

Dr. Thomas Lehmann
Sektionsleiter Paläomammalogie


Peppe, D. J., S. M. Cote, A. L. Deino, D. L. Fox, J. D. Kingston, R. N. Kinyanjui, W. E. Lukens, L. M. MacLatchy, A. Novello, C. A. E. Strömberg, S. G. Driese, N. D. Garrett, K. R. Hillis, B. F. Jacobs, K. E. H. Jenkins, R. M. Kityo, T. Lehmann, F. K. Manthi, E. N. Mbua, L. A. Michel, E. R. Miller, A. A. T. Mugume, S. N. Muteti, I. O. Nengo, K. O. Oginga, S. R. Phelps, P. Polissar, J. B. Rossie, N. J. Stevens, K. T. Uno and K. P. McNulty (2023). „Oldest evidence of abundant C4 grasses and habitat heterogeneity in eastern Africa.“ Science 380(6641): 173-177. doi:10.1126/science.abq2834


Brochu, C. A., De Celis, A., Adams, A. J., Drumheller, S. K., Nestler, J. H. et al. (2022). Giant dwarf crocodiles from the Miocene of Kenya and crocodylid faunal dynamics in the late Cenozoic of East Africa. The Anatomical Record 305(10) 2729-2765. doi:

Wagner, F., Ruf, I., Lehmann, T., Hofmann, R., Ortmann, S. et al. (2022). Reconstruction of evolutionary changes in fat and toxin consumption reveals associations with gene losses in mammals: A case study for the lipase inhibitor PNLIPRP1 and the xenobiotic receptor NR1I3. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 35(2) 225-239. doi:

Weidtke, J., Schultz, J. A., Lang, A., Lehmann, T., Morlo, M. et al. (2022). Functional analysis of the dentition of Lesmesodon (Mammalia, Hyaenodonta). Paper presented at the 18th International Symposium on Dental Morphology 3rd Congress of the International Association of Paleodontology, Frankfurt.


Berlioz, E., Cornette, R., Lenoir, N., Santin, M. D. & Lehmann, T. (2021). Exploring the ontogenetic development of the inner ear in Aardvarks. Journal of Anatomy 238(5) 1128-1142. doi:10.1111/joa.13361

Hofmann, R., Lehmann, T., Warren, D. L. & Ruf, I. (2021). The squirrel is in the detail: Anatomy and morphometry of the tail in Sciuromorpha (Rodentia, Mammalia). Journal of Morphology 282(11) 1659-1682. doi:

Michel, L. A., Peppe, D. J., Deino, A. L., Cheng, K., Summers, H. et al. (2021). Stratigraphic revision of the early miocene deposits on rusinga island and its effect on interpretaions of paleoclimate and evolution. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 53(6). doi:10.1130/abs/2016AM-286613

Solé, F., Morlo, M., Schaal, T. & Lehmann, T. (2021). New hyaenodonts (Mammalia) from the late Ypresian locality of Prémontré (France) support a radiation of the hyaenodonts in Europe already at the end of the early Eocene Geobios 66-67 119-141.

Stefen, C., Wagner, F., Asztalos, M., Giere, P., Grobe, P. et al. (2021). Phenotyping in the era of genomics: MaTrics – a digital character matrix to document mammalian phenotypic traits coded numerically. bioRxiv 2021.2001.2017.426960. doi:10.1101/2021.01.17.426960

Wedmann, S., Schaal, S. & Lehmann, T. (2021). Online-Messel-Arbeitstreffen 2021. GMIT Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen 84 105-106.


Čerňanský, A., Herrel, A., Kibii, J., Anderson, Christopher V., Boistel, R., Lehmann, T. (2020) The only complete articulated early Miocene chameleon skull (Rusinga Island, Kenya) suggests an African origin for Madagascar’s endemic chameleons. Scientific Reports, 10 (109). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2045-2322

Michel, L. A., Lehmann, T., McNulty, K. P., Driese, S. G., Dunsworth, H. M., Fox, D. L., Harcourt-Smith, W. E. H., Jenkins, K., Peppe, D. J. (2020) Sedimentological, paleoenvironmental study from Waregi Hill in the Hiwegi Formation (early Miocene) on Rusinga Island, Lake Victoria, Kenya. Sedimentology. ISSN 0037-0746

Lehmann, T., Storch, A., Helfricht, A., Krohmann, K., Horáček, I. et al. (2020). Gerhard Storch – a legend in mammal research (II). Fossil Imprint 76(1) iii-v. doi:10.37520/fi.2020.001

Weyer, N., Taylor, A., Lehmann, T. (2020) Demystifying aardvark tracks, how (not) to determine aardvark sex. Afrotherian Conservation, 16. ISSN 1664-6754


Taylor, A., Lehmann, T., Weyer, N. (2019) A roadmap for future aardvark research. Afrotherian Conservation, 15. pp. 25-10. ISSN 1664-6754

Garrett, N., Fox, D. L., Peppe, D. J., Michel, L. A., Lehmann, T., McNulty, K. P. (2019) Stable Isotope Ecology of the Early Miocene Rusinga Island Mammalian Communities from the Kulu, Hiwegi Formations. Journal of Human Evolution. ISSN 0047-2484 (Submitted)

Horáček, I., Lehmann, T., Ruf, I., Maul, L.C. (2019) Gerhard Storch – a legend in mammal research. Fossil Imprint, 75 (3-4). v-xxi. ISSN 2533-4069

Vianey-Liaud, M., Marivaux, L., Lehmann, T. (2019) A reevaluation of the taxonomic status of the rodent Masillamys Tobien, 1954 from Messel (Germany, Late Early to Early Middle Eocene, 48–47 m.y.). Fossil Imprint, 75 (3-4). pp. 454-483. ISSN 2533-4069

Hofmann, R., Lehmann, T., Warren, D. L., Ruf, I. (2019) A morphofunctional Study of the Tail in Sciuridae (Rodentia, Mammalia). Journal of Morphology. ISSN 0362-2525

Hofmann, R., Lehmann, T., Warren, D. L., Ruf, I. (2019) The squirrel is in the detail: A morphofunctional study on the tail in Sciuridae (Rodentia, Mammalia). Conference Abstract.


