Das Motto von Senckenberg lautet „World ofBiodversity„. Durch unsere wissenschaftliche Forschung untersuchen wir die unglaubliche Vielfalt der natürlichen Welt. Vielfalt macht Ökosysteme widerstandsfähiger und interessanter. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass dies auch für das menschliche Ökosystem an unserem Arbeitsplatz gilt und bemühen uns, eine vielfältige Einrichtung mit Mitarbeitern unterschiedlicher Herkunft und aus vielen Ländern zu fördern.
Diversity-Tag 2023
Am 23. Mai 2023 findet der 11. Deutsche Diversity-Tag statt, die der Charta der Vielfalt e.V. am 31. Mai 2012 ins Leben gerufen hat. Ziel ist es, die Anerkennung, Wertschätzung und Einbeziehung von Vielfalt in der Arbeitswelt in Deutschland voranzubringen. Organisationen sollen ein Arbeitsumfeld erschaffen, das frei von Vorurteilen ist. Alle Mitarbeiter*innen sollen Wertschätzung erfahren – unabhängig von Alter, ethnischer Herkunft und Nationalität, Geschlecht und geschlechtlicher Identität, körperlichen und geistigen Fähigkeiten, Religion und Weltanschauung, sexueller Orientierung und sozialer Herkunft. Als Unterzeichner*in dieses Diversity-Netzwerks und Organisationen, in denen Vielfalt gelebt wird, zeigt die Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung ab Dienstag, den 23. Mai 2023 im Rahmen einer Diversity Week mit kreativen Aktionen Flagge für Vielfalt.
Charta der Vielfalt
Die Charta der Vielfalt ist eine Arbeitgeber*inneninitiative zur Förderung von Vielfalt in Unternehmen und Institutionen. Sie wurde im Dezember 2006 von vier Unternehmen ins Leben gerufen und wird von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration, Staatsministerin Annette Widmann-Mauz, unterstützt. Ziel der Initiative ist es, die Anerkennung, Wertschätzung und Einbeziehung von Vielfalt in der Arbeitswelt in Deutschland voranzubringen. 4.500 Unternehmen und Institutionen haben die Charta der Vielfalt bisher unterzeichnet und setzen sich für ein wertschätzendes und vorurteilsfreies Arbeitsumfeld ein. Der Verein repräsentiert damit 14,6 Millionen Arbeitnehmer*innen in Deutschland, darunter auch die Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung seit Juni 2021.
Diversitäts- und Integrationsausschuss
Diversität ist hierbei der wissenschaftliche Eckpfeiler. Senckenberg steht für Gleichstellung, Gleichberechtigung, Integration und Inklusion, sowie die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie. Wir glauben, dass die Diversifizierung der menschlichen Komponente des Senckenberg-Ökosystems unsere Stärke und Widerstandsfähigkeit erhöhen wird. Der Senckenberg Diversitäts- und Integrationsausschuss wurde Ende 2020 gebildet und ist dem Direktorium unterstellt. Es hat die Aufgabe, die Senckenberg Diversitätsstrategie zu entwickeln und umzusetzen. Zu den vielen Zielen des Programms gehört es, die Unterstützung für unsere vielfältigen Mitarbeiter*innen und Mitglieder*innen zu verbessern und die Vielfalt in unserem Engagement in der Gesellschaft widerzuspiegeln. Der Ausschuss setzt sich aus Vertreter*innen zusammen, die aus Schlüsselaspekten der Organisation und jedem der Senckenberg-Institute ernannt werden, und wird von vielen weiteren interessierten Mitarbeiter*innen in der gesamten Institution unterstützt, die zu dieser Arbeit beitragen.
Senckenberg erstellt jedes Jahr ein Poster zum Tag der Vielfalt, das kostenlos heruntergeladen werden kann. Eine höher aufgelöste Version für den Großdruck ist auf Anfrage ebenfalls erhältlich.
My group works on the evolution of diversity in molluscs and other marine invertebrates. Morphology shapes how each species responds to environmental change, in the modern world and in the fossil record. We often focus on very strange body forms, like bivalved gastropods, or apparently conservative forms, like chitons. We use tomography (right) to visualise animal adaptations in 3D and understand the world from other organisms‘ points of view.
Understanding evolutionary radiations, survivorship, and the way animals respond to environmental change, require high resolution data from multiple disciplines, and the research infrastructure in museum collections. The work in my research group crosses genetics, morphology, anatomy, neurobiology, physiology, computational modelling, and experimental approaches, to understand species diversity.
