
Die Forschung ist taxonomisch-systematisch ausgerichtet. Ziel ist es zum einen die Charakterevolution in ausgesuchten phylogenetischen Linien zu verstehen und durch Einbeziehung molekular-phylogenetischer Daten eine natürliche Systematik zu erarbeiten. Zum anderen ist die Dokumentation der Biodiversität – im Sinne von Artenvielfalt – einzelner Regionen von Interesse (z.B. Deutsche Bucht, Madeira, Elba). Es wird mit dem morphologiebasierten Artkonzept gearbeitet.


Meeresbotanik Mona Hoppenrath
PD Dr.  Mona Hoppenrath
Fachgebietsleiterin Meeresbotanik

Link Fachbereich Meeresbotanik

Link Division Marine Botany

Link Newly Described Taxa

Link to Awards (in German)

January 2012
Habilitation in the area “biodiversity and evolutionary biology” at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
Habilitation treatise topic “Diversity and evolution of (marine) dinoflagellates”

September 2010
IFREMERpageInvited guest scientist at the Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER) in Concarneau
Projekt: „Molecular taxonomy and phylogeny of benthic dinoflagellates from South Brittany“

since 2008
Research scientist at the German Centre for Marine Biodiversity Research (DZMB) in Wilhelmshaven
Responsible for research on Dinophyta and Marine Botany

Research scientist (postdoctoral fellow) at the University of British Columbia (paid by University of Maryland, USA; PI: Prof. Charles F. Delwiche); Laboratory of Prof. Brian S. Leander
Project: AToL: An integrated approach to the phylogeny of dinoflagellates.

Research scientist (postdoctoral fellow) at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada (paid by UBC (NSERC & CIfAR) and by German Research Foundation scholarship DFG Ho3267/1-1); Laboratory of Prof. Brian S. Leander
Project: Molecular phylogeny, morphology, and taxonomy of selected dinoflagellates.

Research scientist (postdoctoral fellow) at Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Topic: Taxonomic re-investigation of the North Sea phytoplankton

PhD study at the Wadden Sea Station Sylt, Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Topic: Taxonomical and ecological investigations of marine sand-dwelling flagellates
Promotion: 14.7.2000 at the University of Hamburg, Germany

Scientific assistant at the Plant Physiological Institute at the University Göttingen and the Wadden Sea Station Sylt of the Biologische Anstalt Helgoland in List (taxonomic working group), Germany

Study of biology at the University of Göttingen, Germany
1995 diploma; topic: Ultrastructural investigations of the function of the contractile vacuoles of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Begutachtete Publikationen


TILLMANN, U., GOTTSCHLING, M., SUNESSEN, I., WEITKAMP, S., DZHEMBEKOVA, N., RODRÍGUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, F., TARDIVO KUBIS, J., SAR, E., KAUFMANN, M. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2024): Morphological and molecular characterization of Prorocentrum bidens (formerly known as P. compressum) and description of the closely related Prorocentrum bisaeptum sp. nov. (Prorocentrales, Dinophyceae). Phycologia 63(5): 431-452.

VERMA, A., GAIANI, G., HOPPENRATH, M., DORANTES-ARANDA, J.J., SMITH, K.F., KOHLI, G.S., WILKINSON, C., HALLEGRAEFF, G.M. & MURRAY, S.A (2024):  Characterization and inter-strain variability in ichthyotoxicity of Heterocapsa ovata (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae) from temperate waters of South Australia. Frontiers in Protistology 2: 1422481.

REÑÉ, A., TIMONEDA, N., KHODAMI, S., LÓPEZ-GARCÍA, P., MARTÍNEZ ARBIZU, P. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2024): Morpho-molecular characterization of sand-dwelling dinoflagellate communities from the German Wadden Sea and insights into their spatiotemporal distribution. European Journal of Phycology 59(2): 196-217.

book chapter: FRIEDL, T. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2024) 5.2 Dinoflagellates. In: Büdel, B., Friedl, T. & Beyschlag, W. (Eds) Biology of Algae, Lichens, and Bryophytes. Springer Verlag Heidelberg. pp. 280-296.


book: HOPPENRATH, M., CHOMÉRAT, N., HORIGUCHI, T., MURRAY, S. & RHODES, L. (2023): Marine benthic dinoflagellates – their relevance for science and society. Senckenberg-Buch 88: 376 pp.

SELINA, M.S., EFIMOVA, K.V., MOROZOVA, T.V. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2023): Morpho-molecular description of a new sand-dwelling genus, Aliferia gen. nov. (Dinophyceae), from the Sea of Japan including two new species. Phycologia 62: 366-382.

ELBRÄCHTER, M., GOTTSCHLING, M., HOPPENRATH, M., KEUPP, H., KUSBER, W.-H., STRENG, M., TILLMANN, U., VERSTEEGH, G.J.M. & ZONNEVELD, K.A.F. (2023): (258-260) Proposals to eliminate contradiction between Articles 11.7 and 11.8 and to equate non-fossil with fossil names of dinophytes for purposes of priority. Taxon 72(3): 684-686.

KALVELAGE, J., WÖHLBRAND, L., SCHOON, R., ZINK, F., CORRELL, C., SENKLER, J., EUBEL, H., HOPPENRATH, M., RHIEL, E., BRAUN, H., WINKLHOFER, M., KLINGL, A. & RABUS, R. (2023): The enigmatic nucleus of the marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum cordatum. mSphere 8(4):

CHOMÉRAT, N., SABUROVA, M., BILIEN, G., ZENTZ, F. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2023): Morphology and molecular phylogeny of a widely distributed but little-known sand-dwelling dinoflagellate, Coutea sabulosa gen. & sp. nov. (Dinophyceae, Alveolata). Phycologia 62: 244-258.

VERMA, A., HOPPENRATH, M., SMITH, K.F., MURRAY, J.S., HARWOOD, D.T., HOSKING, J.M., RONGO, T., RHODES, L.L. & MURRAY, S.A. (2023): Ostreopsis Schmidt and Coolia Meunier (Dinophyceae, Gonyaulacales) from Cook Islands and Niue (South-Pacific Ocean), including description of Ostreopsis tairoto sp. nov. Scientific Reports 13: 3110.

TILLMANN, U., GOTTSCHLING, M., WIETKAMP, S. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2023): Morphological and phylogenetic characterization of Prorocentrum spinulentum, sp. nov. (Prorocentrales, Dinophyceae), a small spiny species from the North Atlantic. Microorganisms 11: 271.

YAMAGUCHI, A., HOPPENRATH, M., MURRAY, S.A., KRETZSCHMAR, A.L., HORIGUCHI, T. & WAKEMAN, K. (2023): Morphology and molecular phylogeny of the benthic dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae, Peridiniales) Amphidiniopsis crumena n. sp. and Amphidiniopsis nileribanjensis n. sp. European Journal of Protistology 87: 125940.

