insekten auf Boden-Dauerbeobachtungsflächen in Baden-Wüttermberg. Erhöhung der Aussagekraft des Monitoringprogramms in Rheinauen. – FZKA BWPLUS Bericht als pdf
Müller-Motzfeld, G., Alberti, G., Ringel, H., Hampel, J., Kreibich, E., Loch, R., Mathiak, G., Russell, D.J., Wegener, A., Wachlin, V. (2004): Bodenbiologische und ökofaunistische Untersuchungen zur Beurteilung des Waldumbaus im Nordostdeutschen Tiefland. – Beitr. Forstwirtsch. U. Landsch. Ökol. 38 (2): 95–101
Russell, D.J., Franke, K. (2003): Actinedida. – Acari Biblio. Acarol. 3 (3): 1–31
Russell, D.J., Blume, H. (2003): Bodenzoologisches Sampling Design in Monitoringprogrammen. Mitteil. – AG Bodenmesof. 19: 58–60
Russell, D.J., Franke, K. (2002): Actinedida. – Acari Biblio. Acarol. 2 (3): 1–38
Russell, D.J., Alberti, G. (2002): Reaktionen der Collembolenfauna beim Umbau von Kiefer-Reinbeständen in Kiefer/Buche-Mischbestände im Nordostdeutschen Tiefland (Abstract). – Verh. Gesell Ökol. 32: 210
Russell, D.J., Kreibich, E., Alberti, G. (2002): Zersetzer-Aktivität der Mesofauna beim Umbau von Kiefer-Reinbeständen in Kiefer/Buche-Mischbestände im Nordostdeutschen Tiefland (Abstract). – Verh. Gesell Ökol. 32: 207
Russell, D.J. (2002): Endogäische Mikroarthropoden als Reaktionsindikatoren für die Bewertung von Pflegemaßnahmen in geschützten Sandfluren. – Natur und Landschaftsplanung 34: 74–81
Russell, D.J., Schick, H., Nährig, D. (2002): Reactions of soil Collembolan communities (= Springtails, Insecta) to inundation in floodplain ecosystems of the Upper Rhine Valley. – In: Broll, G., Merbach, W., Pfeiffer, E.-M. (eds.) Soil ecological processes in wetlands of Germany. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, S. 35–70
Rahtkens, K., Russell, D.J. (2001): Springschwänze als Indikatoren von Auenrenaturierungsmaßnhamen? – Mitteil. Dtsche. Bodenk. Gesell. 96 (1): 367–368
Russell, D.J. (2000): Psammobiontic Actinedida in southwest Germany and new findings from coastal dunes in Denmark and Norway. – Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Görlitz 72: 135–141
1999 – 1993
Russell, D.J., Alberti, G. (1998): Effects of long-term, geogenic heavy-metal contamination on soil organic matter and microarthropod communities, in particular Collembola. – Appl. Soil Ecol.. 9: 483–488
Russell, D.J. (1997): Zur Actinedidenfauna der Sandhausener Dünen bei Heidelberg. – Mitteil. AG Bodenmesofauna 13: 38–47
Russell, D.J. (1996): Charakterisierung der Probegebiete. Schwermetallbelastung und Bodenuntersuchungen. In: Alberti, G., Hauk, B., Köhler, H.-R., Storch, V. (Hrsg.) Dekomposition. Qualitative und quantitative Aspekte und deren Beeinflussung durch geogene und anthropogene Belastungsfaktoren. S. 14–37
Russell, D.J. (1996): Die Collembolenfauna in Auenwäldern der Oberrheinebene – ein Beitrag zu Renaturierungsvorhaben (Collembola). – Verh. Intern. Symp. Entomofaun. Mitteleur., SIEEC 14: 397–406
Russell, D.J., Zeller, U., Kratzmann, M., Alberti, G. (1996): The mite fauna of continental sand dunes in the upper Rhine Valley. – Proc. Intern. Congr. Acarol. 9 (1): 75–80
Rohde, U., Breunig, T., Büche, B., Krüss, A., Leist, N., Russell, D.J., Voigt, K. (1994): Schutz- und Pflegemaßnahmen in den Naturschutzgebieten „Pferdstrieb“ und „Pflege Schönau-Galgenbuckel“. – Beih. Veröff. Naturschutz Landschaftspflege Bad.-Württ. 80: 353–370
Russell, D.J., Dastych, H., Zeller, U., Kratzmann, M., Alberti, G. (1994): Zur Mesofauna des Bodens der Sandhausener Dünen. – Beih. Veröff. Naturschutz Landschaftspflege Bad.-Württ. 80: 325–348
Kratzmann, M., Russell, D.J., Ludwig, M., Petersen, U., Wein, C., Storch, V., Alberti, G. (1993): Untersuchungen zur Bodenarthropodenfauna zweier Buchenwaldstandorte im Einflußbereich geogener Schwermetalle. – Verh. Gesell. Ökol. 22: 413–417
2010 – 2000
Russell, D. J. (2008): Determination und Analyse der Collembola (= Springschwänze, Insecta i.w.S.) aus 10 Bodendauerbeobachtungsflächen bei Forst, Kehl, Wilhelmsfeld und Baltmannsweiler. – Endbericht an den LUBW Karlsruhe, 25 S.
Christian, A., K. Hohberg, D. J.Russell, H.-J. Schulz, W. Xylander (2008): Strukturen und Prozesse der initialen Ökosystementwicklung in einem künstlichen Wassereinzugsgebiet : Bodenzoologisches Monitoring der endogäischen Bodenfauna der Kippsubstrate am Standort Hühnerwasser. – Zwischenbericht für das SFB Transregio, Univ. Cottbus, 34 S.
Russell, D. J. (2007): Effects of genetically modified plants on soils and soil organisms. – Unveröffentlichter Bericht an den VDI Richtlinienausschuss „GVO Monitoring; Wirkung auf Bodenorganismen“ 11 S.
Russell, D. J. (2007): Determination und Analyse der Collembola (= Springschwänze, Insecta i.w.S.) aus Bodendauerbeobachtungsflächen bei Forst und Kehl. – Endbericht an den LUBW Karlsruhe, 15 S.
Russell, D. J. & Balkenhol, B. (2007): Analyse und Bewertung der 20-jährigen Collembolendaten aus Wald Dauerbeobachtungsflächen des ökologischen Wirkungskatasters Baden-Württembergs. Bioindikation von Bodenversauerung und Klimawandel. – Endbericht an den LUBW Karlsruhe, 105 S.
Russell, D. J. (2006): Bodenbiologisches Monitoring: Verifizierung des Probenahmeschemas für Monitoringprogramme. II. Verifikation. – FZKA BWPLUS 109; 13. S.
Russell, D. J. (2005): Bodenbiologisches Monitoring: Verifizierung des Probenahmeschemas für Monitoringprogramme. I. Standortsbeschreibung und Vorgehen. – FZKA BWPLUS 108; 13 S.
