Quartärpaläontologie | Weimar

Quartäre Mikrofloren


Martina Stebich Team Quartärpaläontologie Weimar
Dr. Martina Stebich
Kommissarische Leiterin der Abteilung Quartärpaläontologie und Leiterin der Sektion Quartäre Mikrofloren


  • Vegetationsdynamik und Klimavariabilität im Quartär
  • Biostratigraphie
  • Palynologische Hochauflösungsstudien an jahreszeitlich geschichteten Seesedimenten
  • Quantitative Klimarekonstruktionen
  • Blühverhalten und Pollenniederschlag rezenter Gehölze

Abteilung Quartärpaläontologie | Sektion Quartäre Mikrofloren

Curriculum vitae | ORCiD 0000-0001-9055-0492

geboren in Großenhain

Studium der Biologie mit den Schwerpunkten Spezielle Botanik, Pflanzenphysiologie, Ökologie und Geologie an der Universität Leipzig

Diplomarbeit: Beiträge zur Vegetationsgeschichte des Georgenfelder Hochmoores

wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin/Promotionsstudium am Institut für Paläontologie der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, angestellt im Rahmen des Schwerpunktprogrammes der DFG „Wandel der Geo-Biosphäre”

Promotion: Palynologische Untersuchungen zur Vegetationsgeschichte des Weichsel-Spätglazial und Frühholozän an jährlich geschichteten Sedimenten des Meerfelder Maares (Eifel)

seit 2000
Leiterin der Sektion Quartäre Mikrofloren an der Senckenberg Forschungsstation für Quartärpaläontologie in Weimar

seit Mai 2022
kommissarische Leiterin der Abteilung Quartärpaläontologie

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

STEBICH, M. & HÖFER, D. (2025): Sächsische Tieflandsbucht. – In: FEESER, I., DÖRFLER, W., RÖSCH, M., JAHNS, S., WOLTERS, S. & BITTMANN, F. (Eds., 2024): Vegetationsgeschichte der Landschaften in Deutschland. – 567-576; Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg | https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-68936-3_64.

HÖFER, D., STEBICH, M., LAUER, T. & KATZSCHMANN, L. (2023): Palynological studies on biostratigraphy and paleoenvironment of the Pleistocene in Thuringia. – In: KOLOMAZNIK, S., FRENZEL, P., LELLAU, R., PINT, A., QUANTE, E., JANSE VAN RENSBURG, D. J. & SCHMITZ, O. (Eds.): From Early Life to the Neanderthals; Abstract Volume 94. Jahrestagung Paläontologische Gesellschaft, 18.-22. September 2023, Jena: 44-45; Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum, Braunschweig.
Open Access: https://www.palaeontologische-gesellschaft.de/en/conferences/abstractbaende-tagungen-online/

HÖFER, D., STEBICH, M., LAUER, T. & KATZSCHMANN, L. (2023): Palynologische Untersuchungen zu Biostratigraphie und Paläoumwelt des Pleistozäns in Thüringen. – In: Der Geologische Landesdienst Thüringen – Sonderband zur Festveranstaltung 100 Jahre. – Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen von Thüringen 16: 61-64; Thüringer Landesamt für Umwelt, Bergbau und Naturschutz TLUBN, Jena.

UTESCHER, T., PRASAD, S., RIEDEL, N. & STEBICH, M. (2023): Diversity patterns of plant functional types in the Holocene of Central India: A case study on the Lonar Crater Lake pollen record. – The Holocene 33 (5): 491-504 | https://doi.org/10.1177/09596836231151801.

PRASAD, S., MISHRA, P. K., PRIYA, P., YOUSUF, A. R., ANDERSEN, N., ANOOP, A., JEHANGIR, A., YASEEN, T., GAYE, B. & STEBICH, M. (2022): Impact of precipitation and temperature changes on limnology and sediment characteristics in NW Himalaya. – Applied Geochemistry 137: 105200 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeochem.2022.105200.

RIEDEL, N., FULLER, D. Q., MARWAN, N., PORESTSCHKIN, C., BASAVAIAH, N., MENZEL, P., RATNAM, J., PRASAD, S., SACHSE, D., SANARAN, M., SARKAR, S. & STEBICH, M. (2021): Monsoon forced evolution of savanna and the spread of agro-pastoralism in peninsular India. – Scientific Reports 11: 9032.
Open access: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-88550-8

UTESCHER, T., STEBICH, M. & PRASAD, S. (2021): Diversity patterns of plant functional types in the Holocene of India. – In: NECLIME Online Conference 2021, April 19-22. Conference Volume. – 42-43.

STEBICH, M., HÖFER, D., MINGRAM, J., NOWACZYK, N., ROHRMÜLLER, J., MRLINA, J. & KÄMPF, H. (2020): A contribution towards the palynostratigraphical classification of the Middle Pleistocene in Central Europe: The pollen record of the Neualbenreuth Maar, northeastern Bavaria (Germany). – Quaternary Science Reviews 250: 106681 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106681.

PRASAD, S., MARWAN, N., EROGLU, D., GOSWAMI, B., PRAVEEN, K. M., GAYE, B., ANOOP, A., BASAVAIAH, N., STEBICH, M. & JEHANGIR, A. (2020): Holocene climate forcings and lacustrine regime shifts in the Indian Summer Monsoon realm. – Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45 (15): 3842-3853 | https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.5004.

SCHRÖTER, N., LAUTERBACH, S., STEBICH, M., KALANKE, J., MINGRAM, J., YILDIZ, C., SCHOUTEN, S. & GLEIXNER, G. (2020): Biomolecular Evidence of Early Human Occupation of a High-Altitude Site in Western Central Asia During the Holocene. – Frontiers in Earth Science 8: 20.
Open access: https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2020.00020

ADAM, M., ROESCH, C., STEBICH, M., WEITZEL, N. & REHFELD, K. (2019): Quantifying the similarity of globally distributed pollen records with paleo-climate networks. – Earth and Space Science Open Archive: https://doi.org/10.1002/essoar.10501152.1 | https://www.essoar.org/doi/abs/10.1002/essoar.10501152.1.

HÖFER, D., STEBICH, M. & KATZSCHMANN, L. (2019): Palynologische Untersuchungen zur Biostratigraphie und Paläoumwelt des Mittelpleistozäns in Thüringen. – In: 81. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Norddeutscher Geologen, Sangerhausen, 11.-14. Juni 2019, Tagungsband und Exkursionsführer. – Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen von Thüringen, Beiheft 12: 33-35.

HERZSCHUH, U., CAO, X., LAEPPLE, T., DALLMEYER, A., TELFORD, R. J., NI, J., CHEN, F., KONG, Zh., LIU, G., LIU, K.-B., LIU, X., STEBICH, M., TANG, L., TIAN, F., WANG, Y., WISCHNEWSKI, J., XU, Q., YAN, Sh., YANG, Zh., YU, G., ZHANG, Y., ZHAO, Y. & ZHENG, Zh. (2019): Position and orientation of the westerly jet determined Holocene rainfall patterns in China. – Nature Communications 10: 2376.
Open access: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-09866-8

MIGRAM, J., STEBICH, M., SCHETTLER, G., HU, Y., RIOUAL, P., NOWACZYK, N., DULSKI, P., YOU, H., OPITZ, S., LIU, Q. & LIU, J. (2018): Millennial-scale East Asian monsoon variability of the last glacial deduced from annually laminated sediments from Lake Sihailongwan, N.E. China. – Quaternary Science Reviews 201: 57-76 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.09.023

ROHRMÜLLER, J., KÄMPF, H., GEIß, E., GROßMANN, J., GRUN, I., MINGRAM, J., MRLINA, J., PLESSEN, B., STEBICH, M., VERESS, C., WENDT, A. & NOWACZYK, N. (2018): Reconnaissance study of an inferred Quaternary maar structure in the western part of the Bohemian Massif near Neualbenreuth, NE-Bavaria (Germany). – International Journal of Earth Sciences 107 (4): 1381-1405 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-017-1543-0

MISHRA, P. K., PRASAD, S., MARWAN, N., ANOOP, A., KRISHNAN, R., GAYE, B., BASAVAIAH, N., STEBICH, M., MENZEL, P. & RIEDEL, N. (2018): Contrasting pattern of hydrological changes during the past two millennia from central and northern India: Regional climate difference or anthropogenic impact? – Global and Planetary Change 161: 97-107 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2017.12.005

EROGLU, D., MARWAN, N., STEBICH, M. & KURTHS, J. (2018): Multiplex recurrence networks. – Physical Review E 97: 012312 | https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.97.012312

UHL, D., KUNZMANN, L., HERTLER, C., KAHLKE, R.-D., KEILER, J.-A., KÖNIGSHOF, P., KULLMER, O., SCHAAL, S.F.K., SMITH, K.T., SOLÓRZANO KRAEMER, M.M., STEBICH, M., TIETZ, O., WILMSEN, M. (2018): Palaeontological collections of the Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung. – In: BECK, L. A., JOGER, U. (Eds.): Paleontological collections of Germany, Austria and Switzerland – The history of life of fossil organisms at museums and universities. – 209-240; Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York | https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-77401-5_21

