DZMB Bilder

Metabarcoding and NGS Laboratory

Die Charakterisierung der Meiofauna und der planktonischen Gemeinschaften der marinen Ökosysteme war aufgrund der Kleinheit der Individuen, der hohen Diversität der Gruppen und des Mangels an taxonomischen Spezialisten immer ein schwieriger und zeitaufwändiger Prozess. Die Anwendung von DNA-Barcoding in Verbindung mit modernen Sequenzierungstechniken (Next Generation Sequencing) stellt einen großen Fortschritt zur schnellen Einschätzung der Biodiversität dieser Organismen dar.

Diese Organismengruppen werden für die Überwachung der Gesundheit der Ökosysteme und die Bewertung der Auswirkungen menschlicher Aktivitäten immer wichtiger.

Unser Ziel ist es, schnelle Methoden zur Bewertung der biologischen Vielfalt zu entwickeln und zu testen. Diese sollen zum Verständnis der Veränderungen von Ökosystemen beitragen und gleichzeitig die Bearbeitungszeit und -kosten reduzieren. In unserem NGS-Lab, das mit einem Illumina MiSeq Sequenzierer ausgestattet ist, wenden wir Methoden des DNA-Metabarcodings und der eDNA für ganze Organismengemeinschaften an. Auf dem Gebiet des Metabarcodings arbeiten wir an der Optimierung der Verfahren zur DNA-Extraktion, der PCR und der Entwicklung von Bioinformatik-Pipelines zum Trimmen, Filtern und Analysieren der Illumina Reads und zur Zuordnung taxonomischer Identifikationen zu den mutmaßlichen OTUs (operational taxonomic units) oder Sequenzvarianten. In diesem Zusammenhang konzentriert sich unsere Forschung hauptsächlich auf die beiden häufig verwendeten Genfragmente mtDNA COI-Barcode und die hypervariable Region V1 & V2 der 18S rRNA, um die Diversität abzuschätzen und die Genauigkeit der Pipeline sowie die Fähigkeit dieser Marker zur Bewertung der Fauna zu untersuchen. Um eine bessere Identifizierung der Sequenzen zu erhalten, stellen wir unsere eigenen Referenzbibliotheken her, indem wir taxonomisch identifizierte Exemplare mit Hilfe des Sanger-Sequenzing mit einem Barcode versehen. Die genaue taxonomische Arbeit ist bei diesem Schritt, für den wir eng mit Spezialisten zusammenarbeiten, von entscheidender Bedeutung. Wir nutzen diese Bibliotheken in Kombination mit öffentlich zugänglichen NCBI-Repositorien.

Das Metabarcoding-Labor führt auch Analysen von Mikrobiomen durch, die mit Zielorganismen der Makro- und Megafauna wie Tiefseeschwämmen und Crustaceen assoziiert sind.

Zusätzlich verwenden wir restriktionsassoziierte DNA-Marker (in unserem Labor verwenden wir 2bRADs), um die genetische Konnektivität zwischen Populationen mariner Arten für verschiedene Projekte zu untersuchen.


Team Metabarcoding Khodami
Dr. Sahar Khodami
Leitung Metabarcoding und NGS Labor

Link zum Fachbereich Metabarcoding und NGS Labor

Link Metabarcoding and NGS Laboratory

Current position

Leader of the NGS laboratory at Senckenberg am Meer, German Centre for Marine Biodiversity Research, Wilhelmshaven, Germany

Major research Interest

  • Monitoring and rapid biodiversity assessment of macro and meiofauna, planktonic and associated microbiome communities of marine ecosystems using metabarcoding and eDNA approaches
  • Transcriptomics: Evolution and phylogeny of crustaceans specifically copepods
  • Genetic connectivity between populations of marine species from macro- and meiofauna communities using restriction associated DNA-markers (2b-RADs)
  • Reverse taxonomy and species delimitations in the deep sea

Employment history

07.2020 – today Leader of the NGS laboatories at Senckenberg am Meer, German Centre for Marine Biodiversity Research (DZMB)
07.2018 – 2020 Postdoctoral researcher at Senckenberg am Meer, German Centre for Marine Biodiversity Research (DZMB)
08.2012 – 2018 Ph.D. scholarship candidate at Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

Academic Educations

2012 – 2018
Ph.D.   Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Institute of Biology, Oldenburg, Germany
Title of thesis: Molecular Phylogeny and Revision of Copepod Orders (Pancrustacea)

2007 – 2010
M.Sc.  University of Tehran, Science and Research Branch, Department of Marine Biology, Tehran, Iran
Title of thesis: Effects of abiotic factors on sexual maturity of Acartia clausi (Calanoida: Copepoda) from Caspian Sea 

2003 – 2006
B.Sc.  University of Mazandaran, Badeleh Branch, Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Engineering, Sari, Iran

2010 – 2012
Lab technician at University of Mazandaran, Department of Fisheries and Agriculture

Relevant Workshop/Trainings (last 10 years)

21.01 – 01.02.2013   Phylogenetic and Systematic and Molecular Dating at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark). Winner of the DEST-grant (Distributed European School of Taxonomy)
24 – 25.02.2016   Statistical Methods in Phylogeny with “R” provided by Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBS)”. Munich, Germany
22 – 23.06.2021   MiSeq training by Illumina Senckenberg am Meer, Wilhelmshaven, Germany
02 – 13.09.2018    Next Generation sequencing course Senckenberg institute, Frankfurt, Germany
19 – 24.02.2021   Analysis of hybridization capture data Centrum für Naturkunde (CENAK), Hamburg, Germany
06 – 15.06.2022   Genome assemblies and Genes expression Senckenberg am Meer, Wilhelmshaven, Germany

Funded projects as participant (last 5 years)