Taylor, A., Lehmann, T., Weyer, N. (2018) Will aardvarks go thirsty under climate change? Afrotherian Conservation, 14. pp. 3-9. ISSN 1664-6754

Peppe, D. J., Cote, S., Deino, A. L., Driese, S. G., Fox, D. L., Kingston, J., Kinyajui, R., Kityo, R., Lehmann, T., Lukens, W. E., Jenkins, K., MacLatchy, L., Manthi, F. K., Mbua, E. N, McNulty, K. P., Michel, L. A., Miller, E. R, Mugume, A., Nengo, I., Novello, A., Ogonga O.K., Rossie, J. B. (2018) Adaptable apes: reconstructing habitats through space, time in the early Miocene of East Africa. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 165. p. 203. ISSN 0002-9483

Michel, LA, Cheng, K, Chan, RL, Bowen, AF, Fox, DL, Lehmann, T., Peppe, DJ, McNulty, KP (2018) Evidence for seasonality from the Kiahera Formation from the Early Miocene deposits of Rusinga Island, Kenya. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 165. p. 177. ISSN 0002-9483

McNulty, KP, Lehmann, T., Jansma, RJW, Muteti, SN (2018) First fossil ape specimen from the early Miocene locality Magare, Kenya. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 165. p. 173. ISSN 0002-9483

Wedmann, S., Uhl, D., Lehmann, T., Garrouste, R., Nel, A., Gomez, B., Smith,K. T., Schaal, S. F.K. (2018) The Konservat-Lagerstätte Menat (Paleocene; France) – an overview, new insights. Geologica Acta, 16 (2). pp. 189-213. ISSN 1696-5728

Sharma, V., Lehmann, T., Stuckas, H., Funke, L., Hiller,M. (2018) Loss of RXFP2, INSL3 genes in Afrotheria shows that testicular descent is the ancestral condition in placental mammals. PLOS Biology, 16 (6). e2005293. ISSN 1545-7885

Lukens, WE, Lehmann, T., Peppe, DJ, Fox , DL, Driese, SG, Kinyajui, R, Kingston, JD, McNulty, KP (2018) Open-canopy habitats at Karungu, Kenya: an early Miocene fossil site with few primate remains. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 165. p. 161. ISSN 0002-9483

Hillis, K R, Michel, L A, Fox , D L, Driese, S G, Peppe , D L, Lehmann, T., McNulty, P (2018) Paleoclimate reconstruction from pedogenic carbonates from the early Miocene Wayando Formation, Mfangano Island, Lake Victoria, Kenya, the impact on early ape evolution. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 165. p. 120. ISSN 0002-9483

Hofmann, R., Lehmann, T., Ruf, I. (2018) Structure, characteristics of the tail in Rodentia – Why primates should not be considered as the model organism for tail regionalization. Abstracts 92nd Annual Meeting German Society for Mammalian Biology (DGS), Bonn.

Lehmann, T. and Ruf, I. (2018) The Advent of Even-toed Hoofed Mammals. In: Messel – An ancient Greenhouse Ecosystem. E. Schweizerbart‘sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, pp. 285-292.

Lehmann, T. and Ruf, I. (2018) Das Aufkommen der Paarhufer. In: Messel – Ein fossiles Tropenökosystem. E. Schweizerbart‘sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, pp. 285-292.

Smith, K.T. and Lehmann, T. and Mayr, G. and Micklich, N. and Rabenstein, R. and Wedmann, S. (2018) Das Ökosystem Messel. In: Messel – Ein fossiles Tropenökosystem. E. Schweizerbart‘sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, pp. 303-312.

Gunnell, G.F. and Lehmann, T.and Ruf, I. and Habersetzer, J. and Morlo, M. and Rose, K.D. (2018) Ferae – Animals that Eat Animals. In: Messel – An ancient Greenhouse Ecosystem. E. Schweizerbart‘sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, pp. 271-294.

Gunnell, G.F. and Lehmann, T. and Ruf, I. and Habersetzer, J. and Morlo, M. and Rose, Ke.D. (2018) Ferae – Tiere, die andere Tiere fressen. In: Messel – Ein fossiles Tropenökosystem. E. Schweizerbart‘sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, pp. 271-284.

Koenigswald, W.von and Gunnell, G.F. and Lehmann, T.and Rose, K.D. and Ruf, I. (2018) Four Archaic Yet Highly Specialized Mammals. In: Messel – An ancient Greenhouse Ecosystem. E. Schweizerbart‘sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, pp. 223-234.

Smith, K.T. and Lehmann, T. and Mayr, G. and Micklich, N. and Rabenstein, R. and Wedmann, S. (2018) The Messel Ecosystem. In: Messel – An ancient Greenhouse Ecosystem. E. Schweizerbart‘sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, pp. 303-314.

Wedmann, S. and Habersetzer, J. and Lehmann, T. and Ruf, I. and Schaal, S.F.K. and Smith, K.T. (2018) Messel Research – Methods and Concepts. In: Messel – An ancient Greenhouse Ecosystem. E. Schweizerbart´sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, pp. 34-41.

Wedmann, S. and Habersetzer, J. and Lehmann, T. and Ruf, I. and Schaal, S.F.K. and Smith, K.T. (2018) Messelforschung – Methoden und Begriffe. In: Messel – Ein fossiles Tropenökosystem. E. Schweizerbart‘sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, pp. 35-42.

Lehmann, T. (2018) Mit oder ohne Stacheln – die Igel-Verwandten. In: Messel – Ein fossiles Tropenökosystem. E. Schweizerbart‘sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, pp. 235-240.

Ruf, I. and Lehmann, T. (2018) Nagetiere: Erfolgsgeschichte mit Biss. In: Messel – Ein fossiles Tropenökosystem. E. Schweizerbart‘sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, pp. 263-270.

