93rd Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology
The program of the meeting is shortened as indicated below
There are no talks on Thursday 19.9. and the dinner will be Tuesday evening instead of Wednesday!
You are cordially invited to participate in the 93 rd Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy, which will be held in Dresden for the third time after 1927 and 2009. The meeting will be hosted by the Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Museum für Tierkunde. The collection in Dresden dates back to the 16 th century and therefore has a long tradition. Like in previous years the meeting language will be English and so mammalogists and students of biology from all countries can participate, present their research and exchange ideas.
For late Registration please send an E-Mail to
March 15: Registration open
May 24 (June 14): Deadline for abstract submission
June 14: Notification of abstract acceptance
June 21: End of early registration
August 30: End of late registration
Registration fees
Early registration:
Regular 110 Euro (non members + 25 Euro)
Student 60 Euro (non members + 25 Euro)
Late registration:
Regular 150 Euro (non members + 25 Euro)
Student 80 Euro (non members + 25 Euro)
The information for payment will be sent with the automated answer mail after registration
Information on presentations
Oral and poster presentations for the main topics and other fields of mammalogy are welcome for the meeting. Oral Presentations will be scheduled for 15 min, Posters should be in DIN A0 format.
The deadline for abstract submission is extended to friday 14.6.! This is and remains also the deadline for early bird registration and the early bird rate!!
Prices to be won
The thee prices for the three best posters (3 x 100 Euro)
And there is one Young-Scientist Award for the best oral presentation of a Young Scientist (up to phD level „Doktorand“ (1 x 500 Euro)
Abstract Submission
Abstracts need to be written in English and submitted by e-mail to Clara.stefen@senckenberg.de with “DGS abstract” in the reference or subject line of the e-mail! Please indicate if you prefer an oral presentation or a poster. The scientific committee will decide and in some cases might suggest poster instead of oral presentation or vice versa.
No references and illustrations please.
Abstracts will be published in a special supplement to Mammalian Biology. Abstracts should not exceed one printed page (Din A4, single spaced) and should be organized as follows:
Title in bold, upper and lower case letters
Blank line
Name(s) of author(s) in capitals and Institutional affiliation and address, e.g.:
K. MUSTERMANNN1 and A. Muster2, 1Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Museum für Tierkunde, Königsbrücker Landstraße 159, 01109 Dresden, Germany, e-mail: Mustermann@provider.de, 2Universität Leipzig, Talstraße 35, 04103 Leipzig, Germany, e-mail: amuster@provider.de