Proceedings-Bände und Bücher
Žagar, A., Vamberger, M. & T. Genov (2019): Plazilci. In: Pavšič, J., Gogala, M. & A. Seliškar (Eds.), Slovenska Istra I: neživi svet, rastlinstvo, živalstvo in naravovarstvo. Slovenska matica, Ljubljana, pp.363-373.
Breg, A., Janota, B., Peganc, M., Petrovič, I., Tome, S. & M. Vamberger (2010): Slikovni določevalni ključ za plazilce Slovenije [Bebilderter Bestimmungsschlüssel für die Reptilien Sloweniens]. Ljubljana (Societas herpetologica slovenica), 50 pp.
Fritz, U. (Guest Editor, 2007): Special Issue: Phylogenetic Symposium. Zool. Anz., 246: 237-328. Inhalt
Fritz, U. (Ed., 2005): Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Schildkröten II. AULA-Verlag (Wiesbaden/Wiebelsheim), 448 pp. Inhalt Zu beziehen über: Aula-Verlag GmbH, Industriepark 3, D-56291 Wiebelsheim, Germany
Fritz, U. & P. Havaš (Guest Editors, 2004): Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Emys orbicularis. Biologia, 59 (Suppl. 14): 1-209. Inhalt
Fritz, U. (Ed., 2003): Abstracts of the 6th Annual Congress of the Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBS, Society of Biological Systematics). Organisms, Diversity & Evolution, 3: 308; 60 pp.
Fritz, U. (2003): Die Europäische Sumpfschildkröte. Bielefeld (Laurenti), 224 pp. Zu beziehen über: Laurenti-Verlag GmbH, Diemelweg 7, D-33649 Bielefeld, Germany,
Fritz, U. (Ed., 2002): Collectanea herpetologica. Essays in honour of Fritz Jürgen Obst. Faun. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, 23: 238 pp. Inhalt Zu beziehen über: Bibliothek, Museum für Tierkunde, Senckenberg Dresden, Königsbrücker Landstr. 159, D-01109 Dresden, Germany,
Fritz, U. (Ed., 2001): Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Schildkröten I. AULA-Verlag (Wiesbaden/Wiebelsheim), 595 pp. Inhalt Zu beziehen über: Aula-Verlag GmbH, Industriepark 3, D-56291 Wiebelsheim, Germany
Fritz, U., Joger, U., Podloucky, R. & J. Servan (Eds., 1998): Proceedings of the EMYS Symposium Dresden 96, Mertensiella, 10: 302 pp. Inhalt Zu beziehen über: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde, Postfach 1421, D-53351 Rheinbach, Germany,
Fritz, U., Obst, F. J. & B. Andreas (Eds., 1998): Contributions to a „Herpetologia arabica“. Faun. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, 21 (Suppl.): 182 pp. Inhalt Zu beziehen über: Bibliothek, Museum für Tierkunde, Senckenberg Dresden, Königsbrücker Landstr. 159, D-01109 Dresden, Germany,
Turtle Taxonomy Working Group [Rhodin, A.G.J., Iverson, J.B., Fritz, U., Georges, A., Shaffer, H.B. & P.P. van Dijk] (2017). Turtles of the World: Annotated Checklist and Atlas of Taxonomy, Synonymy, Distribution, and Conservation Status (8th Ed.). In: Rhodin, A.G.J., Iverson, J.B., van Dijk, P.P., Saumure, R.A., Buhlmann, K.A., Pritchard, P.C.H., and Mittermeier, R.A. (Eds.). Conservation Biology of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises: A Compilation Project of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group. Chelonian Research Monographs, 7: 292 pp. PDF
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*Clewing, C., Kehlmaier, C., Stelbrink, B., Albrecht, C. & T. Wilke (2022): Poor hDNA-Derived NGS Data May Provide Sufficient Phylogenetic Information of Potentially Extinct Taxa. Front. Ecol. Evol.
*Cordero, G.A., Vamberger, M., Fritz, U., Ihlow, F. (2022): Skeletal repatterning enhances the protective capacity of the shell in African hinge-back tortoises (Kinixys). The Anatomical Records.
*Gong, S., Fritz, U., Vamberger, M., Gao, Y., Farkas, B. (2022): Disentangling the Pelodiscus axenaria complex, with the description of a new Chinese species and neotype designation for P. axenaria (Zhou, Zhang & Fang, 1991). Zootaxa 5125: 10.11646/zootaxa.5125.2.2
*Els, J., Alqahtani, A. R. M., Fritz, U., Shobrak, M., Busais, S., Burriel-Carranza, B. (2022): Pelomedusa barbata Petzold, Vargas-Ramírez, Kehlmaier, Vamberger, Branch, Du Preez, Hofmeyr, Meyer, Schleicher, Siroky, and Fritz 2014 – Arabian Helmeted Turtle, Arabian Marsh Turtle, Arabian Mud Turtle. In book: CONSERVATION BIOLOGY OF FRESHWATER TURTLES AND TORTOISES, Chelonian Research Monograph 5; Chelonian Research Foundation
*Das, A., Gower, D.J., Narayanan, S., Pal, S., Boruah, B., Magar, S., Das, S., Moulick, S., Deepak, V. (2022): Rediscovery and systematics of the rarely encountered Blue-bellied kukri snake (Oligodon melaneus Wall, 1909) from Assam, India. Zootaxa, 5138:
*Das, S., Pal, S., Siddharth, S., Palot, M. J., Deepak, V. & S. Narayanan (2022): A new species of large-bodied Hemidactylus Goldfuss, 1820 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the Western Ghats of India. Vertrebrate Zoology 72, 81-94.
*Deepak, V., Cooper, N., Poyarkov, N.A., Kraus, F., Burin, G., Das, A., Narayanan, S., Streicher, J.W., Smith, S.J., Gower, D.J. (2021): Multilocus phylogeny, natural history traits and classification of natriicine snakes (Serpetnes: Natricinae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 1-20.
*Deepak, V., Lalronunga, S., Lalhmingliani, E., Das, A., Narayanan, S., Das, I., Gower, D.J. (2021): Phylogenetic relationships of xenodermid snakes (Squamata: Serpentes: Xenodermidae), with the description of a new genus. Vertebrate Zoology 71: 747–762.
* Suleyman, I., Vamberger, M., Ayaz, D. & U. Fritz (2021): Population structure and gene flow of the syntopic turtles Emys and Mauremys from coastal and inland regions of Anatolia (Turkey): results from mitochondrial and microsatellite data. Molecular Biology Reports.
* Jauss, R.T., Solf, N., Raj Kolora, S.R., Schaffer, S., Wolf, R., Henle, K., Fritz, U. & M. Schlegel (2021): Mitogenome evolution in the Lacerta viridis complex (Lacertidae, Squamata) reveals phylogeny of diverging clades. Systematics and Biodiversity:
* Dajčman, U., M.D. Hofmeyr, Ribeiro Anunciação, P., Ihlow, F. & M. Vamberger (2021): Tortoise forensics: conservation genetics of the leopard tortoise Stigmochelys pardalis (Bell, 1828) in southern Africa. Salamandra 57(1): 139-145.
* Ibáñez, A., Fritz, U., Auer, M., Martinez Silvestre, A., Praschag, P., Załugowicz, E., Podkowa, D. & M. Pabijan (2021): Evolutionary history of mental glands in turtles reveals a single origin in an aquatic ancestor and recurrent losses independent of macrohabitat. Scientific Reports 11: 10396
* Ahnelt, H., Romanova, T., Klinge, A., Böhme, W., Fritz, U. & M. Asztalos (2021): The common grass snake (Natrix natrix) on Sylt: human-mediated colonization of a North Sea island. Salamandra 57(2): 285–290.
* Hurtado, J.P., Vargas-Ramírez, M., Ruiz Gómez, Fouquet, A. & U. Fritz (2021): Multilocus phylogeny clarifies relationships and diversity within the Micrurus lemniscatus complex (Serpentes: Elapidae). Salamandra 57(2): 229–239.
* Ali, J.R., Fritz, U. & M. Vargas-Ramírez (2021): Monkeys on a free-floating island in a Colombian river: further support for over-water colonization. Biogeographia – The Journal of Integrative Biogeography 36:a005.
* Hurtado-Gémez, J.P., Aponte-Gutiérrez, A.F., Preciado, V.J., Fritz, U. & M. Vargas-Ramírez (2021): Morphological and Molecular Evidence Reveals the First Record of the Coral Snake Micrurus filiformis (Serpentes: Elapidae) as Prey of the Piranha Pygocentrus cariba (Teleostei: Serrasalmidae). Russian Journal of Herpetology 28(2):
* Asztalos, M., Glaw, F., Franzen M., Kindler, C. & U. Fritz (2021): Transalpine dispersal: Italian barred grass snakes in southernmost Bavaria -This far but no further! Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 59: 1136-1148.
* Asztalos, M., Wielstra, B., Struijk, R.P.J.H, Ayaz, D. & U. Fritz (2021): Aliens in the Netherlands: local genetic pollution of barred grass snakes (Squamata: Serpentes: Natricidae). Salamandra 57(1):174–179.
* Kehlmaier, C., Albury, N.A., Steadman, D.W., Graciá, E., Franz, R. & U. Fritz (2021): Ancient mitogenomics elucidates diversity of extinct West Indian tortoises. Scientific Reports 11, 3224.
* Ali Khan, M., Jablonski, D., Sajid Nadeem, M., Masroor, R., Kehlmaier, C., Spitzweg, C. & U. Fritz (2021): Molecular phylogeny of Eremias spp. from Pakistan contributes to a better understanding of the diversity of racerunners. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 59:466–483.
* Dario, O., D‘ Angelo, S., Marrone, F., Oneto, F., Spadola, F., Zuffi, M.A.L. & U. Fritz (2021): Emys trinacris Fritz, Fattizzo, Guicking, Tripepi, Pennisi, Lenk, Joger, and Wink 2005 – Sicilian Pond Turtle, Testuggine Palustre Siciliana. Conservation biology of freshwater turtles and tortoises. 10.3854/crm.5.112.trinacris.v1.2021
* Clemente, L., Mazzoleni, S., Pensabene, E., Protiva, T., Wagner, P., Fritz, U., Kratochvíl, L. & M. Rovatsos (2021): Cytogenetic Analysis of the Asian Box Turtles of the Genus Cuora (Testudines, Geoemydidae). Genes 12, 156.
* Fritz, U. & J. F. Schmidtler (2020): The Fifth Labour of Heracles: Cleaning the Linnean stable of names for grass snakes (Natrix astreptophora, N. helvetica, N. natrix sensu stricto). Vertebrate Zoology 70(4): 621– 665
* Asztalos, M., Schultze, N., Ihlow, F., Geniez, P., Berroneau, M., Delmas, C., Guiller, G., Legentilhomme, J., Kindler, C. & U. Fritz (2020): How often do they do it? An in-depth analysis of the hybrid zone of two grass snake species (Natrix astreptophora and Natrix helvetica), Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 131 (4): 756–773,
* Vamberger, M. & M.D. Hofmeyr (2020): Filling the sampling gaps: conservation genetics of the leopard tortoise (Stigmochelys pardalis). Testudo, 9(2): 48-58.
* Govedič, M. , Lipovšek, G., Kirbiš, N., Bizjak Govedič, T., & M. Vamberger (2020): Newly discovered vital population of the European pond turtle Emys orbicularis in Prilipe oxbow lakes (SE Slovenia). Natura Sloveniae, 22(1): 5-17.
* Vecchioni, L., Marrone, F., Arculeo, M., Fritz, U. & M. Vamberger (2020): Stand out from the Crowd: Small-Scale Genetic Structuring in the Endemic Sicilian Pond Turtle. Diversity 2020, 12(9): 343;
Britz, R., Hundsdörfer, A. & U. Fritz (2020): Funding, training, permits—the three big challenges of taxonomy. Megataxa, 1: 49-52.
*Ihlow, F., Van Huyssteen, R., Vamberger, M., Cory-Toussaint, D., Hofmeyr, M.D. & U. Fritz (2020): Geographic range extension for the Lobatse Hinge-back Tortoise, Kinixys lobatsiana (Power, 1927), with first records from the Soutpansberg region. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 14: 132–139 (e226).
*Vamberger, M., Ihlow, F., Asztalos, M., Dawson, J.E., Jasinski, S.E., Praschag, P. & U. Fritz, U. (2019): So different, yet so alike: North American slider turtles (Trachemys scripta). Vertebrate Zoology, 70: 87-96.
