- Fluss- und Auenökologie
- Biodiversitätdynamik und Ökologie von Makroinvertebraten in europäischen Fließgewässern
- Fließgewässerrenaturierung und -bewertung im Kontext der EG – Wasserrahmenrichtlinie
- Ökologisches Langzeitmonitoring und Naturschutzforschung
Wissenschaftliche Laufbahn
2024 International Champion, Frontiers Planet Prize (1 Million Schweizer Franken)
2024 National Champion (Deutschland), Frontiers Planet Prize
2017 – 2021 Science Chair and member of the Executive Committee of ILTER
Seit 10.2016
Mitglied des Science Committee von International Long-Term Ecologiocal Research (ILTER)
Seit 01.2016
Universitäts-Professor an der Fakultät für Biologie, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Seit 03.2013
Vorsitzender von LTER-D
Seit 06.2012
Apl. Professor am Fachbereich Biowissenschaften, Goethe Universität Frankfurt
2012 – 2013
Stellvertretender Vorsitzender von LTER-D
Seit 08.2012
Sprecher des Forschungsbereiches Biodiversität und Ökosysteme
Seit 10.2009 Stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Wissenschaftsausschusses,
Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturfoschung
2008 – 2014
Leiter des Programmbereichs „Biodiversitätsdynamik und Klima“
am LOEWE-Forschungszentrum Biodiversität und Klima (BiK-F), Frankfurt
Seit 11.2004
Abteilungsleiter Fließgewässerökologie und Naturschutzforschung,
Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum
Seit 12.2000
Leiter der Außenstelle Gelnhausen (früher Bieber), Senckenberg
Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum
Seit 12.2000
Sektionsleiter und Kustode für Aquatische Entomologie, Senckenberg
Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum
1999 – 2000
Postdoc und Hochschulassistent, Universität Kassel, Fachgebiet Gewässer-
ökologie und Gewässerentwicklung (Prof. Dr. U. Braukmann)
1995 – 1999
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Kassel, Fachgebiet
Limnologie (Prof. Dr. M.P.D. Meijering)
Habilitation in Zoologie/Oekologie an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt. Titel der kumulativen Habilschrift: „Entwicklung, Standardisierung und Evaluation einer Methode zur Erfassung und Bewertung von Makroinvertebraten aus Fließgewässern“
Promotion (Dr.-Ing.) an der Universität Kassel; Thema: „Zoozönosen, Chemismus und Struktur regionaler Bachtypen im niedersächsischen und nordhessischen Bergland“
Diplom in Ökologischer Umweltsicherung (Dipl.-Ing.) an der Universität Kassel; Thema: „Zur Ökologie des Fließgewässersystems der Nieme – Ein Beitrag zum Naturschutz in Südniedersachsen“
Diplom in Biologie (Dipl.-Biol.) an der Universität Göttingen; Thema:„Isolation und Charakterisierung der F420- Dehydrogenase aus Methonolobus tindarius“
Publikationen / Publications (SCI journals)
Cortés-Guzmán, D., Bowler, D.E. & Haase, P. (2024). Spatial and temporal effects of heat waves on the diversity of European stream invertebrate communities. Science of The Total Environment, 176229.
Cortés‐Guzmán, D., Sinclair, J., Hof, C., Kalusche, J.B. & Haase, P. (2024). Dispersal, glacial refugia and temperature shape biogeographical patterns in European freshwater biodiversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography 33 (9), e13886.
Welti, E.A.R., Bowler, D.E., Altermatt, F., Álvarez-Cabria, M., Amatulli, G. … & Haase, P. (2024). Time series of freshwater macroinvertebrate abundances and site characteristics of European streams and rivers. Scientific Data 11: 601.
Kaijser, W., Lorenz, A.W., Brauer, V.S., Burfeid-Castellanos, A.M., David, G.M., Nuy, J.K. Baikova, D. , Beszteri, B., Gillmann, SM., Kiesel, J., Mayombo, N.A.S., Peters, K., Rettig, K., Rolauffs, P., Haase, P. & Hering, D. (2024). Differential associations of five riverine organism groups with multiple stressors. Science of the Total Environment 934: 173105.
Nguyen, H.H., Peters, K., Kiesel, J., Welti, E.A.R., Gillmann, S.M., Lorenz, A.W., Jähnig, S.C. & Haase, P. (2024). Stream macroinvertebrate communities in restored and impacted catchments respond differently to climate, land-use, and runoff over a decade. Science of the Total Environment 929: 172659.
Gillmann, S.M., Lorenz, A.W., Kaijser, W., Nguyen, H.H., Haase, P. & Hering, D. (2024). How tolerances, competition and dispersal shape benthic invertebrate colonisation in restored urban streams. Science of the Total Environment 929: 172665.
Sexton, A.N., Beisel, J.N., Staentzel, C., Wolter, C., Tales, E., Belliard, J., Buijse, A.D., Martínez Fernández, V., Wantzen, K.M., Jähnig, S.C., Garcia de Leaniz, C., Schmidt-Kloiber, A., Haase, P., Eurie Forio, M.A., Archambaud, G., Fruget, J.F., Dohet, A., Evtimova, V., Csabai, Z., Floury, M., Goethals, P., Gábor, V., Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Larrañaga, A., Maire, A., Schäfer, R.B., Sinclair, J.S., Vannevel, R., Welti, E.A.R. & Jeliazkov, A. (2024). Inland navigation is a driver of freshwater biodiversity declines in Europe. Nature Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-024-02414-8.
Snåre, H., García-Girón, J., Alahuhta, J.B., Luis Boda, P., Bonada, N., Brasil, L., Callisto, M., Castro, D., Chen, K. Csabai, Z., Datry, T., Domisch, S., García-Marquez, J., Floury, M., Friberg, N., Gill, B., González-Trujillo, J., Göthe, E., Haase, P. Hamada, N., Hill, M., Hjort, Jan Juen , Leandro Jupke, J., Justino de Faria, A., Li, Z., Santos, R., Linares, M., Luiza-Andrade, A., Macedo, D., Mathers, K., Mellado-Diaz, A., Milosevic, D., Moya, N., Poff, N.L., Rolls, R., de Oliveira Roque, F., Saito, V., Sandin, L., Schäfer, R., Scotti, A., Siqueira, T., Martins, R., Valente-Neto, F., Wang, B., Wang, J., Xie, Z.& Heino, J. (2024). The relationships between biotic uniqueness and abiotic uniqueness are context dependent across drainage basins worldwide. Landscape Ecology 39: 86.
Sander, M., Beermann, A., Buchner, D., Pimentel, I.M., Sinclair, J.S., Weiss, M., Haase, P. & Leese, F. (2024). Environmental DNA time series analysis of a temperate stream reveals distinct seasonal community and functional shifts. River Research and Application. DOI: 10.1002/rra.4265.
Knollová, I., Chytrý, M., Bruelheide, H., Dullinger, S., Jandt, U., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., Biurrun, I., de Bello, F., Glaser, M., Hennekens, S., Jansen, F., Jiménez Alfaro, B., Kadaš, D., Kaplan, E., Klinkovská, K., Kuzemko, A., Lenzner, B., Pauli, H., Gaia Sperandii, M., Verheyen, K., Winkler, M., …, Haase, P., … & Essl, F. (2024). ReSurveyEurope: a database of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe. Journal of Vegetation Science 35: e13235.
