Team Teaserbild

Palynologie und Mikrovertebrata des Paläozoikums: Team

Team Rainer Brocke
Dr. Rainer Brocke
Sektionsleiter Palynologie und Mikrovertebrata des Paläozoikums



Schindler, E. and Brocke, R. and Wehrmann, A. and Wilde, V. (2019) A vendobiont from the Lower Devonian of Germany? In: Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft in München September 2019, 15.-18.September 2019, München.

Özkan, R. and Nazik, A. and Munnecke, A. and Saydam-Demiray, D.G. and Schindler, E. and Aydin-Özbek, T. and Wehrmann, A. and Seker-Zor, E. and Yilmaz, I. and Brocke, R. and Sancay, R.H. and Wilde, V. and Yalçin, M.N. (2019) Givetian/Frasnian (Middle/Upper Devonian) transition in the Eastern Tautides, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences. ISSN 1300-0985.


Schindler, E. and Brocke, R. and Becker, R.T. and Buchholz, P. and Jansen, U. and Luppold, F.W. and Nesbor, H.-D. and Salamon, M. and Weller, H. and Weyer, D. (2018) The Devonian in the Stratigraphic Table of Germany 2016. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 168 (4). pp. 447-463. ISSN 1860-1804


Menning, M. and Becker, R.T. and Brocke, R. and Glodny, J. and Jansen, U. and Schindler, E. and Weyer, D. (2017) Die Devon-Zeitskala der Stratigraphischen Tabelle von Deutschland 2016 (STD 2016). The Devonian time scale in the Stratigraphic Table of Germany 2016. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften. ISSN 1860-1804 (In Press)

El Atfy, H., Brocke, R. & Uhl, D. (2017) Palynology of the Miocene Rudeis and Kareem formations (Gharandal Group), GH 404-2A Well, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Abhandlungen der Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, 273, 134 pp., 5 figs, 1 tab., 24 pls, 2 app.

Brocke, R. , Kneidl, V., Wilde, V. & Riegel, W. (2017) Palynological data from sediments of the Hunsrückschiefer type, Lower Devonian of the SW Hunsrück, Germany. Bulletin of Geosciences, 92, 1, p. 59-64. DOI 10.3140/bull.geosci.1614

Brocke, R., Brett, C.E., Ellwood, B.B., Hartkopf-Fröder, Ch., Riegel, W., Schindler, E. & Tomkin, J.H. (2017) Comparative palynofacies, magnetic susceptibility and cyclicity of the Middle Devonian Müllertchen Section (Eifel area, Germany).Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments. DOI 10.1007/s12549-017-0289-9


Brocke, R., Fatka, O., Lindemann, R.H., Schindler, E. & Ver Straeten, C.A. (2016) Palynology, dacryoconarids and the lower Eifelian (Middle Devonian) Basal Choteč Event: case studies from the Prague and Appalachian basins. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 423. pp. 123-169.

Brocke, R., Bussert, R. & Steemans, P. (2016) First record of cryptospores in post-Hirnantian (latest Ordovician-early Silurian) sediments from Ethiopia. 87th Annual Conference of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft e.V. Programs and Abstracts, 11.-15. September 2016, Dresden, p. 37.

Bussert, R., Brocke, R. & Steemans, P. (2016) Post-Hirnantian (latest Ordovician-early Silurian) environments in Ethiopia: First evidence from sedimentology and palynology. Abstract Volume of GeoTirol2016 – Annual Meeting of DGGV and PANGEO, 25.-28. September 2016, Innsbruck, Austria, 25.-38., p. 37.

Schindler, E., Brocke, R., Brett, C.E., Ellwood, B.B., Hartkopf-Fröder, Ch., Riegel, W. & Tomkin, J.H. (2016) Comparison of palynofacies, magnetic susceptibility and cyclicity of the Mid Devonian Müllertchen Section (Eifel area, Germany). In: IGCP 591: “The Early to Middle Paleozoic Revolution”, Closing Meeting, 6-9 July 2016, Ghent University, Belgium.

Brocke, R. and Fatka, O. and Lindemann, R.H. and Schindler, E. and Ver Straeten, C.A. (2016) Palynology, dacryoconarids and the lower Eifelian (Middle Devonian) Basal Choteč Event: case studies from the Prague and Appalachian basins. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 423.


Brocke, R. and Kneidl, V. and Riegel, W. and Wilde, V. (2015) The Lower Devonian “Hunsrückschiefer” of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge: new insights from palynology. Strata, Traveaux de Geologie sedmentaire et Paleontologie, Serie 1: communications. IGCP 596-SDS Symposium Climate change and Biodiversity patterns in the Mid-Palaeozoic, 16. p. 25. ISSN 0761-2443

Schindler, E. and Yalçin, M.N. and Bozdogan, N. and Brocke, R. and Groos-Uffenorde, H. and Jansen, U. and Nazik, A. and Özkan, R. and Sancay, R.H. and Saydam-Demiray, G. and Weddige, K. and Wehrmann, A. and Wilde, V. and Yilmaz, I. (2015) Biostratigraphy and correlation of Devonian successions in the Taurides (Turkey). Berichte des Institutes für Erdwissenschaften, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 21. p. 340.

Lindemann, R.H. and Ver Straeten, C.A. and Schindler, E. and Brocke, R. and Fatka, O. (2015) Lower Eifelian (Middle Devonian) dacryoconarid Biostratigraphy and Biogeography, Central and Northern Appalachian Basin. Northeastern Section – 50th Annual Meeting (23–25 March 2015).

Brocke, R. and Bussert, R. and Lebenie, D. (2015) First discovery of Early Palaeozoic post-glacial (post-Hirnantian/latest Ordovician-early Silurian) mudstones and cryptospores in northern Ethiopia. In: Geo Berlin 2015.


Haude, R and Brocke, R. and Heinrichs, T and Riegel, W. (2014) Enigmatic silici-organic objects conserved in Early Devonian Echinoderm Lagerstätten of Argentina and Bolivia. In: 4th International Palaeontological Congress – The History of Life: A view from the southern hemisphere, 28. September – 3. Oktober 2014, Mendoza, Argentinia.

Brocke, R. and El Atfy, H. and Hosny, A (2014) “Hair-like” palynomorphs: A first record of enigmatic organic-walled microfossils in the Palaezoic of Egypt. SDGG, 85. p. 212.

Brocke, R. and Kneidl, V. and Riegel, W. and Wilde, V. (2014) The Lower Devonian “Hunsrückschiefer” of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge: New evidence from palynology. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 85. p. 213.

El Atfy, H. and Brocke, R. and Uhl, Dieter and Ghassal, B. and Stock, A.T. and Littke, R. (2014) Source rock potential and paleoenvironment of the Miocene Rudeis and Kareem formations, Gulf of Suez, Egypt: An integrated palynofacies and organic geochemical approach. International Journal of Coal Geology, 131. pp. 326-343. ISSN 0166-5162

Yalçin, M.N. and Schindler, E. and Wehrmann, A. and Nazik, A. and Yilmaz, I. and Wilde, V. and Özkan, R. and Bozdogan, N. and Brocke, R. and Saydam-Demiray, G. and Weddige, K. and Sancay, R.H. and Jansen, U. and Nalcioglu, G. and Kozlu, H. and Linnemann, U. and Sahin, N. and Groos-Uffenorde, H. (2014) Devonian stratitraphy of the Central and Eastern Taurides. In: 67th Geological Congress of Turkey, Ankara.

Brocke, R. and Fatka, O. and Lindemann, R.H. and Schindler, E. and Ver Straeten, C.A. (2014) The Early Mid-Devonian Choteč event in its type area in the Prague Basin and the Appalchian Basin: New insights from palynomorphs and dacryoconarids. In: 9th European Palaeobotany – Palynology Conference.

Schindler, E. and Nazik, A. and Haude, R and Brocke, R. and Seker, E. and Bozdogan, N. and Sancay, R.H. and Groos-Uffenorde, H. and Jansen, U. and Weddige, K. and Özkan, R. and Yalçin, M.N. and Wehrmann, A. and Wilde, V. (2014) First record of loboliths in Turkey: Scyphocrinoids and other palaeontological evidence for the Silurian/Devonian boundary interval in the Eastern and Central Taurides. In: 67th Geological Congress of Turkey, Ankara.