TILLMANN, U., WIETKAMP, S., GOTTSCHLING, M. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2023): Prorocentrum pervagatum sp. nov. (Prorocentrales, Dinophyceae), a new small planktonic species with a global distribution. Phycological Research 71: 56-71. doi: 10.1111/pre.12502


ÁLVAREZ, E.A., KLEMM, K., HOPPENRATH, M., CEMBELLA, A., JOHN, U. & KARLSON, B. (2022): Temporal and spatial distribution of epibenthic dinoflagellates in the Kattegat-Skagerrak, NE Atlantic – focus on Prorocentrum lima and Coolia monotis. Harmful Algae 118: 102318.

TILLMANN, U., BERAN, A., GOTTSCHLING, M., WEITKAMP, S. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2021): Clarifying confusion – Prorocentrum triestinum J.Schiller and Prorocentrum redfieldii Bursa (Prorocentrales, Dinophyceae) are two different species. European Journal of Phycology :


REÑÉ, A., HOPPENRATH, M., REBOUL, G., MOREIRA, D. & LÓPEZ-GARCÍA, P. (2021): Composition and temporal dynamics of sand-dwelling dinoflagellate communities from three Mediterranean beaches. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 86: 85-98.

HOPPENRATH, M., REÑÉ, A., SATTA, C.T., YAMAGUCHI, A. & SELINA, M.S. (2021): Molecular phylogeny and morphology of Carinadinium gen. nov. (Dinophyceae, Gonyaulacales), including marine sand-dwelling dinoflagellate species formerly classified within Thecadinium. European Journal of Protistology :

BORCHHARDT, N., CHOMÉRAT, N., BILIEN, G., ZENTZ, F., RHODES, L., MURRAY, S.A. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2021): Morphology and molecular phylogeny of Bindiferia gen. nov. (Dinophyceae), a new marine sand-dwelling dinoflagellate genus formerly classified within Amphidinium. Phycologia : in press.



BARUA, A., AJANI, P.A. , RUVINDY, R., FARRELL, H., ZAMMIT, A., BRETT, S., HILL, D., SAROWAR, C., HOPPENRATH, M. & MURRAY, S.A. (2020): First detection of paralytic shellfish toxins from Alexandrium pacificum above the regulatory limit in blue mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) in New South Wales, Australia. Microorganisms 8: 905.

HOPPENRATH, M., REÑÉ, A., SATTA, C.T., YAMAGUCHI, A. & LEANDER, B.S. (2020): Morphology and molecular phylogeny of a new marine, sand-dwelling dinoflagellate genus, Pachena (Dinophyceae), with descriptions of three new species. Journal of Phycology 56: 798-817.:

KROCK B., SCHLOSS, I.R., TREFAULT, N., TILLMANN, U., HERNANDO, M., DEREGIBUS, D., ANTONI, J., ALMANDOZ, G. & HOPPENRATH, M.(2020): Detection of the phycotoxin pectenotoxin-2 in waters around King George Island, Antarctica. Polar Biology 43(3): 263-277.

REÑÉ, A., SATTA, C.T., LÓPEZ-GARCÍA, P. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2020): Re-evaluation of Amphidiniopsis (Dinophyceae) morphogroups based on phylogenetic relationships, and description of three new sand-dwelling species from the NW Mediterranean. Journal of Phycology 56: 68-84.


KRETSCHMAR, A.L., LARSSON, M.E.,HOPPENRATH, M., DOBLIN, M.A. & MURRAY, S.A. (2019): Characterisation of two toxic Gambierdiscus spp. (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyceae) from the Great Barrier Reef (Australia): G. lewisii sp. nov. & G. holmesii sp. nov. Protist 170(6): 125699.

VERMA, A., KAZANDJIAN, A., SAROWAR, C., HARWOOD, D.T., MURRAY, J.S., PARGMANN, I., HOPPENRATH, M. & MURRAY, S.A. (2019): Morphology and phylogenetics of benthic Prorocentrum species (Dinophyceae) from tropical north-western Australia. Toxins 11: 571. 

EFIMOVA, K.V., SELINA, M.S. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2019): New morphological data and molecular phylogeny of the benthic dinoflagellate Pseudothecadinium campbellii (Dinophyceae, Gonyaulacales). European Journal of Protistology 71: 125638.

HOPPENRATH, M., KRETSCHMAR, A.L., MURRAY, S.A. & KAUFMANN, M.J. (2019): Morphology and molecular phylogeny of Gambierdiscus excentricus (Dinophyceae) from Madeira Island (NE Atlantic Ocean). Marine Biodiversity Records 12: 16.

NARCISO, Á., CALDEIRA, R., REIS, J.,HOPPENRATH, M., CACHAO, M. & KAUFMANN, M. (2019): The effect of a transient frontal zone on the spatial distribution of extant coccolithophores around the Madeira Archipelago (Northeast Atlantic). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 223: 25-38.

ELBRÄCHTER, M., GOTTSCHLING, M., HOPPENRATH, M., JAHN, R., MONTRESOR, M., TILLMANN, U. & KUSBER, W.-H. (2019): (2686) Proposal to conserve the name Alexandrium against Blepharocysta (Dinophyceae). Taxon 68(3): 589-590 .

Reñé, A. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2019): Psammodinium inclinatum gen. nov. et comb. nov. (=Thecadinium inclinatum Balech) is the closest relative to the toxic dinoflagellate genera Gambierdiscus and Fukuyoa. Harmful Algae 84: 161-171.

TILLMANN, U., HOPPENRATH, M. & GOTTSCHLING, M. (2019): Reliable determination of Prorocentrum micans Ehrenb. (Prorocentrales, Dinophyceae) based on newly collected material from the type locality. European Journal of Phycology 54(3): 417-431.

GOTTSCHLING, M., TILLMANN, U., KUSBER, W.-H., ELBRÄCHTER, M. &HOPPENRATH, M. (2019): To be or not to be: On the usefulness of infraspecific names in Heterocapsa steinii (Heterocapsaceae, Peridiniales). Phytotaxa 395(2): 134-136.

GOTTSCHLING, M., TILLMANN, U., ELBRÄCHTER, M., KUSBER, W.-H. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2019): Glenodinium triquetrum Ehrenb. is a species not of Heterocapsa F.Stein but of Kryptoperidinium Er.Lindem. (Kryptoperidiniaceae, Peridiniales). Phytotaxa 391(2): 155-158.

ADL, S.M., BASS, D., LANE, C.E., LUKES, SCHOCH, C.L., SMIRNOV, A., AGATHA, S., BERNEY, C., BROWN, M.W., BURKI, F., CARDENAS, P., Čepička, I., Chistyakova, L., del Campo, J., DUNTHORN, M., EDVARDSEN, B., EGLIT, Y., GUILLOU, L., HAMPL, V., HEISS, A., HOPPENRATH, M., et al. (2019): Revisions to the classification, nomenclature, and diversity of eukaryotes. The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 66: 4-119.

SELINA, M.S., EFIMOVA, K.V. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2019): Delimitation of the genus Thecadinium (Dinophyceae) sensu stricto with two species Thecadinium kofoidii and T. pseudokofoidii sp. nov. using morphological and molecular data. Phycologia 58(1): 36-50.


LITAKER, R.W., FRAGA, S., MONTRESOR, M., BROSNAHAN, M., ANDERSON, D.M., HOPPENRATH, M., MURRAY, S.A., WOLNY, J., JOHN, U., SAMPEDRO, N., LARSON, J. & CALADO, A.J. (2018): A practical guide to new nomenclature for species within the “Alexandrium tamarense species complex”. Harmful Algae News 61: 13-15.