Remmel, N., Buchner, D., Enss, J., Hartung, V., Leese, F., Welti, E.A.R., Sinclair, J.S. & Haase, P. (2024). DNA metabarcoding and morphological identification reveal similar richness, taxonomic composition, and body size patterns among flying insect communities. Insect Conservation and Diversity. DOI: 10.1111/icad.12710
Sinclair, J.S., Welti, E.A.R., Altermatt, F., Aroviita, J., Álvarez-Cabria, M., Baker, N.J., Barešová, L., Barquín, J., Bonacina. L., Bonada, N., Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Csabai. Z., de Eyto, E., Dohet, A., Dörflinger, G., England, J., Eriksen, T.E., Evtimova, V., Feio, M.J., Ferréol, M., Floury, M., Eurie Forio, M.A., Fornaroli, R., Goethals, P.L.M., Heino, J., Hering, D., Huttunen, K.-L., Jähnig, S.C., Johnson, R.K., Kuglerová, L., Kupilas, B., L’Hoste, L., Larrañaga, A., Lorenz. A.W., McKie, B.G., Muotka, T., Osadčaja, D., Paavola, R., Palinauskas, V., Pařil, P., Pilotto, F., Polášek, M., Rasmussen, J.J., Schäfer, R.B., Schmidt-Kloiber, A., Scotti, A., Skuja, A., Straka, M., Stubbington, R., Timm, H., Tyufekchieva, V., Tziortzis, I., Vannevel, R., Várbíró, G., Velle. G., Verdonschot, R.C.M., Vray, S. & Haase, P. (2024). Multi-decadal improvements in the assessed quality of European stream invertebrate communities are inconsistently reflected in biodiversity metrics. Nature Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-023-02305-4.
Siqueira, T., Hawkins, C., Olden, J., Tonkin, J., Comte, L., Saito, V., Anderson, T., Barbosa, G., Bonada, N., Bonecker, C.C., Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Datry, T., Flinn, M., Fortuño, E., Estrada, P., Gerrish, G.A., Haase, P., Hill, M., Hood, J., Huttunen, K.-L., Jeffries, M., Muotka, T., O’Donnell, D., Paavola, R., Paril, P., Paterson, M., Patrick, C.J., Perbiche-Neves, G., Rodrigues, L.C., Schneider, S., Straka, M. & Ruhi, A. (2023). Understanding temporal variability across trophic levels and spatial scales in freshwater ecosystems. Ecology e4219.
Haase, P., Bowler, D.E., Baker, N.J., Bonada, N., Domisch, S., …& E.A.R. Welti, E.A.R. (2023). The recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halt. Nature 620: 582–588.
Manfrin, A., Pilotto, F., Larsen, S., Tonkin, J.D., Lorenz, A.W., Haase, P. & Stoll, S. (2023). Taxonomic and functional reorganisation in Central European stream macroinvertebrate communities over 25 years. Science of the Total Environment 889: 164278.
Dietrich, J.S., Welti, E.A.R. & Haase, P. (2023). Extreme climatic events alter the aquatic insect community in a pristine German stream. Climatic Change 176: 68.
Grigoropoulou, A., Acosta, R., Akindele, E.O., Al-Shami, S.A., Fernández Aláez, C., …, Haase, P., … & Domisch, S. (2023). The Global EPTO Database: worldwide occurrences of aquatic insects. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32: 642–655.
Ahmed, D.A., Beidas, A., Petrovskii, S.V., Bailey, J.D., Bonsall, M.B., Hood, A.S.C., Byers, J.A., Hudgins, E.J., Russell, J.C., Růžičková, J., Bodey, T.W., Renauls, D., Bonnaud, E., Haubrock, P.J., Soto, I., & Haase, P. (2023). Simulating capture efficiency of pitfall traps based on sampling strategy and the movement of ground-dwelling arthropods. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
Soto I., Cuthbert, R.N., Ricciardi, A., Altermatt, F., Archambaud, G., …, Haase, P., … & Haubrock, P. (2023). The Ponto-Caspianization of European waterways. Biological Invasions, DOI: 10.21203/
Haubrock, P.J., Pilotto, F., Soto, I., Kühn, I., Verreycken, H., Seebens, H., … & Haase, P. (2023). Long-term trends in abundances of non-native species across biomes, realms, and taxonomic groups in Europe. Science of The Total Environment, 163808.
Haubrock, P.J., Pilotto, F., & Haase, P. (2023). Multidecadal data indicate ambient increase of aquatic insects in Central European streams. Science of the Total Environment, 163017.
Haubrock, P.J., Cuthbert, R.N., & Haase, P., (2023). Long-term trends and drivers of biological invasion in Central European streams. Science of the Total Environment 876, 162817.
Sinclair, J.S., Mademann, J.A., Haubrock, P.J., & Haase, P. (2023). Primarily neutral effects of river restoration on macroinvertebrates, macrophytes, and fishes after a decade of monitoring. Restoration Ecology, e13840.
Vos, M., Hering, D., Gessner, M.O., Leese, F., Schäfer, R.B., Tollrian, R., Boenigk, J., Haase, P., Meckenstock, R., Baikova, D., Bayat, H., Beermann, A., Beißer, D., Beszteri, B., Birk, S., Boden, L., Brauer, V., Brauns, M., Buchner, D., Burfeid-Castellanos, A., David, G., Deep, A., Doliwa, A., Dunthorn, M., Enß, J., Escobar-Sierra, C., Feld, C.K., Fohrer, N., Grabner, D., Hadziomerovic, U., Jähnig, S.C., Jochmann, M., Khaliq, S., Kiesel, J., Kuppels, A., Lampert, K.P., Yen Le, T.T., Lorenz, A.W., Medina Madariaga, G., Pimentel, I.M., Mayombo, N.S., Nguyen, H.H., Peters, K., Pfeifer, S.M., Prati, S., Probst, A.J., Reiner, D., Rolauffs, P., Schlenker, A., Schmidt, T.C., Sieber, G., Stach, T.L., Tielke, A.K., Vermiert, A.M., Weiss, M., Weitere, M. & Sures, B. (2023). The Asymmetric Response Concept explains and predicts ecological consequences of multiple stressor exposure and release. Science of the Total Environment 872: 162196.
Le Hen, G., Balzani, P., Haase, P., Kouba, A., Liu, C., Nagelkerke, L.A.J., Theissen, N., Renault, D., Soto, I. & Haubrock, P.J. (2023). Alien species and climate change drive shifts in a riverine fish community and trait compositions over 35 years. Science of the Total Environment 867: 161486.
Baker, N.J., Welti, E.A.R., Pilotto, F., Jourdan, J., Beudert, B., Huttunen, K.-L., Muotka, T., Paavola, R., Göthe, E. & Haase, P. (2023). Seasonal and spatial variation of stream macroinvertebrate taxonomic and functional diversity across three boreal regions. Insect Conservation and Diversity. DOI: 10.1111/icad.12623.
Marsh, C.J., Gavish, Y., Kuemmerlen, M., Stoll, ., Haase, P. & Kunin, W.E. (2023). SDM profiling: a spatially-explicit species distribution model evaluation tool and its potential applications. Ecological Modelling 475: 110170.
Nguyen, H.H., Venohr, M., Gericke, A., Sundermann, A., Welti, E.A.R. & Haase, P. (2023). Dynamics in impervious urban and non-urban areas and their effects on run-off, nutrient emissions, and macroinvertebrate communities. Landscape and Urban Planning 231, 104639.
Sinclair, J.S., Mademann, J.A., Haubrock, P.J. & Haase, P. (2022). Primarily neutral effects of river restoration on macroinvertebrates, macrophytes, and fishes after a decade of monitoring. Restoration Ecology, e13840.