We welcome interest from prospective PhD, MSc, BSc, or volunteer and internship projects. Topics include
Systematics of polyplacophoran molluscs
Red List assessments of deep sea invertebrates
Neural architechture
3D morphology
Collections data and collections care
Taxa described
Identifying and naming species is a fundamental aspect of understanding biodiversity. These are the species and genus names of polyplacophoran molluscs named by Dr Sigwart:
Sigwart JD,C Chen, & EA Thomas* (2019): Chrysomallon squamiferum. — The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T103636217A103636261
Journal articles and book chapters:
127. Vončina, K., Mikkelsen, N.T., Morrow, C., Ang, R. & Sigwart, J.D. (2023): Clarification of the taxonomic status of Acanthochitonadiscrepans (Brown, 1827) with new data for the North-East Atlantic Acanthochitona (Polyplacophora, Acanthochitonidae). Biodiversity Data Journal, 11: e109554
126. Janssen, R., Neubert, E. & Sigwart, J.D. (2023): Obituary of Hartmut Nordsieck (4 January 1940–24 October 2022). – Archiv für Molluskenkunde, 152 (2): 83–91.
125. Liu, X., Sigwart, J.D., Sun, J. (2023): Phylogenomic analyses shed light on the relationships of chiton superfamilies and shell-eye evolution. — Marine Life Science & Technology. doi.org/10.1007/s42995-023-00207-9
124. Mamat, N.S., Esa, Y., Wong, N.L.W.S., Mohd Nor, S.A., Abdul Kada,r N., Sigwart, J.D., Arshad, A. (2023): The complete mitogenome of Haliotis asinina (Gastropoda, Haliotidae) from Malaysian waters provides further insights into the phylogeny of the abalone. — New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. doi.org/10.1080/00288330.2023.2278731
123. Sigwart, J.D., Pollom, R. & Böhm, M. (http://https//doi.org/10.1080/00288330.2023.22787312023): The IUCN Species Survival Commission launches a new Red List Authority to assess marine invertebrates. — Oryx, 57 (4): 418-419. doi.org/10.1017/S003060532300042X
122. Sigwart, J.D., Chen, C., Tilic, E., Vences, M. & Riehl, T. (2023): Why is there no service to support taxonomy? — BioEssays, 2023: 2300070
121. Chen, C. & Sigwart, J.D. (2023): The lost vent gastropod species of Lothar A. Beck. — Zootaxa, 5270 (3): 401-436. doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5270.3.2
120. Brandt, A., Chen, C., Tandberg, A.H., Miguez‐Salas, O., Sigwart, J.D. (2023): Complex sublinear burrows in the deep sea may be constructed by amphipods. — Ecology and Evolution, 13(3): e9867.
119. Sigwart, J.D., Ogawa, A. & Chen, C. (2023): “Dreamer holothurians” in the north. — Marine Biodiversity. 53(1): 8.
118. Sigwart ,J.D., Brandt, A., Di Franco, D., Briones, E.E., Gerken, S., Gooday, A.J., Grimes, C.J., Głuchowska, K., Hoffmann, S., Jażdżewska, A.M., Kamyab, E., Kelch, A., Knauber, H., Kohlenbach, K., Miguez-Salas, O., Moreau, C., Ogawa, A., Poliseno, A., Santín Muriel, A., Tandberg, A.H.S., Theising*F.I., Walter, T., Wölfl, A.C., Chen, C. (2023): Heterogeneity on the abyssal plains: A case study in the Bering Sea. – Frontiers in Marine Science, 9: 1037482.
117. Thomas, E. A, Sigwart, J.D., Heylar, S. (2022): New evidence for a globally widespread holothurian species at deep-sea reducing environments. – Marine Biodiveristy, 52: 63. doi.org/10.1007/s12526-022-01298-w
116. McKenna V., Archibald, J.M., Beinart, R., Dawson, M.N., Hentschel, U., Keeling, P.J., Lopez, J.V., Martin-Duran, J.M., Petersen, J.M., Sigwart, J.D., Simakov, O., Sutherland, K.R., Sweet, M., Talbot, T., Thmopson, A.W., Bender, S., Harrison, P.W., Rajan, J., Cochrane, G., Berriman, M., Lawniczak, M., Blaxter, M. (2022): The Aquatic Symbiosis Genomics Project. – Wellcome Open Research, 6: 254. doi.org/10.12688/wellcomeopenres.17222.1
115. Colomba, M, Sigwart, J.D., Renda, W., Gregorini, A., Soss, M., Dell’Angelo, B. (2022): Molecular analysis of Lepidopleurus cajetanus from the Mediterranean and near Atlantic. – ZooKeys, 1099: 29-40. doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1099.75837
114. Stefanoudis, P.V., Biancani, L.M., Cambronero-Solano,S., Clark, M.R., Copley, J.T., Easton, E., Elmer, F., Haddock, S.H., Herrera, S., Iglesias, I.S., Quattrini, A.M. (2021): Moving conferences online: lessons learned from an international virtual meeting. – Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 288 (1961): 20211769.
