Symposium and Workshop

Perspectives and Challenges in hDNA Sequencing from Insect Museum Specimens

October 24 – 26, 2022

The study of DNA of dried specimens from insect collections has significantly gained importance in recent years, and in parallel the methods available for this purpose have become much more efficient. Yet, progress in this field of molecular genetics is still in full flow.

Thanks to EU funding Senckenberg Dresden considerably expanded its laboratory for gaining “ancient DNA” (aDNA) data. Senckenberg Dresden aims at using this cutting edge infrastructure also for processing “historical DNA” (hDNA) from entomological collection specimens. Therefore, we wish to celebrate our new clean room facilities with a symposium devoted to hDNA from insect specimens.



  • Program, PDF Download

    The symposium comprises only the invited talks listed in the program.



[All invited speakers (not the co-authors!) do not need to register, and are not concerned by the following!]

Registration is possible until October 20, 2022. For your registration, please write an e-mail to, including your data in the following way (in one block; the first two lines will also be used for your personal badge at the meeting):

Title first-name(s) surname
Institute (short version), City (if not included in institute’s name), Country
e-mail address

Following your registration e-mail, you will receive a confirmation e-mail.


There are no fees for this symposium, we only ask for a small contribution towards expenses (less than 10€) for supply during breaks (beverages and snacks) to be paid upon arrival. Lunch and dinner are not provided for participants.


The venue of the meeting is the Senckenberg Natural History Collections Dresden (SNSD), located in the Dresden suburb of Klotzsche, about 8 km north of the center and ca. 1.5 km from Dresden Airport; open maps below for details. There are sufficient opportunities for placing a car (free of cost), but note that the area will be closed by gates from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. (pedestrians and bicyclists can pass any time).

Schematic map of venue area (SNSD) in Dresden-Klotzsche (PDF, 500kb)
Natural map of Dresden Airport & Klotzsche (PDF, 3MB)

Organised by

Uwe Fritz (Researcher and Head of Zoology of SNSD)
Anna Hundsdörfer (Researcher and Head of Molecular Lab of SNSD)
Klaus-Dieter Klass (Researcher and Curator of Coleoptera Collection of SNSD)
Matthias Nuss (Researcher and Curator of Lepidoptera Collection of SNSD)
Marco Bidoli (Head of Administration of SNSD)

DFG Workshop:
hDNA NGS Shotgun Sequencing from Insect Museum Specimens

FULLY BOOKED. All places have been assigned, sorry.

October 23 – 27, 2022

Offered by the DFG priority programme Taxon-OMICS, this hands-on workshop (provided COVID-19 regulations allow in-person work) is a complementary offer to the symposium. Lab space is available for max. 10 participants and 6 insect samples (with genomes < 800 MB). The entire symposium can be attended during the waiting time for the results of the MiSeq-run.



Registration is possible until October 1, 2022 (due to restricted space, we can accomodate max. 10 participants / max. 6 samples with genomes <800 Mb). For your registration, please write an e-mail to, including your data in the following way
(in one block; the first two lines will also be used for your personal badge at the workshop):

Title first-name(s) surname
Institute (short version), City (if not included in institute’s name), Country
e-mail address

Member of Taxon-OMICS priority program: yes/no

Following your registration e-mail, you will receive a confirmation e-mail.


There are no fees for this workshop. Travel costs for members of DFG priority program 1991 Taxon-OMICS can be refunded by the core budget (contact, see below).


The workshop will take place in the Ancient DNA facility and the Molecular Laboratory of the Senckenberg Natural History Collections Dresden (SNSD), see information above about the Symposium for details and maps.

Organised by

Anna Hundsdörfer (Researcher and Head of Molecular Lab of SNSD, PI in DFG priority program 1991 Taxon-OMICS)

Franziska Patzold & Sophie Stradt (DFG priority program 1991 Taxon-OMICS)