Soto, I, Cuthbert, R.N., Ahmed, D.A., Kouba, A., Domisch, S., Marquez, J.R.G., Beidas, A., Amatulli, G., Kiesel, J., Shen, L.Q., M. Florencio, M., Lima, H., Briski, E., F. Altermatt, F., Archambaud-Suard, G., Borza, P., Csabai, Z., Datry, T., Floury, M., Forcellini, M., Fruget, J.-F., Leitner, P., Lizée, M.-H., Maire, A., Ricciardi, A., Schäfer, R.B., Stubbington, R., Van der Lee, G.H., Vannevel, R., Várbíró, G., Verdonschot, R.C.M., Haase, P. & Haubrock, P.J. (2022) Tracking a killer shrimp: Dikerogammarus villosus invasion dynamics across Europe. Diversity and Distributions. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.13649.
Uhler, J., Haase, P., Hoffmann, L., Hothorn, T., Schmidl, S., Stoll, S., Welti, E.A.R., Buse, J. & Müller, J. (2022). A comparison of different Malaise trap types. Insect Conservation and Diversity 15: 666 – 672.
Templer, P.H., Harrison, J.L., Pilotto, F., Flores-Diaz, A., Haase, P., McDowell, W.H., Sharif, R., Shibata, H., Blankman, D., Avila, A., Baatar, A., Bogena, H.R., Bourgeois, I., Campbell, J., Dirnböck, T., Dodds, W.K., Hauken, M., Kokorite, I., Lajtha, K., Lai, I.L., Laudon, H., Lin, T.C., Lins, S.R.M., Meesenburg, H., Pinho, P., Robison, A., Rogora, M., Scheler, B., Schleppi, P., Sommaruga, R., Staszewski, T. & Taka, M. (2022): Atmospheric deposition and precipitation are important predictors of inorganic nitrogen export to streams from forest and grassland watersheds: a large‑scale data synthesis. Biogeochemistry 160: 219–241.
Jupke, J., Birk, S., Alvarez-Cabria, M., Aroviita, J., Barquín, J., …, Haase, P., … & Schäfer, R.B. (2022). Evaluating the biological validity of European river typology systems with benthic invertebrate communities. Science of the Total Environment 842: 156689.
Haubrock, P.J., Ahmed, D.A., Cuthbert, R.N., Stubbington, R., Domisch, S., … & Haase, P. (2022). The invasion curve and dynamics of a European-wide introduced species. Global Change Biology 28: 4620 – 4632.
Jeliazkov, A., Gavish, Y., Marsh, C.J., Geschke, J., Brummitt, N., Rocchini, D. , Haase, P., Kunin, W.E., & Henle, K. (2022). Sampling and modelling of rare species: conceptual guidelines for the neglected majority. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16114.
Lembrechts, J.J., van den Hoogen, J., Aalto, J., Ashcroft, M.B., De Frenne, P., … Haase, P., … & Lenoir, J. (2022). Global maps of soil temperature. Global Change Biology 28: 3110-3144.
Maasri, A., Jähnig, S.C. , Adamescu, M.C. , Adrian, R. , Baigun, C. , Baird, D.J. , … Haase, P. , … & Worischka, S. (2022). A global agenda for advancing freshwater biodiversity research. Ecology Letters 25: 255–263. DOI: 10.1111/ele.13931
Baker, N.J., Pilotto, F., Haubrock, P.J., Beudert, B. & Haase, P. (2021). Multidecadal changes in functional diversity lags behind the recovery of taxonomic diversity. Ecology and Evolution 11: 17471–17484.
Pilotto, F., Haubrock, P.J., Sundermann, A., Lorenz, A. & Haase, P. (2021). Functional homogenization of stream invertebrate communities in central Europe over 25 years. Science of the Total Environment: 151770.
Zajicek, P., Welti, E., Baker, N.J., Januschke, K., Brauner, O. & Haase, P. (2021). No changes in ground beetle taxonomic and functional diversity, but in activity density in response to global change drivers across 40 sites in Germany over the last two decades. Scientific Reports 11: 1-12.
Welti, E.A.R., Zajicek, P., Ayasse, M., Bornholdt, T., Buse, J., Dziock, F., Engelmann, R.A. , Englmeier, J. , Fellendorf, M. , Förschler, M.I. , Frenzel, M. , Fricke, U., Ganuza, C., Hippke, M., Hoenselaar, G., Kaus-Thiel, A., Mandery, K., Marten, A., Monaghan, M.T., Morkel, C. , Müller, J. , Puffpaff, S., Redlich, S., Richter, R., Rojas Botero, S., Scharnweber, T., Scheiffarth, G., Schmidt Yáñez, P., Schumann, R., Seibold, S., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Stoll, S., Tobisch, C., Twietmeyer, S., Uhler, J., Vogt, J., Weis, D., Weisser, W.W. , Wilmking, M. & Haase, P. (2021). Climate, latitude, and land cover predict flying insect biomass across a German malaise trap network. Insect Conservation and Diversity: 12555.
Perino, A., Pereira, H. M., Felipe‐Lucia, M., Kim, H., Kühl, H. S., Marselle, M. R., Meya, J. N., Meyer, C., Navarro, L. M., van Klink, R., Albert, G., Barratt, C. D., Bruelheide, H., Cao, Y., Chamoin, A., Darbi, M., Dornelas, M., Eisenhauer, N., Essl, F., Farwig, N., Förster, J., Freyhof, J., Geschke, J., Gottschall, F., Guerra, C., Haase, P., Hickler, T., Jacob, U., Kastner, T., Korell, L., Kühn, I., Lehmann, G. U. C., Lenzner, B., Marques, A., Motivans Švara, E., Quintero, L. C., Pacheco, A., Popp, A., Rouet‐Leduc, J., Schnabel, F., Siebert, J., Staude, I. R., Trogisch, S., Švara, V., Svenning, J., Pe’er, G., Raab, K., Rakosy, D., Vandewalle, M., Werner, A. S., Wirth, C., Xu, H., Yu, D., Zinngrebe, Y., Bonn, A. (2021). Closing the gap between global targets and national-level implementation. Conservation Letters: e12848.
Buchner, D., Haase, P. & Leese, F. (2021). Wet grinding of invertebrate bulk samples – a scalable and cost-efficient protocol for metabarcoding and metagenomics. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 5: 73-81.
Kwon, T., Shibata, H., Kepfer-Rojas, S., Kappel Schmidt, I., Steenberg Larsen, K., Beier, C., Berg, B., Verheyen, K., Lamarque, J.F., Hagedorn, F., Eisenhauer, N., Djukic, I. & TeaComposition (incl. Haase, P.) (2021). Effects of climate and atmospheric nitrogen deposition on early to mid-term stage litter decomposition across biomes. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4: 678480.
Haubrock, P.J., Balzani, P., Matsuzaki, S.I.S., Tarkan, A.S., Kourantidou, M., & Haase, P. (2021). Spatio-temporal niche plasticity of a freshwater invader as a harbinger of impact variability. Science of The Total Environment, 145947.
Haubrock, P.J., Pilotto, F., Innocenti, G., Cianfanelli, S., & Haase, P. (2021). From native to non-native communities: Almost complete species turnover in a riverine ecosystem within 215 years accompanied by significant changes in niche space. Global Change Biology 27 (3): 606-623.
Baker, N.J., F. Pilotto, J. Jourdan, B. Beudert, P. Haase (2021). Recovery from air pollution and subsequent acidification masks the effects of climate change on a freshwater macroinvertebrate community. Science of the Total Environment 758: 143685.
Haubrock, P.J., Balzani, P., Britton, R. & Haase, P. (2020). Back and forth: Using stable isotopes to analyse extinction risks and reintroduction opportunities of native species in invaded ecosystems. Scientific Reports 10 (1), 1-11.