CAO X., TIAN, F., TELFORD, R. J., NI, J., XU, Q., CHEN, F. ,LIU, X., STEBICH, M., ZHAO, Y. & HERZSCHUH, U. (2017): Impacts of the spatial extent of pollen-climate calibration-set on the absolute values, range and trends of reconstructed Holocene precipitation. – Quaternary Science Reviews 178: 37-53 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.10.030

SCHWARZ, A., TURNER, F., LAUTERBACH, S., PLESSEN, B., KRAHN, K. J., GLODNIOK, S., MISCHKE, S., STEBICH, M., WITT, R., MINGRAM, J. & SCHWALB, A. (2017): Mid- to late Holocene climate-driven regime shifts inferred from diatom, ostracod and stable isotope records from Lake Son Kol (Central Tian Shan, Kyrgyzstan). – Quaternary Science Reviews 177: 340-356 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.10.009

HU, Y.-Q., MINGRAM, J., STEBICH, M. & LI, J.-F. (2016): A key for the identification of conifer stomata from N.E. China based on fluorescence microscopy. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 233: 12-21 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.revpalbo.2016.06.005

STEBICH, M., REHFELD, K., SCHLÜTZ, F., TARASOV, P. E., LIU, J. & MINGRAM, J. (2015): Corrigendum to “Holocene vegetation and climate dynamics of NE China based on the pollen record from Sihailongwan Maar Lake” [Quat. Sci. Rev. 124 (2015) 275e289]. – Quaternary Science Reviews 126: 278 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.09.005

STEBICH, M., REHFELD, K., SCHLÜTZ, F., TARASOV, P. E., LIU, J. & MINGRAM, J. (2015): Holocene vegetation and climate dynamics of NE China based on the pollen record from Sihailongwan Maar Lake. – Quaternary Science Reviews 124: 275-289 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.07.021

SARKAR, S., PRASAD, S., WILKES, H., RIEDEL, N., STEBICH, M., BASAVAIAH, N.& SACHSE, D. (2015): Monsoon source shifts during the drying mid-Holocene: Biomarker isotope based evidence from the core ‘monsoon zone’ (CMZ) of India. – Quaternary Science Reviews 123: 144-157 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.06.020

RIEDEL, N., STEBICH, M., ANOOP, A., BASAVAIAH, N., MENZEL, P., PRASAD, S., SACHSE, D., SARKAR, S. & WIESNER, M. (2015): Modern pollen vegetation relationships in a dry deciduous monsoon forest: A case study from Lonar Crater Lake, central India. – Quaternary International 371: 268-279 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.01.046

THEUERKAUF, M., BOS, J. A. A., JAHNS, S., JANKE, W., KUPARINEN, A., STEBICH, M. & JOOSTEN, H. (2014): Corylusexpansion and persistent openness in the early Holocene vegetation of northern central Europe. – Quaternary Science Reviews 90: 183-198 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.03.002

LAUTERBACH, S., WITT, R., PLESSEN, B., DULSKI, P., PRASAD, S., MINGRAM, J., GLEIXNER, G., HETTLER-RIEDEL, S., STEBICH, M., SCHNETGER, B., SCHWALB, A. & SCHWARZ, A. (2014): Climatic imprint of the mid-latitude Westerlies in the Central Tian Shan of Kyrgyzstan and teleconnections to North Atlantic climate variability during the last 6000 years. – The Holocene 24 (8): 970-984 | https://doi.org/10.1177/0959683614534741

PRASAD, S., ANOOP, A., RIEDEL, N., SARKAR, S., MENZEL, P., BASAVAIAH, N., KRISHNAN, R., FULLER, D., PLESSEN, B., GAYE, B., RÖHL, U., WILKES, H., SACHSE, D., SAWANT, R., WIESNER, M. G. & STEBICH, M. (2014): Prolonged monsoon droughts and links to Indo-Pacific warm pool: A Holocene record from Lonar Lake, central India. – Earth and Planetary Science Letters 391: 171-182 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2014.01.043

MENZEL, PH., GAYE, B., MISHRA, P. K., ANOOP, A., BASAVAIAH, N., MARWAN, N., PLESSEN, B., PRASAD, S., RIEDEL, N., STEBICH, M. & WIESNER, M. G. (2014): Linking Holocene drying trends from Lonar Lake in monsoonal central India to North Atlantic cooling events. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 410: 164-178 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.05.044

SARKAR, S., WILKES, H., PRASAD, S., BRAUER, A., RIEDEL, N., STEBICH, M., BASAVAIAH, N. & SACHSE, D. (2014): Spatial heterogeneity in lipid biomarker distributions in the catchment and sediments of a crater lake in central India. – Organic Geochemistry 66: 125-136 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2013.11.009

MAUL, L. C., STEBICH, M., FRENZEL, P., HAMBACH, U., HENKEL, T., KATZSCHMANN, L., KIENAST, F., MENG, S., PENKMAN, K., ROLF, C., THOMAS, M. & KAHLKE, R.-D. (2013): Age and palaeoenvironment of the enigmatic Arternian Interglacial – evidence from the Muschelton at Voigtstedt/Hackelsberg (Thuringia, Central Germany). – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 386: 68-85 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2013.05.005

MENZEL PH., GAYE, B., WIESNER, M. G., PRASAD, S., STEBICH, M., DAS, B. K., ANOOP, A., RIEDEL, N. & BASAVAIAH, N. (2013): Influence of bottom water anoxia on nitrogen isotopic ratios and amino acid contributions of recent sediments from small eutrophic Lonar Lake, central India. – Limnology and  Oceanography  58 (3): 1061-1074 |  https://doi.org/10.4319/lo.2013.58.3.1061

STEBICH, M., MINGRAM, J., MOSCHEN, R., THIELE, A. & SCHRÖDER, C. (2011): Comments on “Anti-phase oscillation of Asian monsoons during the Younger Dryas period: Evidence from peat cellulose ?13C of Hani, Northeast China” by B. Hong, Y.T. Hong, Q.H. Lin, Yasuyuki Shibata, Masao Uchida, Y.X. Zhu, X.T. Leng, Y. Wang and C.C. Cai [Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 297 (2010) 214-222]. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 310 (3/4): 464-470 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2011.06.004

KLEINEN, T., TARASOV, P., BROVKIN, V., ANDREEV, A. & STEBICH, M. (2011): Comparison of modeled and reconstructed changes in forest cover through the past 8000 years: Eurasian perspective. – The Holocene 21 (5): 723-734 | https://doi.org/10.1177/0959683610386980

MRLINA, J., KÄMPF, H., KRONER, C., MINGRAM, J., STEBICH, M., BRAUER, A., GEISSLER, W. H., KALLMEYER, J., MATTHES, H. & SEIDL, M. (2009): First Quaternary maar structure of the Bohemian Massif, Central Europe – findings of combined geophysical and geological surveys. – Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 182 (1/2): 97-112 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2009.01.027

STEBICH, M., MINGRAM, J., HAN, J. & LIU, J. (2009): Late Pleistocene spread of (cool-)temperate forests in Northeast China and climate changes synchronous with the North Atlantic region. – Global and Planetary Change 65 (1/2): 56-70 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2008.10.010

PARPLIES, J., LÜCKE, A., VOS, H., MINGRAM, J., STEBICH, M., RADTKE, U., HAN, J. & SCHLESER, G. H. (2008): Late glacial environment and climate development in northeastern China derived from geochemical and isotopic investigations of the varved sediment record from Lake Sihailongwan (Jilin Province). – Journal of Paleolimnology 40 (1): 471-487 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s10933-007-9176-0

STEBICH, M., ARLT, J. & MINGRAM, J. (2007): Late Quaternary vegetation history of Northeast China – Recent progress in the palynological investigations of Sihailongwan maar lake. – Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 259: 181-190; Stuttgart.

SCHETTLER, G., SCHWAB, M. J. & STEBICH, M. (2007): A 700-year record of climate change based on geochemical and palynological data from varved sediments (Lac Pavin, France). – Chemical Geology 240: 11-35 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2007.01.003

SCHETTLER G., LIU, Q., MINGRAM, J., STEBICH M. & DULSKI, P. (2006): East-Asian monsoon variability between 15 000 and 2 000 cal. yr BP recorded in varved sediments of Lake Sihailongwan (northeastern China, Long Gang volcanic field). – The Holocene 16 (8): 143-157 | https://doi.org/10.1177/0959683606069388

STEBICH, M., BRÜCHMANN, C., KULBE, T. & NEGENDANK, J. F. W. (2005): Vegetation history, human impact and climate change during the last 700 years recorded in annually laminated Sediments of Lac Pavin, France. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 133 (1/2): 115-133 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.revpalbo.2004.09.004

STEBICH, M., BRÜCHMANN, C. & MINGRAM, J. (2004): Late Quaternary Vegetation history of north-eastem China – preliminary results of palaeobotanical studies from annually laminated maar lake sediments. – In: MAUL, L. C., & KAHLKE, R.-D. (Eds) (2004): Late Neogene and Quaternary biodiversity and evolution: Regional developments and interregional correlations. Conference Volume. 18th International Senckenberg Conference. VI International Palaeontological Colloquium in Weimar. Weimar (Germany), 25th – 30th April, 2004. – Terra Nostra 2004 (2): 239-241; Berlin.