113. Thomas, E.A., Böhm, M., Pollock, C., Chen, C., Seddon, M. & Sigwart, J.D. (2021): Assessing the extinction risk of insular, under-studied species in the deep sea. — Conservation Biology. doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13854
112. Stefanoudis, P.V., Biancani, L.M., Cambronero-Solano, S., Clark, M., Copley, J.T, Easton, E., Elmer, F., Haddock, S.H.D., Herrera, S., Iglesias, I.S., Quattrini, A. M., Sigwart, J., Yesson, C. & Glover, A.G. (2021): Moving conferences online: lessons learned from an international virtual meeting. — Proceedings of the Royal Society B., 288: 20211769. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2021.1769
111. Sigwart, J.D., Wong, N.L.W.S. & Esa, Y. (2021): Global controversy in oyster systematics and a newly described species from SE Asia (Bivalvia: Ostreidae: Crassostreinae). — Marine Biodiversity, 51: 83. doi: 10.1007/s12526-021-01203-x
110. Sirenko, B.I. & Sigwart, J.D. (2021): Leptochiton subrugatus sp. nov. (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from low boreal waters of the northern Pacific. — Marine Biodiversity, 51: 64. doi: 10.1007/s12526-021-01190-z
109. Ellis-Diamond, D.C., Picton, B.E., Tibiriçá, Y. & Sigwart, J.D. (2021): A new species of Sakuraeolis from Mozambique, described using 3D reconstruction of anatomy and phylogenetic analysis. — Journal of Molluscan Studies, 87. eyab010. doi:10.1093/mollus/eyab010
108. Ricart, A.M., Gaylord, B., Hill, T.M., Sigwart, J.D., Shukla, P., Ward, M., Ninokawa, A. & Sanford, E. (2021): Seagrass‑driven changes in carbonate chemistry enhance oyster shell growth. — Oecologia. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-021-04949-0
107. Sigwart, J.D., Lindberg, D.R., Chen, C. & Sun, J. (2021): Molluscan phylogenomics requires strategically elected genomes. — Phil. Trans. R. Soc., B 376: 20200161. https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2020.0161
106. Sigwart, J.D. & Sumner-Rooney, L. (2021): Continuous and Regular Expansion of a Distributed Visual System in the Eyed Chiton Tonicia lebruni. — Biol. Bull., 240. DOI: 10.1086/712114
105. Sun, J., Li, R., Chen, C., Sigwart, J.D. & Kocot, K.M. (2021): Benchmarking Oxford Nanopore read assemblers for high-quality molluscan genomes. — Phil. Trans. R. Soc., B 376: 20200160. https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2020.0160
104. Sigwart, J.D., Blasiak, R., Jaspers, M., Jouffray, J.-B. & Tasdemir, D. (2020): Unlocking the potential of marine biodiscovery. — Natural Product Reports. DOI: 10.1039/d0np00067a
103. Howell K, A Hilario, AL Allcock, D Bailey, M Baker, M Clark, A Colaço, J Copley, E Cordes, R Danovaro, A Dissanayake, E Escobar, P Esquete, A Gallagher, A Gates, S Gaudron, C German, K Gjerde, N Higgs, N Le Bris, L Levin, E Manea, C McClain, L Menot, N Mestre, A Metaxas, R Milligan, A Muthumbi, B Narayanaswamy, S Ramalho, E Ramirez-Llodra, L Robson, A Rogers, J Sellanes, J Sigwart, K Sink, P Snelgrove, P Stefanoudis, P Sumida, M Taylor, A Thurber, R Vieira, H Watanabe, L Woodall, J Xavier (2020): Blueprint for a Decade to Study Deep-Sea Life. — Nature Ecology and Evolution. doi.org/10.1038/s41559-020-01352-5
102. Thomas, E.A., Liu, R., Amon, D., Copley, J.T., Glover, A.G., Heylar, S.J., Olu, K., Wiklund, H., Zhang, H., & Sigwart, J.D. (2020): Chiridota heheva – the cosmopolitan holothurian. — Marine Biodiversity. 50:110 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12526-020-01128-x
101. Sigwart J.D., Lundy, M., Dick, J.T.A., Becker, C. (2020): Declining female size at onset of maturity in Nephrops norvegicus in long term surveys (1997-2016). — ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsaa185
