Alexander-von-Humboldt Prize

The Alexander von Humboldt Memorial Prize is awarded by the Honorary President of the Senckenberg Society for Natural Research, Dr. Hanns Christian Schroeder-Hohenwarth, each year  since 1992.

The award honors the best scientific article in a Senckenberg publication. The prize is awarded once a year for any publication from the previous year, in addition to 6,000 euros. All “Editors-in-Chief” and responsible editors of Senckenberg are entitled to propose publications worthy of prizes by April 1st of each year. The award committee is formed by the election members of the Senckenberg Scientific Advisory Board. The winner will be announced in the Senckenberg science magazine “Nature • Research • Museum”. The official award ceremony of the Alexander von Humboldt Memorial Prize takes place alongside an official Senckenberg event.


„Float, explode or sink: postmortem fate of lung-breathing marine vertebrates“


“Diversity of the artic deep-sea benthos”