STEBICH, M. & SCHNEIDER, H. (2002): Bedeutende Fossilvorkommen des Quartärs in Thüringen. Teil 1: Mikro- und Makrofloren. – In: KAHLKE, R.-D. & WUNDERLICH, J. (Hrsg.): Tertiär und Quartär in Thüringen. – Beiträge zur Geologie von Thüringen, N. F. 9: 119-144.

ACKSEL, D., SCHWAB, M.J., STEBICH, M., BRÜCHMANN, C. & NEGENDANK, J. F. W. (2002): Erstes vollständiges See-Sedimentprofil aus dem Lac Pavin – Chronologische und paläoklimatische Informationen. – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 21: 59.

BRÜCHMANN, C., KULBE, T., STEBICH, M. & NEGENDANK, J. F. W. (2002): Sedimentologische und mikrostratigraphische Untersuchungen der Laminae des Maarsees Lac Pavin, Auvergne/Frankreich. – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 21: 87.

KAHLKE, R.-D., MAUL, L. C., MEYRICK, R. A., STEBICH, M. & GRASSELT, T. (2002): The Quaternary from the late Middle to Upper Pleistocene site of Weimar-Ehringsdorf. – In: MEYRICK, R.A. & SCHREVE, D.C. (Eds): The Quaternary of Central Germany (Thuringia and surroundings). Field Guide. – 163-178; Quaternary Research Association, London.

STEBICH, M. (2002): Armleuchteralgen – filigrane Gesteinsbildner in Karstgewässern. – Natur und Museum 132 (6): 220-221.

STEBICH, M. & SCHNEIDER, H. (2002): The Quaternary micro- and macro floras of Thuringia (Central Germany). – In: MEYRICK, R. A. & SCHREVE, D. C. (Eds): The Quaternary of Central Germany (Thuringia & Surroundings), Field Guide. – 9-29; Quaternary Research Association, London.

LITT, T., BRAUER, A., GOSLAR, T., MERKT, J., BALAGA, K., MÜLLER, H., RALSKA-JASIEWICZOWA, M., STEBICH, M. & NEGENDANK, J. F. W. (2001): Correlation and synchronisation of Lateglacial continental sequences in northern central Europe based on annually-laminated lacustrine Sediments. – Quaternary Science Reviews 20 (11): 1233-1240 | https://doi.org/10.1016/S0277-3791(00)00149-9

BRAUER, A., ENDRES, C., GÜNTER, C., LITT, T., STEBICH, M. & NEGENDANK, J. F. W. (1999): High resolution Sediment and Vegetation responses to Younger Dryas climate change in varved lake Sediments from Meerfelder Maar, Germany. – Quaternary Science Reviews 18 (3): 321-329 | https://doi.org/10.1016/S0277-3791(98)00084-5

LITT, T., BRAUER, A., GOSLAR, T., MERKT, J., BALAGA, K., MÜLLER, H., RALSKA-JASIEWICZOWA, M., STEBICH, M. & NEGENDANK, J. F. W. (1999): Correlation and Synchronisation of Lateglacial continental sequences in northern central Europe based on varved limnic Sediments. – Terra Nostra 1999 (10): 58-63.

LITT, T. & STEBICH, M. (1999): Bio- and chronostratigraphy of the Lateglacial in the Eifel region, Germany. – Quaternary International 61: 5-16 | https://doi.org/10.1016/S1040-6182(99)00013-0

STEBICH, M. (1999): Palynologische Untersuchungen zur Vegetationsgeschichte des Weichsel-Spätglazial und Frühholozän an jährlich geschichteten Sedimenten des Meerfelder Maares (Eifel). – Dissertationes Botanicae 320: 1-127.

LITT, T., STEBICH, M. & BRAUER, A. (1998): Bio- and chronostratigraphy of the Lateglacial in the Eitel region based on varved Sediments. – Terra Nostra 1998 (6): 82-88; Berlin.

LITT, T., FRÜCHTL, M., KUBITZ, B. & STEBICH, M. (1997): Jungquartäre Floren in den Eifelmaaren. – In: Exkursionsführer 67. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft. – Terra Nostra 1997 (7): 54-62.

LITT, T., FRÜCHTL, M., KUBITZ, B. & STEBICH, M. (1997): Palaeobotanical investigations. – Terra Nostra 1997 (8): 25-29.

STEBICH, M. & LITT, T. (1997): Das Georgenfelder Hochmoor – ein Archiv für Vegetations-, Siedlungs- und Bergbaugeschichte. – Leipziger Geowissenschaften 5: 209-216.


Populärwissenschaftliche Beiträge

KIENAST, F., KAHLKE, R.-D., KEILER, J.-A., STEBICH, M. & WILDE, V. (2012): Weimarer quartärbotanische Sammlungen in neuem Domizil. – Natur • Forschung • Museum – Das Senckenberg Wissenschaftsmagazin 142 (9/10): 324-327.

KAHLKE, R.-D., KIENAST, F., MAUL, L. C. & STEBICH, M. (2009): Neuaufstellung der quartärpaläontologischen Sammlungen. – Natur und Museum 139 (5/6): 196-201.

STEBICH, M. (2002): Armleuchteralgen – filigrane Gesteinsbildner in Karstgewässern. – Natur und Museum 132 (6): 220-221.


Dana Höfer Team Quartärpaläontologie Weimar
Dr. Dana Höfer
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Sektion Quartäre Mikrofloren


  • Palynologische Untersuchungen quartärer Sedimente
  • Paläoökologische Rekonstruktion des Landschaftsbildes pleistozäner Klimaphasen

Abteilung Quartärpaläontologie | Sektion Quartäre Mikrofloren

Curriculum vitae | ORCiD 0009-0000-8723-9302

seit 2014
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin der Sektion Quartäre Mikrofloren an der Senckenberg Forschungsstation für Quartärpaläontologie in Weimar

Promotionsstudium und Mitarbeiterin an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Dissertationsthema: Die holozäne Vegetationsgeschichte Südportugals (Algarve) – palynologische Untersuchungen an ausgewählten Ästuaren

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Thüringischen Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Weimar im Bereich Pollenanalyse

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Geographie an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Diplomarbeit: Paläobotanische Untersuchungen an der Subrosionssenke Breitunger Seen – Palynologische Betrachtung von der Völkerwanderungszeit bis in die Gegenwart

Studium Geographie (Diplom) mit den Schwerpunkten Physische Geographie und Geoinformatik, Nebenfächer Botanik und Ökologie an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

geboren in Plauen

STEBICH, M. & HÖFER, D. (2025): Sächsische Tieflandsbucht. – In: FEESER, I., DÖRFLER, W., RÖSCH, M., JAHNS, S., WOLTERS, S. & BITTMANN, F. (Eds., 2024): Vegetationsgeschichte der Landschaften in Deutschland. – 567-576; Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg | https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-68936-3_64.

HÖFER, D., STEBICH, M., LAUER, T. & KATZSCHMANN, L. (2023): Palynological studies on biostratigraphy and paleoenvironment of the Pleistocene in Thuringia. – In: KOLOMAZNIK, S., FRENZEL, P., LELLAU, R., PINT, A., QUANTE, E., JANSE VAN RENSBURG, D. J. & SCHMITZ, O. (Eds.): From Early Life to the Neanderthals. 94. Jahrestagung Paläontologische Gesellschaft, 18.-22. September 2023, Jena. Abstract Volume: 44-45; Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum, Braunschweig.
Open Access: https://www.palaeontologische-gesellschaft.de/en/conferences/abstractbaende-tagungen-online/

HÖFER, D., STEBICH, M., LAUER, T. & KATZSCHMANN, L. (2023): Palynologische Untersuchungen zu Biostratigraphie und Paläoumwelt des Pleistozäns in Thüringen. – In: Der Geologische Landesdienst Thüringen – Sonderband zur Festveranstaltung 100 Jahre. – Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen von Thüringen 16: 61-64; Thüringer Landesamt für Umwelt, Bergbau und Naturschutz TLUBN, Jena.