YAMAGUCHI, A., WAKEMAN, K.C., HOPPENRATH, M., HORIGUCHI, T. & KAWAI H. (2018): Molecular phylogeny of the benthic dinoflagellate Cabra matta (Dinophyceae) from Okinawa, Japan. Phycologia 57(6): 630-640.

WILKE, T., ZINSSMEISTER, C. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2018): Morphological variability within the marine dinoflagellate Ornithocercus quadratus (Dinophysales, Dinophyceae). Phycologia 57(5): 555-571.

ELBRÄCHTER, M., HOPPENRATH, M., JAHN, R. & KUSBER, W.-H. (2018): Stability of the generic names AlexandriumHalim and Gessnerium Halim at risk because of Peridinium splendor-maris Ehrenberg, the first documented bloom of Alexandrium (Dinophyceae). Notulae algarum No. 60

GOTTSCHLING, M., TILLMANN, U., KUSBER, W.-H., HOPPENRATH, M. & ELBRÄCHTER, M. (2018): (2607) Proposal to conserve the name Heterocapsa (Dinophyceae) with a conserved type. Taxon 67(3): 632-633.

GOTTSCHLING, M., TILLMANN, U., KUSBER, W.-H., HOPPENRATH, M. & ELBRÄCHTER, M. (2018): A Gordian knot: Nomenclature and taxonomy of Heterocapsa triquetra (Ehrenb.) Stein (Heterocapsaceae, Peridiniales). Taxon 67(1): 179-185.

WAKEMAN, K., HOPPENRATH, M., YAMAGUCHI, A., GAVELIS, G.S., LEANDER, B.S. & NOZAKI, H. (2018): Ultrastructure of the marine benthic dinoflagellate Plagiodinium belizeanum (Dinophyceae) from the southeast Pacific island of Okinawa, Japan. Phycologia 57(2): 209-222.

BRANDT, A., SCHOLZ, J., ALLSPACH, A., BRENKE, N., BRIX, S., GEORGE, K.H., HÖRNSCHEMEYER, T., HOLST, S., HOPPENRATH, M., IWAN, F., JANSSEN, A., JANSSEN, R., JANUSSEN, D., JESKULKE, K., FIEGE, D., KAISER, S., KIENEKE, A., KIHARA, T.C., KRÖNCKE, I., KRUPP, F., MARTHA, S.O., MARTÍNEZ ARBIZU, P.M., MEIßNER, K., MILJUTINA, M., MILJUTIN, D., RENZ, J., RIEHL, T., SAEEDI, H., SIEGLER, V., SONNEWALD, M., STUCKAS, H. & VEIT-KÖHLER, G. (2018): 200 years of marine research at Senckenberg: selected highlights. Marine Biodiversity 48: 159-178.

MERTENS, K.N., CARBONELL-MOORE, C., POSPELOVA, V., HEAD, M.J., HIGHFIELD, A., SCHROEDER, D., GU, H., ANDREE, K.B., YAMAGUCHI, A., TAKANO, Y., NÉZAN, E., BILIEN, G., OKOLODKOV, Y., KOIKE, K., HOPPENRATH, M., PFAFF, M., PITCHER G., AL-MUFTAH, A., ROCHON, A., LIM, P.T., LEAW, C.P., LIM, Z.F. & ELLEGAARD, M. (2018): The potentially toxic Pentaplacodinium saltonense gen. et sp. nov. (Dinophyceae), and its relationship to the cyst-defined Operculodinium psilatum and the yessotoxin-producing Protoceratium reticulatum. Harmful Algae 71: 57-77


VERMA, A., KOHLI, G.S., HOPPENRATH, M., HARWOOD, T., KUZHIUMPARAMBIL, U., RALPH, P.J. & MURRAY, S.A.(2017): Systematics and diversity of genus Ostreopsis in the East Australian Current region. In: Proenca, L.A.O. & Hallegraeff, G.M. (eds) Marine and fresh-water harmful algae. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Harmful Algae. International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae 2017: 84-87.

TILLMANN, U., HOPPENRATH, M., GOTTSCHLING, M., KUSBER, W.-H. & ELBRÄCHTER, M. (2017): Plate pattern clarification of the marine dinophyte Heterocapsa triquetra sensu Stein (Dinophyceae) collected at the Kiel Fjord (Germany). Journal of Phycology 53: 1305-1324.

FRICKE, A., KIHARA, T.C., KOPPRIO, G.A. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2017): Anthropogenically driven habitat formation by a tube dwelling diatom on the Northern Patagonian Atlantic coast. Ecological Indicators 77: 8-13

HOPPENRATH, M., YUBUKI, N., STERN, R. & LEANDER, B.S. (2017): Ultrastructure and molecular phylogenetic position of a new marine sand-dwelling dinoflagellate from British Columbia, Canada: Pseudadenoides polypyrenoides sp. nov. (Dinophyceae). European Journal of Phycology 52(2): 208-224.

FRICKE, A., KIHARA, T.C. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2017): Studying mesoalgal structures – a non-destructive approach based on confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Botanica Marina 60(2): 181-195.

ZINSSMEISTER, C., WILKE, T. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2017): Species diversity of dinophysoid dinoflagellates of the Clarion Clipperton Fracture Zone. Marine Biodiversity 47(2): 271-287.

KRETZSCHMAR, A.L., VERMA, A., HARWOOD, T., HOPPENRATH, M. & MURRAY, S.A. (2017): Characterisation of Gambierdiscus lapillus sp. nov. (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyceae): a new toxic dinoflagellate from the Great Barrier Reef (Australia). Journal of Phycology 53: 283-297.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2017): Dinoflagellate taxonomy – a review and proposal of a revised classification. Marine Biodiversity 47(2): 381-403.


VERMA, A., HOPPENRATH, M., DORANTES-ARANDA, J.-J., HARWOOD, T. & MURRAY S.A.(2016) Molecular phylogenetic characterization of Ostreopsis (Dinophyceae) and the description of a new species, Ostreopsis rhodesae sp. nov., from a subtropical Australian lagoon. Harmful Algae 60: 116-130.

YAMAGUCHI, A., YOSHIMATSU, S., HOPPENRATH, M., WAKEMAN K.C. & KAWAI, H. (2016): Molecular phylogeny of the benthic dinoflagellate genus Amphidiniopsis and its relationship with the family Protoperidiniaceae. Protist 167(6): 568-583.  

VERMA, A., HOPPENRATH, M., HARWOOD, T., BRETT, S., RHODES, L. & MURRAY S.A.(2016) Molecular phylogeny, morphology and toxigenicity of Ostreopsis cf. siamensis (Dinophyceae) from temperate south-east Australia. Phycological Research 64: 146-159.


SELINA, M., CHOMÉRAT, N. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2015): Morphology and spatial distribution of Cabra species (Dinophyceae, Peridiniales) from Peter the Great Bay (northwestern Sea of Japan), including the description of C. levis sp. nov. European Journal of Phycology 50: 80-91.