Nazik, A. and Yalçin, M.N. and Schindler, E. and Wilde, V. and Wehrmann, A. and Haude, R and Finks, R.M. and Webster, G.D. and Yilmaz, I. and Brocke, R. and Jansen, Ulrich and Özkan, R. and Seker, E. and Groos-Uffenorde, H. and Bozdogan, N. and Sancay, R.H. and Nalcioglu, G. and Saydam-Demiray, D.G. and Weddige, K. and Kozlu, H. (2014) Important paleontological evidences of Devonian strata in the Eastern Taurides. In: 15. Paleontoloji-Stratigrafi Çaliştayi, Ankara.

Kunzmann, L. and Dolezych, M. and Wilde, V. and Uhl, D. and Brocke, R. and El Atfy, H. (2014) Innovation in palaeobotany: the Whole-Plant concept. In: BioDivEvo2014, 15th Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Systematics , 24-27 Mar 2014, Dresden, Germany. (Unpublished)

Brocke, R. and Ertug, K. and Sancay, R.H. and Bozdogan, N. and Wilde, V. and Schindler, E. and Wehrmann, A. and Yalçin, M.N. (2014) Late Devonian Palynology of the Eastern Taurides. In: 67th Geological Congress of Turkey, Ankara.

Jansen, Ulrich and Bozdogan, N. and Brocke, R. and Ertug, K. and Finks, R.M. and Groos-Uffenorde, H. and Haude, R and Kozlu, H. and Nalcioglu, G. and Nazik, A. and Özkan, R. and Sancay, R.H. and Saydam-Demiray, D.G. and Schindler, E. and Seker, E. and Weddige, K. and Wehrmann, A. and Wilde, V. and Yalçin, M.N. and Yilmaz, I. (2014) New palaeontological data from the Devonian of Turkey. In: 4th International Palaeontological Congress, Mendoza.

Jansen, U. and Nazik, A. and Nalcioglu, G. and Özkan, R. and Groos-Uffenorde, H. and Seker, E. and Brocke, R. and Sancay, R.H. and Bozdogan, N. and Yilmaz, I. and Yalçin, M.N. and Schindler, E. (2014) New paleontological data from the Devonian of Turkey and their paleobiogeographical implications. In: 67th Geological Congress of Turkey.

Brocke, R. and Kneidl, V. and Wilde, V. and Riegel, W (2014) New palynological evidence regarding age and environment of the „Hunsrückschiefer“, Lower Devonian, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge. In: Abstract Book 9th European Palaeobotany Palynology Conference. University of Padova, p. 32.

El Atfy, H. and Brocke, R. and Uhl, D. (2014) Miocene palynology and palynofacies of the Gharandal Group, southern Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Abstract Book 9th European Palaeobotany-Palynology Conference, Padova. p. 59.

Brocke, R. and Ertug, K. and Sancay, R.H. and Bozdogan, N. and Wilde, V. and Schindler, E. and Wehrmann, A. and Yalçin, M.N. (2014) Late Devonian Palynology of the Eastern Taurides. In: 67th Geological Conress of Turkey, Ankara.


Brocke, R. and Kneidl, V. and Riegel, W. and Wilde, V. (2013) New palynological evidence regarding age and environment of the Hunsrückschiefer, Lower Devonian, Germany. Joint Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft together with the Palaeontological Society of China, Göttingen, 23.-27.9.2013, Abstracts.

Lange, Jan-Michael and Brocke, R. and Hofmann, M. and Jansen, U. and Keiler, J.-A. and Königshof, P. and Kunzmann, L. and Linnemann, U. and Schindler, E. and Thalheim, K. and Tietz, O. and Uhl, D. and Wilde, V. and Wilmsen, M. and Zipfel, J. (2013) Collections – Earth Sciences. In: Evaluation Senckenberg. (Unpublished)

Yalçin, M.N. and Schindler, E. and Brocke, R. and Jansen, U. and Linnemann, U. and Wehrmann, A. and Uhl, D. (2013) The Palaeozoic – an “event story”. In: ICDP Scientific Conference: Imaging the past to imagine the future, 11.-14.11.2013, Potsdam.

Brocke, R., Fatka, O., Lindemann, R.H. Schindler, E. and Ver Straeten, C.A. (2013). New biostratigraphic insights from the early Mid Devonian Choteč Event. Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique Rabat, Special volume, Rabat, Morocco.

Dutta, S., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Witte, K., Brocke, R., Mann, U. (2013). Molecular characterization of fossil palynomorphs by transmission micro-FTIR pectroscopy: Implications for hydrocarbon source evaluation. International Journal of Coal Geology, 115, 13-23.

El Atfy, H., Brocke, R. & Uhl, D. (2013). Age and paleoenvironment of the Nukhul Formation, Gulf of Suez, Egypt: Insights from palynology, palynofacies and organic geochemistry. GeoArabia 09/2013, 18(4), 137-174.

El Atfy, H., Brocke, R. & Uhl, D. (2013). A fungal proliferation near the probable Oligocene/Miocene boundary, Nukhul Formation, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 32, 183-195.

Kunzmann, L., Wilde, V., Brocke, R., Dolezych, M., Uhl, D. & El Atfy, H. (2013). Die Innovation von Melbourne: eine fossile Pflanze – ein Name. SENCKENBERG, natur • forschung • museum, 143 (7/8), 222-229.

Ver Straeten, C.A., Lindemann, R.H., Schindler, E. and Brocke, R. (2013) The Emsian and lower Eifelian Stages (upper Lower and lower Middle Devonian) of New York: Overview, Recent Findings and Consequent Revisions. In: Geological Society of America Annual Abstracts with Programs, 45, 1, p.52, 18-20 March 2013, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.

Schindler, E. ,Yalçin, M.N., Yilmaz, I., Wilde, V., Wehrmann, A., Weddige, K., Saydam-Demiray, D.G., Özkan, R., Nazik, A., Jansen, U., Brocke, R. and Bozdogan, N. (2013). The Devonian of the Turkish Taurides – new biostratigraphic insights. Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique Rabat, Special volume, Rabat, Morocco.


Brocke, R., Schultka, S. & Schindler, E. (2012).
400 Millionen Jahre alte Böden in der Eifel – Als die Pflanzen sesshaft wurden. SENCKENBERG, natur • forschung • museum, 142 (1/2), 52-57, Frankfurt am Main.

El Atfy, H., Brocke, R. and Uhl, D. (2012) Dinoflagellate Cysts from the Miocene Rudeis Formation, GH 404-2A WELL, Gulf of Suez, Egypt: Preliminary Results. In: Advanced Course in Jurassic – Cretaceous – Cenozoic Organic-walled Dinoflagellate Cysts, Utrecht, Netherlands. (Unpublished).

El Atfy, H., Brocke, R. and Uhl, D. (2012) First record of a fungal palynomorph ‘peak‘ around the probable Oligocene/Miocene boundary, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. In: IPC XIII / IOPC IX 2012, 23-30 August 2012, Tokyo, Japan.

Krause, R.A., Schindler, E., Brocke, R., Schroeder, R. & Wilde, V. (2012).
Alfred Wegener: Vordenker und Erneuerer der Geowissenschaften – 100 Jahre Hypothese von der Drift der Kontinente. SENCKENBERG, natur • forschung • museum, 142 (1/2), 12-17, Frankfurt am Main.

Luppold, F.W., Brocke, R., Doyen, C. and Mann, U. (2012). Silurian-Devonian boundary in SE-Anatolia (2): Present stage for the biostratigraphic positioning of the boundary based on brachiopods, conodonts, ostracods an palynomorphs at the Hazro area. Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists, Special Publication, 6. pp. 111-113. ISSN 978-975-95677-1-2.

Schindler, E., Bozdoğan; N., Brocke, R., Jansen, U., Karslıoğlu, Ö., Kozlu, H., Nalcıoğlu, G., Nazik, A., Özkan, R., Saydam-Demiray, D.G., Weddige, K., Wehrmann, A., Wilde, V., Yalçın, M.N. & Yılmaz, İ. (2012).
Facies development, global events, and lithology of stratigraphically constrained sequences in the Devonian of the Central and Eastern Taurides (Turkey). Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists, Special Publication, 6, 10-11, Ankara.