SHEN, Y., SWEENEY, L., LIU, M., LOPEZ SAEZ, J. A., PÉREZ-DÍAZ, S., LUELMO-LAUTENSCHLAEGER, R., GIL-ROMERA, G., HOEFER, D., JIMÉNEZ-MORENO, G., SCHNEIDER, H., PRENTICE, I. C., & HARRISON, S. P. (2022): Reconstructing burnt area during the Holocene: an Iberian case study. – Climate of the Past 18: 1189-1201.
Open access: https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-18-1189-2022

Open access: https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-14-1109-2022

SHEN, Y., SWEENEY, L., LIU, M., LOPEZ SAEZ, J. A., PÉREZ-DÍAZ, S., LUELMO-LAUTENSCHLAEGER, R., GIL-ROMERA, G., HOEFER, D., JIMÉNEZ-MORENO, G., SCHNEIDER, H., PRENTICE, I. C., & HARRISON, S. P. (2021): Reconstructing burnt area during the Holocene: an Iberian case study. – Climate of the Past Discussions: 23 S.
Open access: https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-2021-36

STEBICH, M., HÖFER, D., MINGRAM, J., NOWACZYK, N., ROHRMÜLLER, J., MRLINA, J. & KÄMPF, H. (2020): A contribution towards the palynostratigraphical classification of the Middle Pleistocene in Central Europe: The pollen record of the Neualbenreuth Maar, northeastern Bavaria (Germany). – Quaternary Science Reviews 250: 106681 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106681.

CONNOR, S. E., VANNIERE, B., COLOMBAROLI, D., ANDERSON, R. S., CARRION, J.S., EJARQUE, A., ROMERA, G., GONZALEZ-SAMPERIZ, P., HOEFER, D., MORALES-MOLINO, C., REVELLES, J., SCHNEIDES, H., VAN DER KNAAP, W. O., VAN LEEUWEN, J. F. N. & WOODBRIDGE, J. (2019): Humans take control of fire-driven diversity changes in Mediterranean Iberia’s vegetation during the mid-late Holocene. – The Holocene 29 (5): 886-901 | https://doi.org/10.1177/0959683619826652.

HÖFER, D., STEBICH, M. & KATZSCHMANN, L. (2019): Palynologische Untersuchungen zur Biostratigraphie und Paläoumwelt des Mittelpleistozäns in Thüringen. – In: 81. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Norddeutscher Geologen, Sangerhausen, 11.-14. Juni 2019, Tagungsband und Exkursionsführer. – Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen von Thüringen, Beiheft 12: 33-35.

SCHNEIDER, H., HÖFER, D., TROG. C. & MÄUSBACHER, R. (2016): Holocene landscape development along the Portuguese Algarve coast – A high resolution palynological approach. – Quaternary International 407: 47-63 | http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2016.02.039

HÖFER, D. (2014): Die holozäne Vegetationsgeschichte Südportugals (Algarve) – palynologische Untersuchungen an ausgewählten Ästuaren. – Dissertation, Friedrich Schiller-Universität Jena.

TROG, C., HÖFER, D., FRENZEL, P., CAMACHO DA ENCARNAÇÃO, S., SCHNEIDER, H. & MÄUSBACHER, R. (2013): A multi-proxy reconstruction and comparison of Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes of the Alvor and Alcantarilha estuaries (southern Portugal). – Revue de Micropaléontologie 56 (4): 131-158 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.revmic.2013.10.003

SCHNEIDER, H., HÖFER, D., TROG, C., BUSCH, S., SCHNEIDER, M., BAADE, J., DAUT, G. & MÄUSBACHER, R. (2010): Holocene estuary development in the Algarve Region (Southern Portugal) – A reconstruction of sedimentological and ecological evolution. – Quaternary International 221: 141-158 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2009.10.004

SCHNEIDER, H., HÖFER, D., IRMLER, R., DAUT, G. & R. MÄUSBACHER (2010): The correlation between climate, man and debris flow events – a palynological approach. – Geomorphology 120: 48-55 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2009.09.014

SCHNEIDER, H., HÖFER, D., TROG, C., DAUT, G., HILBICH C. & R. MÄUSBACHER (2008): Geoarcheological reconstruction of lagoon development in the Algarve Region (South Portugal). – Abstract Volume 12th IPC. – Terra Nostra 2008 (2): 248.

SCHNEIDER, H., HÖFER, D., TROG, C., DAUT, G., HILBICH, C. & MÄUSBACHER, R. (2007): Geoarcheological reconstruction of the coast development in the Algarve region (South Portugal). EGU 2007 15.-20.4. 2007, Vienna, Austria. – Geophysical Research Abstracts 9.

SCHNEIDER, H., HÖFER, D., MÄUSBACHER, R. & GUDE, M. (2007): Past flood events reflected in Holocene floodplain records of East-Germany. – Geomorphology 92 (3-4/1): 208-219 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.07.038

HÖFER, D. & SCHNEIDER, H. (2006): Erdgaspipeline Stegal-Loop: Begleitprojekt Pollenanalyse. –  Neue Ausgrabungen und Funde in Thüringen 2: 147-156.

SCHNEIDER, H., HÖFER, D. & SIEBERT, A. (2003): Subatlantische Vegetationsentwicklung in Thüringen am Beispiel der Breitunger Seen und des Durchströmungsmoores bei Bad Klosterlausnitz. – In: 13. Jahrestreffen des AK Vegetationsgeschichte der RTG, 7.-9. November 2003, Wiesbaden.

SCHNEIDER, H., DAUT, G., HENKEL, K., HÖFER, D., IGL, M., MÄUSBACHER, R. & VAN DER BORG, K. (2002): Untersuchungen an Subrosionssenken des mittleren Werratals. – Beiträge zur Geologie von Thüringen, N. F. 9: 325-340.

Torsten Utescher Team Quartärpaläontologie Weimar
Dr. Torsten Utescher
Ernannter ehrenamtlicher Mitarbeiter (Quartäre Mikrofloren)


  • Paläobotanik
  • Paläoklimarekonstruktion
  • Känozoische Umwelt

Abteilung Quartärpaläontologie | Sektion Quartäre Mikrofloren

Curriculum vitae

geboren in Karlsruhe

Studium der Geologie, Geophysik und Paläontologie an den Universitäten Karlsruhe, Heidelberg und Bonn

Diplomarbeit: Mikrofazielle Untersuchungen in der Nohn-Formation des Ohlesberges, Sötenicher Mulde

Promotionsstudium an der Universität Bonn

Promotion: Mikrofazielle Untersuchungen im Unter-/Mitteldevon-Grenzbereich des Westlichen Rheinischen Schiefergebirges

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in Sonderforschungsbereichen und Forschungsprojekten der DFG an den Universitäten Bonn und Tübingen

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Frankfurt/M. und an der Senckenberg Forschungsstation für Quartärpaläontologie Weimar, überwiegend in Forschungsprojekten der DFG

seit 2022
Ernannter ehrenamtlicher Mitarbeiter der Senckenberg Forschungsstation für Quartärpaläontologie

EVSTIGNEEVA, T. A., BONDARENKO, O. V. & UTESCHER, T. (2025): Climate and vegetation changes in southern Primorye (Russian Far East) since the Last Glacial Maximum: A quantitative analysis. – Palaeoworld 34 (1): 100870 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palwor.2024.06.009

BONDARENKO, O. V. & UTESCHER, T. (2025): Early Paleogene plant biomes of the Pacific side of Eurasia. – Palaeoworld 34 (1): 100865 | https://doi.org/0.1016/j.palwor.2024.06.007

AVERYANOVA, A., TARASEVICH, V., POPOVA, S., UTESCHER, T. & MOSBRUGGER, V. (2024): The late Oligocene flora of Aschudasty, Zaisan Depression (East Kazakhstan). – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 327: 105138. | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.revpalbo.2024.105138

BONDARENKO, O. V. & UTESCHER, T. (2024): Early Paleogene precipitation patterns over East Asia: Was there a monsoon after all? – Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 104 (1): 1-28.
Open access: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12549-023-00586-y

BONDARENKO, O. V. & UTESCHER, T. (2024): Early Paleogene vegetation units of East Asia and their spatial distribution. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 639 (3): 112064 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2024.112064

BONDARENKO, O. V., EVSTIGNEEVA, T. A., ALLAGUVATOVA, R. & UTESCHER. T., (2024): Spatial reconstruction of the climate of East Asia in the early Eocene. – Bulletin of the North-Eastern Scientific Center of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2024 (1): 14-25. | https://doi.org/10.34078/1814-0998-2024-1-14-25 (in Russian)

MISHRA, S., BANSAL, M., PRASAD, V., SINGH, V. P., MURTHY, S., PARMAR, S., UTESCHER, T. & KHANGAR, R. (2024): Did the Deccan Volcanism impact the Indian flora during the Maastrichtian? – Earth-Science Reviews 258: 104950. | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2024.104950

SRIVASTAVA, G., BHATIA, H., VERMA, P., SINGH, Y. P., AGRAWAL, S., UTESCHER, T. & MEHROTRA, R. C. (2024): A transient shift in equatorial hydrology and vegetation during the Eocene Thermal Maximum 2. – Geoscience Frontiers 15 (5): 101838.
Open access: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2024.101838

BHATIA, H., SRIVASTAVA, G., ADHIKARI, P., TAO, S., UTESCHER, T., PAUDAYAL, K. N. & MEHROTRA, R. C. (2022): Asian monsoon and vegetation shift: evidence from the Siwalik succession of India. – Geological Magazine 159 (8): 1397-1414 | https://doi.org/10.1017/S0016756822000243.