  • Project title: Genetic tools for Ecosystem health Assessment in the North Sea region (GEANS). Funded by the European Union (Interreg), Years: 2019–2023, PI: Dr De Backer A. (ILVO), Role: Postdoctoral Researcher (663,710.00 €)
  • Project title: MiningImpact – Environmental Impacts and Risks of Deep-Sea Mining. Funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany), Years: 2018–2022, PI: Dr Haeckel M. (GEOMAR), Role: Postdoctoral researcher (~430,000.00 €)
  • Project title: Icelandic Marine Animals: Genetic and Ecology (IceAGE). Funded by: German Science Foundation (MerMet17-6), Years: 2011-2020, PI: Dr. Brix S. (DZMB), Role: Postdoctoral researcher. (~680,000.00 €)
  • Project title: Icelandic marine Animals meet Diversity along latitudinal gradients in the deep sea of the Atlantic (IceDivA). Funded by: German Science Foundation, Years: 2021-2023, PI: Dr. Brix S. (DZMB), Role: Postdoctoral researcher
  • Project title: JPIO Oceans – Ecological Aspects of Deep-sea Mining. Funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany), Years: 2017-2018, PI: Dr Haeckel M. (GEOMAR), Role: Postdoctoral researcher. (474,647.00 €)
  • Project title: Exclusion of mobile bottom-contact fishing in marine protected areas of the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the North Sea and Baltic Sea (MGF Baltic Sea). Funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Years: 2022-2023. PI:  Prof. Dr. Jürgens K. (IOW), Role: Postdoctoral researcher



  • Sánchez N., González-Casarrubios A., Cepeda D., Khodami S., Pardos F., Vink A., Martínez Arbizu P. in press. Revision of diversity and distribution of Kinorhyncha in abyssal polymetallic nodule areas with the description of three new species. Marine Biodiversity.
  • Degenhardt J., Khodami S., Milke F., Waska H., Engelen B., Martinez Arbizu P. 2021. The Three Domains of Life Within the Discharge Area of a Shallow Subterranean Estuary at a High Energy Beach. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 9. 642098. 10.3389/fenvs.2021.642098.
  • Mercado-Salas N., Khodami S., Martinez Arbizu P. 2021. Copepods and ostracods associated with bromeliads in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. PLOS ONE. 16. e0248863. 10.1371/journal.pone.0248863.
  • Rahlff J., Khodami S., Voskuhl L., Humphreys M., Stolle C., Martinez Arbizu P., Wurl, O., Ribas-Ribas M. 2021. Short-term responses to ocean acidification: effects on relative abundance of eukaryotic plankton from the tropical Timor Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 10.3354/meps13561.


  • Khodami S., Mercado-Salas N., Martinez Arbizu P. 2020. Genus level molecular phylogeny of Aegisthidae Giesbrecht, 1893 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) reveals morphological adaptations to deep-sea and pelagic habitats. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 20: 36.
  • Christodoulou M., O’Hara T., Hugall A., Khodami S., Rodrigues C.F., et al. 2020. Unexpected high abyssal ophiuroid diversity in polymetallic nodule fields of the Northeast Pacific Ocean, and implications for conservation. Biogeosiences. DOI: 10.5194/bg-2019-360
  • Steinert G., Busch K., Bayer K., Khodami, S., Martinez Arbizu, P., et al. 2020. Compositional and quantitative insights into bacterial and archaeal communities of South Pacific deep-sea sponges (Demospongiae and Hexactinellida). Frontiers in Microbiology.


  • Rossel S., Khodami S., Martinez Arbizu P. 2019. Comparison of Rapid Biodiversity Assessment of Meiobenthos Using MALDI-TOF MS and Metabarcoding. Frontiers in Marine Science 6. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00659
  • Khodami S., Mercado-Salas N., Tang D., Martinez Arbizu P. 2019. Molecular evidence for the retention of the Thaumatopsyllidae in the order Cyclopoida (Copepoda) and establishment of four suborders and two families within the Cyclopoida. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 138. DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2019.05.019


  • Mercado-Salas N., Martinez Arbizu P., Khodami S. Convergent evolution of mouthparts morphology between Siphonostomatoida and a new genus of deep-sea Aegisthidae Giesbrecht, 1893 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida). Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny 76(3):487-507.DOI: 10.1007/s12526-018-0932-3
  • Mercado-Salas N., Khodami S., Kihara T., Elias-Gutierrez M., Martinez Arbizu P. 2018. Genetic structure and distributional patterns of the genus Mastigodiaptomus (Copepoda) in Mexico, with the description of a new species from the Yucatan Peninsula. Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny 76(3):487-507.


  • Khodami S., McArthur V., Blanco-Bercial L., Martinez Arbizu P. 2017. Molecular phylogeny and revision of copepod orders (Crustacea: Copepoda). Scientific Reports, 7: 9164. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-06656-4.


  • Gollner S., Stuckas H., Kihara T.C., Laurent S., Khodami S., Martinez Arbizu P. 2016. Mitochondrial DNA analyses indicate high diversity, expansive population growth and high genetic connectivity of vent copepods (Dirivultidae) across different oceans. PLoS ONE, 11 (10): e0163776. DOI: 10.1371/journal.


  • Khodami S., Martinez Arbizu P., Stöhr S., Laakmann S. 2014, Molecular species delimitation of Icelandic brittle stars (Ophiuroidea). Polish Polar Research, 35 (2): 243-260. DOI: 10.2478/popore−2014−0011




  • Mercado-Salas NF., Khodami S., Martínez-Arbizu P. Chapter 41C. In: Vaupel Klein JC (Ed.) Traité de Zoologie C. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, Netherlands.
  • Mercado- Salas NF., Martínez A., Khodami S., Martínez Arbizu P. Chapter 42F. Anchialine Copepoda. In: Vaupel Klein JC (Ed.) Traité de Zoologie C. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, Netherlands.