*Vamberger, M., Spitzweg, C., de Silva, A., Masroor, R., Praschag, P. & U. Fritz (2020): Already too late? Massive trade in Indian star tortoises (Geochelone elegans) might have wiped out its phylogeographic differentiation. Amphibia-Reptilia, 41: 133-138
*Albrecht, F., Hering, J., Fuchs, E., Illera, J.C., Ihlow, F., Shannon, T.J., Collinson, J.M., Wink, M., Martens, J. & M. Päckert (2020): Phylogeny of the Eurasian Wren Nannus troglodytes (Aves: Passeriformes: Troglodytidae) reveals deep and complex diversification patterns of Ibero-Maghrebian and Cyrenaican populations. PLoS ONE, 15(3): e0230151.
*Schultze, N., Spitzweg, C., Corti, C., Delaugerre, M., Riccardo Di Nicola, M., Geniez, P., Lapini, L., Liuzzi, C., Lunghi, E., Novarini, N., Picariello, O., Razzetti, E., Sperone, E., Stellati, L., Vignoli, L., Asztalos, M., Kindler, C., Vamberger, M. & U. Fritz (2020): Mitochondrial ghost lineages blur phylogeography and taxonomy of Natrix helvetica and N. natrix in Italy and Corsica. Zoologica Scripta 00: 1–17. DOI: 10.1111/zsc.12417
* Spitzweg, C., Vamberger, M., Ihlow, F., Fritz, U., Hofmeyr, M. D. (2020) How many species of angulate tortoises occur in Southern Africa? (Testudines: Testudinidae: Chersina). Zoologica Scripta, DOI: 10.1111/zsc.12418
*Mazzoleni, S., Augstenová, B., Clemente, L., Auer, M., Fritz, U., Praschag, P., Protiva, T., Velenský, P., Kratochvíl, L. & M. Rovatsos (2020): Sex is determined by XX/XY sex chromosomes in Australasian side-necked turtles (Testudines: Chelidae). Scientific Reports 10(1). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-61116-w
*Vamberger, M., Hofmeyr, M.D., Cook, C.A., Netherlansd, E.C. & U. Fritz (2019): Phylogeography of the East African serrated hinged terrapin Pelusios sinuatus (Smith, 1838) and resurrection of Sternothaerus bottegi Boulenger, 1895 as a subspecies of P. sinuatus. Amphibian and Reptile conservation, 13(2): 42-56.
*Vamberger, M., Ribeiro Anunciação, P., Hofmeyr, M.D. & U. Fritz (2019): Mind the gap – Is the distribution range of Pelomedusa galeata really disjunct in western South Africa? Amphibian and Reptile conservation, 13(2): 57-60.
*Päckert, M., Ait Belkacem, A., Wolfgramm, H., Gast, O., Canal, D., Giacalone, G., Lo Volvo, M., Vamberger, M., Wink, M., Martens, J. & H. Stuckas (2019): Genetic admixture despite ecological segregation in a North African sparrow hybrid zone (Aves, Passeriformes, Passer domesticus × Passer hispaniolensis). Ecology and Evolution, 9: 12710–12726. https ://
*Greenwalt, D. E., Bickel, D. J., Kerr, P. H., Curler, G. R., Brown, B. V., de Jong, H., Fitzgerald, S. J., Dikow, T., Tkoč, M., Kehlmaier, C. & D. De Souza Amorim (2019): Diptera of the middle Eocene Kishenehn Formation. I. Documentation of diversity at the family level. Palaeontologia Electronica, 22.2.50A, 1-56.
*Kehlmaier, C., Gibbs, D. J. & P. Withers (2019): New records of big-headed flies (Diptera: Pipunculidae) from the Mediterranean Basin. Bonn zoological Bulletin 68 (1): 31–60.
*Päckert, M., Giacalone, G., Lo Valvo, M. & C. Kehlmaier (2019): Mitochondrial heteroplasmy in an avian hybrid form (Passer italiae: Aves, Passeriformes). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 4:2, 3809-3812.
*Stelbrink, B., Kehlmaier, C., Wilke, T. & C. Albrecht (2019): The near-complete mitogenome of the critically endangered Pseudocleopatra dartevellei (Caenogastropoda: Paludomidae) from the Congo River assembled from historical museum material. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 4:2, 3229-3231.
*Kehlmaier, C., Graciá, E., Campbell, P.D., Hofmeyr, M.D., Schweiger, S., Martíne-Silvestre, A., Joyce, W. & U. Fritz (2019): Ancient mitogenomics clarifies radiation of extinct Mascarene giant tortoises (Cylindraspis spp.). Scientific Reports 9:17487.
*Ihlow, F., Farooq, H.M., Gvoždík, V., Hofmeyr, M.D., Conradie, W., Campbell, P.D., Harvey, J., Verburgt, L. &U. Fritz (2019): Geographic range extension of Speke’s Hinge-back Tortoise Kinixys spekii Gray, 1863. Amphibian and Reptile Conservation 13(2):61–67 (e195).
*Kehlmaier, C., Zinenko, O. & U. Fritz (2019): The enigmatic Crimean green lizard (Lacerta viridis magnifica) is extinct but not valid: Mitogenomics of a 120‐year‐old museum specimen reveals historical introduction. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 58(1): 303-307. DOI: 10.1111/jzs.12345.
*Schultze, N., Laufert, H., Kindler, C. & U. Fritz (2019): Distribution and hybridisation of barred and common grass snakes (Natrix helvetica, N. natrix) in Baden-Württemberg, South-western Germany. Herpetozoa 32: 229-236.
*Spitzweg, C., Hofmeyr, M.D., Fritz, U. & M. Vamberger (2019): Leopard tortoises in southern Africa have greater genetic diversity in the north than in the south (Testudinidae). Zoologica Scripta, 48: 57-68.
*Mazzoleni, S., Augstenová, B., Clemente, L., Auer, M., Fritz, U., Praschag, P., Protiva, T., Velenský, P., Kratochvíl, L. & M. Rovatsos (2019): Turtles of the genera Geoemyda and Pangshura (Testudines: Geoemydidae) lack differentiated sex chromosomes: the end of a 40-year error cascade for Pangshura. PeerJ, 7: e6241.
*Farkas, B., Ziegler, T., Pham, C.T., Ong, A.V. & U. Fritz (2019): A new species of Pelodiscus from northeastern Indochina (Testudines, Trionychidae). ZooKeys, 824: 71-86.
*Kehlmaier, C., Zhang, X., Georges, A., Campbell, P. D., Thomson, S. & U. Fritz (2019): Mitogenomics of historical type specimens of Australasian turtles: clarification of taxonomic confusion and old mitochondrial introgression. Scientific Reports, 9: 5841.
*Rhodin, A.G.J., Stanford, C.B., van Dijk, P.P., Eisemberg, C., Luiselli, L., Mittermeier, R.A., Hudson, R., Horne, B.D., Goode, E.V., Kuchling, G., Walde, A., Baard, E.H.W., Berry, K.H., Bertolero, A., Blanck, T.E.G., Bour, R., Buhlmann, K.A., Cayot, L.J., Collett, S., Currylow, A., Das, I., Diagne, T., Ennen, J.R., Forero-Medina, G., Frankel, M.G., Fritz, U., García, G., Gibbons, J.W., Gibbons, P.M., Gong, S., Guntoro, J., Hofmeyr, M.D., Iverson, J.B., Kiester, A.R., Lau, M., Lawson, D.P., Lovich, J.E., Moll, E., Páez, V.P., Palomo-Ramos, R., Platt, K., Platt, S.G., Pritchard, P.C.H., Quinn, H.R., Rahman, S.C., Randrianjafizanaka, S.T., Schaffer, J., Selman, W., Shaffer, H.B., Sharma, D.S.K., Shi, H., Singh, S., Spencer, R., Stannard, K., Sutcliffe, S., Thomson, S. & R.C. Vogt (2018): Global conservation status of turtles and tortoises (order Testudines). Chelonian Conservation and Biology, 17: 135-161.
*Kindler, C. & U. Fritz (2018): Phylogeography and taxonomy of the barred grass snake (Natrix helvetica), with a discussion of the subspecies category in zoology. Vertebrate Zoology, 68: 269-281.
*Pöschel, J., Heltai, B., Graciá, E., Franch Quintana, M., Velo-Antón, G., Arribas, O., Valdeón, A., Wink, M., Fritz, U. & M. Vamberger (2018): Complex hybridization patterns in European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) in the Pyrenean Region. Scientific Reports, 8: 15925.
*Michels, J. & M. Vargas-Ramírez (2018): Red-headed Amazon river turtles in Venezuela and Colombia: population separation and connection along the famous route of Alexander von Humboldt. Zoology, 130: 67-78.
*Acosta-Galvis, A.R. & M. Vargas-Ramírez (2018): A new species of Hyloxalus Jiménez De La Espada, 1871 ‘‘1870’’ (Anura: Dendrobatidae: Hyloxalinae) from a cloud forest near Bogotá, Colombia, with comments on the subpunctatus clade. Vertebrate Zoology, 68: 123-141.
*Kindler, C., Graciá, E. & U. Fritz (2018): Extra-Mediterranean glacial refuges in barred and common grass snakes (Natrix helvetica, N. natrix). Scientific Reports, 8:1821.
*Spitzweg, C., Praschag, P., DiRuzzo, S. & U. Fritz (2018): Conservation genetics of the northern river terrapin (Batagur baska) breeding project using a microsatellite marker system. Salamandra, 54: 63-70.
*Kindler, C., de Pous, P. Carranza, S., Beddek, M., Geniez, P. & U. Fritz (2018): Phylogeography of the Ibero-Maghrebian red-eyed grass snake (Natrix astreptophora). Organisms, Diversity & Evolution, 18: 143-150.
*Vamberger, M. & U. Fritz (2018): Big data can cause big mistakes: using the Societas Europaea Herpetologica atlas by Sillero et al. (2014), the distribution of Emys orbicularis will be misunderstood. Biologia, doi:10.2478/s11756-018-0033-6
*Thomson, S. A., Pyle, R. L., Ahyong, S., Alonso-Zarazaga, M., Ammirati, J., Araya, J. F., Ascher, J. S., Audisio, T. L., Azevedo-Santos, V. M., Bailly, N., Baker, W. J., Balke, M., Barclay, M. V. L., Barrett, R. L., Benine, R. C., Bickerstaff, J. R. M., Bouchard, P., Bour, R., Bourgoin, T., Boyko, C. B., Breure, A. S. H., Brothers, D. J., Byng, J. W., Campbell, D., Ceríaco, L. M. P., Cernák, I., Cerretti, P., Chang, C.-H., Cho, S., Copus, J. M., Costello, M. J., Cseh, A., Csuzdi, C., Culham, A., D’Elía, G., d’Udekem d’Acoz, C., Daneliya, M. E., Dekker, R., Dickinson, E. C., Dickinson, T. A., van Dijk, P. P., Dijkstra, K.-D. B., Dima, B., Dmitriev, D. A., Duistermaat, L., Dumbacher, J. P., Eiserhardt, W. L., Ekrem, T., Evenhuis, N. L., Faille, A., Fernández-Triana, J. L., Fiesler, E., Fishbein, M., Fordham, B. G., Freitas, A. V. L., Friol, N. R., Fritz, U., Frøslev, T., Funk, V. A., Gaimari, S. D., Garbino, G. S. T., Garraffoni, A. R. S., Geml, J., Gill, A. C., Gray, A., Grazziotin, F. G., Greenslade, P., Gutiérrez, E. E., Harvey, M. S., Hazevoet, C. J., He, K., He, X., Helfer, S., Helgen, K. M., van Heteren, A. H., Garcia, F. H., Holstein, N., Horváth, M. K., Hovenkamp, P. H., Hwang, W. S., Hyvönen, J., Islam, M. B., Iverson, J. B., Ivie, M. A., Jaafar, Z., Jackson, M. D., Jayat, J. P., Johnson, N. F., Kaiser, H., Klitgård, B. B., Knapp, D. G., Kojima, J.-I., Kõljalg, U., Kontschán, J., Krell, F.-T., Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Kullander, S., Latella, L., Lattke, J. E., Lencioni, V., Lewis, G. P., Lhano, M. G., Lujan, N. K., Luksenburg, J. A., Mariaux, J., Marinho-Filho, J., Marshall, C. J., Mate, J. F., McDonough, M. M., Michel, E., Miranda, V. F. O., Mitroiu, M.-D., Molinari, J., Monks, S., Moore, A. J., Moratelli, R., Murányi, D., Nakano, T., Nikolaeva, S., Noyes, J., Ohl, M., Oleas, N. H., Orrell, T., Páll-Gergely, B., Pape, T., Papp, V., Parenti, L. R., Patterson, D., Pavlinov, I. Ya., Pine, R. H., Poczai, P., Prado, J., Prathapan, D., Rabeler, R. K., Randall, J. E., Rheindt, F. E., Rhodin, A. G. J., Rodríguez, S. M., Rogers, D. C., Roque, F. de O., Rowe, K. C., Ruedas, L. A., Salazar-Bravo, J., Salvador, R. B., Sangster, G., Sarmiento, C. E., Schigel, D. S., Schmidt, S., Schueler, F. W., Segers, H., Snow, N., Souza-Dias, P. G. B., Stals, R., Stenroos, S., Stone, R. D., Sturm, C. F., Štys, P., Teta, P., Thomas, D. C., Timm, R. M., Tindall, B. J., Todd, J. A., Triebel, D., Valdecasas, A. G., Vizzini, A., Vorontsova, M. S., de Vos, J. M., Wagner, P., Watling, L., Weakley, A., Welter-Schultes, F., Whitmore, D., Wilding, N., Will, K., Williams, J., Wilson, K., Winston, J. E., Wüster, W., Yanega, D., Yeates, D. K., Zaher, H., Zhang, G., Zhang, Z.-Q. & H.-Z. Zhou (2018): Taxonomy based on science is necessary for global conservation. PLoS Biology, 16: e2005075.
