

Dr. Thomas Kastner
Senior Scientist, Head of Young Scientist Group 'Impacts of the consumption of agricultural and forestry products'

Research Interests

My main research interests are the systemic relations between biomass use, international trade, land use change and species decline; long-term changes in land use systems and in the use of land-based resources; impacts on dietary patterns on land demand and on biodiversity and the role of land use in climate-change mitigation.

External Links

List of publications on Google scholar

Selected Publications

Dalin, Carole, Yoshide Wada, *Thomas Kastner*, Michael J. Puma. „Groundwater depletion embedded in international food trade. “ /Nature/ (2017): forthcoming.

Chaudhary, Abhishek, L. Roman Carrasco, and *Thomas Kastner*. „Linking national wood consumption with global biodiversity and ecosystem service losses.“ /Science of The Total Environment/ 586 (2017): 985-994.

Erb, Karl-Heinz, Christian Lauk, *Thomas Kastner*, Andreas Mayer, Michaela Clarissa Theurl, and Helmut Haberl. “Exploring the Biophysical Option Space for Feeding the World without Deforestation.” /Nature Communications/ 7. (2016): 11382.

Henders, Sabine, U. Martin Persson, and *Thomas Kastner*. „Trading forests: land-use change and carbon emissions embodied in production and exports of forest-risk commodities.“ /Environmental Research Letters/ 10, no. 12 (2015): 125012.

*Kastner, Thomas*, Karl-Heinz Erb, and Helmut Haberl. “Rapid Growth in Agricultural Trade: Effects on Global Area Efficiency and the Role of Management.” /Environmental Research Letters/ 9, no. 3 (2014): 034015.

*Kastner, Thomas*, Maria Jose Ibarrola Rivas, Wolfgang Koch, and Sanderine Nonhebel. “Global Changes in Diets and the Consequences for Land Requirements for Food.” /Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences/ 109, no. 18 (2012): 6868–6872.

*Kastner, Thomas*, Michael Kastner, and Sanderine Nonhebel. “Tracing Distant Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Products from a Consumer Perspective.” /Ecological Economics/ 70, no. 6 (2011): 1032–1040.


Gabriela Rabeschini


Mein allgemeines Forschungsinteresse gilt der Ermöglichung nachhaltiger Lebensmittelsysteme. Genauer gesagt, wie sich die Landwirtschaft auf die biologische Vielfalt auswirkt und von ihr abhängt, wie sich der Handel und Konsum landwirtschaftlicher Produkte auf die biologische Vielfalt auswirkt und von ihr abhängt und wie die Wissenschaft die Politikgestaltung für nachhaltige Lieferketten unterstützen kann. Ich interessiere mich auch für naturwissenschaftliche Ausbildung und gemeinschaftliche Agroforstwirtschaft/Gartenarbeit.

Externe Links

Research Gate

Dr. Larissa Nowak
Dr. Larissa Nowak


Meine Forschungsinteressen drehen sich um zwei Hauptthemen. Einerseits möchte ich verstehen, wie sich verschiedene Aspekte des globalen Wandels auf die biologische Vielfalt auswirken. Andererseits möchte ich Wege finden, dieses Wissen zum Schutz der biologischen Vielfalt in einer sich verändernden Welt einzusetzen.

Mein aktuelles Projekt konzentriert sich auf globale und europäische Biodiversitätsziele und darauf, wie man sie messbar machen und auf verschiedene Sektoren und Akteure herunterskalieren kann. Diese Arbeit ist Teil eines größeren Projekts, das zum Ziel hat dazu beizutragen, negative Konsequenzen globaler Biomasseproduktionssysteme für die biologische Vielfalt abzumildern (Horizon Europe-Projekt RAINFOREST – Co-produced transformative knowledge to accelerate change for biodiversity).

Externe Links

Google Scholar

Persönliche Website

Dr. Paulina Ansaa Asante
Dr. Paulina Ansaa Asante

Research Interests

My current research focusses on developing a quantitative framework to evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing commodity (cocoa, oil palm, soy and cattle) supply-chain interventions aimed at halting tropical deforestation. This involves collating methods and metrics to assess policy impacts across various sustainability domains—environmental, economic, and social. This is a part of the BEDROCK project.