Wehrmann, A., Bozdoğan, N., Brocke, R., Schindler, E., Wilde, V., Yalçın, M.N. & Yılmaz, İ. (2012).
Sedimentary signatures of the North Gondwana margin in the Devonian (Taurides, Turkey): Reconstruction of depositional environments and hinterland processes. Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists, Special Publication, 6, 7-9, Ankara.

Yalçın, M.N., Wehrmann, A., Schindler, E., Yılmaz, İ., Wilde, V., Nazik, A., Bozdoğan, N., Özkan, R., Kozlu, H. & Brocke, R. (2012).
Devonian. Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists, Special Publication, 7, 79-97, Ankara.


Brocke, R., Berkyová, S., Fatka, O., Lindemann, R.H., Schindler, E. & Ver Straeten, C.A. (2011).
The early Mid-Devonian Choteč Event: Do Palynomorphs have the potential for long-distance correlations? Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 43 (1), 97, Boulder.

El Atfy, H., Brocke, R. and Uhl, D. (2011) Cretaceous Palynology of the FAGHUR Hj5-1 Well, north Western Desert, Egypt. In: 82. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, 12.09. – 16.09.2011, Universität Wien, Österreich, 2011-09-13, Wien.

Schindler, E., Bozdoğan, N., Brocke, R., Nazik, A., Özkan, R., Wehrmann, A., Wilde, V., Yalçın, M.N. & Yılmaz, İ. (2011).
Devonian sequences of the Central and Eastern Taurides (Turkey) – biostratigraphy, facies, and global events. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 43 (1), 96, Boulder.

Schindler, E., Brocke, R., Schroeder, R., Wilde, V. & Krause, R.A. (2011).
Die Hypothese von der Drift der Kontinente wird 100 – Alfred Wegeners Idee hat Geburtstag. Gmit, 45, 24, Bonn.

Schindler, E., Brocke, R., Schroeder, R., Wilde, V. & Krause, R.A. (2011).
Alfred Wegener – Die Hypothese von der Drift der Kontinente wird 100. – SENCKENBERG – natur • forschung • museum, 141 (11/12), 340-341, Frankfurt am Main.


Luppold, F.W. and Schindler, E. and Brocke, R. and Stoppel, D. (2010) Typlokalität der Kellwasser-Horizonte erweitert. GMIT – Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 39. pp. 25-26. ISSN 1616-3931

Brocke, R., Ertug, K., Wehrmann, A., Yilmaz, I., Bozdogan, N. and Yalçin, M.N. (2010) Do palynofacies and mineralogical signatures reflect hinterland processes? Implications from Devonian sequences in the Central and Eastern Taurides, Turkey. In: 7th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, 18 – 22 October 2010, Adana.

Brocke, R., Schindler, E. and Schultka, S. (2010) Terrestrial-marin transitional sedimentation in the Lower Devonian of the Rheinische Schiefergebirge. In: GeoDarmstadt2010 – Geosciences secure the future, 10.-13. Oktober 2010, Darmstadt. (Unpublished).

Brocke, R., Berkyova, S. ,Budil, P., Fatka, O., Fryda, J. and Schindler, E. (2010) Phytoplankton bloom in the early Middle Devonian (Eifelian): The basal Choteč Event in the Barrandian area (Czech Republic). In: Seminar at the Charles University, 14.04.2010, Prague. (Unpublished).

Brocke, R., Berkyova, S., Budil, P., Fatka, O., Fryda, J. and Schindler, E. (2010) Der basale Choteč Event in seinem Typus-Gebiet (Barrandium, Tschechische Republik): Die stratigraphische Bedeutung einer Phytoplankton-Blüte im frühen Mitteldevon (Eifelium). In: Deutsche Stratigraphische Kommission, Jahrestagung, 05.03.2010, Kassel. (Unpublished).

Brocke, R., Berkyová, S., Budil, P., Fatka, O., Frýda, J. and Schindler, E. (2010). The early Middle Devonian Choteč Event in the Barrandian area (Czech Republic): new insight from a phytoplankton bloom. International Palaeontological Congress (28.06.-03.07.2010): 103, London, Great Britain.

Fatka, O. and Brocke, R. (2010) The Silurian/Devonian GSSP at Klonk, Mid-Conference field trip. In: International Commission on Stratigraphy, 02.06.2010, Prague. (Unpublished).

Hosny, A. and Brocke, R. (2010) Palynology of Palaeozoic sequences in the Western Desert of Egypt: Preliminary results from the Devonian of the Sifa-1 borehole. In: 7th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, 18 – 22 October 2010, Adana.

Haude, R., Brocke, R., Heinrichs, T. and Riegel, W. (2010) Silici-organic objects in Lower Devonian echinoderm lagerstaetten of Argentina and Bolivia. In: 7th European Conference on Echinoderms , 02.-09.10.2010, Göttingen.

Schultka, S. and Brocke, R. (2010) Vegetation horizons in marine-terrestrial transitions: palaeobotanical and palynological implications from Lower Devonian successions in the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Germany. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 68. p. 500. ISSN 1860-1782.

Schindler, E., Yilmaz, İ., Yalçin, M.N., Wilde, V., Wehrmann, A., Weddige, K., Saydam-Demiray, G., Özkan, R., Nazik, A., Nalcioğlu, G., Kozlu, H., Karsioğlu, Ö., Jansen, U., Ertug, K., Brocke, R. and Bozdoğan, N. (2010). Stratigraphy, Facies Development and Global Events in Devonian Sequences of the Central and Eastern Taurides (Turkey). 7th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, (18.-22.10.2010): 56, University of Çukurova, Adana, Turkey.

Wehrmann, A., Wilde, V., Schindler, E., Brocke, R. and Schultka, S. (2010). High-resolution facies analysis of a Lower Devonian deltaic marine-terrestrial transition (Nellenköpfchen Formation, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Germany): implications for small-scale fluctuations of coastal environments. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 256/3, 317-334.

Wehrmann, A., Yılmaz, I., Yalçın, M.N., Wilde, V., Schindler, E., Weddige, K., Saydam Demirtas, G., Özkan, R., Nazik, A., Nalcıoğlu, G., Kozlu, H., Karslıoğlu, Ö., Jansen, U., Ertuğ, K., Brocke, R. and Bozdoğan, N. (2010). Devonian shallow-water sequences from the North Gondwana coastal margin (Central and Eastern Taurides, Turkey): Sedimentology, facies and global events. Gondwana Research, 17 (2010), 546-560.


Brett, C., Zambito, J., Schindler, E., Hunda, B., Königshof, P., Brocke, R., Bartholomew, A. (2009). Taphonomy of Rhythmic Trilobite Beds in the Lower Devonian of Morocco: The Paradox of “Cyclic Event Beds”. 9th North American Paleontological Convention (NAPC) (21.–26. 06.2009), Cincinnati, USA, Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific Contributions 3, 341-342, Cincinnati.

Brocke, R, Schultka, S. (2009). Marine-Terrestrial Sequences in the Lower Devonian of Germany – A Palaeobotanical and Palynological Approach. 9th North American Paleontological Convention (NAPC) (21.–26. 06.2009), Cincinnati, USA, Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific Contributions 3, 51, Cincinnati.

Brocke, R., Fatka, O., Berkyová, S., Budil, P., Fryda, J., Schindler, E. (2009). Early Middle Devonian (Eifelian) phytoplankton bloom associated with the Basal Choteč Event in the Barrandian area (Czech Republic). CIMP Faro‘09, II. Joint Meeting of Spores/Pollen and Acritarch Subcommissions (20.-24.09.2009), 79-81, Faro, Portugal.

Dutta, S., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Mann, U., Wilkes, H., Brocke, R., Bertram, N. (2009). Macromolecular composition of Palaeozoic scolecodonts: insights into the molecular taphonomy of zoomorphs. Lethaia, 10 Seiten, doi: 10.1111/j.1502-3931.2009.00193.x.

Fatka, O., Kraft, P., Kříž, J., Štorch, P., Vacek, F., Brocke, R. (2009). Lower Palaeozoic of the Barrandian area. In: Lange, L.-M., Linnemann, U., Röhling, H.-G. (Hrsg.). GeoDresden 2009. Geologie der Böhmischen Masse – Regionale und Angewandte Geowissenschaften im Zentrum Mitteleuropas, 161. Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, (30.09.-02.10.2009), Dresden. – Exkursionsführer und Veröffentlichung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften EDGG, 241, 29-46, 11 Abb., Hannover.