WISSHAK, M., ALEXANDRAKIS, E. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2014): The diatom attachment scar Ophthalmichnus lyolithonigen. et isp. n. Ichnos 21: 111-118.

KOHLI, G.S., NEILAN, B.A., BROWN, M.V., HOPPENRATH, M. & MURRAY S.A. (2014): Cob gene pyrosequencing enables characterisation of benthic dinoflagellate diversity and biogeography. Environmental Microbiology 16: 467-485.

MURRAY S.A., HOPPENRATH, M., ORR, R.J., BOLCH, C., JOHN, U., DIWAN, R., YAUWENAS, R., HARWOOD, T., DE SALAS, M., NEILAN, B.A. & HALLEGRAEFF, G. (2014): Alexandrium diversaporum nov. sp., a new non-saxitoxin producing species: phylogeny, morphology and sxtA genes. Harmful Algae 31: 54-65. 


HOPPENRATH, M., CHOMÉRAT, N., HORIGUCHI, T., SCHWEIKERT, M., NAGAHAMA, Y. & MURRAY S. (2013): Taxonomy and phylogeny of the benthic Prorocentrum species (Dinophyceae) – a proposal and review. Harmful Algae 27: 1-28.

TILLMANN, U. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2013): The life-cycle of the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Polykrikos kofoidii. J. Phycol. 49: 298-317.

SELINA, M. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2013): Morphology and taxonomy of seven marine sand-dwelling Amphidiniopsisspecies (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae), including two new species A. konovalovae sp. nov. and A. striata sp. nov from the Sea of Japan, Russia. Marine Biodiversity 43: 87-104.

HOPPENRATH, M., CHOMÉRAT, N. & LEANDER, B.S. (2013): Molecular phylogeny of Sinophysis: Evaluating the possible early evolutionary history of dinophysoid dinoflagellates. In: Lewis, J.M., Marret, F. & Bradley, L. (eds.) Biological and Geological Perspectives of Dinoflagellates. The Micropalaeontological Society, Special publications. Geological Society, London: 207-214.


ADL, S.M, SIMPSON, A.G.B., LANE, C.E., LUKES, J., BASS, D., BOWSER, S.S., BROWN, M.W., BURKI, F., DUNTHORN, M., HAMPL, V., HEISS, A., HOPPENRATH, M., LARA, E., GALL, L.L., LYNN, D.H., MCMANUS, H.,MITCHELL, E.A.D., MOZLEY-STANRIDGE, S.E., PARFREY, L.W., PAWLOWSKI, J., RUECKERT, S., SHADWICK, L., SCHOCH, C.L., SMIRNOV, A. & SPIEGEL, F.W. (2012): The revised classification of eukaryotes. The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 59: 429-493.

MURRAY, S.A., GARBY, T., HOPPENRATH, M. & NEILAN, B.A. (2012): Genetic diversity, morphological uniformity and polyketide production in dinoflagellates (Amphidinium, Dinoflagellata).  PLoS ONE 7(6): e38253.

RÖDER, K., HANTZSCHE, F.M., GEBÜHR, C., MIENE, C., HELBIG, T., KROCK, B., HOPPENRATH, M., LUCKAS, B. & GERDTS, G. (2012) Effects of salinity, temperature and nutrients on growth, cellular characteristics and yessetoxin production of Protoceratium reticulatum. Harmful Algae 15: 59-70.

HOPPENRATH, M., MURRAY, S., SPARMANN, S. & LEANDER, B.S. (2012): Morphology and molecular phylogeny of Ankistrodinium gen. nov. (Dinophyceae), a new genus of marine sand-dwelling dinoflagellates formerly classified within Amphidinium. J. Phycol. 48: 1143-1152. 

SABUROVA, M., CHOMÉRAT, N. & HOPPENRATH, M.(2012): Morphology and SSU rDNA phylogeny of Durinskia agilis(Kofoid & Swezy) comb. nov. (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae), a thecate, marine, sand-dwelling dinoflagellate formerly classified within Gymnodinium. Phycologia 51: 287-302.

HOPPENRATH, M., SELINA, M., YAMAGUCHI, A. & LEANDER, B.S. (2012): Morphology and molecular phylogeny of Amphidiniopsis rotundata sp. nov. (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae), a new benthic marine dinoflagellate. Phycologia 51: 157-167. 


YAMAGUCHI, A., HOPPENRATH, M., POSPELOVA, V., HORIGUCHI, T. & LEANDER, B.S. (2011): Molecular phylogeny of the marine sand-dwelling dinoflagellate Herdmania litoralis and an emended description of the closely related planktonic genus Archaeperidinium Jörgensen. Europ. J. Phycol 46: 98-112.


HOPPENRATH, M. & LEANDER, B.S. (2010): Dinoflagellates phylogeny as inferred from heat shock protein 90 and ribosomal gene sequences. PLoS ONE 5, e13220 (12 pages).

STERN, R., HORAK, A., ANDREW, R., COFFROTH, M.-A., ANDERSEN, R., KÜPPER, F., JAMESON, I., HOPPENRATH, M., VÉRON, B., KASAI, F., BRAND, J., JAMES, E., KEELING, P.J. (2010): Environmental barcoding reveals massive dinoflagellate diversity in marine environments. PLoS ONE 5, e13991 (14 pages).

GARCÈS, E. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2010): Ultrastructure of the intracellular parasite Parvilucifera sinerae (Alveolata, Myzozoa) infecting the marine toxic planktonic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum (Dinophyceae). Harmful Algae 10: 64-70.

CHANTANGSI, C.,HOPPENRATH, M.& LEANDER, B.S. (2010): Evolutionary relationships among marine cercozoans as inferred from combined SSU and LSU rDNA sequences and polyubiquitin insertions. Mol. Phylo. Evol. 57, 518-527.

BREGLIA, S.A., YUBUKI, N., HOPPENRATH, M. & LEANDER, B.S. (2010): Ultrastructure and molecular phylogenetic position of a novel euglenozoan with extrusive episymbiotic bacteria: Bihospites bacati n. gen. et sp. (Symbiontida). BMC Microbiology 10: 145 (21 pages).

HOPPENRATH, M., YUBUKI, N., BACHVAROFF, T.R., & LEANDER, B.S. (2010): Re-classification of Pheoploykrikos hartmannii as Polykrikos (Dinophyceae) based partly on the ultrastructure of complex extrusomes. Europ. J. Protistol. 46: 29-37.


HOPPENRATH, M., BACHVAROFF, T.R., HANDY, S.M., DELWICHE, C.F. & LEANDER, B.S. (2009): Molecular phylogeny of ocelloid-bearing dinoflagellates (Warnowiaceae) as inferred from SSU and LSU rDNA sequences. BMC Evolutionary Biology 9: 116 (15pages).

HOPPENRATH, M.& LEANDER, B.S. (2009): Molecular phylogeny of Parvilucifera prorocentri (Alveolata, Myzozoa): insights into Perkinsid character evolution. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 56: 251-256.

HOPPENRATH, M., KOEMAN R.P.T. & LEANDER, B.S. (2009). Morphology and taxonomy of a new marine sand-dwelling Amphidiniopsis species (Dinophyceae, Peridiniales), A. aculeata sp. nov., from Cap Feret, France. Mar. Biodiv. 39: 1-7.