Russell, D. J., A. Griegel (2004): Feststellung und Modellierung kleinräumigen Verteilungsheterogenität von endogäischen Insekten für Monitoringerhebungen auf Boden-Dauerbeobachtungsflächen in Baden-Wüttermberg. II. Zeitliche Dynamik. – FZKA BWPLUS 107
Russell, D. J., K. Voigtländer (2003): Stratum Bodenoberfläche. Myriapoda: Tausendfüßer. – In: Alberti, G., G. Müller Motzfeld (eds.) Bodenbiologische und ökofaunistische Untersuchungen zur Abschätzung von Wirkungen des Waldumbaus im Norddeutschen Tiefland. Endbericht an dem BMFT, S. 442-467
Russell, D. J. (2003): Stratum Boden. Collembola: Springschwänze. – In: Alberti, G. & G. Müller-Motzfeld (eds.) Bodenbiologische und ökofaunistische Untersuchungen zur Abschätzung von Wirkungen des Waldumbaus im Norddeutschen Tiefland. Endbericht an dem BMFT, S. 197-248
Russell, D. J. (2003): Stratum Boden. Zersetzeraktivität: Köderstreifen-Test. – In: Alberti, G., G. Müller-Motzfeld (eds.) Bodenbiologische und ökofaunistische Untersuchungen zur Abschätzung von Wirkungen des Waldumbaus im Norddeutschen Tiefland. Endbericht an dem BMFT, S. 75-97
Russell, D. J., H. Blume (2003): Feststellung und Modellierung kleinräumigen Veteilungsheterogenität von endogäischen Insekten für Monitoringerhebungen auf Boden-Dauerbeobachtungsflächen in Baden-Wüttermberg. I. Horizontalverbreitung und Probenahme. – FZKA BWPLUS 106
Russell, D. J., W. Xylander (2003): Feststellung der bodenbiologischen Auswirkung der Flutkatastrophe vom August 2002. – Unveröffentlichter Bericht an das Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie, Freiberg (Sachsen)
Russell, D. J., K. Voigtländer (2002): Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen der epigäischen Bodenfauna (Myriapoda) im Müritz NP. – In: Alberti, G., G. Müller-Motzfeld (eds.) Bodenbiologische und ökofaunistische Untersuchungen zur Abschätzung von Wirkungen des Waldumbaus im Norddeutschen Tiefland. Zwischenbericht an dem BMFT.
Russell, D. J. (2002): Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen über Bodenmikroarthropoden aus dem Müritz NP und aus dem Raum Eberswalde. 2. Springschwänze (Collembola). – In: Alberti, G., G. Müller-Motzfeld (eds.) Bodenbiologische und ökofaunistische Untersuchungen zur Abschätzung von Wirkungen des Waldumbaus im Norddeutschen Tiefland. Zwischenbericht an dem BMFT.
Russell, D. J. (2002): Fraßaktivität in Waldböden des Müritz-Nationalparks und um Eberswalde (Köderstreifentest nach v. Törne). – In: Alberti, G., G. Müller-Motzfeld (eds.) Bodenbiologische und ökofaunistische Untersuchungen zur Abschätzung von Wirkungen des Waldumbaus im Norddeutschen Tiefland. Zwischenbericht an dem BMFT.
Russell, D. J. (2002): „Mikroarthropoden“ – In: GefaÖ. Untersuchungen über die Auswirkungen von Retentionsflutungen am Beispiel der Polder Altenheim. Endbericht: Bodenbiologische Untersuchungen, 2001. Unveröffentlichter Bericht an die Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz, Karlsruhe (Baden-Württemberg)
Russell, D. J., A. Hauth (2002): Feststellung und Modellierung der kurzfristigen Jahresdynamik und kleinräumigen Variabilität von endogäischen Insekten für Monitoringerhebungen auf Boden-Dauerbeobachtungsflächen in Baden Wüttermberg. – FZKA BWPLUS 105
Russell, D. J. (2001): Miniködertest nach Von Törne. In. Alberti, G. (ed.) Zoologische Untersuchungen der Folgen von Windwürfen im Nationalpark Vorpommerische Boddenlandschaft am Beispiel der Abt. 174c. – Zwischenbericht am Landesamt für Forsten und Großschutzgebiete Mecklenburg- Vorpommern.
Russell, D. J. (2001): „Mikroarthropoden“ In: GefaÖ. Untersuchungen über die Auswirkungen von Retentionsflutungen am Beispiel der Polder Altenheim. Bodenbiologische Untersuchungen, 2000. – Unveröffentlichter Bericht an die Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz, Karlsruhe (Baden-Württemberg)
Russell, D. J. (2000): „Mesofauna.“ In: GefaÖ. Untersuchungen über die Auswirkungen von Retentionsflutungen am Beispiel der Polder Altenheim. Bodenbiologische Untersuchungen, 1999. – Unveröffentlichter Bericht an die Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz, Karlsruhe (Baden-Württemberg)
1999 – 1993
Russell, D. J., K. Schubert (1999): Mikroarthropoden. In: GefaÖ. Bodenzoologische Untersuchungen auf einer mit Thiodan behandelten Fläche. – Unveröffentlichter Bericht an die Fa. AgrEvo (Höchst) GmbH, Frankfurt
Russell, D. J. (1997): „Mesofauna.“ In: GefaÖ. Untersuchungen über die Auswirkungen ökologischer Flutungen am Beispiel der Polder Altenheim. Bodenbiologische Untersuchungen, Abschlußbericht. – Unveröffentlichter Bericht an die Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz, Karlsruhe (Baden-Württemberg)
Russell, D. J. (1996): Die Mikroarthropoden der Sandhausener Dünen. Bodenzoologische Bioindikation zur Pflegemaßnahmen der Naturschutzgebieten „Pferdstrieb“ und „Pflege Schönau“. – Unveröffentlichter Bericht an die Bezirksstelle für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege, Karlsruhe (Baden-Württemberg)
Russell, D. J. (1996): „Mesofauna.“ In: GefaÖ. Untersuchungen über die Auswirkungen ökologischer Flutungen am Beispiel der Polder Altenheim. Bodenbiologische Untersuchungen, 1995. – Unveröffentlichter Bericht an die Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz, Karlsruhe (Baden-Württemberg)
G. Alberti, B. Hauk, U. Kammerer, H.-R. Köhler, M. Kratzmann, M. Ludwig, U. Petersen, D. J. Russell, M. Scheurig, V. Storch, B. Ullrich, C. Wein, J.E. Wolf (1994): Dekomposition: qualitative und quantitative Aspekte und deren Beeinflussung durch geogene und anthropogene Belastungsfaktoren. – Unveröffentlichter Bericht am Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Projekt Wasser Abfall Boden, 641 S.