  • George K, Khodami S., Kihara TC, Martínez Arbizu P, Martínez García A, Mercado-Salas NF, Pointner K, Veit-Köhler G. 2020. Chapter 28. Copepoda. In: Schmidt-Rhaesa A (Ed.) Guide to the determination of marine meiofauna. Pfeil-Verlag, Munich, Germany.
  • Martínez Arbizu P, Martínez García A, Mercado-Salas NF, Khodami S. Chapter 28.5.3. Order Misophioida Gurney, 1933. In: Schmidt-Rhaesa A (Ed.). Guide to the determination of marine meiofauna. Pfeil-Verlag, Munich, Germany.
  • Martínez Arbizu P, Mercado-Salas NF, Khodami S. Chapter 28.5.4. Order Cyclopoida Burmeister, 1834. In: Schmidt-Rhaesa A (Ed.) (2020). Guide to the determination of marine meiofauna. Pfeil-Verlag, Munich, Germany.



  • Khodami S., Gatzemeier N., Peter J., Renz J., Martinez Arbizu P.. Genetic monitoring of Zooplankton communities in the German Bight (North Sea). Frontiers.
  • Khodami S., Mercado-Salas NF., Martínez Arbizu P. Evaluation of marine zooplankton community structure at polymetallic nodule field from Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone through DNA metabarcoding. Environment International.
  • Khodami S., Martinez A., Mercado-Salas NF., Martínez Arbizu P. Phylogenetic reconstruction of the misophrioid’s (Copepoda) evolution, inferred from NGS data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.
  • Martínez Arbizu P., Mercado-Salas N.F., Khodami S., Macheriotou L., Vanreusel A. Ecological patterns of meiofauna from the polymetallic nodule area at the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone applying metabarcoding. Scientific Reports.
  • Reñé A., Khodami S., Martínez Arbizu P., Hoppenrath M., Benthic dinoflagellate’s genetic structure and dynamics in the North Sea and Mediterranean waters. Progress in Oceanography.
  • Khodami S., George K., Packmor J., Martinez P., Influence of marker choice on biodiversity estimate and community structure of Baltic meiofauna.”
  • 2) “Martinez P., Khodami S., Packmor J., Lessons learned from molecular rapid assessment of meiofauna for monitoring purposes
  • Packmor J., Khodami S., George K., Martinez P. Effect of fisheries on metazoan meiofauna communities




  • Kieneke A., Khodami S., Kamyab E., Galarza-Verkovitc D., Bonc F., Bierschenk T., Martinez P. Icelandic marine Animals meet Diversity along latitudinal gradients in the deep sea of the Atlantic, Meiofauna (IceDivA II). Cruise report.


  • Kieneke A., Khodami S., Martinez P., Brix S. Icelandic marine Animals meet Diversity along latitudinal gradients in the deep sea of the Atlantic; Meiofauna (IceDivA I). Cruise report.
  • Uhlenkott K., Khodami S., Menke S., Gatzemeier N.,Mercado-Salas N., Martínez Arbizu P. Biodiversity of benthic fauna within the polymetallic nodule belt, NE Pacific (Clarion Clipperton Fracture Zone). Final Report Mangan 18 . Bundesanstalt für Geowissenchaften und Rohstoffe.
  • Uhlenkott K., Khodami S., Menke S., Rossel S., Martínez Arbizu P.JPIO MiningImpact – Environmental impacts and risks of deep-sea mining; Molecular chapter. Final report MiningImpactI 2021. Bundesanstalt für Geowissenchaften und Rohstoffe.


  • Mercado-Salas NF., Gatzemeier N., Martínez Arbizu P., Khodami S., Uhlenkott K., Menke S., Ercan T. Chapter 11. Planktonic Diversity. In: Rühlemann C, Vink A (Eds.). Cruise Report SO-262 Mangan 2018. Bundesanstalt für Geowissenchaften und Rohstoffe.
  • Uhlenkott K., Edullantes C., Ercan T., Gatzemeier N., Khodami S., Martínez Arbizu P., Mercado-Salas NF. 2018. Chapter 12. Benthic biodiversity. In: Rühlemann C, Vink A (Eds.). Cruise Report SO-262 Mangan 2018. Bundesanstalt für Geowissenchaften und Rohstoffe.


  • Vanreusel A., Macheriotou L., Khodami S., Raschka U., Martinez Arbizu P. 2015. Metazoan meiofauna. In P. Martinez Arbizu et al.: SO239 EcoResponse, Assessing the Ecology, Connectivity and Resilience of Polymetallice Nodule field Systems. Balboa (Panama)- Manzanillo (Mexico), 11th March – 30th April 2015. SONNE – Fahrtberichte.


  • Ostmann, A., Khodami S., Schnurr S., Bauernfeld W., Yasuhara M., Martinez P. 2012. Meiofauna communities around Icelandic waters. In S. Brix et al.: Overflow, Circulation, and Biodiversity Cruise No. 85, Leg 3 August 27 – September 28, 2011 Reykjavik (Iceland) – Cuxhaven (Germany). Meteor – Berichte.




    07 – 12/06/2019

  • Khodami S., Mercado-Salas N.F., Martinez Arbizu P. Gradual morphological adaptation to deep-sea and pelagic habitats in Aegisthidae Giesbrecht, 1893 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) inferred from genus level molecular phylogeny seventIMCO (17th International Meiofauna Conference 2019). Évora, Portugal.

    16 – 18/07/2018

  • Martinez Arbizu, P., Khodami S., Mercado-Salas N.F. The Senckenberg Metabarcoding Pipeline: Examples from Meiofauna and Plankton. Marine ‘omics Workshop. Delmenhorst, Germany.

    16 – 21/07/2017

  • Khodami S., McArthur V., Blanco-Bercial L., Martinez Arbizu P. Molecular phylogeny and revision of Copepod. 13ICOC (13 International Copepoda Conference). Los Angeles. The U.S.A.
  • Khodami S., Mercado-Salas N.F., Martinez Arbizu P. Molecular phylogeny of Aegisthidae Giesbrecht, 1893 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) reveals quick morphological adaptation to deep-sea and pelagic habitats. 13ICOC (13 International Copepoda Conference 2017). Los Angeles. The U.S.A.
  • Mercado-Salas N.F., Khodami S., Martinez Arbizu P. How diverse are bromeliad copepods and ostracods in the tropical forest of the Yucatan Peninsula? 13ICOC (13 International Copepoda Conference 2017). Los Angeles. The U.S.A.
  • Mercado-Salas N.F., Khodami S., Martinez Arbizu P. How diverse are bromeliad copepods and ostracods in the tropical forest of the Yucatan Peninsula? 13ICOC (13 International Copepoda Conference 2017). Los Angeles. The U.S.A.