Sparmann, S.F., Leander, B.S. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2008): Comparative morphology and molecular phylogeny of taxa of the new marine benthic dinoflagellate genus Apicoporus, classified formerly within Amphidinium sensu lato. Protist 159: 383-399.

Yamaguchi, H., HOPPENRATH, M., Takishita, K. & Horiguchi, T. (2008): Haramonas pauciplastida sp. nov. (Raphidophyceae, Heterokontophyta) and phylogenetic analyse of Haramonas species using small subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences. Phycol. Res. 56: 127-138.

HOPPENRATH, M. & Leander, B.S. (2008): Morphology and molecular phylogeny of a new marine sand-dwelling Prorocentrum species, P. tsawwassenense sp. nov. (Dinophyceae, Prorocentrales) from British Columbia, Canada. J. Phycol. 44: 451-466.

Selina, M. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2008): An emended description of Amphidiniopsis arenaria Hoppenrath 2000, based on material from the Sea of Japan. Europ. J. Protistol. 44: 71-79.

Leander, B.S. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2008): Ultrastructure of a novel tube-forming, intracellular parasite of dinoflagellates: Parvilucifera prorocentri sp. nov. (Alveolata, Myzozoa). Europ. J. Protistol. 44: 55-70.

TAYLOR, F.J.R., HOPPENRATH, M. & SALDARRIAGA, J.F. (2008): Dinoflagellate diversity and distribution. Biodiv. Conserv. 17: 407-418.


OKOLODKOV, Y.B., CAMPOS-BAUTISTA, G., Gárate-Lizárraga, I., González- González, J.A.G., HOPPENRATH, M. & Arenas, V. (2007): Seasonal changes of benthic and epiphytic dinoflagellates in the Veracruz reef zone, Gulf of Mexico. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 47: 223-237.   

HOPPENRATH, M., BESZTERI, B., DREBES, G., HALLIGER, H., JANISCH, S., VAN BEUSEKOM, J.E.E. & WILTSHIRE, K.H. (2007): Thalassiosira species (Bacillariophyceae, Thalassiosirales) in the waters around the islands of Helgoland (German Bight) and Sylt (Northfrisian Wadden Sea) – a first approach to assessing diversity. Europ. J. Phycol. 42: 271-288.

HOPPENRATH, M., M. Elbrächter, Halliger, H., Koeman, R.P.T., Krakhmalnyy, A., Surek, B., Erler, K. & Lucas, B. (2007): First rec ords of the benthic, bloom-forming, non-toxic dinoflagellate Thecadinium yashimaense (Dinophyceae) in Europe – with special emphasis on the invasion in the North Sea. Helgol. Mar. Res. 61: 157-165.

HOPPENRATH, M., Horiguchi, T., Miyoshi, Y., Selina, M., Taylor, F.J.R.  & Leander, B.S. (2007): Taxonomy, phylogeny, biogeography, ecology of Sabulodinium undulatum, including an amended description of the species. Phycol. Res. 55: 159-175.

HOPPENRATH, M. & Leander, B.S. (2007): Morphology and phylogeny of the pseudocolonial dinoflagellates Polykrikos lebourae and Polykrikos herdmanae n. sp. Protist 158: 209-227.

HOPPENRATH, M.& Leander, B.S. (2007): Character evolution in polykrikoid dinoflagellates. J. Phycol. 43: 366-377.


HOPPENRATH, M. & Leander, B.S. (2006): Dinoflagellate, euglenoid or cercomonad? The ultrastructure and molecular phylogenetic position of Protaspis grandis n. sp.  J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 53: 327-242.

HOPPENRATH, M. & Leander, B.S. (2006): Ebriid phylogeny and the expansion of the ‘Cercozoa’. Protist 157: 279-290.

Murray, S., HOPPENRATH, M., Preisfeld, A., Larsen, J., Yoshimatsu, S., Toriumi, S. & Patterson, D.J. (2006): Phylogenetics of Rhinodinium broomeense gen. et sp. nov., a peridinoid, sand-dwelling dinoflagellate (Dinophyceae). J. Phycol. 42: 934-942.

HOPPENRATH, M. & Selina, M. (2006): Pseudothecadinium campbellii gen. nov. et sp. nov. (Dinophyceae), a phototrophic, thecate, marine planktonic species found in the Sea of Okhotsk, Russia. Phycologia 45: 260-269.

Murray, s., HOPPENRATH, M., Larsen, J. & Patterson, D.J. (2006): Bysmatrum teres sp. nov., a new sand-dwelling dinoflagellate from north-western Australia. Phycologia 45: 161-167.

Houpt, P. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2006): First record of the marine, benthic dinoflagellate Spiniferodinium galeiforme(Dinophyceae) from a temperate region. Phycologia 45: 10-12.  


HOPPENRATH, M., Bolch, C.J.S., Yoshimatsu, S., Saldarriaga, J.F., Schweikert, M., Campbell, C.N., Toriumi, S., Dodge, J.D., Elbrächter, M. & Taylor, F.J.R. (2005): Nomenclatural note on a Thecadinium species (Dinophyceae, Gonyaulacales), which was described as new independently three times within two months. J. Phycol. 41: 1284-1286.


Selina, M. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2004):  Morphology of Sinophysis minimum sp. nov., and three Sinophysis species (Dinophyceae, Dinophysiales) from the Sea of Japan. Phycol. Res. 52: 149-159.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2004): A revised check-list of planktonic diatoms and dinoflagellates from Helgoland (North Sea, German Bight). Helgol. Mar. Res. 58:243-251.   

HOPPENRATH, M., Saldarriaga, J.F., Schweikert, M., Elbrächter, M. & Taylor, F.J.R.   (2004): Description of Thecadinium mucosum sp. nov. (Dinophyceae), a new sand-dwelling, marine dinoflagellate, and an emended description of Thecadinium inclinatum Balech. J. Phycol. 40:946-961.


HOPPENRATH, M., Schweikert, M. & Elbrächter, M.   (2003): Morphological reinvestigation and characterisation of the marine, sand-dwelling dinoflagellate Adenoides eludens (Dinophyceae). Europ. J. Phycol. 38: 385-394.

Horiguchi, T. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2003): Haramonas viridis sp. nov. (Raphidophyceae, Heterokontophyta), a new sand-dwelling raphidophyte from cold temperate waters. Phycol. Res. 51: 61-67.


HOPPENRATH, M. (2000): Morphology and taxonomy of six marine sand-dwelling Amphidiniopsis species (Dinophyceae, Peridiniales), four of them new, from the German Bight, North Sea. Phycologia 39: 482-497.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2000): An emended description of Herdmania litoralis Dodge (Dinophyceae) including the plate formula. Nova Hedwigia 71: 481-489.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2000): Morphology and taxonomy of the marine sand-dwelling genus Thecadinium (Dinophyceae), with the description of two new species from the North German Wadden Sea. Phycologia 39: 96-108.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2000): A new marine sand-dwelling Prorocentrum species, P. clipeus sp. nov. (Dinophyceae, Prorocentrales) from Helgoland, German Bight, North Sea. Europ. J. Protistol. 36: 29-33.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2000): Morphology and taxonomy of Sinophysis (Dinophyceae, Dinophysiales) including two new marine sand-dwelling species from the North German Wadden Sea. Europ. J. Phycol. 35: 153-162.