Kratzmann, M., D. J. Russell (1993): Tierökologisch-faunistische Begleituntersuchungen. Mesofauna des Bodens. In: WWF-Aueninstitute. Erprobungs- und Entwicklungsvorhaben auf dem Gebiet des Naturschutzes. „Naturnahe Auenwälder am Oberrhein.“ Möglichkeiten der Renaturierung und naturnahen Bewirtschaftung. – Unveröffentlichter Bericht an das Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn

geb. 26. 07. 1977
seit 2009
Technischer Assistent
Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz
Abteilung Bodenzoologie, Sektion Mesofauna
2006 – 2009
Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz
Abteilung Bodenzoologie
2005 – 2006
Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz
Abteilung Bodenzoologie
2000 – 2005
Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz
Abschluss: Diplom-Ingenieur (FH)
Ökologie und Umweltschutz
Moll, S., Voigtländer, K. (2012): Untersuchungen an Laufkäfern (Coleoptera, Carabidae) auf Rekultivierungsflächen des Lausitzer Braunkohletagebaues Jänschwalde. – Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft der Oberlausitz 20: 3–14
Moll, S., Brunk, I., Russell, D.J. (2009): Entwicklung von Carabidengemeinschaften auf unterschiedlich sedimentierten Substrat nach der Flut 2002 am Fluss Mulde (Sachsen). – Entomologie Heute 21: 87–100

Work experience
Nov 2019 – Present
Postdoctoral researcher
Senckenberg – Leibniz Institution For Biodiversity And Earth System Research, Görlitz (Germany)
Jun 2018 – Nov 2019
Postdoctoral Research Associate
University of York, York (United Kingdom)
Oct 2012 – Mar 2014
Data analyst for technological surveillance
Tecnnova UEE, Medellin (Colombia)
Sep 2011 – Mar 2012
Visiting researcher
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon (Canada).
Aug 2008 – Jul 2010
Environmental projects engineer
Water Treatment Plant, Pereira (Colombia)
Oct 2007– Dec 2007
Research assistant
National University of Colombia, Manizales (Colombia)
Oct 2014 – May 2018
PhD studies at the Department Of Ecology And Natural Resources Management, Center For Development Research – University of Bonn, Bonn (Germany)
Dissertation: Agroforestry as a post-mining land use approach for waste deposits in alluvial gold mining areas of Colombia
Aug 2010 – Nov 2012
Master of Science in Biotechnology – Environmental biotechnology. National University of Colombia, Medellin (Colombia)
Dissertation: Bioremediation of a long-term pesticide-polluted soil through biostimulation and surfactant addition.
Aug 2009 – Jul 2010
Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Engineering
National University of Colombia, Manizales (Colombia)
Feb 2003 – Jul 2008
Chemical Engineering
National University of Colombia, Manizales (Colombia)
Gabriel Salako, Andrey Zaitsev, Bibiana Betancur-Corredor, David J. Russell (2024): Modelling and spatial prediction of earthworms ecological-categories distribution reveal their habitat and environmental preferences. Ecological Indicators, Vol. 169. pdf
Betancur-Corredor, B., Lang, B., Russell, D.J. (2022): Organic nitrogen fertilization benefits selected soil fauna in global agroecosystems. Biology and Fertility of Soils
Betancur-Corredor, B., Loaiza-Usuga, J. C., Denich, M., & Borgemeister, C. (2020). Changes of Technosol properties and vegetation structure along a chronosequence of dredged sediment deposition in areas with alluvial gold mining in Colombia. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 1-18.
Betancur-Corredor, B., Brown, C., Greener, M (2019) Effects of pesticide incorporation due toNtillage on pesticide transport through heavy clay soils. Proceedings of XVI Symposium in Pesticide Chemistry. Piacenza, Italy.
Betancur Corredor, Bibiana (2019). Agroforestry as a post-mining land-use approach for waste deposits in alluvial gold mining areas of Colombia. Ecology and Development Series Bd. 107.
Bibiana Betancur-Corredor, B., Loaiza-Usuga, J., Denich, M., Borgemeister, C (2018) Gold mining as a potential driver of development in Colombia: Challenges and opportunities, Journal of Cleaner Production, 199, 538-553.
Betancur-Corredor, B., Evia, P., Martini, L (2017). Rural Future Lab. DAAD Newsletter 06-2017.
Betancur-Corredor, B. (2016) Novel restoration strategy of gold mining areas in Colombia.
ZEF News No.34 (p.4).
Betancur-Corredor, B., Soltan, J., Peñuela, G.A (2016) Mineralization of Ibuprofen and Humic Acid through Catalytic Ozonation. Ozone: Science & Engineering. 38(3):203-210.
Betancur-Corredor, B., Pino, N., Peñuela, G. A., Cardona-Gallo, S (2015) Evaluation of
biostimulation and Tween 80 addition for the bioremediation of long-term DDT- contaminated soil. Journal of Environmental Sciences 27(2).
Betancur-Corredor, B., Pino, N., Peñuela, G. A., Cardona-Gallo, S (2013) Bioremediation of a
pesticide polluted soil: case DDT. Gestión y Ambiente 16(3).
Betancur,B. Jimenez, D.M. Linares, B (2012) Zeta potential (ζ) as a criterion for optimization of coagulant dosage in a drinking water treatment plant. DYNA 79(175):166-172.

Seit 2022
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Institut für Allgemeine Zoologie, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
A.N. Severtsov Institut für Ökologie und Evolution, Russische Wissenschaftliche Akademie, Moskau, Russland
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Institut für Allgemeine Zoologie, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen.
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Niederlaende
A.N. Severtsov Institut für Ökologie und Evolution, Russische Wissenschaftliche Akademie, Moskau, Russland
Institut für Allgemeine Zoologie, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen.
Abschluss: Promotion (Biologie)
1999 – 2001
Moskauer Staatliche Lomonossov-Universität
Abschluss: Promotion (Kandidat in Geografie).
Moskauer Staatliche Lomonossov-Universität
Abschluss: Magister (Biogeographie).
Moskauer Staatliche Lomonossov-Universität
Abschluss: Bachelor (Biogeographie).
Gabriel Salako, Andrey Zaitsev, Bibiana Betancur-Corredor, David J. Russell (2024): Modelling and spatial prediction of earthworms ecological-categories distribution reveal their habitat and environmental preferences. Ecological Indicators, Vol. 169. pdf
D.J. Russell, E. Naudts, N.A. Soudzilovskaia, M.J.I. Briones, M. Çakır, E. Conti, J. Cortet, C. Fiera, D. Hackenberger Kutuzovic, M. Hedde, K. Hohberg, D. Indjic, P.H. Krogh, R. Lehmitz, S. Lesch, Z. Marjanovic, C. Mulder, L. Mumladze, M. Murvanidze, S. Rick, M. Roß-Nickoll, J. Schlaghamerský, O. Schmidt, O. Shelef, M. Suhadolc, M. Tsiafouli, A. Winding, A. Zaytsev, A. Potapov, (2024): Edaphobase 2.0: Advanced international data warehouse for collating and using soil biodiversity datasets, Applied Soil Ecology, Volume 204, 105710, ISSN 0929-1393, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2024.105710.