Wehrmann, A., Yılmaz, I., Yalçın, M.N., Wilde, V., Schindler, E., Weddige, K., Saydam Demirtas, G., Özkan, R., Nazik, A., Nalcıoğlu, G., Kozlu, H., Karslıoğlu, Ö., Jansen, U., Ertuğ, K., Brocke, R., Bozdoğan, N. (2009). Devonian shallow-water sequences from the North Gondwana coastal margin (Central and Eastern Taurides, Turkey): Sedimentology, facies and global events. Gondwana Research, doi:10.1016/

Berkyova, S. and Brocke, R. and Fatka, O. and Fryda, J. and Schindler, E. and Filipiak, P. and Koptikova, L. and Budil, P. and Suttner, T.J. (2009) Prasinophyte bloom and intense micritization as evidences for enhanced nutrient load during Basal Choteč Event – a preliminary report. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Brett, C.E., De Santis, M.K., Bartholomev, A.J., Baird, G.C., Schindler, E., Königshof, P., Brocke, R. (2008). Middle Devonian eustasy, paleoclimate, and bioevents: Toward an integrated model. In: Königshof, P., Linnemann, U. [Hrsg.]: From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangea: Dynamics of Oceans and Supercontinents. 20th International Senckenberg-Conference and 2nd Geinitz-Conference. Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499. Abstracts and Programme, Frankfurt am Main, Dresden, 34-37.

Brocke, R.; Fatka, O., Wilde, V. (2008). Palaeozoic organic-walled microfossils: Aspects of their palaeoenvironmental and biostratigraphical potential. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 148 71-72 (published online 2007).

Brocke, R., Riegel, W., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Brett, C.E., Königshof, P., Schindler, E., Wilde, V. (2008). Palynologie und Ablagerungsmilieu: Eine Fallstudie im Eifel/Givet-Grenzbereich (Eifel). Subkommission für Devon-Stratigraphie, Frankfurt (16.02.2008).

Brocke, R., Riegel, W., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Brett, C.E., Königshof, P., Schindler, E., Wilde V. (2008). Palynology and Facies of the Eifelian-Givetian Transition in its type area (Eifel Hills, Germany). Terra Nostra 2008 (2), 39.

Dutta, S., Brocke, R., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Mann, U., Littke, R., Wilkes, H. (2008). Chitinozoa: a Name Possibly Unjustified? Erlanger geologische Abhandlungen, Sonderband 65, 84.

Dutta, S., Brocke, R., Mann, U., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Wilkes, H. (2008). Molecular Composition of Silurian/Devonian Tasmanites, Leiospaheridia and Chitinozoans from Hazro area, SE Turkey as Revealed by Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry. Erlanger geologische Abhandlungen, Sonderband 65, 26-27.

Dutta, S., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Brocke, R., Mann, U., Wilkes, H., Littke, R. (2008). Biogeochemistry of prasinophycean algae, megaspores and chitinozoans as revealed by pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Terra Nostra 2008 (2), 71-72.

Dutta, S., Mann, U., Greenwood, P., Brocke, R., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Schaefer, R.G., Wilkes, H. (2008). The Association of Tricyclic Terpenoids to Prasinophytes. In: Königshof, P., Linnemann, U. [Hrsg.]: From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangea: Dynamics of Oceans and Supercontinents. 20th International Senckenberg-Conference and 2nd Geinitz-Conference. Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499. Abstracts and Programme, Frankfurt am Main, Dresden, 167-168.

Dutta, S., Mann, U., Greenwood, P., Brocke, R., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Schaefer, R.G., Wilkes, H. (2008). Prasinophytes with and without Tricyclic Terpenoids. Pyrolysis 2008, 18th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, May 18 – 23, 2008, 320; Lanzarote, Canary Islands.

Dutta, S., Mann, U., Brocke, R., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Littke, R., Wilkes, H. (2008). Did the Organic-Walled Microfossil Chitinozoa Ever Have Chitin? Pyrolysis 2008; 18th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, May 18 – 23, 2008, 321; Lanzarote, Canary Islands.

Ertuğ, K., Brocke, R., Bozdoğan, N. (2008). Devonian palynomorph assemblages from the eastern Taurides, Turkey. In: Königshof, P., Linnemann, U. [Hrsg.]: From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangea: Dynamics of Oceans and Supercontinents. 20th International Senckenberg-Conference and 2nd Geinitz-Conference. Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499. Abstracts and Programme, Frankfurt am Main, Dresden, 38.

Fatka, O., Brocke, R. (2008). Morphological variability and method of opening of the Devonian acritarch Navifusa bacilla (Deunff, 1955) Playford, 1977. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 148 108-123 (Sonderband gedruckt).

Fatka, O., Brocke, R. (2008). Morphologic Variability in Lower Palaeozoic Acritarchs: Importance of Acritarch Systematics. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Serie B, Historia Naturalis 64(2-4), 97-107.

Königshof, P.,Yalçın, M.N., Bozdoğan, N., Brocke, R., Gedik, I., Jansen, U., Karslıoğlu, Ö., Nazik, A., Nalcıoğlu, G., Saydam, G., Yılmaz, İ. (2008). Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Facies Development of the Devonian of Northwestern Turkey. In: Königshof, P., Linnemann, U. [Hrsg.]: From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangea: Dynamics of Oceans and Supercontinents. 20th International Senckenberg-Conference and 2nd Geinitz-Conference. Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499. Abstracts and Programme, Frankfurt am Main, Dresden, 192-194.

Mann, U., Dutta, S., Brocke, R., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Wilkes, H. (2008). Biogeochemistry of Prasinophytes, Zoomorphs and Spores as Revealed by Curie Point Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. In: Königshof, P., Linnemann, U. [Hrsg.]: From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangea: Dynamics of Oceans and Supercontinents. 20th International Senckenberg-Conference and 2nd Geinitz-Conference. Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499. Abstracts and Programme, Frankfurt am Main, Dresden, 91-93.

Mann, U., Dutta, S., Brocke, R., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Wilkes, H. (2008). Chitinozoa – a Misleading Name? In: Königshof, P., Linnemann, U. [Hrsg.]: From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangea: Dynamics of Oceans and Supercontinents. 20th International Senckenberg-Conference and 2nd Geinitz-Conference. Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499. Abstracts and Programme, Frankfurt am Main, Dresden, 210-211.

Mann, U., Dutta, S., Brocke, R., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Wilkes, H. (2008). Biomacromolecules of Fossil Algae and Zoomorphs as Revealed by Curie Point Py-GC/MS. Pyrolysis 2008; 18th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, May 18 – 23, 2008, 122; Lanzarote, Canary Islands.

Schindler, E., Brocke, R., Königshof, P. (2008). Stop. 3.4: Cephalopod limestones in the Dill Syncline, abandoned quarry Benner (Bicken). In: Königshof, P., Linnemann, U. [Hrsg.]: Excursion Guide, 20th International Senckenberg-Conference and 2nd Geinitz-Conference: From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangea: Dynamics of Oceans and Supercontinents“, Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499, Frankfurt am Main, Dresden, 86-88.

Schindler, E., Wehrmann, A., Yilmaz, I., Yalcin, M.N., Wilde, V., Weddige, K., Saydam, G., Özkan, R., Nazik, A., Nalcioglu, G., Kozlu, H., Jansen, U., Gedik, I., Ertug, K., Brocke, R., Bozdogan, N. (2008). Devonian sequences of the Central and Eastern Taurides (Turkey). Stratigraphy, facies, correlation. Devonian Workshop and Colloquium, Ankara (Mai, 27-79).

Schultka, S., Brocke, R., Goßmann, R. (2008). The Lower Devonian of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge. Field Guide, Pre-Conference excursion, 12th International Palynological Congress IPC-XII, 8th International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference IOPC-VIII, Bonn (August, 28-29), 1-25.

Wehrmann, A., Schindler, E., Wilde, V., Yalcin, M.N., Yilmaz, I., Kozlu, H., Bozdogan, N., Brocke, R., Ertug, K., Gedik, I., Jansen, U., Karslioglu, Ö., Nalcioglu, G., Nazik, A., Özkan, R., Saydam, G., Weddige, K. (2008). Key sections from the Devonian of the Central and Eastern Taurides (Turkey). In: Königshof, P., Linnemann, U. [Hrsg.]: From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangea: Dynamics of Oceans and Supercontinents. 20th International Senckenberg-Conference and 2nd Geinitz-Conference. Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499. Abstracts and Programme, Frankfurt am Main, Dresden, 241.