Leese, F., Sander, M., Buchner, D., Elbrecht, V., Haase, P. & Zizka, V. (2020). Improved freshwater macroinvertebrate detection from eDNA through minimized non-target amplification. Environmental DNA 3 (1): 261-276 .
Balzani, P., Haubrock, P.J., Russo, F., Kouba, A., Haase, P., Veselý, L., Masoni, A. & Tricarico, E. (2020). Combining heavy metal and stable isotope analysis to disentangle contaminant transfer in a freshwater community dominated by alien species. Environmental Polluton, Environmental Pollution 268, Part B (115781).
Haubrock, P.J., Pilotto, F. & Haase, P. (2020). Do changes in temperature affect EU Water Framework Directive compliant assessment results of Central European streams? Environmental Sciences Europe 32, 129.
Pilotto, F., Kühn, I., Adrian, R., Alber, R., Alignier, A., Andrews, C., Bäck, J., Barbaro, L., Beaumont, D., Beenaerts, N., Benham, S., Boukal, D.S, Bretagnolle, V., Camatti, E., Canullo, R., Cardoso, P.G., Ens, B.J., Everaert, G., Evtimova, V., Feuchtmayr, H., García-González, R., Gómez García, D. Grandin, U., Gutowski, J.M., Jerzy, M., Hadar, L., Halada, L., Halassy, M., Hummel, H., Huttunen, K-L., Jaroszewicz, B., Jensen, T.C., Kalivoda, H., Kappel Schmidt, I., Kröncke, I., Leinonen, R., Martinho, F., Meesenburg, H., Meyer, J., Minerbi, S., Monteith, D., Nikolov, B.P., Oro, D., Ozoliņš, D., Padedda, B.M., Bachisio, M., Pallett, D., Pansera, M., Pardal, M.Â., Petriccione, B., Pipan, T., Pöyry, J., Schäfer, S.M., Schaub, M., Schneider, S.C., Skuja, A., Soetaert, K., Spriņģ, G., Stanchev, R., Stockan, J.A., Stoll, S., Sundqvist, L., Thimonier, A., Van Hoey, G., Van Ryckegem, G., Visser, M.E., Vorhauser, S. & Haase, P. (2020). Meta-analysis of multidecadal biodiversity trends in Europe. Nature Communications 11, 3486.
Lembrechts, J.J., Aalto, J., Ashcroft, M.B., De Frenne, P., Kopecký, M., Lenoir, J., Luoto, M., Maclean, I.M.D., Roupsard, O., Fuentes-Lillo, E., García, R.A., Pellissier, L., Pitteloud, C., Alatalo, J.M., Smith, S.W., Björk, R.G., Muffler, L., Cesarz, S., Gottschall, F., Backes, A.R., Okello, J., Urban, J., Plichta, R., Svátek, M., Phartyal, S.S., Wipf, S., Eisenhauer, N., Pușcaș, M., Dan Turtureanu, P., Varlagin, A., Dimarco, R.D., Jump, A.S., Randall, K., Dorrepaal, E., Larson, K., Walz, J., Vitale, L., Svoboda, M., Finger Higgens, R., Halbritter, A.H., Curasi, S.R., Klupar, I., Koontz, A., Pearse, W.D., Simpson, E., Stemkovski, M., Graae, B.J., Vedel Sørensen, M., Høye, T.T., Fernández Calzado, M.R., Lorite, J., Carbognani, M., Tomaselli, M., Forte, T.G.W., Petraglia, A., Haesen, S., Somers, B., Van Meerbeek, K., Björkman, M.P., Hylander, K., Merinero, S., Gharun, M., Buchmann, N., Dolezal, J., Matula, R., Thomas, A.D., Bailey, J.J., Ghosn, D., Kazakis, G., de Pablo, M.A., Kemppinen, J., Niittynen, P., Rew, L., Seipel, T., Larson, C., Speed, J.D.M., Ardö, J., Cannone, N., Guglielmin, M., Malfasi, F., Bader, M.Y., Canessa, R., Stanisci, A., Kreyling, J., Schmeddes, J., Teuber, L., Aschero, V., Čiliak, M., Máliš, F., De Smedt, P., Govaert, S., Meeussen, C., Vangansbeke, P., Gigauri, K., Lamprecht, A., Pauli, H., Steinbauer, K., Winkler, M., Ueyama, M., Nuñez, M.A., Ursu, T.M., Haider, S., Wedegärtner, R.E.M., Smiljanic, M., Trouillier, M., Wilmking, M., Altman, J., Brůna, J., Hederová, L., Macek, M., Man, M., Wild, J., Vittoz, P., Pärtel, M., Barančok, P., Kanka, R., Kollár, J., Palaj, A., Barros, A., Mazzolari, A.C., Bauters, M., Boeckx, P., Benito Alonso, J.L., Zong, S., Di Cecco, V., Sitková, Z., Tielbörger, K., van den Brink L., Weigel, R., Homeier, J., Dahlberg, C.J., Medinets, S., Medinets, V., De Boeck, H.J., Portillo-Estrada, M., Verryckt, L.T., Milbau, A., Daskalova, G.N., Thomas, H.J.D., Myers-Smith, I.H., Blonder, B., Stephan, J.G., Descombes, P., Zellweger, F., Frei, E.R., Heinesch, B., Andrews, C., Dick, J., Siebicke, L., Rocha, A., Senior, R.A., Rixen, C., Jimenez, J.J., Boike, J., Pauchard, A., Scholten, T., Scheffers, B., Klinges, D., Basham, E.W., Zhang, J., Zhang, Z., Géron, C., Fazlioglu, F., Candan, O., Sallo Bravo, J., Hrbacek, F., Laska, K., Cremonese, E., Haase, P., Moyano, F.E., Rossi, C. & Nijs, I. (2020). SoilTemp: a global database of near-surface temperature. Global Change Biology, Global Change Biology 26 (11): 6616-6629.
Baranov, V., Jourdan. J., Pilotto, F., Wagner, R. & Haase, P. (2020). Complex and nonlinear climate-driven changes in freshwater insect communities over 42 years. Conservation Biology 34 (5): 1241-1251.
Müller, F., Bicking, S., Ahrendt, K., Kinh Bac, D., Blindow, I., Fürst, C., Haase, P., Kruse, M., Kruse, T., Ma, L., Perennes, M., Ruljevic, I., Schernewski, G., Schimming, C.-G., Schneiders, A., Schubert, H., Schumacher, J., Tappeiner, U., Wangai, P., Windhorst, W. & Zeleny, J. (2020). Assessing ecosystem service potentials to evaluate terrestrial, coastal and marine ecosystem types in Northern Germany – An expert-based matrix approach. Ecological Indicators 112: 106116.
Li, F., J.D. Tonkin & P. Haase (2020). Local contribution to beta diversity is negatively linked with community-wide dispersal capacity in stream invertebrate communities. Ecological Indicators 108: 105715 2.2.
Haase, P. & Pilotto, F. (2019): A method for the reintroduction of entire benthic invertebrate communities in formerly degraded streams. Limnologica 77: 125689.
Jourdan, J., Baranov, V., Wagner, R., Plath, M. & Haase, P. (2019): Elivated temperatures translate into reduced dispersal abilities in a natural population of an aquatic insect (Tipula maxima, Diptera, Tipulidae). Journal of Animal Ecology. Online early.
Dirnböck, T, Haase, P., Mirtl, M., Pau, J. & Templer, P. (2019): Contemporary International Long-Term Ecological Research (ILTER) – from biogeosciences to socio-ecology and biodiversity research. Regional Environmental Change 19: 309-311.