Ruf, I. and Lehmann, T. (2018) Rodents – Gnawing Their Way to Success. In: Messel – An ancient Greenhouse Ecosystem. E. Schweizerbart‘sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, pp. 263-270.

Koenigswald, W.von and Gunnell, G.F. and Lehmann, T.and Rose, K.D. and Ruf, I. (2018) Vier ursprüngliche, aber hoch spezialisierte Säugetiere. In: Messel – Ein fossiles Tropenökosystem. E. Schweizerbart‘sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, pp. 223-234.

Lehmann, T. (2018) With and Without Spines: the Hedgehog Kindred from Messel. In: Messel – An ancient Greenhouse Ecosystem. E. Schweizerbart‘sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, pp. 235-240.


Lukens, W. E., Lehmann, T., Peppe, D. J., Fox, D. L., Driese, S. G., McNulty, K. P. (2017) The Early Miocene Critical Zone at Karungu, Western Kenya: An Equatorial, Open Habitat with Few Primate Remains. Frontiers in Earth Science, 5 (87). pp. 1-21. ISSN 2095-0195 (print version); 2095-0209 (electronic version)

Peppe, D. J., Deino, A. L., Driese, S. G., Fox, D. L., Kingston, J., Kinyajui, R., Lukens, W. E., Lutz, J. A., O.K., Michel, L. A., Cote, S., Lehmann, T., MacLatchy, L., McNulty, K. P., Miller, E. R, Nengo, I., Rossie, J. B. (2017) Early Miocene paleoclimate, paleoenvironments across East Africa. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 49.

Kinyajui, R., Peppe, D. J., MacLatchy, L., Kingston, J., Cote, S., Driese, S. G., Fox, D. L., Jacobs, B. F., Lehmann, T., Lukens, W. E., Rossie, J. B., McNulty, K. P. (2017) Early Miocene vegetation across eastern Africa as reconstructed from phytolith data. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 49.

Lächele, U., Giere, P., Ansorge, H., Hampe, J., Lehmann, T., Ortmann,S., Ruf, I., Stefen, C., Hiller,M., Stuckas, H. (2017) “Forward Genomics in Mammals”: morphological traits during ontogeny. Online Abstracts BioSyst.EU Meeting in Gothenburg 2017.

Giere, P., Hiller,M., Ansorge, H., Chavakis, T., Fickel, J., Grobe, P., Hampe, J., Lehmann, T., Ortmann,S., Ruf, I., Stefen, C., Tanaka, E., Vogt, L., Stuckas, H. (2017) Forward Genomics in Mammals: identifying the Genomic Basis of phenotypic differences in placental mammals. Abstract book of BioSyst.EU Meeting in Gotheburg 2017.

Lächele, U., Giere, P., Ansorge, H., Hampe, J., Lehmann, T., Ortmann,S., Ruf, I., Stefen, C., Hiller,M., Stuckas, H. (2017) “Mammalian Forward Genomics”: an ontogenetic approach. Abstract book 91st Annual Meeting Deutsche Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde (DGS). p. 136.

Cheng, K., Michel, L. A., Lehmann, T., McNulty, K. P., Fox, D. L., Driese, S. G., Peppe, D. J. (2017) Paleoclimate, paleoenvironmental reconstructions from stratigraphic analysis, paleosol descriptions from the early Miocene, Kiahera Formation, Rusinga Island, Lake Victoria, Kenya. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 49.

Michel, L. A., Cheng, K., Lehmann, T., McNulty, K. P., Driese, S. G., Fox, D. L., Peppe, D. J. (2017) Paleoclimatic variability, the role of seasonality from the early Miocene deposits on Rusinga, Mfangano Islands, Lake Victoria, Kenya. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 49.

Hofmann, R., Lehmann, T., Ruf, I. (2017) Patterns of tail reduction/loss among different locomotory types in Rodentia. Abstract book 91st Annual Meeting Deutsche Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde (DGS). p. 130.


Driese, S. G., Peppe, D. J., Beverly, E. J., DiPietro, L., Arellano, L. N., Lehmann, T. (2016) Paleosols, paleoenvironments of the early Miocene deposits near Karungu, Lake Victoria, Kenya. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 443. pp. 167-182. ISSN 00310182

Jansma, R. J. W., McNulty, K. P., Dunsworth, H. M., Harcourt-Smith, W. E. H., Jenkins, K., Lehmann, T., Peppe, D. J. (2016) Another partial skull from the early Miocene: the first cranial fragments associated with both upper, lower dentition of Limnopithecus legetet. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 159. p. 185. ISSN 0002-9483

Ruf, I., Volpato, V., Rose, K. D., Billet, G., de Muizon, C., Lehmann, T. (2016) Digital reconstruction of the inner ear of Leptictidium auderiense (Leptictida, Mammalia), North American leptictids reveals new insight into leptictidan locomotor agility. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 90 (1). pp. 153-171.

Hiller, M., Ansorge, H., Chavakis, T., Fickel, J., Giere, P., Grobe, P., Hampe, J., Lehmann, T., Ortmann, S., Ruf, I., Stefen, C., Tanaka , E., Vogt, L., Stuckas, H. (2016) Discovering the genomic basis of morphological, physiological differences between mammalian species with Forward Genomics. Mammalian Biology, 81 (suppl.). pp. 9-10. ISSN 1616-5047

Peppe, D. J., McNulty, K. P., Deino, A. L., Michel, L. A., McCollum, M. S., Driese, S. G., Dunsworth, H. M., Harcourt-Smith, W. E. H., Jenkins, K., Lehmann, T. (2016) Early Miocene paleoenvironments of the Hiwegi formation on Rusinga island (Equatorial Africa, lake Victoria, Kenya) and their implications for hominoid evolution. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 48 (7). ISSN doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-286613

Lukens, W. E., Lehmann, T., Kingston, J., Fox, D. L., Deino, A. L., Peppe, D. J., Driese, S. G. (2016) Early Miocene Paleoenvironments near Karungu, Western Kenya. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 48 (7).