*Gong, S., Vamberger, M., Auer, M., Praschag, P. & U. Fritz (2018): Millenium-old farm breeding of Chinese softshell turtles (Pelodiscus spp.) results in massive erosion of biodiversity. The Science of Nature, 105: 34.
*Vamberger, M., Hofmeyr, M.D., Ihlow, F. & U. Fritz (2018): In quest of contact: phylogeography of helmeted terrapins (Pelomedusa galeata, P. subrufa sensu stricto). PeerJ, 6: e4901.
*Kehlmaier, C., Barlow, A., Hastings, A.K., Vamberger, M., Paijmans, J.L.A., Steadman, D.W., Albury, N.A., Franz, R., Hofreiter, M. & U.Fritz (2017): Tropical ancient DNA reveals relationships of the extinct Bahamian giant tortoise Chelonoidis alburyorum. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 284: 20162235.
*Rovatsos, M.T., Praschag, P., Fritz, U. & L. Kratochvíl (2017): Stable Cretaceous sex chromosomes enable molecular sexing in softshell turtles (Testudines: Trionychidae). Scientific Reports, 7: 42150.
*Mautner, A.-K., Latimer, A.E., Fritz, U. & T.M. Scheyer (2017): An updated description of the osteology of the pancake tortoise Malacochersus tornieri (Testudines: Testudinidae) with special focus on intraspecific variation. Journal of Morphology, 278: 321-333.
*Fennessy, J., Winter, S., Bock, F., Kumar, V., Nilsson, M.A., Vamberger, M., Fritz, U. & A. Janke (2017): Response to “How many species of giraffe are there?” Current Biology, 27: R137-R138.
*Raemy, M., Fritz, U., Cheylan, M. & S. Ursenbacher (2017): Hybridisation between turtle subspecies: a case study with the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis). Conservation Genetics, 18: 287-296.
*Vamberger, M., Durkin, L., Kim, C., Handschuh, M., Seng, R. & U. Fritz (2017): The leaf turtle population of Phnom Kulen National Park (northwestern Cambodia) has genetic and morphological signatures of hybridization. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 55: 167-174.
*Hofmeyr, M.D., Vamberger, M., Branch, W., Schleicher, A. & S.R. Daniels (2017): Tortoise (Reptilia, Testudinidae) radiations in Southern Africa from the Eocene to the present. Zoologica Scripta, 46: 389-400.
*Vamberger, M., Stuckas, H., Vargas-Ramírez, M. Kehlmaier, C., Ayaz, D., Aloufi, A.A., Lymberakis, P., Široký, P. & U. Fritz (2017): Unexpected hybridization patterns in Near Eastern terrapins (Mauremys caspica, M. rivulata) indicate ancient gene flow across the Fertile Crescent. Zoologica Scripta, 46: 401-413.
*Javanbakht, H., Ihlow, F., Jablonski, D., Široký, P., Fritz, U., Rödder, D., Sharifi, M. & P. Mikulíček (2017): Genetic diversity and Quaternary range dynamics in Iranian and Transcaucasian tortoises. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 121: 627-640.
*Graciá, E., Vargas-Ramírez, M., Delfino, M., Anadón, J.D., Giménez, A., Fahd, S., Corti, C., Jdeidi, T.B. & U. Fritz (2017): Expansion after expansion: dissecting the phylogeography of the widely distributed spur-thighed tortoise, Testudo graeca (Testudines: Testudinidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 121: 641-654.
*Graciá, E., Rodríguez-Caro, R.C., Andreu, A.C., Fritz, U., Giménez, A. & F. Botella (2017): Human-mediated secondary contact of two tortoise lineages results in sex-biased introgression. Scientific Reports, 7: 4019.
*Joos, J., Kirchner, M., Vamberger, M., Kaviani, M., Rahimibashar, M. R., Fritz, U. & J. Müller (2017): Climate and patterns of body size variation in the European pond turtle, Emys orbicularis. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 122: 351-365.
*Kindler, C., Chèvre, M., Ursenbacher, S., Böhme, W., Hille, A., Jablonski, D., Vamberger, M. & U. Fritz (2017): Hybridization patterns in two contact zones of grass snakes reveal a new Central European snake species. Scientific Reports, 7: 7378.
Fritz, U. & C. Kindler (2017): A very European tale – Britain still has only three snake species, but its grass snake is now assigned to another species (Natrix helvetica). Herpetological Bulletin, 131: 44-45.
*Vargas-Ramírez, M., del Valle, C., Ceballos, C. P. & U. Fritz (2017): Trachemys medemi n. sp. from northwestern Colombia turns the biogeography of South American slider turtles upside down. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 55: 326-339.
*Praschag, P., Ihlow, F., Flecks, M., Vamberger, M. & U. Fritz (2017): Diversity of North American map and sawback turtles (Testudines: Emydidae: Graptemys). Zoologica Scripta, 46: 675-682.
*Vamberger, M., Lipovšek, G., Šalamun, A., Cipot, M., Fritz, U. & M. Govedič (2017): Distribution and population size of the European pond turtle Emys orbicularis in Ljubljansko barje, Slovenia. Vertebrate Zoology, 67: 223-229.
*Pokrant, F., Kindler, C., Vamberger, M., Smith, K. & U. Fritz (2017): Grass snakes (Natrix natrix, N. astreptophora) mimicking cobras display a ‘fossil behavior’. Vertebrate Zoology, 67: 261-269.
*Mazuch, T., Trailin, V., Fritz, U. & M. Vamberger (2016): Senegal flapshell turtle (Cyclanorbis senegalensis) in Ethiopia (Testudines: Trionychidae). Amphibian & Reptile Conservation, 10: e125.
Govedič, M., Vogrin, M., Bordjan, D., Bombek, D., Denac, D., Gregorc, T., Janžekovič, F., Kirbiš, N. & M. Vamberger (2016): New data on distribution of the European pond turtle Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Podravje region (NE Slovenia). Natura Sloveniae, 18: 77-82.
*Forero-Medina, G., Páez, V.P., Garcés-Restrepo, M.F., Carr, J.L., Giraldo, A. & M. Vargas-Ramírez (2016): Research and conservation priorities for tortoises and freshwater turtles of Colombia. Tropical Conservation Science, 2016: 1-14.
*Vargas-Ramírez, M., Petzold, A. & U. Fritz (2016): Distribution modelling and conservation assessment for helmeted terrapins (Pelomedusa spp.). Salamandra, 52: 306-316.
*Veríssimo, J., Znari, M., Stuckas, H., Fritz, U., Pereira, P., Teixeira, J., Arculeo, M., Marrone, F., Sacco, F., Naimi, M., Kehlmaier, C. & G. Velo-Antón (2016): Pleistocene diversification in Morocco and recent demographic expansion in the Mediterranean pond turtle Mauremys leprosa. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 119: 943-959.
*Fennessy, J., Bidon, T., Reuss, F., Kumar, V., Elkan, P., Nilsson, M.A., Vamberger, M., Fritz, U. & A. Janke (2016): Multi-locus analyses reveal four giraffe species instead of one. Current Biology 26: 2543-2549.
Kehlmaier, C. & R. Andrade (2016): New records of big-headed flies (Diptera: Pipunculidae) from Portugal. Studia dipterologica, 22 [2015]: 137-151.
Weniger, R. & C. Kehlmaier (2016): Augenfliegenfunde aus der Kleinraschützer Heide bei Großenhain (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Sächsische Entomologische Zeitschrift, 8 [2014/2015]: 94-98.
*Arizza, V., Sacco, F., Russo, D., Scardino, R., Arculeo, M., Vamberger, M. & F. Marrone (2016): The good, the bad and the ugly: Emys trinacris, Placobdella costata and Haemogregarina stepanowii in Sicily (Testudines, Annelida and Apicomplexa). Folia Parasitologica, 63: 029. PDF
*Ihlow, F., Vamberger, M., Flecks, M., Hartmann, T., Cota, M., Makchai, S., Meewattana, P., Dawson, J.E., Kheng, L., Rödder, D. & U. Fritz (2016): Integrative taxonomy of Southeast Asian snail-eating turtles (Geoemydidae: Malayemys) reveals a new species and mitochondrial introgression. PLoS ONE 11(4): e0153108. PDF
*Pokrant, F., Kindler, C., Ivanov, M., Cheylan, M., Geniez, P., Böhme, W. & U. Fritz (2016): Integrative taxonomy provides evidence for the species status of the Ibero-Maghrebian grass snake Natrix astreptophora. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 118: 873-888.
*Standfuss, B., Lipovšek, G., Fritz, U. & M. Vamberger (2016): Threat or fiction: is the pond slider (Trachemys scripta) really invasive in Central Europe? A case study from Slovenia. Conservation Genetics, 17: 557-563.
*Marrone, F., Sacco, F., Kehlmaier, C., Arizza, V. & M. Arculeo (2016): Some like it cold: the glossiphoniid parasites of the Sicilian endemic pond turtle Emys trinacris (Testudines, Emydidae), an example of ‘parasite inertia’? Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 54: 60-66.
*Fritz, U. & E. Haring (2016): Obituary Werner Mayer (1943-2015). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 54: 83-84.
*Marzahn, E., Mayer, W., Joger, U., Ilgaz, Ç., Jablonski, D., Kindler, C., Kumlutaş, Y., Nistri, A., Schneeweiss, N., Vamberger, M., Žagar, A. & U. Fritz (2016): Phylogeography of the Lacerta viridis complex: mitochondrial and nuclear markers provide taxonomic insights. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 54: 85-105.
*Kindler, C., Moosig, M., Branch, W.R., Harvey, J., Kehlmaier, C., Nagy, Z.T., Prokop, H., Široký, P. & U. Fritz (2016): Comparative phylogeographies of six species of hinged terrapins (Pelusios spp.) reveal discordant patterns and unexpected differentiation in the P. castaneus/P. chapini complex and P. rhodesianus. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 117: 305-321.
*Fritz, U., Kehlmaier, C., Mazuch, T., Hofmeyr, M.D., du Preez, L., Vamberger, M. & J. Vörös (2015): Important new records of Pelomedusa species for South Africa and Ethiopia. Vertebrate Zoology, 65: 383-389. PDF
Kvifte, G.M. & C. Kehlmaier (2015): Big-headed flies (Diptera, Pipunculidae) from Finnmark, north Norway. Norwegian Journal of Entomology, 62: 167-173.
*Fritz, U., Mazuch, T., Petzold, A. & H. Prokop (2015): Coloration and pattern of hatchlings of six Pelomedusa species. Salamandra, 51: 277-282.
*Velo-Antón, G., el Marnisi, B., Fritz, U. & S. Fahd (2015): Distribution and conservation status of Emys orbicularis in Morocco. Vertebrate Zoology, 65: 131-134.
*Anadón, J.D., Graciá, E., Botella, F., Giménez, A., Fahd, S. & U. Fritz (2015): Individualistic response to past climate changes: niche differentiation promotes diverging Quaternary range dynamics in the subspecies of Testudo graeca. Ecography, 38: 956-966.