Yalçın, M.N., Königshof, P., Yilmaz, I., Uguz, M.F., Saydam, G., Nalcioglu, G., Nazik, A., Mann, U., Karslioglu, Ö., Jansen, U., Gedik, I., Brocke, R., Bozdogan, N. (2008). Devonian of Istanbul and Camdag regions – Stratigraphy and facies, Ankara (Mai, 27-29).

Yalcin, M.N., Yilmaz, I., Wilde, V., Wehrmann, A., Schindler, E., Özkan, R., Nazik, A., Nalcioglu, G., Königshof, P., Jansen, U., Brocke, R. (2008). Palaeogeographical setting of Devonian succession of Turkey – A Gondwanan vs. Laurussian comparison. In: Königshof, P., Linnemann, U. [Hrsg.]: From Gondwana and Laurussia to Pangea: Dynamics of Oceans and Supercontinents. 20th International Senckenberg-Conference and 2nd Geinitz-Conference. Final Meeting of IGCP 497 and IGCP 499. Abstracts and Programme, Frankfurt am Main, Dresden, 141-142.


Brocke, R., Riegel, W., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Brett, C.E., Schindler, E. & Wilde, V. (2007): Palynology and Environment: A Case Study of the Eifelian-Givetian Transition in its Type Area (Eifel Hills, Gemany). – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy and IGCP 499 Devonian Land Sea Interaction: Evolution of Ecosystems and Climate, Eureka, Nevada, 9-17 September 2007: 17.

Dutta, S., Brocke, R., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Littke, R., Wilkes, H. & Mann, U. (2007): Highly aromatic character of biogeomacromolecules in Chitinozoa: A spectroscopic and pyrolytic study. – Organic Geochemistry, 38: 1625-1642.

Dutta, S., Brocke, R., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Greenwood, P., Littke, R., Mann, U. & Wilkes, H. (2007): Biogeomacromolecules of Palynomorphs as revealed by Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. – Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, :00280, 2007.

Haude, R., Brocke, R., Heinrichs, T. & Riegel, W. (2007a): Silici-organische Objekte (Embryonen-Hüllen? / (‚Grünalgen’-Lamellen?) in unterdevonischen Echinodermen-Lagerstätten der argentinischen Präkordillere. – Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen des Instituts für Geologie der TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 36: 49-50.

Haude, R., Brocke, R., Heinrichs, T. & Riegel, W. (2007b): Tempestitic Echinoderm Lagerstaetten in the Lower Devonian of the Argentinan Precordillera and Implications on Associated, Presumably Near-Shore-Derived Silici-Organic Objects. – In: Acenolaza, G., Vergel, M., Peralta, A. & Herbst, R. [eds] (2007): Field meeting IGCP 499 (IUGS/UNESCO), San Juan, Argentina, Guidebook and Abstracts: 87-90.

Yalçin, M.N., Bozdoğan, N., Brocke, R., Gedik, I., Jansen, U., Karslıoğlu, Ö., Königshof, P., Nazik, A., Nalcıoğlu, G., Saydam, G., Uguz, M.F. & Yılmaz, I. (2007): Stratigrapghy and Facies Development of the Devonian of NW Turkey. – In: Acenolaza, G., Vergel, M., Peralta, A. & Herbst, R. [eds] (2007): Field meeting IGCP 499 (IUGS/UNESCO), San Juan, Argentina, Guidebook and abstracts: 84-86.

Yilmaz, I., Yalçin, M.N., Wilde, V., Wehrmann, A., Uguz, M.F., Schindler, E., Saydam, G., Özkan, R., Mann, U., Nazik, A., Nalcıoğlu, G., Kozlu, H., Königshof, P., Karslıoğlu, Ö., Jansen, U.; Gedik, I.; Ertug, K., Brocke, R., Bozdoğan, N. & Bahtiyar, I. (2007): The Devonian of Turkey – An Attempt for Comparison of Laurussian and Gondwanan Continental Margins. – Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy and IGCP 499 Devonian Land Sea Interaction: Evolution of Ecosystems and Climate, Eureka, Nevada, 9-17 September 2007: 90-91.


Brocke, R. & Fatka, O. (2006): Devonian Acritarch Navifusa bacilla: Morphological Variability and Method of Opening. – In: Bek, J., Brocke, R., Dašková, J. & Fatka, O. [eds] (2006): Palaeozoic Palynology in Space and Time – CIMP General Meeting 2006, September 2-6, 2006, Prague, Czech Republic: 14-15; Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences, Prague.

Brocke, R., Fatka, O. & Wilde, V. (2006): Acritarchs and prasinophytes of the Silurian-Devonian GSSP (Klonk, Barrandian area, Czech Republic). – Bulletin of Geosciences, 81 (1): 27-41.

Bek, J., Brocke, R., Dašková, J. & Fatka, O. [eds] (2006): Palaeozoic Palynology in Space and Time – CIMP General Meeting 2006, September 2-6, 2006, Prague, Czech Republic, Book of Abstracts: 1-67; Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences, Prague.

Dutta, S., Brocke, R., Hartkopf-Fröder, Ch., Greenwood, P.F., Littke, R., Wilkes, H. & Mann, U. (2006): Molecular Composition of Silurian/Devonian Tasmanites, Leiosphaeridia, Chitinozoa and Scolecodont as revealed by Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. – In: Bek, J., Brocke, R., Dašková, J. & Fatka, O. [eds] (2006): Palaeozoic Palynology in Space and Time – CIMP General Meeting 2006, September 2-6, 2006, Prague, Czech Republic: 21-22; Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences, Prague.

Dutta, S., Greenwood, P.F., Brocke, R., Schaefer, R.G. & Mann, U. (2006): New insights into the relationship between Tasmanites and tricyclic terpenoids. – Organic Geochemistry, 37 (2006): 117-127.

Dutta, S., Mann, U., Brocke, R., Hartkopf-Fröder, Ch., Littke, R. & Wilkes, H. (2006): Biomacromolecules of Chtitinozoa (Upper Silurian, SE Turkey). – 2nd International Palaeontological Congress, 17-21 June 2006: 488; Beijing, China.

Dutta, S., Mann, U., Greenwood, P.F., Brocke, R., Hartkopf-Fröder, Ch., Littke, R. & Wilkes, H. (2006): Molecular composition of Silurian/Devonian prasinophytes. – 2nd International Palaeontological Congress, 17-21 June 2006: 487-488; Beijing, China.

Fatka, O., Brocke, R., Chlupáč, I., Jančaříková, I., Kříz, J. & Moravek, R. (2006): Pre-EPPC Conference Field Trips A2 – Lower Palaeozoic of the Barrandian Area. – 7th European Palaeobotany-Palynology Conference, Excursions Guide Book: 35-46; Prague.


Brocke, R., Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Schindler, E. Weddige, K. & Wilde, V. (2005): Ökosysteme im Devon: Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Land und Meer. – Senckenberg 2004: 28-29.

Dutta, S., Greenwood, P., Brocke, R., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Schaefer, R.G., Wilkes, H. & Mann, U. (2005): Tricyclic terpenoids from Paleozoic Tasmanites: A Question of Evolution, Site or Taxa?. – 22nd International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, September 12 – 16, 2005, Seville (Spain), Abstracts, II: 718-719.

Mann, U., Brocke, R., Herten, U. & Kranendonck, O., Bozdoğan, N. & Soylu, C. (2005): Positioning of the Silurian-Devonian boundary at the north rim of the Arabian Plate (Hazro Area, SE Anatolia, Turkey): an organic-geochemical assignment. – 22nd International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, September 12-16, 2005, Seville (Spain), Abstracts, I: 590-591.

Wehrmann, A., Hertweck, G., Brocke, R., Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Plodowski, G., Schindler, E., Wilde, V., Blieck, A. & Schultka, S. (2005): Paleoenvironment of an Early Devonian land-sea transition: a case study from the southern margin of the Old Red Continent (Mosel Valley, Germany). – Palaios, 20: 101-120.