Geraads, D., Lehmann, T., Peppe, D. J., McNulty, K. P. (2016) New Rhinocerotidae from the Kisingiri localities (Lower Miocene of Western Kenya). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 36 (3). e1103247. ISSN 0272-4634

Lehmann, T., Wenzel, T. (2016) Special: Paläontologische Grabungen in Kenia. Senckenberg Natur Forschung Museum, 7/8. ISSN 0028-1301

Lehmann, T. (2016)  Victoriaceros hoojieri Eine neue Nashornart aus dem Unteren Miozän Kenias. Senckenberg Natur Forschung Museum. pp. 236-237. ISSN 0028-1301


Crochet, J.-Y., Hautier, L., Lehmann, T. (2015) A pangolin (Manidae, Pholidota, Mammalia) from the French Quercy phosphorites (Pech du Fraysse, Saint-Projet, Tarn-et-Garonne, late Oligocene, MP 28). Palaeovertebrata, 39 (2). pp. 1-8. ISSN 0031-0247

Benoit, J., Lehmann, T., Vatter, M., Lebrun, R., Merigeaud, S., Costeur, L., Tabuce, R. (2015) Comparative anatomy, three-dimensional geometric-morphometric study of the bony labyrinth of Bibymalagasia (Mammalia, Afrotheria). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. ISSN 0272-4634

Uhl, D., Wedmann, S., Lehmann, T., Hervet, S., Schaal, S. (2015) A fresh look on the Paleocene Maar lake of Menat in France. ZfB-Scriptum. pp. 53-54.

Uhl, D., Wedmann, S., Lehmann, T., and Hervet, S. and Schaal, S.F.K. (2015) A fresh look on the Paleocene maar lake of Menat in France. In: Tagungsband zur 86. Tagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft e. V. vom 14.- 16. September in Landsweiler-Reden (Saarland). Zentrum für Biodokumentation, pp. 53-54. ISBN 978-3-938381-19-8


Michel, L. A., Peppe, D. J., Lutz, J. A., Driese, S. G., Dunsworth, H. M., Harcourt-Smith, W. E. H., Horner, W. H., Lehmann, T., Nightingale, S., McNulty, K. P. (2014) Remnants of an ancient forest provide ecological context for Early Miocene fossil apes. Nature Communications, 5:3236. ISSN 2041-1723

Pohlová, L., Schepsky, P., Lehmann, T., Hochkirch, A., Masopustová, R., Simek, J., Schoo, W., Robovský, J. (2014) Defining management units for European captive aardvarks. Zoo Biology, 33. pp. 433-439. ISSN 0733-3188

McNulty, K. P., MacLatchy, L., Rossie, J. B., Peppe, D. J., Deino, A. L., Mbua, E. N, Manthi, F. K., Nengo, I., Miller, E. R, S.s, Nancy J., Cote, S., Lehmann, T., Gutierrez, M. (2014) Research on East African catarrhine, hominoid evolution: Results from the first year. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 153. p. 182. ISSN 0002-9483


Conrad, J., Jenkins, K., Lehmann, T., Manthi, F. K., Peppe, D. J., Nightingale, S., Cosette, A., Dunsworth, H. M., Harcourt-Smith, W. E. H., McNulty, K. P. (2013) New specimens of ‘Crocodylus’ pigotti (Crocodylidae) from Rusinga Island, Kenya,, generic re-allocation of the species. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 33 (3). pp. 629-646. ISSN 0272-4634

Lehmann, T. (2013) Family Orycteropodidae. In: The Mammals of Africa Vol. 1: Introductory Chapters and Afrotheria. The Mammals of Africa, 1 (6). A & C Black Publishers Ltd, p. 289. ISBN 9781408122518

Lehmann, T., Taylor, A. (2013) Genus Orycteropus. In: The Mammals of Africa Vol. 1: Introductory Chapters and Afrotheria. The Mammals of Africa, 1 (6). A & C Black Publishers Ltd, p. 289. ISBN 9781408122518

Lehmann, T. (2013) Order Tubulidentata. In: The Mammals of Africa Vol. 1: Introductory Chapters and Afrotheria. The Mammals of Africa, 1 (6). A & C Black Publishers Ltd, p. 288. ISBN 9781408122518


Ungar, P. S., Scott, J. R., Curran, S. C., Dunsworth, H. M., Harcourt-Smith, W. E. H., Lehmann, T., Manthi, F. K., McNulty, K. P. (2012) Early Neogene environments in East Africa: Evidence from dental microwear of tragulids. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 342-3. pp. 84-96. ISSN 00310182

Ruf, I., Volpato, V., Billet, G., de Muizon, C., Lehmann, T. (2012) Inner ear anatomy of Leptictidium auderiense (Leptictida, Mammalia) reveals highly agile locomotion. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2012. p. 163. ISSN 1937-2809

Schepsky, P., Hochkirch, A., Veith, M., Wilms, T. M., Lehmann, T. (2012) Intra-specific variability of aardvarks (Orycteropus afer) – last living representatives of the Tubulidentata (Mammalia, Afrotheria). Mammalian Biology, 77S. p. 18. ISSN 1616-5047

Lehmann, T., Schaal, S. F.K. (2012) „Messel, the terrestrial Eocene” – Proceedings of the 22nd Senckenberg conference. Palaeobiodiversity, Palaeoenvironments, 92 (4). pp. 397-402. ISSN 1867-1594

Parys, A., Lehmann, T., Schoo, W., Wilms, T. M. (2012) Newcomers enrich the European zoo aardvark population. Afrotherian Conservation, 9. pp. 2-5. ISSN 1664-6754

Lehmann, T., Schaal, S. F.K. (2012) The World at the Time of Messel. Paläontologen aus fünf Kontinenten nahmen an der 22. Internationalen Senckenberg-Konferenz teil. Senckenberg Natur Forschung Museum. pp. 138-139. ISSN 0028-1301

Vatter, M., Lehmann, T. (2012) Is the ear region of the modern aardvark really primitive? – A comparison of the ear region in fossil and extant Tubulidentata (Mammalia). In: Terra Nostra. GeoUnion Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung, pp. 181-182.