HOPPENRATH, M. & Okolodkov, Y.B . (2000): Amphidinium glabrum sp. nov. (Dinophyceae) from the North German Waddense and European Arctic sea ice: morphology, distribution and ecology. Europ. J. Phycol. 35: 61-67.


HOPPENRATH, M. & Elbrächter, M.   (1998): Roscoffia capitata (Dinophyceae) refound: notes on morphology and biology. Phycologia 37 (6): 450-457.

Robinson, D.G., HOPPENRATH, M., Oberbeck, K., Luykx, P. & Ratajczak, R.   (1998): Localization of Pyrophosphatase and V-ATPase in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Bot. Acta 111: 108-122.


Luykx, P., HOPPENRATH, M.& Robinson, D.G.   (1997): Osmoregulatory mutants that affect the function of the contractile vacuole in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Protoplasma 200: 99-111.

Luykx, P., HOPPENRATH, M. & Robinson, D.G.   (1997): Structure and behavior of contractile vacuoles in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Protoplasma 198: 73-84.

Nicht begutachtete Publikationen (z.B. Abstracts von Konferenzen)


OTTE, V., WESCHE, K., ZIZKA, G., DRESSLER, S., HOPPENRATH, M. & KIENAST, F. (2011): The new Herbarium Senckenbergianum: old institutions under a new common roof. TAXON


HOPPENRATH, M. (2001): Biodiversity of marine sand-dwelling flagellates from the North German Wadden Sea., Phycologia 40 (4), Supplement, 114.

HOPPENRATH, M., Drebes, G., Elbrächter, M., Scharek, R., Beusekom, J. van & Wiltshire, K. (2001): The Helgoland and Sylt Marine Phytoplankton Time-Series (AWI)., Phycologia 40 (4), Supplement, 105.


HOPPENRATH, M. (1998): Sand-dwelling dinoflagellates of the Wadden Sea (List/Sylt), with special emphasis on Roscoffia capitata., NTNU Vitensk. mus. Rapp. bot. Ser. 1998-I; 69-70. 

Populärwissenschaftliche Publikationen

HOPPENRATH, M., SALDARRIAGA, J. & TILLMANN, U. (2018): Dinoflagellaten – ein Dauerexperiment der Evolution? Biologie in unserer Zeit 4/2018 (48): 228-238.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2011): Aufbau einer Dinoflagellaten-Sammlung – Mikrometerkleine Lebewesen kommen bei Senckenberg groß raus. SENCKENBERG nfm 141(3/4): 118-121.

DRESSLER, S., GEBAUER, P., HOPPENRATH, M., KIENAST, F., OTTE, V. & ZIZKA, G. (2011): Das neue Herbarium Senckenbergianum – Alte Institutionen unter einem gemeinsamen neuen Dach. SENCKENBERG nfm 141(3/4): 110-113.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2004): Im Sand brodelt das Leben. Die Geißeltierchen. In: Watt’n Leben! Tiere und Pflanzen der Nordseeküste vorgestellt von der Wattenmeerstation Sylt. AWI.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2004): Ein leuchtendes Meerestier. Der Dinoflagellat Noctiluca scintillans. In: Watt’n Leben! Tiere und Pflanzen der Nordseeküste vorgestellt von der Wattenmeerstation Sylt. AWI.

Bücher und Buchkapitel


HOPPENRATH, M., CHOMÉRAT, N., HORIGUCHI, T., MURRAY, S. & RHODES, L. (2023): Marine benthic dinoflagellates – their relevance for science and society. Senckenberg-Buch 88: 376 pp.


HOPPENRATH, M., MURRAY S., CHOMÉRAT, N. & HORIGUCHI, T. (2014): Marine benthic dinoflagellates – unveiling their worldwide biodiversity. Kleine Senckenberg-Reihe 54, pp. 276.


HOPPENRATH, M., ELBRÄCHTER, M. & DREBES, G. (2009): Marine Phytoplankton. Selected microphytoplankton species from the North Sea around Helgoland and Sylt. Kleine Senckenberg-Reihe, Band 49, 264 pp.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2009): Marine Planktonic Diatoms. In: R. Röttger, R. Knight & W. Foissner (eds.) A course in protozoology. Protozoological Monographs, Vol. 4: 14-26, Shaker Verlag, Aachen


Vortrag (international eingeladen) 

HOPPENRATH, M. (2014). Benthic dinoflagellate diversity and their harmful potentials. 62nd Annual Meeting British Phycological Society, 25-27 Juni, Galway, Irland.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2011). Biodiversity patterns in dinoflagellates. VI European Congress of Protistology, 25-29 Juli, Berlin, Deutschland.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2011). Diatoms. Vorlesung, NSW Phytoplankton Research Workshop, Sydney Institute Marine Science, 29 Mai-2 Juni, Sydney, Australien.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2010). Mona’s biodiversity research, Kolloquium, IFREMER Concarneau, Frankreich.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2010). Molecular phylogeny and character evolution in dinoflagellates, Gastvortrag, Station de Biologie Marine et Marinarium de Concarneau, Frankreich.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2010). Marine benthic / sand-dwelling dinoflagellates – biodiversity data. GEOHAB Open Science Meeting Workshop on HABs in benthic systems, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2008). Biodiversity of coastal benthic protists, with emphasis on dinoflagellates. Living Shores of Japan – Biodiversity studies of coastal areas, 29-30 Nov, Sapporo, Japan.

HOPPENRATH, M., SALDARRIAGA, J.F. (2008). Tree of Life web page about dinoflagellates. Tree of Life web project workshop, 18-20 July, Halifax, Kanada.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2006): Biodiversity research on marine, sand-dwelling dinoflagellates – an overview. Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIAR) workshop “Microbial Biodiversity”, 24-26 March, Banff, Kanada.

ELBRÄCHTER, M., HOPPENRATH, M. (2003). The Prorocentrum dentatum – Prorocentrum shikokuensis species complex., The Second Symposium on Red Tide Monitoring in Asian Coastal Waters, 21-27 Sept, Nagasaki, Japan. 


Vortrag (national eingeladen)

HOPPENRATH, M. (2016). Dinoflagellate biodiversity – morphology-based taxonomy reviewed by molecular phylogenetic analyses. Kolloquium Universität Essen, 5. Dezember 2016.


Vortrag (internationale Konferenzen)

HOPPENRATH, M., TILLMANN, U., GOTTSCHLING, M., KUSBER, W.-H. & ELBRÄCHTER, M.(2017) Heterocapsa triquetra sensu Stein – plate pattern clarification and nomenclatural issues. 11th International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates (DINO11), 17-21 July, Bordeaux, France.

ZINSSMEISTER, C., HOPPENRATH, M.(2017) Taxonomic reinvestigation of type species Dinophysis acutaEhrenb. and Dinophysis s. s. (Dinophysales). 11th International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates (DINO11), 17-21 July, Bordeaux, France. 