100. Howell, K.L., Hilário, A., Allcock, A.L., Bailey, D., Baker, M., Clark, M.R., Colaço, A., Copley, J., Cordes, E., Danovaro, R., Dissanayake, A., Escobar-Briones, I.G., Esquete Garrote, P., Gallagher, A., Gates, A.R., Gaudron, S.M., German, C., Gjerde, K., Higgs, N.D., Le Bris, N., Levin, L.A., Manea, E., McClain, C.R., Menot, L., Mestre, N.C., Metaxas, A., Milligan, R.J., Muthumbi, A.W., Narayanaswamy, B.E., Ramalho, S., Ramirez-Llodra, E., Robson, L., Rogers, A.D., Sellanes, J., Sigwart, J.D., Sink, K.J., Snelgrove, P.V., Stefanoudis, P.V., Sumida, P.Y., Taylor, M.L., Thurber, A.R., Vieira, R., Watanabe, H.K., Woodall, L.C. & Xavier, J.R. (2020): A blueprint for an inclusive, global deep-sea Ocean Decade field programme. ─ Frontiers in Marine Science; doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.584861
99. Penney B, JD Sigwart, DY Parkinson (2020): Spicules and skeletons: Mantle musculature of two species of dorid nudibranchs (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia: Doridina). — Canadian Journal of Zoology, 98: 777–786, doi:10.1139/cjz-2019-0295
98. Cunningham, E.M., Ehlers, S.M., Dick, J.T.A., Sigwart, J.D., Linse, K., Dick, J.J., Kiriakoulakis, K. (2020): Deep-sea sediments as a sink for microplastic pollution: Evidence from Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. — Environmental Science & Technology. doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.0c03441
97. Becker, C., Dick, J.T.A., Cunningham, E.M., Lundy, M., Bell, E., Eagling, L. & Sigwart, J.D. (2020): Ovary resorption in the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) and its possible causes with special reference to sperm storage. — Helgoland Marine Research, 74: 12. https://doi.org/10.1186/s10152-020-00543-8
96. Linse, K. & Sigwart, J.D. & Chen, C. & Krylova, E. (2020): Ecophysiology and ecological limits of symbiotrophic vesicomyid bivalves (Pliocardiinae) in the Southern Ocean. — Polar Biology. 10.1007/s00300-020-02717-z.
95. Ibáñez CM, C Pardo-Gandarillas, J Sellanes, JD Sigwart, BI Sirenko (2020): Phylogenetic position and morphological descriptions of Chiton species from the Southeastern Pacific. — Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. doi.org/10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa067
94. Sun, J., Chen, C., Miyamoto, N., Li, R., Sigwart, J.D., Xu, T., Sun, Y., Wong, Y.C., Ip, J.C.H., Zhang, W., Lan, Y., Bissessur, D., Watsuji, T., Watanabe, H.K., Takaki, Y., Qiu, J.-W., Takai, K., Qian, P.Y. (2020): The Scaly-foot Snail genome and the ancient origins of biomineralized armour. — Nature Communications, 11: 1657
93. Ashton, E.C., Guist*, S., Roberts, D., Sigwart, J.D. (2020): Effects of environmental factors and husbandry practices on summer mortality events in the cultivated Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas in the North of Ireland. — Journal of Shellfish Research, 39(1): 13-20.
92. Cunningham, E.M., Kiriakoulakis, K., Dick, J.T., Kregting, L., Schuchert, P., Sigwart, J.D. (2020): Driven by speculation, not by impact–the effects of plastic on fish species. — Journal of Fish Biology. doi: 10.1111/jfb.14303
91 . Linse, K., Bohrmann, G., Sigwart, J.D. (2019): Eualus amandae (Decapoda: Caridea: Thoridae) is an indicator of active venting sites in the Southern Ocean. — Marine Biodiversity, 49: 2937-2942
90 . Sigwart JD, GJ Vermeij, P Hoyer* (2019): Why do chitons curl into a ball? — Biology Letters, 15(10): 20190429.
89. Ibáñez CM, Waldisperg M, Torres FI, Carrasco SA, Sellanes J, Pardo-Gandarillas MC, Sigwart JD (2019): Environmental and ecological factors mediate taxonomic composition and body size of polyplacophoran assemblages along the Peruvian Province. — Scientific Reports. 9: 15934.