Lehmann, T., Ungar, P.S., Scott, J.R., Curran, S.C., Dunsworth, H.M., Harcourt-Smith, W.E. H., Manthi, F.K., McNulty, K.P. (2012) Paleoecological context of the early Miocene African mammal transition: Evidence from dental microwear of tragulids. In: Terra Nostra. GeoUnion Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung, pp. 109-110.

Ruf, I., Volpato, V., Billet, G., de Muizon, C., Lehmann, T. (2012) The inner ear of Leptictidium auderiense (Leptictida, Mammalia) – a key to the reconstruction of leptictid locomotion. In: Terra Nostra. GeoUnion Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung, pp. 146-147.


Volpato, V., Kardjillov, N., Hilger, A., Paulke, A., Lehmann, T. (2011) Endostructural morphology of the humerus, femur in placental quadrupeds, bipedal hoppers. Mammalian Biology, 76S. p. 24. ISSN 1616-5047

Peppe, D. J., Deino, A. L., McNulty, K. P., Lehmann, T., Dunsworth, H. M., Harcourt-Smith, W. E. H. (2011) New age constraints for the early Miocene faunas of Rusinga, Mfangano islands (lake Victoria, Kenya). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2011. p. 173. ISSN 0272-4634

Peppe, D. J., Deino, A. L., McNulty, K. P., Lehmann, T., Harcourt-Smith, W. E. H., Dunsworth, H. M., Fox, D. L. (2011) New age constraints on the early miocene faunas from Rusinga, Mfangano Islands (Lake Victoria, Kenya). American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 144 (S52). p. 166. ISSN 0002-9483

Ganswindt, A., Parys, A., Wielebnowski, N., Lehmann, T. (2011) Non-invasive assessment of reproductive, adrenocortical steroid hormones in captive aardvarks (Orycteropus afer). Afrotherian Conservation, 8. pp. 17-18. ISSN 1664-6754

Michel, L. A., Peppe, D. J., Driese, Steve, McNulty, K. P., Lehmann, T., Dunsworth, H. M., Harcourt-Smith, W. E. H. (2011) Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of early Miocene catarrhine localities using fossil forest paleosols from Rusinga Island, lake Victoria, Kenya. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 43 (5). p. 429. ISSN 0016-7606

Lehmann, T., Schaal, S. F.K. (2011) Preface. In: The world at the time of Messel: Puzzles in Palaeobiology, Palaeoenvironment, and the history of early primates. Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, pp. 7-9. ISBN 978-3-929907-86-5

Stefen, C., Lehmann, T. (2011) New skeletal finds of Kopidodon macrognathus (Mammalia: Paroxyclaenidae) including a juvenile from Messel, Germany. In: 22nd International Senckenberg Conference, The World at the Time of Messel: Puzzles in Palaeobiology, Palaeoenvironment, and the History of Early Primates. Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, Frankfurt am Main. ISBN 978-3-929907-86-5


Lehmann, T. (2010) Evolutionary history of Tubulidentata (Mammalia, Afrotheria), the origin of the living aardvark. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2010. 122. ISSN 1937-2809

Stefen, C., Lehmann, T. (2010) New juvenile, adult material of Kopidodon macrognathus (Mammalia: Paroxyclaenidae) from Messel, Germany. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2010. p. 170. ISSN 0272-4634

Lehmann, T. (2010) What if elephant shrews really were related to elephants? Palaios, 25 (3-4). pp. 141-143. ISSN 0883-1351

Volpato, V., Lehmann, T. (2010) Endostructural variations in the appendicular elements of running and hopping extant mammals. Implications for the reconstruction of Leptictidium (eocene, Messel Pit) locomotion. In: GeoDarmstadt2010 – Geowissenschaften sichern Zukunft. GeoDarmstadt2010 – Geowissenschaften sichern Zukunft, pp. 579-580. ISBN 978-3-510-49219-0

Juliane Eberhardt
Technische Assistentin
Julia Galán García
Humboldt Stipendiatin




PhD research staff with external financing / University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU / SP


PhD research staff, specialization contract / UPV/EHU / SP


Training fellowship at the Natural History Museum of the University of Zaragoza, MCNUZ / MCNUZ/ SP


Research Assistant, part-time contract/ University of La Rioja, Unirioja / SP


Pre-doctoral Research Staff, full-time contract/ University of Zaragoza, Unizar / SP


Pre-doctoral Researcher / University of Ferrara, Unife / IT


Government of Aragon grant for Pre-doctoral Researchers / Unizar/ SP


IUCA grant for Master researchers/ Unizar / SP


Spanish Ministry of Education collaboration grant/ Unizar / SP

Publications within the last five years

Julia GALÁN (CA), López-García, J. M., Cuenca-Bescós, G., & Sevilla, P. (2024). The Quaternary record of fossil bats in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands: Palaeobiogeographical changes and palaeoenvironmental implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 112243.

Rodríguez-Almagro, M., Arriolabengoa, M., Villalba de Alvarado, M., Arceredillo, D., Julia GALÁN, Fernández-García, M., … & Gómez-Olivencia, A. (2023). Paleobiological and Taphonomic Analysis of a Site with Cold-Adapted Fauna in Iberia: Baio (Zestoa, Gipuzkoa, Northern Iberian Peninsula). Available at SSRN 4656055.

López-García, J. M., Piñero, P., Agustí, J., Furió, M., Julia GALÁN, Moncunill-Solé, B., … & Daura, J. (2024). Chronological context, species occurrence, and environmental remarks on the Gelasian site Pedrera del Corral d’en Bruach (Barcelona, Spain) based on the small-mammal associations. Historical Biology, 36(3), 657-676.

Núñez-Lahuerta, C., Julia GALÁN, Cuenca-Bescós, G., García-Medrano, P., & Cáceres, I. (2022). A bird assemblage across the MIS 9/8 boundary: The Middle Pleistocene of Galería (Atapuerca). Quaternary Science Reviews, 293, 107708.