ESQUEDA-LARA, K., HERNÁNDEZ-BECERRIL, D., HOPPENRATH, M. (2015) Morphology based cladistic analysis of selected dinophysoid dinoflagellate species. VII ECOP-ISOP joint congress, 5-10 sept, Seville, Spanien. 

HOPPENRATH, M., WILKE, T., ZINSSMEISTER, C. (2015). Taxon-specific character evolution in Dinophysales (Dinophyceae), towards improved taxonomy and systematics. PSA conference, August, Philadelphia, USA. 

HOPPENRATH, M. (2013). Morphology-based taxonomy and systematics – an outdated science? International Congress of Protistology ICOP XIV, 28 Juli-2 Aug, Vancouver, Kanada.

HOPPENRATH, M., CHOMÉRAT, N., LEANDER, B.S. (2011). Molecular phylogeny of the benthic dinophysioid genus Sinophysis. DINO9 IX International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, 28 Aug-2 Sept, Liverpool, UK.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2010). “Centre of Excellence for Dinophyte Taxonomy” (CEDiT) am Deutschen Zentrum für Marine Biodiversitätsforschung (DZMB). Joint meeting of the German societies of parasitology and protozoology, Düsseldorf.

HOPPENRATH, M., GARCÈS, E., LEANDER, B.S. (2010). The genus Parvilucifera (Alveolata, Myzozoa) – ultrastructure and molecular phylogeny of two recently described new species, that are intracellular parasites of dinoflagellates. Joint meeting of the German societies of parasitology and protozoology, Düsseldorf.

HOPPENRATH, M., LEANDER, B.S. (2009). Phylogeny and character evolution in dinoflagellates with complex organelles as inferred from rDNA gene sequences and morphology. Systematics 2009, 1st meeting of Biosyst EU, 10-14 August, Leiden, Niederlande.

HOPPENRATH, M., ELBRÄCHTER, M. (2008). Centre of Excellence for Dinophyte Taxonomy (CEDiT) at the German Centre for Marine Biodiversity Research (DZMB) – heard about it yet? 8th International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates (DINO8), 04-09 May, Montreal, Kanada.

HOPPENRATH, M., LEANDER, B.S. (2008). Dinoflagellate phylogeny as inferred from heat shock protein 90 (HSP 90) gene sequences. 8th International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates (DINO8), 04-09 May, Montreal, Kanada. 

(2007): Character evolution in dinoflagellates with complex organelles. PSA/ISOP conference, 5-9 Aug., Rhode Island, USA.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2007): Dinoflagellates – Biodiversity, phylogeny & character evolution. CMDE annual meeting, 13-15 June, Parksville, Kanada.

HOPPENRATH, M. & LEANDER, B.S. (2006): Character evolution in dinoflagellates with complex organelles. I. Polykrikoids. 16th Meeting of the International Society for Evolutionary Protistology, 1-5 Aug., Wroclaw, Polen.

LEANDER, B.S. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2006): Character evolution in dinoflagellates with complex organelles. II. Warnowiids. 16th Meeting of the International Society for Evolutionary Protistology, 1-5 Aug., Wroclaw, Polen.

KRABERG, A., HOPPENRATH, M., WILTSHIRE, K.H., LARSEN, J., VAULOT, D. & PATTERSON, D.J. (2004): The use of online resources in the identification and monitoring of harmful algal species with special reference to the plankton*net project., 11th International Conference on Harmful Algae, 15-19 Nov., Kapstadt, Südafrika.

HOPPENRATH, M., BEUSEKOM, J.E.E. VAN, WILTSHIRE, K.H. & PATTERSON, D.J. (2004). Darstellung von Mikroalgen-Biodiversitätsdaten im Internet – das Plankton*net-Projekt, 23. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie, 3.-6-März 2004, Innsbruck, Österreich.

HOPPENRATH, M., MURRAY, S. & HORIGUCHI, T. (2003): What do we know about sand-dwelling dinoflagellates? A first review, Seventh International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, DINO7, 21-25 Sept., Nagasaki, Japan. 


Vortrag (nationale Konferenzen)

HOPPENRATH, M. & LEANDER, B.S. (2006): The evolutionary history of dinoflagellates. 25. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie, 8-11 March, Liebenwalde/Berlin, Deutschland.

HOPPENRATH, M., SCHAREK, R., BEUSEKOM, J.E.E. VAN & WILTSHIRE, K. (2001): Phytoplankton-Langzeit-Untersuchungen am AWI (BAH)., 8. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Sektion Phykologie in der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft. 15.-18. Februar, Helgoland, Deutschland.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2000): Taxonomie und Ökologie von Flagellaten mariner Sande, 19. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie, Göttingen, Deutschland.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2000): Biodiversität mariner Flagellaten der Sandlücke, Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik, 3. Jahrestagung, FIS, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland.


Vortrag (andere) 

HOPPENRATH, M. (2007): Marine dinoflagellates – taxonomy, character evolution, and phylogenetic systematics. Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 1 Oct., Frankfurt, Deutschland.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2006): Die Evolutionsgeschichte der Dinoflagellaten. 14 March, University of Stuttgart, Deutschland.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2006): Biodiversitaet mariner Protisten der Deutschen Bucht mit Fokus auf den Dinoflagellaten und aktuelle Forschung zur Dinoflagellaten-Phylogenie. 6 March, Deutsches Zentrum für Marine Biodiversitaetsforschung (DZMB), Wilhelmshaven, Deutschland.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2006): Die Evolutionsgeschichte der Dinoflagellaten. 23 Feb, Wadden Sea Station Sylt, AWI, Deutschland.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2004): Das Plankton*net-Projekt – taxonomische Daten im Internet, Feldexkursion/Studentenkurs der Freien Universität Berlin, 26 March, Wattenmeerstation Sylt, Deutschland.

ELBRÄCHTER, M., HALLIGER, H. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2004): Identification-Help for thecate Dinophyceae of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea., bbe Moldaenke, 5th bbe Workshop, 13-15 June, Kiel, Deutschland.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2003): Allgemeine Einführung in die Dinoflagellaten, Exkursion im Rahmen des Phykologie-Praktikums der Universität Göttingen, 7. Mai, Helgoland, Deutschland.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2003): Allgemeine Einführung in das Phytoplankton von Helgoland., Exkursion der TU-Darmstadt nach Helgoland, 13. Aug., BAHelgoland, Deutschland.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2003): Taxonomische und ökologische Untersuchungen von Dinoflagellaten mariner Sande., Umwelt Bundesamt, Phytoplankton-Workshop im Rahmen der Qualitätssicherung des BLMP Nord- und Ostsee, List/Sylt, Deutschland.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2003): Einführung in die Taxonomie der Ceratium -Arten aus Nord- und Ostsee., Umwelt Bundesamt, Phytoplankton-Workshop im Rahmen der Qualitätssicherung des BLMP Nord- und Ostsee, List/Sylt, Deutschland.

HOPPENRATH, M. (2002): Artenvielfalt mariner Mikroalgen der Nordsee., Universität Göttingen, Deutschland.