Jourdan, J., Plath, M., Tonkin, J.D., Ceylan, M., Dumeier, A., Gellert, G., Graf, W., Hawkins, C.P., Kiel, E., Lorenz, A., Matthaei, C., Tonkin, J.D., Verdonschot, P.F.M., Verdonschot, R.C.M. & Haase, P. (2019). Reintroduction of freshwater macroinvertebrates: challenges and opportunities. Biological Reviews 94: 368-387.
Manfrin, A., Teurlincx, S., Lorenz, A., Haase, P., Marttila, M., Syrjänen, J., Thomas, G. & Stoll, S. (2019). Effect of river restoration on life-strategies in fish communities. Stoten 663: 486-495.
Pilotto, F., Tonkin, J.D., Januschke, K., Lorenz, A.W., Jourdan, J., Sundermann, A., Hering, D., Stoll, S. & Haase, P. (2019). Diverging response patterns of terrestrial and aquatic species to hydromorphological restoration. Conservation Biology 33: 132-141.
Haase, P., Pilotto, F., Li, F., Sundermann, A., Lorenz, A.W., Tonkin, J.D, & Stoll, S. (2019). Moderate warming over the past 25 years has already reorganized stream invertebrate communities. Stoten 658: 1531-1538.
Deffner, J., & Haase, P. (2018). The societal relevance of river restoration. Ecology and Society 23 (4): 35.
Wetzel, F.T., Bingham, H., Groom, Q., Haase, P., Köljalg, U., Kuhlmann, M., Martin, C.S., Penev, L., Robertson, T., Saarenmaa, H., Schmeller, D.S., Stoll, S., Tonkin, J.D. & Häuser, C.L. (2018). Real gaps in European bird monitoring: A reply to Voříšek et al. Biological Conservation 225: 247-248.
Li, F., Tonkin, J.D. & Haase, P. (2018). Dispersal capacity and broad-scale landscape structure shape communities along stream networks. Limnologica 71: 68-74.
Wetzel, F.T., Bingham, H., Groom, Q., Haase, P., Köljalg, U., Kuhlmann, M., Martin, C.S., Penev, L., Robertson, T., Saarenmaa, H., Schmeller, D.S., Stoll, S., Tonkin, J.D. & Häuser, C.L. (2018). Unlocking biodiversity data: Prioritization and filling the gaps in biodiversity observation data in Europe. Biological Conservation 221: 78-85.
Djukic, I., Kepfer-Rojas, S., Kappel Schmidt, I., Steenberg Larsen, K., Beier, C., Berg, B., Verheyen, K. & TeaComposition (incl. Haase, P.) (2018). Early stage litter decomposition across biomes. Stoten 628-629: 1369-1394.
Mirtl, M, Borer, E., Djukic, I., Forsius, M., Haubold, H., Hugo, W., Jourdan, J., Lindenmayer, D., McDowell, W.H., Muraoka, H., Orenstein, D., Pauw, J., Peterseil, J., Shibata, H., Wohner, C., Yu, X. & Haase, P. (2018). Genesis, goals and schievements of Long-Term Ecological Research at the global scale: A critical review of ILTER and future implications. Stoten 626: 1439-1462.
Schmeller, D.S., Weatherdon, L.V. , Loyau, A., Bondeau, A., Brotons, L., Brummitt, N., Geijzendorffer, I.R., Haase, P., Kümmerlen, M., Martin, C., Mihoub, J.-B., Rocchini, D., Saarenmaa, H., Stoll, S. & Regan, E. (2018). A suite of Essential Biodiversity Variables for detecting critical biodiversity change. Biological Reviews 93: 55-71.
Jourdan, J., O’Hara, R.B., Bottarin, R., Huttunen, K.-L., Kuemmerlen, M., Monteith, D., Muotka, T., Ozoliņš, D., Paavola, R, Pilotto, F., Springe, G., Skuja, A., Sundermann, A., Tonkin, J.D. & Haase, P. (2018). Effects of changing climate on European stream invertebrate communities: A long-term data analysis. Stoten 613-614: 1185-1195.
Mollenhauer, H., Kasner, M., Haase, P., Peterseil, J., Wohner, C., Frenzel, M., Mirtl, M., Schima, R., Bumberger, J. & Zacharias, S. (2018). Long-term environmental monitoring infrastructures in Europe – Observations, measurements, scales, and socio-ecological representativeness. Stoten 624: 968–978.
Haase, P., Tonkin, J.D., Stoll, S., Burkhard, B., Frenzel, M., Geijzendorffer, I.R., Häuser, C., Klotz, S., Kühn, I., McDowell, W.H., Mirtl, M., Müller, F., Musche, M., Penner, J., Zacharias, S. & Schmeller, D.S. (2018): The next generation of site-based long-term ecological monitoring: Linking essential biodiversity variables and ecosystem integrity. Stoten 613-614: 1376-1384.
Haase, P., Tonkin, J.D., Stoll, S., Burkhard, B., Frenzel, M., Geijzendorffer, I.R., Häuser, C., Klotz, S., Kühn, I., McDowell, W.H., Mirtl, M., Müller, F., Musche, M., Penner, J., Zacharias, S. & Schmeller, D.S. (2018): The next generation of site-based long-term ecological monitoring: Linking essential biodiversity variables and ecosystem integrity. Stoten 613-614: 1376-1384.
Berger, E., Haase, P., Schäfer, R.B., Sundermann, A. (2018). Towards stressor-specific macroinvertebrate indices: Which traits and taxonomic groups are associated with vulnerable and tolerant taxa? Stoten 619-620: 144-154.
Lorenz, A.W., Haase, P., Januschke, K., Sundermann, A., Hering, D. (2018). Revisiting restored river reaches – assessing change of aquatic and riparian communities after five years. Stoten 613-614: 1185-1195.
Schmeller, D.S., Böhm, M., Arvanitidis, C., Barber-Meyer, S., Brummitt, N., Chandler, M., Chatzinikolaou, E., Costello, M.J., Ding, H., García-Moreno, J., Geijzendorffer, I., Gill, M., Haase, P., Jones, M., Juillard, R., Magnusson, R., Martin, C.S., McGeoch, M., Mihoub, J.-B., Pettorelli, N., Peng, C., Regan, E., Schmiedel, U., Simaika, J.P., Weatherdon, L., Waterman, C., Xu, H. & Belnap, J. (2017). Building capacity in biodiversity monitoring at global scale. Biodiversity and Conservation 26 (12): 2765-2790.
Domisch, S., Portmann, F.T., Kuemmerlen, M., O’Hara, R., Johnson, R., Davy-Bowker, J., Bækken, T., Zamora-Muñozxx, C., Sáinz-Bariain, M., Bonada, N., Haase, P., Döll, P. & Jähnig, S. (2017). Using streamflow observations to estimate the impact of hydrological regimes and anthropogenic water use on European stream macroinvertebrate occurrence. Ecohydrology 10 (8) e1895.
Bowler, D., Haase, P., Hof, C., Kröncke, I., Baert, L., Dekoninck, W., Hendrickx, F., Hickler, T., Kühn, I., Neumann, H., O’Hara, B., Sell, A., Stoll, S., Türkay, M., van Klink, R., Schweiger, O., Vermeulen, R., Wagner, R. & Böhning-Gaese, K. (2017). Cross-taxa generalities in the relationship between population abundance and ambient temperatures. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284 (1863) 20170870.
Jähnig, S.C., Tonkin, J.D., Gies, M., Domisch, S., Hering, D. & P. Haase (2017). Severity multipliers as a methodology to explore potential effects of climate change on stream bioassessment programs. Water 9 (4): 188.