Julia GALÁN (CA); C. Núñez-Lahuerta & M. Bartolomé (2022). The tale of an ice-preserved Alpine Long-Eared Bat in the Pyrenees. Journal of Bat Research & Conservation 15(1), 69-71.

Julia GALÁN (CA); S. Bañuls-Cardona; G. Cuenca-Bescós & J.M. Vergès (2022). Understanding the biogeography of Western European bats: the latest Pleistocene to Middle Holocene assemblage of El Mirador site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). Hist. Biol. 1-15.

Nunez-Lahuerta, C., Julia GALÁN, Cuenca Bescós, G., & Huguet, R. (2021). Birds from Sima Del Elefante, Atapuerca, Spain: palaeoecological implications in the oldest human bearing levels of the Iberian Peninsula.

Gómez-Olivencia (CA); M. Arlegui; D. Arceredillo; … Julia GALÁN (9/16); … & J. van der Made (2020). The Koskobilo (Olazti, Navarre, Northern Iberian Peninsula) paleontological collection: New insights for the Middle and Late Pleistocene in Western Pyrenees. Quat. Int. 566, 113-140.

Julia GALÁN (CA); C. Núñez-Lahuerta; J.M. López-García & G. Cuenca-Bescós (2019). Did humans disturb bats? Exploring the hominin-chiropter interactions in the Sierra de Atapuerca sites (early to Middle Pleistocene, Spain). Quat. Sci. Rev. 226.

Julia GALÁN (CA); C. Núñez-Lahuerta; R. Moya-Costa; J.M. López-García & G. Cuenca-Bescós (2019). Fossil bat assemblages as palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic indicators: A case study in the Lower to Middle Pleistocene Gran Dolina sequence of Sierra de Atapuerca, Northern Spain. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 109365.

Julia GALÁN (CA); C. Núñez-Lahuerta; V. Sauqué; G. Cuenca-Bescós & J.M. López-García (2019). Cranial biometrics of the Iberian Myotis myotis/Myotis blythii Complex: New Data for studying the Fossil Record. J. Mamm. Evol. 26(3), 333-344.

Dr. Michael Morlo
Dr. Michael Morlo
Ernannter ehrenamtlicher Mitarbeiter

2000 – present, affiliated scientist

1996 – 1999, Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Messelforschung, Research Institute Senckenberg

1995 – 1996, Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Paleoanthropology, Research Institute Senckenberg

1991 – 1994, Ph.D., Department of Geology, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz.

1984 – 1991, Diploma of Biology, Department of Marine Biology, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster


Morlo, M., Nagel, D. & Bastl, K. (2020). Evolution of the carnivoran (Carnivora, Mammalia) guild structure across the Middle/Upper Miocene boundary in Germany. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2020/109801,

Morlo, M., Bastl, K., Habersetzer, J., Engel, T., Lischewsky, B., Lutz, H., von Berg, A., Rabenstein, R. & Nagel, D. (2020). The apex of amphicyonid hypercarnivory: Solving the riddle of Agnotherium antiquum Kaup, 1833 (Mammalia, Carnivora). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 39(5), e1705848-2. DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2019.1705848.


Morlo, M., Engel, T., Bastl, K., Lischewsky, B., Lutz, H., von Berg, A.& Nagel, D. (2020). Hyaenidae (Carnivora, Mammalia) from the Late Miocene (MN 9/10) Dinotheriensande. Mainzer naturwissenschaftliches Archiv 56, 113-126.

Morlo, M., Le Mâitre, A., Bastl, K., Engel, T., Lutz, H., Lischewsky, B., von Berg, A. & Nagel, D. (2019). First record of the mustelid Trochictis (Carnivora, Mammalia) from the early.Late Miocene (MN 9/10) of Germany and a re-appraisal of the genus Trochictis. Historical Biology,

Morlo, M., Miller, E. R., Bastl, K., AbdelGawad, M. K., Hamdan, M., El-Barkooky, A. N. & Nagel, D. (2019). New amphicyonids (Mammalia, Carnivora) from Moghra, Early Miocene, Egypt. Geodiversitas 41(2), 731-745.


Bastl, K., Nagel, D., Morlo, M. & Göhlich U. B. (2018). The Carnivora (Mammalia) from the middle Miocene locality of Gračanica (Bugojno Basin, Gornji Vakuf, Bosnia and Herzegovina). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 100(2), 307-319. [issued 2020]


Pfaff, C., Nagel, D., Gunnell, G. F., Weber, G. G., Kriwet, J., Morlo, M. & Bastl, K. (2016). Palaeobiology of Hyaenodon exiguus (Hyaenodonta, Mammalia) based on morphometric analysis of the bony labyrinth. Journal of Anatomy 230(2), 282-289.


Solé, F., Amson, E., Borths, M., Vidalenc, D., Morlo, M. & Bastl, K. (2015). A New Large Hyainailourine from the Bartonian of Europe and Its Bearings on the Evolution and Ecology of Massive Hyaenodonts (Mammalia). PLoS ONE 10(9): e0135698.


Morlo, M., Schaal, S., Wu, W. & Li, C. (2013). The first species of Sinopa (Hyaenodontidae, Creodonta) from outside of North America: Implications for proviverrine history in Asia and North America. Palaeontology 57(1), 111-125.


Grohé, C., Morlo, M., Chaimanee, Y., Blondel, C., Coster, P., Valentin, X., Salem, M., Bilal, A. A., Jaeger, J.-J. & Brunet, M. (2012). New Apterodontinae (Hyaenodontida) from the Eocene Locality of Dur At-Talah (Libya): Systematic, Paleoecological and Phylogenetical Implications. PLoS ONE 7(11), e49054.


Bastl, K., Morlo, M., Nagel, D. & Heizmann, E. (2011). Differences in the tooth eruption sequence in Hyaenodon (‘Creodonta’: Mammalia) and implications for the systematics of the genus. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 31(1), 181–192.