ZINSSMEISTER, C., WILKE, T., HOPPENRATH, M. (2016) Species diversity of Dinophysales (Dinophyceae), with emphasis on the delimitation of Dinophysis and Phalacroma. 35. annual meeting of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie, 23-26 Feb, Saignelégier, Swiitzerland.


HOPPENRATH, M. (2015) Dinoflagellate taxonomy and classification, a proposal. VII ECOP-ISOP joint congress, 5-10 Sept, Seville, Spanien.

ZINSSMEISTER, C., HOPPENRATH, M. (2015) Morphological taxa delimitation of Dinophysales (Dinophyceae), with emphasis on Dinophysis and Phalacroma. VII ECOP-ISOP joint congress, 5-10 Sept, Seville, Spanien.

ZINSSMEISTER, C., HOPPENRATH, M. (2015) Possible phylogenetic position of the parasitic dinoflagellate Syltodinium listii Drebes (Dinophyceae, Gymnodiniales). VII ECOP-ISOP joint congress, 5-10 Sept, Seville, Spanien.


HOPPENRATH, M. (2011). Dinoflagellate collections at the Centre of Excellence for Dinophyte Taxonomy. DINO9 IX International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, 28 Aug-2 Sept, Liverpool, UK.


HOPPENRATH, M. (2010). Centre of Excellence for Dinophyte Taxonomy (CEDiT) at the German Centre for Marine Biodiversity Research (DZMB). GEOHAB Open Science Meeting on HABs in benthic systems, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.


HOPPENRATH, M., ELBRÄCHTER M. (2008). Centre of Excellence for Dinophyte Taxonomy (CEDiT) at the German Centre for Marine Biodiversity Research (DZMB). Protist2008-Konferenz, 21-26 Juli, Halifax, Kanada.

HOPPENRATH, M., BACHVAROFF, T.S., HANDY, S., DELWICHE, C.F., LEANDER, B.S. (2008). Phylogeny and character evolution in dinoflagellates with complex organelles as inferred from SSU and LSU ribosomal gene sequences. Protist2008-Konferenz, 21-26 Juli, Halifax, Kanada.

LEANDER, B.S., HOPPENRATH, M. (2008). Ultrastructure and phylogeny of a novel tube-forming, intracellular parasite of dinoflagellates: Parvilucifera prorocentri sp. nov. (Alveolata, Myzozoa). Protist2008-Konferenz, 21-26 Juli, Halifax, Kanada.

HOPPENRATH, M., BACHVAROFF, T.S., HANDY, S., DELWICHE, C.F., LEANDER, B.S. (2008). Phylogeny and character evolution in dinoflagellates with complex organelles as inferred from SSU and LSU ribosomal gene sequences. 8th International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates (DINO8), 04-09 Mai, Montreal, Kanada.

HOPPENRATH, M., LEANDER, B.S. (2008). Ultrastructure and phylogeny of a novel tube-forming, intracellular parasite of dinoflagellates: Parvilucifera prorocentri sp. nov. (Alveolata, Myzozoa). 8th International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates (DINO8), 04-09 Mai, Montreal, Kanada.

SPARMANN, S.F., LEANDER, B.S., HOPPENRATH, M. (2008). Comparative morphology and molecular phylogeny of Apicoporus gen. nov. – a new genus of marine benthic dinoflagellates formerly classified within Amphidinium. 8th International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates (DINO8), 04-09 Mai, Montreal, Kanada.


HOPPENRATH, M. & LEANDER, B.S. (2006): Dinoflagellate, euglenoid or cercomonad? The ultrastructure and molecular phylogeny of Protaspis grandis sp. nov. 25. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie, 8.-11. März, Liebenwalde/Berlin, Germany.

HOPPENRATH, M. & LEANDER, B.S. (2006): Ebriid phylogeny and the expansion of the “Cercozoa”. 25. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie, 8.-11. März, Liebenwalde/Berlin, Germany.


HOPPENRATH, M. & LEANDER, B.S. (2005): The phylogenetic position of two enigmatic lineages of phagotrophic flagellates: Ebria and Protaspis belong to the Cercozoa. 19th annual meeting of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, (CIAR) — Evolutionary Biology Program, Sept., Parksville , BC , Canada .

HOPPENRATH, M. & LEANDER, B.S. (2005): Ongoing projects on dinoflagellate biodiversity and evolution. 19th annual meeting of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, (CIAR) — Evolutionary Biology Program, Sept., Parksville , BC , Canada.


ELBRÄCHTER, M., KUSBER, W.-H., JAHN, R. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2004): Peridinium splendor-marisEhrenberg is an Alexandrium-species, but not Blepharocysta splendor-maris sensu Stein, 1883!, 11th International Conference on Harmful Algae, 15-19 Nov., Cape Town , South Africa .

HOPPENRATH, M., KRABERG, A., MOROZOVA, T., WILTSHIRE, K.H., ELBRÄCHTER, M., LARSEN, J., VAULOT, D. & PATTERSON, D.J. (2004): Plankton*net, a distributed taxonomic database presenting microalgal biodiversity-data on the internet – a potential platform for harmful algae taxonomy and identification keys., 11th International Conference on Harmful Algae, 15-19 Nov., Cape Town, South Africa.

JAHN, R., ELBRÄCHTER, M., KUSBER, W.-H. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2004): Original material of Ehrenberg`s “Cryptomonas lima” rediscovered: the identity of Prorocentrum lima reinvestigated., 11th International Conference on Harmful Algae, 15-19 Nov., Cape Town, South Africa.

WILTSHIRE, K.H., ENGELKE, C., HOPPENRATH, M., KRABERG, A., MANGELSDORF, P. & JANISCH, S. (2004): The Helgoland Roads Long-Term Data Series: new perspectives and techniques., Gordon Research Conference Series. Marine Microbes Picophytoplankton. From Ecology to Genomics. 6-10 June, Roscoff , France .


HOPPENRATH, M., HALLIGER, H. & DREBES, G. (2003): Phytoplankton-Diatomeen von Helgoland und Sylt., 17. Deutschprachiges Diatomologen Treffen, 3.-6. April, AWI-Bremerhaven, Tagungszentrum Bredbeck , Germany .

MURRAY, S., HOPPENRATH, M. & PATTERSON, D.J. (2003): A web-based key to the sand-dwelling dinoflagellates., Seventh International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, 21-25 Sept, Nagasaki, Japan.


WILTSHIRE, K.H. & HOPPENRATH, M. (2002): The Helgoland Roads Long-term Data Series: new perspectives and techniques., ASCMAP-Workshop, 15.-21. April, AWI Bremerhaven , Germany .


HOPPENRATH, M. (2001): Biodiversity of marine sand-dwelling flagellates from the North German Wadden Sea., International Phycological Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece.

HOPPENRATH, M., DREBES, G., ELBRÄCHTER, M., SCHAREK, R., BEUSEKOM, J. VAN & WILTSHIRE, K. (2001): The Helgoland and Sylt Marine Phytoplankton Time-Series (AWI)., International Phycological Congress, Thessaloniki , Greece .


HOPPENRATH, M. (1998): Sand-dwelling dinoflagellates of the Wadden Sea (List/Sylt), with special emphasis on Roscoffia capitata., DINO6 – Sixth International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, Trondheim, Norway.