*Vamberger, M., Stuckas, H., Sacco, F., D’Angelo, S., Arculeo, M., Cheylan, M., Corti, C., Lo Valvo, M., Marrone, F., Wink, M. & U. Fritz (2015): Differences in gene flow in a twofold secondary contact zone of pond turtles in southern Italy (Testudines: Emydidae: Emys orbicularis galloitalica, E. o. hellenica, E. trinacris). Zoologica Scripta, 44: 233-249.
*Kahlke, R.-D., Fritz, U. & U. Kierdorf (2015): Badger (Meles meles) predation on European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) during the Eemian interglacial (MIS 5e). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 95: 223-235.
*Velo-Antón, G., Pereira, P., Fahd, S., Teixeira, J. & U. Fritz (2015): Out of Africa: did Emys orbicularis occidentalis cross the Strait of Gibraltar twice? Amphibia-Reptilia, 36: 133-140.
*Nagy, Z.T., Kielgast, J., Moosig, M., Vamberger, M. & U. Fritz (2015): Another candidate species of Pelomedusa (Testudines: Pelomedusidae) from the Democratic Republic of the Congo? Salamandra, 51: 212-214.
Kehlmaier, C. (2015): Big-headed flies do occasionally imbibe nectar (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Studia dipterologica, 21 [2014]: 91-93
Kehlmaier, C. & B. Majnon Jahromi (2015): On the presence of Pipunculidae (Diptera) in Iran. Studia dipterologica, 21 [2014]: 29-36.
Pape, T. and 57 additional authors including C. Kehlmaier (2015): Fauna Europaea: Diptera – Brachycera. Biodiversity Data Journal, 2015: e4187.
*Suh, A., Weber, C.C., Kehlmaier, C., Braun, E.L., Green, R.E., Fritz, U., Ray, D.A. & Ellegren, H. (2014): Early Mesozoic coexistence of amniotes and Hepadnaviridae. PLOS Genetics, 10: e1004559. Artikel PDF
*Kehlmaier, C. (2014): A new Lampromyia Macquart from Europe (Diptera: Vermileonidae). Zootaxa, 3887: 481-493.
*Kehlmaier, C., Gharali, B. & B. Majnon Jahromi (2014): A new Corononcodes Speiser from the Palaearctic Region, with a key to species (Diptera: Acroceridae). Zootaxa, 3869: 171-179.
*Kehlmaier, C. (2014): Checklist of the family Pipunculidae (Diptera) of Finland. ZooKeys, 441: 225-232.
*Kindler, C., Bringsøe, H. & U. Fritz (2014): Phylogeography of grass snakes (Natrix natrix) all around the Baltic Sea: implications for the Holocene colonization of Fennoscandia. Amphibia-Reptilia, 35: 413-424.
*Vargas-Ramírez, M. & R. Moreno-Arias (2014): Unknown evolutionary lineages and population differentiation in Anolis heterodermus (Squamata: Dactyloidae) from the Eastern and Central Cordilleras of Colombia revealed by DNA sequence data. South American Journal of Herpetology, 9: 131-141.
González-Zárate, A., Montenegro, O., Castaño-Mora, O.V. & M. Vargas-Ramírez (2014): Abundancia, estructura poblacional y conservación de Podocnemis lewyana (Podocnemididae) en el Río Prado, Colombia. Acta Biológica Colombiana, 19: 351-361. PDF
*Fritz, U., Gemel, R., Kehlmaier, C., Vamberger, M. & P. Praschag (2014): Phylogeography of the Asian softshell turtle Amyda cartilaginea (Boddaert, 1770): evidence for a species complex. Vertebrate Zoology, 64: 229-243. PDF
*Fritz, U. & P. Havaš (2014): On the reclassification of box turtles (Terrapene): a response to Martin et al. (2014). Zootaxa, 3835: 295-298.
*Fritz, U., Petzold, A., Kehlmaier, C., Kindler, C., Campbell, P., Hofmeyr, M.D. & W.R. Branch (2014): Disentangling the Pelomedusa complex using type specimens and historical DNA (Testudines: Pelomedusidae). Zootaxa, 3795: 501-522. Featured by Science Daily – Featured by the Blog of Scientific American
*Petzold, A., Vargas-Ramírez, M., Kehlmaier, C., Vamberger, M., Branch, W.R., Du Preez, L., Hofmeyr, M.D., Meyer, L., Schleicher, A., Široký, P. & U. Fritz (2014): A revision of African helmeted terrapins (Testudines: Pelomedusidae: Pelomedusa), with descriptions of six new species. Zootaxa 3795: 523-548. Featured by Science Daily – Featured by the Blog of Scientific American
*Kehlmaier, C., Dierick, M. & J.H. Skevington (2014): Micro-CT studies of amber inclusions reveal internal genitalic features of big-headed flies, enabling a systematic placement of Metanephrocerus Aczél, 1948 (Insecta: Diptera: Pipunculidae). Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny, 72: 23-36. PDF
*Kehlmaier, C. & J. Mota Almeida (2014): New host records for European Acroceridae (Diptera), with discussion of species limits of Acrocera orbiculus (Fabricius) based on DNA-barcoding. Zootaxa, 3780: 135-152.
*Archibald, S.B., Kehlmaier, C. & R.W. Mathewes (2014): Early Eocene big headed flies (Diptera: Pipunculidae) from the Okanagan Highlands, western North America. Canadian Entomologist, 146: 429-443.
*Vamberger, M., Stuckas, H., Ayaz, D., Lymberakis, P., Široký, P. & U. Fritz (2014): Massive transoceanic gene flow in a freshwater turtle (Testudines: Geoemydidae: Mauremys rivulata). Zoologica Scripta, 43: 313-322. Featured by Science Daily
*Brejcha, J., Cizelj, I., Marić, D., Šmíd, J., Vamberger, M. & R. Šanda (2014): First records of the soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis (Wiegmann, 1834), in the Balkans. Herpetozoa, 26: 189-192.
*Stuckas, H., Velo-Antón, G., Fahd, S., Kalboussi, M., Rouag, R., Arculeo, M., Marrone, F., Sacco, F., Vamberger, M. & U. Fritz (2014): Where are you from, stranger? The enigmatic biogeography of North African pond turtles (Emys orbicularis). Organisms, Diversity & Evolution, 14: 295-306.
*Graciá, E., Giménez, A., Anadón, J.D., Harris, D.J., Fritz, U. & F. Botella (2013): The uncertainty of Late Pleistocene range expansions in the western Mediterranean: a case study of the colonization of south-eastern Spain by the spur-thighed tortoise, Testudo graeca. Journal of Biogeography, 40: 323-334.
*Mikulíček, P., Jandzik, D., Fritz, U., Schneider, C. & P. Široký (2013): AFLP analysis shows high incongruence between genetic differentiation and morphology-based taxonomy in a widely distributed tortoise. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 108: 151-160.
*Vamberger, M., Stuckas, H., Ayaz, D., Graciá, E., Aloufi, A.A., Els, J., Mazanaeva, L.F., Kami, H.G. & U. Fritz (2013): Conservation genetics and phylogeography of the poorly known Middle Eastern terrapin Mauremys caspica (Testudines: Geoemydidae). Organisms, Diversity & Evolution, 13: 77-85.
*Murphy, R.W., Crawford, A.J., Bauer, A.M., Che, J., Donnellan, S.C., Fritz, U., Haddad, C.F.B., Nagy, Z.T., Poyarkov, N.A., Vences, M., Wang, W.-Z. & Y.-P. Zhang (2013): Cold Code: the global initiative to DNA barcode amphibians and nonavian reptiles. Molecular Ecology Resources, 13: 161-167.
Vamberger, M., Poboljšaj, K., Govedič, M., Debeljak Šabec, N. & A. Žagar (2013): Conservation activities for European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) in Slovenia. Herpetology Notes, 6: 123-126.
*Stuckas, H., Gemel, R. & U. Fritz (2013): One extinct turtle species less: Pelusios seychellensis is not extinct, it never existed. PLOS ONE, 8: e57116. PDF – Science Daily – The Scientist
*Fritz, U., Branch, W.R., Gehring, P.-S., Harvey, J., Kindler, C., Meyer, L., Du Preez, L., Široký, P., Vieites, D.R. & M. Vences (2013): Weak divergence among African, Malagasy and Seychellois hinged terrapins (Pelusios castanoides, P. subniger) and evidence for human-mediated oversea dispersal. Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 13: 215-224.
*Veríssimo, J., Pereira, P., Lopes, S., Teixeira, J., Fritz, U. & G. Velo-Antón (2013): Cross-amplification of microsatellite loci for the Mediterranean stripe-necked terrapin (Mauremys leprosa). Amphibia-Reptilia, 34: 259-262.
*Vargas-Ramírez, M., Carr, J.L. & U. Fritz (2013): Complex phylogeography in Rhinoclemmys melanosterna: conflicting mitochondrial and nuclear evidence suggests past hybridization (Testudines: Geoemydidae). Zootaxa, 3670: 238-254.
*Kindler, C., Böhme, W., Corti, C., Gvoždík, V., Jablonski, D., Jandzik, D., Metallinou, M., Široký, P. & U. Fritz (2013): Mitochondrial phylogeography, contact zones and taxonomy of grass snakes (Natrix natrix, N. megalocephala). Zoologica Scripta, 42: 458-472.
*Fritz, U. & P. Havaš (2013): Order Testudines: 2013 update. In: Zhang, Z.-Q. (Ed.), Animal Biodiversity: An Outline of Higher-level Classification and Survey of Taxonomic Richness (Addenda 2013). Zootaxa, 3703: 12-14.
*Mashkaryan, V., Vamberger, M., Arakelyan, M., Hezaveh, N., Carretero, M.A., Corti, C., Harris, D.J. & U. Fritz (2013): Gene flow among deeply divergent mtDNA lineages of Testudo graeca (Linnaeus, 1758) in Transcaucasia. Amphibia-Reptilia, 34: 337-351.
Vamberger, M., Govedič, M. & Lipovšek, G. (2013): Prispevek k recentni razširjenosti, ekologiji in varstvu močvirske sklednice Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) v Beli krajini (JV Slovenija). Natura Sloveniae, 15: 23-38. PDF
Žagar, A., Cafuta, V., Drašler, K., Jagar, T., Krofel, M., Lužnik, M., Ostanek, E., Petkovska, V., Planinc, G., Sopotnik, M. & Vamberger, M. (2013): A review of eleven short-term reptile surveys in the Western Balkans. Hyla, 2013: 3-21. PDF
*Vargas-Ramírez, M., Michels, J., Castaño-Mora, O.V., Cárdenas-Arevalo, G., Gallego-García, N. & U. Fritz (2012): Weak genetic divergence between the two South American toad-headed turtles Mesoclemmys dahli and M. zuliae (Testudines: Pleurodira: Chelidae). Amphibia-Reptilia, 33: 373-385.
*Vamberger, M., Lipovšek, G. & M. Gregorič (2012): First reproduction record of Trachemys scripta (Schoepff, 1792), in Slovenia. Herpetozoa, 25: 76-79.
*Liebing, N., Praschag, P., Gosh, R., Vasudevan, K., Rashid, S.M.A., Rao, D.-Q., Stuckas, H. & U. Fritz (2012): Molecular phylogeny of the softshell turtle genus Nilssonia revisited, with first records of N. formosa for China and wild-living N. nigricans for Bangladesh. Vertebrate Zoology, 62: 261-272. PDF
*Anadón, J.D., Giménez, A., Graciá, E., Pérez, I., Ferrández, M., Fahd, S., El Mouden, H., Kalboussi, M., Jdeidi, T., Larbes, S., Rouag, R., Slimani, T., Znari, M. & U. Fritz (2012): Distribution of Testudo graeca in the western Mediterranean according to climatic factors. Amphibia-Reptilia, 33: 285-296.
*Kindler, C., Branch, W.R., Hofmeyr, M.D., Maran, J., Široký, P., Vences, M., Harvey, J., Hauswaldt, J.S., Schleicher, A., Stuckas, H. & U. Fritz (2012): Molecular phylogeny of African hinge-back tortoises (Kinixys): implications for phylogeography and taxonomy (Testudines: Testudinidae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 50: 192-201. PDF
*Fritz, U., Vargas-Ramírez, M. & P. Široký (2012): Phylogenetic position of Pelusios williamsi and a critique of current
GenBank procedures (Reptilia: Testudines: Pelomedusidae). Amphibia-Reptilia, 33: 150-154.
