Geographic reference

Observation area Text Easily recognisable area, city, region, etc. (e.g. "Alpes", "Rügen")
Observation site Text e.g. Conservation area, City name, Local geographical name, etc.
Observation plot Text Plot is the minimal investigated area, e.g. the group of pitfall traps, or the single trap, when analysed separately. Plots are allocated to geographical points, when geographical coordinates are assigned. Otherwise they are parts of the Description of sample site.
Latitude Number Geographical latitude in decimal degrees for WGS84. Negative values suggest southern hemisphere. Exact values only, no range.
Longitude Number Geographical longitude in decimal degrees for WGS84. Negative values suggest western hemisphere. Exact values only, no range.
Altitude Number The altitude value from the source may be documented here. If not available, the altitude value from a map may be used. If an altitude value is documented in the site description, that value will be priorised in the analysis. Furthermore, their ranges can be documented.
Radius/ Blur Number Specifies the outer circle around an area, when only fuzzy information is available. Exact values only, no ranges.
Coordinate source TextReference description: Where are the coordinates from? (e.g. from GPS device, Google Earth). Add the date of the investigation, but not program versions of Google Earth etc.
Country List for easy selection and filtering of sites
Federal state List for easy selection and filtering of sites; when not in Germany, then corresponding administration unit
Original quotation geographical point Text Authors of site and coordinate information, when different from documented coordinates and names
Remarks geographical point Text