Andrey S. Zaitsev, Anastasia Yu. Gorbunova, Alexander I. Bastrakov, Maxim I. Degtyarev , Donghui Wud, Daniil I. Korobushkin, Ruslan A. Saifutdinov, Konstantin B. Gongalsky (2024): Taxon-specific ability of saprophagous soil macrofauna to reintegrat carbon from agricultural waste into soil. Pedobiologia – Journal of Soil Ecology, Vol. 104, 150958. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedobi.2024.150958
Neyret, M., Le Provost, G., Boesing, A.L. et al. (2022): A slow-fast trait continuum at the whole community level in relation to land-use intensification. Nat Commun 15, 1251. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-45113-5
Hedde M, Blight O, Briones M JI , Bonfanti J, Brauman A, Brondani M, Zaitsev AS, Capowiez Y (2022): A common framework for developing robust soil fauna classifications. Geoderma 426, 116073. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.116073
Viljur, M-L, Abella, SR, Adámek, M, Alencar, JBR, Barber, NA, Beudert, B, Burkle, LA, Cagnolo, L, Campos, BR, Chao, A, Chergui, B, Choi, C-Y, Cleary, DFR, Davis, TS, Dechnik-Vázquez, YA, Downing, WM, Fuentes-Ramirez, A, Gandhi, KJK, Gehring, C, Georgiev, KB, Gimbutas, M, Gongalsky, KB, Gorbunova, AY, Greenberg, CH, Hylander, K, Jules, ES, Korobushkin, DI, Köster, K, Kurth, V, Lanham, JD, Lazarina, M, Leverkus, AB, Lindenmayer, D, Marra, DM, Martín-Pinto, P, Meave, JA, Moretti, M, Nam, H-Y, Obrist, MK, Petanidou, T, Pons, P, Potts, SG, Rapoport, IB, Rhoades, PR, Richter, C, Saifutdinov, RA, Sanders, NJ, Santos, X, Steel, Z, Tavella, J, Wendenburg, C, Wermelinger, B, Zaitsev, AS, Thorn, S (2022) The effect of natural disturbances on forest biodiversity: an ecological synthesis. Biological Reviews 97, 1930-1947. DOI: 10.1111/brv.12876
Birkhofer K, Baulechner D, Diekotter T, Zaitsev A, Wolters V (2022) Fertilization Rapidly Alters the Feeding Activity of Grassland Soil Mesofauna Independent of Management History. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 10, 864470. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2022.864470. Journal impact factor: 4.498.
Korobushkin DI, Saifutdinov RA, Zuev AG, Zaitsev AS (2022) Incorporation of marine organic matter by terrestrial detrital food webs: abiotic vs. biotic vectors. Catena 211, 106010. DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2021.106010. Journal impact factor: 6.367. SJR Q1
Le Provost, G, Thiele, J, Westphal, C, Zaitsev, AS, Manning, P (2021) Contrasting responses of above- and belowground diversity to multiple components of land-use intensity. Nature Communications 12, 3918. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-23931-1
John, K, Zaitsev, AS, Wolters, V (2021) Soil fauna groups respond differentially to changes in crop rotation cycles in rice production systems. Pedobiologia. 84, 150703. DOI: 10.1016/j.pedobi.2020.150703
Gongalsky, KB, Zaitsev, AS, Korobushkin, DI, Saifutdinov, RA, Butenko, KO, de Vries, FT, Ekschmitt, K, Degtyarev, MI, Gorbunova, AY, Kostina, NV, Rakhleeva, AA, Shakhab, SV, Yazrikova, TE, Wolters, V and Bardgett, RD (2021) Forest fire induces short-term shifts in soil food webs with consequences for carbon cycling. Ecology Letters, 24, 438-450. DOI: 10.1111/ele.13657
Zaitsev AS, Ryabinin NA, Tarasov AI, Shakhab SV 2020. Potential anthropogenic influence on oribatid mite communities in ancient to modern settlements of the Russian Far East. International Journal of Acarology, 46, 322-326, DOI: 10.1080/01647954.2020.1801838
Gorbunova AYu, Korobushkin DI, Kostina NV, Degtyarev MI, Gongalsky KB, Zaitsev AS (2020) Level of soil moisture determines the ability of Eisenia fetida to re-incorporate carbon from decomposed rice straw into the soil. European Journal of Soil Biology. Vol. 99, 103209. DOI:10.1016/j.ejsobi.2020.103209
Saifutdinov RA, Sabirov RM, Zaitsev AS (2020) Springtail (Hexapoda: Collembola) functional group composition varies between different biotopes in Russian rice growing systems. European Journal of Soil Biology, Vol. 99, 103208. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2020.103208
Goncharov AA, Gongalsky KB, Yazrikova TE, Kostina NV, Korobushkin DI, Makarov MI, Zaitsev AS (2020) Greenhouse gas-producing soil biological activity in burned and unburned forests along a transect in European Russia. Applied Soil Ecology. Vol. 148, Article 103491. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2019.103491
John K, Janz B, Kiese R, Wassmann R, Zaitsev AS, Wolters V. (2020) Earthworms offset straw-induced increase of greenhouse gas emission in upland rice production. Science of Total Environment. 710, 136352. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136352.
John K, Degtyarev M, Gorbunova A, Korobushkin D, Knöss H, Wolters V, Zaitsev AS (2019) Enchytraeids simultaneously stimulate rice straw degradation and mitigate CO2 release in a paddy soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 131: 191-194. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.01.014
Guo Y, Gao M, Liu J, Zaitsev AS, Wu D (2019) Disentangling the drivers of ground-dwelling macro-arthropod metacommunity structure at two different spatial scales. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 130: 55-62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.12.002
Zaitsev AS, Gorbunova AYu, Korobushkin DI, Degtyarev MI, Zhadova AN, Kostina NV, Gongalsky KB (2018) The earthworm species Eisenia fetida modulates greenhouse gas release and carbon stabilization after rice straw amendment to a paddy soil. European Journal of Soil Biology 89: 39-44. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejsobi.2018.10.003
Zaitsev AS, Birkhofer K, Ekschmitt K, Wolters V (2018) Belowground tritrophic food chain modulates soil respiration in grasslands. Pedosphere 28: 114-123 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1002-0160(18)60008-6.
Saifutdinov RA, Gongalsky KB, Zaitsev AS (2018) Evidence of a trait-specific response to burning in springtails (Hexapoda: Collembola) in the boreal forests of European Russia. Geoderma 332: 173-179. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2017.07.021
Gorbunova AYu, Korobushkin DI, Zaitsev AS, Gongalsky KB (2017) Forest fires increase variability of soil macrofauna communities along a macrogeographic gradient. European Journal of Soil Biology 80: 49-52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejsobi.2017.04.001
Birkhofer K, Gossner MM, Diekötter T, Drees C, Ferlian O, Maraun M, Scheu S, Weisser WW, Wolters V, Wurst S, Zaitsev AS, Smith HG (2017) Land-use type and intensity differentially filter traits in above- and below-ground arthropod communities. Journal of Animal Ecology 86: 511–520. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1365-2656.12641
Butenko KO, Gongalsky KB, Korobushkin DI, Ekschmitt K, Zaitsev AS (2017) Forest fires alter the trophic structure of soil nematode communities. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 109: 107-117 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2017.02.006
Hudson LN, Newbold T, Contu S, Hill SLL, Lysenko I, De Palma A, … Zaitsev AS, … Purvis A (2017) The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project. Ecology & Evolution 7: 162-188. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ece3.2579.
Korobushkin DI, Gorbunova AYu, Zaitsev AS, Gongalsky KB (2017) Trait-specific response of soil macrofauna to forest burning along a macrogeographic gradient. Applied Soil Ecology 112: 97–100. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2016.12.004
Holmstrup M, Damgaard C, Schmidt IK, Arndal MF, Beier C, Mikkelsen TN, Ambus P, Larsen KS, Pilegaard K, Michelsen A, Andresen LC, Haugwitz M, Bergmark L, Priemé A, Zaitsev AS, Georgieva S, Dam M, Vestergård M, Christensen S (2017) Long-term and realistic global change manipulations had low impact on diversity of soil biota in temperate heathland. Scientific Reports 7: Article 41388. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep41388
Gongalsky KB, Zaitsev AS (2016) The Role of Spatial Heterogeneity of the Environment in Soil Fauna Recovery after Fires. Doklady Earth Sciences 471: 1265–1268. http://dx.doi.org/10.1134/S1028334X16120035.