BONDARENKO, O. V. & UTESCHER, T. (2023): Early Paleogene precipitation patterns over East Asia: Was there a monsoon after all? – Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments.
Open access: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12549-023-00586-y

MIAO, Y., ZHANG, T., HUANG, K., WANG, X., NIU, G., WANG, X., YANG, Y., AN, C., XU, H. & UTESCHER, T. (2023): Pollen assemblages reflect a Mid-Miocene precipitation gradient in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 617: 111514 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111514.

SCHEINER, F., HAVELCOVÁ, M., HOLCOVÁ, K., DOLÁKOVÁ, N., NEHYBA, S., ACKERMAN, L., TRUBAČ, J., HLADILOVÁ, S., REJŠEK, J. & UTESCHER, T. (2023): Evolution of palaeoclimate, palaeoenvironment and vegetation in Central Europe during the Miocene Climate Optimum. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 611: 111364 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2022.111364.

SRIVASTAVA, G., BHATIA, H., VERMA, P., SINGH, Y. P., UTESCHER, T. & MEHROTRA, R. C. (2023): High rainfall afforded resilience to tropical rainforests during Early Eocene Climatic Optimum. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 628: 111762 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111762.

UTESCHER, T., PRASAD, S., RIEDEL, N. & STEBICH, M. (2023): Diversity patterns of plant functional types in the Holocene of Central India: A case study on the Lonar Crater Lake pollen record. – The Holocene 33 (5): 491-504 | https://doi.org/10.1177/09596836231151801.

VERNYHOROVA, Y. V., HOLCOVÁ, K., DOLÁKOVÁ, N., REICHENBACHER, B., SCHEINER, F., ACKERMAN, L., REJŠEK, J., DE BORTOLI, L., TRUBAČ, J. & UTESCHER, T. (2023): The Miocene Climatic Optimum at the interface of epicontinental sea and large continent: A case study from the Middle Miocene of the Eastern Paratethys. – Marine Micropaleontology 181: 102231.
Open access: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marmicro.2023.102231

BONDARENKO, O. V. & UTESCHER. T. (2022): Early Paleogene continental temperature patterns and gradients over eastern Eurasia. – Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 239: 105401.

BONDARENKO, O. V. & UTESCHER, T. (2022): Late early to early middle Eocene climate and vegetation change at Tastakh Lake (northern Yakutia, eastern Siberia). Palaeobiology and Palaeoenvironment 103 (2): 277-301.
Open access: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12549-022-00530-6

BONDARENKO, O. V. & UTESCHER. T. (2022): Quantitative dynamics of the early Pliocene climate and vegetation in the Lena River Delta (northern Yakutia, Eastern Siberia). – Botanica Pacifica 11 (2); 3-17.
Open Access
: https://doi.org/10.17581/bp.2022.11212

BONDARENKO, O. V., BLOKHINA, N. I., EVSTIGNEEVA, T. A. & UTESCHER, T. (2022): Short-term climate and vegetation dynamics in Lena River Delta (northern Yakutia, Eastern Siberia) during early Eocene. – Palaeoworld 31 (3): 521-541 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palwor.2021.09.006

KUNZMANN, L., LI, S.-F., HUANG, J., UTESCHER, T., SU, T. & ZHOU, Z.-K. (2022): Assessment of phytogeographic reference regions for Cenozoic vegetation – a case study on the Miocene flora of Wiesa (Germany). – Fossil Imprint 78 (1), 1-43.
Open Access: https://doi.org/10.37520/fi.2022.002

LI, Q., UTESCHER, T., LIU, Y. (C.), FERGUSON, D., JIA, H. & QUAN, C. (2022): Monsoonal climate of East Asia in Eocene times inferred from an analysis of plant functional types. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 601: 111138.

LI, Q., DENG, W., WAPPLER, T., UTESCHER, T., MASLOVA, N., LIU, Y. (C.), JIA, H., SONG, C., SU, T. & QUAN, C. (2022): High frequency of arthropod herbivore damage in the Miocene Huaitoutala flora from the Qaidam Basin, northern Tibetan Plateau. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 297: 104569 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.revpalbo.2021.104569

MIAO, Y., FANG, X., SUN, J., XIAO, W., YANG, Y., WANG, X., FARNSWORTH, A., HUANG, K., REN, Y., WU, F., QIAO, Q., ZHANG, W., MENG, Q., YAN, X., ZHENG, Z., SONG, C. & UTESCHER, T. (2022) A new biologic paleoaltimetry indicating Late Miocene rapid uplift of northern Tibet Plateau. – Science 378 (6624): 1074-1079.

UHL, D., BRUCH, A. A. & UTESCHER, T. (2021): Introduction to the special issue “Palaeobotanical contributions in honour of Volker Mosbrugger”. – Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 101: 1-8.
Open access: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12549-021-00484-1

IVANOV, D., UTESCHER, T., DJORGOVA, N., BOZUKOV, V. & ASHRAF, A. R. (2021): The late Miocene Beli Breg Basin (Bulgaria): palaeoecology and climate reconstructions based on pollen data. – Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 101: 79-102 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s12549-020-00475-8

AVERYANOVA, A., TARASEVICH, V., POPOVA, S., UTESCHER, T., LI, S.-F., MOSBRUGGER, V. & XING, Y. (2021): Rupelian Kazakhstan floras in the context of early Oligocene climate and vegetation in Central Asia. ­– Terra Nova 33 (4): 383-399 | https://doi.org/10.1111/ter.12523

SRIVASTAVA, G., FARNSWORTH, A., BHATIA, H., MEHROTRA, R., SHEKAR, M., SU, T., UTESCHER, T. & VALDES, P. J. (2021): Climate and vegetation change during the Upper Siwalik – a study based on the palaeobotanical record of the eastern Himalaya. – Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 101: 103-121 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s12549-020-00457-w

GOSH, R., BISWAS, A., BRUCH, A. A., UTESCHER, T., SEN, I., PARUYA, D. K., GUHA, A., ISLAM, M. S. & BERA, S. (2021): Palaeoclimate estimates based on the late Miocene to early Pleistocene wood flora of the Bengal Basin: an insight into the climatic evolution of southern Asia. – Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 101: 141-162 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s12549-020-00467-8

HENROT, A.-J., BRUCH, A. A., FRANCOIS, L. M. & UTESCHER, T. (2021): Introduction to NECLIME Special Issue: Biodiversity and floral patterns in the course of Cenozoic climate change. – Geological Journal 56 (2): 613-615 | https://doi.org/10.1002/gj.4075

BONDARENKO, O. V., BLOKHINA, N. I., HENROT, A.-J. & UTESCHER, T. (2021): Paleogene vegetation changes in Primorye, Far East of Russia: A study based on diversity of plant functional types. – Geological Journal 56 (2): 650-672 | https://doi.org/10.1002/gj.3788

UTESCHER, T., ASHRAF, R. A., KERN, A. & MOSBRUGGER, V. (2021): Diversity patterns in microfloras recovered from Miocene brown coals of the lower Rhine Basin reveal distinct coupling of the structure of the peat-forming vegetation and continental climate variability. – Geological Journal 56 (2): 768-785.
Open access: https://doi.org/10.1002/gj.3801

UTESCHER, T., ERDEI, B., FRANCOIS, L. M., HENROT, A.-J., MOSBRUGGER, V. & POPOVA, S. (2021): Oligocene vegetation of Europe and western Asia-Diversity change and continental patterns reflected by plant functional types. – Geological Journal 56 (2): 628-649.
Open access: https://doi.org/10.1002/gj.3830


Doláková, N., Kováčová, M. & Utescher. T. (2020): Vegetation and Climate Changes during the Miocene Climatic Optimum (MCO) and Miocene Climatic Transition (MCT) in the northwestern part of Central Paratethys. – Geological Journal 56 (2): 729-743 | https://doi.org/10.1002/gj.4056

Bondarenko, O. V., Utescher, T., Blokhina, N. I., Evstigneeva, T. A. & Kezina, T. V. (2020): Temporal climate and vegetation gradient of the Paleocene in the Amur Region (Far East of Russia). – Botanica Pacifica 9 (2): 13-35 | http://botsad.ru/media/aux/bp/BP_2020_9_2_bondarenko.pdf

Bondarenko, O. V., Blokhina, N. I., Mosbrugger, V. & Utescher, T. (2020): Paleogene climate dynamics in the Primorye Region, Far East of Russia, based on a Coexistence Approach analysis of palaeobotanical data. – Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 100: 5-31 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s12549-019-00377-4

Akkiraz, M. S., Utescher, T., Bruch, A. A., Wilde, V., Durak, S. D. & Mosbrugger, V. (2020): Early Miocene palaeoflora and palaeoecology of the Soma Basin, Western Turkey. – Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 100: 923-938 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s12549-020-00434-3

Bondarenko, O. V., Blokhina, N. I. & Utescher, T. (2019): Major plant biome changes in the Primorye Region (Far East of Russia) during the Paleogene. – Botanica Pacifica 8 (1): 1-16 | http://botsad.ru/media/aux/bp/BP_2019_8_1_bondarenko.pdf

