The Cretzschmar Medal is intended to honor scientific researchers, from all countries, who have promoted the sciences supported by the Senckenberg Society (zoology, botany, geology-paleontology and mineralogy) through excellent work. It is the highest scientific award of the Senckenberg Society for Nature Research.
The prize consists of a portrait medal by Cretzschmar.
The prize is awarded at indefinite intervals.
Dr. med. Philipp Jakob Cretzschmar
Dr. med. Philipp Jakob Cretzschmar, geb. am 11. Juni 1786 und verstorben am 4. Mai 1845, war eines der elf Gründungsmitglieder der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft und wird im 20. Bericht der SGN (1920) als treibende Kraft bei der Gründung bezeichnet. Bis 1840 war er “Zweiter Direktor” und in dieser Funktion wohl der “eigentliche Leiter der Gesellschaft”.
Dr. med. Philipp Jakob Cretzschmar, who was born on the 11th of June, 1786, and died on May 4th, 1845, was one of the eleven founding members of the Senckenberg Natural Research Society and is described in the 20th report of the SGN (1920) as the driving force behind the foundation. Until 1840 he was “Second Director” and, in this capacity, probably the “actual head of the company”.