Schmidt A, John K, Auge H, Brandl R, Horgan FG, Settele J, Zaitsev AS, Wolters V, Schadler M (2016) Compensatory mechanisms of litter decomposition under alternating moisture regimes in tropical rice fields. Applied Soil Ecology 107: 79-90. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2016.05.014
Zaitsev AS, Gongalsky KB, Malmström A, Persson T, Bengtsson J (2016) Why are forest fires generally neglected in soil fauna research? A mini-review. Applied Soil Ecology 98: 261-271. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2015.10.012
John K, Jauker F, Marxsen J, Zaitsev AS, Wolters V (2015) Earthworm bioturbation stabilizes carbon in non-flooded tropical paddy soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 91: 127-132 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2015.08.033
Bobrov AA, Zaitsev AS, Wolters V (2015) Shifts in soil testate amoeba communities associated withfForest diversification. Microbial Ecology 69: 884-894. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00248-015-0607-6
Zaitsev AS, Gongalsky KB, Persson T, Bengtsson J (2014) Connectivity of litter islands remaining after a fire and unburnt forest determines the recovery of soil fauna. Applied Soil Ecology 83: 101-108. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2014.01.007
Zaitsev AS, Chauvat M, Wolters V (2014). Spruce forest conversion to a mixed beech-coniferous stand modifies oribatid community structure. Applied Soil Ecology 76: 60-67. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2013.12.009
Zaitsev AS, Gongalsky KB, Nakamori T, Kaneko N (2014) Ionizing radiation effects on soil biota: Application of lessons learned from Chernobyl accident for radioecological monitoring. Pedobiologia 57: 5-14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pedobi.2013.09.005
Zaitsev AS, van Straalen NM, Berg MP (2013) Landscape age explains large spatial scale trends in oribatid mite diversity. Landscape Ecology 28:285-296. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10980-012-9834-0
Gongalsky KB, Malmström A, Zaitsev AS, Shakhab SV, Bengtsson J, Persson T (2012) Do burned areas recover from inside? An experiment with soil fauna in a heterogeneous landscape. Applied Soil Ecology 59:73-86. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2012.03.017
Zaitsev AS, Gongalsky KB, Gorshkova IA, Krechetov PP, Koroleva TV (2011) Impact of rocket propellant (nonsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine) on soil fauna. Doklady Earth Sciences. 440: 1340-1342. http://dx.doi.org/0.1134/S1028334X11090248
Chauvat M, Zaytsev AS, Titsch D, Wolters V (2011) Changes in soil faunal assemblages during conversion from pure to mixed forest stands. Forest Ecology and Management 262: 317-324. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2011.03.037
Chauvat M, Zaitsev AS, Gabriel E, Wolters V (2009) How do soil fauna and soil microbiota respond to beech forest growth? Current Zoology 55: 272-278. http://www.currentzoology.org/paperdetail.asp?id=11225
Siepel H, Zaitsev AS, Berg, M.P. 2009. Checklist of oribatid mites of the Netherlands (Acariformes, Oribatida). Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen 20: 83-111.
Rjabinin NA., Zaitsev AS (2008) Viracochiella orientalis, a new species of oribatid mites (Acariformes, Oribatida) of the family Ceratozetidae from Sakhalin. Entomological Review 88: 874-877.
Salamon J-A, Zaitsev A, Gartner S, Wolters V (2008) Soil macrofaunal response to forest conversion from pure coniferous stands into semi-natural montane forests. Applied Soil Ecology 40: 491-498. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2008.07.004
Wolters V, Bengtsson J, Zaitsev AS (2006) Relationship among the species richness of different taxa. Ecology 87: 1886 – 1895. https://doi.org/10.1890/0012-9658(2006)87[1886:RATSRO]2.0.CO;2
Zaitsev AS, Wolters V (2006) Geographic determinants of oribatid mite communities structure and diversity across Europe: a longitudinal perspective. European Journal of Soil Biology 42:S358 – S361. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejsobi.2006.09.006
Zaitsev AS, Wolters V, Waldhardt R, Dauber J (2006) Long-term succession of oribatid mites after conversion of croplands to grasslands. Applied Soil Ecology 34: 230-239. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2006.01.005
Pokarzhevsky AD, Gongalsky KB, Zaitsev AS, Belyakova OI, Savin FA (2006) “Gaps” in the spatial distribution of earthworms in the meadow steppe. Doklady Academy of Sciences 408: 1-4. (in Russian).
Zaitsev AS (2003) CD-ROM Review. Experimental and Applied Acarology 30: 317-318
Chauvat M, Zaitsev AS, Wolters V (2003) Successional changes of Collembola and soil microbiota during forest rotation. Oecologia 137: 269-276. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00442-003-1310-8
Pokarzhevskii AD, van Straalen NM, Zaboev DP, Zaitsev AS (2003) Microbial links and element flows in nested detrital food-webs. Pedobiologia 47: 213-224. http://dx.doi.org/10.1078/0031-4056-00185
Zaitsev AS , Chauvat M, Pflug A, Wolters V (2002) Oribatid mite diversity and community dynamics in a spruce chronosequence. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 34: 1919-1927. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0038-0717(02)00208-0
Zaitsev AS, Berg MP (2001) Oribatid mites in different forest types in the Netherlands (Acari: Oribatida). Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen 15: 79-101.
Zaitsev AS (2001) Geography of oribatid mite distribution in Russia. Vestnik MGU, serija 5, geographicheskaja 6: 34-37 (in Russian).
Van Straalen NM, Butovsky RO, Pokarzhevskii AD, Zaitsev AS, Verhoef SC (2001) Metal concentrations in soil and invertebrates in the vicinity of a metallurgical factory near Tula (Russia). Pedobiologia 45: 451-466. http://dx.doi.org/10.1078/0031-4056-00099
Zaitsev AS, van Straalen NM (2001) Species diversity and metal accumulation in oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) of forests affected by a metallurgical plant. Pedobiologia 45:466-475. http://dx.doi.org/10.1078/0031-4056-00100
Pokarzhevskii AD, van Straalen NM, Filimonova ZhV., Zaitsev AS, Butovsky RO (2000) Trophical structure of the ecosystems and ecotoxicology of soil organisms. Russian Journal of Ecology 3:211-218. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02762820
Filimonova ZV, Pokarzhevskii AD, Zaitsev AS, Krivolutsky DA, Verhoef CA (2000) Ecological mechanisms of soil biota tolerance to metal contamination. Doklady of Academy of Sciences 370: 571-573.
Zaitsev AS, Miklayeva IM, Rumiantsev VYu (1999) New computer training database of geobotanical descriptions. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. 5. Geography. 6: 45-48 (in Russian).
Zaitsev AS (1997) The communities of the oribatid mites (Acari:Oribatida) of the Zakopane environs . Ochrona Przyrody. 54: 131-140.