88 . Cunningham EM*, JD Sigwart (2019): Environmentally accurate microplastic levels and their absence from exposure studies. — Integrative and Comparative Biology.
87 . Morrow C, P Cárdenas, N Boury-Esnault, B Picton, G McCormack, R Van Soest, N Redmond, A Collins, C Maggs, JD Sigwart, AL Allcock (2019): Integrating morphological and molecular taxonomy with the revised concept of Stelligeridae (Porifera: Demospongiae). — Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.
86 . Sigwart JD, C Chen, EA Thomas*, AL Allcock, M Böhm, M Seddon (2019): Red Listing can protect deep-sea biodiversity. — Nature Ecology & Evolution.
85 . Wong NLWS, JD Sigwart (2019): Natural history clues to the evolution of bivalved gastropods (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Sacoglossa: Juliidae). — Marine Biodiversity.
84 . Kingston ACN, JD Sigwart, DR Chappell, DI Speiser (2019): Monster or multiplacophoran: A teratological specimen of the chiton Acanthopleura granulata with a valve split into independent and symmetrical halves. — Acta Zoologica.
83 . Sigwart JD, C Chen (2018): A new deep water chiton (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from hydrothermal vent ecosystems in the Okinawa Trough, Japan. Zootaxa. 4531: 430–436
82. Becker C, EM Cunningham*, JTA Dick, LE Eagling, JD Sigwart (2018): A unified scale for female reproductive stages in Nephrops norvegicus: evidence from macroscopic and microscopic characterisation. — Journal of Morphology.
81. Sigwart JD, C Chen (2018): Comparative oxygen consumption of gastropod holobionts from deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the Indian Ocean. — Biological Bulletin.
80. Sigwart JD, KD Bennett, SM Edie, L Mander, B Okamura, K Padian, Q Wheeler, J Winston, N Yeung (2018): Measuring biodiversity and extinction – present and past. — Integrative and Comparative Biology.
79. Becker C, JTA Dick, EM Cunningham*, C Schmitt, JD Sigwart (2018): The crustacean cuticle does not record chronological age: new evidence from the gastric mill ossicles. — Arthropod Structure and Development.
78. Chen C, K Uematsu, K Linse, JD Sigwart (2018): Cryptic niche switching in a chemosymbiotic gastropod. — Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
76. Sumner-Rooney LH, JD Sigwart (2018): Do chitons have a brain? New evidence for diversity and complexity in the polyplacophoran central nervous system. — Journal of Morphology.
75. Sigwart JD, MK Wicksten, MG Jackson, S Herrera. 2018. Deep-sea video technology tracks a monoplacophoran to the end of its trail. — Marine Biodiversity.
74. Sumner-Rooney LH, I Rahman, JD Sigwart, E Ullrich-Lüter (2018): Whole-body photoreceptor networks are independent of crystalline ‘lenses’ in brittle stars. — Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 285: 20172590.
73. Eagling* LE, EC Ashton, AC Jensen, JD Sigwart, D Murray, D Roberts (2017): Spatial and temporal differences in gonad development, sex ratios and reproductive output influence the sustainability of exploited populations of the European oyster, Ostrea edulis. — Aquatic Conservation.
72. South* J, D Welsh, A Anton, JD Sigwart, JTA Dick (2017): Effects of increasing temperature to the functional response of the intertidal shanny Lipophrys pholis. — Journal of Fish Biology.
71. Dell’Angelo B, W Renda, M Sosso, JD Sigwart, S Giacobbe (2017): A new species of Callochiton (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from the Strait of Messina (central Mediterranean). — Archiv für Molluskenkunde, 146: 243–250.
70. Ibáñez CM, RD Sepúlveda, JD Sigwart (2017): Comparative allometric variation in intertidal chitons (Polyplacophora: Chitonidae). — Zoomorphology.
68. Sigwart JD, Schwabe E (2017): Anatomy of the many feeding types in polyplacophoran molluscs. — Invertebrate Zoology, 14: 205–216
67. Sigwart JD. (2017): Molluscs all beneath the sun, one shell, two shells, more, or none. — Current Biology. 27: R708–R710.
66. Sumner-Rooney LH, JD Sigwart (2017): Lazarus in the museum: resurrecting historic specimens through new technology. — Invertebrate Zoology.
65. Sigwart JD, Chen C. (2017): Life history, patchy distribution, and patchy taxonomy in a shallow-water invertebrate (Mollusca: Polyplacophora: Lepidopleurida). — Marine Biodiversity.