*Fritz, U., Alcalde, L., Vargas-Ramírez, M., Goode, E.V., Fabius-Turoblin, D.U. & P. Praschag (2012): Northern genetic richness and southern purity, but just one species in the Chelonoidis chilensis complex. Zoologica Scripta, 41: 220-232. PDF
*Fritz, U., Corti, C. & M. Päckert (2012): Mitochondrial DNA sequences suggest unexpected phylogenetic position of Corso-Sardinian grass snakes (Natrix cetti) and do not support their species status, with notes on phylogeography and subspecies delineation of grass snakes. Organisms, Diversity & Evolution, 12: 71-80.
*Fritz, U., Stuckas, H., Vargas-Ramírez, M., Hundsdörfer, A.K., Maran, J. & M. Päckert (2012): Molecular phylogeny of Central and South American slider turtles: implications for biogeography and systematics (Testudines: Emydidae: Trachemys). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 50: 125-136.
*Vargas-Ramírez, M., Stuckas, H., Castaño-Mora, O.V. & U. Fritz (2012): Extremely low genetic diversity and weak population differentiation in the endangered Colombian river turtle Podocnemis lewyana (Testudines: Podocnemididae). Conservation Genetics, 13: 65-77.
*Fritz, U. (2011): Order Testudines Batsch, 1788. In: Zhang, Z.-Q. (Ed.), Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness. Zootaxa, 3148: 61-62. PDF
*Stuckas, H. & U. Fritz (2011): Identity of Pelodiscus sinensis revealed by DNA sequences of an approximately 180-year-old type specimen and a taxonomic reappraisal of Pelodiscus species (Testudines: Trionychidae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 49: 335-339. PDF
*Praschag, P., Stuckas, H., Päckert, M., Maran, J. & U. Fritz (2011): Mitochondrial DNA sequences suggest a revised taxonomy of Asian flapshell turtles (Lissemys Smith, 1931) and the validity of previously unrecognized taxa (Testudines: Trionychidae). Vertebrate Zoology, 61: 147-160. PDF
*Fritz, U., Schmidt, C. & C.H. Ernst (2011): Competing generic concepts for Blanding’s, Pacific and European pond turtles (Emydoidea, Actinemys and Emys)—Which is best? Zootaxa, 2791: 41-53.
*Vamberger, M. & I. Kos (2011): First observations on some aspects on the natural history of European pond turtles Emys orbicularis in Slovenia. Biologia, 66: 170-174.
*Sommer, R.S., Fritz, U., Seppä, H., Ekström, J., Persson, A. & R. Liljegren (2011): When the pond turtle followed the reindeer: Effect of the last extreme global warming event on the timing of faunal change in Northern Europe. Global Change Biology, 17: 2049-2053.
*Fritz, U., Branch, W.R., Hofmeyr, M.D., Maran, J., Prokop, H., Schleicher, A., Široký, P., Stuckas, H., Vargas-Ramírez, M., Vences, M. & A.K. Hundsdörfer (2011): Molecular phylogeny of African hinged and helmeted terrapins (Testudines: Pelomedusidae: Pelusios and Pelomedusa). Zoologica Scripta, 40: 115-125.
*Velo-Antón, G., Wink, M., Schneeweiss, N. & U. Fritz (2011): Native or not? Tracing the origin of wild-caught and captive freshwater turtles in a threatened and widely distributed species (Emys orbicularis). Conservation Genetics, 12: 583-588.
*Gong, S., Hitschfeld, E., Hundsdörfer, A.K., Auer, M., Wang, F., Zhou, L. & U. Fritz (2011): Is the horned pitviper Ceratrimeresurus shenlii Liang and Liu, 2003 from China a valid Protobothrops? Amphibia-Reptilia, 32: 132-135.
*Vamberger, M., Corti, C., Stuckas, H. & U. Fritz (2011): Is the imperilled spur-thighed tortoise (Testudo graeca) native in Sardinia? Implications from population genetics and for conservation. Amphibia-Reptilia, 32: 9-25.
*Vamberger, M., Stuckas, H. & U. Fritz (2011): Fifteen microsatellite markers for the stripe-necked terrapin Mauremys caspica (Testudines: Geoemydidae) and cross-amplification tests in M. rivulata. Conservation Genetics Resources, 3: 87-89.
*Pedall, I., Fritz, U., Stuckas, H., Valdeón, A. & M. Wink (2011): Gene flow across secondary contact zones of the Emys orbicularis complex in the Western Mediterranean and evidence for extinction and re-introduction of pond turtles on Corsica and Sardinia (Testudines: Emydidae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 49: 44-57. PDF
*Fritz, U., Daniels, S.R., Hofmeyr, M.D., González, J., Barrio-Amorós, C.L., Široký, P., Hundsdörfer, A.K. & H. Stuckas (2010): Mitochondrial phylogeography and subspecies of the wide-ranging sub-Saharan leopard tortoise Stigmochelys pardalis (Testudines: Testudinidae) – a case study for the pitfalls of pseudogenes and GenBank sequences. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 48: 348-359.
*Nowak-Kemp, M. & U. Fritz (2010): Chelonian type specimens at the Oxford University Museum. Zootaxa, 2604: 1-19.
*Fritz, U., Gong, S., Auer, M., Kuchling, G., Schneeweiss, N. & A. K. Hundsdörfer (2010): The world’s economically most important chelonians represent a diverse species complex (Testudines: Trionychidae: Pelodiscus). Organisms, Diversity & Evolution, 10: 227-242. PDF
*Vargas-Ramírez, M., Vences, M., Branch, W.R., Daniels, S.R., Glaw, F., Hofmeyr, M.D., Kuchling, G., Maran, J., Papenfuss, T.J., Široký, P., Vieites, D.R. & U. Fritz (2010): Deep genealogical lineages in the widely distributed African helmeted terrapin: evidence from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA (Testudines: Pelomedusidae: Pelomedusa subrufa). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 56: 428-440.
*Vargas-Ramírez, M., Maran, J. & U. Fritz (2010): Red- and yellow-footed tortoises (Chelonoidis carbonaria, C. denticulata) in South American savannahs and forests: Do their phylogeographies reflect distinct habitats? Organisms, Diversity & Evolution, 10: 161-172. PDF
*Delfino, M., Fritz, U. & M.R. Sánchez-Villagra (2010): Evolutionary and developmental aspects of phalangeal formula variation in pig-nose and soft-shelled turtles (Carettochelyidae and Trionychidae). Organisms, Diversity & Evolution, 10: 69-79. PDF
*Delfino, M., Scheyer, T.M., Fritz, U. & M.R. Sánchez-Villagra (2010): An integrative approach to examining a homology question: shell structures in soft-shell turtles. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 99: 462-476.
*Giacalone, G., Lo Valvo, M. & U. Fritz (2009): Phylogeographic link between Sicilian and Corso-Sardinian Testudo h. hermanni confirmed. Acta Herpetologica, 4: 119-123. PDF
*Delfino, M., Chesi, F. & U. Fritz (2009): Shell morphology of the Egyptian tortoise, Testudo kleinmanni Lortet, 1883, the osteologically least-known Testudo species. Zoological Studies, 48: 850-860. PDF
*Praschag, P., Holloway, R., Georges, A., Päckert, M., Hundsdörfer, A.K. & U. Fritz (2009): A new subspecies of Batagur affinis (Cantor, 1847), one of the world’s most critically endangered chelonians. Zootaxa, 2233: 57-68.
*Široký, P., Stuchlík, S., Fritz, U. & J. Moravec (2009): Basic morphological data of native Czech Emys orbicularis revealed by subfossil finds. Biologia, 64: 795-797.
*Fritz, U., Ayaz, D., Hundsdörfer, A. K., Kotenko, T., Guicking, D., Wink, M., Tok, C. V., Çiçek, K. & J. Buschbom (2009): Mitochondrial diversity of European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) in Anatolia and the Ponto-Caspian Region: Multiple old refuges, hotspot of extant diversification and critically endangered endemics. Organisms, Diversity & Evolution, 9: 100-114. PDF
*Pedall, I., Schäfer, H., Fritz, U. & M. Wink (2009): Isolation of microsatellite markers in the Emys orbicularis complex and development of multiplex PCR amplification. Conservation Genetics, 10: 725-727.
*Fritz, U., Auer, M., Chirikova, M.A., Duysebayeva, T.N., Eremchenko, V.K., Kami, H.G., Kashkarov, R.D., Masroor, R., Moodley, Y., Pindrani, A., Široký, P. & A.K. Hundsdörfer (2009): Mitochondrial diversity of the widespread Central Asian steppe tortoise (Testudo horsfieldii Gray, 1844): Implications for taxonomy and relocation of confiscated tortoises. Amphibia-Reptilia, 30: 245-257.
*Sommer, R.S., Lindqvist, C., Persson, A., Bringsøe, H., Rhodin, A.G.J., Schneeweiss, N., Široký, P., Bachmann, L. & U. Fritz (2009): Unexpected early extinction of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) in Sweden and climatic impact on its Holocene range. Molecular Ecology, 18: 1252-1262.
*Praschag, P., Hundsdörfer, A.K. & U. Fritz (2009): Further specimens and phylogenetic position of the recently described leaf turtle species Cyclemys gemeli. Zootaxa, 2008: 29-37.
*Fritz, U., Harris, D.J., Fahd, S., Rouag, R., Graciá Martínez, E., Giménez Casalduero, A., Široký, P., Kalboussi, M., Jdeidi, T.B. & A.K. Hundsdörfer (2009): Mitochondrial phylogeography of Testudo graeca in the Western Mediterranean: Old complex divergence in North Africa and recent arrival in Europe. Amphibia-Reptilia, 30: 63-80.
*Gong, S., Shi, H., Mo, Y., Auer, M., Vargas-Ramírez, M., Hundsdörfer, A.K & U. Fritz (2009): Phylogeography of the endangered black-breasted leaf turtle (Geoemyda spengleri) and conservation implications for other chelonians. Amphibia-Reptilia, 30: 57-62.
*Vargas-Ramírez, M., Castaño-Mora, O.V. & U. Fritz (2008): Molecular phylogeny and divergence times of ancient South American and Malagasy river turtles (Testudines: Pleurodira: Podocnemididae). Organisms, Diversity & Evolution, 8: 388-398. PDF
*Dimaki, M., Hundsdörfer, A. K. & U. Fritz (2008): Eastern Mediterranean chameleons (Chamaeleo chamaeleon, Ch. africanus) are distinct. Amphibia-Reptilia, 29: 535-540.
*Fritz, U. & O. Kraus (2008): Comments on “Chersine Merrem, 1820 and Chersina Gray, 1831: a nomenclatural survey by Bour & Ohler, Zootaxa, 1752: 66-68”. Zootaxa, 1893: 65-68.
Fritz, U. & H. Freitag (2008): Geoemydid turtles of the Sulu Archipelago, Philippines, and a historical record of Cyclemys dentata (Gray, 1831) for Siasi Island. Herpetol. Notes, 1: 11-12. PDF
*Ayaz, D., Fritz, U., Atatür, M. K., Mermer, A., Çiçek, K. & M. Afsar (2008): Aspect of population structure of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) in Lake Yayla, Western Anatolia, Turkey. J. Herpetol., 42: 518-522.
*Fritz, U., Guicking, D., Auer, M., Sommer, R. S., Wink, M. & A. K. Hundsdörfer (2008): Diversity of the Southeast Asian leaf turtle genus Cyclemys: how many leaves on its tree of life? Zool. Scr., 37: 367-390.
*Stuart, B. L. & U. Fritz (2008): Historical DNA from type museum specimens clarifies diversity of Asian leaf turtles (Cyclemys). Biol. J. Linn. Soc., 94: 131-141.
*Praschag, P., Sommer, R. S., McCarthy, C., Gemel, R. & U. Fritz (2008): Naming one of the world’s rarest chelonians, the southern Batagur. Zootaxa, 1758: 61-68.
*Fritz, U., Ayaz, D., Buschbom, J., Kami, H. G., Mazanaeva, L. F., Aloufi, A. A., Auer, M., Rifai, L., Šilić, T. & A. K. Hundsdörfer (2008): Go east: Phylogeographies of Mauremys caspica and M. rivulata – discordance of morphology, mitochondrial and nuclear genomic markers and rare hybridization. J. Evolution. Biol., 21: 527-540. PDF
*Hitschfeld, E., Auer, M. & U. Fritz (2008): Phalangeal formulae and ontogenetic variation of carpal morphology in Testudo horsfieldii and T. hermanni. Amphibia-Reptilia, 29: 93-99.
*Sommer, R.S., Persson, A., Wieseke, N. & U. Fritz (2007): Holocene recolonization and extinction of the pond turtle, Emys orbicularis (L., 1758), in Europe. Quaternary Sci. Rev., 26: 3099-3107.