03- 08/07/2016

  • Khodami S., Martinez Arbizu P.. First parasitic Aegisthidae Giesbrecht, 1893 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) showing convergent evolution with Siphonostomatoida and its phylogenetic position within the family. 16th International Meiofauna Conference (ISIMCO 2016). Crete. Greece.

21- 24/02/2016

  • Khodami S., Martinez Arbizu P.. A new phylogeny of copepod (Crustacean) orders based on 18S rRNA. 17th Annual Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBS) “Taxa in Time and Space” 2016. Munich. Germany.


  • Khodami S., Martinez Arbizu P. Phylogenetic relationship of Copepoda orders based on 18S rRNA. 12ICOC (12 International Copepoda Conference 2014). Seoul. Korea


26 – 28/02/2020

  • Khodami S., Gatzemeier N., Peter J., Renz J., Martinez Arbizu P. Genetic monitoring of Zooplankton communities in the German Bight (North Sea). 4th Annual Meeting in Conservation Genetics – From Genomes to Application, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

07 – 12/06/2019

  • Khodami S., Mercado-Salas N.F., Tang D., Martinez Arbizu P. New phylogeny and systematics for Cyclopoida (Copepoda). seventIMCO (17th International Meiofauna Conference 2019). Évora, Portugal.

16 – 18/07/2018

  • Khodami S., Rossel S., Martinez Arbizu P. Comparison of Metabarcoding and MALDI-TOF for rapid biodiversity assessment of Harpacticoid Copepods (Crustacea) on a tidal flat (Hooksiel, Germany). Marine ‘omics Workshop. Delmenhorst, Germany.




  • SO286 IceDivA II Expedition (Emden–Las Palmas). Icelandic Marine Animals: Genetic and Ecology. 05th November – 07th December 2021 on board of RV SONNE
  • SO280 IceDivA I Expedition (Emden–Emden). Icelandic Marine Animals: Genetic and Ecology. 08th January – 07th February 2021 on board of RV SONNE


  • SO262 Mangan 2018 Expedition (Guayaquil- Suva). Geology, Biodiversity and environmental of the German License Area for the Exploration of Polymetallic Nodules in the Equatorial NE Pacific. 4th April – 29th May 2018 on board of RV SONNE.


  • SO239 EcoResponse Expedition (Balboa – Manzanillo). Assessing the Ecology, Connectivity, and Resilience of Polymetallic Nodule Field Systems. 11th March – 30th April 2015 on board of RV SONNE.


  • IceAGE1 Expedition (Reykjavik – Cuxhaven). Icelandic Marine Animals: Genetics and Ecology. 19th August – 28th September 2011 on board of RV Meteor (ME 85/3).





  • Bonc F., Analysis of distribution and diversity of deep-sea Copepoda (Crustacea) and Meiofauna in the North-East Atlantic using a metabarcoding approach. Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.
  • Korfhage S. Is the Mitochondrial Genome of Octocorals Circular or Linear? A Review and Experimental Approach. Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.



  • Esteban-Vázquez B. Integrative taxonomy of the sea star Astropecten irregularis (Pennant, 1777) species complex in the North Sea. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Marine Environment.


  • Bonc F. Morphological and molecular characterization of meiofauna communities from Hooksiel tidal area of the North Sea. Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.
  • Weßels A., Biodiversity assesment of meiofauna communities of North Sea using multi gene metabarcoding. Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.


  • Eichsteller A., DNA barcoding of the ophiuroids shows no barrier in the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench, Northwest Pacific reveals. Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.

Articles of Metabarcoding and NGS Laboratory


100. Neufeld M., Meyn K, Kihara TC, Martinez Arbizu P., Kuhn T. (accepted) First record of the giant anemone, Relicanthus daphneae, at active hydrothermal vent fields in the Indian Ocean. Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom

99. Bernot JP. Khodami S., Boyen J., De Troch M., Boxshall GA., Martínez Arbizu P. (accepted) Copepod phylogenomics supports Canuelloida as a valid order separate from Harpacticoida. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution

98. Kapshyna I., Veit-Köhler G., Hoffman L., Khodami S. (2024) Impact of a coastal protection measure on sandy-beach meiofauna at Ahrenshoop (Baltic Sea, Germany): results from metabarcoding and morphological approaches are similar. Journal of Metabarcoding and Metagenomics

97. Senckenberg Ocean Species Alliance, Brandt A., Chen C., Engel L., Esquete P., Horton T., Jazdzewska A., Johannsen N., Kaiser S., Kihara TC., Kniesz K., Knauber H., Landschoff J., Lörz AN., Machado FM., Martínez-Muñoz CA., Riehl T., Serpell-Stevens A., Sigwart JD., Tandberg AH., Tato R., Tsuda M., Vončina K., Watanabe HK., Wenz C., Williams JD. (accepted) Ocean Species Discoveries 1-12 – A primer for accelerating marine invertebrate taxonomy. Biodiversity Data Journal.

96. Stratmann T., Busch K., de Kluijver A., Kelly M., Mills S., Rossel S., Schupp PJ. (accepted). Nutrient fluxes, oxygen consumption and fatty acid composition from deep-water demo- and hexactinellid sponges from New Zealand. Deep-Sea Research 1 journal.

95. Bonthond G., Beermann J., Gutow L., Neumann A., Barboza F., Desiderato A., Fofonova V., Helber S., Khodami S., Kraan C., Neumann H., Rohde S., Schupp P. (2023). From microbial communities to regional biogeography: Unraveling patterns, determinants and the influence of bottom trawling in benthic microbiota


94. Martinez Arbizu P., Khodami S., Bonk F., Schückel U. (submitted). Community metabarcoding is robust to sample device bias. A case study comparing Multicorer vs Van Veen Grab samples for monitoring marine meiofauna in the North Sea.