Frey, E., Munk, W., Böhme, M., Morlo, M. & Hensel, M. (2011). First creodont carnivore from the Rupelian Clays (Oligocene)of the Clay Pit Unterfeld at Rauenberg (Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden-Württemberg): Apterodon rauenbergensis n.sp. Kaupia 17, 107–113.


Nagel, D., Stefen, C, & Morlo, M. (2009). Carnivora of Sandelzhausen, Middle Miocene (MN 5) of Germany. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 83(1), 151-174.


Kullmer, O., Morlo, M., Sommer, J., Lutz, H., Engel, T., Forman, M. & Holzförster, F. (2008). The second specimen of Simocyon diaphorus (Kaup, 1832) (Mammalia, Carnivora, Ailuridae) from the type-locality Eppelsheim (Early Late Miocene, Germany). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28(3), 928–932.

Bastl, K., Morlo, M., Heizmann, E. & Nagel, D. (2008). Hyaenodon sp. Unterkiefer aus der Spaltenfüllung Liptingen (Westliche Schwäbische Alb). Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 75, 5-6.


Morlo, M. & Nagel, D. (2007). The carnivore guild of the Taatsiin Gol area: Hyaenodontidae (Creodonta), Carnivora, and Didymoconida from the Oligocene of Central Mongolia. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien 108A, 217-231.

Peigné, S., Morlo, M., Chaimanee, Y., Ducrocq, S., Tun, S. T. & Jaeger, J.-J. (2007). New discoveries of hyaenodontids (Creodonta, Mammalia) from the Pondaung Formation, middle Eocene, Myanmar – palaeobiogeographic implications. Geodiversitas 29(3), 441-458.

Morlo, M., Miller, E. R. & El-Barkooky, A. N. (2007). Creodonta and Carnivora from Wadi Moghra, Egypt. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 27(1), 145–159.


Morlo, M. (2006). New remains of Barbourofelidae (Mammalia, Carnivora) from the Miocene of Southern Germany: implications for the history of barbourofelid migrations. Beiträge zur Paläontologie 30, 339-346.

Morlo, M. & Nagel, D. (2006). New Hyaenodontidae (Mammalia) from the Oligocene of Taatsiin Gol, Central Mongolia. Annales de Paléontologie 92(3), 305-321.

Van der Hoek Ostende, L., Morlo, M. & Nagel, D. (2006). Fossils explained 52, Majestic killers: the sabre-toothed cats. Geology Today 22(4): 150-157.


Nagel, D., Morlo, M. & Stefen, C. (2005). Sandelzhausen, a unique carnivore guild in the Middle Miocene (MN 5) of Europe. Berichte des Instituts für Erdwissenschaften, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz 10, 78-79.

Morlo, M. & Gunnell, G. F. (2005). New species of Limnocyon (Mammalia, Creodonta) from the Bridgerian (middle Eocene). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 25(1), 247-251.


Morlo, M. & Semenov, Y. (2004). New dental remains of Machairodus Kaup, 1833 (Felidae, Carnivora Mammalia) from the Turolian of Ukraine. Kaupia 13, 123–138.

Morlo, M., Schaal, S., Mayr, G. & Seiffert, C. (2004). An annotated taxonomic list of the Middle Eocene (MP 11) Vertebrata of Messel. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 252, 95-108.

Morlo, M. (2004). Diet of Messelornis (Aves, Gruiformes), an Eocene bird from Germany. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 252, 29-33.

Morlo, M., Peigné, S. & Nagel, D. (2004). A new species of Prosansanosmilus: Implications for the systematic relationships of the family Barbourofelidae new rank (Carnivora, Mammalia). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society London 140(1), 43-61.


Nagel, D. & Morlo, M. (2003). Guild structure of the carnivorous mammals (Creodonta, Carnivora) from the Taatsiin Gol Area, Lower Oligocene of Central Mongolia. DEINSEA 10, 419-429.

Morlo, M. & Gunnell, G. F. (2003). New species of Limnocyon (Limnocyoninae, Hyaenodontidae, Mammalia) from the middle Bridgerian (middle Eocene) of Southwestern Wyoming. Terra Nostra 2003(5), 114-115.

Morlo, M. & Gunnell, G. F. (2003). Small Limnocyoninae (Hyaenodontidae, Mammalia) from the Bridgerian, middle Eocene of Wyoming: Thinocyon, Iridodon n. gen., and Prolimnocyon. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, The University of Michigan 31(2), 43-78.

Zhai, R., Ciochon, R. F., Tong, Y., Savage, D. E., Morlo, M., Holroyd, P. A. & Gunnell, G. F. (2003). An aberrant amphicyonid (Mammalia, Carnivora) from the latest Eocene of the Bose Basin, Guangxi, China. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 48(2), 293-300.


Försterling, G., Kadolsky, D. & Morlo, M. (2002). Die Cephalaspidea (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia) der Cerithienschichten (Oberoligozän) im Mainzer Becken. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 237, 275-292.

Nagel, D., Morlo, M. & Peigné, S. (2002). Prosansanosmilus nov. spec. (Carnivora, Mammalia) und die Wanderung der Barbourofeliden von Afrika nach Europa. Berichte des Instituts für Geologie und Paläontologie, Karl Franzens-Universität Graz 5: 16.

Morlo, M. & Nagel, D. (2002). New Didymoconidae (Mammalia) from the Oligocene of Central Mongolia and first information on tooth eruption sequence of the family. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 223(1), 123-144.


Morlo, M. & Kundrát, M. (2001). The first carnivoran fauna from the Ruscinium (Early Pliocene, MN 15) of Germany. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 75(2), 163–187.


Morlo, M., Nagel, D. & Morlo, H. (2000). Fossile und rezente Tiere aus der Höhle „Weiße Kuhle” in Marsberg. Marsberg 1999: Ereignisse und Erinnerungen, 126-128.


Morlo, M. & Habersetzer, J. (1999). The Hyaenodontidae (Creodonta, Mammalia) from the lower Middle Eocene (MP 11) of Messel (Germany) with special remarks on new x-ray methods. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 216, 31-73.