*Joger, U., Fritz, U., Guicking, D., Kalyabina-Hauf, S., Nagy, Z.T. & M. Wink (2007): Phylogeography of western Palaearctic reptiles – Spatial and temporal speciation patterns. Zool. Anz., 246: 293-313.
Fritz, U. & P. Havaš (2007): Checklist of chelonians of the world. Vertebrate Zoology, 57: 149-368. PDF
*Ludwig, M., Auer, M. & U. Fritz (2007): Phalangeal formulae of geoemydid terrapins (Batagur, Callagur, Hardella, Heosemys, Kachuga, Orlitia, Pangshura, Rhinoclemmys) reflect distinct modes of life. Amphibia-Reptilia, 28: 574-576.
Ayaz, D., Fritz, U. & M. K. Atatür (2007): Morphological comparison of Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) from European Turkey and eastern Bulgaria. Herpetozoa, 20: 11-20.
*Praschag, P., Hundsdörfer, A. K. & U. Fritz (2007): Phylogeny and taxonomy of endangered South and South-east Asian freshwater turtles elucidated by mtDNA sequence variation (Testudines: Geoemydidae: Batagur, Callagur, Hardella, Kachuga, Pangshura). Zool. Scr., 36: 429-442.
*Fritz, U. & O.R.P. Bininda-Emonds (2007): When genes meet nomenclature: Tortoise phylogeny and the shifting generic concepts of Testudo and Geochelone. Zoology, 110: 298-307.
*Fritz, U., Guicking, D., Kami, H., Arakelyan, M., Auer, M., Ayaz, D., Ayres Fernández, C., Bakiev, A. G., Celani, A., Džukić, G., Fahd, S., Havaš, P., Joger, U., Khabibullin, V. F., Mazanaeva, L. F., Široký, P., Tripepi, S., Valdeón Vélez, A., Velo Antón, G. & M. Wink (2007): Mitochondrial phylogeography of European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis, Emys trinacris) – an update. Amphibia-Reptilia, 28: 418-426.
*Praschag, P., Hundsdörfer, A. K., Reza, A. H. M. A. & U. Fritz (2007): Genetic evidence for wild-living Aspideretes nigricans and a molecular phylogeny of South Asian softshell turtles (Reptilia: Trionychidae: Aspideretes, Nilssonia). Zool. Scr., 36: 301-310.
*Böhme, M. U., Schneeweiss, N., Fritz, U., Schlegel, M. & T. U. Berendonk (2007): Small edge populations at risk: genetic diversity of the green lizard (Lacerta viridis viridis) in Germany and implications for conservation management. Conservation Genetics, 8: 555-563.
*Široký, P. & U. Fritz (2007): Is Testudo werneri a distinct species? Biologia, 62: 228-231.
*Ayaz, D., Fritz, U., Tok, C. V., Mermer, A., Tosunoğlu, M., Afsar, M. & K. Çiçek (2007): Population estimate and body size of European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) from Pazarağaç (Afyonkarahisar/Turkey). Biologia, 62: 225-227.
*Böhme, M. U., Fritz, U., Kotenko, T., Džukić, G., Ljubisavljević, K., Tzankov, N. & T. U. Berendonk (2007): Phylogeography and cryptic variation within the Lacerta viridis complex. Zool. Scr., 36: 119-131.
*Richter, S., Auer, M. & U. Fritz (2007): Variation of hyoid morphology in geoemydid terrapins. Amphibia-Reptilia, 28: 148-153.
*Fritz, U., Hundsdörfer, A. K., Široký, P., Auer, M., Kami, H., Lehmann, J., Mazanaeva, L. F., Türkozan, O. & M. Wink (2007): Phenotypic plasticity leads to incongruence between morphology-based taxonomy and genetic differentiation in western Palaearctic tortoises (Testudo graeca complex; Testudines, Testudinidae). Amphibia-Reptilia, 28: 97-121.
*Fritz, U., d’Angelo, S., Pennisi, M. G. & M. Lo Valvo (2006): Variation of Sicilian pond turtles, Emys trinacris – What makes a species cryptic? Amphibia-Reptilia, 27: 513-529.
*Fritz, U., Auer, M., Bertolero, A., Cheylan, M., Fattizzo, T., Hundsdörfer, A. K., Martín Sampayo, M., Pretus, J. L., Široký, P. & M. Wink (2006): A rangewide phylogeography of Hermann’s tortoise, Testudo hermanni (Reptilia: Testudines: Testudinidae): implications for taxonomy. Zool. Scr., 35: 531-543.
*Praschag, P., Schmidt, C., Fritzsch, G., Müller, A., Gemel, R. & U. Fritz (2006): Geoemyda silvatica, an enigmatic turtle of the Geoemydidae (Reptilia: Testudines), represents a distinct genus. Organisms, Diversity & Evolution, 6: 151-162, 254. PDF
*Fritz, U., Petzold, A. & M. Auer (2006): Osteology in the Cuora galbinifrons complex suggests conspecifity of C. bourreti and C. galbinifrons, with notes on shell osteology and phalangeal formulae within the Geoemydidae. Amphibia-Reptilia, 27: 195-205.
Böhme, M. U., Schneeweiss, N., Fritz, U., Moravec, J., Majláth, I., Majláthová, V. & T. U. Berendonk (2006): Genetic differentiation and diversity of Lacerta viridis viridis (Laurenti, 1768) within the northern part of its range: an investigation using mitochondrial haplotypes. Salamandra, 42: 29-40.
*Fritz, U., Barata, M., Busack, S. D., Fritzsch, G. & R. Castilho (2006): Impact of mountain chains, sea straits and peripheral populations on genetic and taxonomic structure of a freshwater turtle, Mauremys leprosa. Zool. Scr., 35: 97-108.
Fritz, U., Fritzsch, G., Lehr, E., Ducotterd, J.-M. & A. Müller (2005): The Atlas Mountains, not the Strait of Gibraltar, as a biogeographic barrier for Mauremys leprosa. Salamandra, 41: 97-106.
*Fritz, U., Cadi, A., Cheylan, M., Coïc, C., Détaint, M., Olivier, A., Rosecchi, E., Guicking, D., Lenk, P., Joger, U. & M. Wink (2005): Distribution of mtDNA haplotypes (cyt b) of Emys orbicularis in France and implications for postglacial recolonization. Amphibia-Reptilia, 26: 231-238 [Erratum: Amphibia-Reptilia 27 (2006): 157].
*Holman, J. A. & U. Fritz (2005): The box turtle genus Terrapene (Testudines: Emydidae) in the Miocene of the USA. The Herpetological Journal, 15: 81-90.
*Fritz, U., Široký, P., Kami, H. & M. Wink (2005): Environmentally caused dwarfism or a valid species – Is Testudo weissingeri Bour, 1996 a distinct evolutionary lineage? New evidence from mitochondrial and nuclear genomic markers. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 37: 389-401.
*Fritz, U., Fattizzo, T., Guicking, D., Tripepi, S., Pennisi, M. G., Lenk, P., Joger, U. & M. Wink (2005): A new cryptic species of pond turtle from southern Italy, the hottest spot in the range of the genus Emys. Zool. Scr., 34: 351-371.
*Parham, J. F., Stuart, B. L., Bour, R. & U. Fritz (2004): Evolutionary distinctiveness of the extinct Yunnan box turtle (Cuora yunnanensis) revealed by DNA from an old museum specimen. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B (Suppl.), 271: S391-S394.
*Fritz, U., Guicking, D., Lenk, P., Joger, U. & M. Wink (2004): When turtle distribution tells European history: mtDNA haplotypes of Emys orbicularis reflect in Germany former division by the Iron Curtain. Biologia, 59 (Suppl. 14): 19-25.
Schilde, M., Barth, D. & U. Fritz (2004): An Ocadia sinensis x Cyclemys shanensis hybrid. Asiat. Herpetol. Res., 10: 120-125.
*Barth, D., Bernhard, D., Fritzsch, G. & U. Fritz (2004): The freshwater turtle genus Mauremys (Testudines, Geoemydidae) – a textbook example of an east-west disjunction or a taxonomic misconcept? Zool. Scr., 33: 213-221.
Fritz, U. (2003): Record clutch size in Testudo graeca ibera Pallas, 1814 s. l. from Van Gölü region (Turkey). Herpetozoa, 16: 165-166.
*Schulze, A. & U. Fritz (2003): Morphological variation in Tyrrhenian Emys orbicularis revisited. Amphibia-Reptilia, 24: 230-234.
Barth, D., Bernhard, D., Guicking, D., Stöck, M. & U. Fritz (2003): Is Chinemys megalocephala Fang, 1934 a valid species? New insights based on mitochondrial DNA sequences. Salamandra, 38 (2002): 233-244.
Fritz, U. & D. Mendau (2002): Ein Gattungsbastard zweier südostasiatischer Schildkröten: Cuora amboinensis kamaroma Rummler & Fritz, 1991 x Mauremys annamensis (Siebenrock, 1903). Salamandra, 38 : 129-134.
Galgon, F. & U. Fritz (2002): Captive bred hybrids between Chinemys reevesii (Gray, 1831) and Cuora amboinensis kamaroma Rummler & Fritz, 1991. Herpetozoa, 15: 137-148.
vor 2002 (subfossil)
*Lenk, P., Fritz, U., Joger, U. & M. Wink (1999): Mitochondrial phylogeography of the European pond turtle, Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus 1758). Molecular Ecology, 8: 1911-1922.
Fritz, U. & I. Pauler (1999): Phrynops chacoensis Fritz & Pauler, 1992, ein Juniorsynonym von Platemys macrocephala Rhodin, Mittermeier & McMorris, 1984. Salamandra, 35: 53-56.
Gaulke, M. & U. Fritz (1998): Distribution patterns of batagurid turtles in the Philippines. Herpetozoa, 11: 3-12.
Gaulke, M., Abel, F., Erdelen, W. & U. Fritz (1998): Notes on the herpetofauna of Sumatra. Hamadryad, 23: 78-82.
Fritz, U., Gaulke, M. & E. Lehr (1997): Revision der südostasiatischen Dornschildkröten-Gattung Cyclemys Bell, 1834, mit Beschreibung einer neuen Art. Salamandra, 33: 183-212.
Seidel, M. E. & U. Fritz (1997): Courtship behavior provides additional evidence for a monophyletic Pseudemys, and comments on Mesoamerican Trachemys. Herpetol. Rev., 28: 70-72.
Fritz, U., Keller, C. & M. Budde (1996): Eine neue Unterart der Europäischen Sumpfschildkröte aus Südwestspanien, Emys orbicularis hispanica subsp. nov. Salamandra, 32: 129-152.
Wischuf, T. & U. Fritz (1996): Eine neue Unterart der Bachschildkröte (Mauremys caspica ventrimaculata subsp. nov.) aus dem Iranischen Hochland. Salamandra, 32: 113-122.
Fritz, U. & T. Wischuf (1995): Einige Richtigstellungen zu Verbreitungsangaben von Mauremys caspica. Salamandra, 31: 237-242.
Fritz, U., Kuzmin, S. L., Kolobajewa, O. W. & W. F. Orlowa (1995): Zur Variabilität der Sumpfschildkröte (Emys orbicularis) im Gebiet zwischen Manytsch-Niederung und Don (Rußland). Salamandra, 31: 231-236.
Fritz, U. & F. J. Obst (1995): Morphologische Variabilität in den Intergradationszonen von Emys orbicularis orbicularis und E. o. hellenica. Salamandra, 31: 157-180.
Fritz, U. (1994): Gibt es in Nordafrika zwei verschiedene Formen der Europäischen Sumpfschildkröte (Emys orbicularis)? Salamandra, 30: 76-80.
Fritz, U. & O. Freytag (1993): The distribution of Mauremys in Asia Minor, and first record of M. caspica caspica (Gmelin, 1774) for the internally drained central basin of Anatolia. Herpetozoa, 6: 97-103.
Fritz, U. & G. Mann (1993): Werbeverhalten von Phrynops hilarii. Salamandra, 29: 161-166.
Fritz, U. (1993): Weitere Mitteilung zur innerartlichen Variabilität, Chorologie und Zoogeographie von Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) in Kleinasien. Herpetozoa, 6: 37-55.
Fritz, U. (1993): Perlite – das ideale Standard-Brutsubstrat? Salamandra, 28: 279-281.
Fritz, U. & I. Pauler (1992): Erstnachweis von Acanthochelys pallidipectoris (Freiberg, 1945) für Paraguay. Herpetozoa, 5: 135-137.