93. Eichsteller A., Martynov A., O’Hara TD., Christodoulou M., Korshunova T., Bribiesca-Contreras G., Martinez Arbizu P. (2023).Ophiotholia (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea): A little-known deep-sea genus present in polymetallic nodule fields with the description of a new species. Frontiers in Marine Science. 10:1056282. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1056282

92. Kaiser S., Christodoulou M., Janssen A., Kihara TC.,  Mohrbeck I., Pasotti F., Schnurr S., Vink A., Martinez Arbizu P. (2023). Diversity, distribution and composition of abyssal benthic Isopoda in a region proposed for deep-seafloor mining of polymetallic nodules: a synthesis. Marine. Biodiversity. 53, 30 (2023).


91. ROSSEL, S., KAISER, P., BODE-DALBY, M., RENZ, J., LAAKMANN, S., AUEL, H., HAGEN, W., ARBIZU, P. M., & PETERS, J. (2022) Proteomic fingerprinting enables quantitative biodiversity assessments of species and ontogenetic stages in Calanus congeners (Copepoda, Crustacea) from the Arctic Ocean. Molecular Ecology Resources, n/a(n/a).

90. ROSSEL, S. et al (2022) Evaluating species richness using proteomic fingerprinting and DNA barcoding—a case study on meiobenthic copepods from the Clarion Clipperton Fracture Zone, Marine Biodiversity 52(6),

89. RALF, T., CHRISTODOULOU, M., POGONOSKI, J., WEDDEHAGE, T., VINK, A., MARTINEZ ARBIZU, P. (2022) An application of morphological analysis and DNA barcoding to identify Ipnops from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) as I. meadi Nielsen, 1966 with notes on other species of the genus (Aulopiformes: Ipnopidae), Marine Biodiversity volume 52, Article number: 68

88. HOFFMAN, L., KNIESZ K., MARTINEZ ARBIZU, P., KIHARA T.C. (2022) Abyssal vent field habitats along plate margins in the Central Indian Ocean yield new species in the genus Anatoma (Vetigastropoda: Anatomidae) European Journal of Taxonomy, DOI:10.5852/ejt.2022.826.1841

87. REÑÉ, A., TIMONEDA, N., KHODAMI, S., LÓPEZ-GARCÍA, P., MARTÍNEZ ARBIZU, P., HOPPENRATH, M. (Submitted) Morphological and molecular characterization of sand-dwelling dinoflagellate communities from contrasting German Wadden Sea locations.

86. ROSSEL, S., KAISER, P., BODE-DALBY, M., RENZ, J., LAAKMANN,S., AUEL, H., HAGEN, W., MARTÍNEZ ARBIZU, P., PETERS, J. (2022) Proteomic fingerprinting enables quantitative biodiversity assessments of species and ontogenetic stages in Calanus congeners (Copepoda, Crustacea) from the Arctic Ocean. Molecular Ecology Resources – Volume23, Issue2,

85. CHRISTODOULOU, M., GRAVE, S., VINK, A., MARTINEZ ARBIZU, P.(2022) Taxonomic assessment of deep-sea decapod crustaceans collected from polymetallic nodule fields of the East Pacific Ocean using an integrative approach, Marine Biodiversity 52, Article number 61, DOI:10.1007/s12526-022-01284-2

84. KNIESZ K., JAZDZEWSKA A., MARTINEZ ARBIZU, P., KIHARA T.C. (accepted). Recent and Emerging Innovations in Deep-Sea Taxonomy to Enhance Biodiversity Assessment and Conservation (Frontiers in Marine Sciences)

83. KORFHAGE, S., ROSSEL, S., BRIX, S., MCFADDEN, C.S., MARTÍNEZ ABIZU, P.(2022) Species delimitation of Hexacorallia and Octocorallia around Iceland using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA and proteome fingerprinting, Frontiers in Marine Science, Sec. Deep-Sea Environments and Ecology,

82. SÁNCHEZ, N., GONZÁLEZ CASARRUBIOS, A., CEPEDA, D., KHODAMI, S., PARDOS, F., VINK, A., MARTINEZ ARBIZU, P. (2022). Diversity and distribution of Kinorhyncha in abyssal polymetallic nodule areas of the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone and the Peru Basin, East Pacific Ocean, with the description of three new species and notes on their intraspecific variation. Marine Biodiversity.

81. PAULUS, E., BRIX, E., SIEBERT, A., MARTINEZ ARBIZU, P., ROSSEL, S., PETERS, J., SVAVARSSON, J., SCHWENTNER, M. (2022) A complex pattern of recent speciation and hybridization in a deep-sea benthic isopod species-complex around Iceland revealed by DNA barcoding, ddRAD and proteomics. Molecular Ecology 31:313-330,

80. JAZDZEWSKA A., HORTON T., HENDRYCKS E., MAMOS T., DRISKELL A., BRIX S., MARTINEZ ARBIZU, P. (2021). Pandora’s box in the deep sea –intraspecific diversity patterns and distribution of two congeneric scavenging amphipods. Frontiers in Marine Science, Sec. Deep-Sea Environments and Ecology,

79. RENZ, J., MARKHASEVA, E.L., LAAKMANN, S., ROSSEL, S., MARTINEZ ARBIZU P., PETERS, J. (2021) Molecular Ecology Resources; Proteomic fingerprinting facilitates biodiversity assessments in understudied ecosystems: a case study on integrated taxonomy of deep sea copepods.  Molecular Ecology Resources – Volume 21, Issue 6,

78. DEMIDOW, O., KIHARA, T.C., MARTÍNEZ ARBIZU P., CLARK P.F. (2021) The megalopal stage of the hydrothermal vent crab Austinograea rodriguezensis Tsuchida & Hashimoto, 2002 (Decapoda: Bythograeidae): a morphological description based on CLSM images. Zootaxa 5040(3):365-387,

77. THIEL, R., KNEBELSBERGER, KIHARA, T., GERDES K. (2021) Description and DNA barcoding of a new eelpout Pachycara angeloi sp. nov. (Perciformes: Zoarcidae) from deep-sea hydrothermal vent fields in the Indian Ocean. Zootaxa 4980(1):99-112,

76. KAISER, S., KIHARA, T.C., BRIX, S., MOHRBECK, I., JANSSEN, A., JENNINGS, R. (2021) Species boundaries and phylogeographic patterns in new species of Nannoniscus (Janiroidea: Nannoniscidae) from the equatorial Pacific nodule province inferred from mtDNA and morphology Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 193(3),

75. DEGENHARDT, J., KHODAMI, S., MILKE, F., WASKA, H., ENGELEN, B., MARTINEZ ARBIZU, P.(2021). The Three Domains of Life Within the Discharge Area of a Shallow Subterranean Estuary at a High Energy Beach. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 9. 642098. 10.3389/fenvs.2021.642098.