Brocke, R. (2004a): Miospore Assemblage Zones of the Old Red Continent (compiled after Richardson & McGregor, 1986; Richardson & Ahmed, 1988). – In: Weddige, K. [Ed.] (2004): Devonian Correlation Table. – Senckenbergiana lethaea, 84 (1/2): 392, 400, 409, Tab.-columns B503di04, B503dm04, B503ds04; Frankfurt am Main.

Brocke, R. (2004b): Miospore Biohorizons (FOB, LOB) (compiled after Streel et al., 2000 Steemans, 2000). – In: Weddige, K. [Ed.] (2004): Devonian Correlation Table. – Senckenbergiana lethaea, 84 (1/2): 393, 401, 410, Tab.-columns B505di04, B505dm04, B505ds04; Frankfurt am Main.

Brocke, R. (2004c): Provisional Chitinozoan Biozons (compiled after Paris et al. 2000). – In: Weddige, K. [Ed.] (2004): Devonian Correlation Table. – Senckenbergiana lethaea, 84, (1/2): 393, 401, 410, Tab.-columns B504di04, B504dm04, B504ds04; Frankfurt am Main.

Brocke, R. (2004d): Palynologie im Silur/Devon-Grenzbereich der SE-Türkei. – Universitätsdrucke Göttingen: 64-65; Göttingen.

Brocke, R., Bozdoğan, N., Mann, U., Wilde, V. (2004): Palynology of the Silurian/Devonian Boundary interval at the northern margin of the Arabian Plate (Hazro area, SE Turkey). – Polen, 14: 164-165; Cordoba.

Brocke, R., Fatka, O. & Wilde, V. (2004): Primary producers (acritarchs and prasinophytes) of the Silurian-Devonian GSSP (Klonk, Barrandian area, Czech Republic). – Czech and Slovak Palaeontological Meeting, 17.-18.6. 2004, Bratislava; Statny geologicky ustav Dionyza Stura, 2004: 13-14; Bratislava.

Brocke, R., Fatka, O., Jansen, U., Schindler, E. & Weddige, K. (2004): Palynology and biostratigraphy of the Lower-Upper Emsian boundary (Lower Devonian) in the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge (Germany) and in the Barrandian area (Czech Republic). – Polen, 14: 147-148; Cordoba.

Brocke, R., Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Ribbert, K.-H., Schindler, E., Schindler, T., Schmidt-Gündel, O., Vogel, O., Weddige, K. & Wintgen, C. (2004): Fazies und Stratigrafie temporärer Schürfe (Erdgastrasse TENP 2) im Unter- und Mitteldevon der Rohrer Mulde, der Blankenheimer Mulde und der Sötenicher Mulde, Eifel. – Scriptum, 11: 7-107; Krefeld.

Brocke, R., Mann, U., Püttmann, W., Wilde, V., Bozdoğan, N. & Soylu, C. (2004): Palynologie und organische Geochemie an der Silur/Devon-Grenze (Fetlika, SE-Türkei). – Arbeitskreis Paläobotanik, Palynologie in München, 20.-23. Mai, 2004: 20; München.

Fatka, O. & Brocke, R. (2004a): Acritarchs and prasinophytes of the early Middle Ordovician from Bohemia and southwest China. – Polen, 14: 419; Cordoba.

Fatka, O. & Brocke, R. (2004b): Changes in Darriwilian acritarch and prasinophyte assemblages of the Yangtze Platform (South China) and the Barrandian area (Czech Republic). – Erlanger geologische Abhandlungen, Sonderband 5: 36-37; Erlangen.

Jansen, U., Brocke, R., Königshof, P., Ribbert, K-.H., Schindler, E., Schindler, T., Schmidt-Gündel, O., Vogel, O., Weddige, K. & Wintgen, C. (2004): Ein Profil im Paläozoikum des südöstlichen Venn-Sattels (Ordovizium bis Unter-Devon, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). – Scriptum, 11: 109-131; Krefeld.

Mann, U., Herten, U., Kranendonck, O., Bozdoğan, N., Brocke, R., Ebert, J., El Hassani, A., Poelchau, H.S., Schaefer, R.G., Soylu, C., Vos, H., Wilde, V. & Yalçin, M.N. (2004): Chemo-stratigraphy of Silurian/Devonian Boundary sequences: Signifiance of Sedimentary Cycles, Environment and Bioproductivity. – International Meeting on Stratigraphy, Rabat, March, 1-10, 2004: 31-35; Rabat.

Schindler, E., Brocke, R., Hertweck, G., Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Plodowski, G., Schultka, S., Wehrmann, A. & Wilde, V. (2004): Coastal paleoenvironment: A Lower Devonian (Emsian) land-sea transition south of the Old Red Continent (Mosel Syncline, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Germany). – Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 36 (5): 165; Boulder.

Wilde, V., Schindler, E., Plodowski, G., Königshof, P., Jansen, U., Brocke, R., Hertweck, G., Wehrmann, A. & Vogel, O. (2004): Arthropods tracks from the Emsian (upper Lower Devonian) of Burgen (Mosel Syncline, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). – Universitätsdrucke Göttingen: 247; Göttingen.


Brocke, R., Bozdoğan, N. & Mann, U. (2003): Palynomorphs from the Silurian/Devonian Boundary interval in the Hazro area, SE Turkey. – Terra Nostra, 5/2003: 32; Berlin.

Brocke, R., Fatka, O. & Wilde, V. (2003): Palynomorphs from the Silurian/Devonian Boundary GSSP at Klonk (Czech Republic). – Terra Nostra, 5/2003: 32-33; Berlin.

Fatka, O., Brocke, R. & Wilde, V. (2003): Organic-walled microfossils and bioproductivity at the Silurian/Devonian boundary stratotype (Klonk near Suchomasty, Barrandian area, Czech Republic). – In: Ortega, G & Acenolaza, G.F. [eds] (2003): Proceedings 7th IGC-FMSSS – INSUGEO, Ser. Correl. Geolog, 18: 125-128.

Huwe, S., Brocke, R. & Wilde, V. (2003a): Unentdeckte Schätze im Sammlungs-Archiv Palynomorphen im Unterdevon der Eifeler Kalkmulden. – Natur und Museum, 133 (2): 33-44; Frankfurt am Main.

Huwe, S., Brocke, R. & Wilde, V. (2003b): Forschungsbohrung ESPEC in der Prümer Mulde abgeteuft. – Natur und Museum, 133 (6): 186-188; Frankfurt am Main.

Huwe, S., Brocke, R., Mann, U., Weidenfeller, M., Wilde, V. & Wonik, T. (2003): Forschungsbohrung ESPEC: Sedimentologie und Paläo-Ökologie des Emsium der Prüm-Mulde). – Terra Nostra, 5/2003: 75; Berlin.

Schindler, E., Brocke, R., Fatka, O., Jansen, U. & Weddige, K. (2003): Biostratigraphie und Fazieswechsel im Grenzbereich Unter-/Ober-Emsium – das Referenzprofil Cisarska rokle im Prager Becken (Unter-Devon, Barrandium, Tschechische Republik). – Terra Nostra, 5/2003: 141; Berlin.

Wilde, V., Wehrmann, A., Schultka, S,. Schindler, E., Königshof, P., Jansen, U. & Brocke, R. (2003): Clastic microfacies of Lower Devonian plant accumulations in a marine-terrestrial transition (Alken, Mosel Valley, Germany). – Terra Nostra, 03/2003: 72-73; Berlin.


Brocke, R., Wilde, V.; Fatka, O. & Mann, U. (2002b): Chitinozoan turnover at the Silurian/Devonian Boundary: Examples for mass occurrence, extinction and recovery in the Barrandian Area, Czech Republic. – Strata, Série 1, 12: 77; Toulouse.

Brocke, R., Wilde, V., Mann, U., Fatka, O., Bozdoğan, N. & Soylu, C. (2002): Palynological and geochemical indicators for a planktonic event at the Silurian/Devonian transition. – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 21: 87; Hannover.

Brocke, R., Hertweck, G., Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Plodowski, G., Schindler, E., Schultka, S., Wehrmann, A. & Wilde, V. (2002): Palaeoenvironment of Lower Devonian siliciclastic successions in the Rhenish Slate Mountains (Germany). – IPC 2002; Geological Society of Australia, 68: 24; Sydney.

Brocke, R., Riegel, W., Wilde, V., Huwe, S., Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Plodowski, G., Schindler, E. & Wehrmann, A. (2002): New biostratigraphical results from the Lower Devonian (Emsian) of the Eifel area, Germany. – Strata, Série 1, 12: 22; Toulouse.