Ivanov, D., Tsenov, B., Utescher, T., Kováčová, M., Mosbrugger, V. & Ashraf, R. A. (2019): Climate reconstructions based on Miocene leaf flora from NW Bulgaria: Comparing leaf physiognomy and nearest living relative approach. – Phytologia Balcanica 25 (2): 137-144 | http://www.bio.bas.bg/~phytolbalcan/PDF/25_2/PhytolBalcan_25-2_02_Ivanov_&_al.pdf

Popova, S., Utescher, T., Averyanova, A., Tarasevich, V., Tropina, P. & Xing, Y. (2019): Early Miocene flora of central Kazakhstan (Turgai Plateau) and its paleoenvironmental implications. – Plant Diversity 41: 183-197 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pld.2019.04.002

Popova, S., Utescher. T., Gromyko, D. V., Mosbrugger, V. & François, L. (2019): Dynamics and evolution of Turgay-type vegetation in Western Siberia throughout the early Oligocene to earliest Miocene – a study based on diversity of plant functional types in the carpological record: Oligocene vegetation of western Siberia. – Journal of Systematics and Evolution 57 (2): 129-141 | https://doi.org/10.1111/jse.12420


Srivastava, G., Paudayal, K. N., Utescher, T. & Mehrotra, R. (2018): Miocene vegetation shift and climate change: Evidence from the Siwalik of Nepal. – Global and Planetary Change 161: 108-120 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2017.12.001

Prasad, V., Utescher, T., Sharma, A., Singh, I. B., Garg, R., Gogoi, B., Srivastava, J., Uddandam, P. R. & Joachimski, M. M. (2018): Low-latitude vegetation and climate dynamics at the Paleocene-Eocene transition – A study based on multiple proxies from the Jathang section in northeastern India. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 497: 139-156 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.02.013


François, L., Bruch, A. A., Utescher, T., Spicer, R. A. & Spicer, T. (2017): Reconstructing Cenozoic vegetation from proxy data and models – a NECLIME synthesis. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 467: 1-286 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.02.013

Popova, S., Utescher, T., Gromyko, D. V., Bruch, A. A., Henrot, A.-J. & Mosbrugger, V. (2017): Cenozoic vegetation gradients in the mid- and higher latitudes of Central Eurasia and climatic implications. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 467: 69-82 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.09.016

Henrot, A.-J., Utescher, T., Erdei, B., Dury, M., Hamon, N., Ramstein, G., Krapp, M., Herold, N., Goldner, A., Favre, E., Munhoven, G. & François, L. M. (2017): Middle Miocene climate and vegetation models and their validation with proxy data. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 467: 95-119 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.05.026

Utescher, T., Erdei, D., Hably, L. & Mosbrugger, V. (2017):  Late Miocene vegetation of the Pannonian Basin. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 467: 131-148 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.02.042

Yavuz, N., Culha, G., Demirer, S. S., Utescher, T. & Aydin, A. (2017): Pollen, ostracod and stable isotope records of palaeoenvironment and climate: Upper Miocene and Pliocene of the Çankırı Basin (Central Anatolia, Turkey). – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 467: 149-185 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.04.023

Bondarenko, O. V., Blokhina, N. I., Bruch, A. A., Henrot, A.-J. & Utescher, T. (2017): Quantification of Calabrian vegetation in Southern Primory’e (Far East of Russia) using multiple proxies. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 467: 253-264 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.09.017

Prinz, L., Schäfer, A., McCann, T., Utescher, T., Lokay, P. & Asmus, S. (2017): Facies analysis and depositional model of the Serravallian-age Neurath Sand, Lower Rhine Basin (W Germany). – Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 96 (3): 211-231 | https://doi.org/10.1017/njg.2016.51

Utescher, T., Dreist, A., Henrot, A.-J., Hickler, T., Liu, Y.-S. (C.), Mosbrugger, V., Portmann, F. T. & Salzmann, U. (2017): Continental climate gradients in North America and Western Eurasia before and after the closure of the Central American Seaway. – Earth and Planetary Science Letters 472: 120–130 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2017.05.019

Barrón, E., Averyanova, A., Kvaček, Z., Momohara, A., Pigg, K. B., Popova, S., Postigo-Mijarra, J. M., Tiffney, B. H., Utescher, T. & Zhou, Z.-K. (2017): The Fossil History of Quercus. – In: Gil-Pelegrín, E., Peguero-Pina, J. J., Sancho-Knapik, D. (Eds.): Oaks Physiological Ecology. Exploring the Functional Diversity of Genus Quercus L. Tree physiology 7. – 39-105; Springer, Cham | https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69099-5_3


Huang, Y.-J., Linbo, J., Wang, Q., Mosbrugger, V., Utescher, T., Su, T. & Zhou, Z.-K. (2016): Cenozoic plant diversity of Yunnan: A review. – Plant Diversity 38 (6): 271-282.

Van Dam, J. A. & Utescher, T. (2016): Plant- and micromammal-based paleoprecipitation proxies: comparing results of the Coexistence and Climate-Diversity Approach. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 443: 18-33.


Akkiraz, M. S., Akgün, F., Utescher, T., Wilde, V., Bruch, A. A., Mosbrugger, V. & Üçbaş-Durak, S. D. (2015): Palaeoecology of the Early-Middle Miocene Coal-Bearing Sediments: Examples From the Uşak-Güre and Soma Basins. – Geological Bulletin of Turkey 58: 39-59.

Huang, Y.-J., Chen, W.-Y., Jacques, F. M. B., Liu, Y.-S. (C.), Utescher, T., Su, T., Ferguson, D. K. & Zhou, Z.-K. (2015): Late Pliocene temperatures and their spatial variation at the southeastern border of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. – Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 111: 44-53.

Utescher, T., Bondarenko, O. V. & Mosbrugger, V. (2015): The Cenozoic Cooling – continental signals from the Atlantic and Pacific side of Eurasia. – Earth and Planetary Science Letters 415: 121-133.

Licht, A., Boura, A., de Franceschi, D., Utescher, T., Sein, C. & Jaeger, J.-J. (2015): Late middle Eocene fossil wood of Myanmar: Implications for the landscape and the climate of the Eocene Bengal Bay. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 216: 44-54.

Mantzouka, D., Kvaček, Z., Teodoridis, V., Utescher, T., Tsaparas, N. & Karakitsios, V. (2015): A new late Miocene (Tortonian) fora from Gavdos Island in southernmost Greece evaluated in the context of vegetation and climate in the Eastern Mediterranean. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 275: 47-81.


Doláková, N., Holcová, K., Hladilová, S., Brzobohatý, R., Zágoršek, K., Hrabovský, J., Seko, M. & Utescher, T. (2014): The Badenianparastratotype at Židlochovice from the perspective of the multiproxy study. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 271: 169-201.

Utescher, T., Bruch, A. A., Erdei, B., François, L., Ivanov, D., Jacques, F. M. B., Kern, A. K., Liu, Y.-S., Mosbrugger, V. & Spicer, R. A. (2014): The Coexistence Approach – Theoretical background and practical considerations of using plant fossils for climate quantification. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 410: 58-73.

Schäfer, A. & Utescher, T. (2014): Origin, sediment fill, and sequence stratigraphy of the Cenozoic Lower Rhine Basin (Germany) interpreted from well logs. – Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 165 (2): 287-314.

Roth-Nebelsick, A., Oehm, C., Grein, M., Utescher, T., Kunzmann, L., Friedrich, J. P. & Konrad, W. (2014): Stomatal density and index data of Platanus neptuni leaf fossils and their evaluation as a CO2 proxy for the Oligocene. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 206: 1-9.

Quan, C., Liu, Y.-S., Tang, H. & Utescher, T. (2014): Miocene shift of European atmospheric circulation from trade wind to westerlies. – Scientific Reports 4: 5660.
Open access: https://doi.org/10.1038/srep05660

Quan, C., Liu, Z., Utescher, T., Jin, J., Shu, J., Li, Y. & Liu, Y.-S. (2014): Revisiting the Paleogene climate pattern of East Asia: A synthetic review. – Earth-Science Reviews 139: 213-230.

Mantzouka, D., Kvaček, Z., Teodoridis, V., Utescher, T., Tsaparas, N. & Karakitsios, V. (2014): A new late Miocene (Tortonian) flora from Gavdos Island in southernmost Greece evaluated in the context of vegetation and climate in the Eastern Mediterranean. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 275 (1): 47-81.


Quan, C., Liu, Y.-S. & Utescher, T. (2013): Paleogene temperature gradient, seasonal variation and climate evolution of northeast China. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 313-314: 150-161.

Bozukov, V., Ivanov, D. & Utescher, T. (2013): Ficus palamarevii sp. nov. (Moraceae), a new subtropical element in the Bulgarian Paleogene flora. – Comptes rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences 66: 1733-1738.

Bondarenko, O., Blokhina, N. & Utescher, T. (2013): Quantification of Calabrian climate in the higher latitudes (southern Primory’e, Far East of Russia) – an integrative case of study using multiple proxies. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 386: 445-458.