74. MOHRBECK, I., HORTON, T., JAŻDŻEWSKA, A., MARTÍNEZ ARBIZU, P. (2021) DNA-barcoding and Cryptic Diversity of Deep-Sea Scavenging Amphipods in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (Eastern Equatorial Pacific). Marine Biodiversity, 51, Article number: 26,

73. JAŻDŻEWSKA, A.M., BRANDT, A., MARTINEZ ARBIZU, P., VINK, A. (2021). Exploring the diversity of the deep sea – four new species of the amphipod genus Oedicerina described using morphological and molecular methods. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 194(1),

72. ROSSEL, S., BARCO, A., KLOPPMANN, M., MARTÍNEZ ARBIZU, P., HUWER, B., KNEBELSBERGER, T. (2020) Rapid species level identification of fish eggs by proteome fingerprinting using MALDi-TOF MS”.Journal of Proteomics

71. BRIX, S., OSBORN, K.J., KAISER, S., TRUSKEY, S.B., SCHNURR, S.M., BRENKE, N., MALYUTINA, MARTINEZ ARBIZU, P. (2020) Adult life strategy affects distribution patterns in abyssal isopods – implications for conservation in Pacific nodule areas. Biogeosciences 17(23), DOI:10.5194/bg-17-6163-2020 

69. JANINA RAHLFF, SAHAR KHODAMI, LISA VOSKUHL, MATTHEW P. HUMPHREYS, CHRISTIAN STOLLE, PEDRO MARTINEZ ARBIZU, MARIANA RIBAS-RIBAS. (Submitted 2020). Short-term responses to ocean acidification: effects on relative abundance of eukaryotic plankton from the tropical Timor Sea.

68. GEORG STEINERT, KATHRIN BUSCH, KRISTINA BAYER, SAHAR KODAMI, PEDRO MARTINEZ ARBIZU, MICHELLE KELLY, SADIE MILLS, DIRK ERPENBECK, MARTIN DOHRMANN, GERT WÖRHEIDE, UTE HENTSCHEL AND PETER J. SCHUPP. (2020). Compositional and Quantitative Insights Into Bacterial and Archaeal Communities of South Pacific Deep-Sea Sponges (Demospongiae and Hexactinellida). Frontiers in microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00716

67. CHRISTODOULOU M., O’HARA T., HUGALL A., KHODAMI S., RODRIGUES C.F., HILARIO A., VINK A., MARTINEZ ARBIZU P. (2020). Unexpected high abyssal ophiuroid diversity in polymetallic nodule fields of the northeast Pacific Ocean and implications for conservation. Biogeosciences, 17, 1–32. 

66.  NANCY F. MERCADO-SALAS, SAHAR KHODAMI AND P. MARTÍNEZ ARBIZU. (submitted) Hitchhiking between bromeliads: a study based on copepods and ostracods from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.

(2019). Comparison of rapid biodiversity assessment of meiobenthos using MALDI-TOF MS and Metabarcoding”, DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00659. Journal of Frontiers in Marine Science.

64. CHRISTODOULOU M., O’HARA T., HUGALL A.F., MARTINEZ ARBIZU P. (2019). Dark Ophiuroid Biodiversity in a Prospective Abyssal Mine Field. Current Biology 29, 1–4.

63. ROSSEL, S. AND MARTÍNEZ ARBIZU, P. (2019) Revealing higher than expected diversity of Harpacticoida (Crustacea:Copepoda) in the North Sea using MALDI-TOF MS and molecular barcoding. Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-45718-7

62. KHODAMI S., MERCADO-SALAS N.F., AND MARTÌNEZ ARBIZU P. (2020) Genus level molecular phylogeny of Aegisthidae Giesbrecht, 1893 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) reveals morphological adaptation to deep sea and pelagic habitats. BMC Evolutionary Biology.

61. KHODAMI, S., MERCADO-SALAS, N.F., TANG, D., MARTINEZ ARBIZU,P. (2019) Molecular evidence for the retention of the Thaumatopsyllidae in the order Cyclopoida (Copepoda) and establishment of four suborders and two families within the Cyclopoida. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 138:43-52.

60. MERCADO-SALAS ET AL. (2018) Integrative taxonomy of the genus Mastigodiaptomus (Copepoda), description of a new species from the Yucatan Peninsula and comments on the genetic structure and distributional patterns of the genus in Mexico. Arthropod Systematics and Evolution

59. SABINE HOLST, ANNEKE HEINS, SILKE LAAKMANN.(2019). Morphological and molecular diagnostic species characters of Staurozoa (Cnidaria) collected on the coast of Helgoland (German Bight, North Sea). 10013/epic.4f95b184-bb12-44fe-943d-b0f989f1bf93

(2018). Lectotype designation and distribution updates on the freshwater shrimp species Atyaephyra stankoi Karaman 1972. Zootaxa 4531 (1): 123–133.