Königshof, P.; Brocke, R., Hertweck, G., Jansen, U., Plodowski, G., Schindler, E., Schultka, S., Wehrmann, A. & Wilde, V. (2002): Sedimentary processes at the land – sea transition: Deposition of tide-dominated siliciclastic sequences along a Lower Devonian coastal margin. – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 17: 111-112; Hannover.

Li, J., Brocke, R. & Servais, T. (2002a): The acritarchs of the South Chinese Azygograptus suecicus graptolite Biozone and their bearing on the definition of the Lower Middle Ordovician boundary. – Comptes Rendus Palevol, 1 (2): 75-81; Paris.

Li, J., Brocke, R. & Servais, T. (2002b): Ordovician acritarchs from Meitan Formation of Huanghuachang, Guizhou, South China. – Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 41 (1): 96-104; Nanjing.

Li, J., Servais, T. & Brocke, R. (2002): Chinese Paleozoic acritarch research: review and perspectives. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 118: 181-193; Amsterdam.

Schindler, E., Brocke, R., Hertweck, G., Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Plodowski, G., Schultka, S., Wehrmann, A. & Wilde, V. (2002): Accumulation of plant material in an intertidal environment (Lower Devonian, Germany). – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 17: 182; Hannover.


Brocke, R. & Wilde, V. (2001): Infrared Video Microscopy – an Efficient-Method for the Routine Investigation of Opaque Organic-walled Microfossils. – Facies, 45: 157-164; Erlangen.
Nostra, 6/2001: 103; Berlin.

Schindler, E., Blieck, A., Brocke, R., Hertweck, G., Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Plodowski, G., Schultka, S., Vogel, O., Wehrmann, A. & Wilde, V. (2001): Außergewöhnliche Pflanzenakkumulationen in einer gezeitendominierten Fazies im rheinischen Unter-Devon (Alken, Mosel). – Terra Nostra, 6/2000: 103; Berlin.


Brocke, R. & Wilde, V., (2000a): Neue palynologische Untersuchungen im Grenzbereich Unter/Mittel-Devon der Eifel. – Terra Nostra, 3/2000: 25; Berlin.

Brocke, R., & Wilde, V. (2000b): Lower Devonian (Emsian) palynology of the Rhenish Slate Mountains, Germany. – 10th International Palynological Congress (IPC 10) in Nanjing, China, June, 24-30, 2000: 19-20; Nanjing.

Brocke, R., Li, J. & Servais, T. (2000): Palynological assemblages of the Azygograptus suecicus Graptolite Biozone in South China. – 10th International Palynological Congress (IPC 10) in Nanjing, China, June, 24-30, 2000: 19; Nanjing.

Brocke, R., Li, J. & Wang, Yi (2000): Upper Arenigian to lower Llanvirnian acritarch assemblages from South China: a preliminary evaluation. – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 113 (1-3): 27-40; Amsterdam.

Erdtmann, B.-D., Kraft, P., Brocke, R., Fatka, O., Heuse, T., Linnemann, U. [eds] (2000): Pre-Variscan Terrane Analysis of “Gondwanan Europe”, Proceedings Volume of the International Conference, Dresden, May 1-2, 1998. – Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geologica, 42 (3/4): 371-517; Praha.

Fatka, O. & Brocke, R. (2000): Analysis of acritarch assemblages at the Tremadocian – Arenigian boundary. Reports on geological research in the year 1999. – Czech Geological Survey: 50-54; Praha.

Li, J., Servais, T. & Brocke, R. (2000): Chinese Palaeozoic Acritarchs: Review and perspectives. – 10th International Palynological Congress (IPC 10) in Nanjing, China, June, 24-30, 2000: 94; Nanjing.

Li, J., Wang, Yi & Brocke, R. (2000): Ordovician acritarchs from the Shihtzupu Formation of Tongzi, Guizhou, South China. – Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 16 (3): 18-26; Nanjing, China.

Plodowski, G., Becker, G., Brocke, R., Jansen, U., Lazreq, N., Schindler, E., Schraut, G., Walliser, O.H., Weddige, K. & Ziegler, W. (2000): The section at Jebel Issimour (NW Maïder, Early to early Middle Devonian). First results with respect to lithology and biostratigraphy. – Notes et Mémoires Service Géologie Maroc, 399: 43-48; Rabat.

Servais, T., Brocke, R., Erdtmann, B.-D. & Heuse, T. (2000): The importance of acritarchs in Ordovician biostratigraphy and paleobiogeography in Germany. In: Erdtmann, B.-D., Kraft, P., Brocke, R., Fatka, O., Heuse, T. & Linnemann, U. [eds] (2000): Pre-Variscan Terrane Analysis of ‘Gondwanan’ Europe. – Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geologica, 43 (1/2): 114-119; Praha.

Servais, T., Fatka, O., Brocke, R., Dorning, K., Heuse, T., Le Hérissé, A., Li, J., Molyneux, S.G., Rubinstein, C.V., Vanguestaine, M., Vecoli, M., Wallin, A. & Wicander, R. (2000a): A complete catalogue of Ordovician Acritarch species: In: Cockle, P., Wilson, G.A., Brock, G.A., Engelbretsen, M.J., Simpson, A. & Wicnchester-Seeto, T. [eds] (2000): Palaeontology Down-Under 2000. – Geological Society of Australia, 61: 96; Sydney.

Servais, T., Fatka, O., Brocke, R., Dorning, K., Heuse, T., Le Hérissé, A., Li, J., Molyneux, S.G., Rubinstein, C.V., Vanguestaine, M., Vecoli, M., Wallin, A. & Wicander, R. (2000b): A complete catalogue of Ordovician Acritarch species. – 10th International Congress (IPC 10) in Nanjing, China, June, 24-30, 2000: 148-149; Nanjing.

Wang, Yi, Li, J. & Brocke, R. (2000): Late Silurian Palynomorphs from Guangyuan, Sichuan, China. – 10th International Congress (IPC 10) in Nanjing, China, June, 24-30, 2000: 178; Nanjing.

Wehrmann, A., Brocke, R., Hertweck, G., Jansen, U., Königshof, P., Plodowski, G., Schindler, E., Schultka, S. & Wilde, V. (2000): Intertidal deposits in Lower Devonian siliciclastic sequences of the Mosel Region, Germany. – 20th IAS Regional Meeting in Dublin, Ireland., September, 13-15, 2000: 62; Dublin.


Brocke, R. & Fatka, O. (1999): Acritarch assemblages at the ”Tremadocian-Arenigian” boundary. –Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geologica, 43 (1/2): 245-247; Praha.

Brocke, R., Li, J. & Wang, Yi (1999): Preliminary results on upper ”Arenigian” to lower ”Llanvirnian” acritarchs from South China. – Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geologica, 43 (1/2): 259-261; Praha.

Fatka, O. & Brocke, R. (1999): Morphological variability in two populations of Arbusculidium filamentosum (Vavrdová 1965) Vavrdová 1972). – Palynology, 23: 153-180; Dallas, Texas.

Li, J., Li, Y. & Brocke, R. (1999): Planctonic algal microfossils from Early Silurian of northern Guizhou, South China. – 7th International Symposium on Fossil Algae, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Academia Sinica: 41-42; Nanjing.

Li, J., Wang, Yi & Brocke, R. (1999): Llanvirnian acritarchs from the Yangtze Platform of South China. – 7th International Symposium on Fossil Algae; Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Academia Sinica: 38-40; Nanjing.

Ziegler, W., Weddige, K., Walliser, O.H., Schraut, G., Schindler, E., Plodowski, G., Lazreq, N., Jansen, U., Brocke, R. & Becker, G. (1999): The Early and early Middle Devonian in selected sections of the Moroccan Anti-Atlas. – Abstract Book, Errachidia Meeting SDS-IGCP 421, April 23rd – May 1st 1999: 46; Montpellier.


Brocke, R. (1998a): Palynomorpha (Acritarcha, Prasinophyceae, Chlorophyceae) aus dem Ordovizium der Yangtze-Plattform, SW-China, Dissertation: 225 Seiten; TU Berlin.

Brocke, R. (1998b): Evaluation of the Ordovician acritarch genus Ampullula Righi. – Annales de la Société de la Géologique de Belgique, 120 (1): 73-93; Liège.