Fritz, U. (1992): Podarcis p. pityusensis (Bosca, 1883) eingeschleppt in Cala Ratjada (NO-Mallorca). Herpetozoa, 5: 131-134.
Fritz, U. (1991): Balzverhalten und Systematik in der Subtribus Nectemydina, 2. Vergleich oberhalb des Artniveaus und Anmerkungen zur Evolution. Salamandra, 27: 129-142. ‑ English translation published in: Bull. Chicago Herpetol. Soc., 34 (1999): 129-136. PDF
Rummler, H.-J. & U. Fritz (1991): Geographische Variabilität der Amboina-Scharnierschildkröte Cuora amboinensis (Daudin, 1802), mit Beschreibung einer neuen Unterart, C. a. kamaroma subsp. nov. Salamandra, 27: 17-45.
Fritz, U. (1990): Balzverhalten und Systematik in der Subtribus Nectemydina, 1. Die Gattung Trachemys, besonders Trachemys scripta callirostris (Gray, 1855). Salamandra, 26: 221-245. ‑ English translation published in: Bull. Chicago Herpetol. Soc., 33 (1998): 225-236. PDF
Fritz, U. (1990): Haltung und Nachzucht der Jamaika-Schmuckschildkröte Trachemys terrapen (Lacépède, 1788) und Bemerkungen zur Fortpflanzungsstrategie von neotropischen Schmuckschildkröten der Gattung Trachemys. Salamandra, 26: 1-18.
Fritz, U. (1989): Zur innerartlichen Variabilität von Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758). 1. Eine neue Unterart der Europäischen Sumpfschildkröte aus Kleinasien Emys orbicularis luteofusca subsp. nov. Salamandra, 25: 143-168.
*Fritz, U. (1989): Does or did the European pond turtle, Emys orbicularis (Reptilia: Testudines), occur in Israel? Israel J. Zool., 36: 81-84.
Bienert, H.-D. & U. Fritz (1989): Die älteste Schildkröten-Darstellung: 9000 Jahre alt. Salamandra, 25: 112-114.
*Kramer, M. & U. Fritz (1989): Courtship of the turtle, Pseudemys nelsoni. J. Herpetol., 23: 84-86.
Fritz, U. & D. Jauch (1989): Haltung, Balzverhalten und Nachzucht von Parkers Schlangenhalsschildkröte, Chelodina parkeri Rhodin & Mittermeier, 1976. Salamandra, 25: 1-13.
Fritz, U. (1988): Zur Variabilität der Carapaxzeichnung von Trachemys decorata (Barbour & Carr, 1940) und Trachemys stejnegeri vicina (Barbour & Carr, 1940). Salamandra, 24: 175-178.
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Fritz, U. (2002): Herpetology and herpetological type specimens at the Museum für Tierkunde Dresden with a bibliography of herpetological contributions by Fritz Jürgen Obst. Faun. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, 23: 3-34.
Pieh, A., Fritz, U. & R. Berglas (2002): New data on morphology, distribution and nomenclature of Testudo graeca armeniaca Chkhikvadze & Bakradze, 1991. Faun. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, 22: 329-345.
Holman, J. A. & U. Fritz (2001): A new emydine species from the Middle Miocene (Barstovian) of Nebraska, USA with a new generic arrangement for the species of Clemmys sensu McDowell (1964). Zool. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, 51: 331-353.
Fritz, U., Guicking, D., Wink, M. & E. Lehr (2001): Sind Cyclemys atripons Iverson & McCord, 1997 und Cyclemys pulchristriata Fritz, Gaulke & Lehr, 1997 identisch? Sauria, 23 (2): 33-38.
Wink, M., Guicking, D. & U. Fritz (2001): Molecular evidence for hybrid origin of Mauremys iversoni Pritchard et McCord, 1991, and Mauremys pritchardi McCord, 1997. Zool. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, 51: 41-49. PDF
Schneeweiss, N. & U. Fritz (2000): Situation, Gefährdung und Schutz von Emys orbicularis (L.) in Deutschland. Stapfia, 69: 133-144.
Fritz, U. (2000): Verbreitung, Formenvielfalt und Schutz der Europäischen Sumpfschildkröte Emys orbicularis (L.). Stapfia, 69: 13-20.
Fritz, U. & T. Ziegler (1999): Contribution to the knowledge of Cyclemys tcheponensis (Bourret, 1939) and the distribution of Cyclemys in the Indochinese region. Rev. fr. Aquariol., 26: 71-78. PDF
Fritz, U., Niekisch, M. & T. Ziegler (1999): Rediscovery of the holotype of Geoemyda tcheponensis Bourret, 1939. Zool. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, 50: 243-247.
Fritz, U. & F. J. Obst (1999): Neue Schildkröten aus Südostasien. Teil II. Bataguridae (Cyclemys, Heosemys, Mauremys, Ocadia, Pyxidea, Sacalia) und Trionychidae. Sauria, 21 (1): 11-26.
Fritz, U. & F. J. Obst (1998): Neue Schildkröten aus Südostasien. Teil I. Platysternidae und Bataguridae (Cuora). Sauria, 20 (4): 9-22.
Braitmayer, N., Fritz, U., Mayol, J. & A. Pieh (1998): DGHT-Fonds für Herpetologie. Die Europäische Sumpfschildkröte (Emys orbicularis) Menorcas. elaphe, 6 (4): 57-60.
Lehr, E., Fritz, U. & F. J. Obst (1998): Die Unterarten von Cuora galbinifrons Bourret, 1939. Zool. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, 50: 77-97.
Farkas, B. & U. Fritz (1998): On the identity of Rafetus swinhoei (Gray, 1873) and Pelochelys maculatus (Heude, 1880). Zool. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, 50: 59-75.
Lehr, E., Fritz, U. & F. J. Obst (1998): Cuora galbinifrons picturata subsp. nov., eine neue Unterart der Hinterindischen Scharnierschildkröte. herpetofauna, 20 (11): 5-11.
Fritz, U., Andreas, B. & E. Lehr (1998): Eine neue Unterart der Dreikiel-Scharnierschildkröte, Pyxidea mouhotii (Gray, 1862). Zool. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, 50: 33-43. PDF
Fritz, U. & J. R. Buskirk (1997): The occurrence of Testudo kleinmanni in Tripolitania. Casopis Národního muzea, Rada prírodovedná, 167: 143-144.
Fritz, U. & M. Gaulke (1997): Zur Herpetofauna Nord-Sumatras. Teil 1: Schildkröten. herpetofauna, 19 (110): 12-22.
Fritz, U. & F. J. Obst (1997): Zum taxonomischen Status von Cuora galbinifrons serrata Iverson & McCord, 1992 und Pyxidea mouhotii (Gray, 1862). Zool. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, 49: 261-279.
Fritz, U. & T. Wischuf (1997): Zur Systematik westasiatisch-südosteuropäischer Bachschildkröten (Gattung Mauremys). Zool. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, 49: 223-260.
Lenk, P., Hanka, S., Fritz, U., Joger, U. & M. Wink (1997): DGHT-Fonds für Herpetologie. Die Europäische Sumpfschildkröte im Enkheimer Ried bei Frankfurt/M – Nachweis für Einbürgerung. elaphe, 5 (4): 70-75.
Fritz, U. (1997): Zum Vorkommen von Heosemys spinosa (Gray, 1831) auf den Philippinen. Faun. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, 21: 131-134. PDF
Niekisch, M., Farkas, B., Fritz, U. & Hà Dinh Dúc (1997): Rekordgrößen bei Weichschildkröten im Stadtzentrum von Hanoi, Vietnam. herpetofauna, 19 (107): 28-34.
Fritz, U., Gaulke, M. & H. Schröder (1996): Ein Beitrag zur Systematik der Dornschildkröten-Gattung Cyclemys. herpetofauna, 18 (105): 19-26.
Fritz, U. & B. Farkas (1996): The proper generic allocation of Clemmys mehelyi Kormos, 1911. Fragm. Mineralog. Palaeontol., 18: 103-105. PDF
Fritz, U., Bischoff, W., Martens, H. & J. F. Schmidtler (1996): Variabilität syrischer Landschildkröten (Testudo graeca) sowie zur Systematik und Zoogeographie im Nahen Osten und in Nordafrika. herpetofauna, 18 (104): 5-14.
Meyer, A. & U. Fritz (1996): Die Europäische Sumpfschildkröte (Emys orbicularis hellenica) auf Samos. herpetofauna, 18 (103): 27.
Fritz, U. (1996): Zur innerartlichen Variabilität von Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758). 5b. Innerartliche Hierarchie und Zoogeographie. Zool. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, 49: 31-71. PDF
Fritz, U. & F. J. Obst (1996): Zur Kenntnis der Celebes-Erdschildkröte, Heosemys yuwonoi (McCord, Iverson & Boeadi, 1995). herpetofauna, 18 (102): 27-34.
Fritz, U., Petters, G., Matzanke, W. & M. Matzanke (1995/96): Zur Schildkrötenfauna Nordsardiniens. herpetofauna, 17 (99)/18 (100): 29-34, 14-20.
Fritz, U. (1995): Wie heißt die Griechische Landschildkröte denn nun wirklich? D. Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschr. (DATZ), 48: 811-812.
Fritz, U. (1995): Die Sumpfschildkröte in Oberschwaben oder: Die Suche nach einem Phantom? Elaphe (N. F.), 3 (4): 57-61.
Fritz, U., Lenk, P. & S. Lenk (1995): Sumpfschildkröten (Emys orbicularis galloitalica) aus Südfrankreich und Latium. herpetofauna, 17 (97): 13-20.
Fritz, U. (1995): Kritische Übersicht der Fossilgeschichte der Sumpfschildkröten-Gattung Emys A. Duméril, 1806. Zool. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, 48: 243-264. PDF
Fritz, U. (1995): Zur innerartlichen Variabilität von Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758). 5a. Taxonomie in Mittel-Westeuropa, auf Korsika, Sardinien, der Apenninen-Halbinsel und Sizilien und Unterartengruppen von E. orbicularis. Zool. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, 48: 185-242. PDF
Fritz, U. & M. Baur (1995): Schildkröten-Hybriden. 1. Halswender-Schildkröten (Pleurodira). herpetofauna, 17 (94): 28-34. PDF
Fritz, U. (1995): Schildkröten-Hybriden. 2. Halsberger-Schildkröten (Cryptodira). herpetofauna, 17 (95): 19-34. PDF
Fritz, U. & H. Schneider (1995): Phrynops hilarii ist kein reiner Fleischfresser! D. Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschr. (DATZ), 48: 7.
Thiesmeier, B., Jäger, O. & U. Fritz (1994): Erfolgreiche Reproduktion des Ochsenfrosches (Rana catesbeiana) im nördlichen Landkreis Böblingen (Baden-Württemberg). Z. Feldherpetol., 1: 169-176.
Podloucky, R. & U. Fritz (1994): Zum Vorkommen von Emys orbicularis hellenica auf Zakynthos (Ionische Inseln, Griechenland). herpetofauna, 16 (93): 28-30.
Fritz, U. (1994): Zur innerartlichen Variabilität von Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758). 4. Variabilität und Zoogeographie im pontokaspischen Gebiet mit Beschreibung von drei neuen Unterarten. Zool. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, 48 (4): 53-93. PDF
Fritz, U., Obst, F. J. & R. Günther (1994): Kritischer Typen-Katalog der Schildkrötensammlung (Reptilia: Testudines) des Zoologischen Museums Berlin. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 70 (1): 157-175.
Picariello, O., Scillitani, G., Fritz, U., Günther, R. & F. Mutschmann (1993): Zur Herpetofauna Süditaliens. Teil 2: Die Amphibien und Reptilien des Picentini-Gebirges (Apennin, Kampanien). II. Reptilien. herpetofauna, 15 (86): 11-16.
Picariello, O., Scillitani, G., Fritz, U., Günther, R. & F. Mutschmann (1993): Zur Herpetofauna Süditaliens. Teil 2: Die Amphibien und Reptilien des Picentini-Gebirges (Apennin, Kampanien). I. Allgemeines und Amphibien. herpetofauna, 15 (85): 19-26.
Fritz, U., Obst, F. J. & R. Günther (1993): Erstnachweise aus der Schildkrötensammlung des Zoologischen Museums Berlin. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 69: 345-346.
Fritz, U., Picariello, O., Günther, R. & F. Mutschmann (1993): Zur Herpetofauna Süditaliens. Teil 1. Flußmündungen und Feuchtgebiete in Kalabrien, Lucanien und Südapulien. herpetofauna, 15 (84): 6-14.
