Vertebrate Zoology
Issues 2018
Issue 68 (3) 2018
Coetzer, W. G. & J. P. Grobler
Identifying Rhabdomys museum specimens following taxonomic changes: use of short COI sequences
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Electronic Supplement File:
Opaev, A., Red’kin, Y., Kalinin, E. & M. Golovina
Species limits in Northern Eurasian taxa of the common stonechats, Saxicola torquatus complex (Aves: Passeriformes, Muscicapidae)
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Electronic Supplement Files:
Sittig, L., Römer, U., Gilleman, C. & Ney Gerver Gongora Torres
Population numbers of Amazon river dolphins Inia geoffrensis and Sotalia fluviatilis (Mammalia: Cetaceae: Delphinidae) in the lower Río Tigre region, Loreto, Perú
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Gabadage, D., Surasinghe, T., De Silva, A., Somaweera, R., Madurapperuma, B., Madawala, M. & S. Karunarathna
Ecological and zoological study of endemic Sri Lankan keelback (Balanophis ceylonensis): with implications for its conservations
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Langer, P. & M. Clauss
Morphological adaptation of the eutherian gastrointestinaltract to diet
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Electronic Supplement File:
R. Morgenstern
Fishes collected by Emanuel Ritter von Friedrichsthal in Central America between 1838 –1841
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Kindler C. & U. Fritz
Phylogeography and taxonomy of the barred grass snake (Natrix helvetica), with a discussion
of the subspecies category in zoology
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