57. RENZ, J. , MARKHASEVA, E. L. AND LAAKMANN, S. (2018): The phylogeny of Ryocalanoidea (Copepoda, Calanoida)based on morphology and a multi-gene analysis with a description of new ryocalanoidean species , Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, pp. 1-33 . doi: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zly069

56. LAAKMANN, S., MARKHASEVA, E.L., RENZ, J. Do molecular phylogenies unravel the relationships among the evolutionary young “Bradfordian” families (Copepoda; Calanoida)? Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution –submitted

55. ROSSEL, S. & MARTINEZ ARBIZU, P. (2018) Effects of Sample Fixation on Specimen Identification in Biodiversity Assemblies Based on Proteomic Data (MALDI-TOF). Frontiers in Marine Science 5:149. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00149

54. MERCADO SALAS, N. F., KHODAMI, S & P. MARTINEZ ARBIZU (2018) Convergent evolution of mouthparts morphology between Siphonostomatoida and a new genus of deep-sea Aegisthidae Giesbrecht, 1893 (Copepoda Harpacticoida).  Marine Biodiversity

53. BABETT GÜNTHER, THOMAS KNEBELSBERGER, HERMANN NEUMANN, SILKE LAAKMANN, AND PEDRO MARTINEZ ARBIZU “Metabarcoding of marine environmental DNA based on mitochondrial and nuclear genes” [Paper #SREP-17-55965]

52. HOLST S, LAAKMANN S (submitted) First record of the stalked jellyfish Haliclystus tenuis Kishinouye, 1910 (Cnidaria: Staurozoa) in Atlantic waters. Marine Biodiversity

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49. TILLMANN, U., HOPPENRATH, M., GOTTSCHLING, M., KUSBER, W.-H. & ELBRÄCHTER, M. (2017): Plate pattern clarification of the marine dinophyte Heterocapsa triquetra sensu Stein (Dinophyceae) collected at the Kiel Fjord (Germany). Journal of Phycology 53: 1305-1324.

48. LAAKMANN S, BOOS K,  KNEBELSBERGER T, RAUPACH MJ, NEUMANN H (2017) Species identification of echinoderms from the North Sea by combining morphology and molecular data. Helgoland Marine Research 70: 18.

47. KIENEKE, A. & NIKOUKAR, H. (2017): Integrative morphological and molecular investigation of Turbanella hyalina Schultze, 1853.(Gastrotricha: Macrodasyida), including a redescription of the species. Zoologischer Anzeiger 267: 168-186.

46. KHODAMI, S.; MCARTHUR, J. V.; BLANCO-BERCIAL, L. & MARTÍNEZ ARBIZU, P. M. (2017): Molecular Phylogeny and Revision of Copepod Orders (Crustacea: Copepoda), SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7.

45. HOPPENRATH M. , YUBUKI N. , STERN R. &  LEANDER B.S. (2017): Ultrastructure and molecular phylogenetic position of a new marine sand-dwelling dinoflagellate from British Columbia, Canada: Pseudadenoides polypyrenoides sp. nov. (Dinophyceae). European Journal of Phycology 52(2): 208-224.

44. HOFMANN, T., KNEBELSBERGER, T. KLOPPMANN, M., ULLEWEIT, J., RAUPACH, M.J. (2017) Egg identification of three economical important fish species using DNA barcoding in comparison to a morphological determination. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 33(5): 925-932.

43. BODE, M., LAAKMANN, S., KAISER, P., HAGEN, W., AUEL, H., CORNILS, A. (2017) Unraveling diversity of deep-sea copepods using integrated morphological and molecular techniques. Journal of Plankton Research 1-18. DOI: 10.1093/plankt/fbx031.

(2016) How reliably can northeast Atlantic sand lances of the genera Ammodytes and Hyperoplus be distinguished? A comparative application of morphological and molecular methods. ZooKeys (617): 139.

41. SCHADE, F.M., RAUPACH, M.J., WEGNER, K.M. (2016) Seasonal variation in parasite infection patterns of marine fish species from the Northern Wadden Sea in relation of interannual temperature fluctuations. Journal of the Sea 113: 73-84.

40. RAUPACH, M.J., AMANN, R., WHEELER, Q.D., ROOS, C. (2016) The application of “omics”-technologies for the classification and identification of animals. Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 16: 1-12.

39. OLIVEIRA, L. M., KNEBELSBERGER, T., LANDI, M., SOARES, P., RAUPACH, M. J., & COSTA, F. O. (2016) Assembling and auditing a comprehensive DNA barcode reference library for European Marine fishes. Journal of Fish Biology 89(6) 2741-2754.

38. MILJUTIN D., MILJUTINA M. (2016) Intraspecific variability of morphological characters in the species-rich deep-sea genus Acantholaimus (Nematoda: Chromadoridae). Nematology 18, 455-473.

37. MEISSNER, K., BICK, A., GÖTTING, M. (2016). Arctic Pholoe (Polychaeta, Pholoidae): when integrative taxonomy helps to sort out barcodes. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.

36. LAAKMANN, S., BOOS, K., KNEBELSBERGER, T., RAUPACH, M.J., NEUMANN, H. (2016) Species identification of echinoderms from the North Sea by combining morphology and molecular data. Helgoland Marine Research 70:18. DOI: 10.1186/s10152-016-0468-5

35. GÜNTHER, B., RAUPACH, M.J., KNEBELSBERGER, T. (2016) Full-length and mini-length DNA barcoding for the identification of seafood commercially traded in Germany. Food Control  73, 922-929.

34. BARCO, A., RAUPACH, M.J., LAAKMANN, S., NEUMANN, H., KNEBELSBERGER, T. (2016) Identification of North Sea molluscs with DNA barcoding. Molecular Ecology Resources 16 (1): 288-297.

(2015) The application of DNA barcodes for the identification of marine crustaceans from the North Sea and adjacent regions. Public Library of Science ONE 10 (9): e0139421.

32. RAUPACH, M.J., BARCO, A., BEERMANN, J., KIENEKE, A., LAAKMANN, S., MOHRBECK, I., NEUMANN, H., KNEBELSBERGER, T. (2015) Crabs, scallops, fish, and more: barcoding the marine fauna of the North Sea. Genome 58, 270.