Höckendorff, S., Tonkin, J.D., Haase, P., Bunzel-Drüke, M., Zimball, O., Scharf, M. & Stoll, S. (2017). Characterizing fish responses to a river restoration based on 21 years of sampling: the role of time and species traits. Conservation Biology 31: 1098-1108.
Brummitt, N., Regan, E., Weatherdon, L.V., Martin, C., Geijzendorffer, I.R., Rocchini, D., Gavish, Y., Haase, P., Marsh, C.J. & Schmeller, D.S. (2017). Taking stock of nature: Essential biodiversity variables explained. Biological Conservation 213: 252-255.
Gavish, Y., Marsh, C.J., Kuemmerlen, M., Stoll, S., Haase, P. & Kunin, W.E. (2017). Accounting for biotic interaction though alpha-diversity constraints in stacked species distribution models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (9): 1092-1102.
Bowler, D., Hof, C., Haase, P., Kröncke, I., Schweiger, O., Adrian, R., Baert, L, Bauer, H.-G., Blick, T., Brooker, R., Dekoninck, W., Domisch, S., Eckmann, R., Hendrickx, F., Hickler, T., Klotz, S., Kraberg, A., Kühn, I., Matesanz, S., Meschede, A., Neumann, H., O’Hara, B., Russell, D., Sell, A., Sonnewald, M., Stoll, S., Sundermann, A., Tackenberg, O., Türkay, M., Valladares, F., van Herk, K., van Klink, R., Vermeulen, R., Voigtländer, K., Wagner, R., Welk, E., Wiemers, M., Wiltshire, K. & Böhning-Gaese, K. (2017). Cross-realm assessment of climate change impacts on species’ abundance trends. Nature Ecology and Evolution 1: article 0067.
Berger, E., Haase, P., Kuemmerlen, M., Leps, M., Schäfer, R. & Sundermann, A. (2017). Water quality variables and pollution sources shaping stream macroinvertebrate communities. Science of the Total Environment. 587-588: 1-10.
Früh, D., Haase, P. & Stoll, S. (2017): Temperature drives asymmetric competition between alien and indigenous freshwater snail species, Physella acuta and Physa fontinalis. Aquatic Science 79: 187-195.
Leps, M., Leisner, S., Haase, P. & Sundermann, A. (2016). Prediction of taxon occurrence: A test on taxon specific change point values of stream benthic invertebrates. Freshwater Biology 61(10): 1773-1786.
Tonkin, J.D., Arimoro, F.O. & Haase, P. (2016). Exploring stream communities in a tropical biodiversity hotspot: biodiversity, regional occupancy, niche characteristics and environmental correlates. Biodiversity and Conservation 25: 975-993.
Leps, M., Sundermann, A., Tonkin, J.D., Lorenz, A.W. & Haase, P. (2016). Time is no healer: increasing restoration age does not lead to improved benthic invertebrate communities in restored river reaches. Stoten 557: 722-732.
Li, F., Sundermann, A., Stoll, S. & Haase, P. (2016). A newly developed dispersal metric indicates the succession of benthic invertebrates in restored rivers.Stoten 569-570: 1570-1578.
Berger, E., Haase, P., Oetken, M. & Sundermann, A. (2016). Field data reveal low critical chemical concentrations for river benthic invertebrates. Stoten 544: 864-873.
Tonkin, J.D., Heino, J., Sundermann, A., Haase, P. & Jähnig, S.C. (2016). Context dependency in biodiversity patterns of stream metacommunities. Freshwater Biology 61: 607-620.
Geijzendorffer, I.R., Regan, E., Pereira, H., Brutons, L., Brummitt, N., Gavish, Y., Haase, P., Martin, C.S. , Mihoub, J.-B. , Secades, C., Schmeller, D.S., Stoll, S., Wetzel, F.T. & Walters, M. (2016). Bridging the gap between biodiversity data and policy reporting needs: An Essential Biodiversity Variables perspective. Journal of Applied Ecology 53: 1341–1350.
Tonkin, J.D., Stoll, S., Jähnig, S.C. & Haase, P. (2016). Contrasting metacommunity structure and beta diversity in an aquatic-floodplain system. Oikos. 125: 686-697.
Haase, P., Frenzel, M., Klotz, S., Musche, M. & Stoll, S. (2016). The long-term ecological research (LTER) network: Relevance, current status, future perspective and examples from marine, freshwater and terrestrial long-term observation. Ecological Indicators 65: 1-3.
Müller, F., Bergmann, M., Dannowski, R., Dippner, J.W., Gnauck, A., Haase, P., Jochimsen, M.C., Kasprzak, P., Kröncke, I., Kümmerlin, R., Küster, M., Lischeid, G., Meesenburg, H., Merz, C., Millat, G., Müller, J., Padisák, J., Schimming, C.G. , Schubert, H., Schult, M., Selmeczy, G., Shatwell, T., Stoll, S., Schwabe, M., Soltwedel, T. & Straile, D. (2016). Assessing resilience in long-term ecological data sets. Ecological Indicators 65: 10-43.
Tonkin, J.D., Stoll, S., Jähnig, S.C. & Haase, P. (2016). Anthropogenic land-use stress alters community concordance at the river-riparian interface. Ecological Indicators 65: 133-141.
Kuemmerlen M., Stoll, S., Sundermann, A. & Haase, P. (2016). Long-term monitoring data meet freshwater species distribution models: Lesson from an LTER-site. Ecological Indicators 65: 122-132.
Stoll, S., Breyer, P., Tonkin, J.D., Früh, D. & Haase, P. (2016): Scale-dependent effects of river habitat quality _mce_on benthic invertebrate communities – implications for stream restoration practice. Stoten 553: 495-503.
Höckendorff, S., Früh, D., Hormel, N., Haase, P., Stoll, S. (2015). Biotic interactions under climate warming: the case of two competing snail species and their common parasite. Freshwater Science 34: 1304-1311.
Shah, D.N., Tonkin, J.D., Pauls, S.U., Haase, P. & Jähnig, S.C. (2015). Latitudinal patterns and determinants of stream insect richness across Europe. Limnologica 55: 33-41.
Tonkin, J.D., Sundermann, A., Jähnig, S.C. & Haase, P. (2015). Environmental Controls on River Assemblages at the Regional Scale: An Application of the Elements of Metacommunity Structure Framework. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0135450.
Simaika J.P., Stoll, S., Lorenz, A.W., Thomas, G., Sundermann, A. & Haase, P. (2015). Bundles of stream restoration measures and their effects on fish communities. Limnologica 55: 1-8.
Leps, M., Tonkin, J.D., Dahm, V., Haase, P. & Sundermann, A. (2015). Disentangling environmental drivers of benthic invertebrate assemblages: the role of spatial scale and riverscape heterogeneity in a multiple stressor environment. Science of the Total Environment 536: 546-556.
Sundermann, A., Leps, M., Leisner, S. & Haase, P. (2015). Taxon-specific physico-chemical change points for stream benthic invertebrates. Ecological Indicators 57: 314-323.
Tachamo Shah, R.D., Sharma, S., Haase, P., Jaehnig, S.C. & Pauls, S.U. (2015). The climate sensitive zone along an altitudinal gradient in central Himalayan rivers: a useful concept to monitor climate change impacts in mountain regions. Climatic Change 132: 265-278.
Thomas, G., Lorenz, A.W., Sundermann, A., Haase, P., Peter, A. & Stoll, S. (2015). Fish response to river habitat restorations in Germany and Switzerland. Freshwater Science 34 (3): 975-990.