Zaitsev AS (1996) The analysis of habitat of model species Nothrus palustris C.L.Koch, 1839. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. 5.Geography. 6: 39-45. (in Russian).
Additional contributions:
Zaitsev A.S. 2015. Chapter II. Diversity of Soil Organisms. Section: “Acari”. Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas. Orgiazzi A., Singh B., Wall D.H., Barrios E., Kandeler E., Moreira F.M.S., De Deyn G., Chotte J.L., Six J., Zhang J., Hedlund K., Ramirez K.S., Briones M.J.I., Dita M., Miko L., Johnson N., Fierer N., Kaneko N., Bohlen P., Lavelle P., Eggleton P., Lemanceau P., Bardgett R., Jeffery S., Scheu S., Behan Pelletier V., Van der Putten W., Montanarella L., Jones A. (Eds.). European Commission, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. p. 49. LINK

geb. 04.12. 1983
seit 2018
PostDoc (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin)
Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz
Abteilung Bodenzoologie, Sektion Mesofauna
Im MediAN Projekt
2015 – 2018
PostDoc (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin)
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Institut für Anthropologie und Zoologie, Abteilung Tierökologie
2009 – 2015
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Institut für Anthropologie und Zoologie, Abteilung Tierökologie
2008 – 2008
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institut für Zoologie
2007 – 2009
Studentische Hilfskraft
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institut für Zoologie
2010 – 2015
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Doktorandin im Studiengang Biodiversität und Ökologie
Abschluss: Promotion (Dr. rer. nat.)
Titel der Doktorarbeit: „Carbon flow in belowground food webs assessed by isotope tracers“
2003 – 2009
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Hauptfächer: Ökologie, Zoologie, Tierphysiologie
Abschluss: Diplom (Dipl. biol.)
Titel der Diplomarbeit: „Variations in leaf litter food webs between biomes”
Russell, D., Tebbe, C., Ashwood, F., Scheunemann, N. & Hohberg, K. (2024). Beeindruckendes Bodenleben. Natur und Landschaft, Schriften des BfN 99: 426-435, doi 10.19217/NuL2024-09-01.
Eisenhauer N, Ristok C, Guerra CA, Tebbe CC, Xylander WER, Babin D, Bartkowski B, Burkhard B, Filser J, Glante F, Hohberg K, Kleemann J, Kolb S, Lachmann C, Lehmitz R, Rillig MC, Römbke J, Rueß L, Scheu S, Scheunemann N, Steinhoff-Knopp B, Wellbrock N (2024) Bodenbiodiversität. – In Wirth, C.; Bruelheide, H.; Farwig, N.; Marx, J.; Settele; J.: Faktencheck Artenvielfalt – Assessment zum Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt in Deutschland. München, oekom. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14512/9783987263361
Guerra, C., Eisenhauer, N., Tebbe, C., Xylander, W., Albert, C., … Scheunemann, N., … & Ristok, C. (2024). Foundations for a national assessment of soil biodiversity. J Sustain Agric Environ 3:e12116
Russell, D., Tebbe, C., Ashwood, F., Scheunemann, N. & Hohberg, K. (2024). Beeindruckendes Bodenleben. Natur und Landschaft 99, 426-435
Eisenhauer, N.; Ristok, C.; Guerra, C.A.; Tebbe, C.C.;- … Scheunemann, N.; … & Wellbrock, N. (2024). Bodenbiodiversität. – In Wirth, C.; Bruelheide, H.; Farwig, N.; Marx, J.; Settele; J. (2024): Faktencheck Artenvielfalt – Assessment zum Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt in Deutschland. München, oekom.
Leibniz Research Network Biodiversity: Thonicke, K., Rahner, E., Arneth, A., Bonn, A., …, Scheunemann, N., … & Wesche, K. (2024). 10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Science 2024.
Potapov, A. M., Chen, T. W., Striuchkova, A. V., Alatalo, J. M., Alexandre, D., Arbea, J., …, Scheunemann, N., … & Scheu, S. (2024). Global fine-resolution data on springtail abundance and community structure. Scientific data, 11(1), 22.
Scheunemann, N., & Russell, D. J. (). Hydrological regime and forest development have indirect effects on soil fauna feeding activity in Central European hardwood floodplain forests. Nature Conservation, 53, 257-278.
Potapov, A. M., Guerra, C. A., Van den Hoogen, J., Babenko, A., Bellini, B. C., Berg, M. P., … Scheunemann, N., … & Scheu, S. (2023). Globally invariant metabolism but density-diversity mismatch in springtails. Nature Communications, 14(1), 674.
Doblas-Miranda E (2021) Soil Ecosystems Change With Time. Frontiers for Young Minds 9:543498. Translation into German.
Potapov A (2020) Springtails—Worldwide Jumpers. Frontiers for Young Minds 8:545370. Translation into German.
Li, Z., Scheunemann, N., Potapov, A. M., Shi, L., Pausch, J., Scheu, S., & Pollierer, M. M. (2020). Incorporation of root-derived carbon into soil microarthropods varies between cropping systems. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 56, 839-851.
Li, Z., Scheunemann, N., Potapov, A. M., Shi, L., Pausch, J., Scheu, S., Pollierer, M. (accepted). The role of root-derived carbon for Collembola nutrition depends on plant type, functional group and species identity.
Pausch, J., Hünninghaus, M., Kramer, S., Scharroba, A., Scheunemann, N., Butenschoen, O., Marhan, S., Bonkowski, M., Kandeler, E., Scheu, S., Kuzyakov, Y., Ruess, L., (2018). Carbon budgets of top- and subsoil food webs in an arable system. Pedobiologia – Journal of Soil Ecology 69, 29-33
Müller, K., Kramer, S., Haslwimmer, H., Marhan, S., Scheunemann, N., Butenschoen, O., Scheu, S., Kandeler, E. (2016). Carbon transfer from maize roots and litter into bacteria and fungi depends on soil depth and time. – Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 93: 79–89.
Pausch, J., Kramer, S., Scharroba, A., Scheunemann, N., Butenschoen, O., Kandeler, E., Marhan, S., Riederer, M., Scheu, S., Kuzyakov, Y., Ruess, L. (2016). Small but active – pool size does not matter for carbon incorporation in belowground food webs. – Functional Ecology, 30: 479–489.
Scheunemann, N., Pausch, J., Digel, C., Kramer, S., Scharroba, A., Kuzyakov, Y., Kandeler, E., Ruess, L., Butenschoen, O., Scheu, S. (2016). Incorporation of root C and fertilizer N into the food web of an arable field: Variations with functional group and energy channel. – Food Webs, 9: 39–45.
Scheunemann, N., Digel, C., Scheu, S., & Butenschoen, O. (2015). Roots rather than shoot residues drive soil arthropod communities of arable fields. – Oecologia, 179(4): 1135–1145.
Scheunemann, N., Maraun, M., Scheu, S., & Butenschoen, O. (2015). The role of shoot residues vs. crop species for soil arthropod diversity and abundance of arable systems. – Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 81: 81–88.