Morlo, M. (1999). Niche structure and evolution in creodont (Mammalia) faunas of the European and North American Eocene. Géobios 32, 297–305.

Morlo, M. (1999). Buchbesprechung: “E. P. J. Heizmann (Hrsg.): Vom Schwarzwald zum Ries”. Natur und Museum 129(4), 423.


Heizmann, E. P. J. & Morlo, M. 1998. Die semiaquatische Lartetictis dubia (Mustelinae, Carnivora, Mammalia) vom Goldberg/Ries (Baden-Württemberg). Mainzer naturwissenschaftliches Archiv, Beiheft 21, 141-153.

Morlo, M. 1998. Neues Urraubtier aus Messel liefert einzigartige Informationen. Natur und Museum 128(7), 208-211.


Morlo, M. (1997). Ein neuer Proviverrine (Creodonta, Mammalia) aus dem Weltnaturerbe Grube Messel. Terra Nostra 1997(6), 154.

Roth, C. & Morlo, M. (1997). Die Raubtiere (Mammalia, Carnivora) von Dorn-Dürkheim 1 (Rheinhessen). 2. Ursidae. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 197, 49-71.

Morlo, M. (1997). Die Raubtiere (Mammalia, Carnivora) von Dorn-Dürkheim 1 (Rheinhessen). 1. Mustelida, Hyaenidae, Percrocutidae, Felidae. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 197, 11-47.

Wolsan, M. & Morlo, M. 1997. The status of ‘Plesictiscroizeti, ‘Plesictisgracilis, and ‘Lutraminor: synonyms of the early Miocene viverrid Herpestides antiquus (Mammalia, Carnivora). Bulletin of the Natural History Museum London (Geology) 53, 1-9.


Morlo, M. (1996). Carnivora (Mammalia) aus dem Untermiozän des Mainzer Beckens (SW-Deutschland). 2. Mustelida, Feliformia, Palaeogale. Senckenbergiana lethaea 76(1/2), 193-249.


Morlo, M. (1995). Dorn-Dürkheim 1 – eine turolische Raubtierfauna aus Deutschland (Rheinhessen). Phylogenetische und paläobiologische Aspekte. Terra Nostra 1995(4), 42.


Heizmann, E. P. J. & Morlo, M. (1994). Amphictis schlosseri n. sp. – eine neue Carnivoren-Art (Mammalia) aus dem Unter-Miozän von Südwestdeutschland. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde B216, 1-25.

Morlo, M. (1994). Die Schalenfeinstruktur bei plio-/pleistozänen Cephalaspideen (Opisthobranchia, Gastropoda) aus Griechenland. Münstersche Forschungen zur Geologie und Paläontologie 76, 67-90.


Books and book chapters


Gunnell, G. F., Lehmann, T., Ruf, I., Habersetzer, J., Morlo, M. & Rose, K. (2018). Chapter 12.7 Ferae – Animals that eat animals; pp. 271-284 in Smith K. T., Schaal, S. F. K. & Habersetzer, J. (eds.). Messel – An Ancient Greenhouse Ecosystem. E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.

Gunnell, G. F., Lehmann, T., Ruf, I., Habersetzer, J., Morlo, M. & Rose, K. (2018). Chapter Kapitel 12.7 Ferae – Tiere, die andere Tiere fressen; pp. 271-284 in Schaal, S. F. K., Smith, K. T., Habersetzer, J. (eds.). Messel – ein fossiles Tropenökosystem. E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.


Lewis M. E. & Morlo, M. (2010). Chapter 7: ‘Creodonta’; pp. 543-560 in Werdelin, L. & Sanders, W. J. (eds.). Cenozoic Mammals of Africa; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Morlo, M., Gunnell G, Nagel D. (2010). Chapter 10 – Ecomorphological analysis of carnivore guilds in the Eocene through Miocene of Laurasia; pp. 269-310 in Goswami, A. & Friscia, A. (eds.). Carnivoran Evolution: New Views on Phylogeny, Form, and Function; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Morlo, M., Peigné, S. (2010). Chapter 4 – Molecular and morphological evidence for Ailuridae and a review of its genera; pp. 92–141 in Goswami, A. & Friscia, A. (eds.). Carnivoran Evolution: New Views on Phylogeny, Form, and Function; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


Morlo, M. in Storch, G., Habersetzer, J., Martin, T., Morlo, M., Franzen, J.L. (2006). The Stars of the oil-shale – The Mammals. Vernissage, 21/05, Unesco World Hertiage Sites, Messel Fossil Pit Site, Snapshots of the Eocene, 44-59.

Morlo, M. in Storch, G., Habersetzer, J., Martin, T., Morlo, M., Franzen, J.L. (2006). Die „Stars“ im Ölschiefer – Die Säugetiere. Vernissage, 21/05, Reihe: Unesco Welterbe, Fossilienlagerstätte Grube Messel, Momentaufnahmen aus dem Eozän: 44-59.


Grimm, K. I., Grimm, M. C. & Morlo, M. (eds.). (1998). Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Rothausen. Mainzer naturwissenschaftliches Archiv, Beiheft 21: 1-186.

Morlo, M. (1998). Un prédateur archaique avec une queue touffue; pp. 76-77 in Koenigswald, W. & Storch, G. (eds.) Messel – ein Pompeji der Paläontologie; Edition du Seuil, Seuil.

Morlo, M. (1998). Ein Urraubtier mit buschigem Schwanz; pp.76-77 in Koenigswald, W. & Storch, G. (eds.) Messel – ein Pompeji der Paläontologie; Thorbecke Verlag, Sigmaringen.


Morlo, M. (1997). Zur Zahnphylogenese der Wirbeltiere, ein systematischer Überblick; p. 165-227 in Alt, K. W. & Türp, J. (eds.) Die Evolution der Zähne – Phylogenie, Ontogenie, Variation. Quintessenz Verlag, Hamburg.

Manfred Luschies
Ehrenamtlicher Mitarbeiter Paläomammalogie