Popova, S., Utescher, T., Gromyko, D. V., Mosbrugger, V., Herzog, E. & Francois, L. (2013): Vegetation change in Siberia and the Northeast of Russia during the Cenozoic Cooling – a study based on diversity of plant functional types. – Palaios 28: 418-432.

Rasmussen, E. S., Utescher, T. & Dybkjaer, K. (2013): Drowning of the Miocene Billund delta, Jylland: land-sea fluctuations during a global warming event. – Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin 28: 9-12.

Quan, C., Han, S., Utescher, T., Zhang, C. & Liu, Y.-S (C.) (2013): Validation of temperature-precipitation based aridity index: Paleoclimatic implications. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 386: 86-95.

Grein, M., Oehm, C., Konrad, W., Utescher, T., Kunzmann, L. & Roth-Nebelsick, A. (2013): Atmospheric CO2 from the late Oligocene to early Miocene based on photosynthesis data and fossil leaf characteristics. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 374: 41-51.


Akkiraz, M. S., Akgün, F., Utescher, T., Wilde, V., Bruch, A. A., Mosbrugger, V. & Üçbaş, S. D. (2012): Palaeoflora and climate of lignite-bearing lower-middle Miocene sediments in the Seyitömer and Tunçbilek sub-basins, Kütahya Province, Northwest Turkey. – Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 21: 213-235 | https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/earth/issues/yer-12-21-2/yer-21-2-3-1007-45.pdf

Erdei, B., Utescher, T., Hably, L., Tamás, J., Roth-Nebelsick, A. & Grein, M. (2012): Early Oligocene continental climate of the Palaeogene Basin (Hungary and Slovenia) and the surrounding area. – Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 21: 153-186 | https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/earth/issues/yer-12-21-2/yer-21-2-1-1005-29.pdf

Hoorn, C., Straathof, J., Abels, H. A., Xu, Y., Utescher, T. & Dupont-Nivet, G. (2012): A late Eocene palynological record of climate change and Tibetan Plateau uplift (Xining Basin, China). – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 344-345: 16-38.

Ivanov, D., Utescher, T., Ashraf, A. R., Mosbrugger, V., Bozukov, V., Djorgova, N. & Slavomirova, E. (2012): Late Miocene palaeoclimate and ecosystem dynamics in southwestern Bulgaria − a study based on pollen data from the Gotse-Delchev Basin. – Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 21: 187-211 | https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/earth/issues/yer-12-21-2/yer-21-2-2-1004-45.pdf

Popova, S., Utescher, T., Gromyko, D., Bruch, A. A. & Mosbrugger, V. (2012): Palaeoclimate evolution in Siberia and the Russian Far East from the Oligocene to Pliocene – evidence from fruit and seed floras. – Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 21: 315-334 | https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/earth/issues/yer-12-21-2/yer-21-2-8-1005-6.pdf

Quan, C., Liu, Y.-S. & Utescher, T. (2012): Paleogene temperature gradient, seasonal variation and climate evolution of northeast China. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 313-314: 150-161.

Quan, C., Liu, Y.-S. & Utescher, T. (2012): Eocene monsoon prevalence over China: A paleobotanical perspective. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 365-366: 302-311.

Roth-Nebelsick, A., Grein, M., Utescher, T. & Konrad, W. (2012): Stomatal pore length change in leaves of Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis (Fagaceae) from the Late Eocene to the Latest Oligocene and its impact on gas exchange and CO2 reconstruction. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 174: 106-112.

Utescher, T., Ashraf, A. R., Dreist, A., Dybkjær, K., Mosbrugger, V., Pross, J. & Wilde, V. (2012): Variability of Neogene continental climates in Northwest Europe – a detailed study based on microfloras. – Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 21: 289-314 | https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/earth/issues/yer-12-21-2/yer-21-2-7-1005-3.pdf

Xing, Y., Utescher, T., Jacques, F. M. B., Tao S., Liu, Y.-S, Huang, J.-J. & Zhou, Z.-Z. (2012): Paleoclimatic estimation reveals a weak winter monsoon in southwestern China during the late Miocene: Evidence from plant macrofossils. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 358-360: 19-26.


Eronen, J. T., Micheels, A. & Utescher, T. (2011): A comparison of estimates of mean annual precipitation from different proxies: a pilot study for the European Neogene. – Evolutionary Ecology Research 13: 851-867.

Grein, M., Oehm, C., Roth-Nebelsick, A., Konrad, W. & Utescher, T. (2011): Atmospheric CO2 at the Oligocene/Miocene transition reconstructed by using fossil plant material. – Geophysical Research Abstract 13: EGU2011-8079.

Akkiraz, M. S., Akgün, F., Utescher, T., Bruch, A. A. & Mosbrugger, V. (2011): Precipitation gradients during the Miocene in Western and Central Turkey as quantified from pollen data. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 304: 276-290.

Micheels, A., Bruch, A. A., Eronen, J., Fortelius, M., Harzhauser, M., Utescher, T. & Mosbrugger, V. (2011): Analysis of heat transport mechanisms from a Late Miocene model experiment with a fully-coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 304: 337-350.

Liu, Y. C., Utescher, T., Zhou, Z. & Sun, B. (2011): The evolution of Miocene climates in North China: Preliminary results of quantitative reconstructions from plant fossil records. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 304: 308-317.

Bozukov, V. S, Utescher, T., Ivanov, D. A., Tsenov, B. V., Ashraf, A. R. & Mosbrugger, V. (2011): New results for the fossil macroflora of the Beli Breg Lignite Basin, West Bulgaria. – Phytologia Balcanica 17: 3-19.

Bruch, A. A., Utescher, T., Mosbrugger, V. & NECLIME members (2011): Precipitation patterns in the Miocene of Central Europe and the development of continentality. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 304: 202-211.

Ivanov, D., Utescher, T., Mosbrugger, V., Syabryaj, S., Djordjević-Milutinović, D. & Molchanoff, S. (2011): Miocene vegetation and climate dynamics in Eastern and Central Paratethys (Southeastern Europe). – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 304: 262-275.

Utescher, T., Bruch, A. A., Micheels, A., Mosbrugger, V. & Popova, S. (2011): Cenozoic climate gradients in Eurasia a palaeo-perspective on future climate change? – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 304: 351-358.

François, L., Utescher, T., Favre, E., Henrot, A.-J., Warnant, P., Micheels, A., Erdei, B., Suc, J.-P., Cheddadi, R. & Mosbrugger, V. (2011): Modelling Late Miocene vegetation in Europe: Results of the CARAIB model and comparison with palaeovegetation data. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 304: 359-378.

Utescher, T., Böhme, M. & Mosbrugger, V. (2011): The Neogene of Eurasia: Spatial gradients and temporal trends – The second synthesis of NECLIME. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 304: 196-201.

Grein, M., Utescher, T., Wilde, V. & Roth-Nebelsick, A. (2011): Reconstruction of the middle Eocene climate of Messel using palaeobotanical data. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 260 (3): 305-318.

Grein, M., Konrad, W., Wilde, V., Utescher, T. & Roth-Nebelsick, A. (2011): Reconstruction of atmospheric CO2 during the early middle Eocene by application of a gas exchange model to fossil plants from the Messel Formation, Germany. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 309: 383-391.

Stefanova, M., Ivanov, D. A. & Utescher, T. (2011): Geochemical appraisal of palaeovegetation and climate oscillation in the Late Miocene of Western Bulgaria. – Organic Geochemistry 42: 1363-1374.

Larsson, L. M., Dybkjær, K., Rasmussen, E. S., Piasecki, S., Utescher, T. & Vajda, V. (2011): Miocene climate evolution of northern Europe: A palynological investigation from Denmark. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 309: 161-175.

Quan, C., Liu, Y. C. & Utescher, T. (2011): Paleogene evolution of precipitation in Northeastern China supporting the Middle Eocene intensification of the East Asian Monsoon. – Palaios 26: 743-753.


Micheels, A., Popova, S., Uhl, D., Utescher, T. & Mosbrugger, V. (2010): Klimawandel und Vegetation im Miozän – was wir aus der Vergangenheit lernen können. – Natur und Museum 140: 268-273.


Utescher, T., Mosbrugger, V., Ivanov, D. & Dilcher, D. L. (2009): Present-day climatic equivalents of European Cenozoic climates. – Earth and Planetary Science Letters 284: 544-552.

Utescher, T., Ivanov, D., Harzhauser, M., Bozukov, V., Ashraf, A. R., Rolf, C., Urbat, M. & Mosbrugger, V. (2009): Cyclic climate and vegetation change in the late Miocene of Western Bulgaria. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 272: 99-114.


Bozukov, V., Utescher, T. & Ivanov, D. (2008): Late Eocene to early Miocene climate and vegetation of Bulgaria. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 153: 360-374.

Ivanov, D., Utescher, T., Ashraf, A. R., Mosbrugger, V., Slavomirova, E., Djorgova, N. & Bozukov, V. (2008): Vegetation structure and dynamics in the late Miocene of Staniantsi Basin (west Bulgaria). First results. – Comptes rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences 61: 223-232.