64. Sigwart JD, L McLean* (2017): Contribution of Caulerpa spp. to marine mollusc species richness in the megadiverse Philippines. — Visaya.
63. Sigwart JD, C Chen, L Marsh (2017): Is mining the seabed bad for molluscs? — The Nautilus.
62. Chen C, K Uematsu, K Linse, JD Sigwart (2017): By more ways than one: Rapid convergence in adaptations to hydrothermal vents shown by 3D anatomical reconstruction of Gigantopelta (Mollusca: Neomphalina). — BMC Evolutionary Biology.
61. Geraldi N, C Bertollini*, MC Emmerson, D Roberts, JD Sigwart, NE O’Connor (2017): Aggregations of brittle stars can provide similar ecological roles as mussel reefs. — Marine Ecology Progress Series.
60. Sigwart JD, LH Sumner-Rooney, J Dickey*, N Carey (2017): The scaphopod foot is ventral: more evidence from the anatomy of Rhabdus rectius (Dentaliida: Rhabdidae). — Molluscan Research.
59. Carey N, S Dupont, JD Sigwart (2016): Sea hare Aplysia punctata (Mollusca: Gastropoda) can maintain shell calcification under extreme ocean acidification. — Biological Bulletin.
57. Sumner-Rooney* LH, JD Sigwart, L Smith, J McAfee*, ST Williams (2016): Repeated eye reduction events reveal multiple pathways to degeneration in a family of marine snails. — Evolution.
56. Sigwart JD (2016): Deep trees: woodfall biodiversity dynamics in present and past oceans. — Deep Sea Research Part II.
55. Sirenko BI, JD Sigwart, B Dell’Angelo (2016): Hanleya hanleyi Bean in Thorpe, 1844 (Mollusca, Polyplacophora) and the influence of the Gulf Stream System on its distribution. — Ruthenica.
54. Calderwood* J, JD Sigwart (2016): Broken pieces: Can variable ecological interactions be deduced from the remains of crab attacks on bivalve shells? — Lethaia.
53. Sigwart, JD, LH Sumner-Rooney* (2016): Mollusca: Caudofoveata, Monoplacophora, Polyplacophora, Scaphopoda, Solenogastres. — In: Schmidt-Rhaesa, Harzsch, and Purschke, eds., Structure and Evolution of Invertebrate Nervous Systems. Oxford University Press. [book chapter]
52. Green, DS, B Boots, JD Sigwart, S Jiang, C Rocha (2016): Effects of conventional and biodegradable microplastics on a marine ecosystem engineer and nutrient cycling. — Environmental Pollution Bulletin.
51. Sigwart, JD, G Lyons*, A Fink, MA Gutowska, D Murray, F Melzner, JDR Houghton, MY Hu(2016): Elevated pCO2 drives lower growth and yet increased calcification in the early life history of the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis (Mollusca: Cephalopoda). — ICES Journal of Marine Science.
50. Sigwart, JD, PA Green*, SB Crofts (2015): Functional morphology in chitons (Mollusca, Polyplacophora): influences of environment and ocean acidification. — Marine Biology.
49. Sumner-Rooney*,LH, M Schrödl, E Lodde-Bensch, DR Lindberg, M Heß, GP Brennan, JD Sigwart (2015): A neurophylogenetic approach provides new insight to the evolution of Scaphopoda. — Evolution & Development.
48. Cledón, M, JD Núñeza, EH Ocampoa, JD Sigwart (2015): Sexual traits plasticity of the potentially invasive limpet Bostrycapulus odites (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae) within its natural distribution in South America. — Marine Ecology.
47. Chen*, C, JT Copley, K Linse, AD Rogers, JD Sigwart (2015):. The heart of a dragon: 3D anatomical reconstruction of the ‘scaly-foot gastropod’ (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Neomphalina) reveals its extraordinary circulatory system. — Frontiers in Zoology.
46. Sigwart, JD, BI Sirenko (2015): A new name for the deep-sea chiton Leptochiton clarki Sigwart & Sirenko non Berry (Lepidopleurida: Leptochitonidae). — Zootaxa.
45. Sumner-Rooney*, LH, JD Sigwart (2015): Is the Schwabe organ a retained larval eye? Anatomical and behavioural studies of a novel sense organ in adult Leptochiton asellus (Mollusca, Polyplacophora) indicate links to larval photoreceptors. — PLoS ONE.
44. Lindberg, DR, JD Sigwart (2015): What is the molluscan osphradium? A reconsideration of homology. — Zoologischer Anzeiger.
