
Edaphobase includes data from literature, collection as well as observational (raw data) sources on currently seven taxonomic major groups.

Which specific data the database contains for which animal group can be found in the Edaphobase Query Portal by clicking the button “show statistics of data selection” next to the “show data table” button.

On overview of the data coverage for the major taxonomic groups and their data sources is given in the following. (Totals may not correspond to sums of the source listing due to multiple “sources” of specific data records.) “Data sources” of collection data relates to number of collection objects.

Tiergruppe Datenquellendarin vorkommende Taxa darin vorkommende Fundorte erfasste Datensätze
Lumbricidae (Literatur) 135 958079.389
Lumbricidae (Sammlung) 648 74451651
Lumbricidae (Rohdaten) 195847810.021
Lumbricidae (Gesamt) 8021501.70920.061
Enchytraeidae (Literatur) 311251284.309
Enchytraeidae (Sammlung) 1 1 1 1
Enchytraeidae (Rohdaten) 7 126878051
Enchytraeidae (Gesamt) 3915623612.361
Nematoda (Literatur) 2161.31171236.718
Nematoda (Sammlung) 1.630 5061.1201.630
Nematoda (Rohdaten) 1 145 551.982
Nematoda (Gesamt) 1.8461.706 1.83038.348
Collembola (Literatur) 246 1.2251.53780.809
Collembola (Sammlung) 8.49256584011.885
Collembola (Rohdaten) 1727334612.331
Collembola (Gesamt) 8.755 14062.691105.025
Oribatida (Literatur) 16 417 1987.629
Oribatida (Sammlung) 23.718 1.3921.32325.382
Oribatida (Rohdaten)62745911.202
Oribatida (Gesamt) 23.7401.519 1.57844.213
Gamasina (Literatur) 9197254810.137
Gamasina (Sammlung) 10.1958882.10110.195
Gamasina (Gesamt) 10.2861.4932.64220.332
Chilopoda (Literatur) 1.4031.611 1.65014.890
Chilopoda (Sammlung) 25.9277525.16526.759
Chilopoda (Rohdaten) 123454798
Chilopoda (Gesamt) 27.34220086.82742.447
Diplopoda (Literatur)1.7032.0023.05221.980
Diplopoda (Sammlung)48.3742.4798.38350.186
Diplopoda (Rohdaten)13601251.848
Diplopoda (Gesamt)50.0903.74411.33174.014
Isopoda (Literatur) 273841.3095.772
Isopoda (Sammlung) 5.2196058 1.8245.219
Isopoda (Rohdaten)41828550
Isopoda (Gesamt) 5.496942.845 11.541
Other (Literatur) 127242263985
Other (Sammlung) 5.5638581.7085.563
Other (Rohdaten)2102202544
Other (Gesamt) 5.6921.1541.9769.092
Gesamt 132.84113.43027.291377.434