Utescher, T. & Mosbrugger, V. (2007): Eocene vegetation patterns reconstructed from plant diversity – A global perspective. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 247: 243-271.

Uhl, D., Klotz, S., Traiser, C., Thiel, C., Utescher, T., Kowalski, E. & Dilcher, D. L. (2007): Cenozoic paleotemperatures and leaf physiognomy – A European perspective. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 248: 24-31.

Steppuhn, A., Micheels, A., Bruch, A. A., Uhl, D., Utescher, T. & Mosbrugger, V. (2007): The sensitivity of ECHAM4/ML to a double CO2 scenario for the Late Miocene and the comparison to terrestrial proxy data. – Global and Planetary Change 57: 189-212.

Erdei, B., Hably, L., Kázmér, M., Utescher. T. & Bruch, A. A. (2007): Neogene flora and vegetation development in the Pannonian Basin – relations to palaeoclimate and palaeogeography. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 253: 115-140

Syabryaj, S., Molchanoff, S., Utescher,T. & Bruch, A. A. (2007): Changes of climate and vegetation during the Miocene on the territory of Ukraine. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 253: 153-168.

Utescher, T., Dordjevic-Milutinovic, D., Bruch, A. A. & Mosbrugger, V. (2007): Palaeoclimate and vegetation change in Serbia during the last 30 Ma. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 253: 157-168.

Utescher, T., Erdei, B., Francois, L. & Mosbrugger, V. (2007): Tree diversity in the Miocene forests of Western Eurasia. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 253: 242-266.

Ivanov, D., Ashraf, A. R., Utescher, T., Mosbrugger, V. & Slavomirova, E. (2007): Late Miocene vegetation and climate of the Balkan region: palynology of the Beli Breg Coal Basin sediments. – Geologica Carpathica 58: 367-381.


Bruch, A. A., Utescher, T., Mosbrugger, V., Gabrielyan, I. & Ivanov, D. A. (2006): Late Miocene terrestrial climate in the circum-Alpine realm – a quantitative paleobotanical analyses. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 238: 270-280.


Mosbrugger, V., Utescher, T. & Dilcher, D. (2005): Cenozoic continental climatic evolution of Central Europe. – Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (42): 14964-14969.

Poole, I., Cantrill, D.  Utescher, T. (2005): A multi-proxy approach to determine Antarctic terrestrial palaeoclimate during the Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 222: 95-121.

Schäfer, A., Utescher, T., Valdivia-Manchego, M., Klett, M., Eichhorst, F. & von der Hocht, F. (2005): The Cenozoic Lower Rhine Basin – rifting, sediment input, and cyclic stratigraphy. – Geologische Rundschau 94: 621-639.


Bruch, A. A., Utescher, T., Alcalde Olivares C., Dolakova, N. & Mosbrugger, V. (2004): Middle and Late Miocene spatial temperature patterns and gradients in Central Europe – preliminary results based on palaeobotanical climate reconstructions. – Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 249: 15-27.

Roth-Nebelsick, A., Utescher, T., Mosbrugger, V., Diester-Haass, L. & Walther, H. (2004): Changes in atmosperic CO2 concentrations and climate from the Late Eocene to Early Miocene: palaeobotanical reconstruction based on fossil floras from Saxony, Germany. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 205: 43-67.

Schäfer, A., Utescher, T. & Mörs, T. (2004): Stratigraphy of the Cenozoic Lower Rhine Basin, northwestern Germany. – Newsletters on Stratigraphy 40 (1/2): 73-110.


Uhl, D., Mosbrugger, V., Bruch, A. & Utescher, T. (2003): Reconstructing palaeotemperatures using leaf floras – case studies for a comparison of leaf margin analysis and the coexistence approach. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 126 (1/2): 49-64.


Agusti, J., Andrews, P., Armour-Chelu, M., Begun, D. R., Cameron, D. W., Damuth, J., Daxner-Höck, G., De Bonis, L., Fejfar, O., Fessaha, N., Fortelius, M., Franzen, J., Gasparik, M., Gentry, A., Heissig, K., Hernyak, G., Kaiser, T., Koufos, G. D., Krolopp, E., Janossy, D., Llenas, M., Meszaros, L., Müller, P., Renne, P., Rocek, Z., Sen, S., Scott, R., Szyndlar, Z., Topál, G., Ungar, P. S., Utescher, T., Van Dam, J. A., Werdelin, L. & Ziegler, R. (2002): Recent advances on multidisciplinary research at Rudabánya, Late Miocene (MN9), Hungary: a compendium. – Palaeontographica Italica 89: 3-36.

Figueiral, I., Mosbrugger V., Rowe, N., Utescher, T., Jones, T. & Von Der Hocht, F. (2002): Role of Charcoal Analysis for Interpreting Vegetation Change and Paleoclimate in the Miocene Rhine Embayment (Germany). – Palaios 17: 347-365.

Utescher, T., Mosbrugger, V. & Ashraf, A. R. (2002): Facies and paleogeography of the Tertiary of the Lower Rhine Basin – sedimentary versus climatic control. – Netherlands Journal of Earth Sciences 81: 185-191.


Utescher, T., Mosbrugger, V. & Ashraf, A. R. (2000): Terrestrial climate evolution in Northwest Germany over the last 25 million years. – Palaios 15: 430-449.


Gebka, M., Mosbrugger, V., Schilling, H.-D. & Utescher, T. (1999): Regional scale palaeoclimate modelling on soft proxy-data basis – an example from the Upper Miocene of the Lower Rhine Embayment. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 152: 225-258.


Klein, H., Utescher, T. & Langer, W. (1998): Zur Karbonatmikrofazies der unteren Eifel-Stufe/Mitteldevon am Ohlesberg bei Bad Münstereifel/Eifel. – Decheniana 151: 227-243.

Figueiral, I., Mosbrugger, V., Rowe, N. P., Ashraf, A. R., Utescher, T. & Jones, T. P. (1998): The Miocene peat-forming vegetation of northwestern Germany: an analysis of wood remains and comparison with previous palynological interpretations. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 104: 239-266.


Ashaf, A. R., Mosbrugger, V. & Utescher, T. (1997): Palynological studies in the Neogene of the open-pit mines Inden and Bergheim (Lower Rhine Embayment, Germany). – Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 201: 29-46.

Utescher, T., Gebka, M., Mosbrugger, V., Schilling, H.-D. & Ashraf, A. R. (1997): Regional palaeontological-meteorological palaeoclimate reconstruction of the Neogene Lower Rhine Embayment. – Mededelingen Nederlands Instituut voor Toegepaste Geowetenschappen 58: 263-271.

Schäfer, A., Utescher, T. & von der Hocht, F. (1997): Klastische Sedimentsysteme im Tertiär der Niederrheinischen Bucht. – In: Ricken, W. (Hg.): ­2. Sedimentologentreffen. Exkursionsführer. 21.-24. Mai 1997 am Geologischen Institut der Universität zu Köln. – Terra Nostra 1997 (3): 68-113.

Mosbrugger, V. & Utescher, T. (1997): The coexistence approach – a method for quantitative reconstructions of Tertiary terrestrial palaeoclimate data using plant fossils. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 134: 61-86.

Jones, T. P., Fortier, S. M., Mosbrugger, V., Roessler, J., Utescher, T. & Ashraf, A. R. (1997): 13C/12C ratio double cyclicity in a Miocene browncoal: isotopic signals and orbital forcing. – Terra Nova 9: 19-23.

Huhn, B., Utescher, T., Ashraf, A. R. & Mosbrugger, V. (1997): The peat-forming vegetation in the Middle Miocene Lower Rhine Embayment, an analysis based on palynological data. – Mededelingen Nederlands Instituut voor Toegepaste Geowetenschappen 58: 211-218.

Ashraf, A. R., Utescher, T. & Mosbrugger, V. (1997): Tertiary palynostratigraphy? how reproducible are the results? – Mededelingen Nederlands Instituut voor Toegepaste Geowetenschappen 58: 163-170.


Mosbrugger, V., Utescher, T., Ashraf, A. R., Schilling, H.-D. & Gebka, M. (1993): Rekonstruktion der obermiozänen Klimaverhältnisse (10-5 Mio a v. h.) im Bereich der Niederrheinischen Bucht. – In: NEUGEBAUER, H. J. (Hg.): Kontinentale Stoffkreisläufe und ihre Modellierung. Sonderforschungsbereich der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft 350. – 15-17; Bonn.


Utescher, T. (1992): Sedimentologische Untersuchungen Fe-Oolith-führender Karbonate (Heisdorf-Erze) an der Unter-Mitteldevon-Grenze im Westlichen Rheinischen Schiefergebirge. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte 5: 303-320.

Utescher, T. (1992): Mikrofazielle Untersuchungen im Unter-Mitteldevon-Grenzbereich des Westlichen Rheinischen Schiefergebirges. – Decheniana 145: 204-301.


Ashraf, A. R. & Utescher, T. (1991): Sporen-Assoziationen aus dem Oberems der mittleren Eifel (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). – Palaeontographica, Abteilung B 221: 153-170.