Kramer, S., Marhan, S., Ruess, L., Armbruster, W., Butenschoen, O., Haslwimmer, H., Kuzyakov, Y., Pausch, J., Scheunemann, N., Schoene, J., Schmalwasser, A., Totsche, K. U., Walker, F., Scheu, S., Kandeler, E. (2012). Carbon flow into microbial and fungal biomass as a basis for the belowground food web of agroecosystems. – Pedobiologia, 55(2): 111–119.
Scheunemann, N., Scheu, S., & Butenschoen, O. (2010). Incorporation of decade old soil carbon into the soil animal food web of an arable system. – Applied Soil Ecology 46(1): 59–63.

Kotrba, M., Weniger, R., 2017. Redescription of the internal female genitalia of Episyrphus balteatus (De Geer) (Diptera), including a new and distinctive structure common to all Syrphidae. Studia dipterologica 22, 171–186.
Weniger, R., Kehlmaier, C., 2016. Augenfliegenfunde aus der Kleinraschützer Heide bei Großenhain (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Sächsische Entomologische Zeitschrift 8.
Weniger, R., Bernhard, D., Gerth, M., 2015. Schwebfliegenfunde (Diptera, Syrphidae) vom Bienitz bei Leipzig mit dem Erstnachweis von Melangyna pavlovskyi (Violovitsh, 1956) aus Deutschland. Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 59, 185–192.

2017 Certificate in Agro biodiversity Information Database
2016 Ph.D. Environmental Resources Management (GIS/RS option)
Dissertation Title: Application of Geospatial Technique in Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification and Mapping of Mambilla Plateau: Implication on Forest Resources Management
2011 GIS Certificate in Forest Resources Monitoring/Management
2010 M.Sc. Environmental Resources Management
Thesis Title: The Use of Remote Sensing Technique in Monitoring Typha spp invasion of Wetland in the Arid Environment
2002 Master of Public Administration/Pol. Sc
1991 B.Sc. Geography and Planning
2017 Universidade de Lisboa (University of Lisbon), Portugal
2012 – 2016 Modibbo Adama University of Technology Yola, Nigeria
2000 – 2002 University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Nigeria
2015 – 2016 Oregon State University Corvallis United States
2011 World Forest Institute Portland United States
2006 – 2008 Federal University of Technology Yola, Nigeria
1988 – 1991 University of Jos, Nigeria
2021 – 2022 Research Associate (Biodiversity modeling) Senckenberg Museum for Natural History Görlitz, Germany
2018 – Teaching Associate School of Allied Health and Environmental Science
- Taught courses on biodiversity, natural resources management, quantitative techniques and spatial statistics
2017 – 2018 Post Doc Research Associate Oregon State University (OSU), US
- Collected geo coordinates of PNW trees samples, performed spectral analysis using R code
- Seminar paper presentation on environmental resources assessment
- Provided supervision to graduate students on multispectral and hyperspectral images data extraction, segmentation and classification
- Gave tutorial on spatial statistics
2014 – 2015 Ph.D. Intern Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Oregon State University
- Worked on forest ecosystem monitoring using imaging technologies
- Guided and conducted quantitative techniques in research
- Performed modeling and statistical analysis on species distribution
2016 – Global Biodiversity Information Facility (BID Mentor, Africa)
- Provided mentorship and served as institutional member in plenary session
- Research and regional report writing
2013 – Feb 2014 Courtesy Faculty, Oregon State University
März – Nov 2011 International Fellow, World Forestry Centre Portland Oregon United States
- Conducted field work and studies on species simulation and distribution model between PNW species and Mambilla landscape networking,
- Participated in seminar, workshop and project writing
- Ajao M.O, Gabriel Salako, Oladipupo S. Application of Geospatial Technology in Ecosystem Mapping of Honey Bees Apiaries. National Environmental Research Grants. Award Values $ 5.000
- Salako Gabriel, Henry Sawyerr and Abdulrasheed Adio (2016) Multi-Criteria Ecosystem and Biodiversity Mapping for Habitat Protection and Management of Vulnerable Shea Butter Trees (Vitellaria paradoxa Gaertn.) Nigeria IBR Tetfund Grant 2015-20116 Award Value NGN 1.121.000. KWASUNGR/CSP/251116/VOL3
- Olalubi, O.A., Salako, G, Babatunde, S.K., Sawyer, H.O., Ajao, A.M., Adio, A.A., Obembe, A., and. (Jun 2015) ‘Risk-Based Assessment and Mapping of Malaria Distribution in Rural Kwara State’. Supported by Centre for Sponsored Project, Conditional Education Trust Fund Research Grant, Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria (Grant No.: KWASU/CSP/062215/VOL3/TETF/0030). Award value: 370.875 Nigerian Naira.
- Salako, G. Sawyerr, H.O., Adio, A.A., Femi-Adepoju, G.A., and Oke, C.O. (Jun 2015) ‘Ecosystem and Biodiversity Mapping of Malete and Adjoining Communities: Implications on Development Master Plan’. Supported by Centre for Sponsored Project, Conditional Education Trust Fund Research Grant, Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria (Grant No.: KWASU/CSP/062215/VOL3/TETF/0030). Award value:354.375 Nigerian Naira.
- Gabriel Salako and Musa Alhaji (2013) Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Monitoring Typha Invasion In Hadejia Nguru Wetland NE Nigeria TETFUND/DESS/RP.DIS/USCOE/GASHUA Vol.111 Value: NGN 785.000
- Salako Gabriel and Howe Glenn (2013) PhD Pre doctoral grants. Award Value: US $7.500
- Salako Gabriel and Chandalin Bennet (2011) Adaptation of PNW conifers to cold Highlands of Mambilla Plateau Nigeria. World Forestry Center Portland OR US Award Value: US $10.000
- Harry Merlo International Fellowship Award, World Forestry Center USA, – 2011
- Best Participant IEI WFI Oregon Annual Resort Conference 2011
- Best Graduate student in Remote Sensing/GIS Federal University of Tech. Yola, Nigeria 2010
Gabriel Salako, Andrey Zaitsev, Bibiana Betancur-Corredor, David J. Russell (2024): Modelling and spatial prediction of earthworms ecological-categories distribution reveal their habitat and environmental preferences. Ecological Indicators, Vol. 169. pdf
- Gabriel Salako, Oyetola Olusegun Oyebanji, Temidayo Ebenezer Olagunju, Glenn Thomas Howe (2021). Potential impact of climate change on the distribution of selected legumes in Cameroon and adjoining Nigeria border. African Journal of Ecology Link
- Salako, A. Adebayo, H. Sawyerr B. Badmos A. Adio, U. M jambo (2021). MODIS Derived Vegetation and Aridity Indices Account for Spatial Variation in Desertification Risk Index in Dry Environment International Journal of Ecology & Development Volume 36, Issue No. 1; Int. J. Ecol. Dev. ISSN 0972-9984 ( Print ); ISSN 0973-7308 (Online) Link