Brocke, R. (1998c): Patterns of acritarch palaeogeography in the Ordovician of the peri-Gondwanan South China Plate. In: Linnemann, U., Heuse, T., Fatka, O., Kraft, P., Brocke, R. & Erdtmann, B.-D. [eds] (1998): Abstracts to Pre-Variscian Terrane Analysis of ”Gondwanan Europe”, International Symposium. – Schriften des Staatlichen Museums für Mineralogie und Geologie zu Dresden, 9: 105-106; Dresden.

Brocke, R. (1998d): Paläoökologie und Paläobiogeographie des Phytoplanktons im Ordovizium der Yangtze-Plattform, SW-China. –Terra Nostra, 98 (3): V41-42; Berlin.

Brocke, R. (1998f): Acritarch evidence for the Peri-Gondwana related Yangtze Platform in the Early Ordovician. – Contributions to the International CIMP Acritarch Subcommission Meeting and Workshop in Pisa, September, 11-15, 1998: 9-10; Pisa.

Brocke, R. & Servais, T. (1998): Ordovician acritarchs from the Yangtze Platform and their potential for a world-wide correlation. – Palaeoworld, 10: 13-14; Nanjing.

Brocke, R., Fatka, O., Molyneux, S.G., & Servais, T. (1998): Acritarch stratigraphy at the Tremadoc-Arenig boundary. – Palaeoworld, 10: 11-12; Nanjing.

Linnemann, U., Heuse, T., Fatka, O., Kraft, P., Brocke, R. & Erdtmann, B.-D. (1998): Pre-Variscan Terrane Analysis of ”Gondwanan Europe”, International Symposium, Excursion Guides to Saxony, Thuringia and Bohemia and Abstracts. – Schriften des Staatlichen Museums für Mineralogie und Geologie zu Dresden, 9: 1-203; Dresden.

Riegel, W. & Brocke, R. (1998): Patterns of phytoplankton development in the Germanic Basin. – Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften, Reihe B, Beiheft 5: 149; Halle (Saale).

Servais, T. & Brocke, R. (1998): A global paleobiogeographical distribution model for Ordovician acritarchs. – Palaeoworld, 10: 30; Nanjing.

Servais, T., Brocke, R., Erdtmann, B.-D., Fatka, O. & Heuse, T. (1998): The importance of acritarchs in Ordovician biostratigraphy and palaeobiogeography in Germany. In: Linnemann, U., Heuse, T., Fatka O., Kraft, P., Brocke, R. & Erdtmann, B.-D. [eds] (1998): Abstracts to Pre-Variscian Terrane Analysis of ”Gondwanan Europe”, International Symposium. – Schriften des Staatlichen Museums für Mineralogie und Geologie zu Dresden, 9: 187-188; Dresden.


Brocke, R. (1997): First results of Tremadoc to lower Arenig acritarchs from the Yangtze Platform, Southwest China. – Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geologica, 40: 337-355; Praha.

Brocke, R., Fatka, O. & Servais, T. (1997): A review of the Ordovician acritarchs Aureotesta and Marrocanium. – Annales de la Société de la Géologique de Belgique, 120 (1): 1-21; Liège.

Servais, T., Brocke, R. & Erdtmann, B.-D. (1997): Biostratigraphie und Paläogeographie der Acritarchen im Ordovizium Deutschlands: ein Überblick. – Terra Nostra, 97 (6): 116-117; Berlin.


Brocke, R. (1996a): Upper Tremadocian to lower Arenigian acritarchs from the Yangtze Platform, South China. – Contributions to the International CIMP (Acritarch Subcommission) Meeting and Workshop in Prague, April, 10-12, 1996: 2; Praha.

Brocke, R. (1996b): Acritarchen: Ein Schlüssel zur Paläobiogeographie? Die Yangtze Plattform, Süd-China im Ordovizium. – Arbeitskreis für Paläobotanik und Palynologie in Bonn, 17.-19. Mai 1996; Bonn.

Brocke, R. & Riegel, W. (1996): Phytoplankton responses to shoreline fluctuations in the Upper Muschelkalk (Middle Triassic) of Lower Saxony (Germany). – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 200 (1/2): 53-73; Stuttgart.

Erdtmann, B.-D., Brocke, R., Hoffknecht, A. & Wang, X. (1996): A Regional Study of Graptolite – and Organic Microfossil – supported Geothermetry of Sinian to Silurian sediments on the Central Yangtze Platform. – In: Friedrich, G. & Stronk, L. [eds] (1996): – Contributions in Earth Sciences (Geowissenschaften), 14 (7/8): 294-296; Berlin.

Servais, T., Brocke, R. & Fatka, O. (1996): Variability in the Ordovician acritarch Dicrodiacrodium. – Palaeontology, 39 (2): 389-405; London.

Servais, T., Brocke, R., Fatka, O. & Le Hérissé, A. (1996a): Value and understanding of the term acritarch. In: Fatka, O. & Servais, T. [eds] (1996): Proceedings of the International Symposium and Workshop CIMP Acritarch Subcommission, Praha, April 1996. – Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geologica, 40: 631-643; Praha.


Brocke, R., Fatka, O., Molyneux, S. & Servais, T. (1995): First appearance of selected early Ordovician acritarch taxa from peri-Gondwana. – In: Cooper, J.D., Droser, M.L. & Finney, S.C. [eds] (1995): Ordovician Odyssey. – The Pacific Section Society for Sedimentary Society (SEPM), 77: 473-476; Fullerton, California.


Brocke, R. & Fatka, O. & Servais, T. (1994): Aureotesta Vavrdová 1972 and Marrocanium Cramer et al. 1974 – one single taxon?. – Contributions to the CIMP Symposium on Palynology, Palaeoenvironments and Stratigraphy in Sheffield: 49; Sheffield.

Servais, T., Brocke, R. & Fatka, O. (1994a): Biometrics of the Dicrodiacrodium ancoriforme-normale group. – Contributions to the CIMP Symposium on Palynology, Palaeoenvironments and Stratigraphy in Sheffield, England: 37; Sheffield.


Brocke, R. & Fatka, O. (1993): Populations of Arbusculidium filamentosum (Vavrdová 1965) Vavrdová 1972 from Arenig (Early Ordovician) of the Klabava Formation (Bohemia) and the Dawan Formation (S. China). – 63. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft in Prag, 21.-26. September, 1993: 61; Praha.

Wang, X., Hoffknecht, A., Xiao, J., Chen, S., Li, Z., Brocke, R. & Erdtmann, B.-D. (1993): Thermal maturity of the Sinian and Early Palaeozoic in West Hubei, China, assessed by CAI, reflectance and geochemical studies. – Stratigraphy and Palaeontology, 2: 17-37; Beijing.


Brocke, R. (1992): First results of palynological investigations of the Lower Arenig from the Yangtze Platform, China. – 8th International Palynological Congress in Aix-en-Provence, September 6-12, 1992: 18; Aix-en-Provence.

Servais, T. & Brocke, R. (1992): Ordovician acritarchs from the boreholes of the Island Rügen. – 8th International Palynological Congress in Aix-en-Provence, September 6-12, 1992: 135; Aix-en-Provence.

Wang, X., Hoffknecht, A., Xiao, J., Chen, S., Li, Z., Brocke, R. & Erdtmann, B.-D. (1992a): Reflectance of graptolite and its use as indicator of thermal maturity. – Bulletin Yichang Institute of Geology and Mineral Research, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, 18:129-163; Yichang.

Wang, X., Hoffknecht, A., Xiao, J., Chen, S., Li, Z., Brocke, R. & Erdtmann, B.-D. (1992b): Reflectance of Graptolite, Chitinozoan, and Scolecodont as an Iindicator of Thermal Maturation. – Abstract, 29th International Geological Congress, 3 of 3: 823.

Wang, X., Hoffknecht, A., Xiao,J,, Chen, S., Li, Z., Brocke, R. & Erdtmann, B.-D. (1992c): Graptolite, chitinozoan and scolecodont reflectance and their use as indicator of thermal maturity. – Acta Geologica Sinica, 66 (3): 269-279; Beijing.


Brocke, R. (1987): Phytoplankton und Fazies im Oberen Muschelkalk bei Göttingen. – 57. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Clausthal Zellerfeld, 1987: 18; Clausthal-Zellerfeld.