43. Chen*, C, JT Copley, K Linse, AD Rogers, JD Sigwart (2015): How the mollusc got its scales: convergent evolution of the molluscan scleritome. — Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.
42. Sigwart, JD, DR Lindberg (2015): Consensus and confusion in molluscan trees: Evaluating morphological and molecular phylogenies. — Systematic Biology.
41. Sigwart, JD, C Todt, A Scheltema (2014): Who are the “Aculifera”? Journal of Natural History.
40. Carey*, N, JD Sigwart (2014): Size matters: body size modulates responses to ocean acidification and temperature. — Biology Letters.
39. Kunc, HP, GN Lyons*, JD Sigwart, KE McLaughlin, JDR Houghton (2014): Anthropogenic noise affects behaviour across sensory modalities. — American Naturalist.
38. Sigwart, JD, N Carey* (2014): Grazing under experimental hypercapnia and elevated temperature does not affect the radula of a chiton (Mollusca, Polyplacophora, Lepidopleurida). — Marine Environmental Research.
37. Calderwood*, J, NE O’Connor, JD Sigwart, D Roberts (2014): Determining optimal duration of seed translocation periods for benthic mussel (Mytilus edulis) cultivation using physiological and behavioural measures of stress. — Aquaculture.
36. Carey*, N, S Dupont, B Lundve, JD Sigwart (2014): One size fits all: stability of metabolic scaling under warming and ocean acidification in echinoderms. — Marine Biology.
35. Sumner-Rooney*,LH , JA Murray, SD Cain, JD Sigwart (2014): Do chitons have a compass? Evidence for magnetic sensitivity in Polyplacophora. — Journal of Natural History.
34. Sumner-Rooney*, LH, SD Cain, GP Brennan, JD Sigwart (2014): A test for mucus removal in the chiton Lepidochitona cinerea (Linnaeus, 1767) (Polyplacophora: Chitonida: Ischnochitonidae). — The Veliger.
33. Sigwart, JD, N Carey*, PJ Orr (2014): How subtle are the biases that shape the fidelity of the fossil record? A test using marine molluscs. — Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
32. Sigwart, JD, LH Sumner-Rooney*, E Schwabe, M Hess, G Brennan, M Schroedl (2014): A new sensory organ in “primitive” molluscs (Polyplacophora: Lepidopleurida), and its context in the nervous system of chitons. — Frontiers in Zoology.
31. Sigwart, JD, I Stoeger*, T Knebelsberger, E Schwabe (2013): Chiton phylogeny (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) and placement of the enigmatic species Choriplax grayi (H Adams & Angas, 1864). — Invertebrate Systematics.
30. Stöger*, I, JD Sigwart, Y Kano, T Knebelsberger, BA Marshall, E Schwabe, M Schrödl (2013): The continuing debate on deep molluscan phylogeny: Evidence for Serialia (Mollusca, Monoplacophora + Polyplacophora). — BioMed Research.
29. Ávila, SP, JD Sigwart (2013): New records for the shallow-water chiton fauna (Mollusca, Polyplacophora) of the Azores. — ZooKeys.
28. Morrow*, CC, NE Redmond, BE Picton, RW Thacker, AG Collins, CA Maggs, JD Sigwart, AL Allcock (2013): Molecular phylogenies support homoplasy of multiple morphological characters used in the taxonomy of Heteroscleromorpha (Porifera: Demospongiae). — Integrative and Comparative Biology.
27. Duperron, S, M-A Pottier, N Léger, SM Gaudron, N Puillandre, S Le Prieur, JD Sigwart, J Ravaux, M Zbinden (2013): A tale of two chitons: is habitat specialisation linked to distinct associated bacterial communities? — FEMS Microbiology Ecology.
25. Sutton, MD, DEG Briggs, David J Siveter, Derek J Siveter, JD Sigwart (2012): A Silurian armoured aplacophoran: implications for molluscan phylogeny. — Nature.
24. Carey*, N, A Galkin, P Henrikkson*, J Richards, JD Sigwart (2012): Variation in oxygen consumption among ‚living fossils'(Mollusca: Polyplacophora). — Journal of the Marine Biology Association of the UK.
23. Sigwart, JD, BI Sirenko (2012): Deep-sea chitons from sunken wood in the West Pacific (Mollusca: Polyplacophora: Lepidopleurida): taxonomy, distribution, and seven new species. — Zootaxa.
22. Doonan*, J, G Beatty, JD Sigwart, J Provan (2012): Extensive local-scale gene flow and long-term population stability in the intertidal mollusc Katharina tunicata (Mollusca: Polyplacophora). — Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.