Kuemmerlen, M., Schmalz, B., Cai, Q., Haase, P. & Jähnig, S.C. (2015). An attack on two fronts: how predicted climate and land use changes affect the predicted distribution of stream macroinvertebrates. Freshwater Biology 60: 1443-1458.
Tonkin, J.D., Narayan Shah, D., Kuemmerlen, M., Li, F., Cai, Q., Haase, P. & Jähnig, S.C. (2015). Climatic and catchment-scale predictors of Chinese stream insect richness differ with order. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0123250.
Bowler, D.E., Haase, P., Kröncke, I.,Tackenberg, O., Bauer, H.G., Brendel, C., Brooker, R.W. , Gerisch, M. , Henle, K. , Hickler, T., Hof, C., Klotz, S., Kühn, I., Matesanz, S., O‘Hara, R., Russell, D., Schweiger, O., Valladares, F., Welk, E., Wiemers, M. & Böhning-Gaese, K. (2015). A cross-taxa analysis of the impact of climate change on abundance trends. Biological Conservation 187: 41-50.
Geismar, J., Haase, P., Nowak, C., Sauer, J. & Pauls, S.U. (2015). Local population genetic structure of the montane caddisfly Drusus discolor is driven by overland dispersal and spatial scaling. Freshwater Biology 60: 209-221.
Stoll, S., Frenzel, M., Burkhard, B., Adamescu, M., Augustaitis, A., Baeßler, C., Bonet, F.J., Cazacu, C., Cosor, G.L., Díaz-Delgado, R., Carranza, M.L., Grandin, U., Haase, P., Hämäläinen, H., Loke, R., Müller, J., Stanisci, A., Staszewski, T. & Müller, F. (2015). Assessment of spatial ecosystem integrity and service gradients across Europe using the LTER Europe network. Ecological Modelling 295: 75-87.
Shah, D.N., Domisch, S., Pauls, S.U., Haase, P. & Jähnig, S. (2014). Current and future latitudinal gradients in stream macroinvertebrates richness across North America. Freshwater Science 33: 1136-1147.
Tonkin, J.D., Jähnig, S. & Haase, P. (2014). The rise of riverine flow-ecology and environmental flow research. Environmental Processes 1: 323-330.
Tonkin, J.D., Stoll, S., Sundermann, A. & Haase, P. (2014). Dispersal distance and the pool of taxa, but not barriers, determine the colonisation of restored river reaches by benthic invertebrates. Freshwater Biology 59: 1843-1855.
Stoll, S., Kail, J., Lorenz, A.W., Sundermann, A. & Haase, P. (2014). The importance of the regional species pool, ecological species traits and local habitat conditions for the colonization of restored river reaches by fish. PLoS ONE 9 (1): e84741.
Kappes, H., Tackenberg, O. & Haase, P. (2014). Differences of dispersal- and colonization-related traits between taxa from the freshwater and the terrestrial realm. Aquatic Ecology 48: 73-83.
Lorenz, A.W., Stoll, S., Sundermann, A., Haase, P. (2013). Do adult and YOY fish benefit from river restoration measures? Ecological Engineering 61: 174-181.
Domisch, S., Araújo, M.B., Bonada, N., Pauls, S.U., Jähnig, S.C. & Haase, P. (2013). Modelling distribution in European stream macroinvertebrates under future climates. Global Change Biology, 19 (3): 752-762.
Domisch, S., Kuemmerlen, M., Jähnig, S.C. & Haase, P. (2013). Choice of study area and predictors affect habitat suitability projections, but n ot the performance of species distribution models of stream biota. Ecological Modelling, 257: 1-10
Stoll, S., Früh, D., Westerwald, B., Hormel, N., Haase, P. (2013). Density-dependent relationship between Chaetogaster limnaei limnaei (Oligochaeta) and the freshwater snail Physa acuta (Pulmonata) Freshwater Science 32: 642-649.
Stoll, S., Sundermann, A., Lorenz, A. W., Kail, J. & Haase, P. (2013). Small and impoverished regional species pools constrain colonization of restored river reaches by fishes. Freshwater Biology 58 (4): 664-674.
Steyer, K., Simon, O., Kraus, R.H.S., Haase, P. & Nowak, C. (2013). Hair trapping with valerian-treated lure sticks as a tool for genetic wildcat monitoring in low-density habitats. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 59: 39-46.
Sundermann, A., Gerhardt, M., Kappes, H. & Haase, P. (2013). Stressor prioritization in riverine ecosystems: Benthic invertebrates assemblages are shaped by water quality rather than by local habitat structure. Ecological Indicators 27: 83-96.
Theissinger, K., Balínt, M., Feldheim, K., Haase, P., Johannesen, J., Laube, I. & Pauls, S.U. (2013). Glacial survival and postglacial recolonization of an arctic-alpine freshwater insect (Arcynopteryx compacta, Plecoptera, Perlodidae) in Europe. Journal of Biogeography 40: 236-248.
Haase, P., Hering, D., Jähnig, S.C., Lorenz, A.W. & Sundermann, A. (2013). The impact of hydromorphological restoration on river ecological status: a comparison of fish, benthic invertebrates, and macrophytes. Hydrobiologia 704: 475-488.
Früh, D., Stoll, S. & Haase, P. (2012). Physicochemical and morphological degradation of stream and river habitats increases invasion risk. Invasion Biology 14: 2243-2253.
Früh, D., Stoll, S. & Haase, P. (2012). Physico-chemical variables determining the invasion risk of freshwater habitats by alien mollusks and crustaceans. Ecology and Evolution 2 (11): 2843-2853.
Kappes, H., Stoll, S. & Haase, P. (2012). Differences in field behavior between native gastropods and the fastspreading invader Arion lusitanicus auct. non Mabille. Belgian Journal of Zoology 142: 49-58.
Balint, M., Malnas, K., Nowak, C., Geismar, J., Vansca, E., Polyak, L., Lengyel, S. & Haase, P. (2012). Species history masks the effects of human-induced range loss – unexpected genetic diversity in the endangered giant mayfly Palingenia longicauda. PLoS ONE 7(3): e31872.
Lorenz, A., Korte, T., Sundermann, A., Januschke, K. & Haase, P. (2012). Macrophytes respond to reach-scale river restorations. Journal of Applied Ecology 49: 202-212.
Kappes, H. & Haase, P. (2012). Slow, but steady: Dispersal velocity and strategies of freshwater mollusks. Aquatic Sciences 74: 1–14. * highly cited paper (in the top 1% of the academic field of Plant & Animal Science)
Januschke, K., Brunzel, S., Haase, P. & Hering, D. (2011). Effects of stream restorations on riparian mesohabitats, vegetation and carabid beetles: A synopsis of 24 cases from Germany. Biodiversity & Conservation 20: 3147-3164.
Theissinger, K., Balint, M., Feldheim, K., Haase, P., Johannesen, J., Laube, I., Tabmann, J. & Pauls, S.U. (2011): Molecular data and species distribution models reveal the Pleistocene history of the mayfly Ameletus inopinatus (Ephemeroptera: Siphlonuridae). Freshwater Biology 56: 2554-2566.
Sauer, J., Domisch S., Nowak, C. & Haase, P. (2011). Low mountain ranges – summit traps for montane freshwater communities under climate change – Biodiversity and Conservation 20: 3133-3146.
Jähnig, S.C., Lorenz, A., Hering, D., Antons, C., Sundermann, A., Jedicke, E. & Haase, P. (2011). River restoration success – a question of perception. Ecological Applications 21: 2007-2015.
Balint, M., Domisch, S., Engelhardt, C.H.M., Haase, P., Lehrian, C., Sauer, J., Theissinger, K., Pauls, S.U., & Nowak, C. (2011). Climate change will lead to massive loss of cryptic biodiversity. Nature Climate Change 1: 313-318.