During my PhD at Wageningen University and Research, I used an interdisciplinary-approach combining spatial analysis, crop modeling, and empirical analysis to assess drivers of cocoa yields and the yield gap under current and future climates. Prior to this, my research mainly focused on using remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems algorithms for crop area mapping and for site suitability analysis.


External links

Research Gate   


Google scholar


Dr. Siyi Kan


Meine Forschungsinteressen drehen sich um den globalen Landnutzungs- und Landbedeckungswandel, einschließlich seines Status, der sozioökonomischen Treiber (z. B. Auswirkungen auf die Lieferketten), der öko-umweltbedingten Folgen (z. B. Kohlenstoffemissionen und Biodiversitätsverlust) sowie des Risikos und der Anpassung an den Klimawandel. Mein aktuelles Projekt konzentriert sich auf die globalen Auswirkungen des landwirtschaftlichen Handels und des Konsums auf Ökosysteme und Biodiversität: Erforschung der Rolle Deutschlands und Chinas als importierende und konsumierende Länder. 

Externe Links

Google Scholar


Dr. Alke Voskamp
Postdoctoral Researcher, Member of Research Group 'Geobiodiversity Research''


My research interests are mainly focused around the conservation of biodiversity and, in particular, assessing the impacts of environmental change on species distributions and diversity patterns. So far, my research has comprised different aspects of conservation work, from modelling a single species distribution, with the aim to support conservation actions, to global conservation assessments. My recent work has been largely focused on assessing the impacts of climate and land-use change on terrestrial vertebrate distributions, ranging from potential changes in global biodiversity patterns to changes in local species community compositions. Currently I am working on a project in collaboration with the Frankfurt Zoological Society to identify global sites of conservation interest, that have a high potential for successful long-term conservation.


ResearchGate Profile
Google Scholar Profile

Short CV [PDF]


Florian Schwarzmueller Sbik-f
Dr. Florian Schwarzmüller

Research interests

I am an Ecological Modeller working on the effects of global change on the stability and functioning of ecological communities. During my PhD at the University of Göttingen, I worked on the effect of climate change, nutrient enrichment and habitat fragmentation on the stability of trophic interaction systems. I then went on to do a postdoc at the Commonwealth Scientific Research Organisation (CSIRO) in Brisbane, Australia. There, I worked in an interdisciplinary project on the effectiveness and acceptance of Area-wide management strategies in a complex socio-ecological system.
At Senckenberg BiK-F, I am currently working on a project entitled “Consumption Based Accounting of Land-Use Carbon Emissions (CoBALUCE)” which is a joined project between SBiK-F and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna. In this project, we are looking at the effect of land-use change for the production of forestry and agricultural products on ecosystem carbon storage. We aim to attribute these emissions to products that are traded globally, to trace the emissions from the place they are producer to the consumer of the final product. The results can inform consumer decisions or global mitigation policies. I am also interested in effects of land-use change on biodiversity and in developing model scenarios along future socio-ecological pathways.

External links

My Twitter account @FSchwarzmueller

Profile on ResearchGate

List of publications on Google Scholar

Dr. Perrine Laroche
Farina Hoffmann
Giorgio Bidoglio
Ph.D. student

Research interests

In my PhD research, I will investigate the biodiversity footprint of Vienna as exemplary of impacts of food and biomass consumption of large urban areas on the supply regions where production occurs. The goal is to develop spatially explicit biodiversity footprint indicators and analyse trade-offs of interest to stakeholders to identify priority actions for reduction of urban pressures on biodiversity. 
Under the supervision of Dr. Kastner at BIK-F, I will also collaborate with the Institute of Social Ecology of the Alpen Adria University and the Division of Conservation Biology at the Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research of the University of Vienna. 
By making use of Life Cycle Assessment, in my Master Thesis I addressed the impacts of small hydropower for sustainable energy development in the Kerala State, India, going above the paradigm of carbon emissions and focussing on land use impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services. My previous experience might prove useful also for the new endeavour.

External links

Giorgio Bidoglio at ResearchGate