21. Sutton, MD, JD Sigwart (2012): A chiton without a foot. — Palaeontology.
20. Yearsley, JM, JD Sigwart (2011): Larval transport modelling of deep-sea invertebrates points to potential undiscovered populations. — PLoS ONE.
19. Donovan, S.K., Sutton, M.D., Sigwart, J.D. (2011): The last meal of the Late Ordovician mollusc ‘Helminthochiton’ thraivensis Reed, 1911, from the Lady Burn Starfish Beds, southwest Scotland. — Geological Journal.
18. Sigwart, J.D., Schwabe, E., Saito, H., Samadi, S., Giribet, G. (2011): Evolution in the deep sea: combined analysis of the earliest-derived living chitons using molecules and morphology (Mollusca, Polyplacophora, Lepidopleurida). — Invertebrate Systematics. [2011-2013: this paper was in the top-10 ‘Most Read’ articles in Invertebrate Systematics]
17. Donovan, S.K., Sutton, M.D. & Sigwart, J.D. (2010): Crinoids for lunch? An unexpected biotic interaction from the Upper Ordovician of Scotland. — Geology.
16. Viscardi, P., Sakumoto, M. & Sigwart, J.D. (2010):. How long is a piece of Strix? Methods in measuring and measuring the measurers. — Zoomorphology.
15. Sigwart, J.D. & Leonard, L.M. (2009): Coming out of its shell: Molluscan collections in the National Museum of Ireland. Irish Naturalists’ Journal.
14. Chritz*, K.L., Dyke, G.J., Zazzo, A., Lister, A.M., Monaghan, N.T., & Sigwart, J.D. (2009): Palaeobiology of an extinct Ice Age mammal: Stable isotope and cementum analysis of giant deer teeth. — Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
13. Sigwart, J.D. (2009): Primitive living chitons: Morphological cladistic analysis as a model for character evaluation. — American Malacological Bulletin. Proceedings of the symposium ‘Molluscs as Models for Evolution’ Antwerp, 2007.
12. Sigwart, J.D. (2009): Parasitic foraminifers on a deep-sea chiton (Mollusca, Polyplacophora, Leptochitonidae) from Iceland. — Marine Biology Research.
11. Sigwart, J.D. (2009): The deep-sea chiton Nierstraszella (Mollusca: Polyplacophora: Lepidopleurida) in the Indo-West Pacific: taxonomy, morphology, and a bizarre ectosymbiont. — Journal of Natural History.
10. Sigwart, J.D. (2008): Gross anatomy and positional homology of gills, gonopores, and nephridiopores in “basal” living chitons (Polyplacophora: Lepidopleurina). — American Malacological Bulletin.
9. Sigwart, J.D. (2008): Crystal Creatures: Context for the Dublin Blaschka Congress. — Historical Biology.
8. Sigwart, J.D. & Sutton, M.D. (2007): Deep molluscan phylogeny: Synthesis of palaeontological and neontological data. — Proceedings of the Royal SocietyB.
7. Voight, J.R. & Sigwart, J.D. (2007): Scarred limpets at hydrothermal vents: Evidence of predation by deep-sea whelks. — Marine Biology.
6. Sigwart, J.D., Schnetler, K.I., Andersen, S.B. (2007): First record of a chiton from the Palaeocene of Denmark (Polyplacophora: Leptochitonidae) and its phylogenetic affinities. — Journal of Systematic Palaeontology.
5. Sigwart, J.D. (2007): The Irish fossil Polyplacophora. — Irish Journal of Earth Sciences.
4. Sigwart, J.D. (2007): Hidden biodiversity: Chitons in Ireland. pp. 18–20 In R Moles, ed. — Proceedings of ESAI/ENVIRON 2005. University of Limerick.
3. Viscardi, P., Sigwart, J.D., Monaghan, N.T. (2006): Climate control in an uncontrollable building. — Collections Forum.
2. Sigwart, J.D., Callaghan, E., Colla*,A., Dyke, G.J., McCaffrey*, S.L., Monaghan, N.T. (2005): Belatedly hatching ornithology collections at the National Museum of Ireland. — Zoologische Mededelingen.
1. Dyke, G.J. & Sigwart, J.D. (2005): A search for a ‘smoking gun’: No need for an alternative to the Linnaean System of classification. pp. 49–65 — In: A Minelli, G Ortalli and G Sanga, eds. Animal Names, proceedings of the International Conference Animal Names organised by Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venice. [Book chapter]
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