Kappes, H., Sundermann, A. & Haase, P. (2011). Distant land use affects terrestrial and aquatic habitats of high naturalness. Biodiversity and Conservation 20: 2297-2309.
Domisch, S., Jähnig, S.C. & Haase, P. (2011). Climate-change winners and losers: stream macroinvertebrates of a submontane region in Central Europe. Freshwater Biology 56: 2009-2020.
Engelhardt, C.H.M., Haase, P. & Pauls, S.U. (2011). From the Western Alps across Central Europe: Postglacial recolonisation of the tufa stream specialist Rhyacophila pubescens (Insecta, Trichoptera). Frontiers in Zoology 8: 10.
Geismar, J., Sauer, J., Haase, P. & Nowak, C. (2011). New microsatellite markers for the assessment of fine-scale dispersal patterns in the endangered montane caddisfly Drusus discolor. Conservation Genetics Resources 3: 605-607.
Sundermann, A., Antons, C., Cron, N., Lorenz, A., Hering, D. & Haase, P. (2011). Hydromorphological restoration of running waters: effects on benthic invertebrate assemblages. Freshwater Biology 56: 1689-1702.
Frosch, C., Haase, P. & Nowak, C. (2011). A first set of microsatellite markers for genetic characterization of Eurasian Beaver (Castor fiber) based on tissue and hair samples. European Journal of Wildlife Research 3: 679-682.
Taubmann, J., Theissinger, K., Feldheim, K.A., Laube, I., Graf, W., Haase, P., Johannesen, J. & Pauls, S.U. (2011). Modelling range shifts and assessing genetic diversity distribution of the montane aquatic mayfly Ameletus inopinatus in Europe under climate change scenarios. Conservation Genetics 12: 503-515.
Sundermann, A., Stoll, S. & Haase, P. (2011). River restoration success depends on the species pool of the immediate surroundings. Ecological Applications 21: 1962-1971.
Michl, T., Huck, S., Schmitt, T., Liebrich, A., Haase, P. & Büdel, B. (2010). The molecular population structure of the tallforb Cicerbita alpina (L.) Wallr. (Asteraceae) supports the idea of cryptic glacial refugia in Central Europe. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 164: 142-154.
Kappes, H., Sundermann, A. & Haase, P. (2010). High spatial variability biases the space-for-time approach in environmental monitoring. Ecological Indicators 10: 1202-1205.
Haase, P., Pauls, S.U., Schindehütte, K. & Sundermann, A. (2010). First audit of macroinvertebrate samples from an EU-Water Framework Directive monitoring programme. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29: 1279-1291.
Lehrian, S., Bálint, M., Haase, P. & Pauls, S.U. (2010). Genetic population structure of an autumn emerging caddisfly with inherently low dispersal capacity and insights into its phylogeography. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29: 1100-1118.
Pauls, S.U., Theißinger, K., Ujvarosi, L., Balint, M. & Haase, P. (2009). Patterns of population structure in two closely related, partially sympatric caddisflies in Eastern Europe: historic introgression, limited dis-persal and cryptic diversity. JNABS 28: 517-536.
Lehrian, S., Pauls, S.U. & Haase, P. (2009). Contrasting patterns of population structure of the montane caddisfly H. tenuis (Navas, 1932) and D. discolor (Rambur, 1842) in central European Highlands. Freshwater Biology, 54: 283-295.
Engelhardt, C.H.M., Pauls, S.U. & Haase, P. (2008). Population genetic structure of the caddisfly Rhyacophila pubescens, (PICTET, 1834), north of the Alps. Fundamental and Applied Limnology (Archiv für Hydrobiologie), 173: 165-176.
Sundermann, A., Pauls, S.U., Clarke, R.T. & Haase, P. (2008). Within-stream variability of benthic invertebrate samples and EU Water Framework Directive assessment results. Fundamental and Applied Limnology (Archiv für Hydrobiologie), 173: 21-34.
Pauls, S.U., Graf, W., Haase, P., Lumbsch, H.T. & Waringer, J. (2008). Grazers, shredders and filtering carnivores – The evolution of feeding ecology in Drusinae (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae): Insights from a molecular phylogeny. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 46: 776-791.
Haase, P., Pauls, S.U., Engelhardt, C.H.M. & Sundermann, A. (2008). Effects of sampling microhabitats with low coverage within the STAR-AQEM macroinvertebrate sampling protocol on stream assessment. Limnologica, 38 (1): 14-22.
Michl, T., Huck, S., Haase, P. & Büdel, B. (2007). Genetic differentiation among populations of Cicerbita alpina (L.) Wallroth (Asteraceae) in the western Alps. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C – A Journal of Biosciences 62c: 747-756.
Sundermann, A., Lohse, S., Beck, L.A. & Haase, P. (2007). Key to the larval stages of aquatic true flies (Diptera), based on the operational taxa list for running waters in Germany. Annales de Limnologie – International Journal of Limnology 43: 61-74.
Pauls, S.U., Feldheim, K.A. & Haase, P. (2007). Isolation and characterisation of microsatellite markers in the caddisfly Drusus discolor (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae). Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 150-152.
Pauls, S.U., Lumbsch, H.T. & Haase, P. (2006). Phylogeography of the montane caddisfly Drusus discolor (Rambur, 1842) (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae, Drusinae): evidence for multiple refugia and periglacial survival. Molecular Ecology 15: 2153-2169.
Furse, M., Hering, D., Moog, O., Verdonschot, P., Johnson, R.K., Brabec, K., Gritzalis, K., Buffagni, A., Pinto, P., Friberg, N., Murray-Bligh, J., Kokes, J., Alber, R., Usseglio-Polatera, P., Haase, P., Sweeting, R., Bis, B., Szoszkiewicz, K., Soszka, H., Springe, G., Sporka, F. & Krno, I. (2006). The STAR project: context, objectives and approaches. Hydrobiologia 566: 3-29.
Haase, P., Murrhy-Bligh, J., Lohse, S., Pauls, S., Sundermann, A., Gunn, R. & Clarke, R. (2006). Assessing the impact of errors in sorting and identifying macroinvertebrate samples. Hydrobiologia 566: 505-521.
Friberg, N., Sandin, L., Furse, M., Larsen, S.E., Clarke, R. & Haase, P. (2006). Comparison of macroinvertebrate sampling methods in Europe. Hydrobiologia 566: 365-378.
Clarke, R.T., Lorenz, A., Sandin, L., Schmidt-Kloiber, A., Strackbein, J., Kneebone, N.T. & Haase, P. (2006). Effects of sampling and sub-sampling variation using the STAR-AQEM sampling protocol on the precision of macroinvertebrate metrics. Hydrobiologia 566: 441-459.
Haase, P., Lohse, S., Pauls, S., Schindehütte, K., Sundermann, A., Rolauffs, P. & Hering, D. (2004). Assessing streams in Germany with benthic invertebrates: development of a practical standardised protocol for macroinvertebrate sampling and sorting. Limnologica 34: 349-365.
Haase, P., Pauls, S., Sundermann, A. & Zenker, A. (2004). Testing different sorting techniques in macroinvertebrate samples from running waters. Limnologica 34: 366-378.
Hering, D., Böhmer, J., Haase, P. & Schaumburg, J. (2004). New methods for assessing freshwaters in Germany. Limnologica 34: 281-282.
Haase, P., Deppenmeier, U., Blaut, M. & Gottschalk, G. (1992). Purification and characterisation of F420H2-Dehydrogenase from Methanolobus tinarius. Eur. J. Biochem. 203: 527-531.