Fritz, U. (1993): Zur innerartlichen Variabilität von Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758). 3. Zwei neue Unterarten von der Iberischen Halbinsel und aus Nordafrika, Emys orbicularis fritzjuergenobsti subsp. nov. und E. o. occidentalis subsp. nov. Zool. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, 47 (11): 131-155.
Fritz, U. (1993): Bemerkungen über das Werbeverhalten der Riesen-Schlangenhalsschildkröte (Chelodina expansa). herpetofauna, 15 (83): 6-9.
Fritz, U. (1992): Zur innerartlichen Variabilität von Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758). 2. Variabilität in Osteuropa und Redefinition von Emys orbicularis orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) und E. o. hellenica (Valenciennes, 1832). Zool. Abh. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden, 47 (5): 37-77.
Fritz, U. & I. Pauler (1992): Phrynops chacoensis spec. nov. (Reptilia, Chelidae), eine neue Krötenkopfschildkröte. Mitt. Zool. Mus. 68: 299-307.
Fritz, U., Jauch, D. & H. Jes (1991): Langzeit-Beobachtungen bei der Haltung und Nachzucht der Rotbauch-Spitzkopfschildkröte (Emydura albertisii). Zeitschr. Kölner Zoo, 34 (4): 131-139.
Fritz, U. (1991): Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Hispaniola-Schmuckschildkröte, Trachemys decorata (Barbour & Carr 1940). Sauria, 13 (3): 11-14. – English translation published in: Sauria (E), 1 (1): 11-14.
Fritz, U. (1989): Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Texas-Schmuckschildkröte (Pseudemys texana Baur 1893). Sauria, 11 (1): 9-14.
Fritz, U. (1981): Zwei interessante mexikanische Schmuckschildkröten der Gattung Chrysemys Gray, 1844. herpetofauna, 3 (14): 25-32.
Fritz, U. (1981): Synonymie von Chrysemys concinna (Le Conte 1830) mit Chrysemys floridana (Le Conte 1830 mit Berücksichtigung von Chrysemys rubriventris (Le Conte 1830), Wermuth & Mertens 1961. herpetofauna, 3 (11): 31-33.
Fritz, U. & H.-D. Bienert (1981): Übersicht über die neuweltliche Sumpfschildkrötengattung Chrysemys Gray (Pseudemys Gray = Synonym für Chrysemys Gray). herpetofauna, 3 (10): 17-22.
Buchbeiträge, Beiträge in Proceedings-Bänden
Türkay, M., Fritz, U., Schmitt, T., Xylander, W., Ernst, R., Kallweit, U., Klass, K.-D., Nuss, M., Päckert, M., Schmidt, C., Reimann, A., Schniebs, K., Stefen, C., Weck-Heimann, A. & A. Zarske (2018): Frankfurt, Dresden, Görlitz, Müncheberg: Senckenberg: Its zoological collections and their histories. In: Beck, L. A. (Ed.), Zoological Collections of Germany. Heidelberg (Springer), pp. 317-371.
Vamberger, M. (2013): Močvirska sklednica v Beli krajini. In: Štangelj, M. & M. Ivanovič (Eds.), Narava Bele krajine. Metlika (Belokranjski muzej), pp. 186-191.
Vargas-Ramírez, M. (2012): Filogenia y filogeografía de las tortugas continentales colombianas. In: Páez, V.P., Morales-Betancourt, M.A., Lasso, C.A., Castaño-Mora, O.V. & B.C. Bock (Eds.), Serie recursos hidrobiológicos y pesqueros continentales de Colombia. V. Biología y conservación de las tortugas continentales de Colombia. Bogotá (Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt), pp. 91-101.
Páez, V.P., Restrepo Isaza, A., Vargas-Ramírez, M., Bock, B.C. & N. Gallego-García (2012): Familia Podocnemididae. Tortugas cabezonas de Madagascar y tortugas americanas de río, tortugas de cuello escondido. In: Páez, V.P., Morales-Betancourt, M.A., Lasso, C.A., Castaño-Mora, O.V. & B.C. Bock (Eds.), Serie recursos hidrobiológicos y pesqueros continentales de Colombia. V. Biología y conservación de las tortugas continentales de Colombia. Bogotá (Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt), pp. 351-381.
Morales-Betancourt, M.A., Lasso, C.A., Páez, V., Trujillo, F., Vargas-Ramírez, M., Forero-Medina, G., Hernández, O. & G. Trujillo (2012): Estrategias para la conservación de las tortugas continentales de Colombia. In: Páez, V.P., Morales-Betancourt, M.A., Lasso, C.A., Castaño-Mora, O.V. & B.C. Bock (Eds.), Serie recursos hidrobiológicos y pesqueros continentales de Colombia. V. Biología y conservación de las tortugas continentales de Colombia. Bogotá (Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt), pp. 495-521.
Zuffi, M.A.L., Di Cerbo, A.R. & U. Fritz (2011): Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758). In: Corti, C., Capula, M., Luiselli, L., Razzetti, E. & R. Sindaco (Eds.), Fauna d’Italia, Reptilia. Milano (Calderini), pp. 153-163.
Vamberger, M., Bassu, L., Corti, C., Nulchis, V., Satta, M.G., Stuckas, H. & U. Fritz (2010): Preliminary data on the population genetics of Testudo graeca and implications for conservation. In: Di Tizio, L., Di Cerbo, A.R., Di Francesco, N. & A. Cameli (Eds.), Atti VIII Congresso Nazionale Societas Herpetologica Italica (Chieti, 22-26 Settembre 2010). Pescara (Ianieri Edizioni), pp. 465-471.
Joger, U., Fritz, U., Guicking, D., Kalyabina-Hauf, S., Nagy, Z.T. & M. Wink (2010): Relict populations and endemic clades in Palearctic reptiles: Evolutionary history and implications for conservation. In: Habel, J.C. & T. Assmann (Eds.), Relict Species: Phylogeography and Conservation Biology. Springer (Berlin and Heidelberg), pp. 119-143.
Giacalone, G., Abbate, M., Fritz, U. & M. Lo Valvo (2008): Preliminary data on distribution, morphometric and genetic characterization of Hermann’s tortoise in Sicily. In: Corti, C. (Ed.), Herpetologia Sardiniae. Edizioni Belvedere (Latina), pp. 282-286.
Fritz, U. (2008): Phylogeography of Mediterranean chelonians. In: Corti, C. (Ed.), Herpetologia Sardiniae. Edizioni Belvedere (Latina), pp. 278-281.
Fritz, U. & H. Laufer (2007): Europäische Sumpfschildkröte Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758). In: Laufer, H., Fritz, K. & P. Sowig (Eds.), Die Amphibien und Reptilien Baden-Württembergs. Ulmer (Stuttgart), pp. 511-524.
Frazier, J., Gramentz, D. & U. Fritz (2005): Dermochelys Blainville, 1816 – Lederschildkröten, Dermochelys coriacea (Vandellius, 1761) – Lederschildkröte. In: Fritz, U. (Ed.), Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Schildkröten II. AULA-Verlag (Wiesbaden/Wiebelsheim), pp. 249-328.
Gramentz, D. & U. Fritz (2005): Chelonia Brongniart, 1800 – Suppenschildkröten, Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus, 1758) – Suppenschildkröte. In: Fritz, U. (Ed.), Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Schildkröten II. AULA-Verlag (Wiesbaden/Wiebelsheim), pp. 149-204.
Gramentz, D. & U. Fritz (2005): Lepidochelys kempii (Garman, 1880) – Atlantische Bastardschildkröte. In: Fritz, U. (Ed.), Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Schildkröten II. AULA-Verlag (Wiesbaden/Wiebelsheim), pp. 121-148.
Fritz, U. & D. Gramentz (2005): Lepidochelys Fitzinger, 1843 – Bastardschildkröten. In: Fritz, U. (Ed.), Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Schildkröten II. AULA-Verlag (Wiesbaden/Wiebelsheim), pp. 117-120.
Kotenko, T., Zinenko, O., Guicking, D., Sauer-Gürth, H., Wink, M. & U. Fritz (2005): First data on the geographic variation of Emys orbicularis in Ukraine: mtDNA haplotypes, coloration, and size. In: Ananjeva, N. & O. Tsinenko (Eds.), Herpetologia Petropolitana. Proceedings of the 12th Ordinary General Meeting of the Societas Herpetologica Europaea, August 12-16, 2003, St. Petersburg. Russ. J. Herpetol., 12 (Suppl.): 43-46.
Fritz, U. (2001): Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) – Europäische Sumpfschildkröte. In: Fritz, U. (Ed.), Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Schildkröten I. AULA-Verlag (Wiesbaden/Wiebelsheim), pp. 343-515.
Fritz, U. (2001): Emys Duméril, 1806 – Echte Sumpfschildkröten. In: Fritz, U. (Ed.), Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Schildkröten I. AULA-Verlag (Wiesbaden/Wiebelsheim), pp. 338-342.
Fritz, U. (2001): Emydidae – Neuweltliche Sumpfschildkröten. In: Fritz, U. (Ed.), Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Schildkröten I. AULA-Verlag (Wiesbaden/Wiebelsheim), pp. 335-337.
Fritz, U. & M. Cheylan (2001): Testudo Linnaeus, 1758 – Eigentliche Landschildkröten. In: Fritz, U. (Ed.), Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Schildkröten I. AULA-Verlag (Wiesbaden/Wiebelsheim), pp. 113-124.
Fritz, U. (2001): Testudinidae – Echte Landschildkröten. In: Fritz, U. (Ed.), Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Schildkröten I. AULA-Verlag (Wiesbaden/Wiebelsheim), pp. 111-112.
Wischuf, T. & U. Fritz (2001): Mauremys caspica (Gmelin, 1774) – Kaspische Bachschildkröte. In: Fritz, U. (Ed.), Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Schildkröten I. AULA-Verlag (Wiesbaden/Wiebelsheim), pp. 43-56.
Fritz, U. (2001): Mauremys Gray, 1869 – Bachschildkröten. In: Fritz, U. (Ed.), Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Schildkröten I. AULA-Verlag (Wiesbaden/Wiebelsheim), pp. 35-42.
Fritz, U. (2001): Bataguridae – Altweltliche Sumpfschildkröten. In: Fritz, U. (Ed.), Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Schildkröten I. AULA-Verlag (Wiesbaden/Wiebelsheim), pp. 33-34.
Tripepi, S. & U. Fritz (1998): Morphological comparison of two populations of Emys orbicularis from southern Italy. In: Fritz, U. et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the EMYS Symposium Dresden 96, Mertensiella, 10: 299-302.
Fritz, U. (1998): Which subspecies of Emys orbicularis occurs in northern Catalonia? In: Fritz, U. et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the EMYS Symposium Dresden 96, Mertensiella, 10: 296.
Ardizzoni, C. & U. Fritz (1998): Some morphological data on pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) of Sicily. In: Fritz, U. et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the EMYS Symposium Dresden 96, Mertensiella, 10: 287-288.
Lenk, P., Joger, U., Fritz, U., Heidrich, P. & M. Wink (1998): Phylogeographic patterns in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis): first results. In: Fritz, U. et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the EMYS Symposium Dresden 96, Mertensiella, 10: 159-175.
Fritz, U., Pieh, A., Lenk, P., Mayol, J., Sättele, B. & M. Wink (1998): Is Emys orbicularis introduced on Majorca? In: Fritz, U. et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the EMYS Symposium Dresden 96, Mertensiella, 10: 123-133.
Fritz, U., Baran, I., Budak, A. & E. Amthauer (1998): Some notes on the morphology of Emys orbicularis in Anatolia, especially on E. o . luteofusca and E. o. colchica, with the description of a new subspecies from southeastern Turkey. In: Fritz, U. et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the EMYS Symposium Dresden 96, Mertensiella, 10: 103-121.
Farkas, B., Fritz, U., Jendretzke, N. & N. Schneeweiss (1998): Morphological differences between pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) from the Hungarian Lowlands, eastern Poland, and northeastern Germany. In: Fritz, U. et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the EMYS Symposium Dresden 96, Mertensiella, 10: 89-94.
Fritz, U. (1998): Introduction to zoogeography and subspecific differentiation in Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758). In: Fritz, U. et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the EMYS Symposium Dresden 96, Mertensiella, 10: 1-27.
Fritz, U. (1996): Fremdländische Wasserschildkröten. In: Günther, R. (Hrsg.), Die Amphibien und Reptilien Deutschlands, Jena (Fischer), pp. 534-535.
Fritz, U. & R. Günther (1996): Europäische Sumpfschildkröte – Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758). In: Günther, R. (Hrsg.), Die Amphibien und Reptilien Deutschlands, Jena (Fischer), pp. 518-534.