- Adeyemi Mufutau Ajao, Gabriel Salako, Segun Olayinka Oladipo, and Abdulrasheed Abidemi Adio (2021). Application of Geo-spatial Technology in Characterization of African Honeybee (Apis mellifera) Apiaries into Ecosystem Zones for Productivity and Pollination Service European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences ejfood.org p. 61-67 Link
- Oyebanji, O. O, Salako, G, Nneji L. M, Oladipo, S.O, Bolarinwa, K. A., Chukwuma E. C., Ayoola, A. O., Olagunju, T. E., Ighodalo, D. J., and Nneji, I. C (2020). Impact of climate change on the spatial distribution of endemic legume species of the Guineo-Congolian forest, Africa Ecological Indicator Link
- Mary Fadeyibi, Henry O Sawyerr, Gabriel Salako (2020). Ecological footprint for environmental sustainability in Ilorin Metropolis. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, ctaa072, Link
- Olalubi Oluwasogo, Gabriel Salako, Oluwasegun T. Adetunde, Henry O. Sawyerr, M. Ajao and Ernest Tambo (2020). Geospatial Modeled Analysis and Laboratory Based Technology for Determination of Malaria Risk and Burden in a Rural Community International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health 41(8): 59-71, 2020; Article no.IJTDH.58532 ISSN: 2278–1005, NLM ID: 101632866 Link
- Lotanna Micah, Gabriel Salako, Oladipupo Segun et al. (2019). Species Distribution Modelling predicts habitat suitability and reduction of suitable habitat under future climatic scenario for Sclerophrys perreti – a critically endangered endemic toad African Journal of Ecology Link
- Romoke Monsurat Suleiman1, Henry Olawale Sawyerr, Gabriel Salako and Abdulrasheed Adio (2018). Spatial variation in diversity of woody vegetation species within Malete Campus. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation Link
- Biola Badmos, Henry Sawyerr, Gabriel Salako, Atinuke Oyewumi, Adeolu Adeolu, Oluwasogo Olalubi, Olabisi Badmos (2018). Gender Variation on the Perception of Climate Change Impact on Human Health in Moba Local Government Area of Ekiti State, Nigeria. Journal of Health and Environmental Research. 4, No. 1, 2018, pp. 1-9. doi: 10.11648/j.jher.20180401.11
- Gabriel Salako, Henry Sawyerr, Abubakar Bashir, Abel Adebayo and Abdulrasheed Adio (2017). Deductive and Multi-criteria Approach to Ecosystem Modeling and Habitat Mapping of Shea Butter Trees (Vitellaria Paradoxa) in the Tropical Savanna. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-2, Issue-6, Nov-Dec- 2017 Link
- Henry Sawyerr, Gabriel Salako, Oluwasogo Olalubi, Abdulrasheed Adio, Abel Adebayo2, Biola Badmos, Umar Mohd Jambo4, Grace Adepoju (2017). Spatio Temporal Land Use Land Cover Change Mapping of Malete-Elemere: Implication on Development Planning of Emerging Communities. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB) Vol-2, Issue-4, July-Aug- 2017 ISSN: 2456-1878 Link
- Biola K. Badmos, Gabriel Salako, Henry O Sawyerr, Samson O Awopeju, Abdulrasheed A. Adio and Atinuke R Oyewumi (2017). Socioeconomic/Demographic Determinants of Public Perception about Climate Change in Ekiti State Nigeria. Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International 9(4): 1-10. 2017 Article no. JGEESI.32400 ISSN: 2454-735.
- Gabriel, Salako Abel Adebayo, Henry Sawyerr, Abdulrasheed Adio (2016). Application of Remote Sensing/GIS in Monitoring Typha spp invasion and Challenges of Wetland Ecosystems Services in Dry Environments of Hadejia Nguru Wetlands (HNW) Systems Environment and Natural Resources Journal Vol. 4 No 2 Pp. 44- 59 Link
- Gabriel Salako, Olalubi, O., Sawyerr, H., Howe, G., Adebayo, A. and Adio, A. (2016). Using Multi Techniques Analysis in Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification and Mapping of Mambilla Plateau in Taraba Nigeria. Open Journal of Ecology, 6, 412-426. Link
- Gabriel Salako, Henry Sawyerr, Oluwasogo Olalubi. (2016). Does Typha spp. Contribute to Wetland Water loss and Health Risk: A Case Study of Hadejia Nguru Wetlands (HNW) System NE Nigeria Open Journal of Ecology, 2016, 6, 151- 158 Link
- Oluwasogo A Olalubi, Adeyemi Mufutau , Kabir Olorede , Owolabi O, Gabriel Salako, Henry Sawyerr (2016). Diversity and Abundance of Anopheles (Diptera: Culicidae) Species Complex in some Selected Settlements. Malaria Contr Elimination 2016, 5:2 http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2470-6965.1000146
- Gabriel, Salako, Chandalin Bennett, M. Aliyu Ba, Henry Sawyerr (2015). Modeling the Suitability Index Using Maxent and Bioclim on Selected Conifers on Mambilla Plateau Taraba State, Nigeria: Implication on Planted Forest Cloud Publications International Journal of Agroforestry Remote Sensing and GIS 2015, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp.1-9, ID Tech-474 Link
- Salako G.K.A and Danfulani Garba (2015). Geology, Landforms, Rivers and Climate of Gashua in Oladimeji S. A (editor) Geography of Gashua. Boga Press Ibadan ISBN 978-978- 950- 646- 0
- Fundamental training in ArcGIS Environments- Practical manuals
- Using QGIS and Spreadsheet in Assessments of Social and vulnerability indicators- Practical manuals
- Olalubi, O.A., Salako, G, Babatunde, S.K., Sawyer, H.O., Ajao, A.M., Adio, A.A., Obembe, A., (Jun 2017) Risk-Based Assessment and Mapping of Malaria Distribution in Rural Environment in North Central Nigeria. Tetfund Abuja.
- Salako G.K.A (2004) Fundamental Issues in Social Sciences for Higher Colleges Lagos Nigeria ISBN 978 062 874 6
- Ilorin Waste Project Characterization 2017 Link
- KWASU Campus Guide Map Project-KWASU Campus Guide
WORKSHOPS/ CONFERENCES/PRESENTATIONS (* Invited as Facilitator or Presenter)
2021 IPBES Workshop on Modeling Nature Future Scenarios (Virtual) 12-15, January 2021
2018* Shea Butter Ecosystem Habitat and Conservation in the Tropical Savanna, Visiting Scholar Presentation March 2018 Oregon State University, United States
2018* Great Lake Chad Recession: Environmental Changes and Implication on Global Terrorism. February 2018 at World Forestry Centre Portland US
2017* Application of Web GIS in Ecological/Environmental Health Information Management, Ilorin, Nigeria
2017 GBIF Introductory BID Mentor Webinar on Biodiversity Data mobilization
2017 GBIF Agro Training University of Lisbon Portugal
2016* Waste Management Workshop, Ministry of Environment Lokoja, Nigeria
2016 ICT Capacity Training workshop at Kwara State University, Malete
2016* Nigeria Future at Glance Implication for the Environment, Environmental Management and Toxicology Student Annual Lecture Series Kwara State University, Malete
2016 Effective teaching strategies for doctoral and Post-doctoral students, OSU, US.
2015 U6 international conference University of Ilorin Nigeria
2013 Starker’s annual forest resources management conference, Corvallis OR US
2013 Field work at Dorena (Pines) Genetics Center, Oregon US.
2011* Exploring Conifer suitability in Tropical cold Highland WFI Fellow Presentation Portland, US.
2011 Field Technology (Geospatial) Conference, Portland OR US