31. RAUPACH, M.J. & RADULOVICI, A.E. (2015) Looking back on a decade of barcoding crustaceans. ZooKeys 539: 53-81.30. MOHRBECK I, RAUPACH MJ, MARTÍNEZ ARBIZU P, KNEBELSBERGER T, LAAKMANN S (2015) High-throughput sequencing – The Key to Rapid Biodiversity Assessment of Marine Metazoa? Public Library of Science ONE 10(10): e0140342.

29. MILJUTINA M.A., MILJUTIN D.M. (2015) A revision of the genus Paracanthonchus (Cyatholaimidae, Nematoda) with a tabular key to species and a description of P. mamubiae sp. n. from the deep North-Western Pacific. Deep-sea Research II 111, 104-118.

28. MEIßNER, K. & GÖTTING, M. (2015). Spionidae (‘Polychaeta’: Canalipalpata) from Lizard Island (Great Barrier Reef, Australia): the genera Malacoceros, Scolelepis, Spio, Microspio, and Spiophanes. Zootaxa [Special Issue] 4019 (1), 378-413.

27. KNEBELSBERGER, T., DUNZ, A.Z., NEUMANN, D., GEIGER, M.F. (2015) Molecular diversity of Germany`s freshwater fishes and lampreys assessed by DNA barcoding. Molecular Ecology Resources 15: 562-572.

26. JANSSEN, A., KAISER, S., MEISSNER, K., BRENKE, N., MENOT, L., MARTÍNEZ ARBÍZU, P. (2015). Reverse taxonomy reveals long-range distribution of abyssal species on polymetallic nodule fields: A comparison of the polychaete and isopod faunas between the French and German Exploration License Areas in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ, NE-equatorial Pacific). PLoS ONE 10(2), e0117790.

25. HOFMANN, T., RAUPACH, M.J., MARTINEZ ARBÍZU, P., KNEBELSBERGER T. (2015) An application of in situ hybridization for the identification of commercially important fish species. Fisheries Research 170 (10): 1-8.

24. GEBHARDT, K., KNEBELSBERGER, T. (2015) Identification of cephalopod species from the North and Baltic Seas using morphology, COI and 18S rDNA sequences. Helgoland Marine Research 69 (3): 259-271.

23.  BOETERS, H.D., CALLOT-GIRARDI, H., KNEBELSBERGER, T. (2015) News of Pseudamnicola (Corrosella) in its distinct West European distribution area (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Truncatelloidea). Folia Malacologica 23: 95–119.

(2014): The use of DNA sequence data for the identification of benthic nematodes from the North Sea. Helgoland Marine Research 68: 549-558.

21. RAUPACH, M.J., BININDA-EMONDS, O.R.P., KNEBELSBERGER, T., LAAKMANN, S., PFÄNDER, J., LEESE, F. (2014) Phylogeographic analysis of Ligia oceanica (Crustacea: Isopoda) reveals two deeply divergent mitochondrial lineages. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 112: 16-30.

20. MEISSNER, K., BICK, A., GUGGOLZ, T., GÖTTING, M. (2014). Spionidae (Polychaeta: Canalipalpata: Spionida) from seamounts in the NE Atlantic. Zootaxa, 3786(3), 201-245.

19. MARKHASEVA, E.L., LAAKMANN, S., RENZ, J. (2014) An interim synopsis of the Bradfordian families with a description of Thoxancalanus spinatus (Copepoda: Calanoida), a new diaxid genus and species from the deep Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biodiversity 44: 63-88.

18. MARKERT, A., RAUPACH, M.J., SEGELKEN-VOIGT, A., WEHRMANN, A. (2014) Molecular identification and morphological characteristics of Asian brush-clawed crabs from native Japanese and invasive German sites: Hemigrapsus penicillatus (De Haan, 1835) versus H. takanoi Asakura & Watanabe 2005 (Crustacea: Brachyura). Organisms, Diversity and Evolution 14: 369-382.

17. LAAKMANN, S., HOLST, S. (2014) Emphasizing the diversity of North Sea hydromedusae by combined morphological and molecular methods. Journal of Plankton Research 36(1): 64-76.

16. KNEBELSBERGER, T., THIEL, R. (2014) Identification of gobies (Teleostei: Perciformes: Gobiidae) from the North and Baltic Seas combining morphological analysis and DNA barcoding. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 172: 831-845.

15. KNEBELSBERGER, T., LANDI, M., NEUMANN, H., KLOPPMANN, M., SELL, A., CAMPBELL, P., LAAKMANN, S., RAUPACH, M.J., CARVALHO, G., COSTA, F. (2014) A reliable DNA barcode reference library for the identification of the European shelf fish fauna. Molecular Ecology Resources 14: 1060-1071.

14. KHODAMI, S., MARTÍNEZ ARBIZU, P., STÖHR, S., LAAKMANN S. (2014) Molecular species delimination of Icelandic brittle stars (Ophiuroidea). Polish Polar Research 35: 243-260.

13. HOLST, S., LAAKMANN, S. (2014) Morphological and molecular discrimination of two closely related jellyfish species, Cyanea capillata and C. lamarckii (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa), from the northeast Atlantic. Journal of Plankton Research 36(1): 48-63.

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11. LEJZEROWICZ, F.; ESLING, P.; MAJEWSKI, W.; SZCZUCINSKI, W.; DECELLE, J.; OBADIA, C.; MARTÍNEZ ARBIZU, P. M. & PAWLOWSKI, J. (2013), ‘Ancient DNA complements microfossil record in deep-sea subsurface sediments’, BIOLOGY LETTERS 9(4).

10. LAAKMANN S, GERDTS G, ERLER R, KNEBELSBERGER T, MARTÍNEZ-ARBIZU P, RAUPACH MJ (2013) Comparison of molecular species identification for North Sea calanoid copepods (Crustacea) using proteome fingerprints and DNA sequences. Molecular Ecology Resources 13: 862-876.

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7. BOETERS, D. B. & KNEBELSBERGER, T. (2012) Revision of selected species of Bythinella MOQUIN-TANDON 1856 from Central Europe using morphology, anatomy and DNA barcodes (Caenogastropoda: Rissooidea). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 141 (1): 115-136.

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